Biographies from History of Shawnee County
Kepre$(ntativc Citizens DAVID WASSON STORMONT, M. D. With the death of Dr. David Wasson Stormont, at his beautiful home in Topeka, Kansas, on August i8, 1887, was brought to a close a useful and well-rounded life, rich in good deeds and dear to the memory of thousands. He was born September 26, 1820, at Princeton, Gibson County, Indiana. His father was a substantial man of that locality who was able to give his son the advantages of a college education. Dr. Stormont received his degree in 1845, and began and continued his practice until 1859, in the village of Grand View, Illinois, in the meantime adding to his medical knowledge and surgical skill by post-graduate courses at the University of Pennsylvania. In 1862 he sought the attractive field offered by the rapidly growing city of Topeka, with which city he was identi- fied during the succeeding 25 years. He was connected with many medical organizations and was a strong supporter of the movement that was organ- ized to spread a knowledge of advanced methods and to require a higher standard of medical education for the profession. For a number of years he was secretary of the State Board of Health. In practice he was all that could be desired in a physician, adding to this medical skill the true sympathy of a tender-hearted man. The influence Dr. Stormont wielded, both directly and by his stimulating example, was not confined in its effects entirely to the medical profession, but was apparent in the promotion of educational and philanthropic works.
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