Hardesty's West Virginia Counties
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H“, 1 /if-. n 1973 J5V_; llardesty’s DODDRIDGE COUNTY HISTORY OF counties from which it was taken. DODDRIDGE COUNTY. And further, The permanent place for holding the courts in the county of FORMATION OF THE COUNTY. Doddridge now required by law to be holden for the several counties of this The act providing for the formation commonwealth, shall be at village of of the county fron parts of Harrison, West Union, situated on the TYICT.Ritchie and Lewis, was passed Northwestern turnpike road, late by the general assembly of Virginia on within the county of Harrison, and the lthe 4"‘ d3)’ of February, l845. Article justices of the peace commissioned and Sitof that act defined the boundaries qualified for the said county of 0 §he_new county to be as follows: Doddridge shall meet at the house, B:eSlI1n1ngon the South fork of Hughs now the residence of Nathan Davis, at river at the mouth of Sugar Camp run West Union, on the Thursday after the etitJames Gray's, thence a straight line second Monday in April next, and the If "13 gap at the head of the Right majority of them being present shall an_d fork of Bone creek thence a proceed to the appointment of a clerk Stttalghtline to the mouth of Sand fork of the county court of said county, a °. Fmks Cfeeklthence on the dividing commissioner of the revenue for said ndge between Sand fork and Finks county of Doddridge, and also at the Qfeek; thence following the "dividing same time the necessary number of {"189 between the waters of Middle school commissioners; and thereafter “9;1:sI;df(geek and Finks creek and the at the time prescribed by law for such rid 6 ft) 0}:Monongahela river on said as are annual appointments shall magd_t1:) t 6 Northwestern turnpike nominate to the governor suitable to th.e ence north w1th_the said ridge persons to be commissioned as sheriff count Cofinerof the Harrison and Tyler and coroner of said county, and fix betwebn laeli thence on the -mige upon a place in said county for holding creek‘ the C kpy creek. mid F‘sh“‘3 the courts thereof, until the necessary head :of 1336with the said ridge to the buildings shall be constructed at the McElro )- ttiorges m“ 1“ ‘?’a"°h °f said village of West Union. mouth3;)f»Fl;Il10e a straight hne to the fine to the t5 Tun; thence a straight THE FIRST COUNTY COURT. thence mouth Of Arnolds creek; Northwesta Straight [me to the Pursuant to the foregoing the first number [em t_““‘D1keroad _attoll-gate county court ever held for Doddridge the la 9 “fen. thence a straight line to county convened at the house of distigctce (:1 beginning, shall form one Nathan Davis, where the town of West and knoiivtrllbnew county and be called Union now stands, on the 17th day of county. y the name of Doddridge April 1845. The following justices, each holding a commission as such signed by And be it further enacted, That the his excellency the governor of Virginia, 5“|'V8Y0rs_of_thecountiesof were present, viz.: Nathan Davis, the ne “s TYIGT.Ritchie and Lewis, and Mathew Neeley, William F. Randolph, and “tVh°°“ntYOfDoddridge, shall be, S. P. F. Randolph, Samuel Archibald, commissiey 3'3 hefeby appointed Charles Bonnell, William Johnston, lines betowiers to nm'and mark the Apollo Stephens, Joseph Gray and designated egn the said counties as Thomas Gray. John G. Stringer was more f y this act (any three or appointed teller and the court went ° W110!!! may act for that into an election of a clerk. James U. P‘”P0S¢), which, when run and Newlon, Phineas Chapin, Jesse Jarvis, g'J.3i'§§1d,sllilallbe taken and held as the Lemuel Hall and Adolpheus Armstrong mu“ 8 nes between the said new were placed in nomination, and a viva ty °f Doddfldge and the several voce vote resulted as follows: for 2 James U. Newlon. 8 votes: for Phineas Next William M. Sommerville was Chapin, 1; for Jesse Jarvis, 1. Newlon recommended to his excellency as a having received a majority of all the suitable person to discharge the duties votes cast was declared elected, and of the office of coroner of the county. thus became the first clerk of The court then proceeded to elect a Doddridge county. surveyor of lands. Samuel Archbold Then Nathan Davis was appointed arid Ethelbert Bond were placed in crier, and the court proceeded to elect nomination, the former received five a commissioner of the revenue; Joseph votes and the latter but two, and Gray and William Shannon were Archbold was declared elected. Then nominated, the vote taken and Joseph Appolo Stephens, William M. Gray declared elected; he came into Somerville and Elijah Summers were court, entered into a bond in the elected school commissioners for the penalty of $1,000, and took the several county; Samuel Beverlin and John oaths prescribed by law. Then the Talkington were recommended to his names of U. M. Turner, James Morris, excellency as suitable persons for the and Edgar M. Davisson were placed in office of justice of the peace; nomination for the office of commissioners of election were then prosecuting attorney for the appointed for the various voting commonwealth; the vote resulted in precincts of the county, and it was the choice of Mr. Turner, who took the ordered that “this court do adjourn oath and at once began to look after until the next court in course.” Thus the interest of the States. ended the first county court ever held It was then “Ordered that this in Doddridge county. court meet at the brick house, the property of Nathan Davis, in the town FIRST CIRCUIT SUPERIOR COURT. of West Union, in the said county of The first circuit superior court ever Doddridge, on to-morrow at 9 A. M., held in the county convened at the and that the said court be holden there house of Nathan Davis (that place until otherwise ordered." having been fixed by the county April 18th —The court convened as court), on the 30th day of April, 1845. per adjournment, and James U. Hon. Joseph L. Fry judge of the tenth Newlon, who the day previously had judicial district of the twentieth circuit been elected clerk, came into court of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and, together with Samuel P.