Extensions of Remarks E1622 HON. GUY RESCHENTHALER HON
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E1622 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 19, 2019 HONORING THE LEGACY OF THE the President’s severe misconduct with re- Conrad, Noah Ritchey, Dominic Yanoshak, USS PTITSBURGH (SSN–720) spect to Ukraine showed a complete disregard Adam Chadbourn, Casey Smith, Deven for our Constitution, our democratic system of Wyandt, Michael Lamb, Branden Wasser, HON. GUY RESCHENTHALER government, and the security of our nation Ryan Donoughe, Cooper Rother, Karson OF PENNSYLVANIA and our allies. The President left the House Kiesewetter, Anthony Cioffari, Vincent Cioffari, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with little choice but to faithfully discharge its AJ Kilmartin, Ryan Negola, JT Johnston, Adri- duty. an Johnson, Collin Campbell, Sam Homan, Thursday, December 19, 2019 As the Chairman of the House Appropria- Drew Abraham, Lucas Steinbugl, Patrick Mr. RESCHENTHALER. Madam Speaker, I tions Subcommittee on Defense, I believe that Reilly, Zach McCloskey, Dylan McNelly, rise today to recognize the legacy, veterans, it is unconscionable that an American leader Jorden McClure, Anthony Edwards, Ian Ben- and service members of the USS Pittsburgh would use nearly $400 million in military aid nett, Connor Ebersole, Connor Stayer, Sante (SSN–720), a fast-attack Los Angeles Class appropriated by Congress—and signed into Bambocci, Cameron Maloney, Joe Meintel, Submarine. Next month, the USS Pittsburgh law by the President himself—as leverage for Evan Himes, Colin Butler, Brendan Shaffer, (SSN–720) will be decommissioned in Brem- personal gain. Aidan Bender, Tyler Conigy, Jack Donoughe, erton, Washington after 35 years of service in There are fundamental reasons why U.S. Caleb Stevens, Brady Bithell, Reed Edwards, the United States Navy. law provided these desperately needed funds and Hayden Fox. The USS Pittsburgh (SSN–720) was laid to Ukraine. I would emphasize that, in 2014, These students were coached by Justin down in April 1983 and commissioned in No- Russia invaded Ukraine and illegally annexed Wheeler, Darren Elvey, Evan Imgrund, Patrick vember 1985. In April 1991, the USS Pitts- the Ukrainian territory of Crimea while Rus- Irwin, Patrick Leamer, Joseph Thomas, and burgh (SSN–720) and USS Louisville (SSN– sian-backed separatist forces seized control of Gabe Walters. 724) launched Tomahawk missiles against key cities in eastern Ukraine. The fighting in The 2019 team joins a long legacy of Iraq during Operation Desert Storm. eastern Ukraine continues to this day and has Bishop Guilfoyle Football excellence. During Years later, in 2002, the ship departed for killed more than 13,000 Ukrainians while forc- the past six seasons, the Marauders have the Mediterranean Sea and participated in Op- ibly displacing more than two million individ- reached the State Championship game four eration Iraqi Freedom. Retired Captain Mark uals. times. Breor, then Commander of Submarine Squad- Additionally, the impeachment reports As a former captain of the Bishop Guilfoyle ron 2, stated of the submarine and crew, issued by the HPSCI and the House Com- Football Team and a proud alumnus, I con- ‘‘USS Pittsburgh (SSN–720) provided per- mittee on the Judiciary present an irrefutable gratulate these students and their coaches on sistent intelligence, surveillance and recon- case that the President’s behavior constituted a successful season, and I wish them every naissance to the joint commanders. The prod- an ongoing threat to a free and fair Presi- continued success both on and off the field. ucts of these very successful and difficult mis- dential election in 2020. f sions were converted into a full array of sea- Further, I believe that the President’s refusal strike options, which included a 16 Tomahawk to comply with the impeachment inquiry is rep- RECOGNIZING CHYANNE THOMAS strike by USS Pittsburgh.’’ resentative of his broader contempt for Con- AS CONSTITUENT OF THE MONTH In November 2017, USS Pittsburgh com- gress and its constitutional role as a separate pleted its 1,000th dive, a milestone few sub- and coequal branch of government. Congress HON. MIKE LEVIN marines reach in service. Earlier this year, the must continue to work diligently to protect and OF CALIFORNIA USS Pittsburgh (SSN–720) returned to its fully exert its complete range of constitutional IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES prerogatives and maintain the balance of homeport, Naval Submarine Base New Lon- Thursday, December 19, 2019 don, after its final deployment. power that has existed for 231 years. The USS Pittsburgh (SSN–720) is the fourth Finally, I would highlight that the administra- Mr. LEVIN of California. Madam Speaker, ship to bear the name of a great city that tion’s complete repudiation of constitutionally- this Holiday season, I am proud to recognize helped build America. Pittsburgh leads the na- prescribed legislative authorities stands in Chyanne Thomas, a postal worker from Vista, tion in health care, technology innovation, and stark contrast to the courage and patriotism as my Constituent of the Month. Chyanne is a energy industries and dominates athletics with demonstrated by the whistleblower who filed a hero for two children, their families, and our numerous professional championships. I am formal complaint with the Intelligence Commu- entire community. Chyanne’s vigilance while proud to represent southwestern Pennsylvania nity’s Inspector General, as well as the public on her regular delivery route resulted in the in Congress, and I am thankful for the service servants who testified before the House. identification of two children who had been re- of these great sailors aboard the USS Pitts- These individuals deserve our utmost respect ported missing. Her quick and caring response burgh (SSN–720). and gratitude. allowed these two local children to be safely As the Senate moves forward with a trial to f reunited with their concerned families. determine whether to convict the President of When Chyanne spotted Abby, a 15-year-old IMPEACHING DONALD JOHN impeachable offenses, be assured that I will with autism, she sprang into action. She used TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE continue to work hard to address the pressing the skills she had learned in a previous job UNITED STATES, FOR HIGH needs of our nation’s citizens, from creating working with children with disabilities to keep CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS more opportunities for good-paying jobs to de- Abby calm and safe until police arrived. Two creasing the cost of prescription drugs. weeks later, Chyanne saw a missing 4-year- SPEECH OF f old girl alone during her route, and didn’t hesi- HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY CONGRATULATING THE 2019 tate to approach her and make sure she was okay until police and her parents arrived. With- OF INDIANA BISHOP GUILFOYLE FOOTBALL out Chyanne’s awareness, compassion, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TEAM quick action, these two kids might still be Wednesday, December 18, 2019 missing. Mr. VISCLOSKY. Madam Speaker, I rise in HON. JOHN JOYCE While Chyanne’s action to save those chil- support of two articles of impeachment—one OF PENNSYLVANIA dren is extraordinary, I also want to recognize regarding abuse of power and one regarding IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the incredible pressure all postal workers and obstruction of Congress—against President Thursday, December 19, 2019 delivery drivers are under during the Holiday Trump. Mr. JOYCE of Pennsylvania. Madam Speak- season. They endure exhausting hours, gruel- I decided to support the President’s im- er, it is my honor to congratulate the 2019 ing weather, and much more to ensure that peachment after a judicious consideration of Bishop Guilfoyle Football Team on an out- families have their gifts before the Holidays. the facts established by the House Permanent standing season. Much of their work is taken for granted on a Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) and After a successful playoff bid, the team trav- daily basis, but the Holidays would not be the the House Committee on the Judiciary, as well eled to Hershey to compete in 2019 1 A State same without their dedication, I am extremely as reflecting upon my constitutional respon- Championship game. Finishing the year with a grateful for their service. sibilities as a Member of Congress. 12–3 record, these student athletes should I launched a Constituent of the Month to I would note that the constitutional remedy take pride in their hard-fought season. recognize individuals in the 49th District who for high crimes and misdemeanors—such as The 2019 team includes Andrew Yanoshak, have gone above and beyond to help their abuse of power—is impeachment. Regrettably, Konner Kiesewetter, Keegan Myrick, Dylan neighbors and support our community. I know VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:36 Dec 20, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19DE8.009 E19DEPT1 aiking on DSK30JT082PROD with REMARKS December 19, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1623 the families of those two missing children, as came the 14 charter teams that formed the HONORING MALCOLM W. well as all families who are receiving Holiday American Professional Football Association, APPLEGATE packages, would agree that Chyanne is well- which would become the NFL. deserving of this recognition. During its inaugural 1920 season, the found- HON. SUSAN W. BROOKS f ing teams that competed in the new league in- OF INDIANA cluded: the Akron Pros; Buffalo All-Americans; IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES REMEMBERING THE LIFE OF Canton Bulldogs; Decatur Staleys; Racine Thursday, December 19, 2019 DANIEL F. SCIURY Cardinals; Chicago Tigers; Cleveland Tigers; Columbus Panhandles; Dayton Triangles; Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Madam Speaker, HON. TIM RYAN Hammond Pros; the Heralds (Detroit); Muncie I rise today to honor the life and legacy of OF OHIO Flyers; Rock Island Independents; and the Jef- Malcolm W. Applegate, a titan of journalism in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fersons (Rochester,.N.Y.). Two years later, the our nation. From the outset of his career on the sports beat at the Salina Journal in Salina, Thursday, December 19, 2019 new league was renamed the National Foot- ball League.