
Inside: l A guide to the Maidan’s civic organizations – page 4 l 100 years of U.S. Congress support for – page 8 l Wladimir Klitschko addresses NYC Ukrainians – page 9

ThePublished U by thekrainian Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal W non-profit associationeekly Vol. LXXXII No. 7 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2014 $1/$2 in Ukraine Patriarchs Filaret, Sviatoslav attend As EU refrains from sanctions, National Prayer Breakfast in D.C. Maidan forms self-defense forces Church leaders’ meetings focus on events in Ukraine

by Yaro Bihun its $15 billion promise to save it from defaulting and keep it economically afloat. WASHINGTON – The leaders of Ukraine’s Patriarch Filaret noted that it was the two major Churches – Patriarch Filaret of students who were the first to react via the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – street protests. For the students, he said, it Patriarchate and Patriarch Sviatoslav of the was not a struggle for power, but a choice Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church – were for their country’s future. It was only after among the more than 20 representatives of the government used force against them Ukraine who came to the U.S. capital to join that the opposition parties, various organi- with President Barack Obama and more zation, the Churches and the nation at large than 3,000 invited guests at the annual joined them in their public protests. National Prayer Breakfast on February 6. Another very important force that joined While in Washington during the first in the protests was the Ukrainian military week of February, they also held their own veterans of the tragic 1980s Soviet war in separate meetings with U.S. government Afghanistan. Patriarch Filaret said he sees officials, members of Congress and organi- them as the trump card against Russia trying zations, discussing, among other things, the to bring Ukraine – divided on the East-West current alarming developments in Ukraine, issue – back into the Russian sphere by force. its evolving relationships with Europe, the That strong force of 40,000 Ukrainian Zenon Zawada and with Russia. Afghan war veterans who have experienced Euro-Maidan Civic Sector activist Volodymyr Viatrovych leads a march in central And that was what Patriarch Filaret the cruelty of war in Afghanistan may have Kyiv in late January demanding sanctions from the European Union against Ukraine’s leaders. The EU Council decided on February 10 that it will refrain from focused on following the Prayer Breakfast, psychological problems, but their combat applying sanctions unless the crisis worsens. during a briefing that afternoon at the U.S.- experience will overwhelm those current Ukraine Foundation. He recounted the diffi- Russian or Ukrainian special operation by Zenon Zawada mer National Security and Defense Council cult and trying time the past year has been troops, he said. These veterans – who also Deputy Secretary Volodymyr Sivkovych, for Ukraine – a time of struggle between have the legal right to own weapons – have KYIV – The European Union Council former Kyiv police chief Valerii Koriak and maintaining a democracy or dictatorship in organized themselves in Ukraine, he said, decided on February 10 that it would not former Kyiv City State Administration Chair the country, with Russia trying to control and they are ready to fight to the last. satisfy the Euro-Maidan’s pleas for sanc- (Mayor) Oleksander Popov. Ukraine and maintain it within its realm, “This would be the worst case scenario tions against Ukraine’s officials. Top EU offi- During his testimony, Mr. Popov impli- while most of the people would prefer to be for Ukraine,” Patriarch Filaret said, adding cials said they’d be counterproductive at cated the involvement of National Security associated with Europe. that the Church and other protest leaders this point and would only be applied if the and Defense Council Secretary Andriy That was the direction Ukraine was fol- are participating in the negotiations with crisis worsens. Kliuyev, a longtime associate of Mr. lowing in 2013 until President Yanukovych the Yanukovych government and are doing Yet a violent dispersal of the Euro- Yanukovych who was never charged and refused to continue on that path by signing everything possible to prevent this from Maidan, which this week entered its third instead was tapped as Presidential an Association Agreement with the month, grew increasingly likely after the Administration chair in late January. European Union and went with Russia and (Continued on page 12) Procurator General’s Office of Ukraine The Procurator General’s Office based its announced on February 12 that it had decision on the amnesty law approved by closed its investigations into the November parliament on January 16 that was supposed 30, 2013, violent dispersal of protesters to free from criminal responsibility all those that ignited the nationwide revolts, dis- on both sides of the civil unrest between missing the criminal charges. November 21 and December 26, 2013. The dropped charges are intended to be a A second amnesty law passed by signal from the administration of President Parliament on January 29 has been dubbed to all state employees, by the opposition and EU politicians as “the particularly the police forces, that they’re hostage bill” since it proposed releasing protected from criminal charges when obey- imprisoned activists and dropping criminal ing unlawful government orders, said a state- charges in exchange for the Euro-Maidan ment released by the Batkivshchyna party. protest ceasing its activity. “The refusal to investigate the orders, Since the new year, hundreds of activists organizers and executors of this crime have been criminally charged and impris- against their own people indicates the gov- oned. ernment’s lack of desire to hear the lawful The latest example came on February 11 demands of the people for the necessity of when four Afghan war veterans and Euro- justice and punishment of the guilty,” the Maidan Self-Defense activists brought a statement said. “Therefore, the government pickpocket to a police precinct for arrest, is reinforcing the position of the police, only to be criminally charged themselves, obviously wanting to fulfill a scenario of detained for several hours and then placed force against the protesters, when the full Yaro Bihun under house arrest. Ukrainian Orthodox Patriarch Filaret shares his views on current developments in submission of police subunits and their dis- “If you arrest a pickpocket, you’re Ukraine during a discussion session at the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation in Washington. regard of Ukraine’s laws will be necessary.” thrown in jail, but if you’re a police officer Seated next to him are Ihor Gawdiak of the Ukrainian American Coordinating Criminal charges were dropped against Council (right), and interpreter Peter Voitsekhovsky (left). those officially suspected by prosecutors: for- (Continued on page 11) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2014 No. 7


Clampdown on free speech in Russia Council of Europe on excessive force close details of the conversation except to say it was brief. (RFE/RL ,with reporting by KYIV – Nils Muiznieks, the Council of Reuters, the and Agence as fallout from Europe’s commissioner for human rights, France-Presse). says those responsible for the use of exces- by Pavel Felgenhauer end of the blockade of Leningrad” (http:// sive force against anti-government protest- Air terrorist arrestd in Istanbul Eurasia Daily Monitor www.interfax.ru/russia/txt/354861). President Vladimir Putin’s press secre- ers in Ukraine should be brought to justice. KYIV – Artem Kozlov, who tried to make Moscow-based, independent television tary Dmitry Peskov, in an interview with Mr. Muiznieks visited Ukraine on February the crew of a passenger aircraft fly from cable news channel Dozhd (meaning Dozhd stated, “The channel has crossed the 5-10, when his team interviewed dozens of “Rain”) has been accused of “extremism,” line of permissibility, of what our people people who were injured or detained dur- Kharkiv, Ukraine, to Sochi, Russia, has been and a number of cable TV providers threat- may allow.” Mr. Peskov stated that by drop- ing the protests, and also met health pro- arrested based on a court decision in ened to remove it from the TV-channel ping Dozhd from their channel offerings, fessionals who had treated people for inju- Istanbul. The Anadolu Agency cited a source packages that they offer their subscribers. the numerous television providers in ries. In a statement on February 10, Mr. in special services and reported: “The On January 26, in “Dilettanty” – a panel Moscow and in the Russian provinces are Muiznieks said: “It is not necessary to crack Turkish police arrested Ukrainian Artem discussion program on the Dozhd channel “acting on their own as citizens of Russia,” people’s skulls and knock out several of Kozlov for an attempt to hijack the aircraft that deals with history topics – viewers were who do not want to lose public support and their teeth in order to apprehend them. At during a flight from Ukraine to Turkey, with asked to vote if Leningrad (today St. subscribers (http://www.interfax.ru/rus- the same time, it is not necessary to aim the aim to send it to Sochi, where the Petersburg), besieged during World War II by sia/txt/354809). rubber bullets at persons’ heads in order to Winter Olympics were held. Kozlov was Nazi troops, should have surrendered to save Russian human rights groups are sup- bring a crowd under control or counter arrested following the court decision about civilian lives (the siege or blockade of porting Dozhd. And the channel has report- violence by protesters.” He also voiced con- imprisonment.” Mr. Kozlov threatened the Leningrad lasted from 1941 to 1944, and ed a surge of viewers phoning their provid- cern over cases of abductions and the use pilots with a bomb and demanded that the more than a million civilians died, mainly ers to return it to air, as well as an influx of of nonofficial persons to police demonstra- aircraft head to Sochi. On an SOS signal, from starvation). The question was posted new online subscriptions to watch the tions. (RFE/RL) Turkey sent an F-16 fighter to meet the air- on the Dozhd website, but was soon removed channel on the Internet. The CEO and craft. The aircraft, with 110 passengers on and the channel apologized. Nevertheless, a owner of Dozhd, Natalya Sindeyeva, Thousands rally again in Kyiv board, safely landed in Istanbul. Passengers firestorm of criticism erupted. believes the independent TV channel is KYIV – Thousands of anti-government were evacuated; nobody was hurt. During The St. Petersburg legislature called for being censured for supporting well-known protesters in Ukraine gathered on February the search, it turned out that the hijacker an official investigation of Dozhd and its opposition figure Alexei Navalny’s investi- 9 for another mass demonstration after had no weapons or explosives in his posses- closure for its “unpatriotic” question that gations into corruption by Russian elites; President Viktor Yanukovych jetted back to sion. (Ukrinform) “falsifies the history of the Great Patriotic and the Leningrad blockade question was Kyiv from private talks with Russian War.” The Russian State Duma is consider- only a pretext to launch an attack on the SBU issues terrorism warning ing passing a similar resolution. The St. independent channel (http://www.news- President Vladimir Putin. Opposition par- KYIV – On February 9, the Security Petersburg prosecutor’s office announced ru.com/russia/30jan2014/sindeeva.html). ties put the number of protesters in Kyiv’s Service of Ukraine (SBU) warned of an it has begun an official investigation of The pro-Kremlin tabloid Komsomolskaya Independence Square that day at 50,000. alleged heightened risk of terrorism. It said Dozhd: “To determine if the channel has Pravda has called the Dozhd channel a lib- Opposition leader called for crossed the line of permissibility during the urgent constitutional reform to reduce it was putting its counterterrorism units on celebration of the 70th anniversary of the (Continued on page 14) presidential powers. “Maidan is not just in alert, and that international airports, train the capital of Ukraine, Maidan has to be in and bus stations, and power plants were every small city,” Mr. Klitschko added. “And particularly at risk. It also warned that the if people say, ‘We don’t want to live by these seizure of government buildings would be rules,’ then this is one way to change the viewed as manifestations of terrorism. Lenin statues under attack in Ukraine power and to put pressure on the presi- (RFE/RL) dent.” One protester on Independence EU vision of overcoming crisis by Sofia Sereda and Claire Bigg year, says this is, in fact, correct. Square in Kyiv told Reuters, “To be honest I “Of course the dismantling of Lenin stat- RFE/RL do not believe in any peaceful solution KYIV – The Foreign Affairs Council of the ues is directly linked to nationalists,” Mr. because we see that protesters have been European Union on February 10 officially If Vladimir Lenin had a grave, he would Miroshnichenko says. “Any Ukrainian who standing here peacefully for a long time but adopted conclusions defining its vision for be turning in it. loves his nation, remembers and respects Yanukovych has not paid attention to this.” Statues of the Bolshevik leader have fall- its history, who remembers his ancestors, overcoming a tense socio-political and eco- Mr. Yanukovych’s meeting with Mr. Putin nomic situation in Ukraine. “A new and en victim to a string of assaults in Ukraine who loves and fights for his state, freedom on the sidelines of the Sochi Winter and independence, is a nationalist.” inclusive government, constitutional that have left them missing limbs, splat- Olympics opening ceremony on February 8 Last month, a group of masked individu- reform bringing back more balance of pow- tered with paint, covered in insults and came amid intensifying pressure from als carrying a flag of the Svoboda party top- ers, and preparations for free and fair pres- swastikas, bullet-riddled and even smeared Ukraine’s opposition for constitutional with excrement. pled a statue of Lenin in downtown Kyiv. idential elections would contribute to reforms and early elections. Neither In some cases, the statues were knocked Mr. Miroshnichenko sees the rise in van- Russian nor Ukrainian officials would dis- (Continued on page 13) off their pedestals, a feat requiring a con- dalism against Lenin monuments as a direct siderable amount of physical exertion. result of the ongoing pro-European protests At least four have already been vandal- against President Viktor Yanukovych’s deci- ized since the beginning of the year, includ- sion to shelve a landmark association pact FOUNDED 1933 ing one statue toppled in the city of with the European Union. The Ukrainian Weekly Berdychiv and another daubed with black Ukrainians, he says, are increasingly paint near Odesa. frustrated by what his party describes as An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., Communists have pinned the blame Moscow’s aggressive attempts to bring a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. squarely on nationalists. their country back under its yoke. Yearly subscription rate: $90; for UNA members — $80. Ukrainian lawmaker Igor Miroshnichenko, Meanwhile, Ukrainian Communists are Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. a member of the ultranationalist Svoboda playing down the incidents as isolated acts (ISSN — 0273-9348) party who personally felled a Lenin statue of hooliganism. The Weekly: UNA: in the northeastern city of Okhtyrka last Communist lawmaker Oleksandr Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 Prisyazhnyuk is confident that his party will raise enough funds to restore the damaged Postmaster, send address changes to: Errata statues. The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz Ukrainian Canadian soprano Andriana “People consider that statues of Lenin 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas Chuchman, whose unexpected January 9 should exist,” Mr. Prisyazhnyuk says. “At P.O. Box 280 debut at the Met Opera won an outpouring of any rate, it’s for the local community – and Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail: [email protected] plaudits from press and public alike, will not for a bunch of visiting vandals who appear in seven performances of “The think they can get away with everything – The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: www.ukrweekly.com Enchanted Island, “ rather than three, as to decide on the fate of monuments.” reported in Helen Smindak’s story “Andriana Foes of Lenin, however, still have a lot of The Ukrainian Weekly, February 16, 2014, No. 7, Vol. LXXXII work ridding Ukraine of his effigies. There are Chuchman makes dazzling debut at Met “ Copyright © 2014 The Ukrainian Weekly (February 2). She will sing in the opening currently more than 1,300 statues of the night production on February 26 and in per- Bolshevik leader scattered across the country. formances on March 1, 5, 8, 12, 15 and 20. Copyright 2014, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA Originally scheduled to make her Met debut with the permission of Radio Free Europe/ Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 in February as Miranda In “The Enchanted Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, and advertising manager fax: (973) 644-9510 Island, “ Ms. Chuchman sang the role of Adina Washington DC 20036; www.rferl.org (see e-mail: [email protected] in the opening night production of “L’Elisir http://www.rferl.org/content/ukraine-len- Subscription Department (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 d’Amore “ on January 9 and again on January in-vandalized-statues-/ e-mail: [email protected] 13, replacing an ailing Anna Netrebko. 25227472.html). No. 7 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2014 3

NEWS ANALYSIS EU says Association Agreement with Ukraine is not the final goal by Rikard Jozwiak is quite clear to me, this is the European way and this is the Some are also saying that EU sanctions on Belarusian RFE/RL extension of that way.” President Alyaksandr Lukashenka and people in his There have been worries that both Georgia and Moldova regime, imposed since 2011, have failed to have a positive BRUSSELS – European Union foreign affairs ministers might walk away from signing Association Agreements effect on the country. have reiterated that the EU remains committed to signing an with the EU later this year because of Russian economic Swedish Foreign Affairs Minister Carl Bildt said before Association Agreement with Ukraine, but that the agreement pressure. the meeting that the EU must send a message to Kyiv in “does not constitute the final goal in EU-Ukraine relations.” A majority of EU member states are against offering EU case there is further repression in Ukraine. The statement came in conclusions issued after an EU membership perspectives, however, at least for the “I think it is important that we send a message, that we foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels on February 10. moment. have sent before, that if there is a further repression or sig- When asked about whether the statement meant that In their statement, the EU foreign ministers also called for nificant repression or violent clampdown, there will be Ukraine will be offered an EU membership perspective, EU a “new and inclusive government,” for constitutional reform consequences,” Mr. Bildt said. foreign-policy chief Catherine Ashton remained coy. “bringing back more balance of powers,” and a “free and “We sent that message before, and as a matter of fact “I think, wherever people believe the future might be, fair” presidential election to resolve Ukraine’s political crisis. what happened was, of course, that the package of everyone recognized that there is work to be done in the They also said the EU was ready to help Kyiv address its extremely repressive laws was withdrawn. That was a relationship with Ukraine, so the words mean what they economic problems, together with international partners, good thing. We have seen the resignation of a government say. That is not the end, and there are many things that if a new Ukrainian government pursued economic and that was fairly discredited to be quite honest. That was a could happen in the future,” Ms. Ashton said. political reforms. good thing. But the political talks have not been moving Lithuanian Foreign Affairs Minister Linas Linkevicius, There were some discussions among ministers on sanc- forward. We would hope that they will be resumed. That is who before the meeting said it might be time to offer a tions, but the EU will at the moment not impose any travel the only way forward,” Mr. Bildt underscored. “European perspective” to the bloc’s eastern neighbors, restrictions or asset freezes on Ukrainian officials responsi- was more optimistic about the meaning. ble for the crackdown on protesters in recent months. Copyright 2014, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted with the permis- “We said that [the] Association Agreement is not the EU officials that RFE/RL has spoken to say that EU sanc- sion of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut final goal of our relations with Ukraine. That means there’s tions aren’t even on the table at the moment, as the EU fears Ave. NW, Washington DC 20036; www.rferl.org (see http:// continuation, this is the extension,” Mr. Linkevicius said. “So an introduction of restrictive measures only would make it www.rferl.org/content/eu-ukraine-eastern-partner- you can interpret whatever you like, I can say that this way harder to facilitate a political dialogue in the country. ship/25258741.html). RFE/RL and BBG officials visit Kyiv, House passes resolution renew call to protect journalists supporting Ukraine’s WASHINGTON – One week after dozens of journalists Veteran RFE/RL journalist Vitaliy Portnikov has been the were attacked by police in and around Kyiv’s Independence target of a smear campaign intended to discredit him. Mr. Square, RFE/RL President and CEO Kevin Klose and Portnikov’s Kyiv apartment was picketed on January 9 by a “democratic aspirations” Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) member Matthew crowd of approximately 50 people with threatening posters Armstrong arrived on January 31 in the Ukrainian capital to and Ukrainian flags who accused him of “immoral behavior.” WASHINGTON – The U.S. House of meet with U.S. international media journalists, to denounce Mr. Armstrong, representing the governing board that Representatives on February 10 overwhelmingly the violence and to press Ukrainian authorities to honor oversees RFE/RL and VOA, called the attacks by Ukrainian passed a resolution that “supports the democratic their international obligations to respect media freedom and law enforcement officials “reprehensible” and said, “The BBG and European aspirations of the people of ensure basic rights and protections for journalists. condemns in the strongest terms violence targeting journal- Ukraine, and their right to choose their own future Mesrs. Armstrong and Klose met with reporters at RFE/ ists in Ukraine. Our support is unwavering for our RFE/RL free of intimidation and fear.” RL’s Kyiv bureau to laud their courage and commitment to and VOA colleagues in the field. We urge that perpetrators of House Resolution 447 – introduced by Rep. Elliot reporting on the public demonstrations, popularly dubbed violence against them, as well as those who ordered such Engel (D-N.Y.) on December 16, 2013, and co-spon- “Euro-Maidan,” that have engulfed public spaces for two behavior, be held accountable for their actions.” sored by 58 members of the House –was passed months. On January 20, RFE/RL Ukrainian Service reporter Messrs. Klose and Armstrong met with U.S. Ambassador by a vote of 381-2. A total of 208 Republicans and Dmytro Barkar and cameraman Ihor Iskhakov had suffered to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, who called for investigations of 173 Democrats voted for the resolution. head injuries from beatings by Berkut police fists and batons. attacks on journalists and urged police and security forces, The lone “no” votes were cast by Reps. Thomas “A free society does not beat professional journalists while “to fulfill their professional duty to respect and secure the Massie (R-Ky.) and Walter Jones (R-N.C.). Forty- they are performing their duties,” commented Mr. Klose. He right of journalists to work safely.” eight representatives – many of them not present also expressed dismay at reports that many journalists cover- Ambassador Pyatt welcomed the vote in the Ukrainian – did not vote (27 Democrats and 2 Republicans). ing demonstrations in Kyiv are declining to wear protective Parliament to repeal recently enacted legislation restricting Rep. Engel, ranking member of the Committee gear emblazoned with the word “press” in the belief that such freedoms of speech and assembly, saying it helped “restore on Foreign Affairs, stated: “The passage1 of this res- identifiers attract attackers rather than deter them. some space for a peaceful resolution of the current situation.” olution shows that the United States House of Attacks on independent media have included physical According to the Kyiv-based Institute of Mass Representatives stands with the people of Ukraine assault, attempted intimidation and harassment. VOA Information, 71 journalists have been injured while covering in their struggle for freedom and democracy. Ukrainian Service TV reporter Ruslan Deynychenko has the violence since January 19. On January 20 Reporters Moreover, the overwhelming passage in the House been the victim of repeated attempts at intimidation direct- Without Borders noted that many journalists were injured only amplifies the call for a peaceful, negotiated ed at family members following his coverage of the Auto- by stun grenades, rubber bullets or other non-lethal projec- resolution to the current crisis made consistently Maidan motorcade protest aimed at President Viktor tiles and 14 journalists report being deliberately targeted by by the Obama administration and our European Yanukovych’s residence at Mezhyhiria outside of Kyiv. the security forces. partners.” The resolution: “calls on the United States and the European Union to continue to work together to support a peaceful resolution to the crisis, and to continue to support the desire of millions of Maidan supporters gather near White House Ukrainian citizens for democracy, human rights, gov- ernment accountability, and the rule of law, and clos- er relations with Europe”; “urges the , Ukrainian opposition parties and all pro- testers to exercise the utmost restraint and avoid confrontation, and calls on the government of Ukraine to live up to its international obligations and respect and uphold the democratic rights of its citi- zens…”; “condemns all acts of violence and calls on the government of Ukraine to bring to justice those responsible for violence and brutality against peace- ful protesters, and to release and drop any criminal charges against those detained for peacefully exer- cising their democratic rights”; “and supports the measures taken by the Department of State to revoke the visas of several Ukrainians linked to the Oleg Vishnevskiy violence, and encourages the administration to con- WASHINGTON – Another demonstration in support of Ukraine’s Maidan movement took place near the White House on sider additional targeted sanctions against those Sunday, February 2. Like the candlelight vigil in front of the Embassy of Ukraine the previous week, it was organized for who authorize or engage in the use of force.” the most part by recent immigrants from Ukraine. 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2014 No. 7 A guide to the Maidan’s civic organizations by Zenon Zawada Chornovol, who was hospitalized after a brutal beating, it’s organizing a Civil Government for Reform of profession- and Mr. Bulatov, who flew to Latvia and later for als to advocate and monitor the conduct of its proposed KYIV – New leaders and organizations have emerged in medical treatment after enduring torture for eight days. program of urgent reforms by the new government. the three months since the Euro-Maidan’s launch on Both suspected the beatings could have been ordered by The Civil Sector compiled and released on February 3 November 22 of last year. , a target of Euro-Maidan protesters at the estimate that 1,739 activists have been victims of state Indeed, civic organizations such as the Euro-Maidan his suburban mansion who publicly vowed revenge. Mr. repressions during the Euro-Maidan. Among its leaders is Self-Defense (Samo-Oborona), officially declared on Butalov suspected the involvement of Russian special forc- historian Volodymyr Viatrovych, who was a visiting scholar February 11 after months of organically forming, and the es in his kidnapping and torture, having heard their at the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute in 2010-2011. Auto-Maidan, whose activists have been among the most accents and endured their professional beatings. The NATIONAL RESISTANCE HEADQUARTERS is the severely beaten, command just as much authority among Auto-Maidan activists have also been involved in track- Euro-Maidan’s coordinating center that’s based in the Trade the public as the opposition political parties. ing down and detaining “,” or thugs hired by the Union building overlooking Independence Square (the Another organization gaining authority is Pravyi Sektor, government to beat people and damage property on Kyiv’s maidan). Established by the three opposition parties on a union of several nationalist organizations that engaged in streets in the nighttime. Dozens of Auto-Maidan activists December 1, 2013, it serves as the umbrella for all the orga- the clashes on in late January. have been arrested, incarcerated and had their vehicles nizations that ensure the Euro-Maidan’s functioning, includ- “Trust in the opposition politicians has fallen stably for a damaged by police. One of its leaders, Stepan Koba, fled to ing the Civil Sector and Self-Defense organizations, the med- while,” said Petro Oleshchuk, a political science lecturer at Germany after the police issued a warrant for his arrest. ical service, the Euro-Maidan SOS communications service Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv. “The Another leader, Oleksiy Hrytsenko, is in hiding from arrest and the press center on the second floor of the building. It’s Hrushevsky Street assault demonstrated that trust in the in Ukraine. He’s the son of former Defense Minister led by Oleksander Turchynov, the right-hand man to impris- politicians is very low. Nothing has changed much since Anatoliy Hrytsenko (who also uses the spelling Grytsenko). oned former Prime Minister . then. Politicians are perceived, but not listened to.” PRAVYI SEKTOR () is a coalition of nation- The MAIDAN CITIZENS COUNCIL is the organization Civic activists have become leaders in the Euro-Maidan alist organizations that includes the Stepan Bandera movement, among them longtime Kyiv corruption fighters that is most skeptically viewed and considered to be on the organization (considered by some to be paramili- movement’s fringes. While the Euro-Maidan Civil Sector Ihor Lutsenko and , Lviv historian tary), the Ukrainian National Assembly-Ukrainian National Volodymyr Viatrovych and Auto-Maidan protesters such as belongs to the Forum of Euro-Maidans, it doesn’t support the Self-Defense (UNA-UNSO) and several smaller groups. It Citizens Council. It has also been accused of stirring division, the tortured and imprisoned (and later gained popularity after taking responsibility for provoking released) Oleksandr Kravtsov. most notably when issuing an ultimatum on January 9 to the violent clashes on Hrushevsky Street on January 19 decide on a single opposition candidate for the presidency, ALL-UKRAINIAN MAIDAN UNIFICATION is the main after the government approved the so-called “dictatorship block the Parliament’s activity and force its dissolution. umbrella organization that consists of a wide coalition of laws” that severely restricted freedom of speech and Batkivshchyna National Deputy Oleh Medunytsia the Maidan’s most recognized leaders and activists. The assembly (which the president later rescinded). Since then, accused its leaders of working with the Yanukovych diverse membership includes politicians such as Ukrainian its members have conducted military training drills administration to undermine the Euro-Maidan. Numerous Democratic Alliance for Reform (UDAR) head Vitali through the Maidan territory. activists abandoned the Citizens Council after the ultima- Klitschko, pop star and Maidan emcee , National Its leader, Dmytro Yarosh, said the show of force led Mr. tum, accusing its leaders of appointing new leaders with- University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy President Serhiy Kvit, Yanukovych to make concessions, including repealing the out their permission and issuing the ultimatum without journalist Serhii Rakhmanin, novelist Irena Karpa and Ms. dictatorship laws. He claimed in an interview published in their knowledge, on the orders of external influences. Chornovol. The organization’s main task is the defense of early February that the organization has about 500 activ- Euro-Maidan activists throughout Ukraine through the ists on the Maidan and is capable of mobilizing between COMMON CAUSE () activists made global pressure of millions of Ukrainians on the government, said 4,000 and 5,000 nationwide. The organization doesn’t headlines when they took over the Agriculture Ministry, member Yurii Lutsenko, the former internal affairs minister. have violent intentions but intends to match the govern- Energy Ministry and Justice Ministry, whose buildings are located in the vicinity of the Euro-Maidan zone (the first EURO-MAIDAN SELF-DEFENSE (Samo-Oborona), led ment’s use of force, he said, having called for the use of arms in response to the police’s use. two on Boulevard). They occupied the by Batkivshchyna National Deputy Andrii Parubii, consists Energy Ministry on January 25 before vacating it the same of hundreds of “sotni,” or brigades of 75 to 150 members The FORUM OF EURO-MAIDANS, led by the Kapranov day. Common Cause took control of a Justice Ministry each, ready to defend Euro-Maidan protests from illegal brothers, who own a publishing company, has been criti- building on January 26 before being forced to leave by the violent dispersals or various attacks by police. Each sotnia cized by Euro-Maidan politicians such as Zorian Shkiriak Maidan Self-Defense the next day. The activists seized con- consists of subdivisions of 10 (desiatky). Nearly 40 sotni for serving the government’s aim of fomenting division. trol of the Agriculture Ministry on January 24 and were have been formed, consisting of more than 12,000 volun- The forum consists of artists, intellectuals and local activ- forced out on January 29 by the Svoboda nationalists. teers, Mr. Parubii said at the February 7 press conference ists who are highly skeptical of the Euro-Maidan’s political Three Common Cause activists were injured by pneu- at which he presented its mission statement. opposition leadership. They held their first forum in matic pistols in the attempt to remove them. Oleksander “We aren’t simply guards of barricades or those who Kharkiv on January 11, forbidding any political party sym- Danyliuk, the organization’s leader, announced on guard the Maidan’s perimeter,” he said. “We are preparing a bols. On February 1, 68 delegates came to its Kyiv meeting February 3 that he had fled to London with his family out plan for nonviolent resistance, but very active, that has as representing 46 different protests. of expectations that he’d be arrested and tortured. In a its goal of transforming the country into the Maidan. The new government should consist of “not simply tech- Facebook post, he accused the Svoboda party of working Locally we will form resistance to corruption and conduct nocrats, but romantics. The prime minister should be a with the government to suppress the revolution. harsh lustration of anti-Ukrainian elements,” Mr. Parubii moral person with a certain level of society’s trust. said, calling its members “revolutionary political soldiers.” Therefore the politicians will have to move over some- The STUDENT COORDINATING COUNCIL, launched Among the sotni are groups of Afghan war veterans and where,” said Dmytro Kapranov. The new technical govern- on November 26, 2013, is the student movement formed even a female detachment. ment will have to remedy the economic crisis, ensure secu- to fight for democracy, rule of law and “free development rity and law and order in the country, secure Ukraine’s of the individual.” It strives for systemic changes in the AUTO-MAIDAN has drawn more fury from Ukraine’s country and “a full overhaul of the country’s leadership, top officials than any other Euro-Maidan organization. It European vector, decentralize government, prepare new elections and draft constitutional reforms. not just new names.” Its program consists of support for has staged protests since December 2013 that consisted of the Euro-Maidan movement, a new parliamentary majori- motorcades driving to the suburban Kyiv mansions of top EURO-MAIDAN CIVIL SECTOR is an informal network ty and a technical government. oligarchs, at which they delivered speeches and in more of activists that serves as the Euro-Maidan logistics and coor- In late December it threatened a national strike if the gov- dination center, offering activists access to living quarters extreme cases spray-painted slogans or damaged fences. ernment didn’t pay overdue student scholarships. “On the eve (up to 1,000 per day), food and warm clothing. It organizes It’s no coincidence that some of the most vicious beatings, the holidays, we were left without a kopiika in our pockets,” the Maidan’s artistic activity, information and press office, and destruction of automobiles, have been reserved for the the organization stated. “The government of and assignment of volunteers (200 to 500 daily). Politically, most active Auto-Maidan activists, including Ms. led the country to such a condition that the state treasury doesn’t have funds for students.” It has also worked to protect students from retaliation from universities for participating in the protests and has fought for the release from detention EU calls for coalition government in Ukraine students who were beaten or falsely arrested. KYIV – The European Union’s Enlargement for rights and freedoms, end of intimidation and harass- AFGHANISTAN WAR VETERANS, although diverse in Commissioner Stefan Fule has called on Ukrainian lead- ment, quick and transparent investigations of acts of ers and the opposition to take urgent measures to form violence. And let me add also that it’s strange – that’s their political views, support the need for change and have a coalition government as a way out of the nearly three- one of the findings from my visit to a hospital – strange been with the Euro-Maidan ever since the December 1, month-long political crisis. and unacceptable that injured [people] are brought to 2013, clashes on , helping to build the first Mr. Fule told reporters in Kyiv on February 13 that he hospitals by police and not by ambulances.” barricades and maintain control of the central streets that has called on the two sides to agree on constitutional Mr. Fule arrived in Kyiv on February 11 for talks with had been occupied by the opposition. They also became an reform that would trim presidential powers and bolster President Viktor Yanukovych, opposition leader, and integral part of the Maidan Self-Defense and reportedly the authority of Parliament. members of civil society in a bid to help defuse the helped plan the territory’s defense strategy against the “From my conversations here, I get that there is a standoff between authorities and anti-government pro- repeated raids by police. need – one – to take urgent steps on constitutional testers. They played a key role in claiming the Ukrainian Home reforms, [the] formation of the new inclusive govern- Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergei on after the Hrushevsky Street clashes, ment, and ensuring free and fair elections,” he said. Lavrov warned in an article in the Russian daily arranging for police officers and Security Service of Mr. Fule also warned authorities against harassing Kommersant on February 13 that outside attempts to Ukraine agents to leave its premises peacefully in early protesters. He said it was hard to win the trust of the influence Ukraine’s future will end “in failure.” February. They discovered numerous bottles of alcohol demonstrators as things currently stand. inside and found shell casings from Kalashnikov rifles “I stress also that Ukraine needs more security and With reporting by Agence France-Presse, the when inspecting its roof, disproving Internal Affairs no impunity,” he said. “It needs respect and protection Associated Press and Interfax. Ministry claims that its police didn’t use firearms during the clashes. No. 7 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2014 5


Young UNA’ers

Orazio James and Lucia Paraska Kachmar, children of Yarema T. Odomirok, son of Adrianna and Robert Milla Janina Balaban, daughter of Michael and James Alex and Jennifer Kachmar of Sacramento, Calif., Odomirok of White Plains, N.Y., is the newest mem- Laryssa Balaban of South Glastonbury, Conn., is a are new members of UNA Branch 486. They were enrolled ber of Branch 171. He was enrolled by his grandpar- new member of UNA Branch 277. She was enrolled by by their grandparents Alex and Joanne Kachmar. ents Olha and Stephen Rudyk. her grandmother Helen Balaban.

Mission Statement

The Ukrainian National Association exists: • to promote the principles of frater- nalism; • to preserve the Ukrainian, Ukrainian American and Ukrainian Canadian heritage and culture; and • to provide quality financial servic- es and products to its members.

As a fraternal insurance society, the Ukrainian National Association Sophia Maria Plotytsya, daughter of Nadija Dub Priya Emily Bhaviripudi, daughter of Sreekar and Ulana reinvests its earnings for the benefit of its and Yaroslaw Plotytsya of Houston, is a new P. Bhaviripudi, of Glenside, Pa., is a new member of UNA members and the Ukrainian community. member of UNA Branch 28. She was enrolled by Branch 162. She was enrolled by her maternal grandpar- her grandparents Zenon and Olga Dub. ents, Jaroslaw Fedorijczuk and Karola Rac.

The Ukrainian Weekly Press Fund: December 2013 Amount Name City $30.00 Fedynsky Peter Columbia MD Haftkowycz Nadia Wethersfi eld CT $150.00 Olijnyk Thomas Rosedale NY Macko Steven Hoffman Estates IL Jones Lesya Toronto ON $145.00 Kramarchuk Alex Jupiter FL Szwabinsky Mary Westerville OH Kipa Albert Allentown PA $135.00 Wesely Orest Stockton CA $25.00 Boyko Orest San Mateo CA Kitchell Diana Chicago IL $100.00 Hrycelak George Elmwood Park IL Chirash William New Providence NJ Klaczany Dorothy Binghamton NY McMurray Brian Brentwood TN Hirnyck Thomas Redmond WA Kostiuk Olexa Ottawa ON Pankiw Andrew Upper Arlington OH Hrycak Olga Morristown NJ Kropelnyckyj Nestor Warren MI $80.00 Hurko Roman & Carmen New York NY Hrycyk Orest Syracuse NY Kuchar Andrew Muskego WI Klufas Constantine Melnyk Roman & Kathy New Hartford NY Prawak Aleksandra Williamsville NY & Oksana San Antonio TX Mojsiak Wasyl Weston ON Serba Eugene Mount Laurel NJ Shklar Jerry O Nebesh Chrystyna Parma OH Stasiuk Irene Chicago IL Sochan Neonila Morristown NJ Santarsiero Natalie Naples FL $5.00 Dolbin Walter Cleveland OH $70.00 Ritter Alexandra Bethlehem PA Soroka Marusia Mississauga ON Kehoe Natalie Edison NJ $50.00 Babiak Adrian Silver Spring MD $20.00 Hrab Roman Boonton NJ Kowalcheck Harry West Newton PA Blethen Olga Glen Spey NY Keske Luba Woodland Hills CA Meriwether Erika Clemson SC Melinyshyn John Arlington Hts IL Kostiv Steven N Attleboro MA Nauholnyk Bohdan Albertson NY Olds Natalie Fenton MI Puszka Danylo Millwood NY Onyshkevych Larissa Columbia MD Sokolyk Stephen New Braunfels TX Shcheglov Nazar Jackson Heights NY Paschuk Andrew Verona NJ Trojan-Masnyk Christina Wheaton IL Zerebinski Mr & Mrs Burlingame CA Patraiko Joseph Yonkers NY $45.00 Boyko Myron Avondale Est GA Zwarycz Stefan Kenosha WI Petriwsky Michael North Port Fl Karapetian Mary Roslindale MA $15.00 Drozd Roman Broadview Hts OH Stefanchuk Stefan Peoria AZ Kochanowsky Andrea Wayne NJ Krycki Stefan Clifton NJ $40.00 Bardyn I Toronto ON Kugler Helen Arlington Hts IL TOTAL: $2,685.00 Kryzaniwsky Jurij New City NY Lonchyna Natalia Raleigh NC Nalywajko Walter Palatine IL Nadozirny Victor Cleveland OH Sincere thanks to all contributors Trojan Vera Belmont MA Petrenko Leonid Sun City AZ $35.00 Guty John Ottawa ON Trenkler Helen North Providence RI to The Ukrainian Weekly Press Fund. Herus Oksana Eastchester NY Warshona M Mayfi eld NY Maceluch A & J Stamford CT Zavisky Nicholas Watervliet NY The Ukrainian Weekly Press Fund is the only Sym-Lipsky Joanna Deerfi eld Beach FL $10.00 Bilaniuk Vladimira Douglaston NY fund dedicated exclusively to supporting Yurkowski Peter Manchester NJ Borkowsky M Yonkers NY the work of this publication. 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2014 No. 7

The Ukrainian Weekly About our new prices On February 1, new prices for subscriptions to The Ukrainian Weekly and Svoboda went into effect. We made the announcement a couple of weeks ago, at the conclusion of our “Year in Review” section, and here we provide an additional expla- nation. Revolutionary days in Ukraine As previously reported, in December 2013 the Executive Committee of the Ukrainian National Association, our publisher, made the decision to set the prices for yearly subscriptions at $80 for UNA members and $90 for non-members. Yes, that’s a steep increase from the previous $55/$65 prices for members/non-members, but it does not cover the cost of producing and getting our newspapers to you. In fact, last year, when it was made known that the UNA was considering switch- ing to an all-digital format for The Ukrainian Weekly (a similar format was not being talked about for Svoboda), it was calculated that the cost to print and mail our news- paper to your home or office was about $110. At the same time, readers were told that, if the print edition were to be continued, it was probable the UNA would have to raise the price for a print subscription to $100 for UNA members and $125 for non-members. Some of our readers accepted the possibility of a digital-only Weekly, some did not respond to the questionnaire that was sent out, while others protested – some quite vehemently. Some readers said they would pay whatever price was needed in order to continue getting a print subscription, while others commented that the price would be too high. Well, the good news is that the print edition of The Weekly is being continued. However, in view of rising costs – including postage, because the U.S. Postal Service increased its rates for all classes of mail on January 27 – the cost of print subscrip- tions to both weekly newspapers published by the UNA had to be raised. Thankfully, the price is lower than originally anticipated. Zenon Zawada The other bit of good news is that online subscriptions are a real bargain at $40 A yellow sign at a Euro-Maidan barricade reads: “We’re changing the country. per year. And, what’s more, for those who subscribe to the print edition, an online Excuse us for the inconvenience.” subscription is only $5 more. Thus, UNA members can get both print and online sub- These are revolutionary days in Ukraine. So judging by what’s apparent about scriptions for $85, while the price for non-members is $90. A huge plus for online Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev their action plan, the West and the pro- subscribers (need we point this out?) is that they get their newspapers as soon as was correct in observing a tectonic fault line. Western opposition are operating on a dif- they are posted and don’t have to wait for the mail. The Russian leadership seems to under- ferent plane than the Russians and the To provide a bit of historical background, we’d like to point out that prices for stand what’s happening here. Euro-Maidan movement, who have entirely subscriptions to The Ukrainian Weekly (or Svoboda) remained at $55/$65 from Unfortunately, instead of taking into conflicting goals but have a better idea of 2011 through 2013. Prior to that, the last time prices were increased was in 2001, account the public’s revolutionary calls, the what’s at stake when the cost of an annual subscription to either of the newspapers went up by $5, West and Ukraine’s political opposition are The West and the opposition leadership from $40 per year for UNA members to $45 and from $50 for non-members to $55. attempting a “business as usual” solution. seem to think that they can return to what And, before that, there was a price increase back in 1995 (at which time Svoboda No one knows what “concrete steps to I’d call “post-Soviet lite.” They favor a return was still being published as a daily; it became a weekly in July of 1998 ). emerge from the crisis situation” (as Petro to the political climate that existed under the Our new prices are now in effect. If your subscription is still current, there is no Poroshenko put it) were reached at the Yushchenko administration – a weak presi- need for you to send any additional payment; the new price will come into play with February 1 meeting at the Munich Security dency, frequent changes in government, the renewal of your subscription. Conference between U.S. diplomats and anemic reform and severe corruption (as Thank you, Dear Readers, for your years of support for The Ukrainian Weekly and Ukrainian opposition leaders. opposed to the current rampant corrup- Svoboda. We trust that you understand the current economic realities and will Yet U.S. Assistant Secretary of State tion). remain our loyal readers. We also hope that you will continue to be our correspon- Victoria Nuland offered some hints in her For the West, it wasn’t such a bad sce- dents by sending in stories, photos and other information from your communities. leaked phone call with U.S. Ambassador to nario. That system kept a lid on Ukraine Let’s all keep in touch! Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt that surfaced on and prevented Russian expansion at the February 6. Her off-color remark about the same time. EU was among the less important things “Post-Soviet lite” worked extremely well mentioned. for the opposition, who reaped handsome They discussed forming a new parlia- rewards from the corruption before Mr. Feb. Turning the pages back... mentary majority and Cabinet of Ministers Yanukovych decided he didn’t want to to be led by , the leader share as much of the booty. All got their Ten years ago, on February 22, 2004, the Ukrainian National of the largest opposition party, share, more or less, and it didn’t matter if 22 Association celebrated its 110th anniversary. On February 22, Batkivshchyna. Mind you, that’s under the you were with the or Batkivshchyna. Perhaps that was among 1894, 10 brotherhoods having total assets of $229 and a com- extended presidency of Viktor Yanukovych. the accomplishments of Messrs. Kuchma 2004 bined membership of 439 resolved to become what is now “We’ve got to do something to make it and Yushchenko. known as the Ukrainian National Association, which has been stick together because you can be pretty sure if it does start to gain altitude, the But the old, hackneyed solutions being faithfully dedicated to the development of its community. In Russians will be there to torpedo it,” Mr. proposed by the West and the opposition 2004, membership was estimated near 50,000 members and assets totaling nearly $64 Pyatt said. won’t work this time, even on a temporary million. This year marks the 120th anniversary of the UNA’s founding. It’s apparent that they are trying to hatch basis. We’ve got a situation in which the The UNA’s founding ideals, “to help the ailing; to pay for benefits after members’ deaths a smooth, gentle removal of Mr. Yanukovych Euro-Maidan won’t compromise until not so their families would be assured of a brighter future; to promote enlightenment among from the presidency. So smooth and gentle only Mr. Yanukovych is removed, but the our people through the means of publications; to educate our youth and people with that he won’t fight it. The transition could entire corrupt system is overhauled. It will regard to their heritage; to preserve the culture, language and traditions of our native occur before the March 2015 presidential require not only Mr. Yanukovych’s dismiss- land; and to be a representative voice in the American political arena in order to help our elections, or it could happen then. At least al, but the dismissal of thousands of people countrymen both here and in Ukraine, have proved to be the guiding principles that that’s what they hope. in government. remain relevant for our community today,” her statement noted. Of course, what Mr. Yanukovych’s con- Just as in Egypt, the Euro-Maidan might Currently, the UNA is the oldest continuously active Ukrainian organization in the sensual departure would imply is that he pack its bags when Mr. Yanukovych is sent United States. gets to keep all of his stolen goodies – the packing. But its activists will sooner or later The UNA is much more than a fraternal insurance company that provides financial mansions and the millions – and that he’s find themselves having to return to battle products. As a fraternal, the UNA uses its profits from insurance sales and puts the money not going to be prosecuted and imprisoned. the corruption that remains. This is a right back into the community, supporting cultural, education and social programs within Just like his predecessors movement that will continue for at least a our diaspora community and in Ukraine. It is also members’ dues that support the publi- and Viktor Yushchenko, he’s going to want decade. cation of the UNA’s two newspapers – Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly – the beloved that immunity before he agrees to give up On the other side of the spectrum, Soyuzivka Heritage Center, and other social and community services. power. Moscow will fight to the end to keep Mr. th As noted in the statement issued for the 110 anniversary, the UNA, with help from the Two days before the leak, Ambassador Yanukovych in power and maintain the cur- Ukrainian community at large, faces many challenges for the future, including to unify and Pyatt even suggested that Mr. Yanukovych rent corrupt system. It won’t settle for any- to inform the diaspora, to preserve the Ukrainian cultural heritage, extend charity and could remain in office and sign the EU thing less than Ukraine’s membership in the maintain fellowship. Association Agreement. I really hope he Eurasian Union, in one form or another. said that merely to soften up Mr. Ukraine’s problem is that numerous Source: “Happy Birthday, UNA! In celebration of our 110th year,” The Ukrainian Weekly, Yanukovych, rather than offering it as a February 22, 2004. serious proposal. (Continued on page 17) No. 7 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2014 7


begin to thrive. A reader’s answer It is unfortunate that the United States compromised on one of its most funda- to Kuzio’s comments mental values in order to protect its eco- nomic interests in Eastern Europe; some- Dear Editor: thing that happens all too often domestical- Several years ago in a local Washington ly as well. It is not the Ukrainian people church, I attended a talk given by a much- who are attempting to seize power, rather touted expert on a topic concerning it is those currently in power who have “Political” science Ukraine. An elderly couple were sitting in engaged in intimidation to prevent the will One doesn’t usually think of politics and as well as an emphasis on ecological resto- the back row, and the husband was having of the people from being heard. Why else science in the same sentence. Yet, science, ration programs, water quality improve- difficulty hearing the speaker. As the wife would they stoop to such underhanded tac- along with favorable trade status and cul- ments and water resources management. began whispering in her husband’s ear tics as trying to block various means of tural exchanges (e.g., “Panda Diplomacy”) All of these programs have a strong scien- about what was being said, the speaker communication among the citizens of have always been important instruments of tific and technological basis, and countless loudly called out to the woman and sarcas- Ukraine? Why is the government in power bilateral foreign policy. Since 1992, Ukraine Ukrainian scholars and university students tically asked her if she preferred to come utilizing such political strong-arm tactics as has had a long and fruitful scientific rela- have benefitted enormously from these up front and be the speaker in his place. the use of violence? tionship with the European Union and the exchanges. The vast majority of this grant- The shocked and embarrassed couple rose Viktor Yanukovych, you have had four United States. type funding came from the EU and U.S. to their feet and silently left the room. years to lead Ukraine and have failed the Now that President Viktor Yanukovych Russia has contributed very little to I don’t recall what the exact topic was that people by your own choosing. The days of has cast his lot with Russian President Ukraine’s S&T sector, and Ukraine’s oli- evening, but I was sorry that my husband the despotic regime are finally coming to and I did not rise up ourselves to walk out an end, as it appears the desire for freedom Vladimir Putin, the Ukrainian science and garchs will contribute even less. with that elderly couple in protest against will continue to grow among the East technology sector will have an even more These programs were the West’s way of such a rude and self-centered outburst. European nations. Accordingly, let the call difficult time regaining its respected Soviet- instituting and influencing technological Sometimes we in the Ukrainian diaspora go forth among all citizens of Ukraine that era standing. Western nations will be less reforms and efficiency improvements in are so very full of ourselves that we forget your brothers and sisters of democracy willing to engage in scientific exchanges the agricultural, health, energy, environ- to look at the larger picture. If we are talk- from all over the world are with you during and support the Ukrainian science and mental and water services sectors, but also ing about Ukraine, then it is not about us every trial and tribulation you may encoun- technology (S&T) sector, now that Ukraine to educate a new generation of Ukrainian and our towering intellect – it’s about ter during this crisis. has turned its back on Europe. Do not scholars in modern ways of thinking, analy- Ukraine. We forget that there is more than To the people of Ukraine, the trumpet of expect Russia to fill that important gap. sis and creativity. These efforts, after 20 one right way to do any one thing or to freedom beckons you to rise in protest and Ukraine’s S&T sector represents a very years of persistent focused funding, had a think about any one thing, and that no one ensure your voice to preserve your sacred important catalyst of future economic significant positive influence on Ukraine’s has a monopoly on all the “right” answers. heritage, promote your children’s future and growth – this is an arena in which Ukraine S&T sector, with visible improvements in Likewise, no one can predict the future – obtain the blessings of liberty we all cherish. can compete with Europeans and build a modeling and management of water and including that ridiculous construct “the Ukraine, the hour of your redemption is at vibrant Silicon Valley-type business envi- wastewater treatment systems; in flood foreseeable future.” No part of the future is hand. As you, the rightful citizens, move for- ronment. That resurgence is now threat- forecasting and climate change impact foreseeable – certainly the office workers ward to reclaim your own country, rise and ened. studies, as well as improvements in ecolog- in New York on 9/11 could not have envi- strike! In the name of those who were mur- Gone is the era of early Nobel laureates, ical management. But while this was “free sioned that their morning coffee break dered fighting for everyone’s rights, rise and who worked quietly and independently on money” in the sense that these were largely would be their last. No matter how educat- strike! To end the rule of this evil regime, rise their pet projects in their small, ill- grants, it was directed, or applied research ed we are, we cannot be sure of the future and strike! Let no one continue to fear this equipped university laboratories, without for projects that the West was interested in of Ukraine tomorrow or next week. man. Let all Ukrainians be strong and fight on any government grants or assistance. It is promoting and Ukraine was neglecting. In a letter to the editor from Taras Kuzio for their freedom. Rise and strike! rare, nowadays, to hear of scientists who Hence, it was “politically based” science. (February 2), the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation Viktor Yanukovych, let the people go! was criticized for accepting money from have made major discoveries working out One small manifestation of the network Ukrainian oligarch Dmytro Firtash for its Joe Bialek of their garages, like the Wright brothers or of U.S.-Ukraine S&T agreements was the Washington gala evening celebrating Cleveland Thomas Edison – though Bill Gates, Steve recent launching of the Fulbright Science Ukrainian cultural achievements. The U.S.- Jobs and Steve Wozniak come to mind. Just and Technology Education Program, or Ukraine Foundation could not have fore- about every scientist today working on an STEP (see The Weekly, November 10, seen that a crackdown on Maidan protest- My advice: listen advanced research project is funded via 2013). This is a pilot project that will fully ers would occur just two weeks before its some government-sponsored program, fund the travel and studies of up to 10 event, when contracts had already been to Ukrainian radio through grants and contracts. If the govern- Ukrainian graduate students at U.S. univer- signed and all arrangements made. Bishop ment provides the grant, it can just as easily sities for the 2014 academic year. On Borys Gudziak was criticized for accepting Dear Editor: withdraw it to address a different priority. November 1, 2013, U.S. Ambassador funds from the same oligarch for the I always enjoyed listening to that superb With its action to turn away from the EU, Geoffrey R. Pyatt and Minister of Education Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv. Many station, Radio Kultura, when in Ukraine Ukraine is endangering a vast network of and Science Dmytro V. Tabachnyk signed an sponsors are thrilled to contribute to the and cannot praise its programs enough. It existing S&T exchanges and research agreement that will place successful appli- current Olympics in Vladimir Putin’s Russia. is the soul of Ukraine, with music, inter- grants that have grown exponentially over cants in U.S. programs in science, technolo- I cannot predict the future, but regard- views, and historical, literary and cultural the past two decades, and which are gy and mathematics, with a preference for ing the past, I have seen how very hard the programs. It is the Ukrainian National responsible for much of the innovative cutting-edge fields such as sustainable staff of the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation has Public Radio. Yet most people don’t know work that occurs in Ukraine today. development and nano-technology. worked over the years to bring democratic about it, for even in Ukraine you cannot Governments, through their ministries Because of Mr. Yanukovych’s fateful deci- practices to Ukraine, to expose Ukrainians tune in on AM or FM. It is broadcast on and national science councils, determine sion, it is now likely that many of these EU of all political persuasions to alternative shortwave, so people across the whole the research priorities that are to be fund- and U.S.-based sources of S&T grants, ways of thinking and, through award eve- country can tune in. ed, especially for bi-lateral S&T agree- scholarships and research project funds nings and other events, to raise the con- You can listen to the station on the ments. This is true of virtually any nation will begin to slow down and eventually dry sciousness of Americans concerning the Internet, but I found that too cumbersome. with a functioning technology sector, up, unless Ukraine’s course is reversed – great potential of the Ukrainian people, I wanted to listen in the bedroom, the whether it be China, India, the EU countries which is still possible. The U.S. and EU have given a chance at freedom. kitchen, the patio, and not just my office. or Ukraine. Both the EU and the U.S. have many other priorities and numerous Here is the solution I found. Get the won- Natalka Gawdiak invested billions of dollars on thousands of nations that desperately need technical Columbia, Md. derful Logitech smart radio from Amazon and calibrate it to receive Wi-Fi. If you don’t S&T projects in Ukraine, over the course of assistance. There are never enough funds have Wi-Fi at home, you can connect it the last two decades, beginning with the to satisfy all of the U.S.’s preferred partners, directly to your computer. Using the clever Nunn-Lugar legislation in 1991. That pro- and now its foreign policy and defense sec- Applause for efforts built-in software you will be led to many gram funded technical assistance for nucle- tors are turning their attention towards Ukrainian stations that you can put on the ar threat reduction to the scientists of the Africa and southeast Asia, where their S&T of people of Ukraine favorites button. To get Radio Kultura just former USSR, to help secure and dismantle needs are even greater. The recent typhoon turn on the radio, press the favorites but- chemical, biological and nuclear weapons disaster in the Philippines is but one of the Dear Editor: ton and you are set. You can roam the of mass destruction and their associated critical areas that is vying for attention. As a citizen of and believer in democracy, world by country, language and category. infrastructure. This program, early on, sup- Over the years, many of my colleagues, I applaud the efforts of the Ukrainian peo- Other fine stations in Ukraine are Radio ported countless Ukrainian scientists who working in our respective federal science ple. Their efforts are similar to what is hap- Halychyna, Ukrainian Radio, Radio Nezaleznist worked for the USSR’s military-industrial agencies, have been able to secure numer- pening in many other parts of the world. and Radio Kyiv Relax, for stress relief. complex. The program has grown from ous grants from our agencies and from Believe it or not, one thing that trumps Listen to these stations on your comput- $400 million annually in 1992, to over $1 NATO and the Civilian Research Defense capitalism and political correctness in the er and, if you are as pleased as I was, get billion today. Fund (CRDF) to work with Ukrainian col- United States is the right to have one’s the radio. There is a seven-hour time differ- Subsequently, hundreds of millions of leagues in the areas of flood forecasting, voice heard. This is the foundation on ence between EST and Ukraine but, many research dollars went to support Ukraine’s planetary sciences, ecological monitoring, which our democracy is built. The programs are apparently re-broadcast so agricultural science sector; grants from the epidemiology, wastewater treatment tech- Ukrainian people should continue to defy you can listen to them in the evening. U.S. National Institute of Health for nologies and climate adaptation. Most of Viktor Yanukovych’s powerful security Bohdan Hodiak Chornobyl-related cancer studies; support forces so that Ukrainian democracy can Stuart, Fla., and Lviv of Ukraine’s planetary sciences programs, (Continued on page 13) 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2014 No. 7

FOR THE HISTORICAL RECORD Ukraine in the U.S. Congress: 100 years of congressional support for Ukraine Following is the text of remarks delivered on December pendence per se, as was Wilson, and certainly had an prayers for a free Ukraine in the Senate and House, and a 12, 2013, by Orest Deychakiwsky, senior policy advisor of the appreciation for Ukraine’s national aspirations, for various report on the introduction of a resolution condemning U.S. Helsinki Commission, at the “Ukraine in Washington reasons it undertook a cautious approach. Russian Communist oppression of Ukraine by Sen. Hubert 2013” Conference. Mr. Deychakiwsky was in Kyiv in early In a little over a month, over one-fourth of the Senate Humphrey (D-Minn.), later vice-president of the U.S. December as a member of the U.S. delegation to the OSCE and one-fifth of the House joined the resolution as co-spon- Clearly, the focus during this period was on the national (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) sors, which was no small feat and a tribute to various orga- rights of Ukrainians, on Ukraine. Ministerial Council. nizations and individuals in the Ukrainian American com- Peak of congressional activity: 1975-1991 munity. In some respects, this resolution represented a cul- Independence of 1918 and 1991 mination of longstanding efforts by the Ukrainian But it was the decade and a half prior to independence, The U.S. Congress may not be too popular these days American community and its many friends in the U.S. starting from the late 1970s that saw the most intensive among the American public, but when it comes to Ukraine, Congress to assist the Ukrainian people in their aspirations period of Congressional activity on Ukraine. And it is here a strong argument can be made that it has had few better for human rights, freedom and independence. that there was somewhat of a shift in emphasis – from friends over the course of the last century. This was espe- national rights to individual rights – although these, of Post-World War II era cially true in the decades leading up to the dissolution of course, were not mutually exclusive. the , when Ukraine was a captive nation and a So what happened in Congress between 1918 and A key reason for this transition was the newfound atten- relative unknown in the United States. It’s impossible to 1991? tion in the United States on the human rights provisions of take a comprehensive look at Congress’ historic role in one The inter-war period saw relatively little Congressional the 1975 Helsinki Final Act, especially the plight of political short session, but I hope to at least give you a sense of the activity – a notable exception the 1934 congressional reso- prisoners, including the Helsinki monitors. These coura- scope of congressional engagement on Ukraine. lution on Stalin’s man-made Famine (Holodomor) intro- geous men and women called upon the Soviet government Congressional efforts could be distilled to one word: free- duced by Rep. Hamilton Fish (R-N.Y.). to live up to their freely undertaken Helsinki human rights dom. It’s the unifying theme. So, in this overview, I will try Post-World War II saw an uptick. The Displaced Persons commitments. The largest of the five groups in the U.S.S.R. to briefly give you some sense of the what, when, where Act of 1948 and follow-on legislation – while not Ukraine- was the Ukrainian group. They peacefully advocated not and why of congressional activity. specific, did allow for the admission of some 80,000 post- only for greater individual rights and freedoms, chronicling Nearly 100 years ago, in 1917, a congressman named war Ukrainians living in Germany into the U.S. many individual violations, but also for greater cultural and James Hamill (D-N.J.) introduced a joint resolution to pro- While previous Ukrainian emigrations had done much to linguistic freedoms, and self-determination for Ukraine. claim a nationwide Ukrainian Day. And even though establish the infrastructure of the Ukrainian American Not surprisingly, they were considered to be a particular Ukraine was then definitely a terra incognita, the resolu- community, this highly politicized emigration and their threat to the Soviet regime and harshly repressed – four of tion passed and President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed American-born children gave the impetus for greater activ- them died in the gulag as late as 1984-1985, right before the April 27, 1917, as a day to collect funds for the aid of the ity, especially with respect to Congress. era of glasnost/perestroika. The Ukrainian monitors put a “stricken Ruthenians (Ukrainians).” As a result of the col- During the late 1940s, through the 1960s the Ukrainian face on the Soviet government’s human rights abuses and lection, $53,000 – which is over $1 million in today’s dol- Congress Committee of America, (UCCA), especially under many members of Congress, often working closely with the lars – was collected. its President, Lev Dobriansky, took the lead in Ukrainian American community, vigorously rose to their Later, a Ukrainian information bureau was established Congressional activity on Ukraine, including presenting defense. After their release, many became involved with in Rep. Hamill’s office, and he was active in trying to obtain testimony in front of congressional committees and lobby- Rukh, Ukraine’s movement for independence, including its U.S. recognition for Ukrainian independence, including ing on behalf of a Ukrainian section within the Voice of co-founders Vyacheslav Chornovil and Mykhailo Horyn. through his subsequent December 1918 resolution on the America, the 1960 legislation establishing the Taras Institutionally, the creation of the Helsinki Commission eve of Versailles. But this measure was defeated, given U.S. Shevchenko monument here in Washington, and the 1959 shortly after the signing of the Helsinki Final Act, whose policy at the time that decidedly did not support Ukrainian Captive Nations resolution, authored by Dr. Dobriansky, mandate was to monitor and encourage human rights, national aspirations. An excellent source on this is Dr. who had wide connections in both parties in Congress and increased Congressional interest in Ukraine. This interest Myron B. Kuropas’ book “Ukrainians in America.” who played a critical role in undermining the legitimacy of was manifested through numerous resolutions on behalf of Fast forward 72 years later to the fall of 1991, when a the Soviet Union. individual Ukrainian political prisoners, hearings on resolution introduced by Helsinki Commission Chair Sen. This was also a time when the January 22, 1918, inde- human rights in Ukraine (sometimes with the participation Dennis DeConcini (D-Ariz.) and Commissioner Rep. Don pendence of Ukraine was commemorated in Congress of former political prisoners), frequent congressional state- Ritter (R-Pa.) calling for recognition of independence gar- annually with events and numerous congressional state- ments, press releases, Capital Hill events and direct con- nered significant support and was adopted (as an amend- ments. To take just one illustrative example – I came upon a tacts with Soviet officials here or at international confer- ment to a larger piece of legislation), despite a lack of sup- few January-February 1956 issues of The Ukrainian ences. port from the Bush 1 administration. Although the first Weekly, reporting on the Independence Day activities, and Bush administration was not opposed to Ukraine’s inde- they were filled with various congressional statements, (Continued on page 12) Three presidents mentioned Ukraine in their State of the Union addresses Ukraine has been mentioned several times in State of the America and Europe secure. Now, these three formerly And tonight that is a privilege we share with newly elected Union addresses delivered by U.S. presidents. An online Communist countries have said yes to democracy. I ask the leaders of Afghanistan, the Palestinian Territories, Ukraine search revealed that Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Senate to say yes to them, our new allies. By taking in new and a free and sovereign Iraq.” [Editor’s Note: This was the Bush each mentioned Ukraine in three SOTU addresses. members and working closely with new partners, includ- opening paragraph of the speech.] President Barack Obama mentioned Ukraine in this year’s ing Russia and Ukraine, NATO can help to assure that “That advance has great momentum in our time, shown address. Here are the relevant excerpts. Europe is a stronghold for peace in the 21st century.” by women voting in Afghanistan and Palestinians choosing a new direction and the people of Ukraine asserting their Bill Clinton, January 25, 1994: Bill Clinton, January 19, 1999: democratic rights and electing a President. We are witness- “This year, we secured indictments against terrorists “We must increase our efforts to restrain the spread of ing landmark events in the history of liberty, and in the and sanctions against those who harbor them. We worked nuclear weapons and missiles, from Korea to India and coming years, we will add to that story.” to promote environmentally sustainable economic Pakistan. We must expand our work with Russia, Ukraine, growth. We achieved agreements with Ukraine, with and other former Soviet nations to safeguard nuclear mate- George W. Bush, January 28, 2008: Belarus, with Kazahkstan to eliminate completely their rials and technology so they never fall into the wrong “Our foreign policy is based on a clear premise: We trust nuclear arsenal. …” hands. Our balanced budget will increase funding for these that people, when given the chance, will choose a future of “Ultimately, the best strategy to ensure our security and critical efforts by almost two-thirds over the next five freedom and peace. In the last seven years, we have wit- to build a durable peace is to support the advance of years.” nessed stirring moments in the history of liberty. We’ve democracy elsewhere. Democracies don’t attack each seen citizens in Georgia and Ukraine stand up for their other. They make better trading partners and partners in George W. Bush, January 20, 2004: right to free and fair elections. We’ve seen people in diplomacy. That is why we have supported, you and I, the “Some critics have said our duties in Iraq must be inter- Lebanon take to the streets to demand their independence. democratic reformers in Russia and in the other states of nationalized. This particular criticism is hard to explain to We’ve seen Afghans emerge from the tyranny of the the former Soviet bloc. I applaud the bipartisan support our partners in Britain, Australia, Japan, South Korea, the Taliban and choose a new President and a new parliament. this Congress provided last year for our initiatives to help Philippines, Thailand, Italy, Spain, , Denmark, We’ve seen jubilant Iraqis holding up ink-stained fingers Russia, Ukraine, and the other states through their epic Hungary, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania, the Netherlands, and celebrating their freedom. These images of liberty transformations.” Norway, El Salvador, and the 17 other countries that have have inspired us.” committed troops to Iraq. As we debate at home, we must Bill Clinton, January 27, 1998: never ignore the vital contributions of our international Barack Obama, January 28, 2014: “…we are helping to write international rules of the road partners or dismiss their sacrifices.” “Our alliance with Europe remains the strongest the for the 21st century, protecting those who join the family of world has ever known. From Tunisia to Burma, we’re sup- nations and isolating those who do not. Within days, I will George W. Bush, February 2, 2005: porting those who are willing to do the hard work of build- ask the Senate for its advice and consent to make Hungary, “As a new Congress gathers, all of us in the elected ing democracy. In Ukraine, we stand for the principle that Poland and the Czech Republic the newest members of branches of government share a great privilege: We’ve all people have the right to express themselves freely and NATO. For 50 years, NATO contained communism and kept been placed in office by the votes of the people we serve. peacefully, and to have a say in their country’s future.” No. 7 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2014 9 Wladimir Klitschko addresses Ukrainian community in New York UCCA regime that we have today.” He underscored that these maidans have proven how much Ukrainians desire democ- NEW YORK – World heavyweight boxing champion racy and freedom. Wladimir Klitschko met with the Ukrainian American com- “We have shown the world that we are a great nation, a munity in the East Village on February 3, during his brief smart nation, and we will fight for our rights and for visit to . Addressing the standing-room-only democracy in our country until eventually we reach our crowd, Mr. Klitschko remarked that his trip to New York goal,” stated Mr. Klitschko. was not only to attend his first Super Bowl, but to bring He concluded his remarks by expressing the hope that attention to the political crisis currently taking place in “we will always find peace,” but underscored that the peo- Ukraine. ple will not depart the maidans until new presidential and The community event, which was supported by the parliamentary elections are called. Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, was held at the Following a brief question-and-answer session, the Ukrainian National Home. UCCA President Tamara Olexy crowd descended the stairs of the Ukrainian National opened the event by stating, “What started over two Home to participate in a flash mob outside under its months ago as a peaceful demonstration protesting Viktor awning. Hundreds of Ukrainian Americans joined Mr. Yanukovych’s abrupt decision to end negotiations to join Klitschko in singing the Ukrainian national anthem and the European Union and turn to Russia to help it pay off a chanting “Slava Ukrayini” (Glory to Ukraine). crippling debt – the Euro-Maidan – has transformed into a Before departing, Mr. Klitschko graciously posed for revolution of dignity.” Emphasizing that the U.S. is the bea- photos with many of the participants. con of democracy, she noted that “the U.S. has the moral After Mr. Klitschko’s departure, the meeting participants responsibility to take decisive action to hold Viktor reconvened to continue a lively discussion on how the Yanukovych and his regime criminally responsible for their Ukrainian community can continue assisting their breth- actions.” ren in Ukraine. Mariya Soroka, representing the newly Ms. Olexy said the afternoon’s guest speaker needed no formed organization Razom (Together), spoke passionate- introduction, as Mr. Klitschko has long been familiar to the ly about how each person can make a difference. She Ukrainian community. “We have been rooting for him since explained that over the last few weeks Razom has been he stepped on the world stage at the Atlanta Olympics in instrumental in organizing spontaneous demonstrations

1996… He has continued his winning streak as a profes- Vasyl Lopukh and flash mobs to bring attention to the critical situation in sional boxer. But his impressive career does not stop in the Wladimir Klitschko addresses a community meeting in Ukraine and to garner U.S. support. She added, “Just last ring – he is also a fighter for underprivileged children and a New York on November 3. week we had six protests.” In closing, she urged everyone fighter for democracy in his homeland Ukraine,” Ms Olexy to get involved. said. and good thoughts. You are supporting in any way you Ms. Olexy closed the event with a recap of the UCCA’s To a standing ovation, Mr. Klitschko approached the can.” work over the past few months and its plans for the near podium. He began his remarks by noting that he had not He went on to say that the protests that have continued future. She urged everyone to keep abreast of the commu- come as a politician, but as someone who cares deeply for over two months are “not only because of the associa- nity’s plans and actions by visiting the Facebook pages of about what is happening in Ukraine. He thanked everyone: tion with Europe… today all the activists that are on the the UCCA (https://www.facebook.com/UCCA.org) and “I know how much you are supporting your mother coun- maidan – Euro-Maidans in every corner of our country, the Razom for Ukraine (https://www.facebook.com/ try Ukraine… that a lot of you are sending funds, clothes country we love so much – are demonstrating against the RazomForUkraine). Retired Vitali Klitschko in “the fight of his life”

by Ihor N. Stelmach December 15, 2013, final deadline forced him out of pugi- April 26 at the 12,500-seat Koenig-Pilsener Arena in lism and into politics. Oberhausen, Germany. The IBF has ordered a mandatory The World Boxing Council (WBC) heavyweight champi- The WBC’s Executive Secretary Mauricio Sulaiman defense against Kubrat Pulev (19-0, 10 KO) of Bulgaria. The on Vitali Klitschko, who did not defend his title in 15 offered very heartwarming support for one of Ukraine’s two mandatory fights may take all of 2014, meaning the ear- months, vacated his belt on December 16, 2013. The WBC new political leaders in an official statement: “Vitali liest Klitschko may get a crack at the WBC belt is in 2015. immediately designated him as the organization’s “cham- Klitschko is fighting the fight of his life. This time it is out- It’s a guess regarding which two heavyweight contend- pion emeritus.” If the 42-year-old Klitchko decides to re- side the ring. Vitali is showing the world what is the true ers will fight for Vitali Klitschko’s WBC belt, with the possi- enter the boxing ring, he will automatically earn a chance heart of a champion by leading his countrymen to battle in bilities being American Deontay Wilder (30-0, 30 KO) at the title upon his return, should he so desire. the streets in their search of human equality, rights and against Stiverne instead of American Chris Arreola (36-3, The elder Klitschko brother sounded like he was fin- peace for the great country of Ukraine.” 31 KO) going against Stiverne. The 6-foot-7-inch Wilder would have an excellent shot at winning the crown, setting ished with boxing and more interested in pursuing an Wladimir Klitschko hopes to add WBC title active role in the political unrest in his native Ukraine. up a potential 6-foot-6-inch Wladimir Klitschko against “I want to thank the WBC and its president, Don Jose Wladimir Klitschko has set his sights on becoming the Deontay Wilder in 2015. Sulaiman, for the support in our fight for democracy and undisputed world heavyweight champion by winning the Not everyone in the boxing world is thrilled with the freedom in Ukraine,” Klitschko said in a press release on WBC crown vacated by his older brother, Vitali. The young- idea of Wladimir Klitschko adding another title to his col- December 16, 2013. “It was and is a great honor to hold er Klitschko (61 wins in 64 pro bouts) has a legitimate lection. Potential contenders for the WBC belt could be the WBC title, and I’ve always done it with pride. The offer claim to the WBC belt as he holds the IBF, WBA and WBO waiting years to get an opportunity to fight him for the of the WBC gives me the theoretical possibility to return to titles, looking unbeatable in the heavyweight ring for near- title. How could Klitschko defend against the WBC’s top 15 the boxing ring, which I cannot imagine at all in the current ly a decade. on a timely basis when he would be busy fighting the top state. Right now, my full concentration is on politics in Wladimir Klitschko won his 15th world title defense in 15 contenders from the IBF, WBO and WBA? Too many Ukraine, and I feel the people need me there. My brother his last outing in October 2013 with an impressive compre- sanctioning organizations water down the sport with their [unified heavyweight champion] Wladimir will ensure hensive points victory over previously unbeaten Alexander four different titles, creating a big bottleneck with contend- more sporting success, and I will, as always, support him as Povetkin. Many have suggested the only legitimate threat to ers waiting for significant portions of their careers for a much as he certainly supports me in my political fight.” his domination of the division was his older brother. The deserved title shot. This is actually the second time in his career that Vitali brothers refused to ever fight each other, but Vitali’s deci- Wladimir Klitschko’s potential achievement of owning Klitschko has earned the designation of “champion emeri- sion to walk away from boxing means Wladimir can all four heavyweight title belts would see him facing tus.” When he was suffering with back and knee injuries, become the first heavyweight to hold all four major belts. Wilder, Stiverne or even Arreola for the WBC title in 2015. he vacated the heavyweight title, retiring in 2005. He later “It is, of course, my goal to win the WBC title back for Wladimir will be 38 or 39 years old, possibly too old to beat any of them according to some experts. Okay, possibly. utilized his status to his advantage, when he returned once the Klitschko family,” Wladimir Klitschko told German On the flip side is his tough training regimen, tremendous healthy in 2008 and immediately got a shot at then-title newspaper Bild. physical advantages (height, weight, reach) and unprece- holder Samuel Peter. Klitschko stopped Peter in the eighth There is little hope of him completing the set of four titles dented streak of successes – more than enough ammuni- round of a one-sided bout to regain his title belt. in 2014. Klitschko’s team on February 3 signed the terms to a WBO title defense against Alex Leapai (30-4-3, 24 KO), a tion to suggest he probably would not lose to any of those Klitschko (45-2, 41 KO) has won nine one-sided title Samoan national who resides in Australia, scheduled for up and comers. defenses, the last of which was a fourth-round bloodbath over Manuel Charr in September 2012 in Moscow. This will proba- bly go down as the final fight of a 17-year professional career that will land him in the International Boxing Hall of Fame. Check out the websites of the UNA, The three-time heavyweight titleholder had vacillated over returning to the ring. His long overdue mandatory its newspapers and Soyuzivka! defense against Bermane Stiverne (23-1, 20 KO), a Haitian l national who resides in Canada, was put off multiple times. www.ukrainiannationalassociation.org Klitschko asked the WBC to move back the mandatory www.svoboda-news.com l www.ukrweekly.com l www.soyuzivka.com defense deadline so he could decide his future. The 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2014 No. 7 No. 7 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2014 11 Euromaidan Journalist Collective reports on its work in Kyiv, ongoing projects

by Zoe Ripecky Ukraine, a presentation on the potential implications of an Association Agreement PARMA, Ohio – Saturday, January 4, was with the EU and a Customs Union with cold and blustery in Cleveland, but that eve- Russia, as well as a lively question-and- ning over 150 people turned out for a spe- answer period between the audience and cial presentation at Pokrova Ukrainian members of the group. Catholic Church Hall by the Euromaidan The most interesting and personally Journalist Collective. The hosting group, moving part of the evening, however, was made up of young students and journalists, Mr. Hayda’s and Ms. Krasniansky’s account has been closely following the continuously of their experiences witnessing the protests unfolding events in Ukraine and document- on Kyiv’s maidan. These anecdotes were ing them for an English-speaking audience. accompanied by captivating interviews The members of the collective include: with a variety of participants and footage Julian Hayda, a Chicago-based documenta- from the protests. ry filmmaker and graduate student in digi- The group showed exciting clips of a tal cinema production at DePaul University; clash between the Berkut and the protesters Adriana Krasniansky, a student entrepre- as the sun rose in the background, and inter- neur at Fordham University and former views with animated activists as well as intern representative at the United Nations; prominent scholars such as Prof. Mychailo Margaryta Kulichova, the co-owner of a cul- Wynnycky of the National University of Kyiv tural cooperative, Art Zhurnal, based in Adam Misztal Mohyla Academy, and Ukrainian Catholic Kyiv; Michael Fedynsky, a Fulbright student At the January 4 presentation by the Euromaidan Journalists Collective (from left) are: Bishop Borys Gudziak, eparch of Paris. The in Ukraine in 2012–2013, who works at the Michael Fedynsky, Adriana Krasniansky, Julian Hayda, Seamus Kelleher and Zoe Ripecky. team was even able to conduct a short inter- National Democratic Institute in view with U.S. Sen. John McCain, who visited Washington; Seamus Kelleher, a student at Education Foundation Fellowship to study Euromaidan protests. the protests. The videos sparked both tears The Ohio State University, who was an at the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv. The group aims to complete a documen- and laughter from the viewers, and provided intern with the in 2013, Thanks to donations from various indi- tary with the footage captured, as well as a audience members with a connection to the serving as a parliamentary trainee in the viduals and the Fund to Aid Ukraine of the publication with the working title “Faces of events in Ukraine. Committee on European Integration; Zoe United Ukrainian Organizations of Ohio, Mr. the Maidan,” presenting photo-essays about The Euromaidan Journalists Collective Ripecky, a senior at Vassar College, who is Hayda and Ms. Krasniansky had the life on the Maidan. The EJC owns a website, hopes to continue informing the public writing her undergraduate thesis about gas extraordinary chance to travel to Kyiv dur- projectmaidan.com, which features updates about developments in Ukraine through its relations between Ukraine, the European ing the week of December 9, 2013, within and objective commentary on the continu- website and works in progress, both the Union and Russia, and the issue of gas in 10 days of the first violent police attacks on ing protests and general political climate of documentary and the publication. The domestic Ukrainian politics; and Mykola protesters. Along with Ms. Kulichova, the Ukraine, as well as a Facebook page that group also plans to host more “View from Murskyj, a Ph.D. student at the group’s contact in Kyiv, and with the help of has garnered over 2,800 likes. the Maidan” events. The group accepts Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who the rest of the collective based in the U.S., The program on January 4 included a donations in support of its work via its received the 2009 Ukrainian Catholic the two reported extensively on the review of the political party system in website at www.projectmaidan.com.

mous sources. The measures would be As EU refrains... applied next week within the Kyiv city cen- (Continued from page 1) ter, a portion of which has been occupied by the Euro-Maidan. who viciously beat peaceful protesters, The measures are similar to what would you’re granted amnesty,” commented be imposed under a formal state of emer- Oleksandr Palii, a veteran political observer gency, including restricting the movement and author. of citizens and arrests of those deemed by “That’s justice under Yanukovych, which police to “threaten the safety of citizens,” has made criminal mobs out of the govern- such as people wearing helmets or camou- ment and police, which will have to be flage, carrying flags, or even walking in entirely reformatted just as the German groups. police had to be after the fall of Nazi In preparation for a new wave of repres- Germany. The government has no concept sions with minimal outside help, Euro- of justice or how it might apply to the Maidan Commander Andrii Parubii, also a Ukrainian people,” he added. Batkivshchyna national deputy, launched Another recent example of double stan- the Maidan Self-Defense (Samo-Oborona) dards was the February 11 announcement organization, consisting of brigades (sotni) that three of the six suspects in the beating of 75 to 150 activists. About 12,000 are of Auto-Maidan activist Tetiana Chornovol among its ranks already, he estimated. were released on their own recognizance. Brigades have been formed of Afghan Maidan activists who have been released Zenon Zawada war veterans, nationalist organizations and by police in recent days have testified to Euro-Maidan activists march in central Kyiv in late January demanding sanctions members of political parties. Even a female torture. Oleksander Sydorenko, arrested on from the European Union against Ukrainian leaders. brigade has been formed. Hrushevsky Street on January 21, said his “The [Maidan] Self-Defense defends the head was wrapped with toilet paper and has led to an economic one.” fied Ukrainian officials responsible for the rights and freedoms of citizens and the beaten until it was drenched in blood. He Euro-Maidan activists have been march- violence in November and December. organized resistance to the current regime,” suffered a concussion, bruised chest and ing throughout central Kyiv in recent weeks Myroslava Gongadze of Voice of America Mr. Parubii said on February 11 as he pre- broken rib from his beatings. with banners pleading with the EU to reported that among those denied a travel sented its founding mission statement. “We The government’s terror campaign impose sanctions and headbands with the visa to the U.S. was Party of Regions are going beyond the bounds of the barri- against the Euro-Maidan is likely to gain word, “Help.” Yet the EU Council, which is National Deputy Olena Bondarenko. Yet Ms. cades because the Maidan is all of Ukraine.” new momentum this week after the the EU legislature, decided against sanc- Bondarenko proved the report to be incor- Among the Maidan Self-Defense’s tasks Procurator General’s Office announced on tions at its February 10 meeting. rect when announcing her arrival in the U.S. are to preserve the sovereignty and unity of February 10 that it will pursue harsher “Applying sanctions against Ukraine on February 2. Ukraine, defend Ukraine’s European choice criminal sentences once the deadline for would be incorrect now,” EU Commissioner More recently, the U.S. House of and resist the “acting criminal regime until the so-called “hostage bill” to free the Euro- Jose Manuel Barroso told the Reuters news Representatives passed a resolution on its complete removal.” Maidan territory expires on February 17. agency in an interview published on February 10 raising the possibility of targeted At the 10th “viche” (public gathering) The Internal Affairs Ministry said that February 12. sanctions against those ordering and execut- on the Maidan stage on February 9, former same day it will renew criminal investiga- “The priority should become creating ing violence against demonstrators. (See story Internal Affairs Minister Yurii Lutsenko tions and possibly file charges against at the conditions for a peaceful resolution to on page 3.) The resolution follows two similar called upon as many people as possible to least 400 suspects in offenses related to the the conflict. Now we are in such a phase measures approved by the U.S. Senate. join the Self-Defense sotni “as the best Euro-Maidan protest. that the priority is stability in the country Yet the threat of sanctions has yet to response to the negotiations in the “The ‘amnesty law’ will remain stillborn,” and avoiding violence to begin a serious intimidate the Ukrainian government, Verkhovna Rada.” said Volodymyr Fesenko, the board chair- dialogue between the government and beyond reportedly request- “Today under Parubii’s leadership there man of the Penta Center for Applied Political opposition. At the current phase, other ing that Mr. Yanukovych arrange for cancel- are more than 10,000,” he said from the Research in Kyiv. “So far the government measures could have a negative effect,” Mr. ation of his notorious dictatorship laws. stage. “But there should be 50,000, and offers concessions only when the situation is Barroso said. The Cabinet of Ministers issued a resolu- hundreds of thousands throughout aggravated. Otherwise, it’s killing time. But The U.S. government has been more tion calling for “additional measures to pro- Ukraine. When you go to work, put in your that’s dangerous because there’s a chance of assertive on the sanctions issue, levying its tect the safety of citizens,” reported the trunk a helmet, baseball protection from escalating violence and the political crisis first round on January 22 against unidenti- zn.ua website on February 11, citing anony- the Berkut [police] and warm shoes.” 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2014 No. 7

ous human rights committees in cities with Republicans and Democrats – has contin- congressional support, since independence, Ukraine in the U.S. ... Ukrainian populations across the U.S. ued to be quite active and supportive. And there are many NGOs with involvement in Also, offices such as the UCCA’s it’s important to underscore that this bipar- Ukraine such as the International (Continued from page 8) Ukrainian National Information Service tisanship on Ukraine also existed before Republican Institute (IRI) and the National And the interest went well beyond the (UNIS), the World Congress of Free independence. Democratic Institute (NDI), the U.S-Ukraine Helsinki Commission, and the issues went Ukrainians (WCFU) Human Rights bureau Business Council (USUBC) and American Post-independence beyond the political prisoners or condem- and, during the critical years of 1988-1994 Jewish organizations, notably NCSJ, that nations of human rights violations. The – the lead-up and immediate aftermath of Since independence, we have seen legis- encourage Congressional support for 1980s saw Holodomor resolutions in con- independence – the UNA’s Washington lation, hearings and briefings, direct meet- democracy and rule of law in Ukraine. nection with the 50th anniversary (1983) Office in particular, as well as Committees ings with Ukrainian legislators and officials, Why congressional interest? Yes, there and very significantly, the creation of the in Support of Rukh and Ukraine 2000 especially the Ukrainian Embassy in were constituent politics, where congress- Commission on the Ukraine Famine, which played vital roles. Washington, and visits to Ukraine by mem- men and senators responded to Ukrainian did much to study and publicize this hither- A key factor in the Ukrainian communi- bers of Congress. The drivers of most of American voters, but there have also been to largely unknown genocide. Efforts of the ty’s lobbying was the presence of individu- the activity are the Helsinki Commission, many congressmen who had hardly any Helsinki Commission and many others in als like Robert and Nadia McConnell, who the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus, the Ukrainian-American voters yet, for various Congress – especially members of the Ad had close relationships with many in Senate Foreign Relations Committee and reasons, believed in the idea of an indepen- Hoc Committee on the Baltics and Ukraine – Congress, or Chicago Ukrainian community the House Foreign Affairs Committee. dent, free, democratic Ukraine in which focused on the plight of the suppressed leader Julian Kulas, given his long-time role This includes hearings on the political sit- human rights were respected, especially in Ukrainian Catholic Church, calling for its in Democratic politics, or Eugene Iwanciw uation in Ukraine; legislation authorizing the light of Ukraine’s tragic 20th century history. legalization, especially in connection with a of the UNA. Or, for that matter, jumping back establishment of the Holodomor Memorial So, to conclude, I want to reinforce resolution on the Millennium of Christianity to 1917, it didn’t hurt that Rep. Hamill’s and Permanent Normal Trade Relations something I mentioned at the beginning, in Kyivan Rus’-Ukraine, as well as on the friend, William Kerns, happened to be the with Ukraine (lifting restrictive Jackson- which is the over-arching theme of 1986 Chornobyl disaster, also brought con- lawyer for the Ukrainian Catholic diocese. Vanik trade provisions), resolutions calling Congressional activity can be boiled down siderable congressional attention to The bottom line was that the Ukrainian for Ukraine joining the NATO Membership to the word “FREEDOM.” National rights, Ukraine, with resolutions and hearings. American community was especially Action Plan, resolutions congratulating human rights, human dignity, democracy – Sometimes too, congressional efforts engaged during those years, and without it Ukraine for democratic successes, but also all are intimately linked and what lies at were geared toward our own government – there would not have been all the consider- many calling for free and fair elections and their core is the notion of freedom. e.g., encouraging the State Department to able activity that took place in Congress, raising human rights or democratic deficits – Whether it be Captive Nations, with its raise individual cases or human rights especially in the pre-independence era. especially in the late Kuchma period and in emphasis on freedom for nations; freedom issues with the Soviets, or calling for the Keep in mind that prior to independence, the last few years given the democratic back- for religious institutions, such as the establishment of a U.S. Consulate in Kyiv many Americans were ignorant of Ukraine, sliding, recent resolutions calling for Yulia Ukrainian Catholic and Autocephalous (with the purpose of reducing Ukraine’s often confusing Ukrainians with Russians Tymoshenko’s release. Orthodox Churches; calling for individual international isolation). There was also or conflating Russia and the Soviet Union. The current situation in Ukraine is get- freedoms, including the myriad activity on much congressional unhappiness with the So Ukraine, with the exception of ting Congressional attention, including two behalf of Ukrainian political prisoners; leg- 1985 denial of U.S. asylum to Ukrainian Congress, was largely a terra-incognita on statements/press releases by Helsinki islation and resolutions on the Holodomor seaman Myroslav Medvid, who jumped a the overall political landscape in the U.S. The Commission Chairman Sen. Ben Cardin – focusing as they did on this most cruel Soviet ship near New Orleans. executive branch paid relatively little atten- (D-Md.) – the most recent one calling for deprivation of freedom, death by starva- Many of these activities were initiated or tion, as Ukraine was essentially a colony and consideration of targeted sanctions against tion. This also applies to the Nunn-Lugar abetted by especially active lobbying cam- the focus was, not surprisingly, on the capital officials responsible for human rights abus- and NATO legislation, designed to enhance paigns not just by community organiza- – on Moscow and not on the “periphery.” es. Regarding resolutions, hearings or Ukraine’s security freedom; or PNTR, to tions like UCCA, the Ukrainian National (This is not to say that Ukraine was com- Congressional statements that sometimes strengthen economic freedoms; or the Association (UNA) and the Ukrainian pletely ignored and there certainly were peo- criticize the actions of the Ukrainian author- numerous hearings, briefings, statements National Women’s League of America ple, such as Paula Dobriansky and Roman ities, I want to underscore the following. on the state of democracy, human rights (UNWLA), but also by numerous grass- Popadiuk, who were strong advocates for Often in Washington, both within and out- and rule of law in Ukraine. These efforts are roots groups of community activists who Ukraine within the executive branch.) side of Congress, the biggest critics are all about expanding the scope of freedom, would pepper their congressmen and sena- This relative lack of attention, of course, Ukraine’s best friends – people who genu- in enhancing the rights and freedoms of the tors with phone calls, letters, face-to-face changed dramatically following indepen- inely care about the country and want it to Ukrainian people. meetings, faxes — mind you, this was dence and the establishment of formal rela- succeed as a thriving European democracy. There are different threads, different before the days of the Internet. These tions with an independent Ukrainian state. There have also been important pieces currents, but the unifying theme is free- groups included Americans for Human At that point, quite logically, the executive of legislation like the Nunn-Lugar Act, dom. The fact of the matter is that the U.S. Rights in Ukraine (AHRU), the branch/State Department, with the U.S. which has provided $1.3 billion to help Congress over the course of the last centu- Philadelphia-based Human Rights for Embassy in Kyiv, took the lead on Ukraine safeguard and dismantle weapons of mass ry has been in the forefront of defending Ukraine Committee, Smoloskyp and vari- policy, although Congress – both destruction, and numerous broader appro- and promoting both freedom for Ukraine priations bills that have provided more and freedom in Ukraine. than $5 billion in bilateral assistance to Ukraine over the last two decades – clearly A postscript: Underscoring the theme of much of this designed to assist Ukraine in Congressional support for Ukraine, since I becoming a more secure, democratic, more delivered these remarks on December 12, Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Chris TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL WALTER HONCHARYK (973) 292-9800 x3040 prosperous, safer and healthier country. or e-mail [email protected] Sometimes Congress has appropriated Murphy (D-Conn.) visited Kyiv and spoke to additional funding for Ukraine beyond the the Maidan, a resolution has passed the U.S. administration’s request, or supported the Senate, a hearing has been held by the Senate SERVICES PROFESSIONALS work of specific organizations, such as the Foreign Relations Committee, a resolution in U.S.-Ukraine Foundation. the House has been approved by the House As opposed to the pre-independence era, Foreign Affairs Committee, and numerous when the Ukrainian American community statements have been made by members of was almost exclusively the outside driver of the Senate and House of Representatives.

tions, meet people and transmit truth Patriarchs... about Ukraine and the situation in (Continued from page 1) Ukraine,” was how he described the Prayer Breakfast and his talks here in an interview happening. And that is why he and the other with the Voice of America. leaders are appealing to Washington and “And everyone who has power in the the European Union to help stop Moscow’s state is supposed to be a servant, to serve interference in Ukraine’s affairs so that it his own people,” he added. “And I think that can become associated with the EU. for those politicians from Ukraine who Moscow’s biggest fear is a successful dem- were present, it was a good lecture.” ocratic revolution in Ukraine, which then may On February 9, he also shared his views about what was happening in Ukraine dur- spread into Russia itself. “They were afraid of ing and after the Sunday service with the , and the more so this parishioners of the Ukrainian Catholic revolution,” the patriarch said. National Shrine of the Holy Family. There, Among those present at Patriarch he underscored the critical importance of Filaret’s briefing at the U.S-Ukraine the will of the Ukrainian people, as demon- OPPORTUNITIES Foundation were two former U.S. ambassa- strated by the Maidan movement, to pre- dors to Ukraine, Roman Popadiuk and vail — not only in determining their future William Green Miller. but for global peace in general. EARN EXTRA INCOME! Ukrainian Catholic Patriarch Sviatoslav During a brief reception after liturgy, The Ukrainian Weekly is looking also used the occasion of his visit as an when asked what the Ukrainian American for advertising sales agents. opportunity to focus attention on what is community can do, Patriarch Sviatoslav For additional information contact going on in Ukraine. was quick to underscore the importance of Walter Honcharyk, Advertising Manager, “It was a great possibility, not only to unified action and cohesion within and The Ukrainian Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext 3040. represent Ukraine, but also make connec- among the Churches in this matter. No. 7 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2014 13

in a meaningful process,” Mr. Burkhalter NEWSBRIEFS said. In the meeting with Mr. Yanukovych, We announce with deep sadness that (Continued from page 2) which took place on the sidelines of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics during the morning of Tuesday, January 21, 2014, beloved wife, sister-in-law, aunt, cousin bringing Ukraine back on a sustainable in Sochi on February 7, Mr. Burkhalter path of reforms,” the document adopted in underlined the expertise of the OSCE in Brussels reads. “The council is alarmed by assisting measures towards a peaceful way the human rights situation, including vio- out of the crisis. (OSCE) lence, cases of missing persons, torture and ABA statement on unrest in Ukraine intimidation and deplores the deaths and injuries sustained on all sides. The council CHICAGO – In a statement posted on calls on all actors to refrain from violence February 6, President Jim Silkenat of the and dissociate themselves from radical American Bar Association said the ABA “is actions. The authorities should undertake deeply concerned about the situation of all necessary measures to respect and pro- unrest in Ukraine and credible reports of tect the Ukrainian citizens’ fundamental the excessive use of force by law enforce- rights. Any demonstrations should be pur- ment authorities against protestors, as well sued by peaceful means.” The EU ministers as violence committed by protesters. The urged Ukraine’s authorities to duly investi- ABA urges an end to the violence on all Teodozia Lastowecky gate all acts of violence in a transparent sides and respect for the rule of law.” The passed peacefully from this world. and impartial manner and bring the perpe- ABA asked for “continued peaceful dialogue between the government and the opposi- Born Teodozia Turczan in Buchach, Ukraine, during the height of the trators to justice. “The current atmosphere Second World War, Dozia immigrated to the United States and came to of impunity which allows for such acts to tion to bring about a swift resolution to the crisis,” but added that it is “troubled by New York as a child with her parents, brothers and sister in May 1950. take place must be addressed. The EU also She remained a resident of the city her entire life, a vibrant member of our encourages the government of Ukraine to reports that some citizens who have voiced opposition remain imprisoned or missing. community. With her lovely alto, she was one of the original members of appoint its member of the Council of the Ukrainian Chorus Dumka in New York, which was established in 1959, Europe Investigation Advisory Panel with- We will follow the trials of those charged with crimes associated with recent events not missing a practice in more than 50 years. She also performed with out delay,” the document reads. The EU with the hope and expectation that they Dumka’s women’s a capella ensemble, as well as with the choir in honor Foreign Affairs Council also said it “empha- receive fair trials in keeping with the rule of of Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytski, under the direction of Roman Levitsky. sizes the right of all sovereign states to law.” With nearly 400,000 judges, lawyers For decades, Dozia sang in the St. George Ukrainian Catholic Church choir make their own foreign policy decisions and associate members from around the in New York. Their mutual love of music is one of the passions that Dozia without undue external pressure.” globe, the ABA is the largest voluntary pro- shared with her husband of 36 years, Andrew. (Ukrinform) fessional membership organization in the Andrew and Dozia met through their work with the scouting organization Court rejects a Tymoshenko appeal world. (www.americanbar.org.) Plast, another passion they shared. In New York City, she served as a scout leader in many capacities, including with young members of Plast KYIV – A Ukrainian court on February Nuland: Glazyev statement is fiction - novatstvo, for whom she helped organize memorable masquerade 11 rejected an appeal by jailed former KYIV – U.S. Assistant Secretary of State parties and outings, then with older girls - yunatstvo, and then with the Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko to ease Victoria Nuland on February 7 described chapter council leadership. From the 1970s through the 1990s, Dozia her detention conditions. Lawyers for Ms. as science fiction a statement made by traveled most weekends with Andrew and frequently entire summers Tymoshenko applied to the court in Russian presidential aide Sergei Glazyev to the Plast campground Vovcha Tropa in East Chatham, New York. She Kharkiv, where she is being held mostly in that militants are being trained and armed dedicated countless hours to the organization and the administration of a prison hospital, to allow her to use a on the territory of the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv summer camps, the springtime Sviato Vesny in May, often ending the day mobile phone, have more visitors and take and then are engaged in clashes with the by lending her wonderful voice to leading songs around the campfires – walks around the town. (RFE/RL, based on authorities in Ukraine. Mr. Glazyev also her beloved vatry. A longtime member of the Plast sorority Pershi Stezhi reporting by AFP and AP) claimed that Americans spend $20 million (First Pathways), Dozia participated in leading the cultural tours for young women, Stezhky Kultury, to Rome and Greece. OSCE chair speaks with Yanukovych a week to finance arms, the opposition and protesters in Ukraine. Speaking at a brief- After graduating college, Dozia worked with the Beekman Downtown SOCHI, Russia – Didier Burkhalter, Swiss ing in Kyiv, Ms. Nuland said the U.S. is con- Hospital (later known as NYU Downtown Hospital) for more than four foreign affairs minister and OSCE chairper- ducting a very transparent policy towards decades in the microbiology laboratory. After her retirement, she continued son-in-office, discussed with President Ukraine. She added that the U.S. and Russia to dedicate herself to working with youth and to her singing. To those who Viktor Yanukovych of Ukraine, the situation were discussing the situation in Ukraine in knew Dozia, she will be long remembered for her loving generosity and in the country and confirmed the readiness a friendly manner. During these conversa- committed friendship. of the OSCE to assist Ukraine in the settle- tions, Ms. Nuland said, the U.S. emphasizes Eternal Memory! ment of the crisis. “I emphasized the a common interest in Ukraine’s prosperity. importance of the engagement of all sides (Ukrinform) In sorrow, she leaves behind Husband - Andrew W. Lastowecky Brother-in-law - Jakiw Palij has been engaged in a wide variety of train- Cousin - Bronislawa Miretska and daughter Maria Hryciw “Political”... ing and education programs in Ukraine. He (Buchach, Ukraine) (Continued from page 7) has been very active with an organization Nephews - Nestor Turczan with wife Linda and sons Nathan, known as the Minor Academy of Sciences Lachlan, Dylan; Paul Turczan; Mark Turczan with the funds go to the cooperating Ukrainian of Ukraine (MASU), which is comprised of wife Debbie; Daniel Turczan with wife Katrina and promising young researchers in Ukraine in scientists. U.S. government researchers daughter Lida many different fields of science and tech- contribute their technical services and Nieces - Diana Turczan Petryk with husband Don; Katherine nology. ANL and MASU have an agreement know-how out of their respective agency Turczan with husband Brad Lipets and son Lucien to cooperate on science, technology, engi- budgets. Turczan Lipets neering and mathematics education. So the benefit for Ukrainian scientists is Nephew - Oleh Kovalsky with wife Orysia (Buchach, Ukraine) Dr. Bodnar will be bringing teams of two-fold: they receive funding for innova- Nieces - Orysia Kovalska with husband Ihor (Buchach, Ukraine science teachers to ANL to work tive projects that they develop in-country, Ukraine); Iryna Kovalsky Bucha with husband Denys on training modules for advanced scientific and daughter Solomika and simultaneously are guaranteed access research, such as, for example, nano-mate- to U.S. scientists, laboratories and technolo- Nephew - Michael Paslawskyj with wife Iliana and son Bohdan rials, structural biology, nuclear power, Nieces - Maria Paslawskyj Hillyer with husband Michael; Olha gies in associated technical fields. Many sci- energy storage, renewable energy sources. entific papers are co-authored and pub- Paslawskyj-Paluch with husband Ihor and daughter Dr. Bodnar is also working on collaborative Anastasia lished in Western journals. Thus, the dis- projects with Ukrainian scientists to devel- persion of scientific knowledge is accelerat- Members of husband’s family, including Bohdan and Lydia op low-cost cancer imaging equipment. Paslawskyj; Nora Wiczkowsky Skiff with children and grandchildren; ed through such programs and exchanges. ANL scientists are planning to visit One such active proponent of Lyuba Lastowecky with children and grandchildren (Lviv, Ukraine), Ukraine early this year to explore the possi- the Padoch, Hadzewycz and Czechowsky families U.S.-Ukraine S&T exchanges, who clearly bility of clinical trials studies using capabil- stands out among his Ukrainian American ities and expertise of the Kharkiv Institute The memorial service was held on Friday, January 24, at Peter Jarema peers in the U.S., is Dr. Ihor Bodnar, who is a of Physics and Technology (KIPT). They Funeral Home in New York City followed by liturgy at St. George Ukrainian program manager at Argonne National will also be conducting a Nuclear Medicine Catholic Church on Saturday, January 25. Later that day, Theodozia was laid Labs (ANL), located near Chicago. Through Workshop in Ukraine in April to develop a to rest with the Lord at Holy Spirit Cemetery in Hamptonburg, New York. the U.S.-Ukraine S&T agreement that was program on nuclear medicine post-gradu- We ask for your prayers. Those desiring to make donations in memory signed in 2006, Dr. Bodnar has initiated ate training program in Ukraine followed of Dozia are asked to consider your favorite charity. Please do not forget numerous valuable bilateral projects that by pilot training programs jointly imple- the Ukrainian Chorus Dumka. have assisted countless researchers in mented by the National University of Kyiv Ukraine. Aside from his basic research Mohyla Academy and Argonne National A liturgy will be held for Dozia on March 8, 2014, on the 40th day after her projects related to nuclear safety and safe Laboratory. All this is jeopardized by Mr. death, at 6pm at the Ukrainian Catholic Church of St. George in New York. disposal of nuclear materials, Dr. Bodnar Yanukovych’s decision to shun the EU. 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2014 No. 7

the resignation of Prime Minister Mykola First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov Qaeda and the Nazis. The same report calls Clampdown... Azarov, while the Ukrainian Parliament insisted that Moscow must first wait and see Russia “weak,” accuses Moscow of indeci- (Continued from page 2) recalled a package of draconian laws the composition of the new Ukrainian gov- siveness, and underscores that the rumors severely curtailing democracy and civil ernment before disbursing more aid. Prime of the “Russian spetsnaz [special forces] eral outpost run by , homosexuals and rights, approved during a highly controver- Minister Dmitry Medvedev supported Mr. landing from planes near Kyiv” are untrue. “insects” (http://www.kp.ru/daily/26186.5/ sial vote on January 16 (see Eurasia Daily Shuvalov: “We had specific agreements with “By acting in an unfaltering manner, Russia 3074644/). This propaganda tempest may Monitor, January 28). The overall political Azarov that must be honored.” Mr. could create on its borders a totally friendly eventually subside, but it is increasingly crisis in Ukraine is in no way resolved, but Medvedev complained that Kyiv is not state, by sending western Ukraine to go its connected to the political crisis in Kyiv. In a in Moscow even limited concessions made repaying its debt for previous gas shipments own way.” Pro-Russian Ukrainians in the pre-recorded (and edited) primetime panel by Mr. Yanukovych are seen as a dangerous and not fully paying for newly pumped gas, East and South of Ukraine are Russia’s real discussion of the situation in Ukraine on the surrender (http://www.kommersant.ru/ despite receiving Russian loan money. “compatriots,” while people from Central main Russian state TV channel Rossya 1, it doc/2394428). Apparently Mr. Putin Asia are not (http://www.kp.ru/ was clamed that Dozhd and other Russia Mr. Putin has been The possibility of the supported a wait-and- print/26186.5/3074717/). liberal news outlets “are the leaders of a publicly downplaying see attitude promoted Mr. Putin is increasingly under pressure fifth column that is preparing a Kyiv-style the significance of the opposition succeed- by Messrs. Medvedev internally to intervene in Ukraine to defeat ‘Maidan’ revolution in Moscow,” financed by dismissal of Mr. ing in altering the and Shuvalov (http:// what is seen as the U.S.-led conspiracy. And Russian enemies in the West (http://russia. Azarov and his gov- balance of power in www.interfax.ru/ if the entirety of Ukraine cannot be sal- tv/video/show/brand_id/ 21385/episode_ ernment. Last month, print.asp?sec= vaged, the Russian president is being id/962492/video_id /965157#). Mr. Putin promised Kyiv has been caus- 1447&id= 354645). pressed to carve out and annex (integrate) The possibility of the opposition suc- Mr. Yanukovych to cut ing a hysterical re- Mr. Putin’s cautious the east and south of the divided nation. ceeding in altering the balance of power in the price Ukraine pays action in Moscow. response to the latest The same reactionaries, nationalists and Kyiv has been causing a hysterical reaction for Russian natural developments in imperial revisionists who supported Putin in Moscow: Revisionists who want to gas and to provide Kyiv with $15 billion in Ukraine seems to be splitting his power by opposing pro-democracy protests in restore a Russian or Soviet empire, nation- emergency loans. The first $3 billion was base, as nationalists and revisionists desper- 2011 and 2012 in Moscow and are now alists, as well as anti-gay, anti-Western and provided in December 2013 by the Russian ately call for a more aggressive, intervention- leading an assault on Dozhd and other left- anti-liberal reactionaries – who have government buying a special issue of ist policy. Mr. Yanukovych is described in overs of free speech, are demanding action in Ukraine. Mr. Putin may be increasingly in formed Putin’s main ideological and politi- Ukrainian Eurobonds. Mr. Putin later Moscow as a weakling and a proxy of the conflict with his radicalized powerbase and cal powerbase – see the recent events in stressed these agreements still hold despite United States, who takes direct orders from may be forced to radicalize himself in inter- Kyiv as catastrophic and have been given the resignation of Mr. Azarov, but he also Washington (http://regnum.ru/news/ nal and external political decision-making. primetime access to air their frustration. hinted there were political strings attached polit/1760124.html). At the end of January 28, Ukrainian to Russian aid. Kyiv wanted Moscow to dis- Komsomolskaya Pravda reports from The article above is reprinted from President Viktor Yanukovych made some burse $2 billion more of the promised credit Kyiv that the local U.S. Embassy is directly Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from concessions in an apparent attempt to end before the end of January. During a Cabinet paying cash in dollars to opposition street its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, the mass protests in Ukraine by accepting meeting in Moscow chaired by Mr. Putin, activists, whom the paper compares to al- www.jamestown.org.

UNA BRANCH 37 ANNUAL MEETING Saturday, March 1, 2014 UNA BRANCH 133 ANNUAL MEETING Sunday, March 2, 2014 UNA Branch 37 will hold its annual meeting on Saturday, March 1, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. in the Chornomorska Sitch’s room at the Cranford, NJ. - Th e annual meeting of UNA Br. 133 will be held on Sunday, Ukrainian-American Cultural Center, 60-C N. Jeff erson Rd. Whippany NJ. March 2, 2014, at 3:00 p.m. at 5 Wade Ave, Cranford, NJ. Meeting agenda will include election of a delegate to UNA’s 38th At the meeting a delegate will be elected to the 38th UNA Convention. Convention. For more information please call Oksana Stanko, Branch Secretary, at For more information please call Michael Bohdan, Branch Secretary, at 908-872-2192 or 800-253-9862 х 3039. 908-272-2569. No. 7 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2014 15 BOOK REVIEW: Autobiographical novel by Ukrainian American physician

by the Rev. Myron Panchuk Once “caught in the current,” there is no turning back, no ability to muster enough “Caught in the Current” by Daniel strength or energy to resist the call of a Hryhorczuk. Minneapolis: Langdon Street journey, which for Alec is nothing less than Press, 2013. ISBN: 978-1-62652-268-8. 294 the archetypal hero’s quest. pages. The eminent American mythologist Joseph Campbell outlined the classic fea- If you find yourself glued to your com- tures of the hero’s quest by noting that puter screen following an endless stream although this journey begins in the ordi- of images of the Euro-Maidan in Kyiv, or nary world, strange encounters and coinci- you’re battling a growing sense of holiday dental events take place which initiate a angst and trying to figure out to deal with descent into the underworld. Alec’s exis- interpersonal family dynamics, I highly rec- tential conundrum of personal identity sets ommend that you take a break, sit down in the tone for an invitation to join a school a comfortable armchair and start reading trip to the Soviet Union, which is followed Daniel Hryhorczuk’s recently published by an incidental conversation with a mem- novel “Caught in the Current.” ber of his Ukrainian Scout Organization’s This autobiographical fiction is based on group identified as “The Brotherhood,” and the author’s own visit to Ukraine during a meeting in a dark smoke-filled room with the summer of 1970, and is truly an engag- a stranger who tasks him with meeting ing read. I could not put the book down. I Ukrainian dissidents. According to the psy- was gripped by the questions of my own chologist Carl Jung, such moments in life Ukrainian National Museum youth, which revolved around the ambiva- are not accidental or coincidental. They are The author Dr. Danylo Hryhorczuk. lence of ethnic identity. The narrative also the so-called synchronicities that knock at catalyzed memories of student activism, the door of our consciousness and invite us hidden in the recesses of this work. The final phase of the hero’s journey is Plast and a need to do everything I could to to integrate personal fragmentation if we Hryhorczuk wisely contrasts the drowning to exit the underworld with a new outlook help my fellow Ukrainians liberate them- are willing to do so. Alec bravely accepts of a childhood friend in the lagoon of on life and felt sense of personal integra- selves from Russian imperialism. the invitation and call and walks into the Chicago’s Humboldt Park with rusalky and tion. The beauty of the genre of autobio- The novel’s protagonist, Alec, is con- metaphorical dark forest of Soviet intrigue memorial services at cemeteries during graphical fiction is its ability to weave one’s fronted with the fluid, and confusing, and repression. Zeleni Sviata with a ritual plunge into the personal story with mythic meaning. This aspects of his own personal identification. The hero leaves the ordinary world and sacred waters of the Dnipro River. also presents the reader with an opportu- When asked to join a student protest descends into the unknown and the unpre- Symbolically, the element of water embrac- nity to also own many aspects of the narra- against the Vietnam War at Northwestern dictable. The purpose of this review is not es the duality and ambivalence of death tive. Dr. Hryhorczuk’s story becomes our University he responds that his roots are to give away the plot, but to invite potential and of life. A fundamental tenet of Jungian shared tale of personal ambivalence, fear elsewhere and that he is more anti-Soviet readers to accompany the novel’s protago- theory is the necessity of maintaining the and love, loss and hope, and of that strange than anti-establishment. The title of the nist on his journey of intrigue, secret tension between oppositional realities and communal experience of being caught in novel hints at this ambivalence of identity encounters, strange meetings, arrest, pros- forces in order to achieve personal tran- multiple currents which unite us and dis- and nudges the sympathetic reader to ecution, and flight from KGB agents. The scendence and growth. The plot, character tance us from a homeland of mythic battles reflect upon how all of us are “caught” in a quick-paced, action-packed narrative development and peppering of symbols and centuries-old conflicts. historical moment and a current of existen- morphs what could have been the norma- achieve this in an artistic manner. tial realities over which we have no control. tive “what did you do during your summer Dr. Hryhorczuk’s talent as a writer of fic- The Rev. Myron Panchuk is a priest of the vacation” story into a literary work that tion will hopefully continue to delight us Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Nicholas in decenters Ukrainian literature from folksy for many years. “Caught in the Current” is Chicago, a doctoral student in depth psy- stereotypes and blasé plotlines. And, of his first novel after a lifelong career in chology at Pacifica Graduate Institute and course, Alec leaves the love of his life at the medical research. author of the blog virtualborscht.com. moment he departs for his archetypal descent into hell, only to be reunited with her once he exits from his place of treach- ery and evil. There are many interpretative lenses that can be utilized for interpreting an artistically crafted literary works. But, a Jungian approach is particularly well suit- ed for “Caught in the Current” In addition to the protagonist’s mythic quest for mean- ing and identity, the symbolism of water is The author signs books. one of a number of other gems which shine

KLK Cordially Invites Members, Family & Friends To Our Annual KLK Winter Ski Races Date: Saturday, March 1, 2014 Place: HUNTER MOUNTAIN , NY Registration: 8:00 AM - 9:30 a.m. Ski Lodge

Lift Tickets and Races: Adults $60.00 Seniors (65 & up) $45.00 Young Adults (13-18) $50.00 Juniors 7-12 $35.00 Toddlers 6 & under $15.00 Race Tickets only : Adults & Seniors $14.00 Children 2-14 FREE Lift Ticket only: Adults $50.00 Young Adults $45.00 Seniors $45.00 Juniors $35.00 Toddlers $10.00 Races begin at approximately 10:00 a.m. Opening Ceremony 9:45 a.m. UNA BRANCH 171 ANNUAL MEETING Sunday, March 2, 2014 Dinner and Awards Ceremony: Please wear your Ukrainian embroidered shirts & blouse Bayonne, NJ. - Th e annual meeting of UNA Br. 171 will be held on Sunday, Hunter Ski Lodge Time: 6:30 p.m. March 2, 2014, at 11:00 a.m. at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church, 30 E 25th Street, Bayonne, NJ 07002. Adults: $45.00 Children ages 14 & under Free if accompanied by an adult At the meeting delegates will be elected to the 38th UNA Convention. Please visit our website@ www.klkusa.com to access registration forms. For more information please contact [email protected] For more information please contact Steven Woch, Branch Secretary. 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2014 No. 7

COMMUNITY CHRONICLE New York community welcomes new rector of UCU UCEF design, and the Rev. Prach is credited with ly, and devote their lives to building a more training over 800 new priests for success- humane, spiritually uplifting society.” NEW YORK – The 10th annual fund-rais- ful ordination. In addition to the Rev. Prach, the pro- ing banquet in support of the Ukrainian “We are very pleased to see that UCU gram also featured UCU Vice-Rector for Catholic University held by the New York finds itself in such capable hands,” Mr. University Mission Myroslav Marynovych. Friends of UCU Committee was the first Lencyk said at the benefit banquet held on A former political prisoner who spent opportunity for many UCU supporters and November 3, 2013. “It is obvious that, seven years in one of the harshest prison benefactors to meet the new rector of the together with Bishop Borys Gudziak, camps in the Soviet gulag, Prof. university, the Rev. Bohdan Prach, Ph.D. Father Prach will be able to lead UCU into Marynovych thanked the audience for “Many of us had come to know Father the future for the greater glory of God and believing in the mission of UCU, for offering Bohdan Prach in the late 1980s when he for the good of mankind.” such generous donations and for their served as assistant pastor for several The Rev. Prach concelebrated divine lit- active participation in the development of Ukrainian Catholic parishes in the urgy at St. George Ukrainian Catholic the university. Stamford Eparchy,” said Andrew Lencyk, Church together with its pastor, the Rev. The audience also enjoyed video greet- the chair of the New York Friends of UCU Bernard Panczuk. ings from Patriarch Sviatoslav and from Committee, and a member of the board of During the subsequent banquet, he Bishop Borys Gudziak, president of UCU, directors for the Ukrainian Catholic shared his vision for UCU’s expansion. both of whom highlighted Father Prach’s Education Foundation (UCEF). “Over the “Beyond the importance of new buildings many organizational skills, prodigious years, we have had the opportunity to fol- and a strong faculty, we feel the urgent energy and competency. low his accomplishments as the rector of need to help this generation of young The organizers also presented a Holy Spirit Seminary in Lviv.” The Rev. Ukrainians develop a new way of thinking, 12-minute documentary film by Petro Prach was the chief administrator who to overcome the crippling effects of the old Didula titled “Velykoho Bazhaite” (“Yearn supervised the construction of the new Soviet mentality,” said the Rev. Prach. “We for Great Things”), highlighting just some Holy Spirit Seminary on the Khutorivka need to train these young people to think The Ukrainian Catholic University’s of the dramatic developments that Campus. The seminary received national for themselves, to strengthen their ability newly elected rector, the Rev. Dr. Bohdan awards for its innovative architectural to act boldly and ethically, to think critical- Prach, speaks in New York. (Continued on page 17) UACCNJ events commemorate St. Basil Academy appoints 80th anniversary of Holodomor its first lay principal FOX CHASE MANOR, Pa. – Sister Dorothy Ann Busowski, OSBM, Provincial Superior of the Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great, Jesus Lover of Humanity Province, and the members of the St. Basil Academy Board of Trustees announced the appointment of the school’s first lay princi- pal, Theresa Ryan-Szott. The position had been held since September 2013 by Helen Chaykowsky, an SBA alumna recently retired from the sec- ondary school system of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The new administration began February 4. Historically, the position of principal has been held by a member of the Order of the Sisters of St. Basil the Great. Selecting a qual- ified person to carry on the mission of edu- cating young women at the academy estab- lished by the Basilian Sisters in Fox Chase Theresa Ryan-Szott, the newly appointed Prof. Ray Gamache (right), author of “Gareth Jones, Eyewitness to the Holodomor,” Manor, Pa., in 1931, required an extensive principal of St. Basil Academy. and Nigel Linsan Colley (center), grandnephew of Gareth Jones, with Michael search and deliberation by the Trustees. Koziupa, who emceed their presentation at the Ukrainian American Cultural Center Mrs. Ryan-Szott, a native Philadelphian, Ryan-Szott was the director of secondary of . was educated in the elementary and sec- personnel, Office of Catholic Education of ondary schools of the Archdiocese of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. by Michael Koziupa sored by the U.S. Holodomor Education Philadelphia. She graduated cum laude In her new capacity as principal of SBA, Committee, who read her essay about the from Wheeling Jesuit University with Mrs. Ryan-Szott said she hopes “to carry on WHIPPANY, N.J. – The month of Holodomor and Jones. degrees in theology and history and the educational mission and spirituality of November at the Ukrainian American Nigel Linsan Colley, grandnephew of obtained a master of arts in religious stud- the Sisters of St. Basil and the teachings of Cultural Center of New Jersey (UACCNJ) Jones, presented a TV documentary shown ies from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary the Church and to academically prepare was dedicated to commemorations of the on BBC4 in the United Kingdom titled and a master of arts in educational leader- [our] daughters to make a difference in the 80th anniversary of the Holodomor of “Hitler, Stalin and Mr. Jones.” ship from St. Joseph University. world. We are a faith-based school that 1932-1933 in Ukraine. He was followed by Prof. Ray Gamache, Her early academic experience includes educates the whole person, providing an On Sunday, November 10, the Ukrainian author of “Gareth Jones, Eyewitness to the teaching in New York City and New Jersey atmosphere that is academically challeng- Congress Committee of America (UCCA), Holodomor,” the first scholarly study of Catholic high schools and then in the ing, spiritually nourishing and socially Morris County Branch, and the Arts, Jones. Prof. Gamache donated all monies Philadelphia Archdiocese as department enriching. An all-girls school such as St. Culture and Education Committee at the from the sale of his book to the UACCNJ. chairperson and teacher at Archbishop Basil’s provides a setting for growth, UACCNJ presented speakers about the At noon on November 16, 2013, the Ryan High School. empowerment and the opportunity to form Welsh journalist Gareth Jones, one of the UCCA Morris County, NJ Branch presented Her administrative assignments have women leaders in accord with the teach- few journalists of the 1930s who actually the educational version of producer/direc- included serving as assistant principal for ings of Jesus and the Church.” visited Ukraine during the Famine- tor Yuriy Luhovy’s documentary film academic affairs, John W. Hallahan Catholic As the school’s new administrator, Mrs. Genocide and walked the countryside, “Genocide Revealed” to the older children Girls High School; assistant principal for Ryan-Szott will be entrusted to carry out talked to the people, saw the horrific con- (sixth grade and up) and parents of the student services, Kennedy-Kenrick Catholic the five-year Strategic Plan recently devel- ditions and wrote about this in newspa- Lesia Ukrainka School of Ukrainian High School; and assistant principal for stu- oped with the expertise and guidance of pers. Studies. Mr. Koziupa introduced the film dent services, Conwell-Egan Catholic High Meitler Consultants, a nationally recog- The master of ceremonies of the event and teacher Elizabeth Buniak prepared the School. nized consultant group for Catholic schools. Michael Koziupa, president of UCCA children on what to look for during the Mrs. Ryan-Szott’s academic career has Mrs. Theresa Ryan-Szott and her husband, Morris County, started the event by pre- film. After the film showing, Mrs. Buniak also included participatory and leadership Walter, reside in Southampton, Pa., where senting Kalyna Leshchuk, a second place was joined by the school’s director, Yuriy or supervisory roles and initiating innova- they are members of Our Lady of Good winner in the “Student Holodomor Project tive curriculum programs in the archdioce- Counsel Parish. They are the parents of three Competition” (12-15 age group), spon- (Continued on page 17) san school system. Until recently, Mrs. grown children: Katie, Jonathan and Lara. No. 7 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2014 17

Deputy Sergei Tsekov. “Our defender can reforms. And the Egyptian government New York community... Revolutionary... only be the Russian Federation.” doesn’t have Russia and the Donbas mafia (Continued from page 16) (Continued from page 6) There are only two ways out of this crisis, breathing down its neck. as I see it. A pro-Western government takes The other option is some type of partition occurred at UCU in 2013. Among the most regions support the Russian model: the power and puts Ukraine on the fast track to of Ukraine. That’s what another indepen- noteworthy was the completion of a state- Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and the Western values and standards so convinc- dent international journalist, Eric Margolis, of-the-art academic building that houses oblasts of Luhansk, Donetsk and Kharkiv, at ingly that the southeastern Ukrainians for- suspects is realistic. I’d place my money on faculty offices, lecture halls, seminar a minimum. Russia will use these satellites get about their yearnings for Russia. that outcome. Let’s hope there will be as few rooms, and a beautiful cafeteria and con- to its fullest advantage. That won’t happen with these opposition casualties as possible. ference center. The plan for Ukraine’s disintegration has leaders. Yatsenyuk? He’s actually thinking The final result could also look some- Among the dignitaries attending the been already laid out by Mr. Putin’s point about serving as Mr. Yanukovych’s prime thing like Bosnia-Herzegovina, which is banquet were Bishop Paul Chomnycky of men on Ukraine, Sergei Glazev and Viktor minister, which will ruin his career. Vitali divided between the Serbian Republic and the Stamford Eparchy, which encompasses Medvedchuk. First comes federalization. Klitschko? He doesn’t have the team, convic- the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, New York and New England, Bishop- Then comes a referendum on the Customs tion or intellect for leading the type of pain- which is further divided into 10 cantons. Emeritus Basil Losten, and numerous Union conducted in each federalized region. ful reform that’s needed. It’s being widely discussed in Kyiv that priests, nuns and leaders of local and If federalization isn’t pushed through parlia- Ideally, they’d appoint a technocratic gov- the Euro-Maidan could ditch the political national organizations. ment, then the Autonomous Republic of ernment of expert economists and adminis- opposition leaders once they’ve finally con- In his opening remarks, Mykola Haliv, Crimea will simply declare independence trators to fix things up. Ideally. But both Mr. firmed they’re capable of nothing. That’s the former editor of Patriarkhat magazine and the dominoes may start falling then. Yatsenyuk and Mr. Klitschko have a whole the price of not being in touch with reality. and one of the founding members of the On February 4, the Crimean Parliament trail of “investors” in their parties that are In the meantime, all the current efforts New York Friends of UCU Committee, ordered lawyers to draft an appeal to the waiting for their returns, in the form of aimed at creating a broad coalition and admitted that, after the first successful Russian government for protection. “We cushy government posts. offering Mr. Yanukovych a golden para- banquet in 2003, he expected this would are simply obligated to turn to the Russian Egypt serves as a good example for chute will prove futile, unfortunately. But I be a one-time event. He was among the Federation, taking into account that Crimea Ukraine. It’s been three years since dictator suppose these leaders have to at least skeptics who believed that the committee is a Russian autonomy, Russian by national- Hosni Mubarak was ousted, and the govern- strive for peace. The effort deserves respect could not sustain an annual gala. ity, by culture, by language,” said Crimean ment has yet to introduce stability and but not much hope. He commented: “The Lord’s miracles have not only occurred in the far distant past. They also occur in our own time. We have to see them and yearn for them. We have to remind ourselves of the nearly bloodless collapse of the Soviet Union [in 1991], the emergence of newly indepen- dent nations, and the development of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv. ...It is so rewarding and heartening to see UCU, born in a very humble old building on Sventsitsky Street, now developing into a separate university campus with buildings that are adding to the beauty of the Lviv landscape.” “The New York Ukrainian community has always been very generous and responsive to the importance of this mis- sion,” said Mr. Lencyk. “To see people rally around this charitable cause has been very inspiring for everyone involved.” The banquet raised an estimated $202,000 for UCEF and attracted a number of new attendees and first-time donors. Anna Shpook-Nikitin, one of the young Friends of UCU volunteers who works for J.P.Morgan in Manhattan, commented that “it is very gratifying to see this infusion of new energy, and to see that all our efforts have not been in vain.”

UACCNJ... (Continued from page 16) Kosachevich, in a lively discussion with the children about the film. That evening, UCCA Morris County held another event. Mr. Koziupa introduced the children of the Ukrainian American Youth Association (UAYA) Whippany branch, who presented a short play, “Memories of the Holodomor.” This group had won first place at the UAYA Zlet’s cultural competition at the Ukrainian American Youth Association Resort Center in Ellenville, N.Y. This was followed by a showing of the award-winning film “Famine 33” by well- known Ukrainian producer/director Oles Yanchuk. Due to his wife’s illness, Mr. Yanchuk was not able to be present, but the well-known community activist Askold Lozynskyj presented the background on the making of the film. The audience was again moved by the powerful presentation in the film of one family living through the Holodomor. All of the above events were supported by Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union, which also sponsored a bus organized by UCCA Morris County to go from Whippany and Newark to St. Patrick Cathedral in New York on November 23 for the commemoration of the Holodomor. 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2014 No. 7

Through Art exhibit, “Survival, Spirit, Dreams and Nightmares,” February 23 Book presentation by Volodymyr Serhijchuk, “The March 30 Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art, 773-227-5522 or New York Ukrainians of St. Petersburg, Petrograd and Leningrad,” Chicago www.uima-chicago.org Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 212-222-1866 February 20 Lecture by Taras Koznarsky, “Shevchenko and His February 24 Seminar with Tetiana Boryak, “Official Narrative and New York Readers,” Columbia University, [email protected] Cambridge, MA Oral History: Reconstructing Mechanisms of Mass Killings During the Holodomor (1932-1933) in Ukraine,” Harvard February 21-22 Wild West Ukie Fest, with music by Vechirka and University, 617-495-4053 or [email protected] Phoenix, AZ performance by Syzokryli Ukrainian Dance Ensemble, St. Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Church, February 26 Concert, featuring violinist Solomiya Ivakhiv, violist 602-254-3752 or [email protected] Athens, OH Sharon Wei and cellist Michael Carrera, Glidden Hall, Ohio University, www.solomiyaivakhiv.com February 22 Masquerade dance, with music by Burya, Assumption of Ottawa the Blessed Virgin Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral hall, February 27 Concert, featuring violinist Solomiya Ivakhiv with violist 613-277-4664 or [email protected] Athens, OH Sharon Wei and the Ohio University Orchestra, Templeton- Blackburn Memorial Auditorium, Ohio University, February 22 Presentation of debutantes, with music by Klopit, www.solomiyaivakhiv.com Detroit Ukrainian Engineers’ Society of America – Detroit Branch, Troy Marriott Hotel, [email protected] or February 27 Commemorative program, “Taras Shevchenko: Champion New York of the , Self-Determination of Peoples, 269-343-9492 Human Rights and Social Justice,” Ukrainian World February 22 Ukrainian dance before Lent, Ukrainian Students Club at Congress and the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Carnegie, PA the University of Pittsburgh, Ukrainian American Organizations, United Nations Headquarters, Citizen’s Club, 267-972-6557 [email protected] February 22 Family Perogie Night, Knights of Columbus and the February 27- Performance, “Capt. John Smith Goes to Ukraine,” Yara Ottawa Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada, St. John March 9 Arts Group, La MaMa ETC, www.brama.com/yara the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Shrine, 613-599-4791 New York March 1 Presentation of debutantes, with music by Hrim and Zvook February 22 Lecture by Michael Kalinski, “Evidence From the Secret Parsippany, NJ bands, Ukrainian American Youth Association, New York Documents on State-Sponsored Research on Doping on Sheraton Parsippany Hotel, www.cym.org/us or Human Subjects in the Former Soviet Union in Light of 646-761-8184 or 845-774-5000 the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Russia,” Shevchenko Scientific Society, 212-254-5130 March 1 Gala cocktail party, “Mardis Gras in New Orleans,” with New York music by the Askold Buk Jazz Band, The Ukrainian February 23 Winterfest, Bobriwka campground, Museum, 212-228-0110 or [email protected] Colebrook, CT [email protected] or www.bobriwka.com

February 23 Gallery talk, “Survival, Spirit Dreams, Nightmares,” with Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events Chicago Mark Nelson and Yohann Petrovsky-Shtern, Ukrainian advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions Institute of Modern Art, 773-227-5522 or from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors www.uima-chicago.org and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected].


WOODCUTS LINOCUTS The Board of Trustees of The Ukrainian Museum cordially invites you to William Greenbaum Fine Prints has been buying and selling prints and paintings by many different artists for 50 years. We are delighted to announce that we currently have more “MARDI GRAS in New Orleans” than 60 signed prints by Jacques Hnizdovsky for sale. Saturday, March 1, 2014, 7:00 pm at The Ukrainian Museum 222 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003 $150 per person

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or phone us at 508-284-7036. William Greenbaum Fine Prints 98 South Street Rockport, MA 01966 Open By Appointment Member: International Fine Print Dealers Association


by Chris Bytz Eye puppy. The first step is for a WHIPPANY, N.J. – A represen- family to foster a puppy for 12 to 15 tative of The Seeing Eye Inc., Don months. The puppy is part of the MacGowan, volunteer program coor- family for that period of time, but dinator of Pennies for Puppies/Dol- has to come back to The Seeing Eye lars for Dogs, visited the Whippany for intensive training. He explained branch of the Ukrainian American that not all puppies grow up to be Youth Association (UAYA) on Mon- guide dogs, but that in those in- day, November 18, 2013. stances, the foster family is first in He brought along his dog, George, line to adopt their dog, giving them to meet the families who had sup- a forever home. As Mr. MacGowan called on the Chris Bytz ported the UAYA foster-dog, Mush- Members of the Ukrainian American Youth Association of Whippany, N.J., children whose little hands were ka, throughout the year. Mushka present a donation to The Seeing Eye Inc., which is accepted by the organi- raised with questions on their minds, could not be a part of this presenta- zation’s representative Don MacGowan (left). tion because she was in the midst of George welcomed the hugs the chil- training with a foster family. dren bestowed upon him. He gently Myron Bytz, president of UAYA nudged some of the children’s hands Whippany, presented a check to Mr. so that he could be touched, thereby Mishanyna MacGowan in the amount of $350, basking in the attention. When he which was collected with the help of was tired, he lay down at their feet George Washington’s birthday is February 22, and Abraham friends at St. John Ukrainian Catho- with his eyes closed. Lincoln’s is February 12. The Uniform Monday Holiday Act, lic Church in Whippany, and the The Seeing Eye Inc. is in need of which took effect in 1971, moved the U.S. federal observance of Ukrainian American Cultural Center foster families in the Morris/Essex/ Washington’s birthday to the third Monday in February. As of of New Jersey. Collection bins were Sussex County areas. Anyone in- 1998, a dozen U.S. states officially refer to this day as placed near the church entrance terested in fostering a puppy should “Presidents’ Day,” because it always falls between the birthdays and the lobby of the center. get in touch with Mr. MacGowan at of these two great Presidents. While George, a retired Golden the following address: The Seeing Find the capitalized names of some other U.S. presidents hidden Retriever, made his way around the Eye Inc., P.O. Box 375, Morris- in the Mishanyna grid. room so that all the children and town, NJ 07963-0375; telephone, John ADAMS Chester ARTHUR Calvin COOLIDGE their parents had an opportunity to 973-539-4425 x 1778 (office) or (1797-1801) (1881-1885) (1923-1929) meet him, Mr. MacGowan explained 973-479-4020 (cell); website, www. Millard Theodore Dwight D. to his audience the life of a Seeing SeeingEye.org. FILLMORE ROOSEVELT (1901- EISENHOWER (1850-1853) 1909) (1953-1961) Franklin PIERCE William Howard TAFT John F. KENNEDY (1853-1857) (1909-1913) (1961-1963) Detroit area children Andrew JOHNSON Woodrow WILSON Richard NIXON (1865-1869) (1913-1921) (1969-1974) James GARFIELD Warren HARDING Gerald FORD support Ukraine (1881) (1921-1923) (1974-1977)

HAMTRAMCK, Mich. – Students of Immaculate Conception School and Lesia Ukrainka School at St. Mary Protectress Orthodox Church here in the Detroit area prepared many letters and drawings (one of which is seen above) that portrayed their enthusiastic support for the Euro-Maidan. They were reacting to the words of Vera Andrushkiw, a former teacher at IC, who encouraged them to take an active part in writing letters to President Barack Obama, their senators and congressmen, and Secretary of State John Kerry. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2014 No. 7


Thursday, February 20 Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue) at 3 p.m. For additional information call 212- NEW YORK: The Ukrainian Studies 222-1866. Program at the Harriman Institute, Columbia University, invites all to attend a Thursday-Sunday, February 27-March 9 presentation titled “Shevchenko and His NEW YORK: La MaMa Experimental Readers” by Prof. Taras Koznarsky Theater and Yara Arts Group present (University of Toronto). The presentation, “Capt. John Smith Goes to Ukraine.” In commemorating the bicentennial of the poet’s birth, will focus on the phenome- 1607 Captain Smith founded Jamestown, non of Shevchenko as he shaped his char- the first English settlement in America, ismatic role in Ukrainian society. The lec- but in 1603 he was in . Directed ture will take place at noon in the Marshall by Virlana Tkacz, the show is a comedy/ D. Shulman Seminar Room (Room 1219, musical/historical epic-in-an-hour with International Affairs Building, 420 W. three characters: John Smith, created by 118th St). The event is free and open to poet Bob Holman; Susan Hwang, comic/ the public. For additional information call performance artist and accordion player; 212-854-4697. and Julian Kytasty, legendary Ukrainian bandurist. Show times: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, February 22 Saturday, 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, 2:30 p.m. La NEW YORK: The Shevchenko Scientific MaMa Experimental Theater is located at Society invites all to a lecture on “Evidence 74 E. Fourth St. Admission $18; $13 for from the secret documents on state-spon- seniors and students. For tickets call 212- sored research on doping on human sub- 475-7710 or log on to www.lamama.org. jects in the former Soviet Union in light of Saturday, March 15 the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Russia” by Dr. Michael Kalinski. Dr. Kalinski is chair PALATINE, Ill.: The Ukrainian American of the Department of Applied Health Veterans 1st Lt. Ivan Shandor Post 35 Sciences, College of Health Sciences and invites the members of the community, Human Services, Murray State University. veterans and patriots to a social/informa- The lecture will take place at the society’s tional meeting on a new educational sys- building, 63 Fourth Ave. (between Ninth tem called “Common Core” presented by PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINES and 10th streets.) at 5 p.m. For additional Prof. Terrence Moore of Hillsdale College. Preview of Events is a listing of community events open to the public. It is a service information call 212-254-5130. Prof. Moore served with distinction in the United States Marine Corps. He received provided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian Sunday, February 23 community. Items should be no more than 100 words long; longer submissions his Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh are subject to editing. Preview items must be received no later than one week before NEW YORK: The Ukrainian Academy of and is the author of “The Story-Killers,” a the desired date of publication. Items will be published only once, unless otherwise Arts and Sciences in the U.S. invites all to a common sense case against the Common indicated. Please include payment for each time the item is to appear and indicate date(s) presentation of a new book by Dr. Core. The presentation takes place at the of issue(s) in which the item is to be published. Volodymyr Serhijchuk, professor of histo- Palatine Library located at 700 N. Court, ry at Taras Shevchenko National Palatine, IL 60067 at 2pm to 4pm. There is Information should be sent to: [email protected]; payment should be sent to University of Kyiv, titled “The Ukrainians no charge for this event. For additional Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ of St. Petersburg, Petrograd, Leningrad.” information, contact Col. Roman G. Golash 07054. NB: If e-mailing, please do not send items as attachments; simply type the The event will take place in the academy’s (ret.) at [email protected] or text into the body of the e-mail message. building at 206 W. 100th St., (between call 847-910-3532.