Hamilton: US Still Has Work to Do

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Hamilton: US Still Has Work to Do r-----------------------------------------------------------·------------------------------------------------------------ THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 39: ISSUE 111 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23,2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Hamilton: U.S. still has work to do ~pions terrorism. for the state of Indiana for nearly many terrorist attacks world­ Vice Chair of 9/11 Hamilton. who resides in· 34 years and is currently is a wide since September 11 than in -return to commission discusses Arlington. member of the president's home­ the three years precnding thn V11., spoke to land security advisory eouncil. attacks," Hamilton said. "I doubt threat of terrorism mnmhnrs of Yet despite his prnstigious posi­ very much if we will <W<~r elimi­ catnpus the South tions and long history in the field nate terrorism." Bend commu­ of international relations, he Hamilton repeatedly admittml By MARY KATE MALONE nity in Dncio stood before his audience and that. though many measures News Writt•r Main Stage admitted that neither he, nor have been taken to prevent Fencing teanz holds Tlwatlu at any of the others who worked on futuro attacks, the United States press conference I.e<~ II. llamilton, Vkn Chair of' the DeBartolo the commission report, could "still has a lot of' work to do." tho IJ/11 commission, spokn at Contor li>r the promisP that the Unitod States is In his 55-minute-spne<~h. Notrn l>amn Tunsday about a Pn r f'o r min g Hamilton capable of froeing itsell' from the Hamilton outlined four nwasurns By ERIC RETTER topic that stirs f'nar in the minds Arl'i. threat of terrorism. News Writer of' all w~rwrations- tlw threat of' llamilton was a reprnsentative "There have been twice as see HAMILTON/page 4 llnad coaeh .Janusz Bednarski insistnd assistant coach Zoltan Dudas join llw team on stagn as tho Irish hold their press conf'nrnncn Tuesday Catnpus radio station finds hotne online af'tnrnoon upon return­ ing from thn By NICOLE ZOOK NCAA finals A"istant Nt·ws Editor al'tm winning tho pro­ Buried in thn midst of the gram's 7th notoriously bad South Bend titln. radio scPnn is a gem waiting "I would to h n disco v <~ r n d . W V F I, likn to nHHJ- Notre I> am~~' s stud n n t- run ti on that Bednarski radio station. is only avail­ Zoltan I Dud- ahlP to list<mnrs online. as I is my partnnr. liP madn a WVFI's assistant station tremnndous job working with nranagnr Mairnad Casll said us," Bndnarski said. "Zoltan t.hat despitn tlw vinw of some was very speeial and I would that exrlusivnly online avail­ likn to nwnlion this during t.his ability is a dnfid<mcy, thn sta­ eonferenen." tion has "a largp number of' Dudas, howewr, rnspectf'ully peopln listening." dndined, choosing- mw·h like "I fnPI likn wn havn a tight he had all season - to :-;tay r.orn group and somn random bohind thn scenes. pnople that arn rnlativns or "It's not about thn coadws I alums or what<wnr listnning, think. It's about thn f'nncnrs hut on tho wholn I have bonn mostly. Thoy are on the stage, surprisPd wlwn JWOpln don't they have to fence, not tho know who w· <' a r<~ or don't coaches," Dudas said. know how to listen," she The press r.onf'nrnnee markPd said. tho l'irst time tho nntire tnam Many WVFI worknrs think had appearnd sinen winning that it is bntler for tlw sta­ the national title in llouston, tion. whieh is lor.atnd in thn Tnx., eoming back from a 24- l.aForturw St.udnnt Cnntnr, to point dnl'icit and dPI'nal.ing only lw available onlinn. KERRY ' pen~nnial rival Ohio State atop Sophomore DJ ·George Heidkamp adjusts the soundboard at the WVFI station in sec WVFI/pagc 6 Student Center. All WVFI radio shows are broadcast online. see FENCING/pag~.: 4 Reilly Scholars visit University OIT alerts collllllunity Top academic prospective students brought to ND for weekend visit as spam fills inboxes wore chosen for the program tive students to stay over on targetod by tho s<~ams. By JARRETT LANTZ solnly on lhnir academic per­ campus for a weekend - By JEN ROWLING Nqvs Writer Notre Damn Security/Police formance and faculty recom­ specifically on a Friday or News Wrircr (NDSP) had one such casn report­ mendations. Saturday. Duo to con11icts dur­ ed March 9, according to tlw As tlw St. Patrick's Day fes­ "The Heilly Weekend is for ing the month of March, how­ Spam mail, in the lilrm of bank NDSP crimn hlottnr. tivilins worn g!~tting underway the most a<~ademieally talented ever, the young scholars were and company impersonators, has OIT does not interfere with last Thursday. morn than SO of students in our applieant pool," able to visit during one of been infesting e-mail boxes of mail delivery to campus Wnbmail Notrn Danw's brightnst appli­ said Ol'lieo of Admissions coun­ Notre Dame's signature stu­ members of the Notre Dame users, but in order to lessen tho cants quietly arrived on cam­ snlor Erin Flynn. "It gives dent holidays. community in recent weeks, reoccurring problem of spam pus for thn third annual Hnilly prospective students a broad "We didn't have any other some soliciting personal and mail, the tedmoloh'Y centnr pro­ Scholars Visitation Weekend. understanding of what aca­ option · but to host the credit card information and then vides access to filters for thn 0 rgan izod by tho 0 fl'ice of demic and community life is prospects over St. Patrick's Day scamming customers .. Notrn Damn eommunity. Admissions and the Honors like at Notre Dame." weokond," admissions coun­ The Office of Information "People would likn not to Program, the event of'l'ered During the course of the selor .Julia Kelly said. "Spring Technologies (OIT) alerts stu­ recnive spam mail. and have sonw of Notre Dame's top aca­ weekend, the prospects had a break took up two March dents and faculty when orr )OITI block it," said Dobbins. "It dnmie prospective students a chance to experience Notre weekends and Easter took up receives new spam or virus is a very tricky thing to do and rhancn to see the campus in an Dame's atmosphere tirst-hand another." threats. not to jeopardize lngitimatn all-expenses-paid visit. and take a closer look at In order to keep the high "This is not just a scare. People mail." This year, H5 high S<'.hool Honors Programs in school students shielded from have been victimized by this Dobbins said that spam dons seniors at the top of their grad­ Architeeture, Arts and Ll~tters the numerous St. Patrick's par­ problem," said Gary Dobbins, not leak into thn systnm; rathnr, uating classes attended. The or Science. ties, the Oflice of Admissions director of orr. lie said he was students, who have already The Office of Admissions unable to release the names of bonn admitted to Notre Dame, usually does not allow prospee- see REILLY/page 4 specific individuals who were sec SPAM/page 4 ---~--l page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Wednesday, March 23, 2005 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE BEST MAJOR OFFERED AND WHY? Living in 'travel size' Have you ever walked through the aisles of a warehouse store like Paula Wang Camden McClelland Milo Dodson Grace Shen Kevin Curran Greg lim Costco or Sam's Club and wondered who would buy a jar of mustard a freshman freshman freshman freshman sophomore freshman foot and a half tall? Pasquerilla West Dillon Carroll Howard Keough Knott I mean, if you really stop and Kate Seryak "CHEG! Because "Architecture. "Psychology. "Underwater "Philosophy - "CHEG, because think about it, a Sports Wlre giant jar of mus­ I'm just that I'm allergic to You can legally basket-weaving. you get to argue there are a lot Editor , , tard indicates per­ masochistic. sleep. screw with That actually with dead guys of girls in it. At manence. A ,, people's takes skill. and lose. least I hope responsible adult would not buy such , a large quantity of condiment on a minds." Wait ... is that that's the case. whim or pang of fancy. On the con­ trary, it can be surmised that the even offered?" driving reason for purchasing such an amount (discounting a mustard fetish) would be the assumption that one, along with one's family, will con­ sume said amount of mustard before the expiration date. Such a sell-by deadline is most eas­ ily met in a household of stability - IN BRIEF mortgaged, rented or purchased - or in a flat or apartment of similar Notre Dame's softball team stature. Such a large jar of mustard plays its -first home game today isn't transportable, so whoever buys against Western Michigan at 4 it probably doesn't plan on moving p.m. at Ivy Field. soon, furthering the idea that a large jar of mustard symbolizes and reaf­ Gerhard Bowering, S.J., pro­ firms the emerging notion of perma­ nence in our society. fessor of Islamic Studies at Yale In contrast to this 'economy size' is University, will give a lecture entitled "Islam and Christianity: the 'travel size,' which is just as readily available for those who do not Pluralism and Fundamentalism in Tension" today from 5 p.m. have the luxury of permanence. to 6:15 in C-100 Hesburgh College students, travelers and others Center. The lecture is spon­ have to carefully chose what size sored by the Erasmus Institute.
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