Soldiers' Struggle After Returning Home from War with Facial

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Soldiers' Struggle After Returning Home from War with Facial Losing Face in War: Soldiers’ Struggle after Returning Home from War with Facial Disfigurement in Dalton Trumbo’s Johnny Got His Gun and Amy Harmon’s Making Faces; and a Didactic Approach to the Topic Diplomarbeit Zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades einer Magistra der Philosophie (Mag.a phil.) an der Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck Institut für Amerikastudien Eingereicht bei: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gudrun M. Grabher Eingereicht von: Ronja Weiskopf Im Juni 2020 Plagiarism Disclaimer I hereby declare that this diploma thesis is my own and autonomous work. All sources and aids used have been indicated as such. All texts either quoted directly or paraphrased have been indicated by in-text citations. Full bibliographic details are given in the bibliography. This work has not been submitted to any other examination authority before. June 2020 ______________________________________ Date Signature Acknowledgments At this point, I would like to thank the people who have supported me throughout the process of writing this thesis as well as during my studies. First of all, I would like to thank Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gudrun M. Grabher for her never-ending patience, her honest and constructive feedback, and for arousing my enthusiasm and fascination for the challenging but interesting topic of facial disfigurement. Moreover, I would also like to thank my parents and siblings for their unconditional love and support. You incessantly believe in me, support every decision I make, and always encourage me to pursue my goals – I owe you a special debt of gratitude. Finally, I would like to thank Lukas and Verena for distracting and helping me clear my mind when necessary, for their moral support throughout the writing process of this thesis, and for pushing and encouraging me to keep writing when I lacked ideas or motivation. Thank you all for your support! Table of Contents 1. Introduction………………………………………………………………..1 2. One Cannot not Communicate: The Human Face………………………....5 2.1. Facial Disfigurement as a Form of Disability: Defining Disability and Investigating the Significance of the Face……………………...........6 2.2. Reducing Attributes which Are Discrediting: Coping Strategies for People with Facial Disfigurement………………………………….14 2.3. Repairing Disfigured Faces: Reconstructive Surgery as an Established Field of Medicine…………………………………………………..24 3. Disfigured Faces of War in Literature…………………………………….35 3.1. All Means of Communication Gone: The Totally Disfigured Body in Dalton Trumbo’s Johnny Got His Gun……………………………..36 3.2. Hercules Turning into Frankenstein’s Monster: War Changing a Young Soldier’s Face from Beauty to Beast in Amy Harmon’s Making Faces……………………………………………………………….50 4. Conclusion………………………………………………………………..65 5. A Didactic Approach to the Topic of Facial Disfigurement and Amy Harmon’s Making Faces…………………………………………………69 5.1. Bullying, the Impact of Visual Difference on Pupils’ Well-Being at School, and Suggestions for Teachers and School Staff as How to Raise Awareness and Acceptance………………………………….70 5.2. Integrating the Topic of Facial Disfigurement and Amy Harmon’s Making Faces into the English Classroom: A Lesson Plan…………75 Bibliography…………………………………………………………………..89 1. Introduction Throughout history, beauty, outward appearance, status, and wealth have been among the most desirable achievements of human beings. Of course, they have been subject to change, depending on the respective culture and society of the time and those who have not been able to accomplish the preferable norms have often been excluded from and not been appreciated by society. Nevertheless, [t]o become someone else or to become a better version of ourselves in the eyes of the world is something we all want. Whether we do it with ornaments such as jewelry or through the wide range of physical alterations from hair dressing to tattoos to body piercing, we respond to the demand of seeing and being seen. (Gilman 3) Beauty and the visibility of status have always been and still are of great importance in every culture because people are mostly attracted to each other due to their outward appearance before getting to know the character behind it. Therefore, it is interesting to elaborate on the effects that physical or mental disabilities have on the lives of people who visibly deviate from the norm. Being disabled in most cases equals being socially burdened because disabilities expose “affected individuals to inspection, interrogation, and violation of privacy” (Couser 16f). Consequently, the face as the initial point of focus provides a special target for inspection and judgement because beauty is mostly defined through the face and its “[…] proportions in the case of eyes and ears, even teeth, [which] compose a symmetry that prompts the judgment of beauty” (Hunt 5). Thus, the question arises to what extent a disfigurement of the face changes its significance and what impact facial disfigurement has on the life 1 and social functioning of people, especially on soldiers, who are often gravely injured in war. In this respect, reconstructive surgery can be a powerful tool for people with facial disfigurement to successfully come to terms with their situation and improve their well-being, in combination with other coping strategies. Nevertheless, concepts of beauty and conformity have changed a lot throughout history, always depending on the culture and the mindset of the society of the time. Literature often reflects social circumstances and can therefore be considered a witness or representative of a certain time period. It can both praise and cast doubt on social norms. However, when literature is investigated, it stands out that the main characters are often beautiful people who aspire to accomplish the desirable social values and norms of the time. Thomson maintains that “[…] main characters almost never have physical disabilities” (9). Therefore, it is interesting to examine literary pieces which place a main character who deviates from the norm, be it due to a physical or mental disability, at the center of the story. Hence, this diploma thesis will investigate Dalton Trumbo’s Johnny Got His Gun and Amy Harmon’s Making Faces. In both literary pieces, the main character is a soldier who suffers from severe facial disfigurement after having served in war. The disfigurement of their faces completely changes the protagonists’ lives and results in them having to face numerous challenges because human beauty is mostly defined through the face and the consequences for people who visibly deviate from the norm are striking. Consequently, this diploma thesis aims at elaborating on the effects the protagonists’ facial disfigurement has on their lives and how they manage to cope with them. In 2 addition, a didactic approach to the topic will be offered in order to show how it can be integrated and applied in the context of the classroom. In the first chapter, the theoretical framework will be established by first investigating the significance of the face. Therefore, the term disability will be defined in order to highlight that facial disfigurement is a disability. Furthermore, the influence of the visibility of a disability in social situations will be investigated because a disfigurement of the face is one of the most visible and severe bodily impairments, especially when it comes to social functioning. Finally, a description of the significance of the face will be provided followed by a discussion of how a disfigurement changes the significance of the face and how facially disfigured people are perceived and judged by ‘normal’ people. Second, several strategies for coping with stigmata and disabilities will be presented. Thus, the differences and similarities between congenital and acquired disabilities will be described in order to find out whether there is a difference in the amount of success concerning the coping process. Afterwards, various strategies will be presented and discussed. Third, the medical field of reconstructive surgery will be introduced. It is pivotal for patients who suffer from facial disfigurement in this as it offers them a chance to regain a face that nearly resembles a ‘normal’ one. Hence, the difference between reconstructive and aesthetic surgery as well as the history of reconstructive surgery will be elaborated on. The focus will lie on the reconstruction of soldiers’ faces and shortly on the significance of photography for both the coping process of the patients and the awareness of the public. The second chapter will provide an analysis of Dalton Trumbo’s Johnny Got His Gun and Amy Harmon’s Making Faces. Both analyses will follow the same structure, beginning with a brief introduction of the respective author. 3 Thereafter, the two texts will be analyzed regarding four issues of interest. First, the question raises to what extent the reasonability of war is anything but taken for granted in the literary pieces and in which way the horrors of war are described. Second, the significance of the disfigured face of the two main characters will be investigated and which impact their severe change of appearance has on their lives. Third, a discussion of how the main characters manage to cope with their facial disfigurement will be provided followed by, fourth, an analysis of how reconstructive surgery helps their coping processes and whether the methods used to repair the damaged faces are described in the books. Following the conclusion, the final chapter of this diploma thesis elaborates on the issues of bullying and harassment at school, which are often directly interrelated with the outward appearance of pupils and their desire for affiliation with the ‘normal’ and ‘cool’ groups. Therefore, the term bullying will be defined followed by a theoretical framework highlighting how and why facial disfigurements can influence the well-being of pupils as well as what school staff can do in order to prevent the harassment of pupils who deviate from the norm, and especially of those with facial disfigurement. Furthermore, a detailed lesson plan which demonstrates how Amy Harmon’s Making Faces can be integrated into an English class will be drafted.

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