32 The Open Journal, 2010, 3, 32-38

Open Access Manipulation of Rafts in Neuronal Cells

Gunter P. Eckert*

Goethe-University, Dept. Pharmacology, Biocenter N260 R1.09, Max-von-Laue Str. 9, D-60438 Frankfurt, Germany

Abstract: Lipid rafts are specialized plasma membrane micro-domains highly enriched in , sphingolipids and glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchored . Lipid rafts are thought to be located in the exofacial leaflet of plasma membranes. Functionally, lipid rafts are involved in intracellular trafficking of proteins and , secretory and endocytotic pathways, signal transduction, inflammation and in cell-surface proteolysis. There has been substantial interest in lipid rafts in brain, both with respect to normal functioning and with certain neurodegenerative diseases. Based on the impact of lipid rafts on multitude biochemical pathways, modulation of lipid rafts is used to study related disease pathways and probably offers a target for pharmacological intervention. Lipid rafts can be targeted by modulation of its main components, namely cholesterol and sphingolipids. Other approaches include the modulation of membrane dynamics and it has been reported that -lipid interactions can vary the occurrence and composition of these membrane micro-domains. The present review summarizes the possibilities to modulate lipid rafts with focus on neuronal cells. Keywords: , cholesterol, membrane fluidity, statin, cyclodextrine, docosahexaenoic acid.

IMPACT OF LIPID RAFTS FOR PHYSIOLOGICAL isolated lipid rafts may differ depending on whether a AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS IN THE detergent is used [16-18]. It has been argued that the use of CNS detergents may actually induce formation of deter- gentresistant lipid domains and not to be representative for Lipid rafts are specialized plasma membrane micro- physiological membrane structures [19]. In addition, it has domains highly enriched in cholesterol, sphingolipids, sphin- also been observed that different detergent/lipid ratios and gomyelin [SM], gangliosides (GM)) and glycosylphospha- starting materials can influence the lipid and protein tidylinositol (GPI) anchored proteins [1]. Alternatively, lipid composition, making comparisons among studies difficult rafts have been named as detergent insoluble glycolipid [4]. Since it was suspected that the presence of detergent enriched membranes or detergentresistant membranes [2]. could produce artifacts, the use of non-detergent methods Caveolae are defined as membrane invaginations enriched in has been suggested [8, 20]. Accordingly, studies on brain cholesterol and glycosphingolipids containing the protein synaptosomes revealed differences both qualitatively and caveolin, which play a role in endocytosis [3]. The reader is quantitatively in proteins and lipids when detergent and non- referred to recently published reviews for a comprehensive detergent methods were applied [20, 21]. Beside the and detailed discussion of lipid rafts [1, 4-6]. The present biochemical characterization of isolated membrane fractions, review summarizes the impact and possibilities to modulate different techniques for studying lipid rafts in situ such as lipid rafts with focus on neuronal cells. functional imaging, cytometry, two-photon microscopy, Lipid rafts are thought to be located in the exofacial electron microscopy, fluorescent-quenching and resonance leaflet of plasma membranes [7], although it has been energy transfer techniques have been developed [22-29]. suggested that lipid rafts may also be found in the cytofacial Functionally, lipid rafts are involved in intracellular leaflet [8]. Potential explanations for raft formation include trafficking of proteins and lipids, secretory and endocytic the preference of cholesterol for the saturated acyl chains of pathways, inflammation and in cell-surface proteolysis [16, sphingolipids compared with glycerophospholipids and the 30-34]. In the brain, there has been substantial interest in dynamic interactions of protein–lipid and protein–protein lipid rafts, with respect to both normal functioning and linkages [6, 9]. An additional mechanism has been proposed certain neurodegenerative diseases. It is well accepted that whereby proteins are encased in a “lipid-shell” of cholesterol lipid rafts play an important role for signaling processes in and sphingolipids [10, 11]. the central nervous system [7]. Synaptic proteins such as The majority of studies on lipid rafts have used methods synaptophysin or synaptotagmin associate with lipid rafts that takes advantage of the insolubility of the lipid fraction of [35-38] and lipid rafts play a role in the control of post membranes in detergents such as Triton X-100 [12-15]. synaptic membrane viscosity [39]. Moreover, brain-derived There is evidence indicating that the composition of the neurotrophic factor, which exerts multiple biological functions in the CNS increased the levels of presynaptic

 proteins in lipid rafts of neurons [40]. Regulation of the *Address correspondence to this author at the Goethe-University, Dept. glutamateric neurotransmission, which is involved in the Pharmacology, Biocenter N260 R1.09, Max-von-Laue Str. 9, D-60438 formation of spatial memory, represents one example for the Frankfurt, Germany; Tel: +49 69 798 29378; E-mail: [email protected] impact of lipid rafts on classical signaling processes [41]. frankfurt.de; Web: www.eckert-science.de

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Accordingly, NMDA-, AMPA- and metabotrobic glutamate MEMBRANE CHOLESTEROL AND SPHINGO- receptors are regulated by lipid raft related pathways [42-44]. MYELIN – TARGETS FOR THE MODULATION OF However, excess of extracellular glutamate induced by LIPID RAFTS cerebral ischemia leads to neuronal cell death, which is Cholesterol is known to be essential for the functional accompanied by increased phosphorylation and redistribu- tion of NMDA receptors between synaptic lipid rafts and activity of physiological membranes [66, 67] and plays an essential role in the regulation of synaptic function and post-synaptic densities in the rat brain [45]. plasticity [68, 69]. The highest cellular cholesterol load is Lipid rafts have been attracted attention in neurodegene- found within the plasma membrane (PM). Levels and ration, such as Prion diseases, Parkinson`s disease and distribution of PM cholesterol are tightly regulated by the especially in AD [46-48]. Recently, alterations in lipid rafts cell [70]. The capacity of the PM to incorporate cholesterol isolated from AD brain were reported [49], including the is largely a function of its content [67]. PM localization of active -secretase in lipid rafts in human brain polarity is conditioned by the asymmetric insertion of [50]. Active -secretase is involved in the pathological cholesterol as well as functional proteins and . proce-ssing of the AD related amyloid precursor protein Inside the PM, about 70-85% of free cholesterol resides in (APP). Neurotoxic -amyloid peptide (A) is a product of the cytofacial bilayer leaflet, whereas only about 15-30% the secretase cleavage of APP and both proteins have been join the exofacial leaflet [67, 71, 72]. Even in this outer located in lipid rafts [26, 51-54]. Moreover, it was membrane domain the intra-membrane distribution of demonstrated that the presenilin-1 protein, which is part of cholesterol follows a strict organization into structural pools the -secretase complex, induces lipid raft formation in vivo and is altered during aging [73]. Cholesterol builds up lateral [55]. membrane domains or kinetic pools that probably mediate Gradual changes in steady-state levels of A in brain are cellular cholesterol efflux and participate in the formation considered as an initial step in the amyloid cascade lipid raft domains [67]. hypothesis of AD. There is evidence that the Cholesterol is highly enriched in lipid rafts [17] and environment may modulate secretase activity and alters its evidence suggest that cholesterol condenses the packing of function. Cleavage of APP strongly depends on membrane the sphingolipid molecules and thus cholesterol-sphingolipid properties and it was shown that A-oligomers from AD microdomains form a separate lipid ordered phase in the brains associate with a detergent-resistant membrane fraction exofacial leaflet of the membrane [74, 75]. Cholesterol levels in a cholesterol-dependent manner [56]. Since A perturbs and consequently lipid raft structure can be modulated either fluidity, the cell membrane may be the by physical extraction from the plasma membrane in vitro or location where the neurotoxic cascade of A is initiated. by inhibition of the cellular biosynthesis using specific Based on the observation that A binds to lipid raft related enzyme inhibitors in vivo. Changing membrane cholesterol ganglioside GM-1 [57] the effects of oligomeric A on domains also affect the cellular cholesterol homeostasis. membrane fluidity of whole living cells, the impact of Non-raft cholesterol pool within the plasma membrane exogenous and cellular A on the processing of APP and the primarily senses the amount of cellular bulk cholesterol [76]. role of GM-1 ganglioside was tested recently [58]. Evidence Changing sphingomyelin levels modify lipid raft structure was presented that oligomeric A stimulates the amyloido- and function [5, 64, 65]. Raft destruction with sphingo- genic processing of APP by reducing membrane fluidity and myelinase shuttles cholesterol into the non-raft pool, which complexing with GM-1 ganglioside. It was concluded that probably flows back to the endoplasmatic reticulum and thus this dynamic action of A might start a vicious circle, where blocks the intracellular translocation of the SREBP-SCAP endogenous A stimulates its own production [58]. complex to the Golgi and further cholesterol synthesis [76, In brains of AD patients, abundance of raft related 77]. flotillin proteins was reported to increase with progression of A deposition [59, 60]. However, abundance of flotillin-1 was METHYL--CYCLODEXTRIN – A BIOPHYSICAL reduced in lipid rafts isolated from mice harboring human TOOL TO MODULATE MEMBRANE CHOLES- apoE4, which represent an AD model [61]. Although, the TEROL LEVELS function of flotillin is not well understood, it was proposed that it plays a role for neuronal regeneration [62, 63]. Cyclodextrins are torus-shaped cyclic oligosaccharides Sphingomyelin represent one of the major glycosphin- containing at least six glucose units attached by glycosidic golipids present in lipid rafts [17]. Changing sphingomyelin bonds. They possess a hydrophilic outer surface and a levels modify lipid raft structure and function [5, 64, 65]. hydrophobic inner cavity. Cyclodextrins enhance the Sphingomyelin levels were significantly lower in the lipid solubility of non-polar substances (e.g., cholesterol) by rafts isolated from synaptosomes of 12- and 24- month-old incorporating them into their hydrophobic cavity and apoE4 mice in contrast to the 2-month-old apoE4 mice [61]. forming non-covalent water-soluble inclusion complexes. Cyclodextrins comprised of 6, 7, and 8 glucose units (-, - Based on the impact of lipid rafts on multitude bioche- and -forms, respectively) were used to alter the lipid mical pathways, modulation of lipid rafts is used to study composition of cells. Among those, -cyclodextrins and related disease pathway and probably offers a target for derivatives thereof such as methyl--cyclodextrin (MCD) pharmacological intervention. Lipid rafts can be targeted by or 2-hydroxypropyl--cyclodextrin were found to selectively modulation of its main components, namely cholesterol, extract cholesterol from the plasma membrane, in preference sphingo- and ganglioside lipids. Other approaches include to other membrane lipids [78]. MCD affects membrane raft the modulation of membrane biophysical parameters such as domains and modulates the location of raft-related proteins composition. 34 The Open Biology Journal, 2010, Volume 3 Gunter P. Eckert

[23, 79, 80]. Hence, MCD is commonly used to study lipid panied by modified membrane bulk fluidity. All three statins raft related processes in neuronal cells such as receptor reduced the expression of the raft marker protein flotillin-1, mediated signaling [81-83] or processes related to which indicates that statins modulate lipid rafts in vivo [72]. neurodegeneration [66, 84-88]. Recently, the mechanism Accordingly, Burns et al. demonstrated that changes in the how MCD affect lipid rafts was studied in more detail: distribution of cholesterol between the cyto- and exofacial Treatment of synaptosomal plasma membranes (SPM) membrane leaflet were directly related to lower levels of A, isolated from mouse brains with MCD significantly a lipid raft related process with impact on AD pathology (see lowered SPM free cholesterol levels and the opposite was above) [99]. observed when cholesterol inclusion complexes were used Neuroprotective effects of statins have been reported, [89]. Interestingly, M CD treatment resulted in significantly  including protection from NMDA-induced neuronal death reduced exofacial percent cholesterol values in the [100, 101]. Excess of brain extracellular glutamate after membrane bilayer of SPM, leading to decreased exofacial to cerebral ischemia over-activates NMDA receptors, which cytofacial cholesterol ratio values [89]. The idea that M CD  subsequently leads to neuronal death [102]. Since NMDA preferentially extracts cholesterol from the detergent receptors have been reported to be associated with lipid rafts, insoluble areas of the plasma membrane, is supported by the the effect of simvastatin on levels on excitotoxicity and on stronger reduction in cholesterol content of the lipid raft association of NMDA receptors to lipid rafts was inves- fractions from human T-cell lymphoblastic leukaemia cells tigated recently. The data demonstrated that reduction of after M CD incubation (~88% reduction) compared to the  membrane cholesterol levels protects from NMDA-induced membrane preparations (~50% reduction) and crude cell neuronal damage probably by reducing the association of lysate (~30%) preparation [90]. Hence, it could be concluded NMDA receptors from lipid rafts [102]. that MCD exclusively extracts exofacial membrane choles- terol pools. Reversely, cholesterol enrichment with MCD- cholesterol complexes induces contagious effects in SPM: SEQUESTRATION OF CHOLESTEROL BY FILIPIN Percent exofacial cholesterol levels are clearly enhanced. Accordingly, exofacial to cytofacial cholesterol ratio values Filipin represents a polyene antibiotic with macrolide were significantly increased in SPM of mice [89]. These data structure and amphipatic nature, which forms a fluorescent indicate that exofacial membrane cholesterol pools are most complex with cholesterol and is commonly used to visualize sensitive to external cholesterol manipulations using MCD the cellular distribution of free cholesterol [78]. Since filipin complexes, where lipid raft domains reside [91]. sequesters cholesterol it is also used to disrupt lipid raft structures [103-105]. For its action filipin requires a sterol partner with a free 3-OH group and it was speculated that STATINS – INHIBITORS OF THE CHOLESTEROL filipin may form large planar aggregates between the two BIOSYNTHESIS layers of the membrane, it may be absorbed at the membrane surface or located at the upper layer of the membrane [106]. Statins are inhibitors of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl However, different models have been generated to explain coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase the rate-limiting the organization of filipin–sterol complexes within the enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis [92]. The inhibition of membrane bilayer [78]. Filipin is a cytotoxic compound and HMG-CoA reductase not only prevents cholesterol biosyn- disrupts the integrity of sterol-containing membranes. Thus, thesis and induce significant plasma cholesterol reductions sequestering of cholesterol using filipin should only be [93], but also affects the isoprenoid pathway, which accounts employed in fixed cells or tissues [78]. for statin´s pleiotropic effects [94, 95]. Simvastatin and lovastatin are prodrug lactone forms that are transformed to the active acid forms mainly by hepatocytes. Lipophilicity is LONG-CHAIN POLYUNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS further characterized by the behavior of compounds on the MODULATE LIPID RAFTS octanol/water phase. Based on the logarithm of the partition coefficient simvastatin, lovastatin, cerivastatin, fluvastatin, Omega-3 fatty acids are taken up by virtually all body pitavastatin and atorvastatin are lipophilic, while pravastatin cells and affect membrane composition, biosyn- is hydrophilic [96]. Rosuvastatin is a relatively new statin, thesis, cascades, and gene expression [107]. having a polar methane sulphonamide group, and it can be Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) like placed between cerivastatin and pravastatin [96]. Lactone eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5, n-3) and docosahexaenoic and active acid forms of simvastatin and lovastatin were acid (DHA, 22:6, n-3) are especially important during human determined in picomolar levels in mouse brains after oral brain development. Maternal deficiency of omega-3 fatty administration [97]. acids leads to deficits in neurogenesis, neurotransmitter metabolism, and altered learning and visual function in Recently, the effects of statins including lovastatin and animals [108] and may result in several neurological simvastatin as lipophilic agents as well as pravastatin as a disorders [107]. Among various organs, in the brain omega-3 hydrophilic compound was studied focussing on their effi- fatty acids are most extensively studied. In fact, the brain is ciency to affect subcellular membrane cholesterol pools in the organ richest in lipids and it was shown that the synaptosomal plasma membranes (SPM) of mice [72]. In differentiation and functioning of cultured brain cells contrast to the hydrophilic pravastatin, the lipophilic lovas- requires LC-PUFA [109]. tatin and simvastatin strongly reduced the levels of free cholesterol in SPM, confirming earlier data [98]. Interes- A number of studies have demonstrated that dietary LC- tingly, statins significantly reduced cholesterol levels in the PUFA are incorporated into diverse cell types and appear to exofacial membrane leaflet. These changes were accom- uniquely modulate cell membrane micro-domains [110-113]. Manipulation of Lipid Rafts in Neuronal Cells The Open Biology Journal, 2010, Volume 3 35

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Received: September 18, 2009 Revised: December 10, 2009 Accepted: December 16, 2009

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