This Is a List of Latin Words with Derivatives in English

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This Is a List of Latin Words with Derivatives in English This is a list of Latin words with derivatives in English Nouns and adjectives The citation form for nouns (the one normally shown in Latin dictionaries) is the Latin nominative singular, but this typically does not exhibit the root form from which English nouns are generally derived. Latin nouns and adjectives Citation Declining Meaning English derivatives form stem acer acer- maple aceric acer acr- sharp acrid, acrimony acerbus acerb- bitter acerbic, acerbity, exacerbate acervus acerv- heap acervate, acervose acētum acēt- vinegar acetic acus acu- needle acuity, acumen, acupuncture, acute, acutifoliate adeps adip- fat adipose adversus advers- set against, hostile adverse, adversity, adversary aedificium aedifici- building edifice aequus aequ-, -iqu- even, level adequate, equality, equity, iniquity aes aer- ore aevum aev- age, eon coeval, eviternal, longevity, mediaeval, primaeval ager agr-, -egr- field agriculture, peregrine ala al- wing alar, alate, aliform alacer alacr- quick alacrity albus alb- dull white albarium, albedo, albinism, albino, album, albumen alius ali- other alias, alibi, alien amplus ampl- ample amplification, amplitude anima anim- breath, soul, life animal, animate, animation animus anim- mind, anger animosity annus ann-, -enn- year anniversary, annual, annuity, biannual, millennium, perennial ānser ānser- goose anserine aqua aqu- water aquamarine, aquarium, Aquarius, aquatic, aqueduct, aquifer aquila aquil- eagle aquiline arbor arbor- tree arboreal, arboretum argentum argent- silver argent, Argentina ars art- art, skill artifact, artificial asinus asin- donkey asinine audāx audāc- brave, bold audacious, audacity auris aur- ear aural, auricle aurum aur- gold aureate, aureole avis avi- bird Aves, avian, aviary, aviation baca bac- berry baccate, bacciferous, bacciform, baccivorous bellum bell- war antebellum, bellicose, belligerence, rebellion bellus bell- pretty embellish bene ben- good benediction, benefactor, benefit, benignity bestia besti- animal bestial, bestiary bini bin- two each binary, binate, combination bonus bon- good bonify, bonitary, bonus – melior – melior- – better – ameliorate – optimus – optim- – best – optimal, optimist bōs bov- cow, ox bovine bracchium brac- arm, support embrace, braces, bracelet brevis brev- brief, short abbreviation, brevity bucca bucc- cheek, mouth, cavity buccal, buccinator muscle bulbus bulb- bulbous bulbous, bulbule bulla bull- bubble, flask ebullient, ebullism bursa burs- pouch, purse bursa, bursar, bursary, disburse butyrum butyr- butter butyric calc- calx heel inculcate -culc- calx calc- limestone, pebble calciform, calcite, calcium, calculus, calculation camera camer- vault bicameral, camera campus camp- field campaign, champion canis can- dog canary, canicule, canid, canine, Canis Major caper capr- goat Capricorn, caprine capillus capill- hair capillaries capsa caps- box, case capsule, encapsulation caput capit-, -cipit- head cape, capital, decapitation, precipitation carbo carbon- coal carbon carcer carcer- jail incarceration cardo cardin- hinge cardinal carnage, carnal, carnary, carnation, carneous, carnival, carnivore, charnel, incarnate, caro carn- flesh incarnation caseus case- cheese caseic, casein catena caten- chain catenary, catenative, concatenation cauda caud-, cod- tail caudal, coda caulis caul-, col- stalk, stem caulicle, cauliflorous, cauline causa caus-, -cus- accusative, causality, causative cavus cav- hollow cave, cavity, concave, excavation celer celer- quick acceleration, celerity centeni centen- hundred each centenary centesimus centesim- hundredth centesimal, centesimation centum cent- hundred cent, centennial, centurion cera cer- wax ceraceous certus cert- certain certiorari, certitude cervīx cervīc- neck cervical, cervix ceterus ceter- other et cetera cilium cili- eyelash cilia cinis ciner- ashes cinereous, cinerin, incinerator circus circ- circle circular, circus cirrus cirr- curl, tentacle cirrus cīvis cīv- citizen civil, civilian, civility clarus clar- clear clarity, declaration clāvicula clāvicul- little key clavicle clavis clav- key clavier clemens clement- mild clemency, inclement collis coll- hill colliculus collum coll- neck collar color color- color Colorado, coloration, coloratura, discolor, tricolor colum col- strainer colander cor cord- heart accord, concordat, cordial, courage, discord corbis corb- basket corb, corf cornū corn- horn Capricorn, cornea, cornucopia, unicorn corona coron- crown corona, coronation corpus corpor- body corporal, corporation, corporeal, corps, corpse, corpulent, corpuscle, incorporation cortex cortic- bark, rind corticosteroid corvus corv- raven corbel, corvine costa cost- rib costal coxa cox- hip coxal cras cras- tomorrow procrastinate crassus crass- thick crass, crassitude creta cret- chalk cretaceous cribrum cribr- sieve cribble, cribellum, cribrate, cribriform crimen crimin- criminal crispus crisp- curled crispate crista crist- crest cristate crus crur- leg, shank crural crux cruc- cross crucial, crucifix, crucify, excruciating culina culin- kitchen culinary culpa culp- blame, fault culpable, exculpate cuneus cune- wedge cuneate, cuneiform cura cur- care cure, curious curtus curt- shortened curt curvus curv- bent curvature cuspis cuspid- tip bicuspid cutis cut- hide, skin cuticle damn- damnum harm condemn, damage, damnation, indemnity -demn- decem decem- ten December, decemfid, decempedal, decemviri decimus decim- tenth decimal, decimate, decimation decus decor- decorous, decorum deni den- ten each denarius, denary, dinero dens dent- tooth dental, dentifrice, denture, indent, trident densus dens- thick condense, density deus de- god deification, deity dexter dextr- right dexterity, dexterous, dextral diēs diē- day diary, quotidian digitus digit- finger, toe digit, digital dignus dign- worthy condign, dignity discipulus discipul- student disciple dominus domin- lord domain, dominate, dominion domus dom- house dome, domestic, domicile dorsum dors- back dorsal, indorse dos dot- dowry dotal, dotation dulcis dulc- sweet dulcet, dulcimer duo du- two dual, duality, dubious, duet, duo, duplex durus dur- hard durable, duration, duress, endure, obdurate ensis ens- sword equus equ- horse equestrian, equine faba fab- bean faba bean, fabaceous faber fabr- fabric faenum faen- hay falx falc- sickle falcate, falciform fames fam- hunger famine, famished fanum fan- temple profanity fascis fasc- bundle fasciculation fatuus fatu- foolish, useless fatuous, infatuation fauces fauc-, -foc- throat faucal, suffocate fēlēs fēl- cat felid, Felinae, feline fēlix fēlic- happy felicitations, felicitous, felicity fēmina fēmin- woman effeminate, femininity femur femor- thigh femoral, femur fenestra fenestr- window defenestration ferox feroc- fierce ferocious, ferocity ferrum ferr- iron ferrite, ferrous ferus fer- wild feral, ferine ficus fic- fig Ficus fides fid- faith, trust confidence, fidelity, infidel, infidelity, perfidy fīlia fīli- daughter affiliation, filial fīlius fīli- son filum fil- thread bifilar, filament fīnis fīn- end, limit affine, affinity, confines, confinity, definition, final, finish, finite, infinity, infinitive firmus firm- firm confirmation, firmament fiscus fisc- basket confiscation, fiscal fistula fistul- pipe, tube fistula, fistulate flaccus flacc- flabby flaccid flavus flav- yellow flavin, flavivirus, flavonoid flōs flōr- flower floral, florid, floriferous, florist, floruit focus foc- hearth bifocal, focal foedus foeder- confederation, federal folium foli- leaf defoliant, foliage, folio, folivore, portfolio follis foll- bellows follicle, follicular fons font- fountain, spring font, fontal, fontanelle foris for- outdoors foreclose, foreign, forest, forum fōrma fōrm- form, shape conformity, deformity, formal, formation, formative, formula, formulary, information formica formic- ant formic formus form- warm fornix fornic- vault fornication, forniciform fors fort- luck fortuitous, fortune fortis fort- strong effort, fortification, fortify, fortitude shallow round fovea fove- fovea, foveal, foveole depression frāter frātr- brother fraternal, fraternity, fratricide fraus fraud- fraud defraud, fraudulent frequens frequent- often frequency, frequentative frōns front- forehead affront, confront, front, frontage, frontal frustum frust- piece frustule, frustulent, frustum frūx frūg- fruit frugal fūmus fūm- smoke fume, fumigation fundus fund- bottom fundamentalism, profundity fungus fung- mushroom fungal, fungicide funis fun- rope funicular fur fur- thief furuncle furca furc- fork bifurcation furtum furt- theft furtive fuscus fusc- dark obfuscation gens gent- gentile, gentility, gentle genu genu- knee genuflection birth, offspring, genus gener- general, generation, generic, generous, genuine creation glacies glaci- ice glacial, glacier gladius gladi- sword gladiator, gladiolus gluten glutin- glue agglutination, glutinous gradus grad- step degrade, gradation, grade, gradient, gradine, gradual, graduation, prograde, retrograde granum gran- grain granary, granite, granule gravis grav- heavy aggravate, gravamen, grave, gravid, gravitation, gravity grex greg- flock, herd aggregate, congregation, egregious, gregarious, segregation grossus gross- thick gross gula gul- gullet, gully gurges gurgit- regurgitate gustus gust- taste disgust, gustatory, gusto gutta gutt- drop guttifer, guttiform guttur guttur- throat guttural herba herb- grass herbaceous, herbal, herbicide hibernus hibern- hibernacle, hibernal hiems hiem- winter hiemal homō homin- man (human being) homicide, hominid hortus hort- garden cohort, horticulture
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  • HEADLINE NEWS • 6/2/06 • PAGE 2 of 7
    Belmont-bound Oh So Awesome Works HEADLINE ...p. 1-ATW NEWS For information about TDN, DELIVERED EACH NIGHT BY FAX AND FREE BY E-MAIL TO SUBSCRIBERS call 732-747-8060. OF FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 2006 TIME HONORED SWEET LIKE SHERGAR? Decades of tradition will be on display in today’s G1 It’s been a full quarter-century since His Highness the Vodafone Oaks at Epsom, with the jackets of four past Aga Khan’s Shergar (GB) opened up to score by a heroines set to be graced in this renewal. Robert record-setting 10 lengths in the G1 Epsom Derby. To- Barnett’s cherry silks morrow, Visindar (GB), a chest- will forever be etched nut son of the Aga Khan’s 2000 into the memory of Blue Riband hero Sinndar (Ire), past winners thanks to will exit from the eight hole in the exploits of the his bid to become winner num- great Time Charter ber five and secure a place in (GB) in 1982, and it is his owner’s Hall of Fame. Con- the duty of Time On versely, Visindar’s trainer, An- Time On romps in the Cheshire Oaks (GB) (Sadler’s Wells) Shergar winning the 1981 dre Fabre, has suffered from a Getty Images to fly the flag this Derby by 10 lengths hoodoo in this prize stretching time. His Highness the back to Shergar’s year and in- Aga Khan’s emerald green were successful in 1989, volving seven contenders over- only for the race to be later stripped from the impres- all, none of which fared any better than ninth.
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