Minute of Meeting held in the Officer’s Mess, QinetiQ, on Tuesday 29 January 2008 at 10.00pm

PRESENT Mr Donald Manford (Chairman) Mr David Neill - Mr Iain Mackinnon - CNES Mr Colin Munro - Highland Airways Mr Duncan Smith - HIAL Mr Liam Hamilton - QinetiQ

APOLOGIES Mr Donald J MacSween - CNES Mr Michael Galbraith - HIAL Mr Donnie Macaulay - HIE Innse Gall


Outer Hebrides 1 The Minute of Meeting of 25 September 2007 was approved. Airport Consultative Committee Arising out of consideration of item 4 of the Minute of 29 September 2007 Members were informed that the Scottish Government had approved the continuation of the Air Discount Scheme, subject to obtaining EU approval.

It was agreed that the Director of Technical Services would issue a press release reaffirming the Committee’s wish that the Air Discount Scheme continue.


Draft Constitution 2 The Chief Executive submitted a Report detailing a draft Constitution for the Outer Hebrides Consultative Committee and Members were invited to comment on the draft constitution.

It was agreed to:

(1) approve the constitution as detailed in the Report on the basis that the Committee would meet three times per annum and with the inclusion of the following organisations as members:

QinetiQ Outer Hebrides Access Panel Western Isles Chamber Of Commerce Western Isles Health Board Outer Hebrides Tourism Association Hoteliers representative; and

(2) authorise the Chairman to write to each of the above listed Organisations inviting them to appoint a Member to serve on the Outer Hebrides Airport Consultative Committee.


Airport Terminals 3 Mr Duncan Smith, HIAL, updated in the Committee in relation to HIAL’s airport infrastructure throughout the Outer Hebrides. Mr Smith indicated that passenger figures continued to grow across the Outer Hebrides. The Air Traffic Control situation in had improved and new staff were being trained with the result there would be no further temporary closures at unless due to unforeseen circumstances.

It was agreed to note the Report.

Loganair Services 4 Mr David Neill updated the Committee in relation to Loganair services. Mr Neill indicated that the current British Airways franchise would be replaced by 26 October 2008 with a FlyBe franchise with the first flights going on sale under this new arrangement in mid-June. A code sharing arrangement was being maintained with British Airways that would allow passengers travelling on interline journeys to London and beyond to continue to check in under one ticket allowing baggage to be checked right through to the final destination. Mr Neill further indicated that the Air Discount Scheme would be eligible on both FlyBe and BA code share services and Loganair would work on the final detail of these arrangements in order to ensure a smooth transition for their customers.

Mr Neill commented on the new “Fare Hopper” service which had been introduced from 3 March on four routes, including the -Stornoway service, with additional capacity added and new low prices guaranteed on all seats on the designated services. This service had been well received and, if successful, would be extended to other parts of the network.

It was agreed to note the Report.

Highland Airways 5 Mr Colin Munro updated the Committee in relation to Highland Airways Services services. A variable timetable had been introduced on the Benbecula- Stornoway morning link to allow connections with the Barra flights. Mr Munro indicated that passenger numbers were currently fairly static and punctuality was approximately 95%, with most delays being due to weather.

It was agreed to note the Report.

Date of Next 6 The next Meeting of the Committee would be held in May 2008 with the Meeting Principal Administrative Officer confirming the date and time.