, S&enmt : Mr R Stirling, Mr G Egan, Mr S Darkins, Mr J D Lindsay, Mr D Murray, Mr R Herron, Mrs E M Young, Miss R Anderson. In Attendance: Constable Leeming - Police Liaison Officer

Chair : Mr Robert Herron

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Gray, Mr Clelland, Mr Rice, Mrs Ruxton and Mr Rae.

ChaiTman'S Mr Herron welcomed the Members attending and extended a special word to Ranarks: Constable Leeming, whom he included in his thanks for attendance and work done during 1998. mutes of The Minutes of the Meeting on 23rd Nuvember had been circulated. mous Adoption was proposed by Mr Murray, seconded by Mr Lindsay and agreed Ieeting: by the Council. police Constable Leeming reported on 12 incidents since the previous Meeting. Liaison: These involved thefts of two vehicles, both of which had been recovered. There had been four thefts from cars, and thefts of petrol. Three persons from outside the area had been reported for these and it was agreed'that the plain clothes smeillance was having an effect. Drinking in Public Places received a mentionand complaints from Residents of Park Road regarding indecent behaviour in the Park during week-end football matches. A look out was being kept concerning drinking in public Places, and a meeting had been arranged with Councillor Gray and the Police, with Residents of Park Road. It was agreed that a letter of thanks be sent to the Officer in Charge for prompt attention to a drink problem in . Mr Herron thanked Constable Leeming for his attendance, advice and attention. Plarming Cmsultatians:

Weekly Planninq Lists

The Lists from 20th November to 4th December were considered. 57 Barcaldine Avenue It was agreed to enquire if consideration was being given to the problems ' with methane gas, when attention was being given to the application for a dwelling house in the garden of this address. Planning Conditions Planning conditions had been received for 150 Dnmxavel Road and 120 Majn street clKyst0n. Mollinbud. 3 Planning ccrnsultations cantd. Mollinsburn/ Risht of Way Legal Services Division had still not responded and Administration Dept. had suhitted a further request.

Business Proposed Amendment to the Constitution ' Arishg fm EWTRUST had advised that the draft would meet their requirements, but the was - mufx?s: North Council still studying the draft. It was agreed that this item be left until the next meeting when further information might be to hand. Post Office - Station Road Muirhead Advice was now received that the Post Office was being transferred to the Superstore in Road, Muirhead. Scottish Power - Cmunity Champion Mr O'Neill had won and had received a cheque of El00 for the charity of his choice. Scottish Office Rural Community Transport Initiative The Secretary had applied for a grant to assist with the Community Minibus Service (Beaconbus), and a kind endorsement on the value of the service had been given by Council.

Accounts for Payment

Accounts for Scottish Power U.11, Hall Let E3.38, Stationery 219.01 and a gratuity of E12, were passed for payment. North Lanarkshire Council

1. Control of Dogs - a new initiative had been agreed with the Police to tackle the problem of dog fouling. 2. North Lanark News - a copy of the Winter Issue was received. 3. Commission on Local Government - Consultation Paper No 2 was received. 4. ErnrirnrrPrrtal Projects - Information was received on Projects involving conservation. I 5. Draft Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils - A consultation Document was received for comment by 29th January.

6. Housing & Neighbour Problems - Dealing with Anti-Social Behaviour. 7. Rural Initiatives Scheme 1998/9 - Information of assistance amilable through Scottish Office for Projects in Rural areas. It was agreed to give each Member a copy of the Control of Dogs letter, of the Draft Scheme for Community Councils, and to copy the Rural Initiative letter to Mr Stirling for Wllinsburn. Various IEeparts: Crime Prevention Panel Mr Lindsay gave an update of the activities and distributed leaflets and marker pens. Citizen's Advice Bureau Mr Murray spoke of the aims to have a time to time presence in Chryston. Beaconbus St Barbara's Church now had their own minibus, but Father O'Sullivan had written a letter of thanks for the service given by Beaconbus over the years. Northern Corridor Area Committee The Secretary had attended the Meeting on loth December. Items discu included non-consultation with North Lanarkshire Council on Health Matters by Glasgow Health Board, an example given was Lenzie Hospital. Suggestions for the Pensioner's Hut to be utilised as changing rooms for football teams, if funds could be found, were put forward. The next Community Forum Meeting would be on 12th January, and a grant had been given to Chryston Community Council to cover the S100 enrolment fee for ENTRUST and the Anstruther Holiday Project had been granted agenerous &l,000.

That being all the Business in Hand, the Meeting closed with Chairman Mr Herron extending Season's Greetings to everyone attending. 5 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF CHRYSTON COMMUNI': COUNCIL, HELD IN THE PUBLIC HALL, MUIRHEAD ON MONDAY 25th JANUARY 1999 at 7.30pm...... CHRYSTON OMMUNITY OUNCIL Mr G Egan, Mr D Murray, Mr J D Lindsay, Mr S Darkins, Mr R Herron Mr R Clelland, Mr B Rice and Miss R Anderson. In Attendance: Police Liaison Officer w~CPatrick

Chair : Mr Robert Herron

Apologies for absence were intimated from Councillor Gray, Mrs Ruxton, Mr Stirling, Mr Rae, Mrs Young and Constable Leeming. Mr Herron welcomed everyone attending the first meeting of 1999. He extended a special word of welcome to WPC Fatrick. e of The Minutes of the Meeting on 14th December had been circulated. z:Adoption was proposed by Mr Lindsay, seconded by Mr Murray and agreed by the Council.

WFC Patrick reported 22 offences since the previous Meeting. These included thefts of vehicles, both of which were recovered, petrol thefts and thefts from houses. Members spoke of under age drinking on Friday nights, of youngsters drinking and congregating in the Public Park and of litter problems which were extensive. WPC Patrick noted the comments and confirmed that there were plans to continue observation of the areas. Mr Herron thanked her for her report.

Planning e ConsulGtians: Weekly Planninq Lists The Lists from 11th December to 15th January were considered.

Prowsed Dwellinq House at 8 Bowlinq Green Road It was agreed to subnit objections on the grounds of Backland development and interference with neighbours privacy. 52 Station Road, Muirhead Permission to park two vans in a driveway had been granted and a copy of the conditions had been received. Linds ay- House

Pdssion for the erection of 2 houses had been refused and a co~yof the reasons had been received.

Illuminated/. ,... 6

Planning Illuminated Siqn at 29 Station Road Muirhead cansultatians OMtd. : The application for the sign had been refused. Residential Development, Lochend Ave., Mount Ellen

A Hearing following a site visit on 11th January, resulted in permission being refused.

Bedlay Colliery - Non Compliance with Conditions 2 and 11 of Planning Permission The potential impact of continued operations on Mollinsburn Village had been taken into consideration. The application had been determined and a copy of the extensive conditions had been received from Planning Department. Riqhts of Way

1. Mollinsburn to Annathill: Guidance was still awaited from Lqa Services Division. The process of collating information With Planning Dept. was underway. 2. Lees Walk: The implications of the safety barrier in the central reservation of the A.80 being out of alignment with the path was under investigation. 3. Right of Way 148 Clarification of ownership of the Borderi~ (Greenlea Rd) Ground pending a clear up of the area was underway. Road Sisn Warning of Pedestrians at Greenlea Cottaqe Further information would be forwarded on progress of the request for a sign. A.80 Path - Beazex Development - Crow-wood Efforts to have safety fencing restored were being made by Planning the Kirkintilloch Herald and the Secretary. Business AriSb ENTRUST. frcrm the - 1. Letters were received confirming that enrolment would be approved on ratification of the Draft Amendment to the Constitution.

2. A Grant of &100 to cwer the enrolment fee had been awarded by the Northern Corridor Area Cdttee.

Relocation of Post Office from Station Road, Muirhead Letters had been received from Post Office Counters, Administration Dept.r and Mr Tom Clarke MF advising that relocation had gone ahead.

Environmental Services/ ..... 7 Business Environmental Services - AriSipJ Roads, Pavment Sweepinq, Floodina etc. fraar tike Minutes 1. Members were advised that since reorganisation, the Local Street ooarta: Operative had been responsible for a much larger area. Mechanical Sweeping had been introduced to assist, and the situation was being mnitored. 2. WigRoad: It was recognised that remedial works in the Park had not been successful in solving the Flooding Problem. Whilst noting these replies, the Members requested that the Secretary ask for all the gullies to be cleared, especially in Knowe Road and Drumcave1 Road, and to ask for clearing of the pavements in Main St Chryston and the uplifting of bottles and cans in Old Lindsaybeg Road.

Control Of Doqs As agreed at the previous Meeting, the Area Manager's Letter was acknowledged and copied to each Member.

It was now decided that the first target area should be Cumkernauld Road at the Shopping Centre. Strathclyde Police Superintendent Tom Buchan thanked the Members for their letters of appreciation. Community Forum Advice was received of places available for Membership. Re-Wclins Facilities The Cormunity Council's letter was acknowledged and the siting suggestion for an aluminium-can bank at the Sports Centre, noted. Draft Scheme for Community Councils This had been studied by the Members and the Secretary was now authorised to forward agreed observations to Administration Department.

Correspndence: Seasonal Greetinqs Greetings were received from Councillor Gray, Former Director of Administration for Mr R McClelland, the Kirkintilloch Herald, Chryston Primary Sdhool and Tomunity Mr Bernard O'Neill. Road and Parkins Problems

1. Parking on Chryston Road at Sports Centre: Councillor Gray sent copies of his correspondence and in answer to his observations, Leisure Ikpt. would display suitable notices requesting co-operation. 2. Ccmbernauld Road: Councillor Gray had expressed doubts on traffic islands, instead he proposed an extension of the lay-bys and a zebra crossing. Strathclyde/ ..... 8'

. .. . correspondence Strathclyde Police - Objectives 1999/2000

A List of Policing Priorities was requested by 15th January. In accordance with previous findings, the Secretary had given the three main items as drug dealing, sale of alcohol to underage persons, street robbery and crhs of violence, with extras - vandalism, house breaking and speeding traffic. Strathclyde Joint Police Board Copies of the December Minutes were received and mrious items noted. Association of Scottish Community Councils Items received were - A letter detailing enclosures, Autumn Newsletter Information on Millennium Forest for Scotland, European Funding, Rural Forum Action Network, Consultation Paper from the McIntosh Commission Constitution and Standing Orders and Various adverts. Rt. Hon Tom Clarke CBE JP MP Mr Clarke sent a copy of his 1998 Annual Parliamentary Report which was noted with interest. Land Reform Policy Group Scottish Office forwarded copies of their Recommendation for Action. North Lanarkshire Minutes Copies of the December Minutes were received and noted.

An item re remwal of i'No Ball Gamesiisigns was noted and the Secretary was asked to enquire what the reason might be. It was also agreed to enquire if priority was given to Local Teams at the Local Football Parks. National mrinq Clean - ADril 1999 Information was forwarded together with requests for volunteers. Authorities Buyinq Consortium Information was Feceived and noted.


Repxts: ~ Crime Prevention Panel Mr Lindsay reported that the Panel were united against drugs. Cunibernauld United Football Team and others were aiming to divert children away from drugs. A campaign would start soon.

Meanwhile Personal alarms were available at g7.20, mini surveillance cameras for homes were in the pipeline, and it was hoped to have a local display of these items. Citizens Advice Bureau

Mr -ray reported that the next Xeeting would be on 27th January and suitable/ ..... 9

Various Citizens Ad-dce Bureau Contd Reparts c;mtd: suitable accommodation in Muirheac for time to time presence was still being considered. Norther Corridor Community Councils Mr Murray and the Secretary had attended the mal Meeting on 20th January. The min item under discussion was the Draft Scheme for Community Councils. Anstruther Holiday Project

The caravan would barely last another season so the Lotteries Board had been applied to for assistance. Beacon Community Shop The shop would be open on 31st January. Tree at Woodhead Road It was noted that one of the trees on which there was a preservation order had been cut down. It had been considered dangerous after the Violent storms on 26th -r.

Members were requested to consider something that could be done in the District to mark the Millennium, and report back to the next Meeting.

That being all the business in hand, Mr Herron thanked the Members for attending, and was in turn thanked for Chairing the Meeting.