Wimbish Through the Centuries
WIMBISH THROUGH THE CENTURIES ISABEL WISEMAN 1954 INTRODUCTION ODAY we have grown so used to thinking of progress as emanating Tfrom the large centres of population — our cities and towns — that we are apt to forget that until comparatively recent times Britain was mainly a country of villages, always excepting on, Cobbett’s “great wen” It was in the villages, in the country seats dominating them, plans (political and otherwise) were often evolved. Perhaps reason why we are apt to overlook these facts is the absence village records. A town, with its own local government organisation, usually possesses a nucleus of Minute Books, Account Books other archives, from which it is fairly easy for the historian to trace its development. But the first task of the village historian is discover and bring together scattered records, which are often disjointed and lacking continuity. In her book on Wimbish Through the Centuries Miss Wiseman has been fortunate in her discovery of such records, the reward of much able and painstaking work. A general historical background, sufficient for the purpose, provides continuity, and to this background are fitted illustrative Wimbish records. Broadoaks, Tiptofts, Pinkneys, Hodges, Thunderley, Little Stonards — the very names have a fascination, and all in turn contribute stories. Perhaps the most fascinating account in the book comes from Broadoaks, which under the Wisemans in Elizabeth’s sreign became headquarters of the Jesuit priest, Father John Gerard, whose biography is quoted, giving a detailed description of his ventures and concealment in the Broadoaks hiding during a four-days search for him. Anyone interested in the devotion and scorn of danger to their lives shown by many of the Jesuits would amply repaid for acquiring a copy of Wimbish through the Centuries.
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