Planning Report for 2011/0859 Location : Arnold Daybrook And Bestwood Constitutional Club Prior Road Daybrook

NOTE This map is provided only for purposes of site location and should not be read as an up to date representation of the area around the site Reproduced with the permission of the Controller of H.M.S.O. Crown Copyright No. LA 078026 Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution of civil proceedings


LOCATION: Arnold Daybrook And Bestwood Constitutional Club Prior Road Daybrook

PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing club house and construction of 5 no. apartments and 8 no. houses

APP LICANT: Mr R Morrell

AGENT: Mr P Noble

Site Description

The site is located on the corner of Prior Road and Sherbrook Road, it is currently the site of the Arnold and Daybrook and Bestwood Constitutional Club. The Club building is located in the northern part of the site; to the side and front of the building is car parking. The Club building itself is a mixture of a two storey flat roofed building and a single storey building with a curved roof.

Along the northern and western boundary of the site is a mixture of close boarded fencing and brick walling. The southern and eastern boundaries of the site are more open, having a low railing of approximately 0.5 metres in height. There are four small trees to the Prior Road frontage.

The area in which the site is located is a mixture of commercial and residential properties. Opposite the site on Sherbrook Road is a row of shops, whilst on the immediate North and Eastern boundaries of the site are residential properties. Across the road on Prior Road are offices.

Proposed Development

Full planning permission is sought for the demolition of the existing building and the erection of a block of flats comprising 5 apartments and the construction of 8 houses.

The apartments would be constructed to the frontage of Sherbrook Road within a building that would be three storeys in height. The building would be set 6.5m back from the boundary with Sherbrook Road to follow the building line established by nos. 150 and 152 Sherbrook Road. To the corner of Sherbrook Road with Prior Road it is proposed to provide an area of open amenity space that would be approximately 14m long by 7m wide. The plans submitted with the application indicate that this area of land will be landscaped. To the rear of the apartments it is proposed to provide a bin store and also a bike store. The bin and bike store would form part of the building and is shown as being accessible from the lobby area of the building and also from the outside. The ground floor apartments would be provided with a small terrace that would be enclosed by a 0.6m high boundary wall with railings of 0.6m in height above it. The first and second floor apartments would have balconies. The terraces and balconies would be provided to the Sherbrook Road frontage.

The building would have a pitched roof, but the lobby and staircase to the building would be flat roofed, with a window feature running down the middle, which has been designed to create a central bay feature to the building.

The 8 houses would be built fronting onto Prior Road and would be constructed to form 4 blocks of semi-detached properties. The houses would be two storeys in height and would be set back approximately 8m from the boundary with Prior Road, so that the buildings would follow the same

building line established by nos. 2, 4, 6 and 8 Prior Road (which are located further up the street). Each house would be provided with its own car parking space.

A total of 18 car parking spaces would be provided as part of the development. 6 car parking spaces would be provided to the front of the flats, which would be accessed off Sherbrook Road and 12 would be provided for the proposed houses.

The proposed development would be constructed using a mix of red and buff bricks, with red brick to window heads and cills and a concrete tile roof.

Following comments received from the Urban Design Consultant, the street elevation of the proposed apartment block has been amended to provide more visual interest. Visitor spaces have also been created for the proposed houses in order to increase the number of car parking spaces to be provided as part of the development. The alterations do not raise any substantial changes to the proposed development and therefore no further consultations have been undertaken.

A Design and Access Statement; Sustainability Statement; Bat survey and a Tree Survey has been submitted with the planning application.

The Sustainability Statement indicates that the dwellings will be built to meet code level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes. It is indicated that rainwater collection system, heat recovery systems and solar panels will be considered for South facing roof slopes, which will reduce the environmental impact of the development. If the dwellings do achieve Code Level 3 then the buildings will be built to outperform the current minimum requirements of Building Regulations.


104 Neighbouring properties have been notified of the proposed development by letter. I have received no representations as a consequence of this publicity.

However as the site notice consultation period does not expire until the 13 th of January 2012. Any representations received shall be reported at Planning Committee, any representations received in the interim will be verbally reported at Planning Committee. However, given that the site notice will expire two days after the Committee meeting is held, I am requesting that the decision be delegated to the Corporate Director to avoid any delay which may affect the redevelopment of the site, should Members concur with the recommendation.

Nottinghamshire County Council Senior Forestry Officer: - The Senior Forestry Officer notes that whilst the group of trees on the Prior Road boundary make some contribution to the visual amenity of the area they are of limited quality and stature, and that as a consequence it may be preferable if they were removed and were replaced with semi-mature trees.

Nottinghamshire County Council Highways:-The Highway Authority has raised no objections to the proposed development. The Highway Authority considers that the site is close to good transport links and notes that if any on-street car parking is to occur as a result of the proposed development, then this is likely to be on Prior Road and as such would not raise any highway safety implications. If householders did require an additional space in the future, the front gardens to the properties could accommodate one more car parking space. The Highway Authority has requested that should planning permission be granted that conditions be imposed to ensure that car parking spaces are provided in accordance with the approved plans, that a scheme is submitted to ensure that no surface water from car parking areas is discharged onto the public highway and that the car parking spaces are surfaced in a bound material. An informative has also been suggested to advise the applicant that works will be required to the Public Highway in order to provide the necessary vehicular accesses to the car parking spaces.

The Highway Authority has been notified of the proposed changes to the proposed car parking and has verbally raised no objections to the alterations.

Nottinghamshire County Council Education: - The proposed development meets the threshold at which a contribution can be sought in relation to providing education facilities. The Education Authority has advised that there is a shortage of primary school places in the area and that the proposed development could exacerbate the existing situation. The development is likely to generate the need for 3 primary school places and using the Department of Education cost multiplier figure of £11,455 per primary place the Local Education Authority would wish to seek a developers contribution of £34,365.

Gedling Borough Council Environmental Protection: - Public Protection raises no objections to the proposed development.

Gedling Borough Council Planning Policy: - Planning Policy raises no objections to the proposed development.

Gedling Borough Council Direct Services: - I have received no comments from Direct Services. Any comments received will be verbally reported at Planning Committee.

Gedling Borough Council Urban Design Consultant: - The Urban Design Consultant has raised no objections to the proposed development, but has suggested that the street elevation of the apartments could be made more visually interesting through the provision of Juliette balconies.

Environment Agency: - The proposed development is not in a high risk environment or is able to offer significant environmental benefit from the Environment Agency’s perspective, and as such the Environment Agency has no comments to make in relation to this application.

Severn Trent: - Severn Trent raises no objection to the proposed development, but has requested that a drainage condition be attached should planning permission be granted.

Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust: - I have received no comments from the Wildlife Trust. Any comments received will be verbally reported at Planning Committee.

Natural : - Natural England has assessed the application and has concluded that the proposed development would not have any adverse impact on any statutorily protected sites or species.

Police Architectural Liaison Officer: - The Police Architectural Liaison Officer has not raised any objections to the proposed development, however it has been suggested that access to the rear of the houses should be restricted through the use of gates and that the rear garden areas should be protected by appropriate boundary fencing. The Police Architectural Liaison Officer has also requested that the area to the rear of the apartments should be restricted and that lockable gates should be provided. Consideration should also be given to ensuring that lockable doors are provided to the bike and bin stores. He has also requested that the applicant give consideration to incorporating measures within the scheme to ensure that shoppers driving to the small parade of shops opposite the apartments do not cause a nuisance by parking or blocking the car parking spaces intended for the occupants of the proposed apartments .

Planning Considerations

The site is not allocated or designated for any specific purpose within the Gedling Borough Replacement Local Plan (Certain Policies Saved) 2008.

The following national policies are relevant to this application:-

Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development (2005) Planning Policy Statement 3: Housing (2011)

The following saved policies of the Gedling Borough Replacement Local Plan (Certain Policies Saved) 2008 are also relevant to this planning application:-

ENV1: Development Criteria ENV2: Landscaping Policy H7: Residential Development on Unidentified Sites within the Urban Area and Defined Village Envelopes Policy H16: Design of Residential Development Policy C2: Community Facilities for New Development In making a recommendation in relation to this application regard has been given to the above planning policy and as a result it has been determined that the main planning considerations are whether:-

a) the site is suitable for residential development;

b) a development of a high standard of design would be provided on site;

c) there would be any adverse impact on the residential amenity of neighbouring occupants; and

d) the proposal raises any highway safety implications.

Also relevant to the determination of this application is whether a contribution towards education facilities should be sought.

Site Suitability

PPS3 at paragraph 10 advises that one of the housing policy objectives of the planning system is to deliver housing developments in suitable locations, which offer a good range of community facilities and with good access to jobs, key services and infrastructure. The site is located within an existing community which has good access to services. The site as currently designed and laid out does not make a positive contribution to the appearance of the area, so the proposed redevelopment provides an opportunity to deliver a development that will improve the character and quality of an area. The development would therefore meet the requirements of paragraph 35 of PPS1 which encourages local planning authorities to ensure that places will function well and that development will add to the overall character and quality of an area.

In my opinion, the provision of residential development at this location is acceptable in principle.


PPS1 at paragraph 34 states that design which is inappropriate in its context, or which fails to take the opportunities available for improving the character and quality of an area and the way it functions, should not be accepted. PPS3 builds upon the design advice set out in PPS1 and at paragraph 16 provides detailed guidance on the matters to be considered when assessing design quality. The aspects to be considered are its proximity and ease of access to public transport and community facilities, relationship to existing development and response to the local context, the quality of the public realm created and whether it enhances or creates a sense of place.

Policies ENV1, H7 and H16 of the Local Plan require development to be of a high standard of design. The policies require regard to be given to the appearance of the surrounding area, providing safe and convenient access and circulation of pedestrians and vehicles, reducing the

likelihood of crime and antisocial behaviour and ensuring that the proposed development relates well to existing features such as roads, footpaths and open spaces in the vicinity.

In order to determine whether a development of a high standard of design will be delivered, Officers assess proposals for more than 10 dwellings against the Building for Life Standard (BfL). The BfL Standard is based around 20 questions which encompass the guidance on design contained within PPS1 and PPS3 and the Standard also requires consideration of the design criteria contained within Local Plan policies ENV1, H7 and H16. The Standard is a useful tool for considering a range of aspects that determine whether a scheme is of a high standard of design.

The proposed scheme has been judged to score 15 in relation to the BfL Standard, which means that it can be considered to be a good well designed development. The proposal scores well in regard to the environment and community; the development is close to community facilities, has access to public transport and also includes features that will reduce its environmental impact.

The development also scores highly in relation to character, this is because the design is specific to the scheme, an attempt is being made to retain existing trees on site and the scheme will feel like a place with a distinctive character. The distinctive character will be achieved in part because although the buildings are of a traditional design, they will have a contemporary twist, which is achieved through the use of a central lobby feature to the apartment building and the use of Juliette balconies within the houses and to the apartments. The development has been laid out to follow the building line set by existing properties on Sherbrook Road and Prior Road, and the new buildings will front onto these existing streets, as a result of this the layout will be easy for people to find their way around.

The development also scores well with regard to the questions of the BfL standard relating to parking and streets. Car parking will be provided off the street and as indicated in the layout plan of the site there is a sufficient amount of open space and soft landscaping to provide visual relief from the proposed areas of car parking, which will ensure that there are not large swathes of hard surfacing that could detract from the quality of the street scene. It is advisable that a landscaping condition be imposed, together with a condition taking away the permitted development rights of the houses in relation to creating areas of hard surfacing to front gardens in order to ensure that a sufficient amount of soft landscaping and open space is retained in the long term.

Public spaces and pedestrian routes will be overlooked so that they will feel safe. However, I note the comments made by the Police Architectural Officer in relation to providing lockable gates to the rear of the apartments and also to the dwellings and also lockable doors to the bin and bike stores, and as such consider that a condition should be attached to secure this.

The scheme also scores highly in relation to design and construction. This is because the buildings as shown on the plans do exhibit architectural quality, however the quality of the materials used within the scheme will determine to a large extent whether the potential is realised. I therefore suggest that a condition be attached requiring samples of the materials to be used to be submitted, in this way the Council will be able to control the final appearance of the building.

As a consequence of the design of the proposed development, I consider that it would comply with the design policies as set out in PPS1, PPS3 and also Policy ENV1, H7 and H16 of the Gedling Borough Replacement Local Plan.

Impact on Residential Amenity

The position of the proposed new buildings will ensure that there would be no adverse impact on the residential amenity of adjoining occupants; this is because the new buildings have been proposed on the same building line as existing properties. The new dwellings would have garden depths of approximately 10 metres and as a result the interface distance between rear elevations of the new dwellings and existing dwellings would be approximately 22 metres. At such distances there would be no adverse impact on amenity in terms of causing overlooking, overshadowing or the proposal being visual intrusive for the neighbouring properties.

The only potential for overlooking is from the apartment block into the rear garden area of the first two houses of the proposed development. This potential to cause overlooking can be addressed through a condition requiring the windows in the rear elevation of the apartment block to be obscured glazed. Given the relationship and orientation of the apartment block in relation to the first two dwellings of the proposed development I do not consider that the position of the apartments would have an adverse impact on the amenity (in terms of being too overbearing or causing adverse overshadowing) for the future occupants of the first two dwellings.

Highway Safety

The County Council as Highway Authority has not raised any objections to the proposed development in relation to either the amount of traffic that would be generated or in relation to the amount of car parking that would be provided.

With regards to car parking the proposed development would provide 18 off street car parking spaces. The draft Supplementary Planning Document ‘Parking Provision for Residential Developments’ would require the development to provide 18 off street car parking spaces.

The car parking spaces to be provided for the apartments would not be allocated to any specific unit, and as a result under the draft Supplementary Planning Document ‘Parking Provision for Residential Developments’ the apartments would only generate a need for 4 car parking spaces. One car parking space would be allocated to each of the houses, as a consequence the draft SPD requires an additional 0.7 spaces to be provided for each dwelling, which would mean that an additional 5.6 spaces would be needed i.e. 6 additional spaces. The requirement for 6 additional spaces for the houses would be provided for by the 4 visitor spaces that are proposed to the front of the semi-detached properties and by the 2 additional spaces that would be provided in front of the apartments.

I am mindful of the comments raised by the Police Architectural Liaison Officer in relation to likelihood of shoppers driving to the small parade of shops opposite the apartments causing a nuisance by parking or blocking the car parking spaces intended for the occupants of the proposed development. To address this issue, a condition should be attached requiring details of the precise measures to be incorporated into the scheme to reduce the risk of shoppers utilising the spaces.

If the car parking spaces in front of the flats are occupied, then I note that the Highway Authority has stated that if any on-street car parking is to occur then it is likely to be mainly on Prior Road, which is unlikely to have highway safety implications.

As the development provides the required number of car parking spaces under the draft SPD, I am satisfied that a sufficient amount of car parking for the development will be provided. As the Highway Authority has not raised any issues in relation to highway safety, I am of the opinion that the development would have no undue impact on highway safety. The proposed development therefore accords with paragraph 51 of PPS3 which requires local planning authorities to take account of expected levels of car ownership whilst also recognising the importance of promoting good design and the need to use land efficiently. The development would also accord with Policy ENV1 (c) which aims to ensure that development proposals provide adequate provision for safe and convenient access and circulation of pedestrians and vehicles.

Planning Obligations

The proposed development would meet the threshold at which a contribution can be sought in relation to providing education facilities. The applicant has been advised of the contribution that is sought from the Education Authority, and their agent has confirmed that they are willing to enter into a section 106 agreement to provide funding for additional school places in the area. As a consequence of this I suggest that a condition be attached requiring an agreement to be entered into.

Other Planning Considerations

Retention of trees

The layout of the development does enable the existing trees to be retained, in order to secure this and additional planting a landscape condition should be attached to any permission granted.

Bat Survey

A bat survey has been submitted, as the proposal would involve the demolition of a building. Natural England has advised that the proposed development would not have any adverse impact on any statutorily protected sites or species. I therefore do not consider that the proposed development would raise any impact in relation to wildlife and would accord with PPS9, which requires local planning authorities to ensure that they have sufficient information to assess whether development would have an adverse impact on wildlife.


The proposed development would make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the area and the number of car parking spaces provided would accord with the draft SPG, I am therefore of the opinion that the proposed development would accord with PPS1, PPS3 and with Policies ENV1, H7 and H16 of the local plan.

As the notification period on the site notice has not yet expired, it is recommended that Planning Committee give delegated power to the Corporate Director to determine this application.

Recommendation: That the Corporate Director be given authority to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION once the neighbour notification period has expired and no relevant objections being raised, subject to the following conditions:


1. The development must be begun not later than three years beginning with the date of this permission.

2. The development hereby permitted shall not be initiated by the undertaking of a material operation defined in Section 56 (4) (a, b, c and d) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 in relation to the development, until a planning obligation pursuant to Section 106 of the said Act has been entered into by all persons with a relevant interest in the site and lodged with the County Council as Education Authority for the provision of education facilities, and the Borough Council as Local Planning Authority has notified in writing to the persons submitting the same that the planning obligations are to the Local Planning Authority's approval.

3. The proposed development shall be built in accordance with drawing numbers 1857-003 Rev B Proposed Site Plan, Roof Plan and Context Elevation and 1857-005 Rev B Proposed Apartment Plans and Elevations, submitted on the 21st December 2011.

4. No development shall take place until samples of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces (i.e. facing materials, windows, doors and roofing materials) of the development hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, prior to the first occupation of the development or in accordance with a timetable to be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority prior to commencement of the development.

5. No development shall take place until a hard and soft landscaping scheme has be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority and these works shall be carried out as approved. The scheme shall include: (a) a plan showing the existing trees/hedges to be retained as part of the development; (b) details of the specification and positioning of fencing and any other measures to be taken for the protection of any tree proposed to be retained on site so as to avoid damage before or during the course of development; (c) details of the size, species, position and density of all trees, shrubs and other plants to be planted; (d) programme of implementation for the proposed new planting; (e) proposed means of enclosure; (f) hard surfacing to communal areas and to the frontage of properties; (g) minor artefacts and structures (e.g. lighting, bollards etc); and (h) plans showing the existing and proposed ground levels of the site. The trees to be retained shall be protected in accordance with the approved details and the proposed new planting shall be planted in accordance with the approved details. The elements of hard landscaping (means of enclosure, surfacing and minor artefacts and structures) shall be provided before the dwellings they are intended to serve are first occupied, and shall thereafter be retained unless otherwise prior agreed in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall be constructed in accordance with the ground levels agreed under (h) above.

6. No development shall take place until details of the measures proposed to be implemented to assist in ensuring that the car parking proposed to the front of the apartments is made available for the occupants of the proposed development and their visitors, together with a programme of implementation have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The agreed measures shall be implemented in accordance with the agreed timetable and shall be retained thereafter, unless alternative measures are prior agreed in writing by the local planning authority.

7. No development shall take place until precise details of the lockable gates proposed to provide secure access to the rear communal area to the apartment block and to the dwellings have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The lockable gates shall be provided in accordance with the approved details prior to the first occupation of the dwellings they are intended to serve and shall be retained thereafter, unless alternative means of ensuring safe and secure access for the residents of the proposed development are prior agreed in writing by the local planning authority.

8. No development shall take place until drainage plans for the disposal of surface water and foul sewage have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details before the development is first brought into use.

9. No development shall take place until precise details of the measures to be used to meet code level 3 or higher of the code for sustainable homes have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The approved measures shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details prior to the occupation of the

dwellings they are intended to serve and shall be retained thereafter unless otherwise prior agreed in writing by the local planning authority.

10. No part of the development hereby permitted shall be brought into use until the parking areas are provided in accordance with the approved plans and the access, driveways and parking areas are constructed with provision to prevent the unregulated discharge of surface water from the driveways and parking areas to the public highway. The parking areas and the provision to prevent the unregulated discharge of surface water to the public highway shall thereafter be retained for the life of the development.

11. No part of the development hereby permitted shall be brought into use until the vehicular crossings have been made available for use and constructed in accordance with the Highway Authority specification. Prior to the development hereby permitted being brought into use the local planning authority shall first be advised in writing that the works have been completed and secondly the local planning authority shall then confirm in writing that the works are to its satisfaction.

12. The windows to the rear elevation of the apartment block shall be obscurely glazed, the windows shall either be non-opening or top hung at all times, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.

13. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (No.2) (England) Order 2008 (or any subsequent Order or statutory provision revoking or re-enacting that Order), no additional areas of hard surfacing other than those shown on the approved plans shall be provided to the front of the proposed dwellings unless expressly authorised by the local planning authority.

14. The approved landscape scheme shall be carried out in the first planting season following the substantial completion of the development and any planting material which becomes diseased or dies within five years of the completion of the development shall be replaced in the next planting season by the applicants or their successors in title.


1. In order to comply with Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

2. To secure the provision of education facilities in order to comply with Policy C2 of the Gedling Borough Replacement Local Plan (Certain Policies Saved) 2008.

3. For the avoidance of doubt.

4. To ensure that the materials to be used within the proposal are appropriate to secure a high quality development and to accord with Policy ENV1 of the Local Plan.

5. To secure an appropriate landscape scheme in order to comply with Policy ENV2 of the Gedling Borough Replacement Local Plan (Certain Policies Saved) 2008.

6. To assist in safeguarding the residential amenity of future occupants and to reduce the risk of anti-social behaviour in order to comply with the aims of Policy ENV1 of the Gedling Borough Replacement Local Plan (Certain Policies Saved) 2008.

7. To assist in safeguarding the residential amenity of future occupants and to reduce the risk of anti-social behaviour in order to comply with the aims of Policy ENV1 of the Gedling Borough Replacement Local Plan (Certain Policies Saved) 2008.

8. To ensure that the development is provided with a satisfactory means of drainage as well as to reduce the risk of creating or exacerbating a flooding problem and to minimise the risk of pollution in order to accord with PPS25 'Development and Flood Risk'.

9. To ensure that the measures proposed to be utilised in order to achieve code level 3 or higher do not have an adverse impact on the appearance of the proposed buildings in order to ensure that the design aims of Policy ENV1 of the Gedling Borough Council Replacement Local Plan (Certain Policies Saved) 2008 are met.

10. In the interests of highway safety and to ensure that surface water is not deposited on the public highway causing dangers to road users in order to comply with Policy ENV1 of the Gedling Borough Council Replacement Local Plan (Certain Policies Saved) 2008.

11. In the interests of highway safety and to ensure that the development accords with Policy ENV1 of the Gedling Borough Council Replacement Local Plan (Certain Policies Saved) 2008.

12. To ensure a satisfactory development in accordance with the aims of Policy ENV1 of the Gedling Borough Council Replacement Local Plan (Certain Policies Saved) 2008.

13. To safeguard the appearance of the development in order to accord with Policy ENV1 of the Gedling Borough Council Replacement Local Plan (Certain Policies Saved) 2008.

14. To safeguard the soft landscaping scheme to be implemented in order to accord with Policy ENV2 of the Gedling Borough Council Replacement Local Plan (Certain Policies Saved) 2008

Reasons for Decision

The proposed development would make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the area, the Borough Council is of the opinion that the development would also have no adverse impact on residential amenity or on highway safety and would therefore comply with the aims of PPS1, PPS3 and Policies ENV1, H7 and H16 of the Gedling Borough Council Replacement Local Plan (Certain Policies Saved) 2008.

Notes to Applicant

The development makes it necessary to construct/alter/reinstate vehicular accesses over footways of the public highway which is land subject to the provisions of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended) and therefore land over which you have no control. Any works within the public highway may be carried out by the Highway Authority, or by persons appointed, and by entering into an agreement under Section 278 of the Act. You are, therefore, required to contact the County Council's Highways Area Office telephone number 08449 808080. Further correspondance to the Highway Authority should be addressed to:- Highways Development Control Section, Highways South, Nottinghamshire County Council, Trent Bridge House, Fox Road, , , NG2 6BJ.