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The Arboretum Foundation Northwest Perennial Alliance March 13, 2021 On-line Sale Inventory Growing Girls Nursery Shade-Loving Perennials, garden tested in North Bend WA Note: some of these offerings are still in winter dormancy! Genus Species Size Quantity Price Notes available Anemonopsis macrophylla G 15 18.00- Simply elegant! Place carefully in cool shade. Excellent display of the arching lavender flower wands in decorative pots. Anemonopsis macrophylla alba 'White G 4 35.00- The pure white flower version. If it is possible, Swan' even more elegant. Anemonopsis macrophylla double flower G 2 35.00- The double version of the lavender flower. Asarum caulescens G 4 12.00- Deciduous, showing its dense snaking stems over winter. Fairly quick spreader. Round cherry red flowers under foliage. Asarum europaeum 4” 8 6.00- Great glossy forest green leaves, forming dense evergreen clumps. Flowers ho-hum. Beesia calthifolia Qt 18 8.50- Glossy textured evergreen leaves. Growing in popularity for good reason! Shear to crown every couple years like Epimedium. Cardamine quinquefolia 4" 12 7.50- Starts emerging in February. A good selection to get a jump on Spring. Pink flowers. Non-thug spreader. Cimicifugia japonica ‘Chijo Du’ Qt 4 10.00- Foliage emerges with a silvery hue, forming a 20”x20” mound. Flowers are held on spikes, with buds holding as pearls for weeks before finally opening in late summer. Corydalis solida ‘Beth Evans’ 4” 12 5.0 0 - Ephemeral bulb. First of the solidas to bloom. Heavy bloomer, in pink, slipping into dormancy by June. Corydalis solida ‘Purple Bird’ 4” 4 7.50- Ephemeral bulb. Heavy bloomer, in purple, slipping into dormancy by June. Not as tough as ‘Beth Evans’. Cyclamen hederifolium silver leaf 4" 15 8.00- Tough bulbous plant and can handle it dry. Pink flowers emerge in early fall, followed by silver leaves which last all winter before slipping into summer dormancy. Cyclamen coum 4” 7 8.00- Also a tough bulbous plant. Petite patterned leaves emerge in late fall, flowering pink shades over winter before slipping into summer dormancy. Erythronium ‘Pagoda’ 4” 9 8.50- Easiest (and biggest) hybrid Erythronium. Cheery bi-hue yellow flowers. ‘Dog tooth’ bulbs multiply. Erythronium tuolumnense 4” 12 8.50- One of ‘Pagoda’s’ hybrid parents, native to California mountains. Sun yellow. Page 1 of 4 Geranium phaeum ‘Misty Margerate’ Qt 8 9.00- From a seedling of ‘Margerate Wilson’ discovered in my garden, so you won’t find any reference to it. Same size and fabulous variegated leaves, but with a misty lavender flower color. Bees love it! Geranium phaeum ‘Samobor’ Qt 24 8.00- Also a shade loving geranium. Bees love it too! Dark chocolate brown centered leaves and 24” spikes of purple flowers. Haberlea ferdinandi-coburgii 4” 6 14.00- It’s a gesneriad, so think rock garden conditions. Evergreen with big tubular purple speckled flowers. Full disclosure: The only plant I sell that I can’t grow in my rain-forest North Bend garden (100-inch annual rainfall). I’ve never lost one under a cold frame though. Heloniopsis orientalis 4” 4 14.00- Family new to the PNW garden scene. Boy, were we missing something! Evergreen mounds of green ‘mondo-grass-like’ foliage. Spikes of bright pink flowers, all facing one direction. Heloniopsis acutifolia 4” 5 15.00- Similar to the above with lighter pink flowers. Needs care to avoid winter rot (unlike the above species). Jeffersonia diphylla 4" 6 8.00- An ‘all-about-the-foliage’ plant. Totally unique duel lobed leaves, remaining attractive all summer. Lysichiton camtschatcensis, 2-yr 4” 9 9.50- Skunk Cabbage without the skunky bit. Beautiful seedlings white flowers. Big leaves. Don’t need a marsh, just consistently moist soil. Omphalodes cappadocica ‘Starry Eyes’ G 8 14.00- Clumping species with the unforgettable blue centered white forget-me-not flower sprays. Omphalodes verna var. alba Qt 6 7.00- Trailing groundcover species with pure white flowers. Gorgeous with dark hellebores. Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’ 4" 15 6.00- So popular for good reason. Tough groundcover in problem areas. Offers great black contrasting foliage everywhere else. Pachyphragma macrophyllum G 10 10.00- The one’s nick-name should be ‘the tough plant’. Attractive textured evergreen foliage. Grows anywhere (once established). The long blooming spikes of bright white flowers really catch the eye even on dark cloudy days. Paris polyphylla 4” 6 12.00 Variable and wide ranging species, Europe through Asia. This one will be 12-15 inches tall with long ‘antennas’ on its green flowers, followed by a red seed pod. Like their Trillium relatives, Paris prefers to be planted and left alone. Paris quadrifolia 4” 6 12.00- The 10 inch tall spreading European species. Same sort of mesmerizing green spiky flowers, followed by a black berry. Page 2 of 4 Podophyllum delavayi x pleianthum G 8 18.00- Growers are having way too much fun crossing Podos, with resulting seedlings showing variable parental attributes. This cross of mine typically emerges showing dark coloration from the delavayi, maturing closer to the large glossy green nature of pleianthum. Polygonatum mentzense f. tonkinense 4” 4 18.00- Totally cool 12 inch reddish purple green ‘Solomon Seal’. Natively epiphytic, so careful with the soil choice! I grow it in a pot where it’s higher and best to see it. Primula elatior 4" 12 5.00- One of my favorite primroses. Super easy to grow and long-lived. Blooms a cozy butter yellow in late winter-early spring. Primula elatior Qt 6 7.50- Older plants with bigger root systems. Primula juliae 4” 6 8.00- Very interesting native species which launched the large range of ‘Juliana’ or ‘Wanda’ type hybrids. This native species is very petite, matt- forming, with magenta-rose flowers. Primula juliae var. alba 4” 6 8.00- Same as above but the white flower form. Primula x juliana 'Early Girl' 4" 9 6.50- Hybrid. Clumping nature with dark plum-green foliage. White flowers with yellow eye. Primula x juliana 'Springtime' 4" 6 5.50- Hybrid. Earliest bloomer of the matt-forming ‘juliana’ type. Bright medium pink flower. Primula x juliana ‘Wanda’ dark flower 4" 6 5.50- Hybrid. Later bloomer of the matt-forming form ‘juliana’ type. Deep green foliage color and deep magenta flower. Primula kisoana var. alba 4” 6 7.00- One of the few primrose species which spread as a groundcover by underground roots. Soft, furry deciduous leaves with white flowers. Primula moupinensis 4” 9 5.50- This one is a spreader also, but by above ground plantlet stems shooting out from older crowns. Evergreen, soft pink flower. Primula poissonii 4” 3 6.00- This species is really growing on me. As a single plant it seems a bit skinny. But in groups its 3ft. tall whorls of small deep pink flowers form an open wall of floating color. Evergreen crowns hug the ground. Can re-seed, so let it! Primula pulverulenta Qt 6 9.00- The best of the magenta ‘candelabra’ type primrose. Prominent whorls of flowers rise on 3ft. tall stems in early summer. Similar to P. japonica but without the issues. Primula vulgaris 4” 9 6.00- The ‘common primrose’ of myth and fairytales, hence the name ‘vulgaris’. A parent species to hundreds of modern hybrids. Clump forming, cozy butter yellow. Page 3 of 4 Saxifraga epiphylla DJHC0581 4” 9 9.00- Hence the collection id, one of Dan’s collections. Avoid boggy soil. Subtle white leaf variegation. New plantlets form at base of leaves. ‘Irregular’ or bunny-ears type Sax. Flowers in summer. Soldanella alpina 4" 15 8.50- Slowly increasing round clump of compact dense leaves. Fertilize every spring to encourage flowering. Purple flowers. Soldanella minima ‘Alba’ 4" 4 12.00- Forever small tight clump, so place carefully. Fertilize every spring to encourage flowering. White flowers. Soldanella aff. rhodopaea 4" 18 9.50- Slightly larger, more vigorous, and easier to flower than S. alpina. Also evergreen. Soldanella villosa 4" 9 8.50- I call this species ‘the other Soldanella type’ as it has larger leaves, taller (6 in.), and a spreading nature. Easy to flower on 8-10 in. stems without any fuss. Does need some old leaf clean-up. Vancouveria planipetala G 10 16.00- The evergreen and spreading but not thuggish species. These pots have been cut back and are ready to send out their new growth when the time comes. Wasabi japonica variegata Qt 4 10.00- Yes, wasabi, although would need particular care and cultivation for harvest. Easy and attractive as a general garden plant. Variegated foliage and semi-evergreen. Flowers rather ho- hum. Wulfenia x schwarzii Qt 6 12.00- Good addition. Tough, evergreen, trouble free, wavy-edged foliage. Hooked spikes of purple tubular flowers in summer. Likes occasional dividing. Ypsilandra thibetica 4" 9 9.50- Super early to bloom, February to March in my garden. White, and fragrant (seemingly more one year than another). Compact evergreen grassy mounds of foliage. Almost have to have it just for the name! Page 4 of 4 .
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