Public Debate on Science Issues Myths of Child Psychology
Superbug Crisis | Ten Tactics for Skepticism | Claims of Chi | Fake Bomb Detectors the Magazine for Science and Reason Vol. 41 No. 1 | January/February 2017 Public Debate on Project Science Greenglow Issues Creationism Myths of in Europe Child Psychology Doubt and American Fears Uncertainty Survey INTRODUCTORY PRICE U.S. and Canada $5.99 Skepticism Is Nonpartisan Published by the Center for Inquiry in association with the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry Robyn E. Blumner, CEO Massimo Polidoro, Research Fellow Bar ry Karr, Ex ec u tive Di rect or Benjamin Radford, Research Fellow Joe Nickell, Senior Research Fellow Richard Wiseman, Research Fellow Fellows James E. Al cock*, psy chol o gist, York Univ., Tor on to Mur ray Gell-Mann, pro fes sor of phys ics, San ta Fe In sti tute; Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA Mar cia An gell, MD, former ed i tor-in-chief, No bel lau re ate Lor en Pan kratz, psy chol o gist, Or e gon Health New Eng land Jour nal of Med i cine Thom as Gi lov ich, psy chol o gist, Cor nell Univ. Sci en ces Univ. Kimball Atwood IV, MD, physician; author; Newton, MA David H. Gorski, cancer surgeon and re searcher at Barbara Robert L. Park, professor of physics, Univ. of Maryland Steph en Bar rett, MD, psy chi a trist; au thor; con sum er ad vo cate, Ann Kar manos Cancer Institute and chief of breast surgery Jay M. Pasachoff, Field Memorial Professor of Al len town, PA section, Wayne State University School of Medicine.
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