Distributed Ledger Technology / Blockchain: Perspectives DistDibst Ledgr Technology / Blocechain: Perstective ii DISCLAIMER This paper was published by the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) as non- authoritative guidance. The views and opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of CPA Canada. CPA Canada and the authors do not accept any responsibility or liability that might occur directly or indirectly as a consequence of the use, application or reliance on this material. © 2019 Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada CPA Canada has obtained permission from the authors to use, duplicate, distribute, and/or make available this paper for the educational advancement of all CPAs, including allowing third parties to reproduce portions of the paper in its original form. For information regarding permission, please contact
[email protected] DISTRIBUTED LEDGER TECHNOLOGY / BLOCKCHAIN: PERSPECTIVES iii Foreword Distributed ledgers and blockchain are powerful and challenging technologies for business and accounting. They are powerful because of their potential to create new social and eco- nomic models much like the new business models enabled by Internet technology; they are challenging because of their complexity and our lack of understanding. To reduce the mystery and to highlight the power of these technologies, CPA Canada is pleased to present this publication on the Distributed Ledger Technology / Blockchain: Technology, Governance and Social Innovation conference in collaboration with an impor- tant academic stakeholder, the Master of Management & Professional Accounting (MMPA) Program at the Institute for Management & Innovation, University of Toronto. The conference papers gathered here complement CPA Canada’s existing guidance publica- tions on cryptocurrency and blockchain.1 As thought papers, they introduce the possibilities, limitations, and disruption the technologies present and open readers’ eyes to new ways of becoming involved.