ATTACHMENTS FOR: AGENDA NO. 9/19 COUNCIL MEETING Meeting Date: Tuesday 27 August 2019 Location: Council Chambers, Level 1A, 1 Pope Street, Ryde Time: 7.00pm ATTACHMENTS FOR COUNCIL MEETING Item 9 PLANNING PROPOSAL - 68 DENISTONE ROAD, DENISTONE - OUTCOMES OF EXHIBITION Attachment 10 Submission from Property Owner Mills Oakley Lawyers ABN: 51 493 069 734 28 June 2019 Your ref: Our ref: MDSS/KXMS/3382833 All correspondence to: PO Box H316 ^ AUSTRALIA SQUARE NSW 1215 General Manager Contact City of Ryde Kate Marginson +61 2 8035 7850 Locked Bag 2069, Email:
[email protected] NORTH RYDE, NSW 1670 Partner Matt Sonter +61 2 8035 7851
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] Dear General Manager Planning Proposal PP_2019_RYDEC_001_00 Proposal to list 68 Denistone Road, Denistone as a heritage item in the Ryde Local Environmental Plan 2014 (Council reference D19/79644) (Planning Proposal) We refer to the above Planning Proposal, which was issued a gateway determination by a delegate for the Minister for Planning on 4 April 2018. The Planning proposal seeks to list the property at 68 Denistone Road, Denistone as a heritage item in the Ryde Local Environmental Plan 2014 (RLEP). We act for the owner of the property at 68 Denistone Road, Denistone (the site) and make this submission on their behalf. Our client strongly objects to the listing of the site as a heritage item for the reasons set out in this submission. We are also writing to you to express serious concerns about the process which has been undertaken prior to the application to the Minster for a gateway determination in respect of the site and to bring to your attention the compelling and contradictory evidence which militates strongly against the proposed listing of the site as a heritage item.