U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Little White National Fish Hatchery Welcome Welcome to Little White Salmon National Fish Hatchery on the beautiful Little White Salmon River—a mini-gorge within the Columbia Gorge. The main visitor area is at the upper hatchery, beyond the bridge. Here you will find the visitor center, fish ladder, overlook, and parking. Inside the visitor center are exhibits, and public restrooms. The hatchery spawning operation can be viewed from the exhibits room. Adult salmon holding ponds are located inside this building. Viewing windows are downstairs in the basement. Watching salmon swim is soothing.

The hatchery is open daily from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm. Here are key times to visit:

• May 1: fish ladder open for spring Chinook adults The adult holding pond is inside • May - August: spring Chinook the spawning/ salmon viewing exhibits building. The big fish • August: spring can be viewed spawning on Tuesdays (call 509- downstairs. 538-2755 for specific dates) Torsten Kjellstrand, The Oregonian • Late August thru November: Watch adults spawn naturally in the small stretch of river between the upper and lower facilities

• Late September – October: upriver bright fall Chinook arrive

• Late October – early November: spawning upriver bright fall Chinook

• mid-April: spring Chinook salmon smolts released

• Early July: upriver bright fall Chinook salmon smolts released

• November – February: drive the entry road and watch bald eagles map © Google Earth Common merganser and Chinook salmon racing on the Little White Salmon River. © Paul Thomson Paul ©

Fishing Drano Drano Lake is one of the most Birding, hiking, Feel free to walk the entry road. Lake popular recreational salmon fish watching There are many opportunities to see in . Many professional birds here. In winter, bald eagles of Above, a limit guides take clients here. All varying ages work the islands where of Drano Lake Washington State fishing regulations the river meets the lake. Watch as springers in the and license requirements apply. common mergansers dive for salmon boat. Please note that there is no fishing eggs, or American dippers rolling in north of the buoys at the river’s the river’s ripples. © Caveman Jim mouth. There is a Skamania County boat ramp off of State Route 14, east You can also “fish watch” by walking of our entrance road. Here are key along the river from the entry gate fishing dates: to the upper hatchery. It is fun to watch salmon dart about in the river’s • May: Peak of spring Chinook cold clear water—you might even return to Drano Lake and best witness nest digging and spawning. time to catch these fish When adult fish Just past the raceway building, look are present, look for a grassy area on the bank. This • Mid-July thru August: Summer for them leaping is a good place to see large groups of steelhead seek out thermal refuge against the dam. salmon. Continue on and watch fish in Drano Lake during their upriver © Paul Thomson leap against the barrier dam (opposite migration. Steelhead at its the bridge), or watch the fish ladder peak. located directly below the wooden overlook deck. • September thru October: Best time to catch an upriver bright fall Kayakers The Little White Salmon River has Chinook from Drano Lake. become increasingly popular among Drano Lake expert kayakers. These adrenaline can be fished We are happy to offer the unique junkies put in at the bridge near from boat, bank, experience of salmon fishing to the Willard National Fish Hatchery and wheelchair, or mobility impaired. A paved path off of pull out just beyond our gate. Some walker. the entry road allows lakeside access consider it the most difficult regularly Kayaker going USFWS image to wheelchairs, walkers, or those with run stretch of river on the West Coast. canes. over Spirit Falls. Only expert paddlers should attempt © Mike Leeds this Class V run.

Hatchery purpose Established in 1896, Little White Salmon National Fish Hatchery (NFH) is the oldest working hatchery on the Columbia today. The Columbia is a Chinook salmon river. Here we raise two kinds: upriver brights (fall), Wikipedia and spring Chinook. The hatchery operates as dictated by sound salmon science, several federal agency policies, congressionally enacted laws, and ratified treaties. salmon hatchery mandates are complex and multi-layered with numerous “co-managing” stakeholders. There is a scientific or politically mandated reason for The Spokesman-Review The all that the hatchery does. Some are CRITFC.org A dog watches more straightforward than others. salmon at Bonneville As mitigation for the adverse effects Dam (above). of Bonneville Dam on salmon, The hatchery Congress passed the Mitchell Act in mitigates for 1938. This act funds conservation of adverse impacts Columbia salmon, and pays for state on salmon caused and federal hatcheries, fish screens by dams. to keep young fish out of agricultural fields, habitat restoration, and research into salmon biology/ecology. The hatchery receives funding from this act and for mitigation of salmon loss due to dams further upriver.

Little White Salmon NFH produces State of Oregon Archives (1431) salmon to honor the 1855 treaties Fishing between the U.S. and Northwest Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission platforms on Tribes. Specifically, the hatchery Drano Lake are supports the Yakama Nation’s fishery. evidence of the In exchange for land in Oregon, Yakama Nation’s Washington, and Idaho, the Tribes intent to live by stipulated that they be allowed to the terms of the fish for salmon at their “usual and 1855 treaty. accustomed places” in perpetuity. Put Allen Thomas, simply, it would be a treaty violation if The Columbian there are no fish to catch.

A map shows ceded Tribal lands (light) and reservations (dark) of four treaty groups within the Columbia Basin (top). Salmon fishing is a spiritual and practical tradition for Native people of the river (catching, and drying, middle). Once this area boasted fishing spots along the Cascades and the mouth of the Little White Salmon River to rival even Celilo Falls (bottom). Benjamin Gifford photo, OrHi7784 A Chinookan Although the Yakama Nation— Chinook groups occupied the village on Sahaptin language speakers—is Columbia Basin from the ocean to The Drano Lake affiliated with the hatchery site today, Dalles for hundreds maybe thousands it was a group of Chinookan speakers of years. In the Portland basin, where that lived on the banks of Drano Lake the Willamette meets the Columbia, in times past. History labels them the there was a Chinook “city” not just Chilluckittequaw or White Salmon large by North America standards, people. They were allied with a larger but one of the most populous spots on

group living in Hood River. By mid- Art of Museum Stark the planet circa 1700. 19th century, they were referred to as Head flattening the Cascade Indians. was for the Chinook language speakers controlled Chinook upper classes both shores of the Columbia from the canoes were a The truth is that the first written in Chinookan coast to the Long Narrows. Their much desired accounts of people in the Columbia culture. trade network encompassed Canada, commodity. Gorge occur after disease had already northern California and interior to Lewis & Clark’s decimated the population. Major the Rockies. They leveraged salmon, men thought smallpox epidemics, contracted wapato, eulachon oil, lumber, and them to be the through trade with European sailors, canoes to acquire buffalo hides/ best canoes they occurred as early as the 1790s and meat, kouse (lomatiums like biscuit had ever seen. again in the early 1800s. The ravages root), pipe-stone, feathers, and after © Edward S. Curtis of disease left the village here a 1730, horses from the plains; shells composite of epidemic survivors from (especially dentalium), and dried up and down river reflecting only a clams came to them from Puget semblance of their formerly great Sound and the coast; copper from Chinook culture. Alaska; iron axes from Siberia (via Even today, the Aleutians in the 1400-1500s); and Chinook intricate wood obsidian, wocas (water lily seeds), Civilization carving is an baskets, and slaves from as far south expression of as the Klamath Basin. Interior of a Chinook culture. Chinook lodge Natalie Behring, When Europeans sailed into the after a painting The Columbian mouth of the Columbia, the Chinook by Paul Kane quickly monopolized any new trade circa 1841. Note goods they offered. Briefly, they grew the dog. even more influential and wealthy, but the Europeans also brought diseases Oregon Historical Society Historical Oregon for which the Chinook had no natural Anthropologists and historians once immunity. (Opposite page) claimed that civilization arrived Paul Kane alongside complex systems of painted this agriculture. Only farming provided scene of Chinook a consistent food supply to support in front of Mt. large populations with social Hood from stratification and the leisure time to field sketches. create works of art. They were wrong. This is likely a The Chinook civilization arrived temporary house without plows or domestic livestock. as the Chinook There is a reason the word Chinook built permanent refers to both a people and a fish. This dwellings of great civilization was inextricably tied cedar planks. to Columbia’s salmon runs. National Gallery of Canada Galleryof National The Columbian The Columbian The Behring, Natalie Lewis & Clark On October 29, 1805, the Corps of This is the kind Clark wrote that Drano Lake was visit Drano Lake Discovery made camp here near of doorway Lewis filled with a “great number” of three Chinook plank houses on the & Clark barged tundra swans. Perhaps the lake once south side of Drano Lake. Evidence through. supported the wetland plant known of Chinook culture greeted the Zachary Kaufman, as wapato which is ideal swan food. explorers: head-flattened men and The Columbian Wapato, or arrowhead (Sagittaria women with their distinctive houses latifolia), once grew in great and wonderful canoes. The Corps abundance within the lower Columbia translators were stymied. None of floodplain. This small wetland them spoke Chinook. tuber was processed into a popular trade item. Lewis journal gives us, Here is the comic scene described in perhaps, a glimpse of Drano Lake The Corps Clark’s journal entry: “Lewis and [I] life while writing about a Chinook of Discovery went into the houses of those people village downriver called Cathlapotle camped near who appeared somewhat surprised (Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge): Drano Lake in at first.” Emboldened by the gracious 1805. nature of their hosts earlier that day, “…in this pond the nativs inform © Sue Smith the captains just walked right into us they Collect great quantities of the houses here. The polite but wide- pappato, which the womin collect by eyed anxiety of their hosts would getting into the water, Sometimes to be familiar to anyone ambushed their necks holding by a Small canoe by pushy relatives who barge in and with their feet loosen the wappato The plankhouse unannounced. To make up for their or bulb of the root from the bottom at Ridgefield boldness, that evening while they from the Fibers, and it imedeately National smoked tobacco with the men, Pierre rises to the top of the water; they Wildlife Refuge Cruzatte played his violin and all were Collect & throw them into the Canoe, (three images, “muche pleased.” those deep roots are the largest and top) is built in Large numbers best roots… In this manner these the Chinook On this single day the expedition of tundra swans patient females remain in the water tradition. The “purchased” 19 dogs: one-tenth of on Drano Lake for several hours even in the depth of houses here on the total number of dogs eaten on the make it highly winter.” Drano Lake entire journey. Imagine the journey likely that would have from Doug’s Beach to Drano Lake wapato was also The list of wildlife mentioned looked similar. with 16 dogs among 31 men, one present. Both specifically in the October 29 journal Top right shows woman, and one baby—all crammed the Chinook and entry is revealing. Clark describes the interior. into a half-dozen crude dugout canoes swans ate the the people here wearing robes of Compare this to and one graceful Chinook canoe. That tubers (bottom) wolves, deer, lynx, otter (or harbor the engraving was an exciting 21-mile day-trip in John James Audubon, seal), fox and, much to Clark’s delight, on the previous which it must have been hard to tell “Common American mountain goat. Half of this list is not spread. the old fleas from the new. Swan” (top); HerbVideos. found in the Gorge today. com (middle); Scotts.com (bottom) Little White The next day, the Corps of Discovery A history of The first documented human-caused Salmon’s condors lunched at the mouth of the Wind hatcheries decline in Columbia salmon was River. Clark jots down this note in the result of a trade war between his daybook, “saw the large Buzard fur companies. In the first decades white head and part of the wings of the 19th century, Hudson Bay white.” Buzzard was a catchall word vowed to leave not one beaver for the for any raptor, so this Wind River Americans as they exited the region. bird could have been an osprey or an Without nature’s engineers working immature bald eagle. At the evening’s the waters, salmon numbers dropped. group session, Sargents Ordway Salmon came back as the aquatic and Whitehouse contributed their rodents numbers replenished. © Michael Quinn/NPS Michael © observations of the large buzzard. Clark then refines his journal account Salmon runs were healthy up to to say, “this day we Saw Some fiew of the mid-1860s. People caught only the large Buzzard Capt Lewis Shot at what they could consume. Early one, those Buzzards are much larger The first commercial fishing had little impact

Wikipedia than any of their Spec[ies] or the serious decline on salmon runs. Without a palatable largest Eagle. White under part of in Columbia way to preserve the fish, or the their wings &c.” salmon numbers technology to quickly process them, occurred in the exploitation of this mind-bogglingly This can only be the California condor. first part of the abundant fishery could not happen. Like the bald eagle, the condor ate 19th century That all changed with the packing of due to a trade

Wikipedia salmon. To get salmon, condors salmon into tin cans. preferred cataracts, falls and pinch war over beavers points on the rivers—the same place which were used The Hume brothers came west from Chinookan people gathered to fish. in the making of Maine and along with their tinsmith The Little White Salmon River must stylish hats. friend, Arthur Hapgood, figured have been ideal for condor feasts © Cheryl Reynolds, out how to can salmon. They were due to the incredible concentration beaver photo reasonably successful in their first

© light poet light © of salmon crammed into such a short year hand soldering each and every length of river. It is highly likely, tin of Chinook salmon caught. With given a condor’s daily range, that the practice, their methods improved. bird seen by Clark near the Wind After just two seasons of canning on also feasted on fish here at the Little the Sacramento River, the river’s White Salmon River. Chinook already in decline, the © Alzbeta © Humes packed up and opened the Condors, Chinook legend names the condor first on the Columbia mountain goats, “lightning bird.” With their in 1866 ushering in a cannery boom. harbor seals, impressive size, they tore through wolves and lynx Chinook fish weirs and traps to get Meanwhile, coastal areas across are absent from salmon, they crowded the villages the U.S. sounded the alarm that the Columbia to get at salmon gut piles, and they there was a significant and sudden Gorge today, but brazenly crashed elk caches for An early salmon decrease of commercial fish and other were in evidence venison. can, Veteran aquatic animals. As answer to the to Lewis & Clark Brand Columbia alarm, Congress created the U.S. when they visited By the 1850s, salmon were still salmon, honors Commission on Fish and Fisheries in in late October of plentiful, but the condor was not. Civil War 1871, and charged it with conducting 1805. Sightings ceased in the Gorge, and veterans. a careful, scientific investigation into none were seen here again. However, the decline. within 40 years, the salmon would begin to follow the condor down the pathway to scarcity. AndersHalverson.com Gifford Benjamin ©

Boxing passes The Commission’s lead, Spencer Canneries were decline in premium salmon. To keep the time for Fullerton Baird, sent a no-nonsense only the proximal the canneries fed, less desirable fall McCloud River “pisciculturist” named Livingston cause of the need Chinook were added to the harvest. hatchery workers. Stone to San Francisco to find out for hatcheries. Washington and Oregon legislatures Livingston Stone where salmon spawned on the Salmon losses to proposed limits for the first time. is seated in the Sacramento. In 1872, Stone pioneered logging, mining, background. He the first Chinook salmon hatchery on and farming were Livingston Stone’s success with the would, in fact, use a Sacramento tributary, the McCloud accumulating at first hatchery gave the Commission his fists against River. Stone brawled with would the same time. on Fish and Fisheries a heady fish thieves. be poachers to keep them off the optimism. Commissioner Baird hatchery’s adult stock. From fisticuffs assuaged the Oregon and Washington to poetic, Stone wrote: salmon industry:

“The thrill and excitement that “…instead of passage of protective tingled to our fingers’ ends when we laws, which cannot be enforced except first saw the little black speck in the at very great expense and with much unhatched embryo, which told us that ill feeling, measures be taken, either our egg was alive. It was one of the by the joint efforts of the States dearest sights on earth to us…” and Territories interested or by the Columbia salmon United States, for the immediate Stone’s hatchery was successful. He labels like this establishment of a hatching proved that large numbers of salmon one boasted that establishment on the Columbia River,

AndersHalverson.com eggs could be collected, fertilized the salmon were and the initiation during the present Sporting his and hatched in a protected artificial “spring caught.” year of the method of artificial trademark setting. It looked like the Sacramento Unsustainable, hatching of these fish.” “Dundreary salmon industry was saved from state canneries turned whiskers” in this mandated limits on salmon harvest. to less desirable Livingston Stone, backed by the photo, Stone’s fall Chinook in Oregon and Washington Fish hatchery success Meanwhile, back on the Columbia order to extend Propagating Company, established in California canneries were popping up “like the cannery a hatchery on a tributary of the made him a daisies” on both banks of the river. In boom. Columbia, the Clackamas River. desirable asset on 1883 Columbia canneries processed a Courtesy of Columbia Winter floods wiped out all 200,000 the Columbia. whopping 43 million pounds of spring River Maritime Museum Chinook salmon eggs. Stone arranged and summer Chinook. No one knew to have his McCloud River hatchery then that the party was over. In the send eggs to replace those lost—thus next five years it would drop to 25 the tradition of egg transfer between million pounds. Overharvest caused a hatcheries was born. Little White The Clackamas hatchery was short Salmon Station lived, but Commissioner Baird’s vision was fulfilled. Baird’s successor, John J. Brice, created the Little White Salmon Station in 1896. The initial cost to build and operate the very first U.S. Commission of Fish & Fisheries hatchery on the Columbia was $2,288.27.

The hatchery was an egg collection station at first. To augment Chinook salmon numbers eggs were collected and protected in wooden troughs until they hatched. The hatchlings were released as unfed sac-fry directly into the Little White Salmon River.

A Chinook in a By 1908, increasing numbers of sac- “straight jacket.” fry were experimentally reared for USFWS image later release. The hatchery began to feed the fish in manmade ponds. A major difficulty for the next 50 years was what to feed the fry. Little White Salmon and later Willard National Fish Hatchery were pioneers in the field of salmon food. One of the oldest buildings here is the cold storage facility where livestock and adult fish

pnwsalmoncenter.org carcasses were stored before being processed. As an egg collection station, The Chinook salmon native to the the hatchery Little White Salmon River is the fertilized and tule fall Chinook or white salmon. So protected the named because these Chinook have eggs until they adapted a strategy of converting hatched, then fat into eggs and milt in trade for a released them shorter journey up the Columbia and into the river. its lower river tributaries—thus their meat is pale. The Dalles marks the upriver extent of the tule’s range.

Opposite page: Little White Salmon was still an egg collection station in 1903 (top). By the 1920s, workers gathered eggs into milk cans but the hatchery kept and fed the fry in ponds. Adult fish were filleted (3rd from top). Their carcasses frozen and processed into food for salmon fry. A group of men work the rack on the Little White Salmon River circa 1938 perhaps just before Bonneville Pool covered much of the lower river (bottom). USFWS images Tule fall Chinook Some adjustments The 1990s saw more Northwest (right), or white salmon runs disappear, others were salmon were the listed as endangered. The efficacy native stock for of hatcheries as instruments of the Little White salmon recovery was (and still Salmon River. is) hotly debated. Some thought © Lance Koudele that hatcheries should raise only fish native to the water on which the hatchery operated. This was impossible for Little White Salmon A profound loss In 1896, the Little White Salmon NFH as its native fish was gone. NFH began raising tule fall Chinook. This was the “charter species” In response to constructive criticisms, so to speak. By 1985, this native and internal reviews, the U.S. Chinook run was so depressed that Fish & Wildlife Service hatcheries it was reluctantly abandoned by the implemented changes going into the hatchery. The hatchery manager, Jack new millennium. Little White Salmon Bodel, wrote about why the “tules” focused on fish health, increasing failed on the Little White Salmon genetic fitness, and improving the River: overall survival of its Chinook.

“Although the construction of Little White Salmon NFH today Bonneville Dam had a deleterious Little White performs a balancing act working effect on production and survival, Salmon NFH at both salmon restoration and the importation of stocks (which fights disease propagation. On the propagation side, changed their genetic fitness and in its raceways by raising two very desirable Chinook introduced diseases) and rearing fish by using sound types, the local economy is given a longer (which reduced survival in the science in the lab. boost from increased visitors fishing hatchery) were contributing factors. USFWS image Drano Lake. The Yakama Nation As in this Therefore, after 90 years of rearing a benefit by catching upriver brights, a Edward Curtis native stock originally described as high value fish. The spring Chinook photo, native so abundant that the spawners filled caught here are so recent in coming fishermen came the river for a month, efforts are now from the ocean they are often silver— to the Little dedicated to rearing transplanted fall making them also very desirable. White Salmon and spring chinook salmon stocks.” River to spear On the restoration side, the hatchery tules—even as Visitors today don’t see the river that was instrumental in preserving wild the hatchery was was. The additional half-mile stretch spring Chinook on the White River in established. of wild river between Drano Lake and the Wenatchee Basin. In collaboration © Edward S. Curtis the Columbia—prime gravel ideal for with the Grant County Public Utility nests—is now silted in, smothered District, captive broodstock were beneath Bonneville’s pool. When the spawned here in order to provide hatchery began, Indians fishing below A newly restored sufficient numbers of juvenile fish the hatchery rack in the river pulled White River to re-establish the run. The last out two and even three tules with one Chinook smolt spawn of White River spring Chinook spear thrust. Early hatchery workers points to the captive brood stock took place here were amazed at how many fish made value of this in 2014, but this only just touches it past their rack. Bodel, having just hatchery as a upon the potential for this hatchery written a history of hatchery, knew tool of salmon to help with salmon recovery and just how profound the loss of this restoration. conservation. native was. USFWS image More than The hatchery oaks butt up against 200 species of the 200-acre Little White Salmon birds, reptiles, Biodiversity Reserve. This creates a mammals, and larger block of restored oak habitat, amphibians a bigger anchor for rare species to use this native cling to. The conservation value is oak forest and further raised by the uniqueness of bunchgrass this particular site as a confluence of prairie habitat. rivers and lake habitats interspersed with oak and grasslands.

To see just how unique this oak habitat is, we can look to a 2006 amphibian and reptile survey taken before restoration efforts. Primarily reptiles were found in the open, south facing oak woodlands: southern PortlandHikers.org alligator lizard, western fence lizard, Oak habitat Establishing a hatchery here meant western skink, ring-necked snake, restoration that the land within its boundaries rubber boa, western yellow-bellied was relatively well protected for over racer, California mountain kingsnake, a century. Coincidentally, the hatchery and western rattlesnake. This only has rare western Gorge white oak hints at the diversity of species found habitat. Preservation of white oak in the oak woodland. Continued woodlands is a top priority for land restoration efforts will see many managers in Washington State. The oak dependent species that were

USFS image USFS hatchery is collaborating in this effort once absent return, and rare species by restoring this habitat. become more common.

Restoration of the native oak forest and its patchwork of grasslands makes sense here because a healthy oak/conifer habitat means a healthy © GaryNafis © river not only for salmon, but for Two rarities sensitive oak woodland species that Four colorful that we hope utilize the river’s riparian and aquatic “herps” (short will return to habitats. for herpetology the restored specimens) white oak The remnant oak, cliff and prairie found in the habitat: golden plant communities found are intact sunny white chinquapin, and examples of how these specific oak woodlands: Larch Mountain Suppressing fires allows conifer trees communities should look. This western yellow- salamander. benefits oak woodland restoration to overshadow the oaks. Restoration bellied racer, mimics the natural fires that elsewhere because these habitats western skink, can be studied and imitated. Plus, regularly cleared the land allowing California the white oaks to grow. the hatchery land can provide seeds mountain USFS image to other oak woodland restoration kingsnake, and efforts. a ring-necked snake.

Left Column photos, top to bottom: © John Stephenson, © Steven David Johnson, © Joshua Wallace, and Jason Mintzer Hatchery future In 2013, the single day count of fall Chinook through Bonneville dam topped the old record set in 2003 not just one time, but three times. Returns of upriver bright Chinook were record breaking in 2013 at nearly three times the prediction. 2014, the year this brochure was written, will likely be even a bigger year for fall Chinook. Perhaps one day the river will not Good ocean conditions, high spring be crowded by river flows with increased spill over fish coming into the dams were responsible. Stuart a hatchery, but Ellis of the Columbia River Inter- simply crowded Tribal Fish Commission said that with fish because it was not just fish returning to the river is hatcheries: “This fall chinook run healthy. is not only big, but it’s got a lot of natural-origin fish going to a lot of different places.”

© Pacific Rim Pacific © Good management practices might Once upon a be paying off. We should be cautiously time Ice Age optimistic and remember that the floods carved the Columbia Basin once saw 14 to 19 Gorge, gouging million salmon, 10 million of which out all life in were Chinook. Chinook salmon once the water’s rush made it hundreds of miles inland all from Missoula the way to the Canadian Rockies and to Astoria. into Nevada. They don’t have this Columbia’s range any more. salmon runs were decimated as The future of hatcheries ideally would great mammoths be to decline and go extinct just as the drowned. But, various salmon runs on the Columbia the salmon thrive and are reborn. If the climate runs came back. doesn’t heat up too much—and that Salmon are is a BIG “if”—then restoring river quite resilient habitat is the way to this “hatchery- given time and a less future.” (And yes, that most likely healthy river. means .) If we make the rivers function as they did once, the salmon will do their job. After all, salmon are made to expand their range into any welcoming and even not so welcoming cold, clear river with a complex gravel bottom. They’re game if we are. USGS image USGS Little White Salmon National Fish Hatchery 56961 State Route 14 Cook, WA 98605

509/538-2755 http://www.fws.gov/gorgefish/littlewhite/

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service http://www.fws.gov

September 2014

cover © paulcolvinphotography.com