Functional Programming with C++ Template Metaprograms Zolt´an Porkol´ab E¨otv¨os Lor´and University, Faculty of Informatics Dept. of Programming Languages and Compilers P´azm´any P´eter s´et´any 1/C H-1117 Budapest, Hungary
[email protected] Abstract. Template metaprogramming is an emerging new direction of generative programming: with the clever definitions of templates we can enforce the C++ compiler to execute algorithms at compilation time. Among the application areas of template metaprograms are the expres- sion templates, static interface checking, code optimization with adap- tion, language embedding and active libraries. However, as this feature of C++ was not an original design goal, the language is not capable of elegant expression of template metaprograms. The complicated syn- tax leads to the creation of code that is hard to write, understand and maintain. Despite that template metaprogramming has a strong rela- tionship with functional programming paradigm, language syntax and the existing libraries do not follow these requirements. In this paper we give a short and incomplete introduction to C++ templates and the ba- sics of template metaprogramming. We will enlight the role of template metaprograms, some important and widely used idioms and techniques. 1 Introduction Templates are key elements of the C++ programming language [3, 32]. They enable data structures and algorithms to be parameterized by types, thus cap- turing commonalities of abstractions at compilation time without performance penalties at runtime [37]. Generic programming [28, 27, 17] is a recently popu- lar programming paradigm, which enables the developer to implement reusable codes easily. Reusable components { in most cases data structures and algo- rithms { are implemented in C++ with the heavy use of templates.