As Blast Chinese
!NBT PKBSS ElUMI ’ AVEBAGB DAELY ClItCfUIiATION I *o«Mast kr O. ki Weather-Bareaev for Hie Month of'May, 1929 Bkw Havea , Conn. State L i b m r y — Com p. 5 ,3 3 0 'f e ' ' t ■ - ■■ Hembera of the AniUt Bureau of Fair and Saturday. Ctrculatlona EIGHTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE V O L . X L n i . , N O . 211. (Classified Advertising on Page 16) SOUTH MANCHESTER, COjNN., FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1929. ■ ...t MS Couple Push 'V 139 GRADUATES BLOODY BATTLE “L” Trains in High-Up Crash Baby Buggy 100 GET DIPLOMAS On Long Hike WHENSOYIErS DEMANDSFOR AS BLAST Bridgeport, June 21. — Ruth j HlfflTARIFF A T M SCHOOL Hoxle Mangey, a Stamford school nOTTBANDITS teacher, today told Judge Isaac; Wolfe in Superior Court, that she CHINESE and her husband, Howard C. Man- Rev. l)r. Raymond Calldns ley, now of Milwaukee, once sold Russian^ Lose 39 and Ene All Sections of Country Now all their possessions to travel from HEBE’S A PtSH STORY Georgetown, Conn., to ^Mllwaukee, Ask for P r 01 e c t i 0 n; FOB YOU, »T LADS Accident Similar to One i\ Commencement Speaker; where her mother lived, and that my 201— Turkish Leader when they reached Racine, Wis., their funds gave out. Then they Tries to Start Holy War Southerners and West Bangor, Me., June fil-— The Cleveland, 0^ Oecnrs ip Class Wears Caps and started to walk to Milwaukee, each “ best fish story of the season” pushing the carriage in which was was on record here today. Gowns for First Time.
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