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THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN Dr IAL HALL LIBRARY, he ndover ownsman T A An<l„.rr ..crywhere and always, lira!. Ie»t— the manly, .trnl«htforw«r.l. mher, p a lrin lleT New England Town—PHILLIPS BROOKS ONE YEAR $2.00—SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, JANUARY 9. 193 1 VOLUME XLIV NUMBER 13 SITE CHOSEN FOR POST OFFICE LOCAL NEWS NOTES LOCAL NEWS NOTES LOCAL NEWS NOTES SCHOOL COMMITTEE PLANS BUDGET John Sullivan of Brockton is spending COMING EVENTS Eastern Star Installs Officers Telegram from Congressman Rogers Announces that Treas­ a week with his parents on Cuba street. Mrs. Joseph Dumont has returned to her Saturday Officers of the Andover Chapter, No. [187, Not to Ask For New School Building This Year—Principal ury Department Decides to Purchase Land on Main home in New York after visiting friends in ,00 a.m.-4.00 p.m. Baptist Vestry. Rummanc Order of the Eastern Star were installed at town. sale under auspices of Philathea class. ceremonies held in Masonic hall on Tuesday Hamblin Given Month’s Leave of Absence—Chairman Street Near Chestnut for Twenty Thousand Dollars 15 p.m. Georsc Washington llall. "As Vou Like evening. Gives Reasons for not Opening Meetings to Public Mr. and Mrs. Henry (). Forrest and family I t " by the Ben Greet Players. The installing Matron was Past Grand have moved from 63 Elm street to New T umsday Matron Emily Eldridge of Melrose assisted 11, following telegram wns received at the , --------------------- =■■ —---------- Jersey. ,OO p.m. Davis Hall. Lecture by Dr. Harldas T. by Past Matron Mabel L. Wadman of | At the meeting of the school board Tuesday Mrs. George Brown has returned to her Musumdar on Gandhi. The Man and Andover as installing marchal, Past Matron night it was voted to accept the budget as Washington I). c , TO GIVE “HYMN OF PRAISE" home on Elm street after visiting friends in His M essage" under auspices of League Mary J. Burgess of Lawrence and Past presented before the meeting by the sub­ To the Editor: Worcester. of Women Voters. Patron Alfred H. Eldredgc of Melrose. TO CALL TOWN MEETING committee on finances. The chairman of the Treasury Department has decided to Andover Choral Society Makes Plans for Guests were present from several chapters school committee and the superintendent will pun!iim for Post Office land of William Miss Alice O’Brien of Dorchester spent Mrs. Ray Sullivan and daughter Helen Lions Club Reports on Unemployment— . - Future Events—$100 from “ Messiah” in near-by towns. Eighty persons sat down go before the finance committee of the town | Bums on Main street near Chestnut the week-end with Miss May Fallon on of Wollaston arc visiting friends in town. to the supper served before the installation $10,(MM) Will Be Asked for Road Work Turned over to Local Charities Summer street. in the near future to present the budget for street for $20,000. The Optimistic club met recently with ceremonies. — New Committees Appointed approval. Although no figures in regard to the Edith Noursc Rogers \\ inslow Dunnclls was appointed a special Officers were installed as follows: Mrs. I he Andover Choral society held a social Mrs. John Bevington, 26 Wolcott avenue. budget were announced it was stated by the police officer at the meeting of the selectmen Dana W. Clark, Worthy Matron: William “ The right to live is far superior to the secretary that the budget as adopted by the Tin lot of land referred to is that at 71 gathering Tuesday night in the hall of the Monday afternoon. John Sutcliffe of Essex street, dropped a IL Humphries, Worthy Patron; Mrs. George Main street now occupied by the Andrews Andover Square and Compass club with privilege of operating a motor vehicle,” said committee is about the same ns last year. The one-hundred pound cake of ice on his foot M. Huntress, Associate Matron; James R. stun appropriated by the town last year for house. seventy members in attendance. Mrs. I. R. Kimball of Avon street is breaking his toe. William A. Andrews, a member of the state Ashburn, Associate Patron; Mrs. Charles constabulary and of the Governor’s Com­ the school budget was $150,355 which was an On October 8 of last year, two government J. Everett Collins, director, commented on convalescing from an operation performed at E. Foster, secretary; Mrs. Albert Wade, inspectors viewed eight proposed sites for a Jbe recent successful presentation of the the Shawshecn hospital last week. Mrs. George Ward of Lowell street is mittee on Safety, speaking before the An­ increase of $1,157 over the previous year, slowly recovering from injuries sustained in treasurer; Mrs. David Lawson, conductress; dover Lions in the Square and Compass club 1929. federal building but seemea most favorably “ Messiah”. He said the general criticism The annual meeting of the Police Relief Mrs. Albert Flint, associate conductress: The committee voted not to ask for any impressed with the Main street location. was that the society had given a remarkable a fall on New Year’s day. hall last evening following the monthly association will he held on Monday evening, Edmond E. Hammond, trustee of permanent supper. appropriations for new buildings or any new The sum appropriated for the land and rendition of the oratorio and the hope had January 12. Election of officers will take Elwyn Chase and Howard Walker of fund for three years. construction work this year. However, the building is $115,(MX). been expressed on all sides that it would place. North Main street have returned to their 'faking as his theme the three E’s, en­ board will present its future plans before the become an annual event. Mr. Collins said gineering, education, and enforcement, he studies at Dummer academy after enjoying Segovia to Play in George Washington town at the annual town meeting in March. Lawrence General Hospital Asks for that he was certain that the next rendition Gilbert C’romic, who has been enjoying the the Christmas vacation at their homes. pointed out the menaces to highway safety Hall Next Week such as taking a left-hand turn, the driver Present conditions in the town were given as B ookcases would confound all critics and to make this holidays at his home on Abbot street has re­ the reason for this action at this time. Al­ possible suggested an associate membership sumed his studies at Massachusetts Agricul­ Miss Elorence Bilodeau, student at Colby who thinks traffic lights arc meant for every­ tural school. college has returned to her studies after “ The guitar in the hands of Mr. Segovia one but himself, the driver who fails to slow though it is generally expected that the board The Management of the Lawrence Gen­ which would guarantee sufficient funds, to will ask for a new building in accordance with make possible a symphony orchestra of the enjoying the hididays at the home of Mr. and seems to have no limitations whatfsoever. down at crossings, the drunken driver, the eral Hospital has recently enlarged and Miss Anne Stone has returned to her home Mrs. James Mosher on Balmoral street. It is not given us to know just how the its plans for the future development of the furnished the Flanders Medical Library of highest rank. This associate membership has driver who attempts to operate without in Andover after spending the holiday season anatomy of the guitarist’s hands differs from iroper equipment, the driver who cuts out of school system nothing was given out regard­ the Lawrence General Hospital in an appro­ worked very satisfactory in other places and at the home of her sister, Mrs. Freeman Miss I.ucy Sanborn, student at Bryn ours, nor how he has acquired a mastery ing just what these plans are in their present priate and convenient manner, for the use with the large number of music-lovers here Palmer of Portland, Me. Mawr college has resumed her studies after ine when his view is obstructed, the “ road form. of his instruments so perfect that the most mope”, the driver who cuts out of line on the of the physicians of this vicinity and for the should also prove a success in Andover. The enjoying the C hristmas vacation at the home intricate polyphony seems as natural to the The board voted to accept the courtesy instruction of internes living at the hospital, associate members guarantee to purchase two Barton Chapin, Jr., has returned to River of her father, Henry Sanborn, on Morton right side, the driver who disregards the school, Brookline after enjoying the holidays guitar as to the piano. The fact remains signs at through ways, the driver who dis of the local Red (Toss in assisting in estab­ for which all concerned arc to he congrat­ tickets for each of the two concerts by the street. that Mr. Segovia’s performance yesterday lishing a general clinic without any expense to society. Mr. Collins complimented the at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. regards passengers alighting from street cars, ulated. Miss Edna l.nwrcnce has returned to her was aesthetically and emotionally satisfying the town. The Red (Toss is now establishing 'The Medical Staff has now received, and chorus and accompanists on their excellent Barton Chapin of Phillips street. the driver who embarrasses pedestrians at­ studies at Columbia Uuniversity, New York, to the highest degree.” says the New York tempting to cross the street, and pedestrians a dental clinic. will receive later also, valuable medical work at the recent concert. Kenneth Duff has returned to his studies at World. The society decidetl to continue its work after spending the Christmas holidays with who walk on the right hand side of the road.
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