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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-81284-9 - A Concise History of Sweden Neil Kent Index More information INDEX Abba, 262 Alsnö, Decree of (1280), 25 abortion, 200, 209 Alvastra, 18 Adam of Bremen, 15 Älvsborg, 64, 66, 67, 69 Addison, Joseph, 123 Alvtegen, Karin, 258 Adelcrantz, Carl Fredrik, 117, 137, 147 Anckarström, Jacob Johan, 137 Adelcrantz, Göran Josua, 112 Andersson, Benny, 262 Adlercreutz, Carl Johan, 152 Andersson, Bibi, 261 Adolph Fredrik, king, 104, 105, 107, Anger, Per, 235 115, 117, 129 Ankarsvärd, Vilhelm Theodor, 206 Aelnoth, 15 Ansgar, Saint, 13 Afghanistan, 264, 269 architecture African colonies, 136 18th century, 115 Age of Freedom, 102 Drottningholm, 117, 133 Ageröd, 2 Gustaf III’s reign, 132–4 Agricola, Mikael, 56, 57 Karl Johan’s reign, 154 agriculture Middle Ages, 48 16th century, 69 Palace of Rosendal, 154–6 18th century, 121–2, 139 Royal Opera House, Stockholm, 137 19th century, 157, 180, 185 Royal Palace, Stockholm, 114–15 Middle Ages, 32–3 arts Al Qaeda, 264 17th century, 75–6 Åland Islands, 172–3, 178, 218–19, 231 19th century, 209–13 Albertus Pictor, 19 20th century, 226–30, 259 Albrekt of Mecklenburg, 27, 28, 29–30, Gustaf III’s reign, 130–4 35, 37 Karl Johan’s reign, 154 alcoholism, 167, 225, 256, 266 Middle Ages, 46–8 Alexander I, tsar, 151, 152, 172 Atterbom, Per Daniel Amadeus, Alexander III, pope, 17 169–70 Alexander VII, pope, 86 Augustenborg, Christian Alfén, Hugo, 214 August von, 152 Alfred, king of England, 5 Augustus II, king of Poland, 91, 92 Almqvist, Carl Jonas Love, 170–1, 209 Axelsson, Ivar,
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