Security Code:3474 Inotera 2014 Annual Report th Website Inquiry: / Printed on March 20 , 2015 WorldReginfo - 5b37939a-67cc-4caf-bf75-923618b04226 I. Name, title, contact number and e-mail address of the Company’s Spokesperson and deputy spokesperson: Spokesperson Deputy Spokesperson Name Charles Kau Peter Shen Title Chairman Chief Financial Officer Contact number (03) 327-2988 (03) 327-2988 E-mail address
[email protected] [email protected] II. Address and telephone of the headquarters, branches, and factory Company: 667, Fuhsing 3rd Rd., Hwa-Ya Technology Park, Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan(R.O.C.) Tel.: (03) 327-2988 Factory: 667, Fuhsing 3rd Rd., Hwa-Ya Technology Park, Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333, Taiwan(R.O.C.) Tel.: (03) 327-2988 III. The name, address, website, and telephone number of the agency handling shares transfer: Name: Stock Affairs Dept., Inotera Memories, Inc. Address: 1F, 201, Tunhwa North Road, Taipei Website: N/A Tel: (02)2718-9898 IV. Name of the certified public accountant (“CPA”) who duly audited the annual financial report for the most recent fiscal year, and the name, address and telephone number of said person's accounting firm: Name of accounting firm: KPMG Certified Public Accountants Name of CPAs: Eric Wu and Winston Yu Address: 68F, Taipei 101 Tower, No. 7, Section 5, Xinyi Road, Taipei, 11049, Taiwan Website: Tel: (02)8101-6666 V. Name of any exchanges where the company's securities are traded offshore, and the method by which to access information on said offshore securities: Name of offshore securities: Global Depositary Shares Trading market: Luxembourg Stock Exchange Inquiry web-site: ; VI.