Korean War

Korean War Project Record: USMC-40

CD: 01

United States Marine Corps History Division

Quantico, Virginia

Records: Marine Corps

Unit Name:

Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

Location: College Park, Maryland

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00101468

DE~S~ 1~1r' ,r,m;Ell. 0:30E OOOE ~'0 lS'£ ~Ji?INE DIVISION SPECIAL ACTION !'\lil'ORT 1at Tank Battalion . In .~rbo · Fiol.cl. . lo ·Jan\IIU'Y .l95l., From1 Commano1ng Otf1oor . To: Commanding GGn0ra1, =,l~•t· Marine D1y1·~1.on. . . ' ' . Sub.J:· Special ~ot1on·Rop~rt. tor l'Or1ocl'.• ;.· ... 8 october·liHiO - lb DGcembar 1960;. both. 1.• dates 1no1us1 VCl :. .... ~ · Ref: (a) D1 vision. Gonc'ral .. Or-der No·, '16. at ... '.~ , ·,. 20 Oct 1950 . . .. . (b) i>ddendum No. 1 .to Divicion G;,n·oro1 Order No. 16 of· 24 Oct .1950. . .·· ::·· ( 0) Paragr.~ph:l140l, ~inrino Co.rpe /o!llnUaJ. ::. ( cl) D1 vision l!omorandum No.- 246-60 Qf ·'. ,, 26 Dec 1950 · ...... : : : · . .- ... (c) Jlppondix 1 1 l\Gport of Sor-v1oo Co.'!'.-· ... , .. pany, lot Tank 3attc~ion (f) Appendix 2 1 Ropor.t. of Commun1o~.t1,Qn • · Section, let Tank ·aattaJ.lon · ,.. ..

(g) Appendix 3 1 let ·.Tank !JattaJ.ion Opl)() : l-60 of 10 Oct 1950 · · · · ... (h) Appandi¥ 4 1 let '£ant i3attRl~.o.P .. fi.Pn.. O: 2-50 Of 1? Oat 1950 .. '

(i) App(l)1dlX 0 1 1St ·~&nk .Battalion Oplj!O 3-50 of 23 Nov 1-900 . . l. DlTRODUCTION

; '!he purpPe~ o! thie r~p.ort is to record ··the activities of tho 1st Tank Batta~ion in the WNbAN ., !IJOOIUNG - C!JO~IN l\oservo1r Operation. RGoommon¢lations .b.~at th~so rocommendations may. ·bonotl t. ~.arine. Tank BattR11ona on futuro opcrationsi

. 'I'hG 1st 'i'Rilk Batt_Allon 1i&S a.asign.l!i4 the · dual mission of furniabing tanlt.support to in­ fantry rGgimonta and·,prov1ding tank!' for tno ant1-mcchan1Zed dof~neo at tno division zono.

llio let Tank Butt1:.U.o~ 1q r...n organie sepa­ rate battr~ion ot tho 1st ~.ar1ne Division, Re­ inforced. It is orge.Q.i:Z.od in fl.ooorda.noq with Tlo K~-·1238 -·,.lar and consists oi' a Headquarters Company 1 a sorviou company 1 apd ,four Uno tank corupan1 oa - ,,, :a, C, and D. It 1 s pr1 ncipal equipment 1e 70. l••-26 tanks, 12 loi4h3 >"al)lt .D:lzors 1 9 ~.4.it3 Tanka W/POA Fl~mo ~rowora, .1 M4A3 ComfD­ unicatlon Tank, .Rnd 5 M32D3 tank RoJocov\!:iry .. Ve­ hicles. In lldd1 ti~n to this nggrogato of 97 tr"ok-lll.Y1ng vohlolcB tho lmttP.lion has 74_salt­ pr0pollod whoolod vchiolcS and 52 trAilers of . vurloua typos.

'lhl3 batt~ion oommandor of tllc ~st THnk Batt&lion 1s a mcmbor·or the SpaciP~ Stnff of tlH:r 1 at Marino D1 vi eion wh'lt'G' he servos ns D1 viSion Tank Ott1cGr,



. ' D~~i!i'~ • .AN!•1t was 1ndua­ tr1ouny preparing for thb ·forthcoming epo1•at1on. Two of, tho tMl<: ccmptmios !'!ad j1ist •u•rivo

2. 't'ASK ORGAN I Z!JTION Strength let TB.nk Bn , 45 Off ·8B'7 cnl'US!!IC.H. l'. 'MILNE, 2 Off :14 a~l UbN LtCo;L 1 USMC HqCo 15 Off: :t.l9 · Cfll: US.\10 E~ W. . CL~bl1.KE;; 2 Off 6 mil USN Capt, UBi-lOR Burco 9 Uf£ 197 onl WMC P. C. MORELL, , Capt,, USMCR, :eoA 5' O.t·t 153 ~nl USMC G. M. ENGLI'BH, . 2 cnl US!I :·Capt; USMC , 6 Si'f 142, anl USMC B'.F. W!1.LI.IlMS, , 2 onl USN ·.Capt, USMC,, ·CoG· 5 art 13.:3 Gnl iJ.Sl·10 ·It.. }1,. TA~~9R, .. ' . 2 ool USN: Cep t, USMC CoD 5 Off 143 onl USMO L. T. CHASE, 2 anl USN Oap t, US!< OR 3,. PRELil1INll!lY PLJ\NNING· . . :'Tho. swrttness of thG.. cOurse .of avoilts _prior to cmbP.,rkat1 on for t.n.t s :f.:JrthcOming operati"on precluded t;ho issuMco of battalion ,planning sohcdulcs oX"" d1ro·cti1vos, How(!yor, .durlqg· thiS plann!ng phase tho S-3 ostaqu·sqcd Linl.so)'l w1 th "the- -ass nUl. t _regiments. · The :tm.t.t'r.llo·n comwflnder­ nnd the 8-llly persoriP.l li.l!lison w1 th the division stAff •. , · .. 1st MF>rinc, DiviSion Dpcri.tion ,o'rdcr 16-50,· · iss !led on 10 oct 1950,, ord,er9d "emd1ng•. Moobors of thcso ~·ank Liaison Tonms wc1•e s;;Uloo.'.l.ed in t;heir :functions nnd briefed on tho land1ng.


J>1U' was losrncd that the hArbor ·Md tho surrounding watc>r o:t tho landing boacl1.os ..wor.o· ,., hoP.v1ly mined it. was fCl. t that tho be~oh;;e.nd ·. - routes of 'egross :trom the. boaoh m1gb.t .f\l:so· ·bo·, hcavny lllinod •. ·Thoro:!' oro, l. t WAS ,pl.annod .to l.:nd the tanks on oall rather than 1n a·ohedUl.Gd wl;vcs. :iho tank· battalion commander planned to ·ti'MSfor from 'tlio LSD' to the Central control voascl prior to the. landing; an LCVP was arran­ ged to aocompl1sh th1a trr.no:tor. Jlo would bo. nocompMlod by two :rRdio ·operators with SCR 510 ra.d1o sets. 'i"'ha l'mllt l,1f:ison .l£0!-llllG were · to l>>nd r..nd determine thQ str.tus of tho beaoh rclf<.tiva to minc::s ~·' mEirk olartred lMGS: f\nd radio all information to the tank bat:tHl.1on • o~mmnnder· wh:i would !Wt~·ry tho Centr,.U. Cont:rol V~sol·to ·land ·th~·two.assault tank o:>mpanios on :the ·beaches ·llo designntod•. He woUJ..d~·thOI\ r~66mmond to Ed viSiOn a· timo Of lc.nding and a l6nding boaoh tor th<> romr,J.nlng t1:.rtks 'lllld when directed by Dl.ViSiOil would oxoouto this plllll. . . . During thiS plllllning phase tho lS~ .Tank Be.ttr.Uon was again plaguoll by tho!' moll'-ciXis­ tenc·o or M-25 tnnk spi\N parts.· 'l't.nJ!:. meohl'llll.os worked around tho oloalt rop,iring t>mlts and overhauling onll. rebuilding accossori.:.s nnd units for which no rcplnoomcnts could boob­ tained•. ibrough those m.eJ.nt.onP.noe ~!forts,·. 2. M-26 tanks wore round to bo inoperative nnd boyond. our ropRir .capabilities. · CO!Ilbat Servio<> Group furnl.shed.·rop·lRoomcnt te.nks fQr thos.o two and further :t'urn1ah0d 1. M-26 tMk, it ·M4J,3 ·tank · dozer to crq,sa existing tank ehort;-~gos., · 'lhc 3 1<-26 ropl&oo!llont tMKS DGodod considerable muinten~oe wor~ and added t~ tha ~oGmingly impossible tnsk. at'· roi\dying ull ,t1\!Jks to:r an amphibious asS{lUlt. Working up,;to ·t.\le vory mo!llent th>wp, ·tho mechanics oompl:ot>od .their workr.flnd· 11Stod all tnnks as bcl.ngi. ~perat1 vo, · ;,nothcr project wRs r.ooo!llplishod during · ·. this period, thnt of applying d~ep .wnter :ford­ ing kits to tnnl!:s, Cotll'cnt Service Group .de­ liv erod the kl ts and .Bnt t:J the' .~>.-26 t1:n1ts. of tho throe· tr.nk.-pl.1tcons ·or: tn<> Jmti-~·,;nk Companies o:f the lst, 6th lllld.... 7th l'iF.rines. '!he immensity ·or this prcJcot m::n; be pnrtilllly vJ.aurCL1Zed .by .. n'l·ting thnt 85 J.l,-26 tonl


ANNEX OBOE OBOE 'lO 1ST MARINE DIVIlliON SPECIJ\L ACTION REPORT (Cont 1d) Combat Service Group coUld not supply deep water fording kits f<>r the l!emaining 19 M4A3 tanks nor for the remaining 4 M32B3 tank recov­ ery vehicles. .Also~ AnothJJl" very ·sGrlous short­ age deiieloped, this ba~lquested air delivery for --the remaining reqU1rt,Jilent, of ··common Ki ta for . 6.4· tanks, ·as wi·thout the mlj.terial.S in the .Com­ mon Kits the· efforts 1n apPt.Y1ng the deep water fOrding adapters nnd sta·cl W1thst..and- a tcmperaturG pr·-10 degrees:·

i.S. wheeled vehicle water proofing· mRter1als ·beomne·.a:vaURbl:e this ba.ttalion received the ''Order· to· Waterproo:r: 'all: 'WhGClGd. :ND:RWW,.RBilLS .., . - ~} ' ... ~ . There was no time availnble'for training. nor :for a rapeP,rsal prior to this operRtion ·an~ no•ne·Was held. · ·'Ihree or the line tf.lnk compan- . ies moVus assault~ ··, · · · · . : · The ~niy "training Rccompl.1ahed )n .I11ohon was in the nature of ori tiqu~ts · c:f t·.r.nk ·oompRn,y actions and bflttal1on runct1one· in the recent Inchon - SeoUl opGrl'ltion •. ·::The ·bfittall<>n stRf1', .o~m.PtmY commanders; and 'llotiiparil(o1'fioars pRrti- ·,·:· 4


DECt.ASSihdl COl:ia ill' which a: sbarin:g o.'f'C'eibes.e. or!.tlq.ue• pr.o;ved .. vary profi tabl"· .to <'-.ll• p.artiolpan ts ann: mt.l<>bi. ·. '! of f.hls· J.r.f~r:nat1:on waP mad<> the .eubjeo';. of:- . . •":·. platoon hold school•· attar ambe.·rl · · · :· .·.

. lifter ·oomplot1on of' .the .Ihohon ~ Sao.t.\1 · operRtion- the .state- of. ·G.l'Rl.n~,ng of· the lst Tnnk Bc;;,ttnli::m· was· VRStly .tr.c;~r·.Jved ovar the stat;G ~.t' treir..ir.·g at tru~. tliu~ of thG -I:u:ilion land!.ng. 'lhr:r gt~:ln3r.~ -~lJ' hr-J.rl .not i'~.r~Jd ·th9.1·r.. ta!lli: guns .pr~.or tJ r.ctuu.1 c::.rnbat no\~~ hR11 the exper1~m~G. :;:;.f. li:H ng me.uy :r•o:ua~.s A.t "'-l:l't'loJ.:.~r on<~my tRrg-Gta. -Thr3!- t;r,r.~t :dt•i vo::'S: whof3 c ,,:~nly : dr1V0l' ·t;ra1·nir.g.had.-bean jn a cl·al3s Rb=:s.r.d.· ship n~w had i,l.r·ivon. owny, m1:1es·· and,. mor.e. 1m-_ po-r·Grm"t, he..d cxpcr~:Gr.oe:·l r.ne.ny h~tr!"A :...:r combat dr1 vl,~g. · Tank 00•1llll'l'tn'd~r"··· tllecr•y t:.,ajn-~d l:)y nec0ss1 ty, -hnd·' rk;.w::tpplicd t.l.u:iir t!"l·e.::ll.. :'.. w. · .1.n RCtual ·f'iGld·Op-Ora.:tf:;n~-J 1:gairtst an. &.mad an~;:~m-.}'. .. And had ..r.aco.u:lred ~C:Jr..~idoncc:t 1.n thl!ir.- h.an:!11-ng . of thiS he&v.tor ta~l<. 'llle loP.dero nnd bo-w gunner.s ".h"nd ~e!'f.J!'lfl~d ·tl.ll?.:i.r.. vi:tRl. ,f!Jri:c.. t.t~.t:u~ :tn the teaouw.k a:t~ell under or,qmy, :fire. 'iti·G: -timk Cl"'eWil ·a-nd: thelt\" t-a.nka~\:ha.d mat .and' de.- ': stf't,ya·d cthe :enemy; ~'-34 :ctul>k.''· :.. t 'l'cad!ncss ~r tl!1a·· t'a't tall,,n. t t ·mu~ t ;bG· not~.l. that t,wo training doflo1 ~n~.1cs still , ex·.~<.ed •.. l'he f1e"d·.. ·or,. be.ttLe .. docis not .pc,mlt SR-~!.s:Ca.ctory .J?rvgrattfl 1 ~. techni c~·:l·· ·trat~~ing.-. . ·. Tank. ur.~·,,s neodctC. Sl"ho:>lir..g ~n, t;.'la. mFny toch.- . ni'JAl. do·1ir4-is o:r th13 tank. -~~g1.noj . tho gun, tho radto,: 'the 1 SUt~:t;;con~i~n-~Y.~t.cm,_._ the ·electrical-.· sys·~e.. ,·:,ind -:lt.4•~'ll:'8ti:;:,n l'~e"t:riotad the omp~ oymcnt of oor·tP.:in tRrL'i t·Hc~ ..~ ns. In sp:1_t0 -~-:: t:hoao Eh0l"'"!ongos _·lfu~. -t,A.Pl·... ·ba"tt.F.\11~~ pro;o.rtrci to cm\lp,rk wl th Gho oon~iao:10c 11nd RF.C1u·F.!'"1CG charaot:er1S'Lio of C'-'Cbati tried voGel' me.·

5. LOJ•DHW J•ND Dl3i·W JiT!Ol~ · hajo!' IbuglAB E. Habarl1 e wns deS1·gn..ted· Embn!"k.FJ. ttcrl OfJ.'.ioe:r• ~f E.m"!.:m.:riflti :.n- G1~.:::: uu .ai:.i~·s¥. •' anC! ·_was·.·aRS!B·tad J'Jy. ,tl.pp~inteC! :Pmt•P,l"'k:Rt.1~n _,;: .···.:. O!fi cers fr.;m JP.oc>-h ':=:Om!):

-:~·~·... - ... f./ .. ,, ·:~~- •, ~

.. ·· ... , ., . •.' . ::. DECLASSIFIIW DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00101473


Embarkation Group EASY was commanded ~ CO, 1st TariJ<· Eattalion, and comprised 4 t.SD 1s. whioh transp~rtad tho two· tank oomp~~!es e~~portL~g the two as sault regiments •..'lh,e remaining two tank companies and ·the. hee,c,quar;ter~ company ' tlame thrower tanks WGrG': loa,dOd' 11)'; approximate · platoon a.iza on.LST'a· ot.snbar:k.St!~n Gro,up. BAKER and DOG whioh were transporting assaUlt infantry troops of thG 1st and 7th Marinos. Tho tank battalion's equipment ·and personnel was loaded. aboard .5 L~D=.s, 12 .LST!s, and 3 MA'&. The-losding plans for this battalion were formulated and ottooted as follows: Company A, l•t Tank Battalion, loaded by platoons, on 4 LBT' s of Eanbarkation Group JX:G. Company headquarters personnel embarked on .an LSD_ of Embarkation Group EhSY. Company B, 1st Tank Battalion, loaded by platoons. on 4 LST' s at Embarkation Group BilKER. Company noadq1.1arters personnol em­ barked on an LSD ot Embarkation Group EASY. Company C, 1St Tank Batta:ti:m, loaded two pla~oona, vne. scotion, and headqu~rters pla­ toon lees two tank dozers in LBU 1s and em~arkod in 2 LSD' s of Embarkation Group EASY. ~e re­ maining ta~~. section and two ta~k ~ozera loaded on an LST. Company D, lBt Tank BattAlion, loaded in·. ·tBU 1s a."'ld. embarked in 2 LSD's o'! Elnbark:it!on · Group EASY and in 1 LSD ot Embarkation Group DOG.

lbe Flame ~ank Platoon was loaded· by. sec­ tiona in LST' a ~f Embar-kation Gr-~upa BAKER, and JX:G. Service Oompsny 1s·wheeled vehicles wore distributsd on 5 LST's of . .Elzlbarkation Grvu.pa BilKER and IOG. 6orvi oe . Company personnel em­ barked on an t.B.D ot Embarkation. Group EASY.

l!eadquar.ters COmpany per.soMOl an~ J;ne let Tank Battalion :ccmofland Poat.embarked on an LSD of l!)nbarkatio.n GroUp .EASY. · · Tho LSU 1 s that tanks )

fue LST 1s· which 'transported .tho vehicles of Service Company .wore al•o transporting 88S~Ult infantry tro~ps a~d were or~wded. To this croWded condition-was attributed the necessity for the order that.vohialo drivers would not remain with their vehicles but woUld 6

. '


.,, J.•~NEX OBOE 050E TO .H~· MARINE DT.VIBION SPECIAL : ,_~_C:l'I9~ .Bli?OR'l' ( c~n tId) H' ..••

transfGr ·-t:.: an·, APA'" 'f:.a~- "thG :M:-"t":ei'!.Gnt to· ·the · obj ccti ve arid woUld. '!;hen transfer· bac)t t~ .tha LBT bCf:;r~ ·1 t bGacliGd. 'IhG · tre:.r:..s·f-0.!': p.r;ved se.tisfacto>'Y ·•1 t.h ·thQ exaoption that ,;l ~,_, 11' drivc;-rs ab:.ard ·-t;o_, gLt~p4. the ·Johicloa ;m~l~ .of.-. them were l:o tea iil'ld "qonn·aerabl~ eql.llpm.)nt .•. waa-~=st- to tP.is ·)?_ _,-~t~f~P.<. · -~: · 6. llOVEMENT TO i;f!,.I.J MRIVB., ~T OBJJ:igirvi ·AREA J_ ,' c•: • /' ·, ' - ' - ' . . . ' . . ThG LOT1 e tr&n'Sp;)rti'ug tan!~a ;;£ th!s ... batt&llon sailed on 1~ 0o1;ober fl.n:i tho r~BD' s SP.ilCJd en the'.16th ·or' Oct-.:ilbe::o Hnd ·av,ut.:;::.k·. tho l.S'I''S at·Be&. .. . , ..

Durl:!.g tt,H3 movwnent t~- "th!J ~bje"lti''\'3 area the tartit plat:;::.ns part'v~co: pl"eYe-!ltt vc roo.inten- · ence dHilY and chacj:cpr:Oof!ng • thel.r 'tRilk·s.. ."iill l,Jil!lds_ war~- briefed ··on th~' .... landing plan and intelligencoe 'ad. raaolu>d. thol~ assigned anchorA~>e by early.-· morning on· 26 · October. · · · · · ., .. 7. OPERATIONS

· 9.~ 6ot6b·~;_ lgfi?- iVhen orders w-ore received to execute -tYls administrative landing the battalion commander or~crcd all ta~~ battalion pcreonnal cmbarkad on I,SD' s to load in· the LBU 1s and to land with the t"nk.s. ~e LSU's olaai-ed th<>·LbD1s by 0700 and the .adminiat:rativo l&ndi.ng wao eff­ ected without l.t1old0nt on· Dluo find Y\:::tloW Beaches on tho shores of Kalma-'P.ando south- caE t; oi' 'I'J'ons.<:al. · ·rr•he advf-..nco l''eOonna!SSanC:a offl.c0r had posted signa·mArlting the route and· tho looa:tion: of. tho a.Bstgned ·tAnk·· ~ssom­ bly area· east· ·of. the ai.rfiald. · Ha. persqn- .· ally met company QOlii!Ilanders and gUided :them to thelr company areas ·withi-n tl1e batt fiLion_. area; ilia bat,t~llon cP ·was· es.tl1Bh00. .at T.f! 6936, A. . .. ' ..

COI·1par~i .-~s ::o ·~11! r ~Ln d th C"t maj ol·j ty of·; · ~- ,- · hcadqunPtci:r.J·- an~ fltJ;'·t·it"Jt::· co:apan:l\::H ~uompleted the landi n_g Mtd• ·--Yli~j'G.·'ln' ··t...~G' as~ ,_g.n~d liroa ~-­ o~oo_.. 'J.!h·C" r:~l~ta t' ~~J.cmant; ~·-e l'klOlpRny. B landod' · &t 0'73,); ''thci'S •'lu>"jM• the day·. iind the last il company ·platoon 'landed·.


~Wl£D ANNEX OBOE OBOE ro 1ST M.ARINE DIVISION SPECIAL ACTION 'RE:PORT (Cent 1 d) pany headquarters .had l.anded ear;l.ier 1n LSU 's, One aeotion Of f};ama·. thrdwGr tanks landed prior to dArkness. A :row pf the whoele.d ve- .. h1oles landed sllortly llc~qre. !Ji.1AI\1ght. -- -\~·.,,:!:;--:·:'(}_, ~-· -\· .. t.1 1 tBn taa"n And tank- taros ·wora· set uP and shelter liai VGB.ware p1totied to afford Ahei.tu from ~ha wind sweeping across the airfield. · ilood was gathered for wa:rm1ng :!'~res and malte­ eh1ft stov~s · W(}!"a f_ashionod from metal amtnu- · ni t1on lloxos found on tllo a1r:fi cld. >ho tank platoons ·or' tho· AT ·.oomp!lni es of t.h~ 1st. fith . .~;~nn ?th Mnri-no-RG~mants were ;ttaOh~d;- Md. ;·om~!zi~d:·;.n--the--ie:t. Tan.lt ba·ttal1on assqmbly area.

0'7 f"''"'+""-"',.. , QM -· """'"""'":'"" ...... "" 'Ihe adminiStrative landing·oontinued with the remaining platoons of Ck>mpany A l:and1ng at 0030, 0545, ruid osoo,. tho remaining name plA­ toon tankS lrmd1ng, and more· wheeled vel!1 olea • landing. 'Iho batt11l10n had no· ,·combat oollllili tt­ monts and ·was ordered lly 1St ··Marine Di·vis1on . Opn Plan 4-50 ot '22 Ootobar·, a&·f'ollows: 11 lst: Tank Bn trom vicini ~Y lii:JNS.AN lle prepared to move ori order in 'support of designated ragL­ montal sectors." Rooogn1z.ing tho posSibility of future amphib,ioua· asaaw.ts··tlle ·wop Water Fo.rd1ng· K1 ts w.ere not removed :!'roll! tnnks; · SerVice Compaey 1 s motor transport section:; .. began removl.ng tt10~ wheeled· Vehicle -water prooi- 1ng·l

28 Ootollor 1950 By 1000 all of th<> lst Tank 'BRttalion per­ sonnel, vehicles, and eqUipment were ashore and in tl'!o battalion ass0111bly ar01l.. · 11io Batt"lion Rooonna1ssance O:fticGr aided lly ·ooJil­ pany offioars tJ'ld roc.onnt.o.issance teams ;ro­ connoi tercd tho route.·from ·won san 40 miles south of KoJo; upon his return. he· .reported . tha.t, tMIly area, se.rvioe Company attaolled a meintananoe oontaot pRrty a~d a gosolino tan~­ er each to COmp>'11'11 es A and ,C for their pending movGs. The .t.ank ma1ntGnano<> seoti.on worlted/8 tanks 11nd tl>c motor transP.or~ repair' section.· r~ai.red. 11 trucks. .. -· ·

RPAI AftftiPIPft OONFI DEN ~¥!\ILft~lfltU


... .' ' ·-·r· ·' -.•. '· .. ; .,.. ; '·' ,:· ; ." • ' _·. .Afitro W.Y !f'l'l=l.r.l;;t~r,-Q-n . • - , ...•· • :':' 'r;"n ·; em· '11 A'O.,."I T:' ....n- ,,..,.f:$ Tv"'M AP ..~U~J.• :.-:. --···~·· -~.:.~-~~~-':AciiOtl~REPO:~£~·( o~ tt d) "' - ...... ·. Tl;Jg .bat'toi.to'n r~o<>fvqii ,ir. :i'i~~~i\~p.n. o·la.. 50_··&-; '2120 -...ti9h ·orduT-Q\"\ :··the; ~n_r.A -~a~.ott-:l.ion_ . to··maJnt!ll.n·onl,~ 'tio. H~n,g mro-:: pt.;·r.cd· f:o:r-:·:r-u:pt;Hqr·- o - - . a~~s. tj.t~c..s :~i-~ :a en ~t! _;ol,. ·JtC'l'-7. .... 1 . ·- ' . ' ' . ' t ,, ' ·' - .' . . . ,.,. ·.' . . • .:• . · ... !.-! Xh'o rog1mantlil tank Jlla'toon of 1St M.,r1nos was ordorod dotacllod Md' rove.~··~~'! ~.<:>,1st :Marinos • ...... -~------· ·-····' . •' . Conm_any 4 _ :·-. :·:·· . '. :At 2.2~ ·., mod1~1oat1pri to 'Ii'v1si.·d~,:'o~n' o: 18.'-50' was re·celved wh1ch rovq~·to¢ thaj.9~ . RoglmontaJ. Xank Platoon tO ·th\3 5th Marinos and attached Comp~ny A to the 5th Marinos. Pr0Jlarationa wore made to move out the !'Ollow1ng day.

Cbnrq~~ : Comp"l\y· 0 was. at.tr.Cho,d. to the ;Let ~~~r1!lOB·.' nn9-.mpvod tho'·3r(l'Jl.ll.ltoon.to:thc 1st .lt'-'rioos.· '· CP· 1n support o1" tr.~. 3r.:t i31li 1 s.t.IJI!U'ii)CS •. • ·At , ~2~. _'tl:L$ LS~, 883: _bG-8.of~a);oon C. 0 •., s tan~, 1 Fmd t.l-!e'··nat;t.iavcr ·w0l"o lCfldea.· · ·T~r~· t-~ · ma1n1ng,_6. tanks .a.ovcd -~o t11c pattf!l.1on. asscm:bly aroa. for. tho rilght. · lllo tank o'l;'cws. loadod· ll.no gi\J~O­ 1 nmmw\1 t.lol\ 1 · !Jll<'l, omorgcl)oy BUJlpl~oa, fqr · thf3 1~tEn, l~t· M:J.:t:"!nG'f A'tionr.d t&."le LOT...... ~ .. "-. '.·· . . '. •...... :·~g potc~~r. ;J,~50, .: . ·· · ,. " . ·•.. ,. ~·.:ThO· batt. Ali-~~ 'Asa~b:i~/~r~~ rcmainC« 'iu.~ t tllc samo:loo~ticin~ H.oadquarto:;s 'OcmpEillY ·wr.~ , augmcrJtGd by 'tl1o Joining o:f' tho adm1n1strnt1 vo rc'lr c:.holqn,. l:l P,fld D oompM1cs oond•1qtod Jlro­ vcn-e!·v·o Cila'fnt\1Uf.lil'Ue, and' tic3~WiOG. Opmp,~_Y; o~rr-: 1od on tlle1r :runo'ti1on1ng. · ··· ..

.~. : . .CoJilli!l\ll. A . , · (.htta,o(iqd. to 5th M.ar1nos). ,; . · OomJlan'y A w1 ~ ,~;o·.b~;>ip: of :so.r·,i~e ~P~Y romovod th"G doop "''ree•• fo>•dlng stacke, bas as, · r.no. tiw .ad'lj>t<>l:s :fr-Oro the tP,nlts; car3:(UllY,.~on- · SiCiol•ing .t!'G'pODS:l:b,flJ.\,~ Of,US.ir>jO t.h~,l'lg'i\ip• ;,:; At l."i45 i;!lc oompar~ ·mov~a. ou-t.. by.·pl'r~oons fQr. : thc·~.GW oorilpa.ny__ Uoin:nW'ld po'.4t:·,F.lt. _TA· . .59~Q, i.n. ;: ... attH:lhmant··to thb :5th MIU':wos· ... All tRnkS arrived this, now area by·l63()',

Come a.~.~. ?,_ .< ~~~~~()~~ -~~):l~t;.:M~r!~~.>.. ·:.:.-._. . · ~o. o,;-e~s p!' · tij~ o... ecm!l~t:IY tank.ll·;)lof.lr41,ng tho ~b:r' c:oni~nMd tl!:e+z:. !).q; .n.l,~l;l'f. '"0;.:k ·o~ '. . .. : . loa&~~e: emorg~~.QY,'J!lJ.l(P~!ee ·_.for .~G·_.l,.$:t,P.Q.- 1 ~·lot~ .. Me.r.tMe.'.> j:l:Jo lcJn~.th~ lffis ·ccro)llot'oa ?;ti, d~,WJt · but ·.:ho L~T was una·r>1o to retrAct fl•om ·ttlG boaoh. A u.s. N••vy t11g ,after aovoral unrluo-­ oeaEifUl Gfforts to~~ad t.&."iG LSX tl•au ~t :1,600 :MqbWJI,ar K:jo.' ~:~~~·.:; ;


nccussmr~ .· CONFIDENTIAL ANNEX OBOE OBOE W lS'l'. MARINE Jl[VIBION sPECillli ACTION REPORT ( COnt 1d) ihe remaining C COmpMY tanks that had spent. the night at ~ battalion assembly aros moved to join tho ::1~ plstoon .. at ~/:)e lat Mar­ ines OP. lila. 3rd platq9n:)l!i-f··ra~onnoitarad the MoJonni r.oad and·"re¢ollllllended

Qompanv A

The tanks of COmpany A romained in their company assembly &rea 11s a reconnaissance pat­ l'ol of 1 officer .and 10 men inspected the road and bridges to .YANGBON '.HNG-NI •. Tha .road was reported to be passable to t.anks by by-passing 4 bridges •. Mother patrol .was organiZed con­ sisting of e o!'t1oers and .26 .men. to reoonno1 tor tho route to .YONG!:IUNG. Comp!!nY Q (Attaohail to ·1St Marinos) ihc embarked tanks of C COmpany· arrived at Kojo 'abo~t 0200 'but the LST was unabl.e to beach due to a sand bll.r\ \Oilcn 1t was learned that tho tanks woUld not be able to l.and tho LST was ordered to return to Wons an; Walking wounded, dead, and pow's ware brought aboard by LCVP for transportation to WONS.AN. The LST was unable to retract from the sand bar .and a request was suanl t.ted.:to 110NS.AN tor a tug •. ihe 3rd platoon 'with :.attaohod· tMits. remained • in tho vicinity or tho .1st Regl,ment .9P, 31 October 1950 ihe battalion less A and c COmpanies re­ mained in tho same assembly ,area but reoei v.ed an order to move on the following day, .. ihe Heaoiquartors Commandant. reconnoi torod • the suggested area and soleoted a. specific ~·#• ~· Praparations wore made to diSplace tho Cl' and an oral march o.rdcr was issued. ; ~

Company A (Attachod'to 6th Marines)

lho ·tanks of A Cempnny were ·1naoti ve but the patrol planned yesterday .was aooompl!Shcd and reported that tanks coUld make tbo trip to YONGHUNG. ' 10


...•. _...... ~~--


Com12.§_nx.....Q (.Attached t~,,lat 'M~rlnee) llio tug arriy Gd ', a1; 'Kq Jo, ar;d b¥ 1400 had : towed tho LST froa of' th3 ,e,an~, oar "nd the, LS~ Sailed tor Won&afl;' 'TilG l'O~ wor,o 1nac ti ve :a£ ~i>o; far ~arinos OP. 1 Novoml>Gr 19fP The battalion moved in nooordance with the sohedulod movement ,to tllC 'new assomO.tll MUinop, ilnd ;moved· to tho"ncw as&OOlbly arel'l alSo,' ~e 5th Marines TMk Platoon was attacho4 to the. ~ani< battalion and moved to t.he' now ass\llllbJ.·y area; . ~1e prj)­ sonoo of reainants of 'the North 'J(o;rean ;hl'lll.Y , necossitatQd outPosts_ rmd· a_ well :i·nyqgra~G-~ battRlion perimeter. Enrouto to 'this now'aroa a pla tcion or !l Oomp·ariy was dlvor1i3d, to al,d the 2d Bn 1 5t;h Marines but wA• not empl9f.Od !"jd re­ Joinod tho bat Galion' at 1700,, .one M-26 ;ant was evacuated for la::ilt of pnrts to-: CSG.

Company C , (AttMhod tb l~t Marines) , , Tll battRJ.ionlosa,CoU:pMy C rOOJAinad at POK-o.OW·cMYON. ll motorized roconnaiasll.noe of 4D men led by CAptain lingl.1a)l was ol'g

.QQ9l..P.Blll_Q (AttRO~J~d to let 'Marines) . --;. . Tb.l3 tf:.Me at thlO! · Wonsan a1rf1el.d wore in..:. .active but -~ha reinf'urc.a:Hi Srd platoon at the lBt !Jif.ir!.nCJS (.!fi BA.w action. .b s_eotion of the 3r.d ·p:.tr.too.n.. a BCJct1011 of . the: Rf21gim·entr..l Tank Plat'Oon, ·and 1· Tank. fuzor mo\·o_d·aut ·to nld'·~ true.'!. convoy 't;..~H":; l/f.tS arol•·~a.hr;.d O!l ~ho _Mc.jon- n.1. road 2 J...'l.1.~LC?;9 w~s:t o:f. \'IO!HU,:l. , "j!\:19. tM.:..itB , shG~l'lect ridp;\.'~=', gta'. pos1.t;t:n~s:. a.r4 t'A.7oS allow­ ing ~h.A r.:.Oi'l'\'CJY ~)~:"f:Q!;"'.t"lQJ. t·) ]'COO\T\3':0:' t.• .l::w!.r. abfltO- dVn0d r.upp110s +:\n~l vnl~:i c:!..e~ft 'l'!J.~ 1i'r.uik rc·zer ·. clt'H:tred t!B road of li:.:·cckRge HnJ ·our111ng truoks.



3 November 1900 c ''··.' ~o tank :battBliqn·;l~~B; .Q.:.. .:ompflllY ·rJ!mained in ·.the same area, ma1n:lia1!)il)g· .!;)lo,•;roa.d· blook ·.. ,. at Munch on ·and· sendH'l~ o11t· ·root .. .,d motorized patrols. At ·noon. th'e.-3rd·platoon· from·~; Com-· .. pnny Md a foot pRtrol of ~2 men And 1 officer · from B Compnny exec11t<>d a tank-.1n1'antry ·atteyok on c:mo!'lly .ln v1o1n1ty o:r Changp·~yong-ni~ ·· Atf enemy ml!iohinc> gun: was dest<"O,red, 00 anomy ~~lled, and one en~y oap.tured w1 th one· Marina b'1J,·ng .. wounded. ·: This aot.l.on. Wli.B ·.completed by 1330. ·. .. The Spool a~· Oper.nt1one Company. of X Oorp~ pa.rt1-. cipated sl'1.ej:1tly ·in. this ·action; · · 'J!he patrol from ·Hamhung rotumod Md c.o .. ,.:. Company Jt,. leader ot the pat1•ol 1 .r-eported tJ.~at ·~ with limited eng1nser"work M-26 tlinkS oolll.d · ,,· negOtiate :the road to 1iamhung< ,, Psmliany C ··(Attaohe.d.tQ 1St Marlnesj. . , o cOmpany. retrlever.'was sent .to aid let .<.·.: Marines Tank· PlHtoon· diSabled tank. One sec- . tibn was ass1gl)ed a road, bloQ.k· m1s s1on for .Mi and: continued ·.tho road '\>loolt and continued- toot. patrols_ !nto . .sur~oun(tin,g hill~~- On~ prisoner was oaptux:ed.. ·

Company c Remained in same positions flnd .liad rio"' actitvHy.•

:; November. 19:0 · .. ·' ,!!l,.e battRUon, less; Company c, remained',.;.·.'! l?OK-SONG-MYON .fllld continued ·tho t!ll>k-m,.nncd. ;. : . ., . ro&d lllook and. combined motor-foot patrols n].,ong tho MSR. .Company D reoel ved orders to move .. to ··· Hamhwuz on thA fo1 1 owlna ti:Av And. CnmnAnv A ·1"B-···· eel ved-orders . to execute a pl do on. ah!liJk' nt . : 0?00 the following day southwest of Munohon. · . .' . '

.~e lat Marlne'.Jl1.vis·ion Opn 0 19-00 of .5. Novf>O· ordered the 1St Tank BRtt/ilion to main,.• ·· · ta.1n qne. oowpt-UJ..Y Viclrli ty o£ wonsa.n·.fr-epRr

l?. e<~iU&$1FIED ''-···· ..


.D£Ct~I}IDJIAL MmEX OBOE OBOE 7.0 lfJT MAlliNE DJ:VISION SPECIAL .aC.~:'ION hE?~J!t~' { Ccwtr d) remained At 'lsi; Mar!.~•cad bloc.l<, r·e:nair.dor of thG company remai.qs.d- a·t _wons,~n nlrZ.'t.c;old ep-~- 6·NoV0r.lber 1950 · --··-- ~h----~-~'"-~ .. ""'l.•• Tho tank b11ttf.~1on loss' cooipanias c and D remained 1n assembly arM at .pOK-SCI! Company A moved from tho road 'blcok'-·iit 0000 · and contacted X Corps .Spamal. Opm­ pany lind ·moyed ou·t J.n tRnlt-infnntry patrOl .: · formation tnrough CllJ\NQl? '-·YO.NO--NI am: passed on through to the v1lbgo of rY-·ll:HU. .No enomy.contaot was made· and thu tanka returned ~n=. .

Compnny §. (Attached to lSt Marines)

NO chnnge in location and no act1 v~ tics this data 'by 11 pomphny · tanks' C~inDRny Tt With orders to report to tno lBt.Marine lll.vision at Hamhung Company·n,:with a'main­ tenance contact party from Service Compll!ly attached, moved out ·with tanks and trucks at 1200. Along the route two bulldozers mounted on lowboys and aooqmpFmied by an engineer officer and personnel Joined tho convoy. Tho convoy arriVed 11t YCNG-HUNG Just ~fter dark and moved into a sido street for the night. Contact .was madG with units of the 65th RC'l',· USJI, which were in tho vicinity.· '. 7 Nov ...~mbcz: · 1950 'l'hc battalion lvss "C" and< 11 Dlf_ Companies romalnod in POK-l;ONG-~,YON and oonduotod motor and foot patrols· Wost of tho MbRj' no contact's w0ro matJ.li. .·ccmpa.ny "B"- roo~lv0d .tho. :warning ordor to move to·· H""'hung;·. thG tank plato0ns .' of tho ·Jlllti·"~ank .CompanioB of tho otr. and -7th would a~oompany, thum, .. · 1

ComJl!Yl..LQ (Attachod to lBt Marinos) : · ;-.. l'hc: at5tus an·i 1oea·~1on of Cocnp~y "all~-­ did not '~":h.;;ng~).

i1t o?oo·· y·or,; G-!.-l1[.'rc-.,w:.;s attac-ked· by. NOr~ Ko:::•..::an :7:c"C-opo,, ;ID'. Uomp:Jr1y did not on·tor th ...... fir·.) f.ig"li:i. b:.1·~ ony m.~n WH.D W'?UJ.idcd~ The at·~sck s·,.tiJE"iJ,id. and t.a.nl!;;s wv:o0 r.:fu..::l~d and rvr.:ruu..::d tn..::- Ifw:r·t•b, C.n.:. ta:llt ·W""-S la:ft 1n 'YONG-HUNG Ki i;h a darrtE.f{0G. spr,)ak~t. Slo~ and cqJIEGiASSIFIEu 13

. ' I .


D!C!A~fil . . .. ANNE}: OBOE OBOE TO 1ST MARINE: DIVISION BPEOI.AL · .ACTION REPORT ( Oont 1d) careful driving brought the tanks safely through tho narrow, windl.ngi,mountain ·road only to e:xperienco ;O throim"yraoks in a sandy by-pass of a bridge •. This dolayod tho move­ mont considerably but HAMHUNG was reached at 2330. 'l'ho Co.npany spent the night in a main street of HliMIIUNG a,s tho Com:pany, Comm_anC.or conta·ctoii 1st Marino Divisioll Headquarters.· 8 November 1960 '

Tho battall,.on, l~as 11 0 11 ·and non Compan­ ies, remained in assembly area at POK-SONG­ kYON and conducted combination motor and foot patrolS cast and west of the J.iSR making no enemy oontaot. At 1000 tho warning .ardor Wt-A.B roco1 vod to send IIB. 11 Company and the 5th and 7th A. T. tank plntoons to HAMHUNG on 9 November. Jl.t 1,91-5 .. this order was delayed to 10 Novembor. ·· .. · · · At dusk friendly aircraft m&do strikes . : at enemy landing craft at CV626l; Naval gun­ fire took up this mission after dark as 1 t was. believed that enemy had landed. ·on· ·or-. dcr of X Co~_s a ema_liJ: _patrol WH.S evn_t out. at 2240 to investigate :~tho area. . ' ' ..·.:' ····· ...... Clomp IU1Y _Q · • . ·No movement -and 'no ·aot1 v1ty this dato.by. Company c. · .- _,·, : "· --·: _

'• .. :. ·.~~ CompanY D.'. : \."! ·. ' '" ' ' ~'he company was a~s1eilcd an aes~mbli: .. · .. area approXimately' B m1l~s"'northwost 'of 'i!AMHUNG f!,y.HOYi>NG-NI and raaohtid' 'this arol\ -~~~ 1000,-: l:anka wore <>hooked and soour1 ty ostablishod.·

Tho:1Bt 'l:R/llt Ba-ttalion, l<>aa cCmpan,.os .-,. • 011 . an.d. !1.D", :ro: · ·.. ·· · Of 'SOYANC)"..:.NI:·~ ""(''':~!1.'.·. ~~: .. ~-~.-·~.~~~.·~-t~~--·-1;' ~~~\Mt~:t~f',' · ·· · ·.·· ,, . One o!flovr. and. forty ·men WOJ:e n·own to HUNGNAM to rido tho trucks, which bad moved 11 D" CompRny, back and sot up a fuel dump in YONG-HUNG to :ro:f'u.:>l Qompany 0B0' liB they moved North. Incroas.:>d guerilla activity along tho MSR nooosaitatod placca;ont of •shot gun rid0rsu on ell vvhiclOa. ·




.ANNEX QBOE OBOE .~tl lS'l' !MR+NE DlV!&ION SPECI.AL · . • · aCTION !!fPOI'j.T .( Con t 1 d) 10 November 1950 Tho 1st·· Tank ·aattal~on, laQs. ~Ompanics nBn; '011 , and "D', rOOlainod\in·.:f>OK-SONG-MYON and conducted motor.~and _foot· natrolo cast ot·.. tho MBR and oontl.ili.uid 'to maint.ain tho road lil:ook' on tho l4 to :tho Battalion Sorvioo Pa:t>k, Oowpany "Bfl r~1nt'o~p..:;d. ar-rt-vcd at XO!:G-HV1~G at: 1640 and refueled •at tho fuel dump established tho prooodi.p'g dAy·b,y truolts roturn1ng fl'om.'Com­ pany "D" at ¥\OYANG,-NI.• · \'lnon · tuol.od· tho .. Company act up a p~rimotvr out or·~o town a-short dis­ tanoo .. Qpmpany· Q (;;ttaohod to'.l8t Marinos)

!Jti6 p941pany l"GI11ainGd in tn':r saa:u~' ·B:I"GB ~ut aont one· section or M-26 ·tanks and an M4A3 'I'ank D5i.cr ·to osoort an Engineer mino clearing detail· 14 miles along the· rond to MAJON-NI, re­ turned escorting trucks and prisoners to l'st Marines CP.

Company D (.AttaQhcd ·to 5th Marinos) ~he third i>iatoQ~ 'i oft at 1200 frOIIl SOY.IlNG­ N! to support Oomp~n.Y ·"!"; 5t..l1 MArinGsi 1~ pro-> v1d1ng local socurH,y ·tor YONGPO :Mrt10ld. · Ro-• -, maindor or QPIIlP.M.Y: .:and tho t>th 14ar1nos 1 Tanlt Platoon woro attaohod·to tho 6th Marin~• and from -SOYf.t!G-NI. ... , 11 Nov0mbcr 1950

r.-.1...- ,..,., m--•~ ..0-••-~-.a ...... , ...... ,. ''"'-'--..;_,.·... ~ ·•~n .. ~,...., '"'-.""j""'""-'.Wio·~"""-un~•vu, •v.~;~g 'I.IULLIJifliU..I.~O- ··o-~ 1 .,·· 'C11 , and 11 D'., rom.al,nc.d ·at .POK-SONG-MYON"'and· · · : .. · ... · made '}iroparat1ons 1n aooordanoo with: l'stMar·lli.V • ,:,'.. Opn-0 20,-50 to move ·tho: I'OOlaindO.I' Of· ·t:ho.··battal-' ...... ion to- HJU.i:HUNG. : -~i;S .. ·Q~do.r. -attached. Coinp.cihY· 'lljj= ·.: .L·. to tho 9th .)-lari.nos .all.zcr wns'l'ot-li .'· bogged .1!' wat·or nol;'tl:i· ot·YONG,HUNG ... .. "J.t ·2030:. :,:!' ' all clements had onto~.ed:·HA!tfHJNG~· · ·.· : · Companv· c

r1nmnAnv R('!H_ "\oi'JiB d.O:tso..t,.~d fro!%! the l:et Mill-:· .... 1no Rogimont and-reverted to ~att~li~ control; 16 ...... ·)

DKC:LASSIJliiW DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00101483

. __ )

TO 1ST MAlUNE DIVISION SPI>OIAL J\CTION RJ;PORT ( Oont ' d), Tho third platoon awvod from v1a1n1 ty of thrJ lBt M.ar1n0s CP and joined tho ocmpnny Y1c1nlty of WONS~ A1rf1uld. ' ~: (-\ ·L:_r. · r: :>:\· ,, :.: \ CO!Itp&ny P · ( Attaati<>q~:it!Q!i'otn'.. !i•;r1n~s~ . . . '. 11 CoaiPany D'1 · was attaOhOJd to· the 5th _Marines and th0 Company, l~sa third pll-~toon 1 mov'od to · MAJON-IONG, ce.tabl!Shod a read .block at' T.ll-5840, und sot up a pcrlmctor dcf'ons c. ~c third pla­ toon r0ma1-n_cd with ColllpMY,-. 111", 6th Ma.rd.ncs Rt YONGl?O ilirtl old. ·· 12 November 1950 Tho battalion cP was still located nt POX• SONG-MYON, patro).ling·ot MSR tlanltS ·out tho road block at TA-5448 was' assumed 'by ROle' clements. C,:,mps.D.y "A" romalne'd in battaliOn SsScmbly aroa~ Company "C' remained at WONSi'l>l Airtiol'!l, · Company S Tho 6th Marinos'. Tank Platoon was detached, Company "B" rol.ntorood. by _tho 7th. Marinos'· Tank Platoon and lS t Ordn.anoo .ll/lt.tlllion l\otrJ.ovor.. movGd_ on .~r&l D1v,ts1,o~·.:ord~~- tO YONG:F.O A!r!'!cld and rollovod Company 'I", . ~th ·Marinos B!!d ·assumed loQal scour! tt of tho BJ.rfl.oid. ·. · · .. ' · .. ' ~ Wwpan.y D_ .,, . 'lllo Company Commander rcoonno1 torcd tho 'ro~d tram CH!N-HUNG-N! to KOTQ-!U· and raaommondod ongi.naor improvOUJ.ent bofor~ attampti'ng to move tanks over· tho stoop, winding, narrow road•. Tho third platoon was :roUove'\\ of 1ts m1ss1on··at. YO!IGPC airfield and join'ad· tho oomp'sny at MAJON- IONG. . · · ·

13 Novombor·l950 ·.·. 'lllc 1st Tank Battalion· Pl'"Pilr()d. t9 ino.vp cle­ ments of HoadquartQrs_ and ~orvicc Companies, to HAMHUNG. D1 Vl. slon Opn-0 21,-60 orciql'od ~lB,tTkiln,

·Reinf .. 1 less dotah...h.montB-~ ntovo H0e.dqua.r·t0PS and So~ lee. Co'mpanicD, leas .trB,cls ombly area v1oiil1 ty r..ST landing Aroa .\'IJNS.AN prepared ihovc.- .SQY.Al-~G--N!-. vi.".l." wEi:tor ·::.nd rei ad :on· . --order. 11• •

Company B

D1v1s1on · Opn-0 21-50 ord0rod '!il" Company, ae tho oral order had, to prov.id.o lvcal soour- 1 ty for YONGPo'· Airticld. · inc 1st Ordnance Battali6n Tacik Retriever w:aa dQtach


.. Company "C 11 rcmaJ.rod ln 'IIPN~!N Ai r:t'i old . ; · .~

DF.CLASSI Ill r.o DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00101484


~ho 3attal1on CP N018J.nod .at $>0!(-SONG-MYON but a 24 truclL convoy or ·~lomonta': of. Sorvico Ovmpany and Headquarters ccmpany_:and battalion supplies loft at 07oo; arrived HAM!IUNG at 1430, and unloaded at SOY.I>NG-NI at 1600, 'lhoso truclLs woN rotuolod and roadlod for the return t.rlp on tho next day. 'lhc tanks of ohc Flame Platoon, Headquarters Command Ta~~s, and Service Company rotriovor moved at 0700. to l\ONS·AN rmd loaded aboard LST 1 s for movom.mt to HUNGNJJI.. 8-4 sub­ mitted UP & T Tables to lll.vision Embarkation• Officer for Companies "A• and 0 0 11 which wore to move via water to HUNGN.ioM. · ·

CompAn~v B Compani •B• was attaohcci to tho .96th Field· Art11l~ry- Battf.l..l!o.p U~ S .. _.§...rmy a8 tho1P--Oommand-- 1ng Off1cor as•umod tho soouri tY resp0nsib111ty of YONGPO ilirfiOJ.d, · ·

CbmpR.!'l'f D (At tnoh~d to 5t.'l1 Me.:-inee.) Company "D" continu.od to protect MSR from ' vicinity MAJON-DONG. J.6 Ncvombor 1950

Tho Battalion CP ramRincd at POK-~ONG-MYO.N and upon l"i3turn of tJ.'lo trw.ok uonvoy_ trow .SOYAN'G­ NI, loaded supplies and· eqUipment· and urndo p:ro­ pnrntions to leave for SOY.IING-NI tho following day. Company "A" roadiud i.tsolf tor a move :.to th..;; LST loading area in V.VNSAN, Company- 11 Ew_ oon...: tinuod 1 te. mission. at YON GPO. Airfiold, Qompany "0 11 awaited ord0rs for thoJ.r wator mov:cmont·,. Company "D" patroll cd and roconno1lcrod b.ut did not move tanka from MAJON-IONG, and olJmcnt.s .from Service Company and Headquarters Company ~t SOYJ•NG-NI began ""tt 1ng.. up to function •. 16 NovombGr 1950 The BattAlion CP, romSinlng clomenta of Haad­ quartors and service Comoanlos. donartod from POK­ BONG-MYON at 0700 and ar·r1 vud iooo· to ostabl10h now CP Vicinity SOYANG-NI at Tl!.7l27R. Company. 11 .A 11 m~v;.:;od fr.om POK-SONG-MYON to. an ar0n noar the LS'!' lo~~cltng ·a.;-;ocR 1n WONSA~ to awa! t orde!-s to mnve to HUNGN.hk Vifl' water tranap~rtat1vn. Comp~ny 119 11 . was dotRchod from tho 96th F'iald Artillery :aattal-. · ion U.s . .Hrmy e.nd attached to tn~ 1St Mnrina Regi­ ment. C!cmpany 11 B" m.:;vGd :f'r~ YONGPO JU.rf!eld ... a.t 1300 and ustabliahod a new com~any assembly· area at CHIGYONG lly 1800. Company . 0 11 romBincd in. tno · ... 17 .,....•.

• •" •: ! •• ;"H .. •I


lh~NEX OBOE OBOE 'IO l.ST 1-!A!UNE DIVISION SPECIJ\L ACTION REPORT (Co':'t'd) . vicinity of tho J;.ONS.AN Ail'ticld C?.:nai ting wato_r­ transp0rtation to .H!JWNAJ-! •. OOmP,!'l'Y "D" contin­ ued M protect th0 MSR. :1'.!10pl,;Y,icin1:ty M_AJON-DONG Flame platoon t~nM arr1-Vod lit HllNGNAM Via LST and mov~a. to n-0w Batt"i:Q.l_on Q?.. · 17 Novemb0r 1950 me Battalion CP·, H0adquarliers' ana. bCrVJ.OO Companies began functioning at SOYANG-NI at. 7'E7l27R.. Companies "A" and "C" rcmainod in Vicinity of tho l,ST loading area at 'WONSAA, Com­ pany "B' remained· at CHIGYONGi Company 0 D11 · was de­ tached from tho 5th Marinos but continued ita mission at MAJON-roNG: 'i1lo Tanlt.Platoon, A. T. Co.cnnan_v .. ?th Marlri~s Was dotaohod from Comtlanv •an· ani:t' moved t~- tho .BattS:~. ion aP. ·· - -.- •

18 November 1950 :: From tho SOYAAG-NI CP tho 'bat tan on oommand<>r issu,od tho order to form a Provisional Tank Pla­ toon of ono (l) 11 B 11 Company M4A3 Tank Do~or, three (3) "D" Company M4:A3 T~'lt.· tt:.crs, ·&nd t..~e M4A3 Communi oatl.on Tank f:t'Cill Hoad narrow Winding road ·from CHINHllNG-NI to xoro-m wl th loss difflcul W. than tho M-26 tanka. · ThiS. was ordorod by lst Marlno Division Opn-0 22"'50, • whloh furthor ordered tho tank battalion to maintain a tank company vicinity of MAJON,-OON,G . and to protoot tho MSR in zone. Patrol-• wore": conducted bp,th cast and wost of t,hc MSR, an·d .. tho 7th Marinpi>. t'iulk platoon set up ·a· .road blook "at TA2969I as J;:rido the MSR. · · ' · . :.~ LST 1 s w~ro -'still not a~all~lac for tranii'- . porting companies ·~.lin ahd' 11 c• :"to~HllNG!'JlM•.. COm,- ., panics 11 B". and "D'. at :CHIGYONG:. arid M.I\JON-IXlliG ; , rcsp~ctivcl:r~ continu.cd .their 'P.rotoct1ve m!.'s~1p:;e ;, and supplied the .M4A3 Tank ·no~ora ln · aocordanco . w1 th at'.orcmontioncd :order.. :. · ·

~c tank platoon, Anti-Tank. Company, 5th Marines joined Company •. 011 at MAJ.ON-:-WNG:. 19 November 1950

Thc·batta:i.+on CE' romainod.at SOYAAG-NI, 11 Companies A" ·and 11 0 1t. r0ma1ncd. at ·WONe.AN,· Com­ pany "B" ~omained at CHIGYONG a·ttach¢<1''to tho lat Marino Regiment, and Company n D'r rOmaln0d at MAJClN..,DONG." For detailed -roport,.of Sc~vice CompanJ.. ~see refcrepcc;r ( P:). Patrols ·wetre con-: duo-ted caSt ~~~ ~est ot-MSR. · · :•· .• . .J . .. i'hG 'Provi~ional Platoon .:lopartG


DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00101486 ...... ·:-·'"

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DECLASSIFIIW DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00101487 .J~ " . ·'· r ' cxll~~ED •·· .·· . ·· J\NNEX OllOE OBOE io 1ST ~iil!UNE·I>IVISION. SPECIJ\L AC~,ION REPORT t( Cont.1d)

tO m0v0 and ozU0~od onc.pl.A.toon of M-26 tnnks of Co~.pany "D". to,.movo to CHINHUNG-NI on 2.4 Novo.mbor. 1950 ~n prop4r.".· ~.,O·!A.•~t:\:r.~f:\\l:!t!lcr move to HAGiillU-Ili. · . ···,:ih\lJ\~il'\iillJ§_\l,S . • . '~"''} t:~~:~'P. :f.o//1't:r:!i'~. Tho Pro vi sionnJ. Plato,:m.r,0

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!OE,iO"Hl1' MAlUNE"DlVISlON ~P£CIJ;L.' .- io'RT•('Cont 1d)

l..;;;se 2d ;r.Ltit,lcn, L<::lnf.:.:vcGd·"by·t.hu -Bth.'1.;·;,L·:.J.Jwo.· 1·anl< Platoon patroll.cd MSR ·fr:.:rri· v+cini tr, 'ot. MAJON-IONG. 'lho ·2d pintcon'•.ot· Corop,ny· .'.. D" rc-.. mainod at CHIN!IUNG~NI awal ting o·rdors to :conUil·UO. the: marc{l. U:;mpany :l;E;: pB.tr~llad_ a:R.at :~:.nd w0st of ~.bR fl'OI!l Vicinity" !l'ONGJONG~NI, . . . . .

r'rcv1s1onlll Plab~n (Attached to·· neT .7). The: Pl'ov1a1onnl Platvon wr:s · RttRc.hod :t~:- th.C: r 7.th ROT And mov~d. the Cf! to HJiGJIRU-RI. l>l'l:d .. attcmp tod m.:lvo to YUr~-·NI .·out lwnvy traffic held up tanlts. Plu.ns wcru mr.de ·t:. atto(npt move age. in the following .d~y. service IJ:'mpl!.n.Y fur­ n1ohcd lo 2~ ton .truai<;s ·to the l.St ~iarincs fer a trocp movement. 27 November 1960 H0Rdqua:rtcrs and Sorvioe -:e::moanics ocrf:lrmad. their functions :from &~YJ.NG-!l'i: cP. ·Companies ·"A";·. nan, 1!GJ',·'Grl.d "D11 p&:tr~llod··.,;:,eot- nnd WdDt·ot Ml:lR ·, · by foot and 'uy motor,· · Pr~visionnl Plat:>o~ · (Jittachcd to. J\OT. ?h: .: ',. Tl:tc platoon movod out at 0600 .for yUMM-NI, the l;'~Hd~ alt..l-l.::ugh· ilppearing d1.18ty had~.tul under­ lying· lay.cr of 1c~ whi.oh caused thO :v.~~. tllllks .. to • sll.do a groat deal. · Four. mUos ·woo.t •of: l!JiCARU- , .: . RI au· t?.nks· had illia oft·· !';lad and· one had thl'own·. a tr~ck. Tra!'fio was to a heavy to . .\·l~rk :::;n .t.,~!s · tank at this time; tho otlwr 3 tanks roga1ned the· road And returned to HAGARU-n;I; '.During··~ho night tho CCF s.ot up. a rq!ld, block R.!'ound :this tMk and·· 1 it -;-,.us l:)_st to trw plato.::n. .: · · .•· ·


Roco1v1·ng ·:·r-dor-s :~;;o pz:ooa:od L.UIOJ 2d plRtoon _ of Ocmpany 11 D" me.de -.J:te'oilmm1t w1tho.. ut 1no1dcnt.-.'. vis1onal Plato~n •. ono:tnnk, D-23,:,,./l.a.·· ard0rad_ to pr;;oood t;; ·YUD.hM-NJ:· h~piilg· th!3--ll.Ga:vi.ar' M-26 tr.ni<;' wculd ncgot1at'o th.o ioy roRdB better' than tho ~i4il3 t·~mk•· .rtnci. ·::zuta "one. •~··rk" •trolt' was & teat run and boo au$" ~or the 1.oc, narrow ' road, auddon and .deop drops, and dnngor in tra­ vcll~ng tho mount.Ain :road •tho plnt:i,>n loader . d1Smountad ·all ur tho· o:t'.cw o.xcapt tho driver. .. l:hc tank made YU:li.M-lii .suoC'essfully and tno :olll.­ toon loader and tho .. tank d>'1vor x·oturned to·­ Hi

' •. •'· -;_, 2l




bNNEX OBOE OBOE ,TO lBT MAffiNE DIVISION SPECifoL ·· J\C.T,l;ON JlEl'.ORT (Con t 1 d) tho tank platoons from· th.o let,, .fit;h and ?th. Martne.-RcgimGnts pat::r-o11:od eas,t,. $_r'J-d west of the MSR fro!!) asscmbl.y. areas at BOYJ\NG-·NI, TONGJUNa:-Nr, and !f.J\JON,-ri:mG. Qno joop and . 14 21; ctcn cargo trucks wore rurn1s.hod to move tho 4i'"St P.oyal M9rin~ C.om'ma;'ldoS to H.4.G-ARU:-:P.!. one t-~·nk. orGW fr~m CompanY" II c" Wac aJ.ertoi t;., fly oy n011oopt'cr !'run bO¥Jll~G-.NI to h;.~GJ")RU­ ru i.,nd th;:;n tw 'l'UD.o...i.•i~i'·I k t.u.r:.n· ·_o..;;~3 whfch was w1th~ut :. crow.

O::impru'"lioa HB!! and "D" wer-e .g.tvcn ordurs to move to .1!1\GJ\RU-RI the following day. Provisio.nal Platoon

:rho 3 tanks of tho Provisional Platoon made a patrol with an infantry platoon of the 1St Marinos .to chock .eno~ road blocks oh tho . HAGARU-RI - KOTO-RI r.Jad. Wreo miJ.cs. aouth.ot HJ\GARU-RI· a force of 100 CCF was mot. Tho in- · tan try platoon attacked with overhead· and flank­ ing !fro . being 1 a! d down by tho 106mm guns. on tho tanks. 'An cbsorvati.on plano dropppd a moss­ aga that 300 more. CCF troops wore outflanking t)lo -~.anlt .supported ~nfantry platvon. In view of this the. Dlatoon was ordered back to HAGJ\RU­ m •. In.J;h1s-.1'1rc fight .tllo,tani

The tanks returned to HAGARU-m, rearmed and rofucl·oo. and at 1730.movod into the HAGARU-. RI defense ·perimeter between. "H" and 11 ;r" Com­ pfUlios ot 3rd- Battalion, let Marinas, on ·the southern perim<>t<>r sector, The hnks woro placed to cover a dl:>nw through which M attnck was nn­ ticipa ted. The enemy at tack commenced at 2227 and the tanks- fired both 105mrn gurus:_ ~nd cali,bcr 30 machine guns w1 th ·excellent and telling effects. upon tho .onomy. {•t 2400 tho onomy attack was continuing•. 2d Platoon Ci2Q!Jlnny "D" (Attached to Pro­ vis1on~1 Tank Platoon)

,M..:wod out wl. 'th lnfentry .from vra Battalion, let !f.ar.tncs, to broak enemy road blocks 3 miles from HAG.!\Rll-RI on road· to_ YUDAM-NI.. Heavy enemy resistance· wae c.nqoilntor.Gd f~om ~hlgtl ground on , both ·sid:;s .of t..'lc- r:.Hid. T~H'l.lt.D __ .e~_pportod 1n1'an­ try with 90mm. and o.:J.ibor s:J fire t





29 Nov~mbN• 1950

~'he 3attal1on .. cy remained Jn tho v1n1ni ty' of SOYMJJ:~Nr· witlr Headquarters, Serv loe ""d "ll" :. Compani aa porfc:l'lning· routlna· :f'lmctlor.... b1g ·and·· pl:i~­ roll1ng Go.st and,·west--· o.f. :thG! MBR and aetB4: a~_ ·- · : _ Ill. vision ·ncse,.ve•. 'l)le Tan.\1:. Platoons of the Anti-· Tank 00mpa~~-Go ·or tiio -1St'.' and 7th karinee rcmSin~d- attached v1~1n1 ty of SOYJsNG-Nl. • ·

. . Cowpar:y·.rt.At' r<:Hl01 ved or.d('lf"6- to move to V1o1_;

nitr MAJON- !VNG'and- begnr:.. !:love at 1000 1 tahka arr! vc>d ut 1;3,'3-:J, afl.d ·en'Gl.i,0 ·cr;:nl=:a.ny was roovod~ by 1600 wl.th tile CP located .at ·eo40P. ,. Oompari:r.Jl.

Q'>mpany !lB" :comnn.~noed: thG oi~dcred move to-.:: ·-·' .' HAGARU-m as tho tank ·o.;,nvoy otoa_rcd·TONGJON·G-· .· '_.._­ NI at. 0635· and· 'the .wheeled V'3'h3.cla· con·.-oy clca'rod:·. ·:.:. at o~/40 •.. KO'I'O--Rl·waa l'3a-chcd~ af-t·er thG 6-uci-ce:eg:.... :·; ·-· ;~u~i~~\~fK~,g:;~tding road oy 1500·. · 'thrJ t§n~s·: '

J.t 1600 tho 2d Platoon was attached to the lst Marino Regiment at KOTO-m: ·ahd; was omplby.<>d.-' in a tan!< infantry attaol< against an oncmy posi.,. tion an·d then :r.Gt·uPnod. to·: .str.t url·· in·- a- dOf6hs1·vc' '· pOSl tlon at KOTO~RL • .. . ,'1,.':· At 1930 the ·remal.n1ng ·tanlis and -'w'h"el:od VP.hinloS· l~?"ft KC.F!f'..h-FJ. ~01... :BRrt.ARU-Rl· fol.!owi-hg ·· approx\w.s.t;Gly ;l£5 -tru-oka -.whtch -in. ·tum ·worG ·. · ·· :: fOllowl::lg thG -1.,;an.ks of :Co.wpB.h,v: un;'··· ·EnGc~- fire was en.count·er.er'b'a fow· m.in'utes af-ter leB.v'fng·. · _... ·. KOTO=-R1 •. ·, :.r-i:it~r .covcr·.'tng. ·4 ·mi.j..·ae-·!n dver ~2 hcur·a· trw convo,y. w_as hJJ1 t.act· by ''ehlaJ.o'D·· in· -t....,e eci!ivoy' · ahead. The aba.ndonod vahlbl riS ·ahGad· blOckad:-thG · ._,.-. · road, darknoas had fallc:tn, enemy mortars ap.d. sm. sll a:rns.. f'.'L 1•e w.:i.J:'G 1 l-! Gr-eas;.rJ. Gi -i·t.' 'bcc_B!il ~_.- appar.:.. cnt that -tha· oonvoy--wot;ilrJ·:not·. De a.bl0 to ·r'-Gach' · !UGARU··:'l!. ~hat ·nl@lo and,thG- dodslon wne made.·: to r~;turn to-.KO'i.D-~RI. '· · ;_· (. !Jhe tanKs.- and whCIC'ti?ti vc!Holos w0rc ilblO to- , turn ~roi.:.!.:d a-.r.~.. bl3gRi.l ·t.'lG rr.ovo 'l:c KOTO--Rt with·. tho tbl::-il plamo:l .l.o.t;-,0 le&d; ''hoa:t~d ·~oh1oles' of C0ru:;-art:i.0-e ;!jjh•_en-.1. llr:~i -F.tnd· f:O(LO n·c·m othGi". unlts W:-t..'!..cl1 had a:tsn··tu:::or.Bd around ~nd joined:.~ thj_f.t convoy :E':):i,}OW13d·'· and. tile -let j)l a_toon ·' ··· bl"OLi.ght 'l.p t.~H,•·real, .. ~.- ·A.ftGr· two a "tops_', duo- ~o . _ .

The t'or~ml< in· oolumn thrc'h' a track &r.d ~-t-rippGCl .t ts sprocket. ThG 3 t&.nk po!nt, iihich was rJlead ot tJ:-dg ;tdend" tan!-,, contiouod ·t.o ·KOTO-·Ill Rl'>i\'ing Rt 2000 and the tanki!. 'werq· commi·Gtro in de1'e:ns1vo roles u


. .-·.


fifCiiiSSifl£0 CON FI DEll TI .1\L

ANNEX OBOE OBOE TO 1ST ~•J>ffiNE DIVISION oPECI.AL J\CTION lill'ORT ( Cont 1d) with tho 2d Battalion, lst "Marlqqs,, .. Thoy assisted in repelling an onomy attack, Tho re­ mainder of· this forward.)l~f:,o'f,,~o original convoy now oonsistod or···a·· f..ew··:tru·cks ·and Jeeps~ 2 ~.-26, tanks, 1 tank rotrioV.e>r, ·.about 60 per­ so'nnol."and G-1 of tho 1st J.!arine DiVision. 'lho tanll: wl th the thrown track was ·pushed from the road and. this convoy was continuing to. KOTO-RI at 2400, Tho roar half of the Company 'B' convoy was halted when a vehiolo driver was killed stopping tho vehicles behind him. EnemY fire increased and all troops in whoolod vehicles dismounted and returned fire. boveral attempts to start tho convoy again.resulted in casualties and it became apparent that tho oonvoy could not be s t.artod again that ni gti t. , A dofons i ve pOl'i­ metor was formed around tanka of tho first pla­ toon and plans made to £ight it out from this position. Radio communications was established with the 2d Pllitooti at KOTir!U ll!ld artillery flro was requested and received during the r~ maindcr. of the night. ht 2200 tho onomy fire had begun to lesson and had almost completely ceased by 2400.

Co~p·any ·p .·1os.s 2d Platoon. At 0615 Company 'D" roinforaed with the .ot:ri J

Half way·.~o !J.AGARU-RI ·a tank had a moohani­ oal failure, the heavy enemy fire prevented an examination _qr repu!r. · The cr




ANNEX OBOE OBOE 'XO lbT )',J"'illlE DIVISIOll .. SPEOI.AL ACTION REPORT (Cont 1 d) tank's radio had gone out and this _tact. was:: not realiZed; (It was unknown at this timo but the 41st Royal M&>:'ino Commandos convoy had been aut and. stoppqcl af.ter about'· tho 6th v ohi cl.a) • The Oompany Qoj!Jmandor hal ted tho tank column and returned to investigate the· motor convoy. ~he ·tanks oo/ltlnued fi·rl.ng at. '· ::: tho many enemy. poai tiona aa (larknoss foll. .... Jl radio maaa.age was :received frol)l· ·HJ\GARU­ RI that tho situation: was very orl Ucal &nd tnat the. convoy must. gilt. through •..ThiS massage. · w11s :relayed to. the whool·cd vehlcle convoy comiJl­ andor or. tho 4lat:Royal. .!Iarine Commandos wllo· . was following the last tank.· llo or.dorod·the convoy to proceed, 1'ho tanks· movod out SlOWlY. booauac of;.· t=~ncmy fir0 which otiuscd thOm· to 1 ~button.-up 1 and because of :the dal>.knesa. The ·lead. tank had to push a truolt ·off" tho ·r.o_ad1 ._ and thon came. Upon a brush barri oadei· across t11o ro!ld which it ran over,· :r.o:.:~ar .and ba~oolfa ·tiro . 1ncrcm.scd in. 1ntena1 ty ,. the· .en131lly .. was. on ca·ah. ~ side of the roHd, A tank ctc.:th e 5th Marln.es ; Tank -Platoon was hit by a baz.ooka and tho Tank Commander seriously. wo1..11ded~. ··The friendly·,··· road block was roached and ~orne t•mks ran .out of gas short~y thGreatter. · .Th13se tanka ·wore . partially rot:u~:t.:ed .and. ·were .set up ·to bolS tor the defense ot •tho. HhGARU-RI por1meter. . . During this march from. KOTC.~m the tanks ·. had killed over. 200 enomy, destroy0d. two· enemy. h. T. guns, and destroyed B known· mach1ne ... gun.: ·., nests. one tank was· lost. · Comrany 11 Di1 .H<>Rdquarters section, 1n ,. wheeled. vehicles, ..,rr1ved at KO'I'O-:-RI at 1130 ·:;· and departed at 1630.1n convoy folloWing two· platoons- of Compariy_ -~B"· "tatlk·a. · Company·''-~".:. Headquarters and Oompao"y »s• ·.Hoadquarhrs per­ sonnel ln wheeled v.ohlclca. were p_rl)o.ticeal,l:Y together· in ,the experleneas .of •thia late ·un 29 Novomber tho Oommandoa· ... came of f .. thei!' pos1 tioJ11'·. on· .the' ·lUg!> ground o north of KOTO-RI and ontbJ.Cit.cd in: Service ·calli•: pany 1 s trucks and followed ·t.ne tanks of Comp'any ·.. 11 D11 toward H.AG.ARU-RI.. Tho enemy. at suoor:ssivG road blocks parmi tted the !iaSSRge :of' tanks .ami them at tacked the trucKs as a r?sul t ll trucks of thls: ))att~lion }


.... ·.•.



b.NN EX OaDE·. VBOE: _T_p·:t~.IJ'· ~·rAFj:NE. Dl:·"'l!S!ON- .BPECii\L . .. . ! :· JiiJ,'l'IQ!j JlE<>QRT {. C6n't \d) . ' ' ' >he en~~; f.1ttack; )Jq-g:;;t);::~.t,jlj$2?-'

At oeoo the tanks wo:r"-··r:olcasod t"OI' ro-. . .. , , fuollng Rhd. ro"~J:r~g. · ,;t 1f'- · '· · losaly in tno basket. Tho loader examined it .. Anti t.hrtf.!tJ j t .. _no-t_ . rrhn~ 1':AI"'kA :f'i31f.!fl,~-f,r)l!", AMut. A: ... linir ·11;;;~.. ~t ;,r;,;~y: io's1:tioii8 and ·;;t:- 86mo~ten ts · formol'ly og,qupi,o~. ·bY· .U.S •. Army ·Wl~ts, · 'iliG.·. • ·' ·· tanks turned around on trozon.,is nigh't;' was·,-qLtiot. . .._;·. :•:' ·-. . . ,_: .:v . 2d Pl.ato·on Compr.my. D (.Attach'iJ'd'· t¢--P:-oV!= .. ' s1ona1 Tank. P.l~toO'n)· · •·:~· · .... ·' ·. ' 1 , ,., , . 'i ' .•.• -. '• • . . .. • ', -. ·::. ; .... :. _,.; ,:. . . ' ilia !l)o.:rn~ng houre..of ·~9 !l·OVl:U~r;Mero spoilt'· .. •, ..\ in nig..'lt dcfonsu of 'tt'lG HAG.hRU-SU: porl.;n~·tor- ·- · · d with the J.nti-Tank Company of.tlle 7th Ml'lrines ..... At 0300 tho enemy attacked nnd tho. ti'l!)kO:eaS.si~~- . ·: od in repelling thorn. At 0800 tho tanks wore . rGleastld ·for. l"i.Yat,nin.g. ,. :ihe platoon· attacK God -i~ ~ :-.. ,~ again w1 th .. 3r\i bat.talion, lat:Mar.tnes 'infahtry"' ._.:_j. to brOMk tho road, blqoJs;·.on .the -YUD1!M-N~ rond•' Tho attaokwas ..ropu:Lsod by tht> dlig.;.J.n n\!UJ-!U for "ol:'ders

and then i'lcw to YUDE\.V.-NI 1 arx·iv.tng at 1300. Tho tank commAnder repo1•tod to S-3 of tho 5th Marines who dlspntohod tho crow by,~oop to lat coNDEGLll,SSIFIED 26 ,;, .

. ;. [" ''


~IRED .i'.N~EX OBOE OBOE TO lBT NMliNll DIVISION BPECIIIL ~,..,.,...."~' ri~Atlm '"""'+t~\ J1\.IJ..L.Vl~ .1:\..I:.&V~\.;. ~ vvu 11 ~J Battalion, 7th ·Mar incs whcrG the ta·nk oommandGr rcportGd .. to, the .Command1r.g OftJ.oer. · Tho c.rew . · took ovc::r D-23 and ~ftot• a oheok .rGquGstoct f'an belts and R battery by ll,.i,r doli Very. , ' .. 30 November 1960 Headquarters, Servicio, and 11 C11 Companies from vicinity BOY»NO..:NI and 11 .1\ 11 Company from vlolnl ty ~•. AJON-DJNG performed normal function­ ing and patrolled oast and west of MSR. Company B

ES this day began the forward half of Gom­ pany 11 B 11 1s convoy cont.tnurJ:d tho march and arrived at KOl'D-RI at OZ30. ~'he last half of t!J.e column :fought from ·their p13rimatl3r and , awaited an oncmy attact·wh1oh ncvcr.matarial­ izod. .At daylight this ,group pr:opared. to move to KOTO-RI. Many of the wheeled vehicles and one tank had to be towed~ · · Just priOr to mOVing some wen .camo from· tho north, members of the convoy that had bean' ambushed. for\·tard of Company 11 B11 ... - !tl0BG men· were from many different units and a total of· 130 or them joinod Company "3" before the con­ voy began m0ving. 'wlthoLit further inoidont KOTO-.R! was rGa.O...~Gd. ' . . JU.l .Corrlpan; 11 "Bn e10m~~ts and -~h~ H~ad­ quartore section from Company "D" were rallied and r~united. ~1c thr-eG t~lk platoons WGrc assigned posi tiona with the front line compan­ ies of the 2d Battalion, 1st Marines in KO:I'O-RI defansc per1mater. Company D.

~he second platoon of Company "D" helped atop an enemy attack at .. 0200*. T.ne second pla­ toon rejoined: Companyr "D" _and lhotProvl81onal Tank Plat'oon was attached to Compapy 11 D11 • • ..The .. oompany remained in the H.I!Gi!RU.,;RI defense per1- meti>r trying to aocollJpl1sh prevent.ive mainten- ance in the freezing temperature.· ·

J,.t 1530 th{3 Frov:tsiO.nat P.latoon· moved· out· with 3 tanks with a m1ss1on of attracting the attention of friendlY troops on tho·KO!IO-RI road and try to guide thilm in to th'o H.AGARU-'RI perimeter~ ?.le platoon moved· o'-lt aboL~t -~00: yards f'iring.at GnGmy pos1t1ona 1 huts, bu1ld.1nga 1 and tents,; Ki)_lccl :e/i' GnOOJ.Y before be.'i.ng Ordered back to the· pc:r.t:lOtol.. ~

~11 .tanks were sont to various po1nts tor ni@lt defense of the H.I>GJ\HU-RI porimatar. No enemy contacts wera made· by tanks th1a night. '''ank D-23 at YUDAM-Nt.

Crew and tank took part in por1me~cr de- tense of ~n.iDJUt.:-NI. · DJfiJMsJfllD 27


bNl,EX OBOE 030E- TO isT Mi>RIN.Ii: DJVI~IOt• "SPECIAL . -'>W'L'ION· RI!POm" ( Cont'd)

. ···.;·_ ;, .•.• j:-.. ,,_·, . - ·;; . From SOY ANG··Nt' ·ani! lMJoN,;:·J))NG~"Heada•.tarters, bervl o'G, 1' cu , anc}. :tA~:· Co 1 ap9~;J. (.~s patl~~l.:t'-::'d ees·t. and west of ~Y!SR an!J. contln\.1.r;d ·:!'Ole. C1f d.'..v~ s:l.on . roscrvG. Co'llpany "A 11 ft1•ed 1a

.At 0900 the BattaJJo!l CGmml:'\r~fJ~':o :-_;_nw-· fr·om·. YONGPO .llll•f.1old i.u H;13-I,PJl --h!.. t;') sse ~m,e cr.1mman,d of the tanks :l~ 'thG:· O'n::ii-vlG:nGc.'t.. ·

Company_,.12, -~ Att.aohod to; 'l's.t J;,ar•.l.n~s) After~ ~-~q-~~i'0t;. n.l..~i-J.t •)n -the KO'D~-R1. peri- meter the. 26. Platt,on: f.i'ttrtdkod. a miJ.c and a · · · .. half south- of Y.:D-~.0--lli.' ·an"t d~~st-royca n·(·me.r·o~s _ . ,;, GnGmy posi t~.ons. T~1G 1s-:; !)~~a··3~d pla1~oc·ns- re..:.. mainGd in dct'enRi ve pos11:-lon~ pn .. tl'.LG per.:..me.tcr· and fired pcr10dh> m1M1~.>ns at bunds ,of. or~emy. · Company: D" Tho c~mpany ·wl:tli the ·provisional· Plat~on' · .. ,-_ .... attached rmnained in thci por1m'otor Q_f .'HJiG;I)RU-c!li and attempted to_porform prevcmt.1vG.ma~.ntone.nco3 1n the freozing tGmper~tt:tro •. '!he t}).,t rd pl~:t;pon .. helped repel an .er,emy ,at tank in -thoii:' &ector. ;-· 1 Tai'\k D~~~~- :' . , - -· " "· Tho_ t~nk. and- '6rcw' .was ·•ordered· to :report:. _to Commanding 'Officer of the 3rd Battali'bt, 5·t;h Marine-s fo:-:o cmplormGnt~ anj_ at 1200 bt:~gan tho­ move frol! YUDl-'IM.·~·RJ:. 'Jl"lo t~nk waa used as the point and met enemy at 1330, and fit>!>d- effGC­ tlvely upon th.e.:»t aSs:ts·t.cP,··1~: __ eVacuS'tiC>i1..of .. some o.f thO wountl~d, : Tl\e ·pol.n~. Qo.mpa,,y wQ~ld ·- ·, give f.'i:':'C· mss_ior'if; -to .. thG ·ta11~o-~ _·4~;.1900 ,-the' t;ru·J< pulled 0,11t 'ot p<>1nt' il.s · ox:il,circd b_(;.t ·~ 200Q movod out 'age.~!1· :.i·il ,t-l}G :trt_'th~t'!'¥-~: .Tl .. !.fl.. ~l•t.a~k .. . movGd 200 y·,,_~;d.S_ tt.-~fc·r3. ·ir.lf,Bnt-ry· 'Wa.3 ·p,ii~!;l.~C. .. :dowp_. • 'l:.hls poslt:'!..on was held·•fo'·r ._'~hr~'·.light~ ~.,jy1r:.g was -spm·•ad:Lo all nlg:1 1; long;. th.e .'\i~'!.lt. .knoJk.c&: ou. t 2 ~.mcrny mac.tune g'.ms ·and J.. ;A:'?.·: ·weap__ cn...... · ·),;. ' .•. -, _ ... ' . .§._p~~emJJ£:!:.:.19~£' · _..y~

Batt-alton. GR rcma;1ncd· a~: SoY(INGc·NI ae d\d Headqun.;r-1 :;;:-~ 1. :;t?":r:-vJ. oc~ .· r.:.nd- ··-Qt C·:>lilpn':li oB oor,­ du~t~ng _pat.:r:··). s · ant! pG"',"''ft,;r-:n;..rig ro~t-.1::1~ runctiona, · Ma.1c·t' ';)Jt;G:..b:J E. HliHi:·~~lE :::•Jl.teved. !-ia.1M·- PHILIP C. M.OR&.l- aa COO'UfH:-ii.l.t:'l~ CJf-.fl.{.!C:r· l)f. BG:C''-'ic_~; Com­ pany. 1{&,1.:>·:!' ··b.KJR.~i:_~T, ··:no V'tHl: 'to· th(;) battal.~on s taft·.

From CP a-:-; 'J"l\'3(\~·,0}_, vin1n-~.:-t;y.h::>f· ·Ml!.JON:--roNG : Compa!!y I.A 11 f.tri3C. ~ alluut 19 _rp:inds. qt,. *?5p:lm:~tQ: ... CONFBEClrASSIFJED 26

DECLASSIFIED DKCLASSIIll ED Korean War Project USMC-00101496 1("" . I " 1\NNEX OBOE Oa

aid a U.S. Army patro~ in contact .with. tho enemy.

Company B

Tho 1st Platoon moved p~t twice in. attacks from KOTO-RI perimeter. Tho first attack had no infantry support and was made abo.ut 1000 . ya:r-ds toward H.AGE1RU-RI on the road; the second attack was covered by infantry and moved 1500 yards. Fol.ll' road Ploc~s ·wGrG dastroyGd and~.~o· enemy troops wore killed.

Tbe 2d and 3rd pl~toons remained in their positions. Company Headquarters worked on all vehicles preparing them for tho forthcoming trip to Hffi,llNl¥.

Company D

From w1 thin tho HAGARU-RI perimeter the com­ pany performed preventive maintenance on tanks in sp1 tc of in tcnso ·cold and froozing condi tiona .. No enemy action. 'l'bo tanks would como in to the CF during dayllght aod move out on the perlmet(lr for night dqfensi ve roles. Tank D-23 AS this date started D-23 was on tho lines firing wd aiding in night defenso as· tho in­ fantry was spendil)g tho night in t)\is spot.· At 0700 the tank was pulled out and an attack O<'­ ganized, the attacK started at 0730 with the tank in the lead. Tne 1st .road block ·was mot and destroyGd, and tha marqh ·oont.inu.ed lOOO . .,yards before coming to the 2d road block. Thoro was scattered resistance b!3twaen those two road blocks. ltm 2d road block was dos troy0d but at ·1000 .t.h

Cosr.pan.v J\ one platoon of this company was attached .to the 3rd Battalion, 7th Regiment, 3rd Division,.· 29



J\NNEX OBOE ·m;oE TO 1ST MARIN£ DIVIbiON SP J!:CI.IiL l·CTION ruPORi'· ( C:int !d)...... ~- ' . ' . -~ •. ~ US!l, at MAJON-DJNG. At 1400 the entire com­ pany "·o~c.d fl'om TA5840P. baok·.into !4J;J0li-'IXING proper with the JJ.rmy 3~;tta:~,._=1on~>.:Ti.:.-y·p:tatoons were assigned sec·tors and moved into plat..Jbua posi tlons to c_~vcr _the1r s~ctors.

Company B Th0 2d Pl. atoon. was pl,e.oed 111 direo"t· auy.­ port of 11 F 11 Company,·, 31::rt ·nogj..m(?ri·~-- ·-?th'·/1rmy Division a-t 13CO 't(J. sec-ure tJ: J•ld~LS:. s·o1:t.bwost of KOTO-RI. ~c J•.tdgo was S0c::..:.F ..;v:l. 'o.tid. thCJ pla- toon was r01Gascd at 1630. Theo pll;.too.l kl!.led 30 enemy. l'he 1st and -,')-rd·· .p.l·a:t.oOna -rO:t~a:.. ned ln· dof'0nsive positions -·in the· ..,ffi'I(.;..:.Jti· p&r.tm_eter. · _.,·. Companu ~ ··. Three tanks of the 3rd platoon advanced ·. from the southeast road block towards ).(i)iiJ-Ht to destroy··U. b. J1my. :tents: anQ. B;1Uipm'f'J1lt · · which was outside of the- pe·~~·~metH~r.:- · ·\_rras ,. ·:· .. ·.... --··· m1ss1on. was· al}oompJ.~.shed ·as ··we.ll~~s· f_l:t;ink' .~<-h ,surroundi-ng .e:rc;my k1Tl:::nk ·5:-s ... T:>:i'e -ot.her- ·_u:~.3.:1·B · of Company: D. wi tn ·the .px-oV1s1Cihal' Tan.tt' :Pla t\'lc,n a ttaohed remained >1i thin the HAGAil.U-RI pcrfmoter with no enemy action. Tank D-23 . i . • . ~lle backing !rom 1·oad posi tion'of.)l01:1t .>o· the tank ·bell.il>d up but was: f.reo e.t" 0400. ·By 0800 the 4th :coad block had been destroyed · and tho advanc~ along the road·.·to H,i,GJt lO.OO..:a.·s.top was made·'.to ·awalt a fl a;1k.ing cl em en t and- ·to ·-chango -in fan try__ t.L.n the point.· ·_ ,'J:'hc . t-ank -Cl"(r~o,r wa-s- cxhaus t~d from: lack .of,-·food,~ rest/ and smo.tt·G_ -ana. -fum'c:is in ·. tank. l'h~· 1oad.or passed 'out and· had'"t<>"b

The teni< ran out o! gas at 1900 but .&t· 1930. reooivod 10 gallons of g~s from Engince~s and prooeudod to HAGARtl-frltJ:l ,·. no further .inl.il·dent.. Tank·



.... t.' ·'·;: •

...... -::···



l!t SOYANG-NI H<=adQ.ua:r'Gers, ~De:rv.tce 1 11 0 11 Com- panics end '·;tw atta•JhGc1 :!i.D'Jket· natte~·y and Tank Platoons from t.ne 1st and. ""'th inse i.n ~.'.tew of ltJtoJJ.Jgence that e:nc.. my w,':\s •::·~,~~·~g.'!.!l~ C:.O~{n to C:L\t NHR. Cc.·mpany nit. 1' rG.rr.W.!~c<'>. ~t }?f~J()~~--!D:JG ·but s;.,:.tt nom?9.11Y .Hcad­ quarr.0J"Ei ·o •.tr-k to OJY.&i·iG-·N'(. Gump&r1.f '·B-1 l:"i3ll.Hl.inu¢1 in KOTO-·R!: [1:Jr! llUl·tio1p"!ltod in ;-lu aotion.

QQ.q'J2~'1'L..!l (l'rov1o1onal. Platoon at~aohed)

" 'I'If.ro t~nke of the 3rd Plat.Qon moYG.c'J. out from HAGJ\RU-m i;uwar-ds YUDIJ4·-·NI ·~o g;:•G fi:rc ·a~pport to the r·ca1: gw~rd of the ooro.·voy enteJ."'ing !iAGbRl}­ RI from Y:.JD-',1{ .. }(::. Ti1e· tanke kl11Gcl Zo eMmy and des troy od i~ pill boxes and. rcturne,d to t;he pe,r1- mcter. No~encmy aotlon was cxperlcnoed. o-M...- .§ __l;!QQ§.m l:>e£ __ lQ©Q

, No change in pos1 tion nor t.~o:t.t'Vi:Jy .at. ii.hi'J. Bs.ttA.llon 0P at SOYANG-·NI. Co!nnan.Y 1'/1'• moved one pl.atr,on north of IMJO!l--IXING. ( TJ\5840Rl to aid in defense of. ·arl.dge.. Comp~ny 11 B 11 remained in their dofensi ve posi tiona at KOTO--RI- Company 11 D11 with thG provls.ional 'l'nn_k. Platoon e.ttached received order to support· the ? ~h ~!arines on the following day in the drive to KOW--RI.

. ,,., ..... No change r3.t BOY.AHG-NI, patrolling "l:-8" con­ tinued by foot, vehicle and air.

Come any· J. One platoon na.d be em oomml tted in a draw i~or-th v;est of M.t.Jm~-DONG in support of U. s. b.rmy t!'Oops. Ftl:l\'i.:jl' enemy w0rc killed and in Bplte o~ 0n•~my uae of banga.1.ore torpodoB and . J.wlotav cock.t.ail13 the :tanks rc::turned to defenS1VO positions unharmed. · · ' ·

Compe!l.Y.Ji. (i,ttaohGd to 1st ~iar1nes) A section of tanks frOm the 3J.•d ·platoon Rttaokcd 2000 · ya,rds from the KOTO-RI perimeter to the ·r.\or·t;i:was t.. No cmemy was oncou:1tercd A.nd the scct:l•)n returned.. Otho;3r p:Latoons · r0018.ined in position on the KOTo-RI~det'cns·G pcrlaletor • ..Q.Qmp an..'L...D CO[.'lpan,\r t1D 11 supported the attack ·of tho ?-th Marines fl'Oiil H.i-!G.!-i.lW···.Fl to· KOIJ'D-RI. i1"10 2d pla­ toon m;ivef. out_ wi T-.J:r the advRncc. Gl!itments with the 1st c::nd 3rd pJ.atovno in re_servC tol-lC'Iwing ncar the front of the convoy. '

'!he infantry >rras hit att0r a move of one mile, tt1c fire was cowing from a doop ravlno and was




shooting in to tho lead .inf'anfry1 s roar," J\ sec­ tion of tant~s fro_m 2d pJ.atodrl maneUvered and .. blastud this t~rea with .90mm 1 after killing acv-· eral en0my nearly 200 of_ them surrendered. 'Ihe thi-rd ·platoon fitod some 90mm on high ground to· the left of road w~ th exoellent rcsul ts~ 1."'h0 2d pl-atoon cont1nuod giving support to the loading ir)fantry.in .destroying road blocka and strong pq.~nts., __ ,P_~ogress was slow and dF.r~.~.css cw.e. ~il_~ ·lB t ·-and- '3rd .pla tOo"ns. w~-r~ ·fo reed'- to· .fl'ght off many ambushos artcr dartness. Poor visibility and uncertain location of friendly troops made all except "clos~-1n flft.ting im­ pOSSible. Tho enemy CCF ca~e out of tho hillS and attacked from d1 tclle.s on' the side or the road or from the parallel ra)lro"'he QCF trooos aggress1 velv closed oil the column ~nd aotu-9.lly.-7'th:tciw ' 8. grflnado -1.nto onG tan.i:t.- fuc_se attacks "ware S\lCCGSBfUlly bQatcn orr. The dark-' ness, vehicle opGrational fo.~luros, and anemy­ aotlvi ty hRd strm1g tll.G convo~r out considerably and at 2400 KOTO-m had not;·;"eei?-' reached. ( .11\tachod to 5th Marl nea) . ; ._,) ' . . . ~r;~ ~rovia-1onal Piatoon:was a.ttaohed to tho 5th Marines· for the real' gull,rd action on KOTo-J)I mov em on t~· · 'l.'he c·oRvoy had l C:l't ·out. the· 5th Ha~ !nas wei~ ·s·tili ~old+ng a pi)':j:-·J;wctel' at Hi.G-hRU-R!.­ Two army tanks were att_a~hed~-..to:·tha Pr'ov1s1on~ Platoon and were used at 2030 wh_rm the 5th re'­ quested tank support. . !his attack was coming frow Northeast_ of HAGARU-RI •,' ilddiition~l tanks wer.e roq\i·ea'ted and tho0romMning'2 tanks of the ProviSional Platoon moVed to:·rep-c). the .attack ~nd remained on the lines· tho remlloindcr or tno night killing 150 cm~my. Dl vision Troin #2 · The Tailk· Bat~»lion Cotnmande~ was made Coirmi"~J,nder · · of Dtvlsl.dn Train ;;2· ror the· movement· fl'Om !liiGARIJ- Rl to KOTC.:!U. Tho cold.; vehio~u f~ilur~H, and enemy action impcdGd thcioprogross_oon•ldernbly· and they wore still on tho r.:ovo · nt 2400 • .. .-,._' 'i'horc was.~ no change in position or B.ctivi'ti. of units at: t.he battalion CP at .80YAW>-Nr nor of "A" Comparfy at MAJON-IXJNG. · Ute battalion executive ·-oft1cor roco.nn>:iitG.red· tho area that. the D1v1s1on ·was planning on mov..l.ng into." Ho also attcnd0d a Division co·J-tforcnoo and reco1 vcd ordors to move Headquarters e.nd B~rvicG Companies to tho YONG?O. airfield rivctmcnt area. and to move. Company 11 0 11 t.o tho let Mar-lnGs p·roposed s0ctor _ west of CHI-Cl:YUNG-.. 1ho ·5th and 7th Ta_nk Pl"atcons we;ro_ or~o:o.<'(-.:dotached. fl'om the_ls·t tank battalion on me rpuow1ng aay as _wae tho Rocket Battery. . . . . =:: \' -32 eo~fiED '"',· -·.· ~ ..



As clcmentu or t.llG. 7th 'an.\1. 6th 'Na.l•inGe_:. W!3l?.~ . entering KOTD-RI, one section of tno 3rd platoon prooeodod 5 m1loa toward. (lAGi\RU-IU to o_oyGr ti)G, '• recovery of an aircraft control ~an.. EnemY waS'' observed. but not fi~cid,u.pp}i "piJoauso. the.·axac.t:::~: looatlon of friendly troops was not known. Tho tanks returned to KOTD-RI and rojoin0d the r~ maining Company "B" tank~. ·,· .. I·'· Company D After :f'lghting ani\ slowl;y progressing .all -night.· · tho 2d platoon or Company ! 1 D'! entered KOTO-cRI with ·. leading infantry. units, a~ 0600. · 'J'he 1st J>~~d:3rl\ . -.·. platoons entered KO'ID-Rl at 0800, ladon:with. wounded:..· Two tanks had been abandonM duo to ooorationaJ. - failures, they were laJ;or:4e~J;royed. - '·" .•,;, The tank~ refueled al'\il :roamed.; and tho, la.t n1.a_toon in eunnort of.2d Battalion. 1st Mari-nes. moved back toward HJIOARU-Ill to oon tact tho 5th - Marines &nd prot cot tho MBR to that point. Con:...· , , tact WRS made, the onlr .._opposition ,being sniper . fire.. The 1st pl.atoo.n r0tur-nad to. KOTO-F-.1 at 1730~ £rovis1onaJ. Platoon (ltttaohe_d ;tQ 6th l'larines) . 1 . ; • . 'lbG ProY!:cicnal Platoon OOAs._tet!ng r;f 2 of tho original Provisional Platoon. tanl

'I" . I


'• :l


CHIGYUNG. ~llc 1st and 7th karincs b. T. Company Tank Platoon Bnd tho RoOKGt Battqry WGrG d~ tachcd and moved from SOYANGrlll., · ., :i •.. ~. ,:;.·~~/~'~ :-~ :;-:::·.·).;._ -,. Thoro w~s no chango of m>:lvllon'ent •or'· acti­ vity of 11 Aii Company at -MAJON-IONG nor of ;;Bn Company at KOTO-RI. Cjmptmy D Company "D" supported tho 7th 1-laz'lnos as tho 3rd platoon supported J:;ho 1st Battal1·on and the· 2d platoon tloo 2d ButtRUon, the 1st platoon wa~-, hold in reserve. Ihe tanks rnoved SlO.wly througn· · .,._ a heavy snowstorm and supported th<: infantry wi-th di~oot 90mm fire. lho tanka reduced sever~ enemY,. strong DOlnts Dormi tt1M tho lnfantry to advance·' w1tliin·a row hUndred yards or tho pass,an

P:t'ovi"si?nRl PlRtoon

rihr.! P't"l"lvi .sirmAi Pl A.t~f'ln I B tvn l'"(']maininll tanks· and 2' ,att&chod-Army tanks -iirrJ:v0d at Kom:.:ro: at oow-. ' 'Itlp, Jlrmy tanka were dotE!ohed &ild- 9ne 9f tho romainlng -.M4A3 tanks· wns in ol'ucll poor mechan1 cal con.n• tion· that 1 t wa..e ordered t-o ba cane.baliz.ed­ to use the parts on other ¥.~3 tanks •. Tho P~~ visional Platoon was disbanded tHis. date and personnel returned to their parent org~ization 14 ,., llt:l:ll 1'~ lfnll) \ ... • ..,...... , ...,. ._. I • •. • 9 Deoembor 1950 •i W.i th thG 1i.tn1.t0d· number of trucks ori h~nd Hoadquartqrs; .. Service, and· "C" Companies moved ·to. t)lei>;> new areas at YON GPO and OH!GXUNG. Company 11 b 11 '-s ~1 tllation at MAJON-D0.~G did_ not . ~angG. 'To.nka of CoiUpany !!B 11 r-ewal.nGd ·in KOTD­ RI pcrlmetcr, but the wlwoled vohioleS of, Com­ PIID1es 11 B11 and 11 D11 were loaded -and doptlrtcd in the 2d Division Train >rt )_ 530, by 2400 .tho train had moved about 3 miles.

loll tflnkB o~ .. CompAny' "J)!t: IJ!OVed, to tho top ·of -th0 PD.SB R'nd -sot UP r.\ Jef,onBo. Tilt:; infan­ - try wes- on both· ''sides: o.f pass,·on··h1gtl ground. · Fu'ol, w_as'crlti.oal at. tJ:lia tlmo_ but the oxtreme -cold neocssr tatod ti'J1kB to .b~ ata~tcd and run ~VP.rv 2 hour-s. N'o P-nt:mv ~lotion this- nia:ht. --.. ., - ·-- .. - -· - - .. -- - ' io Deoembor 1950 ,, ··~ . The b.'! ttRii on ·cx.c;)cuti v~ off!. o~r !".Gee!. ved the word th;;t tho lat. Tank Battalion w'ou1d load out of HtmG!'IAM 1n· the n·oX:t ·rew days. J.rrangcmonts wor0 made to move FJ.l tRnks to the L8~· ~taglng area r:-lt...~j_cr· than to move first to XONGPO .h1rtlold. I> TQ)>! was appointed and b~gan a"q,k.ing h~s ·:·loading pl~ns ..


· ... · .:.:



Di.ll"'ing thls day all of ·ScrvlcG .Company and. moBt cf Headquarters Company was Rt ·YONGPO P1r­ f1old. J, s.koleton G'P and tho Flame >·ank Platoon and Company 11 C" were. stn·l at SOYANG-NI. company 1 ' li!! was still at ]v.i_fiJO.N-ILING· and the t4ird platoon 11 1 or .N Company firecl flbOut 25 rds. of' 90rum ~t enemy 'at range of in CX90SB of 2000_ yards.

ihe whGolc:i VC:lhi~lea of Companies 11 .b11 and "JJ" had advanced only Another PlilO by deyllght. ~hey moved out mora rR.pidly thc:rQaftcr Rr.d re.!:iched the tank battallc;n assembly area at YONCf>O airfield . prior to dar.~-tness Rnd movGd 1nto tents s.lrcaa.y EiG t up P.nd w~rmod.

'1ho tanks ;:.f (.k,mpany 11B!' a.n1 t!D 11 wqrc commanded by the battalion comrriand0r w!lo used the communi ca...;·: 11 11 11 tion tank. 1 PcroupinG 1 for the trip down thCl hill" and 1ntc HUNG:Nl~1. A U. H.. Army tank oompupy was attached to 1st T•mk Battal!on for this mo:vcmont. Tho orders. r0ce~vod ·o~r· tho ta.nk ba1it8.11on · c6mmandar were to' follOW tho last whool

CompAny uBn had bo~rl. h0ld 1n.-Ko:ro-m· uritll the very lRst. ilt· 1630 thoco tll.nks began to leave their do:!"..meivc positions .. 'Ihe 2nd platoon led the 1st Me.rinos 1 train Wi t.i-1 the l.at platoon following 1 t. The 3rd platoon WRS, the roar_ guard.. ilB _:bho ccnv_oy commonc0d moving the;: 3rd platoon bcgt-m to receive enemy suJall arms tiro from ccF mixod in with thG 2500 refugees follo'oring tho Division out of KOTO-!U. Xho. 3rd plRto~n tired at sme:ll groups of enomy moving tc tho flRnks killing 20. 'll10 enemy fLt·.:: 1ncroasod and a.n un­ St:.cccssfUl .'lttaClt. wr..u launched agRinst. :t;ho_ 'tJ.,.ir-d pl atocn. At 2400 W,c rear gufl.rd had l""OP.Chod tho top of the pass. 'lh.; 1St lw~<-irines 1 train went down tt1c hill am 11 B 11 ComprufY rcgroypod· &(ld pre­ pn.rG:d tv foll\JW aumpany ;!! D" d:.·wn trw I'D Rd.,. Ccmp•'ny "D" hRd romf\lnod in ·~-· their p9s1t1ons at the head of the pHBB aw~,i t.lng ord\3rs from bRttalLm commander t:J BtHrt d'wr. the winding, loy, mountain ~::.Hd. '.l'h\3 J).rmy "tRn.li cornpa.."ly led ar.d ste.rted -d0wn and at 2400. C~mpa:ny iiDi' pulled out ~f tlleir d0tc~·isivc pvs~ t:i..J/!1'3 ·l?'.nd f'ol"t...JWed 11 tHan. t.:omr:P.ny "E fn11G'N•3d. C~ropAr.y 11 Ii' tanks.

Fir&t LiGut0nF~nt l)ilUL E. SJ:•!\DEB.S l'~lioved Cap'ta1n BH.ucg w. Q,.f\.HKE, wt~p wao WI .A, as .CommAnding Officer of CompMy ''D';, " ·

11 Docemb.~r 1950

i!.S tho tanka ;_;f. the Rttaohod Jtrmy. CnmrAny nnd Ccrr.pHn.t0s ': .1,;: 11 Bnd I! :on, lEt 'l'.enk. Bott1-~1.1on, in that C!'C'.01"', bcg~n -thc:tr mlll."'·:':h d:.-..Jn the moun­ tain r::;nc1 :tr..:>m i;he summit. i:lw'I:"G Wdr"G n~ inf'Ant:rv units :n t.ho .high w~uund OomffiRnci.ing tho SIJ~~it-.- --... H~wovor, tho Dt vlsicn RGconna!senpo CC!mpH.ny wa.a placed as the r0tU''-mvst clement of tho entir0

DEi;U:SSJfiED 35 ~Fl!tt TJL



•'• ..

JlJ'lNEX 030;£ 030E 10 lST W1RINE. DIVISI.ON .SPECIAL -- · .·. ·. ~he ra:t.lhcFJ.d' f.lt 'ClliNHUNG-~li •. -Ccmre.ny

, .. '

·. ',·


ANNEX Of>OE Of>OE ';:0 lBT hl•I)INE DIVISION BPEQUL ACTION .EiiPOm~ (Con t 1 d) 11 D" arrl vcd at CH1NHUNG-NI at 0900 with CompaJJY • "B" arriving shortly thoroRfte~. . ~·tw tanks refueled nnd at about 1300 they moved to MAJON-JXJNG whorG the battali.on s~3 .mot the b<~ttallon commander and led tho oonv:>y into SOYf·NG-NI at about 1800. Co!l)pany ,".h", tho ·1st plntcc.n attached to Army. was .released this da·te, ·. fomed &nd ·followed Company ·"£>" ·1nto SOYAN.G-~u·...... Aft or rcgro upinll, · the convoy of llaadquartens. ,. '··' •· ..-. 1 11 11 Flame P:LP..toon,, .11All 1 1B"·i ·ap.d· D .compFmlcs .con-· tlnued to theLST stagl.ngatea at·HUNGNAM:Rt 2330. ThG tfwlts wer:-e parked· A.rid ·the men ;bedded down in .warm squad tents set up to receive units :;,f tha Di v 1s1::n. While the tRnks wcro moving off the plateau tho remainder of the b&ttalion .began shuttling· personnel Md cqutpmen t .from SOYJ.U.'JG-NI and YON GPO· J,irflcld to the LBT staging area. J•t 0900 "C" · · Company moved to the LS'r ·stng1ng Rrea and loaded on LST llt··2130 along .with·' service Company. 12 Docember .1950 : Tho LST with .SerVice and "C" Company BRiled. Headquarters ·company ·m.::.vcd- fr~m YO~GPo·· to .the LS1' staging area and leaded the Flame Tank· Pla­ t.:.un .:;n LBT and sailGd .. CompRn1cs 11 h 11 , "B"-, ari4 11 D11 ftnd part .::.f Headquarters remA.ined at the LST s tA.ging area. · 13 December 1950

11 11 C::;.mpanieS A1'' 11 B ' a~d remaining porsonnGl of Headquarters Company boarded tho LSD 22 ( uss FORT ~·.IJIUON). f\S Company II n• boArded the LSD 18 (USB COLONIAL). CcmpROios "011 find Ser­ vice were at sea. 14 December 1950 >he LST parrying Service and 11 0 11 Company arrived in PUBJlN ·at 1030. Tr~~ps .. were taken aboard and •the LST sailed for J.i.IJS.hN, arriving· at 2200 and began diScharging tanlia. ;Ul other units were abourd ship at sea. 15 D>cember 1950 .At 0530 Company "C" and Service QompRny movod from the LBT beaching area in ~~.hSJil1 to the new · area •.. Re01ain1ng units arri vod PUB"N and began ofnof\dlng tanks at 1200 t>nd prepRrod for a road march 48 miles tu !lABAN to b~ mudo the following dey •. Pers~nnel othor than actuPJ. tAnk crews trRnBferrod · to the LSD Hl8 which was tc trAnsport troops And L V'l' 1 s to ~,.IJS.IJN,, ·

DEClASSIFIED 37 ..,, CONFIDEllTIAl ,••' ...

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ANNLX oC;6E oao;;; 1U 1ST ~JJ\,U£<8 .DIVIbioli SPECIJ.L · J\C'i'ION HEI•ORT' ( Cont 1 d)

A • GliN l)RJ;L Wj,th. the cxc~ption oi(~Jri~-:!':;~£-i~~~:···ag~inst._ North Korean enemy troops tho GOCJLY Ghcountorcd by tanks on this operation _wa.s t:hinGse Commun7 1St ForcGs. ''l'he oncmy struck'auddBnlY and gem­ orally employed tactics of surro~~dlng units and attacking them while surrounded in an off-. ort to destroy them. He furthc.r employed tao-· tics· of swinging wide flan.loquontly 1n· dofcnei·ve roles. 'tanks wero ongagod with the enemy while in convoy·, whil0 channol1Zod ·on narroW roads wl t.h ;ri$B_tr1oted fi.olds of tire, and wtl1lc operating undCr ·tha hS:nq.loaps of· .darknoas, sup­ zero tOOJJe­ gard fQr extremely heavy losses, .. They atta.c.ked in groups ·and use'd ·a varied t,iip.q: Of weapons .. • In attacking.$ cortvoy ;co~po~~d of: tankS and. whoeloled. vehicles with automati.c small. arms· f1rq. in an·. effort to ·cut the rionv.by into sovoral sol!lle11ts •. Tno.v woul'O: .then surrdLind. each £roun and- _attamot to imnlhil:atc·'.the personnel and doo·troy the· • vohic1·0a 'by mass attacks.· 1hese> ·tao'tics .wclll:d havo proven more cffooti Vei Gxocpt for the tena­ cious reaistanof:l of'ferBti bv Olll"' nGrsnnnc:J1. - --- ... - .. ------.---

~n attacking tank.&. alone in a envoy the enemy~ would ag8.1n Wai·t· for darknGss_1 work their we..y to roadside dl~~hee: ··_and t;h0.11 spring upon tho tanks and··actUi\).lY crawl. up ·onto any tanks whlch.sta,pp.ed momontaruy; · '1hoy would approa.oh ttlO·. tanks froin· tno. blind spo·ts.. and attempt to _) thro':r hand. grenad~.:f !n· open ha.tc..~ee.. This necessitated mutual tank 'cover and 8 trict and constant ObSOl'VatiOn by all Crew memberS. Of designated sectors. tho enemy attacked tanks that were used in 11 11 " perimeter dc!Gnse both by tank.-k1llar toama DfCLASSJfiijl

J, •• ••

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ANNEX C3oE· OBOE 10. 'lt:;T J.!AlliNE DPISION BPECIPL A.C'I'IUN REPORT ( Cont 'd). and by shear forC•3 of nl.l!llbere.. 'Ihq ntank-.killor" teams u.scd satchel· chorgGs an.d crawled and worked their way up to the tanl<~ ill ·Uil~\lcopssfUl at tempts to destroy them.· !'t haq not )loon determined whe­ • ther the mass attacks wcr3 1 dlrcct;:;id at the tanks or whether tho tanl

Tho arrio~dos whlch wor·o easily o'rushcd ana dug ditches which were "as1ly spanned by, tankS. His road 'blocks WGrG formed Of' A,uto[n.At1 a W(;!HnOna -1 n t'hu,._·1n "'081- tiOnS that woro dGS troycd handlly-by -tho-ta~l< 's 90mm. The road blocks :were not covered by Antl­ IJ'ank guns; nor wore minos. la.id on the approaches. Tho failure of the enemy to usc mines is d1ff1cul t to. understand as tho numerous narrow restricted spots on th~J road lGnt t.hemse.lves well to land minos. Destroyed vehicles ln some. spots woUld hav~ disrupted tile now of traffic on tho MSR considerably, r.I'ho 0nQmy 1 s usc of terrain was tactically sounc observe.; on skylines, · ' Enemy equipment usod against the tanks in­ cluded tho following:

1. All o)"p4B ot small arms and automatic wciaoons. · 2. An tl-tanlt rlflos. 3, Anti-tank rifle grenades. · 4. 2.:36 rocket launchers.• 5. 3. 5 rockGt lS.U."lc..~crs.• ·6. Mortars. ?. Satchel charges. 8. Anti-gun guns (bol1ovod to be 5?mm). 9. Ra~d gr~~udGS.

M 1ron1 cal not-e may ·oo .appended her0, the major1 ty or the weapons above wGro of u. s. make. 'I'heae weapons worG incff_ootlvo with tho ex­ ception of the rocket launchers WhiCh Cffi:!otGd two pcnotratlons but did not cause a 'tank loss. iill anti-tank gun d.amaged tho drive sprocket on one tank rendering 1 t 1noporati ve but this tank was 1n the process of bGing abandoned, -as -1t was onG of the tlillkS held up on the 'dosoent bv the tank w1 tb the locked br8.k0, ~ DECLJISSlfiED \ .... "'--· 1 '.I. ,,


'1:0 lS'I' !d:.RINE DI\'I8IO:J SPECIIL 'ACTION REFOR'i (Cant 1 d) . · No onomy armor was cncountcrGd.and thc.plaaa­ mcnt of enemy anti~tcink. gu..:Js :;;as very poo·:r. bpparontly tho torratn.· ·was .too:difficult to man­ euver the anti-tank' guns :intO ··th~ mol--e faVOrablG positions.

9. El>TiicA~'SD RES!JL1'S CJ..E_ EfmiY__QJ(!i:R~TIO!:i.§..

It is b~l1cvod that tanka, in flll.filling their lnfant1•y B~por:t mission, playGd a major part in . neutralizing enemy positions and facillitating the infantry attack.. IJ11o tAnk 1 s ell rec·L fi~o was C3ffcc­ t1vc as units of the Oi.v.ision·fouc;ht to rc-unlto, Gli.cmy strong polnts and ·road -blOcl:.s wore re~catedly blasted and dGstroycd by' the 90tn!L gun of tho k-26 tank and by the l05mm of ·tne ~·4A3 tank. 1hc secondary mission of tan«s was that or anti-mcchani,zcd do::fGnse. Al thougli encountering no enemy· armor the tant..o, contrary to prcviousl.Y · approved doctrine, wGrG oo.ploycd at night in de­ fensive roles on tne pcrlrot';Jt0r lines. It is be­ lieved t.tlat on at least one: occaSion ti.lo presence of tank fire power on the perimeter line provcnted hostile pOn0tre.tion of ~riGndly lines: During daylight hours it ·was observed Joy somo tanM that tl10 90mm gun h~d a demoralizing· off oct on the cncffiy 1 s_ \·:111 to fig.~ t. .Al ~~ough ·ma.chinc gun firo or. tho approach of tanks seemed to hold no fear f'or the enemy a f9w ro.unds of 90mm drove them to tho rcvcrso slopes.

10. COMJioE:'l I:'S A.N D .RECO!I.l'di~JDJ\~IONS "'he WONSAN-HJ.M!!UNG-CHUS.Iill .reservoir operation consisted of an ~dministrativ~ landing and ex­ tended land mass warfar~ in whl.cch the 1st Marino DiviSion fought with·U. ~. f,rmy DiViSions in a U. S. brmy Corps. Companies of this llat tf\J.ion were distributGd n.t one tio:.e. al-ong an :t<~DR f'rom. WON SAN to !fJ.JO:-l-toNG, a· cUEl'tance of l.l2 l!lilcs. The tactical employment var1Gd from previous V.arinc Uorps operations but did l'cBon:blc· ·the latter pha~e of the INCUO!I-UIDUL operation with an accentuation of dietanc0s find ary .i·no.r'(Hlt;IQ in lng.tsticel problemS~ ili13 long .supply lini;S nvc~ narro1-1 unimproved rnott.'1 tal no L".S road, ffuqucn tlY· attacked by enemy, presented a lnglBtioa1 pro:...... · blcm that WaS part1cu1Rrly more difflcuJ. t b.,:..C cause of the supply dea;ar.do of freezing temper­ atures, 1.0.: the tents 1 tcr.t stoves: and . sleeping bat;s, etc. that units· had to move with their organtc. trarwportat.tor... Th0 tB.otlo{ll -/I "fluid" pian ~sed oy tt,o J,r~.y ln qUick tropp. o:.ovcrccmt-s n!' cmt~r0 l~_nit~ to 00w floet;rn·rFdnofl not adapt wen. to an amph~•bioue ,bcaohhoid force. In view of tncsc facto~s·, ft .is di.. fficun.. to makG co:nmen ts and X"GCUmm·Gf.dat!,t,ms' ur.~ GSa th~ intent of fl.ltlirc cmploymcn·t of the Marl.t.c Corps ..... 1S known. r/11'1· the Corps continl)o,.tc bo' itn DECLASSIFIED .... __ 40

T' ,o ~-,.


ANNEX ObOE;-, OBOE [O·lbl' M.bHINE DIVIbiON BPECIJ\L - AC1'ION RJ!JSOR:;:'. (Con t 1 d) amph!.bious :forcQ or w111 .t.ts .[!liS_sion be land mass warfarC? · ~:~'~. ·

bhouJ,d reC'Om!:D.cnda't:\qriq. be gOverned _by- the fact ·i;ha.t or.· .

It is gener11J.:ty asntlmo·l that t:h:o 'Y.tr.rlnG Corps will remE:dn. at\_ anmhlb:J.cu.a .aaJa:Jl t .fO.t'QB. ThG . WONS.Al~--HJ~l"JI-IL'J'Ul--O:i(;S'El~ · :ce;scil'ln).ir 0Porat1.Q!l,._was one~ Of lfirld' roass WAi.'!'b:re. Ther.Gfor~· Rny 1"'0~;G:Jlmonda- tlons of' a tact.t c~.u. ne.tu.!'e from ·Gnls orcr'ation' would ba based on lanc1 mass "1-.rc..:r:ta:..""!.'l and not ~ppf.i­ cable to s~1 assau.1. t a::r.:ohi b.ious fo.rce. However. recommendations cc.immo<'\· to bL)t.h B..J:'';?l ..made and !foi_low.' .A. Thi~ .Opc·ration ho;;c out and P.tro.':lgth.Gn'i3d. the recomrri_end,ations. l:i..El,t.0'1 in· bi~•3tj_on 10· VommGnt's {'tO-d:­ Recom~Ae.n,d·a.tiOns of ltl;p:>x Ob00 Oh•)e to l£t MarinG . :. nt vlsJ:6n .:s;pecial. A.'.) Li_O!! P.opuJ•t; 0f tho lNCHON-S.IOCHJL" . operation~: Tho_s.:e recomocnd.ai:lonFJ may .be ro·ad·in de tall .i':ri ·_the above' m¢n.t~_ohcd ripor.t commencing on page .4·4. lliey will ·be bl'lefly s:tated here: • • . . •• " •• • ' ~ ,. J. . • • '

(1) .An incr'ease Of ·wJro perisonriol and CCJ,Uip- ment in the eom.munl c_atro.~s Be_ct,ior..,...... ( 2) An increase and chang·.~: dr radio 'equJ.pmen t within the battl'l].ion: · · ·

( 3) JJ 'J:/E.lndroaso to 60 trucks. t' :'\;;' ( 4) .A ~'/o· ·inoroaso to 2 drivers p¢l(truck, :. ' ..... ·! . ( 5) A ·:T/ E in croas o .of 6 )o_ops.. ; ·: : · · · · ' . . . (6) A T/0 reorganization of the Motor Trans-· port RepB.i=· SC::c:tior~· of. Sor•ilC0 Coffi!Jfu'1.Y· ·

( 7) A T/O 1:1oJ·e~;:So ·of 40 personnel and l officer to hnr.di..G ·fuc:( und ,.,.;11mu:11 t1on.

( 8) T/0 Obln(:';e.E' j ~ tho Ha1nteriance, rla.toon of Service l}Jrr:p3.:'1.y.

(9) · ~/o increase of 1 Rcovnnaieance and _Liaison officer in each linG -:-~o,:cpc.ny_. an increase to 3 Roce"l'Jlta1 r:ancfe a..'1.i Ll a is on ::>_ff'icerR... :tn !lead­ qusrt;erB c;ompe.ny, sr.d o·~her noconnntsanca F.tnd Ll&i sa~1 .tnu.t.''?D.t?e::>. ·

(lm?e.ny D be chc:nged' froin Medium Tanks to a l.lght tank company.

nn:111~~iFIED 4l CONF'r~f}t; . .. .' ••'

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m:t:tfiX.i~lr~w · CONFIDfN~t~ J>NNEX OBOE oB6E l'O lBl· ki•.HINE Drirsi0N SPECIAL ACTION REPORT (Con t 1 d) (12) ihat the tank platoo~s of the anti-tank compan1~s of the lnfantry reg~mcnts cl thcr (a.) be joined to the tank battalion or (b) be in­ creased to a oompMy with a 09rrcsponding in-· crease of maintenance porsortnpl in Ordnance Battalion to maintain the tanfB• (Hi) That the H-26 is an efficient and sat­ is factory -tank but the bore -ovaouator on the 90mm gun is definitely needed for tho crew to maintain fi~ting effiCiency.

(14) Th~t tho flame tanks bo retained in the tank battalion. (iii) !he communiclltiona tank (Porcupine) was used successfUllY a few times and its reten­ tior. 1 s recommended,· B.. ,·Cold weather operations.

~he two companies of H-26 tanks and the provisions.l platoon of !IJ.4]l3 tAnkS that _opepe.tcd At KO~·O-RI and HJ\GARU-RI experienced snow,. ice, e.nd- sub-zero_ tcmp~raturea as lO";' ()n_ oooD.slon as -22· .degrees. The cold was a dry cold. Exposure of body skin· for even a matter of minutes woUld. resUlt',in frost bite. · Tb.1S bitter cold .hand1.;. cappGd tl"lG ta,~k cr0Wa ana. ·tank: c.-achanios. 09ri~1- derably. 1he ·crews were used ln attacks during daylight hours and were used. in defensive roles at night, As a result of tll.ese long hours the:. tank cr.ews were cold and tired an.d ··railed lii soma instAncos· to perform pr-~venti va· ta_nk main­ tenance which was sorely needed. ibey sought warmth and rest when returning to the ServicG Park.. The alu>rtage ·of canvas. preclud~d th.e use of a .tanlt_·.s)lop., but in futu.re· cold weat!fer operations a heated enclosure must. be provided in wh1 ch to_ perform preventive maintenance and repairs, 1111s !allure to pert·or!il· proven tl vc ma1ntel)ance resulted 1n sone l!ic.chanical failures which could have been avoided. · 'lhe tank meQh­ anics also had. difficUlty, thcy'ooUld work only minute~ ba.re\l~nded: and then woUld Wllrm up and return to tho, Job,' ..H was impossible' for them to work with th'o m'fttons on. 'lhe. tanks, ·tank engLnes, and.toolB became vSry cold during the sub-zero toll)poratures and further .aggra.vated the tank mGOhAn1os 1• problem,· · ,- · ·1 ~ 'i'he cold weather· caused 'th'O-- tR:nka to beco.mc so cold and atirt·that the st·«rter.oould not ·· turn· them. over. Tho crews would run. the Wa).lkQ;. sha gcncratorQ for·a long Whl.lo and use· a·:· ,... J umpor CF.tbl ~ in starting. A plan WP...S ua od JfQl;". r running the tank eng1nea for ·15 minutes' out of each hour, but the shortage of f~cl nooesa1tated tho lessening of this to 15 ml.nut~a out ~f cnoh 2 ho.~Q. ~~ _pr0-he~ tor !B dt,;f1ni tt::!l,Y needed~ for those temperatures:. ·

. ' . . '


~~-n~1!f"r ·m·~,::n~:nn0;;,· f CQU?T 1i'InL l l-:_.>;.;u·,:!i:.:..,uu<0~!.jJ ULr.... I.O:!l0 ; ;.., __ -~·~··-~--~··-- ~··-·-···--· •. .,~J ilNNEX OBOE OBOE 1'0 1ST flif,RINE DIVISION SPECIJ\L ACTION REPORT '( C6nt' d)

The tank b'attel"_ies .suf_:fered A. higl~_ mor~l-1 ty rate, this wAS attpibutoo· .. to' an 1nfer1or.graae ·or cloctroli to which woUld notpermlt the. bntt.cr­ ies to be. fully c(larged. :fue·'bxcessive demljlldB on batteries in cold weat)ler th~rqforc resulted in failures. · · Water in the gaa·aline, con,densatton, and . vapor caused fuel pumps .~d f!,Jel- ol.lt ·Q:V;f._ valves to freeze. The diaphrams in ttlG n-o~en l'ucl · pumps would break nnd when no ptiJer .h9~f \l!l


The ice i'orced the t~uld continue to mov.e forward. Therefore the dri vera had to use hand brakes and exorcise tho grGatest of caution on icc.

It was found that the M-26 ·tank tr~vcls better on icc than the ~4A3. It 1s believed this is due to the torqmatio · driva wh1cl1. givqa a mor" even flow of po.w

,_ . ·;:· CCIIF!b&c tJAL ____ _

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~ il'\L, i>NNEX OBOE· OBOE 1"0 181: li'NUNE DIVISION SPEOIJ\L AC'!'ION Rlll'ORT ( Qont 1 d) gl vcn 3 o:r · 4. ·trucks RJ"ld .a rnaln tc.mn..."lCG cor. tact party consisting of 8-10. t>mk mooh&nios, ..-a motor transp·ort moohanro, an inst.rumcnt and ; · ordnMC0 rG:pa1rman, Rn_d nccoss&r.Y tool kl ts·. ·: r·:. ··: 't D. rn conclusion it is reiterated th&t this opor&tion has proved conclusivelY· th\lt th<>. lBt Tank Batt&lion is W<>ll organized.and. woll equipped for· amph1b1ous asaaul ts and -s1.ezures of beachheads but not well adapted to l&nd mas.s. warfare. Many of tt1e recommendations that. coUld h&ve be<>n mad<> bna<>d on the def1o1 encios discovcred.'··qn _this operation would bG ·predicated upon thG assumption that the 1>\aritiG. !liv1SiOn was to con-vert to ah 11 Army typo" d1 Vision. It 1s not fol t that tha MP.l:'ine Corps, Will_ chango_ its amphib1oua e.ssaUl t rol~ R.nd, thore:rorG, the pr<>ooding rocommondati.ona_ wero madq_ accordingly. ~,6a -i--~;:·T~ /)irilnc.·· .. .. l!AR!lX T.t MILNE·. . · : ' . ·. • ~ o I lii'P EN DICES: one--R9port of sorvico' Company Two--Report or GowmW11pat1Dil 8oot1on ·. · Thrco--letTkBn onn 0 1-50 of ., ., ' l\l0<)~jl5Q ·,. ro u!'--la t TkBn Opn o 2-ro o.f l?Octl9&:> F1v~--1BtTkBn Opn 0 3-50 of 23NOVl960

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44 :.~- 8CllL 2211 L1L ·. ,·

., ·····,., .· ~·- ·--. . '


DECIIftli!i}~o'"'ENTIAL ···- ""'k~M:fM u;'" '!() .ANNEX OBOE OBOE '!() 1~! lpply_~ and'll!otpr: tr~(l~port -,f'al'_1l- i ties--were provided·- in ·IOtl~''_ll!lH_p;i,,\qn :•Servi_oo Park, Howeve~, many'~1J!I~!l '>\!;·;RSlll!ll~Y Q~_',!lompan- 1Gs operated at. d1stt:fno'ea~'~P~t~··;76··ru.tlaa fi'om Sc:rvJ. co Company fao:t.l:t ties ·1n t..he Servi co Park. On such oc·casioi'la ·contac-t ·part.ta:s fr.om- thi3· muJ.ntenanco platoon oor>slstlng cit 8-'-10 mechanics, 1 ~otor _t:t•ansport mG('IhafL1Cl', and ;J.. instrument and oranancG rcpa:i.ra:.E\n ·it(-!J:'G· atta('.hGd ·to the ·cornpan.­ ies. In addl tlc::n t-c•tlf.'.eporta·tion. ~1 th .drivers trom :t-~otor .'I'ranspor~ Platuon w~rc:f attached t·o tho companies.. It was bot D..:Hlo·mmon to havo throo such groups out concur~ntly. D~ring th~ pcried- of this operation the J>'~otor Tranoport Repair Scot! on· had only one vo­ hlolo doadJ.incd in GXJJc:-ss of 12 hours, ·that one bclng a f.:J.c::ld malntcnancc job.· In view of the long moves and poo:r roads th.ts rc.:lord is .con­ s! d~;Tcd exccptlo;1al and ·.1S at:t1•lb1Jted to the · · dr:l Vlng of thG l·totor Transport Pla'toCJn and to the off.1. ci Gn t ma1n tenar.ce work of tho M:o to.r Trant:p(lrt Repair ·section. Th~ ·tl.. Ltck~driverf3 from 11.i.otor· Transport Platqon 'drove night and· . day continuoLIS1y for· 2 and some"timcHi even ;~ days and· WGr~ wfthout· iul :accident on ·~~s 'o-pera- tion. · · · · · • Th.e Tank llialn.tentuicc [:;oct1on on ·this opera­ tion_ rcpaJ.red qcadli.ned tanks .re_plO,fy; the moat tanks· deRdl inGtl ·at on c ttme was J,l. · 111-l's 1 s also. a flno rGC:(lrd vmen 'tho !.·~ng.. ·movcs ;- lnclo­ mGnt.wGatbcir1 B.l':.d the fa1..Yt. t.h.at 1:he ta,n.l:t . . tatt8I.1.on' lias g~; ·tartk'· ara -cctiJ."tdercd. At the ooc.iis~:

ch:.Gcks on. tanrl:.s 1 woi"'.l;;.in(5 on a platoon at a tlmel.

ThB following repr0scnts some of th~ work accomplished by soct:cons and platoons of Scrv1 co Company on this opo:ra"tion.

1. £lll'l'k,XJ'L Jl TOOJi Following 1s the to"tal ·amoun:t of fuels, lubricants, and ammunition issued to the line



..--, -~ .

'• .... .APPil;DIX ONE TCJ 'ANNEx OBDE.'oooz'-TO' loT MARiNE DIVISION bP Eqi.AL- ACTION 1\E;E'Oil-T ( Qon t! d) . ··'' •' •' ... •- ...... _. ... . companies of. th)os battlll.. ~9n· by tne Bu1JplY Pla­ toon. It must )>Jl-no~pQ.- tll)l.t 'the. tan~<. -OOrnloan1·c• wore_ attf!Ct\eqi!.t\l'~·,,eg~ql~nta at -tlm~a and _drew ad

7 ,85Q r'dS;_ cart, 1 ball Carbine, .Cal, OQ )ll, 176,528 rda, car~., .A.P.cal.30 M2,· belted, 2';190 !"'d-9~ Ofl.r:., ~.P.!~C-f-1,50; i-:t8 1 lihked.~ -0,~0 rds.~ ~-~~r., oal.45,_ 223 Bholl, fixed,. HE, M71, NH,. w/FP!.M 48A2 :!'or 90mm. · ~76 Sholl, semi-f1xod 1 HE,l~,w/f-P.D. · l~5li14 for 105mm. 419 grenades, hand, fragmentation. 12 rds. Slmm. Mortar, HE .. B. -FUELS ANDLUBRICllNTS. ·ro,M 871 gals. 60 ·octanG casoline. 210 e-als. 65 oct_ane gasoline. 17; 285 gals. diGs el fllel. oii. 3oo pollnda·goncral-purposo grease • . 338 gala. OE 10 Q1h 3, 565 gals. oE_30 oil. 615 gals. QE 50 oil. 220 gale. -OE 90 oil. 2:: MAL~TENANCEPI.ATCJON, . '!be .Ma1ntenancci Platoon of Service COmpany consists. O'f_ four acotions_, Ina:trument and Or97"' nance Hepair ~e.ction, ·Shop. Section, J


TQ.1s · s0bt10n. ~nspGctcd the fire control equi.,mont, .. small arms, tllrl'ets, and tho 90mm or 105mm gt1ns .on all tanks of the battali-on - during thie .Qpcratiori • ." "This ·lnspoction .. ond · tho·.~ub·s.cqUent adjustment~· .a.~d ~.cpaivs .werQ. accomjilishod_]ly a_.soc_tion o_f 12 men. Follow-_ 1ng l.S .a ~ec_apl tUl:attO"n, or tAc! .a~oc~lOJ1· 1 S· work.: NUMBER ·OF ~m:.nns 1·¥<>~ oF;'nbP~rn 102 BmBll a:r:-:rns. 4 oo-g~. .· . 34 Inst..... um'3nta a.nd·1riStrumcnt' mountS. ,0 ·: ·: T\-q',r~-~ Q

2 '


• APPENDIX ONE TO ANNEX OBOE OBOE TO 1ST HbRINE ill VISION SPECI[[, AC1'ION HEPORT ( Cont'd) · Using the Flame Thrower. Fuel Mixer {HIXMI•S'l'ER E8IU.) l5fiQ· gallons of napalm flMG: throwGr Q?;lX . was prepared.

C. ~iOTOR TRANSPORT .M,i,INTEIIIANCE SECTION. During this operation this section per­ fanned tho following. organizational and field maintenance on tho cquipQlont indicated. ·· !-~0. Of NO. OF .. FIELD TYPE OF B<;UIPMENT OR~g/0~ MADl~ JOBS IJ:•ruck, 2i ton,6x6, cargo. 4 T~~:k! __ ~. ~on, 4x4, car~o l8? ? t.UJU .!'ttU.LU • . Carricr;cargo,Y~9C. ll Generator, 9.4 KVA. 8 TOTAL 'l9ll Total number of repair jobs: 435.

C. TANK MAL'lTENAN CE SECTION. In addition to the 9? tracked vehicles of tqis battalion, the.tank ffiaintcnancc section maintained and reoaired 15 tanks of the Tank Pla­ toons of tho infantry regiments •. Tho contact . p_arties that were ·attached to the companies wcra used effectively in adjusting, cheol con­ tact parties is not available but fOllowing is an accollhting o!' ....;ork accompll.Ehed 1n' the B~rvice P~. . 101 - Organizational maintenance repairs. 10;: ~~;~ ~:~~t~~~~~ J~t:~rs, D.lring thiS operation 'this ·battalion loot 15 11.-26 ta.i1kP and 3 :M4A3 tar~ a 1n~ combat .opcr£il.= tiona in tho KOID-RI and HAGJIRU-RI Vicinity •. companY lfB 11 lost 9 M-26 tanks J Comp-any II D11 lost 6 11-26 tan.«s, and the Provisional ~'ank Platoon loa"t·3-1{4A3 tanks. 'ill~se 1oss~s wU.t·e· not-·uuv-­ to di:r-oct enemy action such as s.n AT gun, minos, or. a oatchel charge but were operational losses in combat which can bo indirectly attributed to t~c ·enGmy. Iri some oaAcs the operational or mcchani cal failure ocelli' rod while the tank was in a convoy or in Wl attack and it was impoasi ble to ropair it in the taco. of attacking. anomy and 1 t would be dest-royed and abandoned, In other cases the tanks suffered maohanical fa!lures for which no spare parts were available and they . c.ould riot be- repaired even w1 thin. the perimeter; these timks wore destroyed when HACJl.RU-RI and KOTO-RI were 0vacuated. .Anoth()r tank t'ailod on . the road down tho hill from KO~'O-RI and was pushed off tne cliff in acoordanoe w1 th orders. Seven H-26's wore abandoned on,.'the road do>(n ;.t1en [lfCU\SS!F!E!l CONFIDENTIAL

. ':I.



. ' APPENmx dNE TO ANNKX .Oli.oJ;; OROE· 10 lB~ ~:I .AC'riON !ill?OH:f(Cont'd)

• • ,, L - ' trappGd. by a -tank)-s._ brakG lo c_k.:i.;'lg a."'. d. Lmder

c;~nemy attan~ .. ,l>,.,f.·1 .atrl.\.;.~a W0re,;la.tl3.r·_.cp.l1o:i on thes.c t,an'jta,.itp.~:il:estroy them: · · ·· · ·· · . . ' . ' ' . . . ·-'. "...... , ~ . \.. . l'ank _l osscs di.iG to op'era:t.~ cna1·· ·end mGc..."'l­ an1ceJ. _rcaeOno- -'pGrhaps s~o_:n exoG:BBi,\- :.{ but ·when the ·d1stHnc.-is-.that .'Canks :t1·a·1t=:( ·ced are noted a!1d ·'thO" ·-weath·o·r~. cond1 t.1 oaa t.J1o ~- · tanks wd:r.e subj("ot~d to .arc reu.liSG~., t_,h~~B ~ tru·k · tosses ar·G unc.1C.ri3te.nda1J.1.e. Ji'o~.:r ]'.~ .... ~- t3 tt>r.ksJ 3 'i~l4.A3 tar!kS ~/IJJZER 1 ·anO..l rr.·.ank- H~t"t·.: Gvc::l' suff'crcd mcchanlcal :~aLt~u;':'c;.s, a.~d ~. 3T tur:nad in to C~JG or lst QrCir.fl.n!.~e· Batt'aliQn; Cpol"e.~ t1ona1 and mGchanical tan.lt lo~.se's t...-.-,u\·:~ ht;;VO b.~~n negllgible if "dJt.B ..~Jatt..,l.io.~ Ell·'! ···rlc 1st Ordnance Ea ttallon he:1 J''cce.t vcd and· ·,.'C'C· (t rn­ supplied thGir aut.hor.tzed al..Lm·n1n0o ..-,·F '- ,"'g&n- 1zat1onaJ, a:ncl. 'fiG'i.'d ma.ir:r.cr,anc8 sparB YBI'·;·;s . .As tnls report period en.. 1.>: d tn5.s ba ti;t,_I_·J-, ·n had ncvor rccciYed .i_t.s ln~·tis."!. allow~r:.·.·G lJf tank. spare parts evon A.f t·G:t' r·:~}:.ea t:;~d ·rr.::q_c.:~l­ Sltlons to normal supply ohaauop, J\ ·~hart sh~wlng tanks ·lost and drawn Gurlng the operation f'~llows • . M~·~6 :~!4A3 M4J\3 TANK tfA1W.8 \\•/':l:'A..~K p·oA RETRI- ~-.- 'DJZER FI,J\NE !;Vfi:R ·TH.f{UWER ·,_.·: Tan~~ lost !n combat 15 0 0 Tank1=1 lr.At CJ'•1u to nncJ>a.-· tionr.:.l--Or OJeC;hl:ill:toai- .. roasone 4 4 0 l .1'0 TAL TANK LOS.t.lES .. 19 7 0 l 'I'an_~s. turned· .. in to (}:;G 3 4 0 l ~:ar.ks t urnCd·. in to .1st Ordiln 1' 0 0 0 · 'l'anks r·0ce1 V!30.· from 1st Ordnu.."l. ce:::..:Bn· l l l 'Ii. . SHOP SECTIQN. During .this op·e_i'atiob tne· Shop s·c·ction ot .tlh.c ltl.ai.ntcne.no·G Platoori of Uer\r:'..cG Oompvn.v oons.ls~od of 13 _mc;,f... 'J'h3' p~.@'.:l~~;_ Jab ·.c..ocom....: ·.P,li ~-:v~o... •·'~~ ..:t.r~c ar;,plJea ·eion of c:0_0p wa~er .LO.L'OJ..~.'!/5 K•'J~ UH ns- t~.LkF. .t.:a 2.3 hou.s~s·. Aftc~ the le.n

.. , '' •

:·:. DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00101516

!Jl11L;iSSifl~·&'9. COH F'I Dif.'TI ilL APPENDIX 'i'WO TO JlNNEX O::OE OBOE 'ID 1st hJiRINE Dl VI blON bP EGlJlL AC'i'IOll ll;J;>OH'f . REPOR1' OF COM!NK BbTT!Jl.ICN • PL,@NING

D~e to the many pro olema w!J,lch Rrose C:uring thC taking of se:oul,_ tank co~mLJl'lioR.tiona and its concepts had to be complot(}lY ·.changGd tor th1S operation. HRdio had ppoved to be ~re­ liable oven aftel' tho procuring or TBX' a :ror thG companies_. Distances we;rC just too .groat over ~l:'av.orablo torra1.n Rnd· fii(Uo time acho­ dUlats __ just could not be madG. ~be radio oomm­ unlcntlons between battalion lloaC:quartcrs be­ came s~condary to wire even in tho asanul t, wl th the tank companies. · Wease1s were procured !or the battrJ.ion, one was procuroQ for the sole :purpose Of l-aying wire.. Each.lettor aompany mounted· an SCR-608 and an .i<.N/VRC-3 in their weasel to pro vi do a relay w1 th tlle AN/MRC-7 between the rospoct1ve. ooropan1es and the bA-ttalion. Jl,.r1 R~~l \ard ship and rc~ com-­ p!\nios. Message Con tor por<;onno1 WoN train<>d and· radio ope;rators l-4idod in shio 1 s oommunl- cRtions. ~ -

LJ.NDING :Inc lHndlng we.s unopposed. One radio ·Jeep failed &s soon as· it w~s un the boacb. This wc.s due to tho seepage of moiatur~ into ·tho diStributor. 'Phis rl, l'lt:ri bntt'l'r' lii'AA WJ'JT'nAcL ------;-----, --·------~--~

nAdio co~munioations was estAblished with lJi vi "ion prior to tho lau.~cll.ing of tho r.su 1 s fr.:.m tho LSD. This oommurllontlons rcmP.!ned constant, although r0lays At times h"d to be uec;:d HC un!. ts R.dvanoG~d. Wire wns in with tho First h&rine Air Wing witbin four hours After lf;ndlng. \'/lro to Dlvlc.icn wac. in w! thin o!.x hours after landil).g. This w1ro was 1 aid by tanl< ba.ttralion wiremen using tho WG:f.l.Sol.


_:I" ''


~~£Vt~M1Pt .1\Pl'EN[[X·'i;wo-·'lo ANNE;X OBOE OBOE TO lbT ~'b!U:

Outpo~ts were wirod into the. bat~alion switChboard. Thi·s WB.B a 1'1 vo m1li3 circuit. Radio' con tact was ma1ntRin

l'hC bslitallon movG'd cvorlMd from l1lJNCH-ON. to oOYANG-NI north of !lAf.!l!UNG. .Wires pre-· viously lald by the fif·ch m~r.tnes 1

~ UhBi\R REP J·IRED mJLREPAIBED 21? -BC-604 1 s T>•>mamJ. ttor for S_'CR 508, e~e 128 - BC-603 1 B React Vet~ f:.n• bCR 508, .?:?.8 82 - BC-1000 'l1 r11nscr.i tto1• - rccci vcr fcj~ oc..-; 300 36 -PP-114 Powtn• auppJ.y for SCR 300 6'2 - PE-120 PO\•~r St:pp.Ly for SCR 5),0 5 - ~l'CS-Rccci VG!l"'B 5 - TC5-Transmi tters· 5 - ·IJ.·cs ... po'wGr suppli0s 5 - oCR-191 Tr~

l. COl!.J-,Ef"!'S RadJ.oo e.s complete units were ·c·vox·hauJ.ed durine this operation ·b,v: tho' bE.:'ttal16n r0pa~r·

CONF.Jg&.IJJSSffl£0 2.


D~ JtPPEl~DIX. 'i'WO :10 hNNEX OW:E OZ.OE: ~0- 187 l•i.l!JUNE DIVI(;ION Bl;'ECIJ:ated.

A battery charger and two twelve volt batteries set UJ;. on the teat bench wi thill the van made it corilparat1 vely easy to'· rep ail~ a.nd test sets. M~st trOUble_ was caused by dust. rwnamotors wOre cx­ ·tremely dirty.. The generators on thG jeeps wero packed w1th nod dust and other foreign material. , R11dio jeep b!itterios when operated -in the dry' Cold must have water added fl.t l0ast tw1oQ: a dRY. It is very hara on enginec to run for long periods in ·the col.d~ and then tu~vc to Set idle while they are sorvicod. condonsa t1on c•usod large amounts of water to fcrm in tho vAnhousc.

f'!1 nt.r>.h r-s nn 'l'"'f,t'H ~_; 1 (lj,~ns arc cons tan tlv ·go in f.( out. ~-The~-tCrZ.~n ·io utlUB-Ur~lY -hard on clUtChes: . ·:. •.

'lhc !3hleldlng_ on J Gep engines to reduce 1gni tiDn MifleofailS in cold we~thcr duo to ago ~nd to moisturo sc0plng into the cracks. One failure of a distributor can be attr-ibuted to seepage ~~rouc,h th~ warped c~p. The jeep failed a~ o~on as it was on tho beach at WONSJ\N. 2. 'l'ne SCR-508 was not a.nymo:•c s uocoss_fUl t.tlan 1 t wns in the Inch;::m-SGoUl. ~paration due to the dlstFmces and tho terrain. TP.e rad10s 1n the ta.nk.s workGd- favorably, but J.mpr.ovcment can b·e made by mOre carefUl 1n­ strU.ption of basics whon.. under instruction to'. become tank crewmen. Tho infantry organizations too could be m«de more ft1lli1lar w1 th tank comm­ unication. Tho.tank.infantry phon6s do not show thRt thoy have boon us od very much. · Weaaole arc wanted Oy tr1nk compriny cc,romandcrs to &ugmont their iu!lis 1a desired so th~t tho J eop ·can be us od for. reley ovor ·extended d1stanoGs. Ffi1luros :of tracks on weasels in this terrain arc vory high, and arc not· feRs1b7-e .unl.c:ss suffio,.ent spares HrG prO­ Vided for "them. Each (lomplillJI. was oqU1ppod w1 th a Wease)_ w.bioh ~~d both nn !:iCR.... 508 and. an ,MI/ VRG-3. >he so 'vehicles did- not., have the oppor­ tunity to provG the1r ~.... orth. , 'Ihe communications tank, Porcupine·, wa• utilized aroung Hl:tgaru-ri. Thi!'l vehicle callGd BGvo:r-&1 a1r-·atr1kc9 ·up·on enemy posi t1ons. 'ihe VHF SG'R-542 ·set WflB util­ iZed and, worked vel'Y well in ·control of a1ro:raft.

COM}.IlE-J~·S .ON. THE EFFECT OF' CC:LD \\'El1 IHE..~1 ON CONhUNICl<~ION S'-UIPMEN't. An oriclosod vehicle of some type shoUld be mlde aVailable to thG Tank Battalion to pr-Gyent



OECihii:~uru OoN'Ffl'J"tf,";~ .i•PP END IX TWO TO ;,NNEX OEOE OBOE TO 1ST lr.AFUNE DIVISIOI< SPECHL ACTIQN Ril'ORT ( Cont 1 d) exocsslve failure or ary Rnd wet batteries. The life of all .Patteri00 is cons1dcrnbly >'educed in '3Xt!'em i3 cold. ' Fail urc of CB.rbon roicropllones _was Gxoess- 1 vc due to covGrB not being utilized. Telephones failed frequently, because tho cold affected the co!'d, hanrlset, b&tteriea, and tho l.ubrlcation of the generator. (Nato: a Russ­ i'an made telephone· takcm a.t BGoul does not BGGm to be impaired to any extont by low temperatures). Stra1qers on radio Jeeps must be cleaned every day. 1~1 batteries should be checked daiLv. water shOUld not be added until the battary has warmed up by chargi~g. ·. No 2000 series dry batteries for usc in low temperature have been available to th1 s or11an1Zation. Tho PP-114 Power Bupply for the AN/VRC-.5 has become a vc;ry critical Hem. . Battery BJ~-?0 hA.VG been protHll""~d :for operation;. of this set. The failllre of headsets and microphones have not .been as great as was anticipated. 'I'ube :rall.uras 1n' aXt'rama oold hRVG braen oallSed by improper warm up prac~ice. The set, should -warm up for at least thirty seconds he­ fore trunsmi tt1ng.. · Radio jeeps have:.bccn very difficult. to keep operating. 'Ihe jeeps arc old·and.the r-u.bbGr- on the 1gn1 t1.on. Vilring was foUnd -to be cracked on all of, the sets in Headquarters Company. Many such ignition ·failures can be attributed to old ar.d cracked insolation on ignition wires. Brushes pn_ ·-gcnqr:aiors wear excoss1voly · in low temperatures.•.. They must. be carefullY ohacked or scouring of. tho- commute, tor 'viii resUlt. · · · · ·

Bearings on dynamotors must be pf!Ckod with , · the tube provldcd ''lith tho sets.· I! any other ,, type ls·used there is dmlge'rof it gumming a!J!l. fRiling ·to lubricate. .Dynamotors have a tendency to make more ncise, both mechanical and elec~ tr1c~l in 001d weather~ Tho range o~ tho dyna­ motor filter should be .extended to take care of the 1ncrc:>aBG in elactric~.l noia(;l. No condensers or resistors failed due to extreme cold and no failure· except ror tubes failing can be attributed t() the weather. l-'1orc schooling on the• cODirituni~Rtions within an 1r.ran try regiment and th'e .Qfl.pa\:>1li ties >md limitations of t~~k communications shoUld be

c~IED 4


APPEN-TliJ<. TwP TO .ANN$:X t;i'ot (:JEOE orp· 1ST 1-:ARINE . DI VIbicJN SP ECii.L. J\

2.'Er.c~ tank company sl:!buld {lAve 11: TC~ )aep for~ coni.llltm1bat1ons.•.w1th·- battaJ:ion-."-' .. '· ··-"'·· '. l· ·. ~ . . ' ~ . :' '-"t •. . ·.: . . . .. 5;. ,.1! crew con '; ·: ;, • ,_j : • · i4. · lher snouJ.d )>o provided at the' tim·e- tlle·. tu,.i'ct •' is m!l.J1Ufltctured·•tor.,:tl)o a.n­ tennR 'base~-~--,· l]:h~_;·turr@~- 'Sp~-uld"1 h_aye-·--B._-:W:el;_l, 1 !C:tl·s~_' in l't, so the ba1l.e is ontirely ~urrounda9,.'by' · ·: arinO~-~ · :~.-" .. _··-·~- . ·, · ~-- ·::·.' · ··:::'• -~~"~:·l :-;·; .. ~_:-(~--: .".i- ·:_,',~. 6~ :.:\h .E:l.C'ctronice~ Varr. shoUld' -b6 .q!A.t!ci1•a.''oR:r-t of the·?/~ o't'· a!.ta'nlt ):>attinllon.:,. :.·.·.. ·._, ..''''. : ,~ ..- ,:· · .. ,.:: .. --~ ,,··:·: .• •: t.-,.-,·r·J·.- .;--.:j'l··:· .... ···----~~;· 7·~ ·:kt least one trnk per' o6rupaily.·soUid' have· n 8QR~·_51;3- or o.n .A~~/J:.fl~C---1 for. _commt,lnicRtione w1th.~7_r"cratt-~ .- ... ·.·: -!' :· .:,:·. /~ '·.:.l-. · .. !- · -.,, : 8. 'Th~ 'r~nk~tn:t'antry' phbne ··~Muid, bo relt>cated an4 bGtter pr-~tectod from collision. -Bl!ngs do a great deal of damAge to thiS phone when loaded

U. The~u~~oooflliism~uonh~ plucod sucb a lof.'.d upon tho div.i..sion 1-:md regi­ mcntr:.l w1rG ten.m na to mHko the sop of wire laying at times impoBsiblc. 13. The amount of r::td1o s 0ts needing repairs and the distance from the Bign~l Rr.m~11"' Bhnn.hAB -·-...- ·;--' . -~-~: --·. ' : CUeSSIHED 5 CO:

DECLASSIFIED DKCLASSIIll ED Korean War Project USMC-00101521

IJECLASSiU£11 0? NFI DEN nM. .i\PPENDLX 'J;W ~ ANNEX OBOE OBOE TO lST-M~FUNE' mVI&ION SPECIAL ,ACT~_ON ·RE!'OR'l' (•Cont'd) . also Diad(;l ~..1·1-t~imp~ssiblo to· .. remove. a.-radio· eGt· · · and take H to DlV1~~·on tor repa1ll< · 1'b1s ·'-:O.Ul..d put a tank. ou1i o_f,·commi.s,s~on :ro:r .a- .. 1:~-ng p;cr_.iq_d. . of time. · · · . . 14, Tho following changes· to the ,T/o '"ri> reo:omm-end~it 10. order. .. to '1Qcrease-· th~ -~~f 1c1cmcy and capab111 tics of thei' Tlml!: 3B.t~aHon .. ' ., . · B!l adding another Sergeant 2511 nnd .. tw~: PFC 1 a 2511 tho tank -battal;l:on .. C"'an ·ha~e-· two ~n- , dGpondGnt' wire teams cajiable of'lli,\'ing. wire and. running_ a .. •Wi tchboarii; ~'his ·will p,orm1 t the C!' to be diBpl,aced without working undue: hards.l,lip upon. :the .wive soo'tibn. bB haa -bean bafO!'O stated, 1 t has proVed naoosBary to p:ut'--in: l-ines for outposts., 'lho .. battal10n on displacement . cannot .comploto tha·m:ovo :as-' z:e~dilY. a:a .an ~z:t.-: fan·try uq,i t;. because. of th,o :ell-·., coun.ter~4 1n ·any_ qpll'ratlons:against··an ·-enemt .·.'· on a large land mas·s • .. · lba d1 v1a1on w1ro t:oame 0an do 11 ttlo to speed Up the laying of wJ,llG ' to at subord1liate· units .take part o:t'·'thO:' ~· responsibil1 ty of laying wire to division. or . to othcr•unit•; anCl. to maintain :tl\ese linps • .. ' . •i . R~·cii~ has n.o.t glven reUabl,;. oommunioahons du_ring operations in Korea. lh1s-· makes··. uni~s mor» ·dependent. upon ?<>lGpjlone · OCIIJlmunioat~o.ns.

:'• ' •;: .. I' ;- ,' .­ ··' '{ ,_ •. t i- ·... '.'.· ·:.•: -,·.• ' . • . .. ·····

. --~ .. -~- .

'' T'

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TOP SECRET . i ·( Downgrad<>d to OONFIDEI~TIAL<, +:·. ., •.>. on 30 January 1951 by oo· •.!::1 ll1 spatoh 301110I · •-

·., ..

. : / . ... '· . I Opn o l-50 -·- ·' .. _, ,. ' Ma~ .. :· "KOREA .1·: 50,000 ·AM$ .L'71:;l'' _.. ( ~ •: -- _.· \ '-: .' ... '- ' . TASK OFIGANIZATION lStT~~o, 1cess. f,.. a~c Tl< -; 1~~!Q~l:?r~ 1 1 D, lBtTjtBn ' 1. e:. ·Annex i.. ,... \ ;; j - . b. (l) lBtMarDl.v lanCls,'. seiZes a beachhead· in· the WJNSAN area, and covers landings ~f roma1n­ dor X COrps, pr.epared for turthor -Operations to west. · ., , / I ·, ( 2) 1! RCT-l land ·on Beach; Yollow, seize Obj 1, prepared fori further operations Obj 1 to sei~o s 5; 6, 4, 3; a!'"l.d ?.' ProtGct, D~v.left.·n6.nk.

··. - ' b RCT-7 land On Beach Bl uc, a·c1'1oI obj, 2, prepared tor further operation~ to seize -WONBft~ and obj 1 s'l0, 11, S, and.. 'B. J? en insUla. Clear.. KALMA

, .9. RCT-5 _ntvReserve. Lan(l on ·on· order ) Beach· Blue and ~aascaible ea~t hill. T.(i'S 6234- and 6235, prepared for fUJ?th'er operations. · 2, a. lS t'ikBn land Co 1 s C .and ·n on Beaches YGllo.w and Blue in su.pPort,"Of_ .. l1,CT 1s 1:.a,nd 7.' ·_. Land rc'mainder Bn on bea_ches to -be dc.~ig(\atod' and operate as directed.·,, · · · · · ' b. Annex B. Oporat1ons ·overlay., \ o. Annex c, L andi'ng J?lan. · ( ftl'lUJI.ODWIPD -{ . ·1 ~~ \ . . .. _·. ,' •·,. '· ! ::~l!:·:··· ., .. > .


tlfmJl~&fj£D ( Dl>>ms•·>

.. . . b. Co D land ·on Beach BluG on order' and oupport RCT'-7. -.

o. ·-Company 1s 11Af' _and 11 BI':··aa.t.tt:&l1on R11sei-ve;·. Land on order on beaches to be .. deSignated and · operate as dir-~;oted . . X Remaining unl ts i and on ol,'dar on beaches to be designated and. operate ·as d1roote.d, · ' ' 4. a. 1st Marinp Division Order 2-50, ' ' . I b. '1st Marina Ill. vision Admin'istratlve Order 1.~-00 . . 5. a. 1St Marine Ill. vision SOI-2., Signal •.Jinnox to 1st Marine D1,.1a1on Op.erat.l,on 0>;"der.. l6-50. · b. Tentat1 ve ·CP TA 69351(4.


' ;t- . t· D. E. HABER.IE, M.ajor, 1),' S. Mar1rnc .Corps, Executive Officer. . I ANNEXES: . .A-Intelligence B-Operationa Overlay C-Land1ng Plan i ..DISTRIBUTION:.

Co.· 11 A~~" ... c.'o. ' ) Exec. o: II,BII .,, . S-1. · . CQ. nc.n .B-2 yo. _u.nn; .. ' b-3 HqCo g_4 SGI'V. co. • Flamo TkPl t •.


. R. HALL I '"-' Major, USMG, b-3. i ·,



- -- ' • : 1, • ' ·: ·;-~.


} .·

DE~$SJGIEil (f.i:>wnr;redOd to CO~FI DE:o TIJ\l, on 30 January 1951 by CO ' Dlspa·coh 30lllOI)


1st ~·unk ~n, lGtl:tarDi v ,Fl·iF Incl;on, Korea - 1200, 10 Oct 1950

.AlWEX k. 70 O?EftNIIOl~ ORDEH. l-50 IN Ta.• L lGEIWE ' J.•u;~.ps; Koz-·ea l;OO,:ooo shot'\tB 659~L-l 1 ?,- 4; 6532 l, 2); 6}331, 3, 4j C633·l 2 5 .4); 65331,2;.- 1 1, 1 .

' .. 2. SJSE:NTIAL l[;EMENTS OF INF!)HMATION. ' . '' , a. Will the ene.wv do fend the ·1'10NSAN. area

b. Is tho oneaiy' capable 'ot reinforcing th~ WONS.AN area w!th .any well trained or coml:>at o.x­ pericnocd troops aniJ. armorod:uriHa?', · .•. ~. · ' . ' o'. Will the o:O~my ~eoe1ve, ,;,y, active assist- ance: fro.ot eouroos no.t YG1i .committed? .-!

~ Dr.>!"'!"U'>.TA'I"L!OA"'''"'"" ""''"' ,....,...,"·~~-.,..,.,...... ,.._, .,;,..,,~--""' '-'• .i.I.O:.VVJ.~J.~.H~UU.t"H~V!.!o J"l~~JI VOQ,.I!il~V.t!.1.l.l..(~j Ml.~DJ.UJ.\10. x. (l) AU. compa,".ie.s are rospons~blo for con- . stant reconnuiasar:co and scourity of.. their, unf ta. (2) Companies attachcCl.to. or in direct support o-; 'infantry regimonts.= eball- .cstabl'1_sh ·11a1son .wl.th regiments at ell timesl persorinol within comp~ny may be ass1gnad thiS duty, or roquosts !or liai.son * pcrsonnol may· bo made. to battalion ·ro'r same•. · ' ( ;;) Report immo' nc~ll'igorioe section the .folJ.or:.1 ng; - . ,· · . ,_. _, ~' '_ · · -: ~ : .. a. lbe 1dent.tf.'t'cat1on oZ.· 6_ant'u,rG'·of_:anv_· RusplM or Ch~ncse.'- ccmm_Lll\+st ·~r_oaps·~ '-:~'-:·i_::_··-·':-~:-).'-";~.: _:·~-~--~-/Y,:.· · 1 ·b, 1ile_ Ol-lptLU"'G, or locatl.on"o:fYany;--_n.~w-.-ene,my material not previously. COJil!¥1t.tod} oap?oi.sllY · communicationS oq_~ipmel!tj, ·.a~o1;;'~ AT .w.Clepons 1 mi~e:e. o. Any ovidGnce ·of the· ue ~ or 1nt.ont1on .to use agents of warfare such as chcm.\ oai- Cgas) , -- l"adio-: J.oglcal, or t1o:Logio8.l, and anY oqu1prnont designed· to cou..l"!te!"act same. .· .,_ .. . · , \, , . ' /'.' 4. ME.~SURES FOR lllu~ILING PRISONERS, lXJCcl1EN 1'?, J\ND CAP'IURED MATERIJlL, a. All prispners, captured-documents, and cap­ tured mntcr.tal w:t-J.l be tu'rncd in' to the -nearest· b-·2 sectloh, regardless of aasignmont of attach- mont or support. · ·


'' -:1,


. ·--~ . 9cf.}';~tHat . ' . Dotmgrnde<'L to CONFIDENTIAL ,., ,. _..,;. on 39 J a'1unry'l951' b)( CO · -~·/, '--: ' Dispatch <>OlllOI. . · I ANNEX il, TO .;'ENPIX THREE .TO ANNEX OBOZ 0]:\0E TO 1ST WJUNE DIVISION .SPECIAL AC'l'ION iRl'.\'ORT (Oont 1 ~), . , ,•", - . • . ' I ... '.' < • • •• •• b, PRISON!j:Jl.~:.. ,., .. ,<.;•~···!., . . ' , I '· (1) UP,g.n iq<(ptwr~\Nrlsoners t<1ll. be sea:t"ched to the· extent or ~>omplete'.diarcbing. ' (2) Footl, t


·. ·-···\ iJ~~~8.$WED · Downgr&C.e•l to CONF!DENTUL on ,30 Jf'.• ru.J.ary. 1951 by CO Dispatch .30l110I , '

.I!NllEX f, 1.0 !IPPENDIX THREE 'l.U•!INNEX OBQE.QBOE,·'.i'O. 181' 1•i/l.RINE' DlVWJ:QN O?BGin,., AC,TION ~ORT: (.Cont'd)

(b) Report to the lln: S-2 •any cvi dencc of sub­ \ versiye- acti·.viticst e'spi'onago; ~e.botat;c, or P''of~r"~~;· Korcan to b<> ~til\zMl for i~terpre­ tation duties by any unl.t ~ from, main ta.in1flg dia.riee. for offi{J;\al t·Gpot~ts.;:

?. illPORrrs. . , ' , a~ Corop an1·ea l'tiJ..l roport dallY, at 'thair ' GarliGBt· conven!.GP..ce by means. Of 'tqG mimeographed e oparate' ·cover~- ·"/ · !' . fdrm, provided und<>r .. -: >' BY ORDER OF LIEUTENANT. 9QLONEL MILNE

D. E: HA'l>~.TF. .. Major, 'u. sTMax-1nG''aorps,· ' Ex.Gout,~vo Of:f.~' 1?G~ •. ·· ,! .· ' \0-F-F-I-c~:i-A~i.. ' ·,.· ,.

i . \ ,._,


! .•

' ' > .,_._'

',I' '- . !'' \' ·,t,· .;

> \

l -·~·· ·: j,)•• '

; > ) ~·~- . ·. H£GtASSIFIED' .,


-~ I . >' .·.·.·


DECW5:n:mli cown~ to CONF'ID.ENTVL · on 30 January 1951 by·cc · · Dispatch 301110I


· ANNEX m!ARJ.,lE ·>a OP!J ORDEH l-50.

' j ·' 1'A~K · LL4IS~N 'l'@l-'lS

l . ..: .Liaison teams: from .this Bn will b~ p*ckCd · as folldws:

Team Compc- ProYidGd. Landing.· Radio Qhan- Emb No~~ si tlon by · · ·-~ th ,__ .g_IDJ.£!1 nsls set on on_ 1."'" 1 off HqCo lBti,n YcllQw•·lstTkBn-.IL Ll:JT . 2 enl: Co C l'StJ-iar.: .. !'. co C.,- B


2: l!:ach .teart will be provided .with the following equipment: 1 radio sen 500, 1 beach ma,rl

I · .. 3,. .. Each team will be embarked aboard ahip with '-· ·thil Eng1n




ANNEX C 'ID l>Pl'ENDIX THRJ>E; 'l'O I~1:h:X OSOE OBOE '!'0 · loT hliiiiNE DI:VIb!ON SPECIJ'L J,CTION Rii.POR'r (cant' d)

pver th 13 TkBn command net and th13 engineers will be informed as to the location of those routes so as to cnabl e tl:Iem to know whe:rG. to ol ear a pR th through the AT minefield, should one exist.· d. Once R path is mado through tne mine field,. if it exists, the word to send in tno tanks for that beach will be passed ov13r the T!tBn command net. The path will be marked with tho carried marking tape and the beach mar~cr will be erected in a position so as can best bG s0en by thG in­ coming LSU1 s. e. If no AT minos are found on the beach and a route, or routes of egress arc discovered, tha word t.o send in. the tanks will be passed over the Tkiln Command net and the carried tJarking panel will bG erected in a position so as can best be se0n by the incoming LBU's carrying tho tanks •. f ~ In both cases above, when the tanks are called in, the terun will, by means of their radio, guide the in cooing LSU 1 s bearing tho tanks - to the desired landing position in the beach. g~ In all oases whcm a message is sent over the ll

b • .As soon as the tanks are ashore on thG beaches covered by Teams U2 and #4, those teams will revert to their rospootive companies for such ciuty as assi.,ed. c. Teams #5 and #6 are with Dl. v Res ervo Battalion and will be instrumental at a later date as to their disposition.


D. E. HABER!., IE, Major, U. B. Marino Corpsi, Executive Offi cor. 0-F-F-I-Q-I-A-L

R. llJ.LL, .Major, UB!-iC, o-3. DECLASSIFIED 2 CONFIDEN'J:'IiL


. ' \ .. . ~. •/ ·:~· \ to CONFIDENTIAL hnUCJi'y. 19ol by co 301ll0I


1ST TJillK BN OPN 0 2-5¢ ){ ;W?S, T.{sK ORGN AND 1A­ Sil.l:E AS OPN 0 1-5¢ X lB-DIV .LANDS, :.i:OY.::s ~·o DE­ SIGNATED ASSEI'BLY' A-lEAS, PREP.t.IGD FOR FL'RTHER OPHS TO. 1JEST ALONG 1iONSA!H:ONDOK-PYONGYANG RD X U-lST TNK BN LAND ON 0 B·'·'-CH JED, llO~ TO JJE;.; SIG-N,:,TED ,:,ssEiffiLY' ARE.~ PRE:PARED TO FURNISH , ATTACHED TK ELEiENTS AS DIRE:CT::D X lB.:.RED BEACH 1 LOCATED FRO!i TA6436A4 TO . TA6337R5 X RED. BEACH 2 FRO;! TA6337R5 TO TA6337Al X 20.:.1ST TK BN · ' 2 ~~~~~k~#~ 1~j~I2LT~E~~8~~DEr;~~ }5N !>-: LSDS Oil LSUS HITH ·!r.INKS X 2E-D-D;IY AND H-HOUR TO . BE-ANNOUNC3:D X•2F-THIS OTO B3: 3:XCCUTED ON SIGNAL AS. ALT3:RNATE FOR OPN 0 1-o¢ X 3A-CO C LAND BEAG~· \RED 1 iiOVE ~0 BN ASSEJ!BLY' AREA ?l\0:?.ARZD TO OP~'­ ATE AS DJ;RZCTED X 3B-CO 'D LAND'.QN BE.Z '.• ~ ·OOIN '0. · 1-5¢ X'5B-~Z:NTATIVi: CP ·NE11 t>SSEi:iBLY AREA'')(! ... co'lST;TNK BN · · . '.- ·.. ,_ ,.' :·:_1·; ., · ' . '~ ' ·, { . '.'- ···.' ·, .. ·

-· ·: ···,- ··:. ',. '-; . I ". ._.·,., ·.! ( L I .·, \,

J ., ' /, ( . . ,._, ,j·,

.'·. j·' ' . ~"

i I'! ) : . _,_. ·-·. ,·'•'-:: , . ''{, '·: ·.,'

. -~,-;





" 1''.\ ) . : . .-.-: ':\' ,.


) .!>.PPENDI·X 'FIVE TO .ti!WEX OBOE· OBOE :co lBT •• All!NE DIVISION llPEc:tAL ACTlON Rill?.OR~ \ ' . lBt;T)tll(l· • 1st~.arD1-v .(Reintl, ·FMF. · In .. ttlNIZATION lstTkBn Lt. Col¥ ~_ •. -~?¥:~'ij~j G~m'dg .. Hqco, Reinf . . . ServCO '

a-. Co f. \ · .. b. Co B l,eas dcts. Capt, ll.'>::i. JOJ,.LJ:~S,,Qom

·b. (l) 1Stl>!arD1v continuos ~por~t1ons tq des- troy enemy in zone. ·

(2) -lstMAW provides air support •. 2. a. 1StTk3n, less dots •• Re1nf', protetcts' MSR south of HADAE-RI from positions in-tho vicinity o:r MJ\JDN-DONG and SOYANG-NI.

3. a. Co A~ on .landlng at HUNGNA).i:~ proqcod yo •- assigned bivouac area )llcinHy Bn C'P at SOYANG-NI. Furnish pat:rols as d1 rclctecl. Jettison bl&dGS :t'rom1 all dozer tanKa and turn M4A3 tanKa over to Sarv1Qe Comp.f\ny lm~e~_ie.tely ~pon reach-ing bivo~-~:c area.

b. Co B 1 less d$t·s., ·,·move ·rrbm p'r.cscnt area ~o a bivouac .araa vicinity T0/1GJ0NG-NI •.• ·Fur- ni_eh pstr71s as dlrcctcd. · ' ' •' / ;.· _<., .·.·.-.. ·.. ·.' /' . . c.· Co. C sot up ·b.tvouac '!roa ;v.i~cin11iy:En· CP .at · '. ,.· SOYAN(J-NI'. Furnish .patrcJ.s as dil•'ll.o'tod, ·.Jettison· bla0.os.· !'rom all doZGt' 'tanks and tuPn lvl4i~3 ta.:"lka ovar to___ bervi ce Company 1 as soon as theso :.tan_ks reach SOYA..~ G-NI. . ! a., Co D, less dcte., Reinf,.move one p.La'lioon- . ' of fi vre M-26 teni'om prGsent a.t'aa ltJAJON-rpNG ' at'120D, 24Nov50 1 to Railhead CHINHJ.,'NG- ·NI. ThiS.· platvo!'l to loavo Ra!lhce.d'O?OO, ;?..&Nov50,'and pro~ ·coed north t;o HAG.ARu-Rlo R:3lpllr.t ·to". CO, Prov1- s.toJJ.a:L Tenk Plat;)on, tW.s· area fOi'" ·omplo_ym~·nt w1 th ci th

...... ,,. ~ I ;·. '·.':· .;:


··-_\. --,_/ . . ' c900~frifl1 ,.. --~- ·-·.-: .APPEIWIX FIVE 1"0 ANNEX OBOE OBOE W.'l8!J:, kARIJlE ' DIVISION BPEl>IAL AC'UON RE!iORT (.COp·t 1·.d), '' ·• · ,.· . .'. • c'. ,., ·.-·' RS · direoted. FurnlQJ:l_ m~lntGnance per~onn()l t\)- _ !to. D plat@ili ty coordination .,Petw<>en zonas .~outll (left) w n"rth ( rl:gllt) ~ .· · \' ' · .. \ . . ' ,• . ', _,_, __ . (2) ;rn emergenci~.s requiring deto.rll11n

4. a. ,. 5. a,. b,


L. T. Capt, ,·,·. ,. . ' S'.,-3~ ' i . ' .,, ' ''

