Alabama Law Scholarly Commons Essays, Reviews, and Shorter Works Faculty Scholarship 1997 The Irony of Free Speech and Liberalism Divided Book Review Paul Horwitz University of Alabama - School of Law,
[email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Paul Horwitz, The Irony of Free Speech and Liberalism Divided Book Review, 43 McGill, L. J. 445 (1997). Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Faculty Scholarship at Alabama Law Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Essays, Reviews, and Shorter Works by an authorized administrator of Alabama Law Scholarly Commons. Citizenship and Speech. A Review of Owen M. Fiss, The Irony of Free Speech and Liberalism Divided Owen M. Fiss, The Irony of Free Speech. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996. Pp. 98 [Hardcover U.S. $18.95; Softcover U.S. $12.95]. Owen M. Fiss, Liberalism Divided: Freedom of Speech and the Many Uses of State Power.Boulder: Westview Press, 1996. Pp. 192 [Hardcover U.S. $65; Softcover U.S. $24]. Reviewed by Paul Horwitz' This review offers a critique of two recent publi- Cette recension jette un regard critique sur deux cations by Owen Fiss which present his views on con- ouvrages r6cents dans lesquels Owen Fiss pr6sente son temporary issues of free speech. Fiss argues that where point de vue sur la libert6 d'expression. Fiss considre contemporary conditions stifle public debate, the state que si certaines circonstances de la vie modeme 6touf- may properly regulate expression; thus, the state may fent le d6bat public, il peut tre appropri6 pour l'Ptat de be a friend of freedom rather than its enemy.