February 12,1875
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DAILY PRESS. PORTLAND _ ~ _ TERMS f8.Q0 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE* PORTLAND,nrvrjqii AlMTl PR1DAVPTITD A Y AIORNING FRRRTJ A RY 121^, 1875. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862. YOL. 13. 18/j.____ Frenchmen are awaiting with eagerness hanging oil the wall behind the monk,—the ENTERTAINMENTS. nude figure of the dead Christ iu the lap THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS THE PRESS. the opening of a trial, the testimony in which lying _INSURANCE.__ of the _WANTS. to fix the for the dis- Virgin, who lifts her arms imploriugly every day (Sundays excepted) by the promises responsibility Published FRIDAY MORKIYU FEB, 1875 to heaven. Wanted Permanently. ANNUAL, STATEMENT OF THE PORTLAND MUSEUM. 12, aster at Sedan upon some one of the generals PUBLISHING in a and re- PORTLAND CO„ nlcasant lodging room quiet OPPOSITE THE CITV HALE. of the French Paul de Tilton as a Witness. Preferred with board. Ref- furnished army. Cassagnac, NFATsjiee table house. Every regular attache of the Press is At 109 Exchange St., Portland. the hired bravo ot the has stated in erences given. ,Ti». THIS EVENING, with a Card certificate countersigned by Stanley T. Empire, febin General was The ftH.li of a Hrarl-brekea .Vflaa. a ___ Editor. AH steamboat and hotel the that wholly Terms: Eight Dollars Year In advance. To LIFE Pullen, railway, Pays Wimpllcn a MUTUAL DARK subscribers Seven Dollars Year if in ad- APTER J will confer a us mail paid Agents Wanted managers favor upon by demanding at fault and that to his ignorance, flmidity, vance. Manila? nril,-l,a Tcntnlion. n. played credentials of to our [From the New York make 81 to $10 a day. It .costs nothing to every person claiming represent and the disaster was due. The Times.! under the title of I.KD AsTHAl. negligence If or address, J. A. RUSSELL, as we have intormation that several ‘•bum- Tilton's habits of life have been fouisled CANtrv. Call |tU» dtf journal, has an action for defama- THE MAINE STATE PRESS Exchange St. General brought on the code of which he now feb6*2w _126 mers” are seeking courtesies in the name of the morality desires of New York, and in the course to “around the is it wonder Insurance we have no to even tion de Cassaguac, spread earth,” any is Thursday Morning at $2.50 a Press, and disposition be, pas- against published every Wanted. Company CONGRESS PORTLAND. that this scandal has occurred? A HALL, of disgusting year, if i>aid in advance, at $2.00 a year. sively, a party to such frauds. of the trial the most minute particulars Union Pnddlers at Troy, N. Y. Apply at woman, the mother of several children, com- of the undersigned President. be Some remarkable mits Kates of Advertising ; One inch of space, tbo NONeither F. S. WINSTON, Three Grand Concerts the battle wili given. adultery with the trusted frieud of her H. BURDEN & SONS, N. Y. length of column, constitutes a Troy, We do not read anonymous letters and communi- husband—so says Tilton. And yet, iu thu “square.” — — disclosures are looked for. week feb3dtf ERASTuS CORNING & CO..Troy, N. Y. ESTABLISHED IN 1843. BY THE same $1.50 per square daily first week; 75 cents per cations. The name and address of the writer are in breath, he declares that there was n<> after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; continuing harm in it. “She was a woman.” 1874. cases not for pure, good other after first 50 cents. Wanted. THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, BOSTON CLUB! all indispensable, necessarily publication Mr. every day week, FOB PHILHARMONIC It is the fashion now-a-days to accuse Then what is his idea of an impure and bad Halt square, three iasertions, or less, 75 cents; one but as a guaranty of good faith. a responsible party, tho lease of a house cen- Assisting Artist, he woman? And wbat right bad be to bring this week, $1 00; 50 cents per week after. DISBURSEMENTS. undertake to return or reserve commu- Dion Boucicault of whenever trally located for a term of years. Address REVENUE. We cannot plagiarism scaudal on the Christian world of America? Special Notices, one third additional. BY St. MISS MAY A. B. C., 533 Congress A. BRYANT. that ate not used. last of this Under head of “Amusements,” and “Auction En'Jow“e,,t c'a,I“9 »3’" nications produces a new play. The charge The man’s entire behavior in Court is one of Portland, Jan. 19 1875. ja20!f To Balance from tat account.W V"1 g Salks,” $2.00 per square per week; three inscitions ^tl* character is in connection with the the most extraordinary features of the case. - u Friday Evening, February 12,1§75. brought r less ..... lias $1.50. :: items S wTttv.v.v.v.v.v.v.. Louisiana. He enough to make him serious, and yet State Interest ami S« « « March which is Advertisements inserted in the “Maine Surrendered Policies and Ad- Friday Evening, 5. of the “Shaughraua”, be on 36 production goes cracking small witticisms through- Press” has a circulation in every part LOST AND FOUND. ditions. 4,084,615 March 19, The committee on Louisiana affairs (which large Friday Evening, special it is from Hall’s History of out the day. He is allowed to words of the Sitate) for $1.00 for first insertion, Commission (payment ot cur- stolen, alleged, bandy per square have their at New with the counsel who cross-examine to and 50 cents per square tor each subsequent nsertion. rent and extinguishment of Subscription Tickets, (reserved seats) $2.00; Sin- completed investigation Ireland. If an author is forced to invent char- him; ions to Lost. 800,499 % suggest corrections of their and to Address all com nrmical ~ future).7. gle Tickets, $1.00. Tickets mav be obtained at and returned to Of language, Orleans, Washington. or else be as a PORTLAND PUBLISHING Co. Expenses and Taxes. Stockbridge'S Music Store and at the ball. Reserved acter and incident stigmatized make what be calls which are, THE Mechanics’ Library room, at the I9?’??? 31S? to “explanations," Balance to NewAecouut.69,157,411 Seats will be for on course all statements as to the conclusions be in a series of He lecture of Dr. Stone, on the evening of Feb. 9tb, ready distribution Tuesday, Feb. literary thief, all historical plays must reality, gushing speeches. FROM at 9 a. m., at Music Store. about his a FITCH CAPE. The tinder will lie suitably re- 2d, Stockbridge'S* have are mere matters of declaims wish to strike Beecher $82,220,310 68 which they arrived condemned as The truth seems BUSINESS CARDS. warded by leaving at No. 6 MAPLE ST. $82,220,310 68 ja29 dtd | plagiarisms. “right to the heart.” He announces—in bis -- The committee as a whole is feblO d3t -z\ conjecture. to be that Mr. Boucicault takes plays that very cross examination, mark you—that Beech- of able and conscientious as er “will yet be driven from Ha ASSETS. Pine Street Lectures. composed very are failures, and makes successes of them, Brooklyn." UIABIU1TIES. with Mr. Evarts as to mean- W. C. CL.ARK, and its recommendations will undoubt- disputes the true men, dramatists in all have done. of aud BOARD. ........ 39 ages ing words, asks Mr. Evarts to oblige him 47 By Bonds and Mortgages.... .$56,916,056 The next lecture in the above named course will four ner cent.$67,911,190 have in the House of Rep- his and his 103 FEDERAL STREET, be deliveied edly great weight by reading wishy-washy letters resentatives and the country. If the Re- tawdry doggerel. He asks the counsel not to 5 Do«rs East sf Temple St., Board. make his cioss-examiuation “more cross ■i&caa-t;,.:2S“"‘“"= ms FRIDAY Feb. of Louisiana has resorted to A New Fairy Story.—Arsene Houssaye FEW gentlemen can be accommodated with EVENING, 12th, publican party than necessary;” and this brilliant sally rooms at 58 Pleasant St., — to the Tribune: A pleasant and board a»S BY fraud and corruption in order to maintain sends the parable is received with laughter in court. He GAS AND WATER near High, also table boarders. I ms tlii9 >w»dtf premiums deferred, quarterly and its in that disorderly state, the M. Thiers yesterday told me legend: says be never was iu the water with the woman feb9 19 REV. S. F. JONES, supremacy _ semi-annual. 1,095,612 France came into the world as a na- Woodhull, hot water." When asked so. When “except in. for committee should not hesitate to say if be took a on a an- PIPING. Board. Premiums transit, principally SUBJECT tion it was in the time of the fairies. As carriage certain day he December. 28 with 120,224 The of the nation in- swers. “No; the carriage took me”—a gross ap21 or three boarders can be accommodated Balances due bv Aireuts. 12,502 34 “SKETCHES OF THE WINTER.” great Republican party France was to be a great princess they fur- the piece of impertinence. He gushes about Kos- board in a private family. Rooms newly does not take its lessons or from that vito! to her cradle all the good fairies; TWO This will be followed policy the Communist, and “He weut to the nished. Inquire at 44 St. Lawrence street. 872,446,970 06 by of se’, says, lwtt 872,446,970 06 located in Louisiana or other fairy of wit,of riches,of conquest, beauty,of scaffold with his Bible in bis PORTLAND fragment any It hand, kissing it, ja!3 _ REV.