The London Gazette, 14Th April 1961 2789
THE LONDON GAZETTE, 14TH APRIL 1961 2789 CONFECTIONER. Court—BLACKPOOL. No. BROWN, John Edward, of 78, Brickfield Road in of Matter—2 of 1960. Trustee's Name, Address the city of Worcester, BRICKLAYER, lately resid- and Description—Tye, James, 20, Byrom Street, ing and carrying on business as a BUILDER, at Manchester, 3, Official Receiver. Date of Release 25, Elizabeth Avenue, Conmeadow, Worcester afore- —10th April, 1961. said. Court—WORCESTER. No. of Matter— 7 of 1959. Trustee's Name, Address and Descrip- DENNIS, Rihoda, (widow), residing and carrying on tion—Haigh, Walter Harold, Somerset House, 37, business at 15, Plumbe Street, Burnley in the Temple Street, Birmingham 2, Official Receiver. county of Lancaster, as a SWEETS and Date of Release—10th April, 1961. TOBACCO RETAILER. Court—BURNLEY. No. of Matter—6 of 1960. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Tye, James, 20, Byrom Street, INTENDED DIVIDENDS Manchester, 3, Official Receiver. Date of Release —10th April, 1961. GILBERT-SMITH, Dorothy Kineaid (widow), of 16, Gledhow Gardens, London, S.W.5, LAND- LADY. Court— HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. HORSFIELD, Colin, residing at 49, Rectory Road, No. of Matter — 295 of 1959. Last Day for Receiv- Burnley in the county of Lancaster, lately residing ing Proofs— 28th April, 1961. Name of Trustee and carrying on business at 58, Parliament Street, and Address — Phillips, Bernard, 76, New Burnley aforesaid, as a BUTCHER. Court— Cavendish Street, London, W.I. BURNLEY. No. of Matter—11 of 1960. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Tye, James, 20, LIDIARD, Sir Herbert, Knight Bachelor (deceased), Byrom Street, Manchester, 3, Official Receiver.
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