Customized Book List Philosophie
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ABC Springer Customized Book List Philosophie FRANKFURT BUCHMESSE 2007 Philosophie 1 F. Allhoff, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA (Ed.) F. Allhoff, Western Michigan University; P. Lin, Western Michigan P.S. Anderson, Oxford University, UK (Ed.) University (Eds.) Physicians at War New Topics in Feminist Philosophy Nanotechnology and Society The Dual-Loyalties Challenge of Religion: Resistance and Spiritual Current and Emerging Ethical Issues Practices In recent years, there has been a tremendous inter- Nanotechnology and Society is a collection of est in the ethical issues that confront physicians in Having enjoyed about a decade of lively critique and twelve essays regarding the ethical implications of times of war, as well as the sometimes instrumen- creativity, feminist philosophy of religion still needs emerging nanotechnologies. The book is divided in- tal use made of physician during wars. This book to be kept alive as a vital field of inquiry with new in- to four unites, which capture the four "hottest" topics presents a theoretical apparatus which undergirds put and new voices from women and men informed in nanoethics: envisioning the future; nonomedicine; those debates, namely by casting physicians as being by, but also critically engaged with, the rich tradi- human enhancement; and privacy. The design of this confronted with dual-loyalties during times of war. tions of philosophy of religion. This twenty- book is to engender debates on these topics rather While this theoretical apparatus has already been de- first century volume on feminist topics in philoso- than merely to present unrelated articles. On each of veloped in other contexts, it has not been specifical- phy of religion seeks to maintain such vitality. The these topics, there will be three papers. In most cas- ly brought to bear on the ethical conflicts that attain basic premise is that old models of God, of rela- es, there is one paper that "sets the stage" for the de- in wars. Arguably, wars do cast physicians into ethi- tions between human and divine, and between gen- bate by talking about the status of the sciences and cal conflicts insofar as these wars create a tension be- dered subjects, will no longer ‘simply do’ for femi- the effects that those sciences will have on society, tween a physician’s obligation to heal and an obliga- nist philosophers. The volume will sketch possibili- and then this paper is followed by two articles which tion to serve some other good (e.g., national security, ties for feminist philosophy of religion in relation to take contrary positions on the moral significance of the general public, the greater good, etc.). Whether the creation of sacred space, including the divine in those developments. this dual-loyalty framework is appropriate is debat- everyday life and the sacred as vocation.Contributors able. Certainly some people think that it is, but oth- to this volume critically engage with a range of west- ers have argued that it is not. For example, Michael Features All authors are among the leaders in the fields, and ern philosophers including Immanuel Kant, Søren Walzer holds that non-medical duties cannot attach Kierkegaard, Karl Marx, Hannah Arendt, Iris Mur- to physicians (due [..] are all highly-regarded academics who play signifi- cant roles in the developments of these debates. doch, Martin Heidegger, Simone Weil, Simone de Beauvoir, Emmanuel Levinas, Luce [..] Features 1. Looking at a topic that has thus far not been treat- Contents Foreword;Introduction; 1. Foundational Issues; 2. Features ed at book length and nowhere nearly as comprehen- Reflects the vital field of feminist philosophy of reli- sively, it is extremely timely and highly current. 2. Risk & Regulation; 3. Industry & Policy; 4. The Human Condition; 5. Global Issues. gion with new input and new voices from scholars The book offers a unique and broad basis for dealing critically engaged with the rich traditions of the field with issues that not only impact on medical ethics, Fields of interest Addresses the feminist struggle with and beyond op- but cut across various spheres of justice in a setting Philosophy pressive aspects of God, especially gender specific defined by the multiple perspectives of medical, mili- conceptions of the divine Goes into the question of tary and legal practice. 2. This volume is [..] Target groups how ethnic, racial, sexual, social and material differ- Researchers in nanoethics, libraries, course adop- ences can lead to more just configurations [..] Contents tions 1. Matthew Wynia, Preface 2. Fritz Allhoff, "Physi- Contents cians at War: The Dual-Loyalties Challenge" I. Type of publication Introduction; Pamela Sue Anderson.- Section I The Dual-Loyalties Challenge 3. Len Rubenstein, Contributed volume – Transcendence Incarnate.- 1. Widowed "The Dual-Loyalties Challenge" 4. Michael Walz- Women in Jewish Stories; Alicia Suskin Ostrik- er, "Spheres of Justice" (reprint) 5. Fritz Allhoff, Due June 2008 er.- 2. Widowed Women in Hindu Sto- "Are They Physicians?" II. The Torture Debate 6. ries; Parita Mukta.- 3. Transcendence and Steve Milles, "Abu Ghraib: Its Legacy for Military Dynamic Stasis in Emmanuel Levinas; Kathryn Be- Medicine" (reprint) 7. Jonathan Marks and Gregg 2008. Approx. 210 p. Geb. vis.- 4. The Le Doeuffian Model of Rad- Bloche, TBD (trying to get new contribution!) 8. ical Friendship: Against Subjection and the Aban- 90,90 € Richard Matthews, "Indecent Medicine: In Defense doned Fiancee; Daniel Whistler.- 5. Is ISBN 978-1-4020-6208-7 of the Absolute Prohibition against Physician Partici- Literature Any Help in Dealing with Eve and Mary?; pation in Torture" (reprint) 9. John Lunstroth, [..] Dorota Filipczak.- 6. Feminist Imagin- ings and the Body in Pain: Revisiting the Philosophi- Fields of interest cal Imaginary; Marije [..] Ethics; Philosophy Fields of interest Target groups Philosophy of Religion; Philosophy Philosophers, (military) ethicists, (military) physi- cians, (military) lawyers, human rights Type of publication lawyers, medical practitioners, political scientists. Contributed volume Type of publication Contributed volume Due May 2009 Due March 2008 2009. Approx. 350 p. Geb. 149,75 € 2008. Approx. 225 p. (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the ISBN 978-1-4020-6832-4 New Medicine, Band 41) Geb. 112,30 € ISBN 978-1-4020-6911-6 2 Philosophie M. Barbieri, University of Ferrara, Italy (Ed.) D. Birnbacher, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany; Th. Bonk, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München E. Dahl, University of Giessen, Germany (Eds.) The Codes of Life Underdetermination. Giving Death a Helping Hand The Rules of Macroevolution An essay on evidence and the limits of knowledge Physician-assisted suicide and public policy. An international perspective. Building on a range of disciplines – from biology and Underdetermination. An Essay on Evidence and the anthropology to philosophy and linguistics – this Limits of Knowledge is a wide-ranging study of the book draws on the expertise of leading names in the From the perspective of patients, physician-assist- thesis that scientific theories are systematically "un- study of organic, mental and cultural codes brought ed suicide is a more unambiguous expression of the derdetermined" by the data they account for. This together by the emerging discipline of biosemiotics. patient's autonomous will. From the legislator's per- much-debated thesis is a thorn in the side of scien- The book’s 18 chapters present a range of experi- spective it seems less liable to misuse and abuse. And tific realists and methodologists of science alike and mental evidence which suggests that the genetic code often the availability of assisted suicide, instead of of late has been vigorously attacked. After analyzing was only the first in a long series of organic codes, shortening the life of a patient, has proved to pro- the epistemological and ontological ascpects of the and that it has been the appearance of new codes – long it. Public policy has begun to respond to this controversy in detail, and reviewing pertinent logical organic, mental and cultural – that paved the way for prospect. Notably in Switzerland and Germany, the facts and selected scientific cases, Bonk carefully ex- the major transitions in the history of life. While the attitudes of public bodies towards physician-assisted amines the merits of arguments for and against the existence of many organic codes has been proposed suicide are in a process of change, partly motivated thesis. Along the way, he investigates methodolog- since the 1980s, this volume represents the first mul- by the wish to take the edge off the pressure for legal- ical proposals and recent theories of confirmation, ti-authored attempt to deal with the range of codes isation of active euthanasia. The present volume fo- which promise to discriminate among observational- relevant to life, and to reveal the ubiquitous role of cuses on public policy issues related to physician-as- ly equivalent theories on evidential grounds. He ex- coding mechanisms in both organic and mental evo- sisted suicide. It offers a detailed analysis of the cur- plores sympathetically but critically W.V.Quine and lution. This creates the conditions for a synthesis of rent legal standing and practice of physician-assisted H.Putnam’s arguments for the thesis, the relation- biology and linguistics that finally