r zs._?^-/V\-B*-l] t.s*.

MAY 188G PRICE TIIRBB CI..VT& __¦ ..-¦.. lt O' ll I 1*1 NEW-YORK. SATURDAY. I, I.1 \""«.\lil a_y.atsjs at With cashier's desk In the birgit.- Welcome rostatli ant recelvctl by tho editor ls eu- homo with Minister Winchester, |n BwttBff.Mld. INDICTED. No. 7 Sprtiee-at., at noon, to tho accompaniment of an THE EIGHT-HOUR MOVEMENT .apitikl. Tho iii.iu-i--.-ri i«t whom Mr. Wstterson's Miss Mllbrcy, has been FIVE LEADERS till. New lrelyiiei.t lu Martin lions'- handwriting. dBBghter, unusual ringing or ellver as lt poured Into the ANXIETY IN CHICAGO. for some momba. customer, sat at Hie tables. Tho sf iking walters who FEW STUIKK.S EXPECTED TO OCCUR. IO WHOORDBRBO THE STKIKK TAKEN. left the restaurant unceremoniously on Thursday wore (TU UN COMMITTEE AT WORK. customers The liustl- OTHfc.lv RAPIDLY. THE THE ULTIMATUM OF TUB POWERS not In slt-lit. Nesv helpers «otri',l l-l MKKTINO TO-XIOIII.ATltTtT)'* OP PIANO- FOLLOW EACH TUK IXVKSriOATlON OK TIIK Bnl'TH- 'ii- Mra Paitoa Waa red in the face through vigorous .TRIKES BjMj.BB.ld pail.an BABLY tkial wantf.d MAK KNIGHTS Of I.AIIOIt lAcnctvrsifi,ooo exertion In serving her patrons. Klt.l. ACCKl'TISC. UH. FIGHT HOm PLANS .VKSTBIt.N STUIKK.TIIE REJECTING THE REPLY OF GREECE. .PBOOBBBB OB Till. STItlKF. Tbe Empire Hardware Company In West Koiirtennth- |..,.n llllNl'Y BBB1 BBADY. TtBUMUrO. st. ta owned by A. ll. Wood, of No. 28 West Broadway. All thc arranjrcmi'nts hav«« compli-tocl BACTOBIa- Cl.osi n-Tiir FOUOfl BOMB Dl-sl'l Tt n TBBBTTOBY UBBLY TO BB C_BfB» The vipiniu-1 uctidii svliich tho fl rand Jury John (j. Willman, Edward Krouuiaii aud Meek McKucw- for tho inass-meetiiig to be beid In l.'nion -s*rblt to¬ -MATTY St. 30 Curtin ve«- 90 railroad Lolls April (Special).-Thc Tu BBBBC., as taken agalBat strikers, boycottats and others so¬ land, a committee on behalf of the employes, sent night under tbe auspices of the Central Labor Delea for April (SVeciii,rres»- their ultimatum. Insist upon (ireece's unconditional ye-tci-d.ty. they had _ « ll itchidiiiK Messrs. Ilayos, Hailey Harry. . iu.kiinf..etiirois of tbe city will be John O'lioiineil, ttio chairman. Andre.v I). Beat, the corder Smyth's gaari, Foceaaaa joseph il Brawn, after medium, and lu most r ,.,-s when an ntUSsSSUa .,.., ,..,; rh,, ot-et baw aaa limn -ssaid render, lt is hero conslderud llkoly that Turkey tn- an-bf-who to .rayM.ry, lasass lt. Orahara, James t. Downing aud -BB soiuo Indictments to th" cietk. aland facing tho nrraiigcmeiit cannot bo mmo SalaaBB the gggpl >y- vi in opinion, bat already ti-»,,J- We have boon conferring with wli.it Blight be Induced to cetle a portion of tbe dl«puted territory ling .'.,'¦ many aha msmbarg of tho ISxeeetlve Commute*, l!e,'order and in a loud voice, and with louie elocutionary crs aud the men tho matter will be bei.i ia wSJemnttoshowthal to tim striko order to di eldo (.reece. Itlsunderstoodth.it both Kranee sud a.BS.I Haghsa, eies* itbeir*h*p*i* crinea thc three parties In ero the men been within ttl* t>e ont wea. tomorrow. secure of thc dlftl- lu. I ict. n future In nil the xvii! bo arc endcuroriug to such asettlumeut h tue Chicago r.i, king operation*. probability plan ttorney's office Bafota ll n, m., having with tiled and not read aloud. The presentment charges that last mouth in tho way or shssteaing boars of labor. In f-i.'.icv Kc.,1. I'TiMdci.t Of or two s'lb-committecs to start, one for Texarkana ami culty. of the Towers !icm Francis A. (lark, a wealthy builder Cilice Justice Walde, by discharging soiu's of Mrs', nil tbo building trades, which are th* rn ga) .v. -ii n Corni any. said: and the other for Basia.. Kansas City mid (.recce. In her reply to tho ultimatum rn in lt. and.Iwan ed roi.I Worth, f No. fSO K.tst Nltiety-sovctith-st. HS WM men aaCS.ed of cairying perfectly BfsjBXJBlM-I. an agreement h.t. baan ent red ,t hour BM- nyieve will Im to at thc cttrciiiillcs ord'Ting her tn disarm within eight days, points to tbo dray's boycotter*, Hireo ltclilRon. The pan k.gin o bond for ail the men, but they " into IfOtweeu the and the boisci making nine houri a fact that slie hod informed the i'owers ta the re¬ repined ito on tbo "sandwich signs hnforo tho store of Cavanagh, Oiad gaea .nd work toward the centra prier if were Mr. work on live amt eight boin, on i-itu.d ty. hours of their tiitim.itan thal she had accepted tho coun¬ uro prepare,t for any emergency objections ford A Co., and eixteen boyeottara against whom day's days It ls probable tli.it Wittda the next tWOnty-fOQI ceipt tado to O'Donnell Had bad cait.oJ The ot hour Instead Sf thc dar sel of thus formal assurance that "ho ace,-piing bim. Challa!BB Ta.Mas, of Fourteenth, st., nude complaint, system payment hy tiMl he striko will bo otli.-i.illy declared off by the Knight* Kranee, ftriag hs un¬ also been meet. In trades th. ri will the wotiM not disturb Tapped up in a Mwnpaper08,000 In bills, whlah the boycotter's to have their own way for nine divs has intro tba** Labor. The second ma,lo by this Citizens' yielding to the desire af Powers. " if proposition lier arin.i- B*WSd to Ball Clerk l'enney, saying: You soo we did til action WBS taken th" (.ran I Jury. Mr. The!*., tho BOrtalBly not hS any trouble. to tho Hoard of tho the tte iee. Conseejitently she will not maintain bp .enmlttee General _bu-eattTg irtt-ts. ot como unprepared iu ease thara sis any troublo .land Jury say, waa obliged not only to employ tbe Tbo trude! wUlcb have aiked for shorter hours are tb* t believe has received. Mr. Hone said nieiiis, but will gradually radBea tin ni. (>neeo ol outside Influfsjoes, anil Knight* boen favoraltly will baal a bondsman." John Graham showe.i gnothsr union men, but to pay .?1,tn)') to eav.-!' the expense of tailors, who ask for eight, niuo sud tea bo irs lu tba I f- rrganlltsi or to Hie answer a,lils, that Hie ultimatum of the I'owers pSrt'e'r'i't, ..I that lie had niven no guarantee, gasni.SCO the who ask for eleven lt,nra ; ll,CH B 0-day la aaa af tha otiior aaambarsof continues fereut shops; bakers, f | now uo further 1,000 a largs rall aad tin- boycott (TM presentment of the ic,true Bchllling, he Citizens'Committee or the strikers. Tho road Wag be regarded as baring object. ai ther xs bo ruc chief ItwUgator mrreaseat, mintiters Diiiinlltee alas bini 11,000, SO that tbs money co.ill I' appeal . via, ni to the Oread Jure repres-ntiner the various kunu of liiaehinitt* ant h*eawev-ira, alarmed at tho thc strike wus A dispatch from Athen* sass Tbo foreign titi ficus nf this connIf tuat gl*e*1 ,1-te IO Bl tlto.ii.li B--gell toing well, and lie didn't caro whethsg c as seem in agaa tlie.r,, doth* law alu lliw wish to work nine Imurs a,lay, while thi woolwork rs, icin.irl.eil night, of c. rec co to the alt.satnni ucpo.it,-d ny ll, timis oi dal net treater Ignorance ot law waff m-.nif'St-"l leclarcl oft or on. The Citizens' Committee bern on receiving tbo replf Imii nf mi as i- le of the atmc-lo: (iovrti- ny diiin-nity. Mr. Clark, however, ahowad ii tb* Of tbi* 1.cai BU lc-al ant v lonee. Btieh pian0»a_.Sra, furniture and cabinetmaker!, agett strikes of the I'owers referred lt to i heir reepeetlTC part ...¦u tbs. ol ehaoa. with hinds of de- wooli n have ... . stale ins been iii consultation Ltherwlse we claim tbat oar city bava iimsalad I ni idi] lilftloginloa and tbo inents, from whom win await Instruction* baton tal he owned property iTorlh 060,000 a .ftel iboaedociatonaof Jua freod-sarvera aad apbn-tefsefa, in-.' liv tbe naif- orasu all over the Olly and Monds of tim they rr...,1 lot a period of rnoe ila> nie occtii h nlii'Ul.1 be the. om,..-aud dlreet- bmtii.enita under Bo.bj rammal aiisweniii; lt. nd was aeoeptad aa kaadeaaaii far them .iii. Tu,- bonds t ce Weld* ihi* nefarious oouepira v against tho rigbta of hon's roi- a tla>'.s work, tuarn i-manda have base j .,- iii ,. win. or nels of vloleuco .uncut h .« red disarming of four by .Inri i-» ret t rnflesM anon ofll, er has no toani el keoptasg track rios 1'i'cslilcnt. The various i'll.v.-, or.I Ute f the men win, nave i.n arrested bSfofe oa similar the pc,,;i|f«. |i tirald any foriuuiiitcii for ioma time, .md 11 pretty aaarty all ..>«* vi ot the 1 .i'"i I trees, ateamen whick wen being fitted rmi tor ern sen. rh* of nisi.ee end, ii .(w th si.and nu- Me opinion e. justice ss ebie, ishlcb arc talcin; iiave done more to force In tills tu tills soc.i,ed have been i to the eherkius them. dally plae" than all ohm order for tbe dispatch of the garrison at Athena laths omplBlBtS have ben lix"! at BMOUbat BAM Bthi.i b ct iimn.it lo* c.liviiic s tn til -I ptcseutc smplayata, ma.mya*.as the railroads an,l furnit.ire he General Ho ir.l to accept the defeat an exotic ead urge everv eft, ri "' not .e -reins* in ss .I the axcepllon of the wilt front lias been ,- mci.lie I. was asked lu o.teh case. Charles P. Basan, ex* bovcolt la accursed they where the change will itu any great dig mmbined. They fed thal linty cannot control hts 1,000 m, '-".lsiittors the bein li ind the bar. tl)- nr s* of the lard benn cbaoerted acti,rasbm.g ( "-siisiiMH i.i , April nu. rho Corio thanked c B il i, ned '.io n'eeterners, and one member of the board waa beard to t" disarm. i.attir .*alaslas'* pinner, atte.dad as counsol for and every American etti "n to aid lu ettcrmlnaiing tills the traill* tho demanda have bee. implied ,thereappeeasto own Iud-in,-tit. In their for order if the Towen for th lr effort* tn cause tiree** ie ar a rs mat'.sn a eiu* li .c uti ci* and e:n 'I' is iisiiiL' hts remark that lt would have been host the says iii" du.', n lunts. h 'I ii li ii.cu mon i,-/l. n-w rule will go Into oil ct ou Mmiliy. Th* ti ade lu , j > and unconditional ll ¦ ming alone, le lllo-blooi on- trade and ans and weet of th Uiver. Prompt wita tin-oont.n*nt, sncklnv tte verv ¦- let were to believe tintlg ibero were no members Mississippi cou to vs llvo I men itis ihe trouble ls most Tt fakir ls p [.ce, xvillirlg I In the Fast and Mi.bile Mai.-, c in be eon- not., elibank*, i Induce tbe Porto dispense ka*.. li il been prepared tba hadlsts malan te equally baneful io tl.e mw.J and emp.oye.l. which Itvtly plsft mo-t aston be members a d foi insation tor iii" enormo ia laerlttcss snd they listened to the odlug view of this condition of alTair-t ti.o lt,.ard denial comp b tere taken before Itaeofdei tart. Ti,.v stood grouped Kt coi dei- Sin vt 1, ilk di svii.tr gm ir lae. (,r.iu J mots, said: niakiiig industry. Tho Rggcallvs f'oaanallteo of the trory thing trolled. In 1 ni bas been i a to make In me malntenam xvitli no expression Of wonderment, declare tbo -niko off and retire siter glring their Key ompnl (.reece. derk Hail in- ono nf terms of has riatiad ml tim m mu- ii, iris of ttrikei will Ol a star fo ting tn meet the threatened attack of agetber bofetta lae ralllag while Edward I look upon lins aa the OMS! imp,iriant United Ptaao*.akers'UahM before thc Curtin Committee, " and no mure ,f ,.. iiirient runion was that the McCor.v._ testimony " -*> Hieiii that the./ were, Indicted BB a tins our which I have bstd, iBtelUgaut faeteran sad made a for eight boara lams tiie was heiil t 'day Oil tho lindy of J.dinny iirmcl lui to my request elsaed an account of the An In,(itcat ss. I.. a non- under and (.rand Jury aervedhere the iin-iio Harvest i Worhs lind been tfiidtoiia, the ronna striker shol by Withers, SPEAKING ON HOJIK l.l LK PROBLEMS. barga of conspiracy and coercion, knowlepainstakingil'". Voa h .ve devote t a very large part of your ti.em bare rraatad reqru.t eaadlttanally, for at\ cl^ht hour This was ii um switchman, Tuo testimony was that B'ltner* at¬ and (,..;j of tho renal Code, tu of mauufactarera deolan that if tbs ls par* (Vinni. I* o' Hs mea day. to his lev,,.vcr, ADDBESSES li. JOHN MOSLEY, LOBB lunnsLUliili cit.ons Iii- v..in.'iib-inul. toa performance your Important btrger rogaocl i« said lo be bo dlasat.fmr. tacked Olbboni ami tlnn attempted pull to to tho Indictment dulles, and tb* peaceful and 1 tw-abldlng citi/.'tis ,,r the Ia will shat down their fasturlss Tba ram *. There st re at.d tte ssas released OB AMi BABTINOTON. td asked t t;iu what they sad say ave listed they mr nt init lils Hauls can...u LOBB community will thank poa for yeer efforts. You li men \sitb U. company'i trek*, of revolver in ins pocket. Instead lin m. They a group BBBSBBl Hi th'" re¬ sous for this .nunn ar.- s,-t loith in g circular hMOed by twa among ins promise of leafing tho Gibbons, 30..Jo'ni Morley. Chief Bee¬ _aliist presented ex.uni,ic 12gtJ oases aadfonad -30 Indletmenta Ia if dolog this he drew tba weapon andflredai Londox, April ., nerui .-sessions until ti..' last few month.. They svero tn tim IndiaU.ent which your teraman Btetaway ff Bona which i .ys ia p tri: i Tbe bald bim te lor ad lr, .s.'d a iiieetlng.it Glasgow spect of occurred al Clark Hros. iriio was almost across tha eireet. j.ny ny In land, large la They svuited has |ust handed to me, I am glad that Por a*vera rears past tha laser.aa *H inoforte tBdastrr i Brat strike taisports.ce Board* reB glassed aad Intelligent appearer.a. n id ol trad ¦-. t Five for in allier. tins evening. He ridiculed Hie proposed County wau tn" (.rand Jury lias the sonrag* bas suffered severeiv tm sdverae ooudititms on ltlu-i tslandave. pica or not guilty, to a dere- i* w t .1. ,t, ,«. s. luriiittirc factory, be bomI lt wost.! bs Imposaibbj rbi.> their eonnsel enterada to present to the court what they believed be ii ne*rir driven oal of thu market* In ta " in ni.i s i- roQiral and demanding stahl bouts' a.rh ELSEWHERE. regard sepals.lion, .u» io wttb int'.v tbs ir desired, Uctloti of on the pan ol a public oaseer. At tim v thoa o' i.. red men ault work, LABOB CONTROVERSIES ist xviii, 'i'he lull plea duty ma s .iwi.i.sin..'.'.,: iii. ii i.ii, ss,v thal the faeto y SS.ilii.l.Ml DAV..lOI'l'IMl for Ireland to separa'e aga! EngisBd'a stood sv.timi ina rall- -ame tims, lt in ir tn* well to reiuemb r. tbonch lt ls *-.. i tl Am sup a' i len hours' pay. Tba itr,t;irii ii dice |uatu.whom y.m ei .htc il tutsi tit >-ive marks a .cit +1 ill to SH.. With ten IO c o_a>rad then 1" i^r rolnatanly lat ndletBBenL (Jadar th.tiroo.lita.oas bs of ns existence. of lb* Y! eioployei and iraeton for the new county buildings to-day cap aloe nf ml iptaiini tn a s ni cty ol ciri'ilinstiknOA. your mes. ntraent ba t noi known twelve noars' dall tor this bein barely on bud hnl they lemnoded trill pay ten nine ik due a. ba livei for the -lal> Me mistake of the w -¦ na .11., a of ti:-san i,., In New.York it hours'work, of boan from to con-id. r sci ofasmthsi aesrrlya possible Whether i.rmi through ignoraucoor ney.an f ri anted a reduction working tin of tb bill tba pro] e,.i,,, ii \ iel resu nf i ia diana all ti e of the opponent! Wediies Liv. ... ian. concur svith in thinking that a grca: deal ot willi slea ni furl it tjt std work. In tlic afternoon employes on Mondar. Three hundred workman wa-not enough to tl.'-Mietl May you ben ai r io thi BU I lay tatakeeleei of trouble. Coercion strong " ba* caused hi wage* Is the gi numbering .i5n, Ofty yean ll.i,.ott saul: Wc tu deMi-o un ear'." trial, tUB the difficulty duneed by thia boycotting «:,'.,¦>, an roast ructed . r tit.ts- Manufacturing Company, a.icc': .t. a meeting ol Journeymen bakers it tha irish people. Mr. in. I do not mean io say th it he bas Beted at elate* of Dermari pianofortes irs general quell, though might latina!-tata, us lts t." by action. ai stem .mi tiirnli Mw,th attract iv. hit. rs. . A re¬ ai.'ci tbe better, 'day I will sun '.vd. aa May dune. I do concur with the Amen ty v, out af tbe two eltlf.will ns held to-morrow nlgbt ta the removal of tbs in.ii mombsn from all as be shu.il.I have Bud k.i..c. are thrown upon the Sm n< an mtrk*l in e ol Ihe maalor With neard " .sal.1 the l:. that this i l is i BotaMe eonee*slops wan then hours a svi.l be demanded. alread I understand fi om taat," cord.ir, "that Urand Jury and lielieve praaentmenr, uni!! s ,i.'. ii >i -.ii- o .iv even tu wacs Tue day bad j ipi . duction lo twelve working the of Commons, Hr, Gladstone ol service and I shall - .ra ti tat f House so wall will be gnat ts iel um av . sis p iv t keir r ii ian voted io aUov a wmktVnadayal eight a an on co nu .ac May ..." prepared, a > plumbers, who lifts- b ikeri have tente 1. Twelve siaic il,at myst feasible sola.on of this prob* pl take aa far at I cai. that each aud ever/ Pol uni 11 tn. ...t ii ce an ;.. mos ai n -t *.' >- Already rktble, " puma, pi winn - Tin- wasaecepted by the 'i c. "Mr. iBaaoa aaswered, and the Beaordar i ee fit abell bava the beaetti ol n mir -ever, North Inc- ., in im.tetaun Bouti ilt.nine boure'i iy, decide t to 93 23 a day for nias boara' "¦ and slr, Justice an pol cap tra- ton have pa* lem wool reeelf td openly irapartiany. should be .ci. ;, ,,i ,i ii t" i n ..i 1.,1-s .v Manufacturing Company, ii., iv,.i.< r.icre.i tim trial ta on Maj ">. The members of tho (irani J.:.. has laid. I think something not -Mill. 1..,,. Phillipa sumo ina-,ms aol proceed . ¦. i ,. s i-.'1. lui ta Thc work on condition that their ih , at Elater inls .vening, rase* new n th" Lord Id speaking done by which when involving principle! t ,.. i .. ,, noon! 1,000 men made s similar agrae. ob Ibeir be Executive Cornhill ea lett the bu Ldiug Imo timely auiborttles to tr and tbs mic* ila ( i -. witch employs for Bro a sebemes be dealt wuk arise the lsw should roqutrc the polio .¦. Ban-ante. tti^c! tint tbe Irish .. -.. to a-tan latin, a '.ino liotirs' foi eight hour-' iv. k. is iiioii tbe "f t:,. r b ind by tbs tts 'order. th cr r.t'ier thin wita cdt them pa] xvi tbe ¦ ...... -iv:ii.r \ nu.incr in .eKeesport, Jennie Uaater, boycotted as aim ii-lineilt III SOmmltlOC a| proval consult with prosecuting i <¦ .' Coin locoed reading, and would not I Hun the District-Attorney «.,. :. li, 'l nc non works oi ihe Crane Bros, Manufaeturing ior to obey tbs Tb*y appeared confident of sequltUl th* policeJustl bs, hop" Ol li Ih d pu los o ..n md '( ¦».dani OU terming early .. thal eiks' Assembly no that lia al ts, tu n- ts la down to-morrow iiy neelees, sv i. it of s defeal of Will bs ready, as I have doubt ways v. ih univ h.- '.a- i'i pm astin n anus i lt wai Miiu.i m.cl, wonld eloee order. at combsttel ^knowledge thal thora any tepee! as to matters that arise rcj nr ng trt.la ad ni 'b ri*a a J, closing Lord Hartington.speaking Ediobargh, advise with th* police tin* va ne for til mlu/fill I I for an hoar working day. K. ,v miii in linir Tbej; aaid that thar had all the neoesiary I with ibo tu.mks of c 'li-t in' ...- anal ,. to ol lill'il inl' HOSP v.po m.hi. to arian::* eight at Brown Cou'i Iron a vernmont plans. legal udvloe. discharge you .. Tiie one hundred striken tbe Ida* thal allefforu to obtain better gt i.i... it iu.ii li ii be a well advised aa lo their legal .. .i t. tba h I .I.e. -alt: and enitluoen, who demanded an walting for the nads snd had i ..'.";. Including tb* flnmen Inland ba l boon triad. li" arged ripen- on mo Of hov o cs;.n 1. .1 most locked out but will stay out until ta, The nins met, under artes' Charge lotting tl .' 'I I, 1 !l ll.' Ipi d, mea will not ba formed an asaerublyof ae w lld wilber. hrh n. be " cent, to-day with only ¦. ul thecbauge. advance of 10 per mg of fruit which Impatli were before Judge UH* a i 1 1 . a c .iii.oss cn be arranged tn admit Hllctment against tbs AagicialkM lead- Mrs. Hudson-st, bakery III lill I, .(. tl ''. Mini the Ltibur. Tho remainder of tiie workmen of tha Irish I Hi Empire dray's [lint, .1 e ii hq will lie in full morron nlgbl tbe Knights of Mr. Goschen denied tbat the opponent* tue s mx-i fer ts.lr trisil, le paid - * a- according to the memorandum on darsleevi restei lay to have day .'-il tu a week to make thc xx ho tc remain Idle tba il a extension prac ired, a od. Il iy lake at th. milli are forced by were nu,, asl to Ireland. He idTocated larg < toe nil'..-I.. eve .u ibopii o.i io-.mi of Laa* foi M 20. ', lb., nek of tbe doc iineiii. tito my Edward l ba ea mm were asl down iy ... r ci. ge and I may take longer. »rn Bambers of tho Anwlgamated Association of Iron of tic ,,f dealing with ci nea tn,.. t anollluis ol li .-im p iinii lu U Mills. iriah i-ower ttl l< nt of tbs Tn:i-1 .sven ic ol Musi si Mutual Prob ctlva Union were p ..-I. mb ti ot wo l ..o ind .tries, Ibe North Chicago Rolling for tun :'o .eu, Lewii I.you. praj-sl Mann ara Ute i.e..,. i uouH lum b large Workers, member ol Parllsment Cord in ¦¦ . a i a andBteel David Davies, erd to make complaint iii ..ii .. i ni a rta* J... tuen and Ihe Noi thweetero repair ithops lit".ii; Inspector Btsers, srgeant Mattiiew Tuck, hitor,: tbs dr md Jury yes iy i employing 30 tSpeeidl) Six hundred and shire, a Liberal, sv,:. ni sn his sc .t because be ia Pourteeotb- :.,. led iOraise tile | r ulm - Philadelphia, April tim is'a looee led in avoiding a ii. Bamttt il .::. KobortW. railler, Prank Cu risi. regard io'.ho boycotts plaoe, : rt thal th pm where I.BOO men ara employed In West Uoroe measure. t evenly employes of tbs Allison esr Works, to Mr. Glads'.one'a Role the i- timi in tii'inc in wore hamad ag mist ur ol ai lui ie in th t plai.o rteedi pen i '¦ ir.'. Tim men to continue t, ai ii l'. l.. Moore, suiierintcn st. lt wa* asid I-. i- the agreed and a tn rn.nop Croke, of Cash l. iv. .'. -¦ offal noon to-day aammarily Al conference between nj in .- 1 m for a week longer. Pbiladelpbla,wer paid ii Sixth Arenne i.ailroad, and so.no of the itter*. ,. i'i t sa e tn u a* to ik,,ik on thc old sehedu e ol bonn an ¦¦ hi- a memorial was nnant* r of ibe boyc i u -a The offered thom n lncn and the of diocese ie .-. it sect boji one boar to its men on discharged. employers priest! ,r The Indicttueni coutalue lour couut*. lb.it du .. i |i:.. pie Tbe i .c..to. company concedes various lo. to lit. i.lil- Byrne*. i'- it a eat of from six to sixteen per cent in the monaly Blamed, expressing deep gratti.da --. oe til .-,. r.i t rn a low latogo'ugto irs cb rgi I lu the 0 il two counts and coer- >i e. Bat passenger Tho offer wa* made isa compromise the atono for hie paat aerrlrea t" Ireland, and la ll , utupirac) TilK s'CM. STRIKE N 'T KNDED. i niue tua ten-hut i luis of tbe works. iii be Indicts) l tuen, ii is char re t, oon- mo me ifaeturwr*. aa i etui nd a, from woi k. to 100 cern utter forgetfulness, of self ami iou bi others itu: l",:;s|s td ms IHEIB opinion Is shared genera y by the p men demanding from thirty per for b.berate fortitude, ¦<¦ threats w.'tiiiMi N ALLOW the u lon h,- aeg i !.(v-:i'i iii !n the ilir- originally d .ii 1 co ife lerated tn (tth to prevent by .i course will be mu'.tied iy Thc kc the hamil In¬ In bia Irish meaa- pin ("ll -. trouble l A committee shop fearless devotion Initiating present Kaliroad from ra* l, li l-'.i:i:v sPKI . : .¦. n. 'i -. 0U1 .t'.'.e'.t :> advance, representing ullin a mira Avona* L'i been persist ]'' I Al! 0 -. .... go waa not gad to cause hine hundred ot the sin- rs, too, will have ira* n. and St. formed the fina that toe offer satisfactory une. ¦.nii.ii. its work and indication tli.it ;t strike of ts R ive h.. will extend to ino Northweet .... io unleal About the only - lil nub ii -n-'ei of toa boas ji. The itnke not bo Notice* were Iron itely rsa Dublin Xution, lb r.ewepaper ol tue Lord Mayor, ro.I cease their empluymenl iops, a ;- wonld accepted. Michael x'.'.i.s oa lu th* Urookiya au_ti ... oi tb* ¦ mis.I bj iw lore.an I Ihe freight hnndlers t Harrtitgioii,Jouii Held, nearly 1,000 mea goiag li au ted :. r.itil road, to-morr dlsssttsiled with merlcan namitan will eontiuuu ram Bradley.Chsrlei ...... a m the shops that all ilcnifis that the Irish-A oj '. :. i i. ,< ti well kiul' tl ti'.'M i deolared to thal they po-t, employeet lils in v. am da. W ¦ii trot wai tbs prcseuoe al Bau* m. on tee Lok" Shore railroad night tn., oiler ne ,1 not report for w,rk trning Th( | unless an al.oiate of [re- ly -ct. «i i..ci i-sBBim tliefo- yeitenlsy, I .-.I by tl. tu la warry langland separation a, inc kuy |ubi ba >..Bucca* .. div itu. hour dein.'itiil thc amouuied tn -.."..i.o a mouth. .. c.. i. ter o.' The crowds that iii. wal iiu-iiii 'a to mor. unless eifjl't im. ol severa! .'In.ps ¦'.:.<¦ . iel.ie companjr. rim indictm. poliea i int* .it ,,;. .-¦¦' vould Stop sn thai I tur-Bfthi or the men la' and irs il Bntaiu ls attained i>r, f1'oni Ihn sorvh sn bo kt, ¦-,. . '. 'I 1« that Mi mn said thia Bfrcrnoon .>> us to the Li front of the roll.erica ,. H ni throughout (bo Utiiti-dB rhe railroad IBei-_i N Mid, 1 hev can't ,illili to in.-ii.-u it trees in it oilier me ms «ere al d prevout touted t.mgragstc 20, inlier* donni nant to finn work. it, measures, -ass //:.- Mallan,utooju paaaa ii - ra have ere not wi » wore ibsa elk'SI mr ei^in hours' work in this really ouipan.v f. otu operating id. longer there, and even tao red-ribboned pickets i merni to alfa ten hour-' pay nut are governed by afew aetire, hot-headed -Hr- liout Hie World. SS I'iiii th" mxlli man named in the indict- Ill tbe union suooa In this mtv ci - Ihrmi ter, ttiej io leora. is to dtor ara in l the hours after to-duy. » ,:i inn ii au i eaus, ts. meu lu these ram from WI lo a were riot*ra who wera Indicted for Cfo one allowed i *o th.tt then ll c. The sbo|ii i At li, .la-, to'lav tito Mit: lio-iie Kale nicotine's .t iL'inn-t the alleged dlssppean. narced lathe preposition, to thtiir merit*. Nousof tu, din ia citation In Hie un i.-\ oi i ar al ITllrd-UVe, nun.un.-., iud the streets .ive assumed their former >le tuen:.Ilis. kV* I l- ¦ '..! oi i.i-.ucs-. hand week, according Both ic.i- |..il be il" troll With held, at one of a bleb B.ooo persona wera pnaeut. .»..s in .-.-ii. i etd i.. and il 1 k lg SI.lt* .lt gt al ii. ii will bc re-employed. ii ii ¦! oi Iprll 19, yea 1.1.-.-. rmckiugwas done by all th* Brina, I 1 .1 III I' 1,,,'V .i-e bill ceri;- sod laborers both when spicn . lore Inc trucker*," hundred Liberale and c;ot serv.itlre* atteuded. A maetinga le waa uni al ms house, ;>'n. ji Union place, thu nie Baflnsry. nit i no tier non priu stoxvn. Obio, April 30 ifi/ucial',..Two io.i waa pit luto Brooklyn - country Yoi'K .. hun, but he wa- new machinery ot li timm bl dlnV-rent bouse*. Merchant-: wjcre niling bs vo riven I,-., c..ii.ie,ni ,;, _¦ .;, rtstonn'a scheme and Mr. tuc Inn went IO arrest mitis, aud th tbe iiiai iy ii. en oi iii" Union Limestone CoiupHiiy allom sud a t Si >o.i3 hal a force ot men al ol mid. .. tl.e irc.-iit heil-.'- ol ,¦!¦ Ile not guilty Moilun,,m ie k strike ts i- 1 an lidvanoe ol two aud uue-ba i. yesterday. pleaded i I,.-.lei,-a- rapl .¦ I'os.iii.e. not, c- that unless "threate" werounanlmon ly adop ¦'" ll wiii resume left op»n to sn ike io morrow, li ia expected Morley's .ted thal eased on , il .tout inside, nut say they A' a ru as resemble'! luuueuss store houses, t ton li in.id" they will denies I.lorj rccci cl , . the western ronda ssi.i a Ur. Gladstone ali ! .-,, I.,. nu ag of i irs la concerned tba Third i bauds ii '.ai,..,., i and I In tbe Valley make lin- Iii,mai, ( BtholtC ('.nu ll. we -s whe ber oe ot I leir ol i ' ii i - ibo Mabuuiug -c iel ..m .i -r. ration next ii' let fi i.-i ii iu llei ti ill quarrymen lie li.is ¦! ul rea a nearly ut Al- tn 'J!.e !: ick I- and .- ii .h.tmI. tbe If Ision to be k. kleon. thal lb itrlke is boura, ¦¦< laboreri and that be bud requested numb i it ie ran ..* tu he road ail da* ) bb- come oat I.. All ul the ampi lyera think wages corresponding tn tim n*d'i non li no.i!d i.i tnorraw The " -iii" fora ri or I id they stop li-" ni.-ii i:, 30 (Spa movemenl sn .ut.is for i' illtlc il rn... ana the COUIPUII) ls const nilly lUCTHiislug Its Ilia ;u"u will resatoe work th few at sos lock- ..' ;:.. di <"¦ uti .1 iud I titi April baa itself li" National I. beral federal nn over and thal i raployi'', d reductlou of tbe boura of labor, winch spread tiu-i, ..i, Aprl ai)..I : im,. i be M. -i break In ti." ranks of tb practically follow the i- ii rc, far tue rave resolutions favoring Mr. week at an alvane oflOperoenl which ia offered iaudlei lo not seem Incllo. l to tnroughout ibu coun ry, felt run* nf Beniland sdcipted i (ook William E liusbnelt, oue next ? lo place yesterday. al " the Union are th.-only Home Kule blIL on lu- night lu Oxuard'a retlnory Duck * I I' I*. Masons'Union and Curpeuteri' llladatoue'a In th" lan ,i ii.li itiiducinra, * ho bad car No. atilt them, rho strike ended i'i nil. EMU I'-II'n'". VL i I- IT. ¦¦ ,', io ii Iheir doman aro A il 3«i..Statistic! Show tt'tt ¦: be b AID ii ,k cid* strike lu ni iv. in un, s\c t io Pre i.'.-u' I., and to bim tb il id aud Water at*., and the mea will return lo work tl.is ..'" '' tba! the In January. (>!>S families, coniprisiug .',177 persons, limi.ttil sauted n »< . \ biasvi¦¦¦.¦. Mr. adliy, IrmourA Co.'ssn^ferlnteudent,said not met A- tiny warned employer! three months Int.asama eui bia real nation to I. "-a laaembiy mu ulnc. -.cue of tho men who struek kt uue St. I."i ls, April.;" ...- ... .- i iliou i baf beeu mavle rrom holding! In Ireland 13. the ,,. .-¦ ii ... still ll* i ..... i-i ita bouse it Lu a,-¦ In iii.--, assert lust all coull wen evicted o to work. Ha waa aaaigued tu ear So, sin.' for work al auotber. ona BJOVl Bl e c. I, ill lt go are ap;, i demand, WHblit the aal ''I "Ht .1 le . V, nil led. -.k.n be Inul no .. out - xviiu a view to meet their Perill al es son L.kc:; fur bis action thal got ii.en by ¦'. lot b.rak went i si mus trades u lon viii f on. I.boi bare boon >..m employed ii mouth six gsseu b ict ol the K Ighia ol a ; in- family were In want. Mr. Lyona in,,.ii ,.. i for pu. a to pare le I on that ai -iri»-rs kiid ma ob in bodies . Borne oft emlen nr] formed in Hits city. WlSi 111 ll fi i'i S\ s -. e new driven bsd been pu, and thirty li ar. 'ni bia returu lie wai beset by lome ..¦ MISS JUMMY 1,000 oa ,m.i -. oul .:'¦ la work a lie-man ar 15.C00 raw witu i ruc propsting lor any lu .'."1-, i eiii!., April 30..The ofll da . of the Amalea- mire I..td ionic rom Washing wno ups.t tue pall -.iv itruck uIul p ill irkel Piace. It lc ll a clrcul ii ail¬ ..". i ii nice for thc 1,000 Mon,lat to have tbe run- ito.nh., but be waa will be i.ejin. in tiHiei has been issued to I'l.ii. ti i.iii'ir, r Assoc! ition hare i.suod London', April o- ai. He expected by rested one gf bli UBsalluiitB, ii will bc in tbs Lucia Ma iel ..ni u.cu In tlte LTcsrfl ld w.t- ran to-daj i.h. ou -< in tine- lime. as ne could not bu i.;.-iii,ii. .1 poail Ive y. c.. an,I li ls ing ii tbe 8,000 Guiness Btakei, for titi to-yi nr-old miles, not iield. ive naen ea¬ V :.. the le-. xx tu unless all the a ti (¦.. ii rlkore those In charge .s Co. their bands the I aet ic.i,.!- to 'jait kt to-night -; .-.-- and was won by Ai the :¦;¦! Moller, Sicrrk paid yesterday; bsvo been made for any out- nale itt ibe Columbus, nt '...'. Ne .. i,i.ii -.. rai meeting tere ir.dtgusu .ti ibo ludii intents at n-t iii" m 'iiihei md HuvomeyewA l.iler wiildosu rns lu th r p ti- ate. A i thal iiioi ..p. i-..'..is sign thc adopted ni tear- ni ll ooklyn iteilaery once. Au for tim Hake ni lian.i ton's li iy lilly Miss dummy. t'rluec >: -lie r.'. CUtiVe li..,nd. bill silo -ey lia inc atukera will ilteu ih labordoiuouitratiou rill bo mad* bf Harrison i t- n I I what precautions (nun, convention ni appeal '¦'! to- lay. : -t um Mnyoi -i kl ll -I. A c.lllltc." H kit* >. tn. '¦ io ,. on ti," sir k nlll be icui oat lo-rnor- N'avls came in second and lill ll VIC lu lg I in bia ,o ,y lil b idy. '. i ii" -' li tl the Unanswered: ,rrj BoltykoiTa b..y nny Argo i lei uredtb, lr lu tin* oilj ii ! Brother*, mu it lu tile mi Ul l. n to keep peace. row. Among Be Ma itera' uion uni cooperation 1 nc. mmi ni Ul' I'll tn. li 0X1 a brown .lew,-! Song third tho Thirl Ivonuo .. ii iv ou:of tag do Von liavenu right to aug ll". eon! -viii l.f- Lu Zetland, Olly ti;.,., they will Uuudlo nu red for ii ul ic ,t tiie .ova. p 'ie;, sought talon li th I di wld grow lamgoii mj duly. .:, \i I'.'iii.. A pu. The mlnen ul i... -t Sixty. s ..-- nnpr el ...... I ..cn, etarten w«re .e Dake of Pot Hand's bay oily u the mall hoiiaoai the toot be by Hie Brm. ol hall scent a the other inj union wm uot recognized ,..'.¦ e gin a striko to-morrow lor au advauee Its An edort Iel a held i ... I" , ' rn ss. ).. re's Cataract, and Lord mr i-a'-a where tho company rets aupp.y. ol thc -t.... n in Hie I itel n l>iei 1 .k'lill .. Haven miners Lord Rllesm bay Bllj '¦ lug hCll ii. I'he Booti employed Modwena, bi - ¦. lt ls .o.t.'.ii ii Mi . .. w ,rk un ;t: tba Modwena lug n,mle to atop tb ,',. tiay. evening in Turn Ut i In I'ierj ,i ... isl atc t'.ns Bi uii's inii.c expect lo resume Monday Bagitta. In lbs betting it c< if '.I i. The of tba i pr i . es of ul) ih ian ace ii -ia Ucl. Cadagau'a bay Ally I 'i -it.'' l.nie me.'ipoi.it ebel were made tbe eli if promoter* it a. a ls ali c. I l.c Ians and tain WC have wen Cn* tu Chatham .pe by and ml- mw, j .-ii all >. ba ol a!at.i.it wera tha favorite*. The edda giveu mite la I.thu ullin*, tu Park Row, .i i: deuoiinc em strong I.us, ,-!- ,, .. afternoon. T (set that the city may deprived and poat tiuett ;,u . . .. i .. Harlem s:,.,i i li ot ow. (.ti wi Kai ii'-. Mich., A nu ::. Kelson Matter . Co., 33 to 1 lego Nbs i; ii ...... i' ird-ai to Bridge. i tb strikers togo armed aad sxcbaiige lt la issi in. hera . I, tin outlook an li to 1 against Mia* Jummy ; against ted on Bun! an-i manufacturing establish¬ Modwena -' in in -n. p 'mi,.i s :.i, Jamel P, tirahaiu, president; lils reuissika by algmlytng bl* willing- ,i -liu: ,i .'bi on kt t in tu tte iy, one ol lin-im furniture \ j io 1 Jowei tsong; ilia agalui , ai I closed -. in against '¦" ' - 'ta i un ks C. E. Eccle. ne, oise ol tn u .an ,r ments In Ibis have conceded advance ol fi per < act l -' to I Coosicne Di ¦ I". '''I' mi.el. neal t" die a in irtyr lu the c 0| pn M j. city, ¦"> to 1 aaaiml atai against pb U tl also «.> . cent on wage* and sigh! boura' work, promising per .Otu 1 a. un-. >.t_'itta. ii.; to l againat reaiur r. iud Meaar*. i-ai.-, and Milla Application lag tuon iu toe world. Kdvt sr Rina* sud ag-lual Sunrise; A ,. t'l'IT HOL'B P W TO M IKE IV si.' ON THE KNIGHTS OF LABOR cent moreou July I. The workmen decided to accept '¦.¦¦ Ui 1 againat Dom aatei Belle, -'I made lor a ,-h iricr. Il waar solved to continue tbe »irike, rapre- l.l.i'. M UTI 118 V ;i Lilt Maid tn ide tin strikers last ni -Lt said spoke. of ia. wai aotit to Charlea Mi HM. ..1" [JIB IBADE8 thc tciiiis. -, be lead to tb* buske*, where Miss Jamroj «'yt. ments by ve nt be Knights hon CAlt-lNtf A SECEE1 ? ital .s i.. 1 nerd to arran alor a l'liisiii .>". -Thi*week's Age, Bbs son in ihe oommonrai tectinve itu.. t In court Hie] .-ntl. of ii. i ve a. in rt, -I.-, ty uo, April I ADI US, cam* ont Into Ant place. .,.¦: u . I an cnn:., oe I'NIOM alni i. -.-. ¦'. s nt in re wno a vicm to irbltratlng di- dlltieultlea i a n i mufacti.*er«, TEN THOUSAND MIN TO STRIKE. klud or a canter by * length and a hair. The in i.i fi lu Hive uar,lo co 'renee .,, the oma ce ai t .il be a .i a', al and tha itrlkere. Ile also .iske.i a -a ¦: 30 follow- i.e. ween Argo N.tvis a.ci Jewel Bonj for second pi k, tween the Brm ,... eight hour mos em ii PiTTBBfec;, April (Special)..The 30..A strike for «i .lit a neon rime, csnj the .mik fm thc ot the meufrom Km. -s Pullar. ,i A. Washington, April waa cloae, tbe former securing lt hy only, ii "k in -'ni aiutcuieat ol position ia an a ii Hal" Issued by :t rd ¦ n lin'.-1 bi Wh.ii the eight boa » gig will on Mon me p ,-.¦¦ ".'¦ hoi a...i kl houri'work a day probably bebtignnben tv e as Coburn report"d thu ..... li v.. to il m. - lo ,oo: ol ihe Ciganoakera' [niernatluoal a Iages run captain i ali! mias N f .president tho workmen in all branches ol tbs n that tit. iiii.i-'k. umpaiir hail read bis open leti il the day by P. ll. KOfJB8E non roubia. men atti teenie eu- tun col ,,'- "f I to lead rs ..'., organ latloue, except TRACES Ol THE MISSING i, i.i I sn l not desiri g anV more t A PLUCKY KEW8W0MAX...... 1, i, trade. of en ployeri and employes iiavc been evening, ol ibe ^i\n in h I..iU oi'UV.; M sb n. -.. i ii,.- i fell Meetingi ... i., tb, street in the vicinity '." a el III uti rd-' I-..' I . t .: .i ii States, in¬ brothel of rep.r.nz i.iii:'Ii iti.i: AM> BUY ail ol'-' HU. Ul Kui* tor, to the London, 30..Mr, Nonrxe, s were ac re io-r r. !:. Ni tnasnnr ol tbs rragoa Rallwaj and !fi iow mea briug rjiUTlit ii bj ihew I I. lill M. AS USUAL n i" '. he an before about srse, o ioro fill mil ilmr is . Should there aol agreement Monda) nu '..¦-i'i ..r.. il,., morning, ile majnrlt) them last, re iii . tavcral sicks ago, i, Bia ¦-. ii t donut nilly g! tuen will .tnko. g.ititiu Company, who dieappeared ii. adla iiuis be ure n. aue arrauci to rel urn in VVilliamsburjr who tues mi un tn most les. I 10,000 tifio n* to tbe '<¦¦ every ono k .¦- ito SO ll'ld .fit. .1 is t,f th* ri:.-.-;,..- .tin! lie bal touiiil Maces of the miBBlOg ...ut- Mowara tuen etpected lb.npany Nearly .1 ). V.c Hi* | , offlCI .-¦ believes that Ibetweoty tr in kuows Mrs, San Bruni, ibo nowa I t g .ile. ira .. a-. .till iii No more ni n arrived Broadway Perry Wi .. .1. .ii, .; li > to bold conference at Kenilworth Castle, au ia bow Blahing inquiries il Kew-Jeiaey. the plO'ecttou t a o l...ut- ku imp..nu:,t EMPLOYES AND B'OKKMEN. visiting ai it 1:45 little -,. -. -ii .iso.:. each aud HARMONIOUS .t ... ie.!...i la car No passed Forty-second Shela a obrery, pleasant-fsoad,energoiio ,,,. to thor ol ihechlel executive oOlcers ot in thal vicinity. deal'r. pr,.,, a nut. .ii.t dsto a a.and waa suffering wit lt s ipili . 'a I ai union lu Ami i rela- » >. m. uue norse bait cast ,o to ii baa |U. all |,tlllOlia. rs, ii i i iou ,i and ii teruatioi trade Washington. 30 ? i I. Horses attached aod for the live rears previous April it de April Special)..Tha . WbltbWB. 'Vend with woman, II el I- iii i. -i .. t' the said cootereuoa an In- nero iu need ol ihoes l Bros le a ami .¦ "- ula it tlons existiag bctwaes ike ofltaats aad employes of tbs I'i..tl I ( riXG lill. CANADIAN PI81IEBIE- welse i arnot tb* I hird Avenue linn kc.i'. a uewsstsnd at Dunham place sn iy, ,,,....., iel e a, in t; p ul -ia'. ol ]¦ opinlriM, .1 om uni be held In fhlla on Tuesday. May ra wr<- Bhoea were it fanners io fi eipbla aa | Btreet Bau*) :,\ m thi< eily mil alt of the hoi lama Her family consist* of nv* ,1,1 us tn tile It-s.i '. Iv i -,. Ibe object ot tbe cunterence i to devise trays a'asbington Georgetown Ottawa. Ont., April 30..The Uovernmenl on ¦ s cara oa thc One buotii-nu and a mock from the . c ri..iii ar \o. wss her success in bast* o protect our reapecilve organizations from lalnaharp eontraet svttli those exieting on some of tbe steamer ari ve 1 nt St Andrews, in tue Bay t i.h.i i.. lu Avenue others beeldei herself, j i such LaasdownS ... teni a oo thre* feet. .. .- i ira of iu element which it, .it i |. tn bum walking in.He toward S li uhl>. t openly lines lu New*York. The Washington company recent ami ot.ired oS four in -uti ona ness tl at lb* WBS Bb. 10 conti target] Cul t !.': UDEItt.', .. ii.!* oi I ye-tcrday evening, were run below DfUi-al to-dsy,onlj unions umsl e destroyed." element lindy, .ii nnecars a, sv..., tb..i trades of to twelve :.ir a ." ii.n .< .u ll. si. 11.i's..ii, o aiding her hush md, la sim s Aimi- .- am, it voluntarily rel need thc hours labor sdi.min rs In foi bait, u ni going k. »0. .1. M. c - m. ..c.. milo tn ,'.is !. aud ls doinglooalou- American tubing whisk had pal e ls ie their lupport, greatly I.i m.I U« Ark.. Apnl ur. .. ni ni ie I oe ail. ..cl ii n ..I ei.-1 h. r*p bini st ,tii ber i. auae sha ti aivuaiuK antugoiilam aud dlaaeualon in work. The to-day presented I'rv.deni nud Pleharlea baa -eenie.l 'V Ll S- In- a.nain.I s,i,-aicr. People liked to trade mi 1 Iii. It-." mia iii 1'ity (onii). day's employee Sailer Tba Department af Manna \ Ten. ic .a ii. ..it .t- .win r tin city J ne* kt kll 8 ... ..I n.nv. infill, un..ti- cover ol the Knlchtaol Hurt xritli ., gold-hi adel cane an.I .l!,,l me lllllli'ic.l ll ll tWO.lt >. sad waa alwsyson .kt Un Superintendent Terror, Conrad and Gen¬ IlieS Uni Ult .lill- III. .'.lille tuna every o. li ia to oblige them iu to-l-ty. Qaorge Can newe eau learn, without authority willi a new BOt of harness. Nut lo be outdone, the pir-i- Ibo echooners Critic, Uoulett, . won om ihe eitminsa of toe tin- store lu trout of haag.1 Perryvlil* In or, and, aa Lu the fisheries -civ.','. ,i ii Bireei which built fi n.ii.d, i un .o' shin*. I.st July i- V ..- rte.eui Its evil work. of the road to the committee lo bs eral Middleton for protection autuorlli ol Ult. ta, company ti orge ron .s a; ... -, v, nt id to marri fi oin thai body, Ibis pursues denl presented $30 nc In xvii li tho least I'hiid Avenue load wiiuuui win. ii -'. had li r stand wss renteil by jes . i,v These vea*ela sv.,i put commission " '. tie la ne, K. ik'- D ,r -t , -" :,- : ui tali ire bai ki d np used for the bcncii; ot the a ;' V UV, r f 1,1 Oil, lo allow be to continue i ..-...;.-, Searcy. "i .. -," employ, No. ii. .i.il fur s shop. He agreed « il e, i element, mi-..incited and expelled members iir possible di lay. X-.,«- ail ei lr. r. .-im Palntera Iii,.|"-M' liquor bim wltb Uv* differ¬ St t- n s. Iprll .i¦'. LtiuisSon ie d. this -«.- I \n. nf I,.li It'll. Will tfOVOOl ( UlU Mild business lhere if she would suppl] it tue city j ill lui/ - Into their and those lice like niall I. itud u Mrs. I. were b t.- inloni ire welcomed ratike, KY tn a uinu, ra and "H.- wi ekl* llluair pei, Lee,aol I, I...'ii ns hu Instrument Pinn.si GRAND ARM! MEN. AND UNITED STATES PKIEWDLY. in- ni ¦ ,, ci.- lom Uasalai, orklugtoon'a ent dully iui" of THE ipi -¦ every thing weut Him-'. . [nts AUSTRIA Iniernatlnnal t n. ti No m. Slisii \an Brunt accepted tba tarma sad m. 4k. i lt tn vent their Bplte lutanist trades 30 dele¬ in t'lttsruiaker*' nf >o Cleveland, April (Spacial)..The 30,.Tbe hremlcublatUcom- .. -. Mlcb.iel I nch. furnishing goods, smoothly sa before. iinls bas been Ibe caae cnn be amply d-m. Vienna, April -mi sonds. No. Utif. Third a lean who announced i. nisei1 ..- a A ¦" Si fi kV "/ mc PEACE. unions. Interna¬ gates t'J the >t.,'.t: eiicaiinjiineiit, (..¦and Army of Ibo absen.-it from SS ashing!,>n of Uaroo rou liii.I ..tc to; / I.psi.-ni ai fancy l-'j A mouth ago IXDICTISQ ¦. rs anil on tlie >. M Kiernan if sba dbl net oi.-::.' bj i....in.iiit typographical lneiituig nc ian in the bm In it auvc Informed her that hare '.n m,ire or muni of Ohio, tue toUowlug states, aad ..-...-¦ 'al.ll IV, ! -. - Hil t.ll-lilie'l. WllO ..boycotter" bu woui i have ;{>..Hi' Urand Jory tional ut otis, ,.::.,¦ tradea unloua Republic, Depart paaer. Bebikeller. Austria,u Minister to the United .,,n, ,| jd. till wiling lim Tuna m. Easton, Penu., April ii, ae other eot.cernlug tim ana gom nc. to work, was pa .s;,.p' ruin hal basin sa mi- ikii",".i free li a ).-- -.-,-',¦! and enbjocta raeolution to-day 'iel ic i thci. that Austria anent to reaigoctl uer and sv.,,.,d in sc-.-ioa here lo ligate "i an ihe ',r ihe .i..er.-iicc from eek. boycotted "thal 1 rel .tim.- lae trades nnlous Knlghti Labor W« leam by thedally papers thu in the City "i to,d iiim," stid Mr*, v .iti Brum rrateiday, a return to coan I t-t Bight« i :.:.!.. at.oro coufereuoe i held aa speedily as Barret., retaliate for the ICoilay at.lr and reatain unrepresented thal I Ue*«led cverj cont I could routtty affaira, made lequln Ala., a few dara igo a waa a woman aad .. (. .'.' i-'..u. ol of Montgomery, grand reoeptlon poor .¦ iee rge .' at we may agree upon some plan to aubmlt to n six,ui.i be thal the nason for Ihe but that sse against boy- lng jueUc il Ve Poi was tendered to tint arcii-traltor, Jrffergon li.tvis, and until adjusted, *aya get io sn| p irt uy children, c rc on'.a. Ihogi ril ofilocrs of th* Knights ol Labor to cease were made fnrlongh of rm: _abor ioxi I'hk I'kibi -i,. xx.'. b I'ds .cnn a.i.ir tn ollie. .. falslfling pub! nlam toward trades antoni In whereas, at taut reception ape.chea tendlug Baron'a sbaence is alt-ply ta enjoy s tfaslrsd k,.ai! kris quesi cotiiugpapals,especially tu I treal s. Ibis ho stir tb- oin rebellion of 1801, therefore, be it In aaya taken Ibu sldi ol tho irewadeaiera .". : pratt icm iud p-*rjary to forge ¦¦ of t .. iii ¦cnei nf the ease, we call upon you per¬ up oar.coant af IB baal.t. ile wi.l hie raeatlan were a Butuber ol applicants again and I told conspiring, ,. .s ::-.-, ?levi That the. members or the twelfth annual en- Bpead There honorably. He talked a oom time, dually w* a. to kilt if, lo attend tbe conferentx oi appolut a substitute Retested, if lo-a iii he svii! return to ss aib- mool at tba oates ot thc Marvin -eil Tun Ttiiiit m. while there waa a (olamn ol it turn arith Wal hs sonally .f Urand Army of tba Republic, D part.ont Europe and hts penults rsatarda] Car employ bim I'd ,, i. stoii, cl trging him wi conspiracy If SOU Will iitteil I -lei tills er. u ,1 H||,l ri't'llli in lill campiiient and an aller the of bis furlough. Otbi men were hired. and belora I'd give lt upai lb* bidding of a Bine., forgery ut pir he .is io of of ohio, believe that such receptlons speeches lugiou expiration nt Safe and a fen additional publUbed, said ie Mvelopa, then yon will nformod ino place for we uni a BUeoeeaor will ho io eontiune tbe Company, .d drunken loafer* I'd starve. I'heu bo ball Walton is out of town, ter tins cir u::u- itrlctly confidential, li contrary to the prindplea whisk tonghi appointed reprei laaa bara ta Mr. Marvin that gang be did IL Mr. jury. Kicker ia under linen: g. tons! lie eoinleiiiiicd every loyal luau and Woman in timi .i Au .tn.iai Hie Americas capitaL I'he Frcmitn* lDc m..nv applies proved would h..sc ur- mosvd, au tura enough ? .. fill nation tl an l International unions. should by tiie tnatrla of svho ara or *>t. an I salt that ii" w ia ia nu;.ed to the land, and that we henby enter our prot-st a^uust bi,'ti aa/s, tn sonelnalon, thal nlstlonaol ibero ara many person* oal employ.eui une to in In a da) ol: I IF wnb tba i nited Bute ara 0f tim most cor n.i Balara. bu*lne*a mau io make me to save bimi if rram being boy¬ eric MIS " i" STOP DRIXKIXO 'j I,,-1 .it ii,ui lasigned hy P. J. htcGnure, general saere- all such | rmccmiii.:- lu the falure. itiuioiis to k'ct wm'*. Many prominent forced go awuld Tug leuta called upon him yeslerday ami ad¬ cotted, to..i iiim i'd g.so bim up before '.','t V. Brothelhood of Chrp*.tara; A. Btrause, preaidenl aud bank preal ance if Nkw-Havkm, April Speri'to..Costai t*ry lill. -. vise him io up the tight, ottering assisi any 1 lill.I M.." li- A >w Josiah l»yer, .1 Sill PEASE OF ECONOMY IA TREASURY I'RAGMENTB i>F CABLE Mo Hep ber to sell Tk< Timettoh Ol t>x ort, i oiiiiiiil.il »..ic de to-day of thoCi-.'irnia.eis" Interniitiittaal L'Blon; Uue ot the gang urged a gill g, 3a -The Edward wai needed. soma ts it mus. i Islmed, rrowing tis ia;..cr abeal B3 '."'">. of tho Granite Workers' latarnatlona] Nh.v-I'.i iiiin:i>, Ma.ss., :><> Special).. Pams, Aju-ii wonad re-calved by with .sim. bus.ness yesterday assumed m. icu. customer*, they ago bo raoelved from gim ral m crettiy Apri] I mu in,mi, au iltur ef "Lo trune* Jnioe," rn Ins dael Landgrafl Moat of tin' ciViiitnoi» .. Ve-. I t dil bim.'' -.ni tin- piuc sy Utilo woman, years bard .i.i ko bel Ire. .Mould¬ Letters base boen at the custom liouao in thia be- ol 'ls tolmer activity. pi|tei-. i.. a-.-.I u» eoli rou- lt. At times aa was a Union; T. J. president of tlte received M. director of the Uuulois, ou April 24, ba* thing had come there on ..it's e, ,,ki mg tu rc .growing dow amt soon spent Fltspattieh; tb Meyer, cl nf. were siraaser*. however, end they bava twen¬ aad ligand lb' g*. itii'l VT. II. Foster, secre¬ from thc Treasury liepaitincnt, Wssblngteit, toini .-iii.illgerouslh.lt hie III* ls tlespali Th* li'tlo baker li having. nw coule-.if ibo a day; Bun Innis last fall ha detarmlnad ta a ip pla en-' lt.iou of Nog.I America: city lue of nani u which the tv paper -. l'"> uas an to bo itiutiu min all hen Un .-iii left a list of lt. v uy. I have d In't s;..p dnuklag be of Tn..s of .North America. niaii'lliii: compensation for tbe transportation of the ij..\-ciniueiii ordered mqutry on Tiiuisday night an elderly inati ty-two cuaiomer* who buy st the time that If he coe tary of Hie Fa.oration Late ttreid to be sent. »: rm in..:.! In ono day," Bbemovedher saying rbis si kb* smut off oe tspiee, tins -will crews ol the wreck-d whalers, Mabel and Ohio, of tull its .reams!*.caa to which ho waatad copies Hr. Judd's would -bod himself, I'K'ti.ineiit labor leaden here nay thal mcetlti_ iweutj hiwpiiala dowu lu front of No. 'Jo Broadway, sn.,ii ,.» ai, lie-in ia lob l')etl-r'i Francisco, one ol Csiii... 30, England has eooeeated to las Bropo. Ile also left a S50 bllL of stand sent with uer, aud mau) nu. a- .'ii blow hu of Labor hy from the Arctic (iceun to ban April a young cirl old cu*toman - .fl iinii- i ba Um of a war on lbs Kuigius port, narrar, shall - brake ais.iy. bara. Bad they *. li¬ Thc: Icli-erdtlil SSii-i in rived ye*jtor» HAY is AT ATLANTA. tbe anetl of two Pi.ice lt.I.l.t.ll Eil. following JEFFERMOR lle. .I by Justice tinily in tho jeBbreau Market tXDIA V I WARN IXTS. CRIMES ASD CASUALTIES.B\ t.> al tin olin bj ol Ihg Missouri l'.telfbj iiailway lioiu Bi the lieneral .iciaKina nu: Ci: 1 '7»f LES T Atlanta, Ga., April 30..The issn .-.ju-rial Coori tm trial In aosuo- li continaes Ita daily Unit, il St ite* . I xiil.i; Al. nfl' tt) DBA! Louis i to i hs s aaa gang ». bovsottsn sn si'i'iK HO..lu thc lil. i i IN III* chis that were tout Montgomery rreterdey te brlai In frtmi "t ti" [sui Apnl in th I o ia li Ile .1 tl k- t. ll in in ii i,i.id-i amt eas. aud down the sidewalk 1K-- SS onus made a Ililli Btu-Tx HS, V; I. 'J i.un ired .tildi, freight* and 1.811 arrived An TELEGRAPHIC NOTES. dering up rhej DIStrlCl « '"Ht Iti-aay Ju I il ebal'..' of a*t t.ll.l .-' Ilia ovei .-t year, lrams Jcllerson iJ.tvil to Atlanta this afteriiooii. of Cavanagh A Banford ia rweBty-thlrd-ei. , li... tun HUS un Ta OO lier.aa- 02 traiaaaud 1.01HToads shop any af tb.- caa¦ ..; ss.titci bu.I. Now-Vork brok r, against wa* fts-u-g nell crowd af aot iaas tilaa 50.000 s^_*ted lum ni lill LES. ara emrefui, however, not to approach f..; liei. I'he old iiiau'. fractured. .- Ima.usss CAUSE Ol ACCIDENT AT RABT tr..si...- lu Morgan lilli.'; IS' V Ul BT-KO iM. «v- ihe Lao tm ne i . or em pim ca of Ibo shop. jae ti s. -inp;, v, tha towashlp -il.. .rtMi LA' il the depot, cheering him Wildly, Tbs whole city B Li i. Mass. April no .Al tho nilpient ea Bael of ibo Bbite, noward .s. kt A an .1 i. ss. lam. sv.,ii,sc,,tf. mal A/I.s A lt I Ic i.i;. showi-.l thal every nm girls in tb* employ ona sold freadoleot toa nblp war* W'n ttiM'.t.-.. MARTIN IROBVl E decorated. Tim children of tho cit), bum illaOslei yesterday tbe U.tlmony of firm al >-20 ssesi Bixteeulh-Bl. ara io.mi,, who issued ami Holbrook sad VAay ssiisu,, m.i In lb* L'ouut) licaiitlfuliv maiiiifaciuini'on thc ntlraiu cutiti'lbulod lo tbo coil dnasinaklng wein lo work lu ld tb H lu order to recover money Turner ss ,i'is,-ut rtr.-d IuiLAiii.Lriii... ;.<» -In refer- less than W*r*lfl linc all the way from sahl nutt linke. Cha giris say that the* compelled r.ms. Ilie.lal.o Clerk's ..nie. eatei iy aud la a |Ual April [Spacial). bei-lng not 8,000, waa Tiio ooatractor but ihe iimni-dutc sun . i. 'tract tn n «. Um dam, which fl,600, atl.litlon.il pay will be Beeeesaryte bung ... t ld Ile if'.'i ,u sy iu SB** .tit ineiit fronii M. Louis that tho article by lo th* homo of Mia. lt. ll. 1IJ.1, whose gucal Urti iyi t of for soil.I earth f'ir overtime without any "f Um for tba warraata lt Oil Hob. t#tlie the depot lie mistook the hardpan stllke kt as lite d.CB*I g* of -»*. gilla paid lenisc: cannot ss iu-.., ;. iioiir.'.-t ...I, mr.-s ly sad wtbee Mi I'.isis he, a distance «,; arer a mlle, and rat mil ii to nave been only a foot va.is-- ot tuc ingot and -e.i.iiattt vi ti ta .1, an I '.itt ., i. |i Mai.u lions for the .lune iiiiin'ier of UnpincaSfsMntjay nil] ti.e 'Two bis (ouudalioua, proved mud 10 si iy on IVcdnealuy drapes uponeai.li wo nulcl. ot tared lowan before sx-Prasidanfs sarrtaga thick, withooft narellan. groand beneath. The farrefoalag sile never Baked '.lie gtrlB to bad un!.-., ii is s.n.u i, tn ti Ita ti., u-lnp n, iii s U. .s.igluiy ..ir f*b xxTiltcu by A. Q Coughlan, the publisbiin voterans followed the vohlcie. gS.OOO. dn ss. Mis. SS aile SS.1 thal hur¬ hg Mitti HI VU IN HIV thousand SX-OoB.Sderute, for Ibe thirty tuBertng families baa reached uuless tnero was xvork that mast be Bl sta f"i .« st air.nita.. If -a i"hilders " Iron.* article, uni SS s. jo finn, SS.uthinntoii jester- work overtime In a numil) benefll ni thS SMMB '. go given Ar.. April M Btailae, lbI bj '../.me say : .Martin Bppaaf (stcrct.tiy bitney gani had oe. inn tl mil) ihrc ila.es to be fra.doteni tue o r bi Smith, >li f fc.b* Hail ami ls Q RUROPE. ried, and tins of lb* warrants ara illowa n Nilton, on ss da* lay. ¦U Our in tbo J'ium number. It MB. wattSmsox HOLM ttl day. , lu Hie emil!,iv \\yukoop trastea if ibo lownehip baa Cner-kr-e r with a I i.X|ierienee Morling feivlei u againat the . wera iilaylu pi-tm Mtppsas* THB APACHE*. ThS at Ea lal i'uitou course th* sar,:,. of m Ml. Do ill."' ti M .» In the I.bur Movetiient,' sud -IO . ld nry AN UNTRUE CHAROE AGAINST ,s ^natara ir the beueSt from lt. warrants ss Hats i,.ted Ibo weapon entitled, My .Bn*«..ats Lol i. villi:, Ky.. A|iril tS/minl itu. -i.(-ii.ntl Mlle., on Invrsll- HalUabaek, for au lucnas ut tin eelved tin* nogo- tat tm amp y. M wc b SS ii i. ..\. Allx., April ii cul mi strike ou Tuuisdas are als il thia, i a* amottal." paper c. 1. >v.ca. ai ii Iga Wa. ¦'.e. is auto- since lila il ii..- _ ta been St, their trustee ,.. i.,...,. -,,.,;.[¦ ail ai. i ,.it,c (.» in tlial grfuTlBullit pu:ely Watterson, who hus not bf.« strouif trailng U.e report Hom 1'aulitlia Wat eight meit hm. Vestoiday tno linn SS.*.SStSd lu tiling di-bontst trustee* tnruagbaut in.liana is us< H,l iel, kiillug Mis* Hail. relate* wife and I thal tbe slatolueul w.tgea. Hated by io lu ou* ol Ibo t.BUlbVra expto blofrapblcai. lt daisflbn u*t rsrlr Stnigglta. 1-chi nary, Marti d lu ulk'Ht for Lump*. Ills killel by lin..an. tutsi In-ie, (oiimt tu* kuowu, but ll ealliualcd al trom r'.uki.i'si'i o^oo.DOO. ..,:¦. have, ooma and bad no foun¬ P from above i of injualici and opprea.iou thal him In New-York on May 1-!. whet. em.inul. tl from frlshienetl Chiba.cn bird sang morrl bj hlai»