r zs._?^-/V\-B*-l] t.s*. MAY 188G PRICE TIIRBB CI..VT& __¦ ..-¦.. lt O' ll I 1*1 NEW-YORK. SATURDAY. I, I.1 \""«.\lil a_y.atsjs at With cashier's desk In the birgit.- Welcome rostatli ant recelvctl by tho editor ls eu- homo with Minister Winchester, |n BwttBff.Mld. INDICTED. No. 7 Sprtiee-at., at noon, to tho accompaniment of an THE EIGHT-HOUR MOVEMENT .apitikl. Tho iii.iu-i--.-ri i«t whom Mr. Wstterson's Miss Mllbrcy, has been FIVE LEADERS till. New lrelyiiei.t lu Martin lions'- handwriting. dBBghter, unusual ringing or ellver as lt poured Into the ANXIETY IN CHICAGO. for some momba. customer, sat at Hie tables. Tho sf iking walters who FEW STUIKK.S EXPECTED TO OCCUR. IO WHOORDBRBO THE STKIKK TAKEN. left the restaurant unceremoniously on Thursday wore (TU UN COMMITTEE AT WORK. customers The liustl- OTHfc.lv RAPIDLY. THE THE ULTIMATUM OF TUB POWERS not In slt-lit. Nesv helpers «otri',l l-l MKKTINO TO-XIOIII.ATltTtT)'* OP PIANO- FOLLOW EACH TUK IXVKSriOATlON OK TIIK Bnl'TH- 'ii- Mra Paitoa Waa red in the face through vigorous .TRIKES BjMj.BB.ld pail.an BABLY tkial wantf.d MAK KNIGHTS Of I.AIIOIt lAcnctvrsifi,ooo exertion In serving her patrons. Klt.l. ACCKl'TISC. UH. FIGHT HOm PLANS .VKSTBIt.N STUIKK.TIIE REJECTING THE REPLY OF GREECE. .PBOOBBBB OB Till. STItlKF. Tbe Empire Hardware Company In West Koiirtennth- |..,.n llllNl'Y BBB1 BBADY. TtBUMUrO. st. ta owned by A. ll. Wood, of No. 28 West Broadway. All thc arranjrcmi'nts hav«« compli-tocl BACTOBIa- Cl.osi n-Tiir FOUOfl BOMB Dl-sl'l Tt n TBBBTTOBY UBBLY TO BB C_BfB» The vipiniu-1 uctidii svliich tho fl rand Jury John (j. Willman, Edward Krouuiaii aud Meek McKucw- for tho inass-meetiiig to be beid In l.'nion -s*rblt to¬ -MATTY St. 30 Curtin ve«- 90 railroad Lolls April (Special).-Thc Tu BBBBC., as taken agalBat strikers, boycottats and others so¬ land, a committee on behalf of the employes, sent night under tbe auspices of the Central Labor Delea for April (SVeci<il\~Thc tbe In executive suasion, foiinu- a notice to tho comnanv that from U tue Chicago, not to the doninnd tea 'ommittee spout day to used of to ohMaru sseapalloaa waa lerday May the of forward the abort-hour move¬ bats decided gl-Sl on London, l..A from Norlin saaeplilag peaceful boura of labor shu!l bc gfty and three hours per week, pinpin... pushing Bjsagas-kJss nissa thottwlght ating a plau of proceduro. In order to pei, advico Miiy dispatch on Per¬ ciciit hoots, ami tit- aft* " to reject ollowed Tiiuraday by an Indictment against M badivided Into bus of nine hours a day and eight ment, which ta to he tmmalty inaugurated to-day. st and The tauminni ssys' The I'owers have a.gsa.fl " a yi iafday and Hie lie stii.joct. Mayor Frauds and James Bannerman moulders of Coiuinltteo of hours on -aturday." They demand the same wages as t'oinnuas inners for lVirliiiirton and Quincy, an un bg tue Erecutlv* " mission has been given hythe I'ark b ajgggBl Ins < B-BJufJB, In- '. C. Rainwater, wholesalo merchants, were Invited to (ireece's reply to the ultimatum and lnshxt upon paid for slxtv hours." ami the company ts warned not were deserted. The next largest in rcsidin ess he Umpire Protective Association, who ordered lu tho tuoetinr. Two stands will be erected, and speeches ,.-,. ,u.! I'tiiti he a number of conditional disarmament The flee! remains to interfere with any of our members who took part (Z house-- of Hie Union meeting. Thoy requested that prom- lie recent strike on Hie Thirl Avenue Railroad and Bohemian, is that ot the ia, ling tho for action. The Worth Orrman Bate.I says that the our present uiuvcuiciiL" will be made In English, (.erniau diistrs sleeted wen ure oni- iient inercliaiits be smumoiied to tell the effect of on rc dont to 10.000 The nd later the gen.-nil tie-up for one, day all tlioiutf.ico It ls hardly expected tnat the short-hour movement ros »'"' 20,000 trike on comrnorelal lnterost* and that tbe Knights and lalest news falls to provo the situation nt.Athens. TIIK KuckY of thc i ac hlngeitiiMislinieiita In Bad. Tho indictments were not followed tty tho issuing GRAND JURY OR BOYCOTTE-ft will cause many strikes or lockouts just at Bf*JBa.ta fae M i ,' i, ."...e.sion largs semi-olllclal papers declaro that If Europo persists ! a of elaht nomi ailinn.! men then bo heard. Mr. Untie, .-Superintendent f bench service de- A STIioNG 1'IUSKNTMKN'T, XVI ll BMPBATtC WORDS of toe vari¬ gr.ming day nn the Hreek Nation will lose warrants for hy Inspector Bri.taff general feelinjf anioug tho leading members iVJ-.di.v edlin-Kent. a dit.lc.ilt one terrigall and Judce Porter, of UM Missouri Pacific, were exacting abject MIT*.ahtr Hus tumlo tuc situation critical. rctivc. as Hie members of tho ExoenttVS Committee Flto.M BKCOBDBB smyth. ous organization! Ia that lu the present state of public , : .,. b, 1-" i ty ta thal .exi closeted with tile eosj.fitte0 Cor an hour. They patience, and the situmlo* will become and IBB word, ton pin. I'owers, In ..ere at tn- DiMrtet-Attorney's oltlce a rew days ugo Thc Grand .lunns tlnislieil their labors oplnlou lu BBjsSMi to etris-es it wonld bo folly ree sining IBJ-*teri le tl.,' vero lo ...wc ! a delegation of the of Labor, London. April 30. -Although the April ,,.- ,t, 1" 'ore tl.ey Will cooee by B.lights sur¬ rub a hon Isman sad wished then to finnish ball SVhen taken their placoa tn Ko- to attempt to accompli*ii anything through their ISM tl cr Uou-e( tire and C:>ii,rres»- their ultimatum. Insist upon (ireece's unconditional ye-tci-d.ty. they had _ « ll itchidiiiK Messrs. Ilayos, Hailey Harry. iu.kiinf..etiirois of tbe city will be John O'lioiineil, ttio chairman. Andre.v I). Beat, the corder Smyth's gaari, Foceaaaa joseph il Brawn, after medium, and lu most r ,.,-s when an ntUSsSSUa .,.., ,..,; rh,, ot-et baw aaa limn -ssaid render, lt is hero conslderud llkoly that Turkey tn- an-bf-who to .rayM.ry, lasass lt. Orahara, James t. Downing aud -BB soiuo Indictments to th" cietk. aland facing tho nrraiigcmeiit cannot bo mmo SalaaBB the gggpl >y- vi in opinion, bat already ti-»,,J- We have boon conferring with wli.it Blight be Induced to cetle a portion of tbe dl«puted territory ling .'.,'¦ many aha msmbarg of tho ISxeeetlve Commute*, l!e,'order and in a loud voice, and with louie elocutionary crs aud the men tho matter will be bei.i ia wSJemnttoshowthal to tim striko order to di eldo (.reece. Itlsunderstoodth.it both Kranee sud a.BS.I Haghsa, eies* itbeir*h*p*i* crinea thc three parties In ero the men been within ttl* t>e ont wea. tomorrow. secure of thc dlftl- lu. I ict. <tt. They walked Into tho District- pauses read a ju, seiitmoiit. Such napers aro usual ly abeyance. Much has accu.pdshed ,. -,,! men will ol imd >n future In nil the xvii! bo arc endcuroriug to such asettlumeut h tue Chicago r.i, king operation*. probability plan ttorney's office Bafota ll n, m., having with tiled and not read aloud. The presentment charges that last mouth in tho way or shssteaing boars of labor. In f-i.'.icv Kc.,1. I'TiMdci.t Of or two s'lb-committecs to start, one for Texarkana ami culty. of the Towers !icm Francis A. (lark, a wealthy builder Cilice Justice Walde, by discharging soiu's of Mrs', nil tbo building trades, which are th* rn ga) .v. -ii n Corni any. said: and the other for Basia.. Kansas City mid (.recce. In her reply to tho ultimatum rn in lt. and.Iwan ed roi.I Worth, f No. fSO K.tst Nltiety-sovctith-st. HS WM men aaCS.ed of cairying perfectly BfsjBXJBlM-I. an agreement h.t. baan ent red ,t hour BM- nyieve will Im to at thc cttrciiiillcs ord'Ting her tn disarm within eight days, points to tbo dray's boycotter*, Hireo ltclilRon. The pan k.gin o bond for ail the men, but they " into IfOtweeu the and the boisci making nine houri a fact that slie hod informed the i'owers ta the re¬ repined ito on tbo "sandwich signs hnforo tho store of Cavanagh, Oiad gaea .nd work toward the centra prier if were Mr. work on live amt eight boin, on i-itu.d ty. hours of their tiitim.itan thal she had accepted tho coun¬ uro prepare,t for any emergency objections ford A Co., and eixteen boyeottara against whom day's days It ls probable tli.it Wittda the next tWOnty-fOQI ceipt tado to O'Donnell Had bad cait.oJ The ot hour Instead Sf thc dar sel of thus formal assurance that "ho ace,-piing bim. Challa!BB Ta.Mas, of Fourteenth, st., nude complaint, system payment hy tiMl he striko will bo otli.-i.illy declared off by the Knight* Kranee, ftriag hs un¬ also been meet. In trades th. ri will the wotiM not disturb Tapped up in a Mwnpaper08,000 In bills, whlah the boycotter's to have their own way for nine divs has intro tba** Labor. The second ma,lo by this Citizens' yielding to the desire af Powers.
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