By : SLRCS-Kegalle From 17.05.2016 onwards

PROGRAMS LANDSLIDE LAUCHED RESCUE . evacuation . Death recoveries . Distributing relief OPERATION items . First aid service LAUCHED IN KEGALLE DISTRIC and other necessary medical Situational overview attention . Sramadana Due to heavy rainfall which occurred throughout campaigns the month of May, a major landslide took place on . Health 17.05.2016 at mountain called “Samasara”, located in Promotional Aranayake, in . activities . Psychological As per the latest report issued by Disaster assistance for the Management Centre of Divisional secretariat of Kegalle needy District on 2016.06.25, . Temporary shelter establishment . Camp Property Damage (Houses) Management assistance

No DS Division Fully Partially . Sanitary programs 1 Aranayake 110 147 . Need assessment 2 Bulathkohupitiya 15 115 3 Dehiowita 38 152 4 1 27

5 Yatiyantota 31 291 6 Ruwanwella 10 667 7 Galigamuwa 3 4 8 Warakapola 2 7 9 22 140 10 5 13 11 Kegalle 9 127 Total 246 1690


Summary of Affected People

No DS Division Families People Deaths Injured Missing 1 Aranayake 887 2434 28 17 99 2 Bulathkohupitiya 716 2670 14 0 2 3 Dehiowita 688 2808 4 0 1 4 Deraniyagala 152 563 0 0 0 5 Yatiyantota 965 3686 0 2 0 6 Ruwanwella 796 2834 0 0 0 7 Galigamuwa 275 1094 0 0 0 8 Warakapola 143 517 0 0 0 9 Mawanella 381 1421 0 0 0 10 Rambukkana 70 259 0 0 0 11 Kegalle 560 1862 1 0 0 Total 5633 20148 47 19 102

People who remain displaced from their homes were living in a variety of 59 safe locations at first; these places were including temporary camps, schools, religious buildings, community centers, as well as with friends and relatives.

The Government, Armed forces, local organizations, Non-Government Organizations(NGOs), INGOs and individuals were participating in rescue operation, and providing cooked food, water and access to healthcare through the establishment of mobile health teams and disease control activitiesin the camps and other temporary accommodations.

Since the rescue centers were overcrowded at first, there was a major concern for water and sanitation. Also the chances were high of people exposing themselves to communicable diseases.


A geographic view of Aranayake G.N.Divisions, shown in colors are the areas that were affected and has the risk of affecting in due cause (color guide is given in the picture)



Immediate Disaster Response

Red Cross was the first and only humanitarian organization to respond to the disaster from the government sector at time it occurred. By 3.00am of 18.05.2016, the first disaster recue center was set up at “Viyan Eliya” Temple, Elangipitiya, Aranayake. Sri Lanka Red Cross Kegalle branch, worked in collaboration with Divisional secretariat of Kegalle, and appointed Major General to the of armed force, in immediate evacuation of people from the area, and later on with, recovering death bodies as well.

The first meeting held at the Viyan Eliya MMV to discuss how the recovery and evacuation processes, and to plan future Post Disaster Activities.The meeting was headed by the District Secretary/GA and one major general together with Disaster Management Center (DMC) and all the other relevant government organizations.At the meeting, GA requested SLRCS-Kegalle branched to be continued with the service, which already launched in Viyan Eliya temple. This meeting was held at 5pm on 18th May

As per the request made by Govt., Sri Lanka Red Cross Kegalle branch took the initiatives in setting up first 23 supporting camps in the affected area. The disaster was not confined to Elangipitiya, and there were two other major landslides reported in


areas called, Ambalakanda and Bulathkohupitiya. So the rescue and servicecenters were also established in Bulathkohupitiya area, making “Yakella MMV” rescue center as its base.With the assistance of BDRT (Branch Disaster Response Team) and DDRT (Divisional Disaster Response Team) members, following programs were launched in the area, in order to provide victims the support with;

. Support service for Immediate evacuation . Support service Death recoveries . Distributing relief items . First aid service and other necessary medical attention . Sramadana campaigns . Health and hygiene Promotional activities . Psychological assistance for the needy . Temporary shelter establishment . Camp Management assistance . Sanitary programs . Need assessment


The assistance was provided as follows;

Activity Venue Other details Immediate evacuation Elangipitiya - Aranayake First disaster response meeting was called on 5.00pm on 18th May. Necessary actions were taken to evacuate people from affected and surrounding areas. Ambalakanda - Aranayake Due to a landslide that occur on 21.05.2016, people who were at rescue center at Ambalakanda and surrounding area, were transferred to different centers in Welimanna and Rajagiriya Bulathkohupitiya By the time landslide hit the place, three members of SLRCS were already there, advising people to evacuate.This was made easy as people responded to early warning signs.


Activity Venue Other details Death body recovery Elangipitiya - Aranayake As of 25.06.2016, total deaths reported in Kegalle District is 50, and 31 out of 50 is reported in Aranayake DS division. 29 body parts and 9 unidentified death bodies were also found in the area. SLRCS-Kegalle branch work with DS office and Military forces in recovering death bodies.


Activity Venue Other details Distributing Relief Bulathkohupitiya and Non Food Relief Items (NFRI) were Items Aranayake distributed to people affected from (Total of 717 families were landslide and also from flood. benefitted) This includes, sleeping mats, hygiene kits, baby items,lanterns,slippers and mosquito nets.


Activity Venue Other details First aid service and Elangipitiya – Aranayake Since SLRCS was the first other necessary Bulathkohupitiya humanitarian organization to medical attention (total of 540 people were response to disaster, 23 rescue benefitted) centers were established at first. A Medical camp was also established in “Viyan Eliya” temple and has been operating up to now.


Activity Venue Other details Sramadana campaign Bulathkohupitiya Sramadana campaigns were organized at, Kalupahana watta,Thunbage M.V., and Yakella M.V The main purpose was to clean the environment, so that risk would be minimum for communicable diseases. Aranayake Sramadana campaigns were organized at Viyan Eliya Temple, Sri Sumangala M.V. with SLRCS Branch Garbage cleaning and providing a healthy environment was the main aim.


Activity Venue Other details Health Promotional Bulathkohupitiya SLRCS – Kegalle branch has taken activities Aranayake necessary steps to promote proper hygiene practices in rescue Centers, via awareness programs. It took the initiative steps to display banners and posters to educate people on healthy lifestyle practices.


Activity Venue Other details Psychological Bulathkohupitiya Especially, children were provided assistance for the Aranayake with art and craft programs in order needy (Total of 35 people were to distract them from disaster benefitted) situation. Necessary steps were taken to provide affected people; mainly family members of victims with counseling sessions.


Activity Venue Other details Temporary shelter Bulathkohupitiya 26 temporary shelters in establishment Kalupahana watta were established and 05 NDRT members and around 30 volunteers were deployed in the mission during 3 days.


Aranayake Initiative actions being taken already for site clearance and camp establishment.



Activity Venue Other details Camp management Bulathkohupitiya Kalupahana watta and Thunbage assistance temporary shelters may comes under SLRCS camp management assistance.

Aranayake PallepamunuwaKV, Rivisanda MMV and Hakurugammana will be the three proposed centers for SLRCS camp management system.


Activity Venue Other details Sanitary programs Bulathkohupitiya Sri Lanka Red Cross Society – (42 latrines established) Kegalle Branch is responsible for Water & Sanitation Facility in all camps with the financial & technical support of Oxfam. MoU Aranayake with Oxfam has been singed at the (75 latrines are proposed to be SLRCS NHQ. For the completed established) 423 temporary shelters, water & sanitation has to be commenced. Some of the families have already been settled in some of the temporary camps without standard water and sanitation facilities.So the information dissamination is vital, in order to provide them with better sanitation.


Activity Venue Other details Need Assessment Bulathkohupitiya Volunteers conducted the 24hr and 72hr assessment and shared the data with donor agencies and NHQ. Two volunteers have been deployed with SL Army and Government Officials Aranayake at DS office Aranayake to assist the data collection of affected people. An emergency operation unit had been established by the Aranayake DS.


Challenges Faced;

. The bad weather was continued for almost a month,aftermath and the service delivery is disturbed. The situation at temporary camps has been not easy for the affected population as it has become muddy at the camps. . Unavailability of main facility such as electricity has made the lives of affected people extra vulnerable at the temporary camps and slows down the service delivery of other facilities as well. . The distance between temporary camps and access roads to camps permit the scale of service delivery and it is time consuming. . There were no proper water sources in some of the temporary camps and alternative sources will have to be identified at earliest.


. We have initiated setting up water and sanitation facility in some temporary camps and, with the field visits, we identified that providing sufficient space is required at every temporary camp for cooking facility. We recommend supportingthem by, providing a kitchen facility to all temporary camps in Kegalle District. Government (DMC) is committed to provide kitchen utensils if the place for cooking is established. . we recommend to commence setting up kitchen facility at the same time the WASH facility is established. (If the approval and the funds are granted, we can continue the same when setting up temporary latrines. This may reduce the cost) . Setting up of latrines needs be accelerated; the final design of the program (Technical and provisions of services) with Oxfam has to be shared with Branch for further coordination at ground level with DMC and other service providers. . There are some different requests from the beneficiaries and government officials to provide items such as electric/ fuel water motors to cater the drinking water requirement at camps. We recommend having a restricted fund at branch to utilize at such scenarios. . There are some continuous electricity issues at some temporary camps. Electricity breakdown is regular here in Kegalle with the prevailing situation. . As setting up water and sanitation facility involves technical aspects, we recommend having a separate technical officer for the supervision. Approval is

needed with the allocated budget. 20

Other organizations’ tasks

No Name Task evacuation centers cleaning service Child friendly activities in evacuationCenters 1 World Vision Lanka Distribution of NFRI & Hygiene packs Temporary Shelters 2 LEADS Psychosocial Activities with Children evacuation centers 3 Oxfam together with SLRCS Water and Sanitation in Evacuation camps 4 Habitat for Humanity Permanent Housing 5 Save the Children Psychosocial Support 6 IOM Shelter/ NFRI 7 Caritas SL &Rathnapura Food/ NFRI/ Sanitary packs 8 Unicef Child Centered Activities and renovation of schools 9 FPA Sri Lanka Sexual and Reproductive Health

Presented By ;

Ananda Uyanwatta

Branch Executive Officer

Sri Lanka Red Cross Society, Kalugalla Mw, Kegalle, Sri Lanka

Phone: +94 352222314 |Mobile+94 714274288 /+94 077 1016464 |Fax +94 352222314

Email: [email protected]| web: