The Spanish Empire in South China the Lost 16Th Century Outpost of El Piñal

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The Spanish Empire in South China the Lost 16Th Century Outpost of El Piñal 松树 The Spanish Empire in South China The Lost 16th Century Outpost of El Piñal 珠江 城市漫步 Follow 珠三角英 Us on WeChat 文版 09 Now 月份 国内统一刊号: CN 11-5234/GO China Intercontinental Press Advertising Hotline that's guangzhou SEPTEMBER 2019 that's shenzhen 松树 Proudly educating students since 1710 Opening 2020 Day & Boarding School Boys & Girls Aged 11 – 18 • Focusing on Excellence • Specialist Secondary School • Experienced British Teachers • Extensive Activities Programme A Great British Education Holistic Education Lady Eleanor Holles International School Foshan Admissions Office: 1610 – 1612 Lingnan Tiandi Commercial Plaza, No. 29 Zumiao Road, Chancheng District, Foshan School Campus: Huaxiang Road, Chancheng District, Foshan Official WeChat Admissions WeChat Tel. +86 (0)757 8262 6121 Email: [email protected] AD AD that’s PRD 《城市漫步》珠江三角洲 英文月刊 主管单位 : 中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室 Supervised by the State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China 主办单位 : 五洲传播出版社 地址 : 北京西城月坛北街 26 号恒华国际商务中心南楼 11 层文化交流中心 11th Floor South Building, Henghua lnternational Business Center, 26 Yuetan North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing 社长 President: 陈陆军 Chen Lujun 期刊部负责人 Supervisor of Magazine Department: 付平 Fu Ping 编辑 Editor: 朱莉莉 Zhu Lili 发行 Circulation: 李若琳 Li Ruolin Editor-in-Chief Matthew Bossons 马特 Guangzhou Editor Ryan Gandolfo 甘德发 Shenzhen Editor Phoebe Kut 吉蓁蓁 Senior Staff Writer Tristin Zhang 张岳烽 National Arts Editor Bryan Grogan Contributors Logan R. Brouse, Katherine Chen, Edoardo Donati Fogliazza, Mia Li, Herlina Liu, Larold Davidson, Naomi Lounsbury, Valerie Osipov, Jesse Pottinger, Angel Zheng HK FOCUS MEDIA Shanghai (Head Office) 上海和舟广告有限公司 上海市静安区江宁路 631 号 6 号楼 407-408 室 邮政编码 : 200041 Room 407-408, Building 6, No.631 Jiangning Lu, Jing'an District, Shanghai 200041 电话 : 传真 : Guangzhou 上海和舟广告有限公司广州分公司 广州市麓苑路 42 号大院 2 号楼 610 室 邮政编码 : 510095 Rm 610, No. 2 Building, Area 42, Luyuan Lu, Guangzhou 510095 电话 : 020-8358 6125 传真 : 020-8357 3859 - 816 Shenzhen 广告代理 电话 : 0755-8623 3220 传真 : 0755-6406 8538 Beijing 广告代理 电话 : 010-8447 7002 传真 : 010-8447 6455 General Manager Henry Zeng 曾庆庆 Operations Manager Rachel Tong 童日红 Finance Assistant Sunnie Lü 吕敏瑜 Designers Felix Chen 陈引全 Cilla Yang 杨美婷 Regional Sales Manager Justin Lu 卢建伟 Sales Manager Celia Yu 余家欣 Account Manager Wesley Zhang 张炜 Senior BD Executive Nicole Tang 汤舜妤 Account Executives Annie Li 李泳仪 , Tia Weng 翁晓婷 , Rason Wu 伍瑞鑫 Senior Marketing Executives Peggy Ni 倪佩琪 , Kathy Chen 陈燕筠 Marketing Executive Johnny Huang 黄俊霖 Sales and Marketing Assistant Wyle Yuan 袁咏妍 National Operation CEO Leo Zhou 周立浩 Financial Manager Laura Lu 陆晓岚 Director of National Communications Ned Kelly Director of National Digital BD Doris Dong 董雯 National BD Manager, Hospitality Tina Zhou 周杨 Director of National Digital Products Vickie Guo 郭韵 Digital Marketing Manager Bridget O’Donnell Digital Elsa Yang 杨融 , Kane Zhu 朱晓俊 , Ruyi Jin 金如意 , Walle Cao 曹健 , Orange Wang 王爽 , Yu Sun 孙宇 , Taylor Luo 罗素梅 General enquiries and switchboard (020) 8358 6125 [email protected] Editorial (020) 8358 9847 ext 808 [email protected] Sales (Guangzhou) (020) 8358 9847 ext 802 [email protected] (Shenzhen) (0755) 8623 3210 ext 801 Distribution/Subscription (020) 8358 7749 ext 828 Listings & Events (Guangzhou) (020) 8358 9847 ext 808. (Shenzhen) (0755) 8623 3220 Web & IT (021) 5238 5459 Fax (020) 8363 3759 ext. 816 广告经营许可证 : 京海工商厂字第 8069 号 法律顾问 : 大成律师事务所 魏君贤律师 Distribution Legal advisor: Wei Junxian, Dacheng Law Firm across the 国际标准刊号 : ISSN 1672-8041 国内统一刊号 : CN 11-5233/GO Pearl River Delta: 63,000 定价 : 25.00 元 邮发代号 :46-193 copies 如发现印刷装订问题 , 请与广州白云天马印刷厂联系 部分非卖品 , 仅限赠阅 2 | GZ | SEPTEMBER 2019 | WWW.THATSMAGS.COM Editor’s Note SEPTEMBER 2019 I absolutely love a good history story, particularly one that involves lost cities, maritime lore or an unsolved mystery. Our cover story this month has all three of these elements and it’s an instant classic. Back at the conclusion of last year, shortly after publishing another history-related feature on the alleged lost Roman legion of ancient China, a friend contacted me with a hot tip: There had been a 16th century Spanish settlement in South China and historians believe it would likely have been located somewhere in the Pearl River Delta. This short-lived trading post, I soon learned, was called El Piñal, and my colleague Ryan Gandolfo has spent the last several months researching the site’s fascinating history. On pages 34 to 43, we share the story of El Piñal. In our City section, Jesse Pottinger and myself introduce you to the beauty of Guangdong’s abandoned Canada Village (page 10), which is located south of Guangzhou and west of Shenzhen in Kaiping. We also have a fantastic travel guide to Nanjing (page 20) in our Lifestsyle section, and some cool concert previews and album recommendations in our Arts section, courtesy of our national arts editor, Bryan Grogan. I’ll wrap this month’s note off with a heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated in our 2019 That’s Hospitality Awards at the end of last month. It was a memorable evening and I cannot wait to share the official results with you in our October issue. Until then, keep your stick on the ice! Matthew Bossons Editor-in-Chief Hourly updates on news, FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA current affairs and general weirdness from around the PRD and China. #THATSGUANGZHOU 6 CITY 34 COVER STORY THE SPANISH EMPIRE IN SOUTH CHINA 7 HAZARDOUS HAZE The lost 16th century outpost of El Piñal. Air pollution could be as damaging to lungs as smoking, researchers claim. 10 GHOST TOWN There is an abandoned Canadian village in South China and we visited it. 14 LIFE & STYLE 54 EVENTS 18 GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GZ GAME Ten bold hats to rock this fall. 20 WELCOME TO NANJING The ultimate guide. SEPT 10 Kanho Yakushiji GZ 24 ARTS 25 9M88 The Taiwan musician talks fashion, Mandopop and embracing the ’80s. ONGOING 28 NOSTALGIA IS NEGATION Seasonal Afternoon Tea Lebanon Hanover talk about rejecting modernity HK and internalizing the past. SEPT 22 44 EAT & Hong Kong Jazz Festival DRINK MO 48 MOON CAKE MADNESS Five unique moon cakes to try this Mid-Autumn. 50 CHOI CHI COLLEGE Cocktails and cha shao. ONGOING Macao Fireworks Display Festival THE WRAP 4 | GZ | SEPTEMBER 2019 | WWW.THATSMAGS.COM AD AD Ghost Town There is an Abandoned Canadian Village in South CITY China and We Visited It, p12 Can You Smell It? Urban Dictionary P8 P9 6 | GZ | SEPTEMBER 2019 | WWW.THATSMAGS.COM TALES OF THE CITY TALES HAZARDOUS HAZE Air Pollution Could Be as Damaging to Lungs as Smoking, Researchers Claim By Jesse Pottinger imately three parts per billion (ppb) around a The highest levels of ozone tend to occur aving dealt with some of the worst person’s home “was equivalent to smoking a on sunny days with high temperatures, so air quality in the world, neither the pack of cigarettes a day for 29 years,” accord- while China has made impressive strides in Chinese government nor the public is H ing to NPR. It’s not entirely clear in the report curbing air pollution in major cities, rising unaware of the effects of air pollution on an how long someone must breath air with the temperatures associated with climate change individual’s health and quality of life. aforementioned ozone increase to fall victim still pose a serious threat to air quality. But a new study published in the Journal to the negative health effects usually reserved Like China, the US has seen a decline in of the American Medical Association suggests for a smoker of 29 years. air pollution in recent years, but the presence that the long-term effects of breathing pol- For comparison, reports that in of ground-level ozone is harder to manage. luted air are worse than previously expected, China, where the national ozone air quality “And so, as climate change progresses, with researchers comparing pollution expo- standard is around 80ppb, over 60 days per we expect that vulnerable populations, and sure to smoking cigarettes in terms of the year exceed the safe air quality standard in even healthy populations, are going to see in- resulting health consequences. the country’s populous eastern and central creased effects,” says Emily Brigham, a Johns NPR reports that even marginally el- regions. Hopkins University assistant professor of evated air pollution levels can correlate The study examined 7,000 adults from six medicine and pulmonologist, to NPR. to quicker development of damage to the cities in the United States – Winston-Salem During their early stages, symptoms lungs in susceptible populations, regardless in North Carolina, St. Paul in Minnesota, New of respiratory disease may not be notice- of whether or not the people exposed also York City, Los Angeles, Chicago and Baltimore able, but with exposure over long periods smoke cigarettes. – who experienced long-term exposure to of time, respiratory damage from diseases The study, which was released last above-average ground-level ozone concentra- like emphysema and COPD is thought to be month, focuses on the threat of chronic res- tions. permanent. piratory diseases like emphysema and chron- The subjects, living in areas that con- IHME data reveals that in 2017, COPD ic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), tained yearly average ozone levels ranging was the third leading cause of death in China, analyzing the health consequences of inhal- from 10 to 25ppb, had lung damage compara- followed by lung cancer at No. 4 and esopha- ing numerous pollutants, namely ground- ble to changes in the lungs of smokers.
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