18 Pages Today Official Newspaper Including of Eight Pages Middlesex County of and •-M Colored Comics WOODBR1DGE TOWNSHIP'S FAMILY NEWSPAPER Woodbridge Township JTWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR WOODBRIDGE, N. J.. FRIDAY MORNINC, PRICE THREE CENTS

MASTER OF CEREMONIES Crow s TESTIMONY IN TAX TITLE ORDER TRIAL BY JURY,Sgt George Balint Solves Amboy Nest WILL BE TAKEN MONDAY MORNING FIRST IN YEARS ,„ NAVIOATOB BEFORE COMMISSIONER SOMOGY1 LASTS 4 HOURS Township Confident That Original Contract Will Be Up- Case in Periodic Disappearances JURORS HEAR EVIDENCE IN 1936 la held—Similar Cases Cited—Tax Title Liquidating LOCAL POLICE COURT-- lhf the Company to be Represented by W«ll Known Attorney. be FIND FOR GIRL REVERSAL LOSS TOBIG PROPERTY OWNERS __ reading. WOODBRIDGE.—For the of Silver trom A. S. & R. Co. Plant lead one to believe that first, time in the history of WOODBRIDGE.—Testimony will be taken before the present police court and Supreme Court Commissioner Stephen Somogyi Monday for the first time in scores of Solves Robbery Case tTnuindatory * morning on the case of one Felix Kluj, of 62 New Bruns- years, a jury sat on a case in cbar»e» have hel d^ up TWO OF FOUR SUSPECTS ARRESTED d u to wick avenue, Hopelawn who has obtained an order to the local recorder's court thf show cause why a writ of certiorari should not be issued on uesday night when it heard the contract given by the Township Committee to the Tax the evidence brought forth Title Liquidating Company, of Newark, to liquidate 7,000 on the complaint of a Hope- ALLEGED TO HAVE MADE COMPLETE local government. tax title certificates now held by the Township. lawn girl against a Perth Kluj will be represented by Amboy man on a serious CONFESSIONS TO COPS YESTERDAY Harry S. Medinets, attorney for charge. tomorrow night, be- the city ol Perth Amboy, while And CARTERET RESIDENTS Trial by jury In sex cases may Woodbridge and Perth Amboy Police Believe My»t«ry Sur- .„ .....the hours of7 and 9 o- Eugene Blankenhorn, who signed be had on the request ol either the the contract {or the Liquidating rounding $31,000 Gold Robbery at same PUnt Will lllk port Reading voters lNJURED^LAST NIGHT Stephen I-. Hrnska the delendant and the complain- " -. si Oisit the polls for the third concern will be represented by ant. In this case it was the man Be Solved Shortly—More Arr«»t» Expected—R*cov« .,;;, m us many weekii to cait WOODBRIDGE.—Two Carteret John Bernhard, associate counsel WOODBRIDGE. — Step who requested the jury. Nine Bars of Silver and $10,000 worth of Loot in New .;',,,. ballot for or against the residents were slightly Injured last lor the Board ol Public Utilities hen L. Hruska, district ma,n- Three attorneys were engaged in York City. night when a car driven by Ed- Commissioners. lu)Sed fire commlslonera ager of the New Jersey Lions Continued on Page Ten !,;iflK«-t. The rejection of ap- ward Otero, ol 43 Pershlng avenue, The action is based on the fact ,,,,,,)nations two weeks ago Carteret, going east on West ave- that the Township failed to ap- Club will be the master of AMBOY CHIEF COMMENDS LOCAL POLICE ..•Uitates this octlop. Con- nue, Port Reading, at Hagaman propriate money for the purpose ceremonies in the first part Heights, collided with a vehicle in the budget. Township Attorney lllt.xl that the »8,000 re ^ GRADE CROSSING ,'. i is needed to property 0() gold robbery at the same plant will be solved in committee. The complete progran AVERSJTTORNEY lt is the belief of the prom- treated at Dr. Samuel Messlnger's the very near future. I ofllce in Carteret. Radio Ollicers McElroy also pointed out that Continued on Page Ten Sergeant George Balint m,.,it citizens of the district URGES TOWNSHIP REPRE- The men, all of Perth Amboy,' .|-fc • this time the amount Michael DeJoy and Anthony Peter there is a surplus in similar appro- hl t SENTATION IN WASHING- who are held at the Perth Amlboy IIII sked will foe granted. son investigated the accident. priation made in 1934 which could hindquarters are Steve Sedor, 32, IIII be used in payment ol the work TON TO PUSH MATTERS of 720 Charles street; Isadore Kauf "w done by the concern. TOWN BUDGET IS HEARING ON GAS man, 42. of 106 Gordon street, Fred Checktni rumoft, reUtta* to the If the Tax Title Liquidating WOODBRIDGE.—"The picture Dugenhard, employed at a Perth] l,,i Haraey boom for Uu> re- company should lose out, McElroy looks still brighter for the elimin- Amboy jewelry store and Henry in OFFICIALS VIEW said that in his opinion the larger MADE FOR POST rordmhip u siuwonoed bjr tta ation of grade crossings in the Casper, of 372 New street. prrsi lut week, U i» learned th*t property owners and the sub-di- NOT READY FOR Township," declared oTwnship At- RATE CONTINUED The "break" in the case came (I o P political w* ©pentlni visions, that owe considerable about recently when Balint, work- .•unounts in taxes to the Township, torney Leon E. McElroy last eve- hrhlnd the sctnes sure somewlut SECESSION AS A ning. The Township's legal advis- ing on a Township case under SAYS would be the losers. skeptical as to the former second READINGMONDAY or said that while he attended the Captain George Keating, uncov- u.ird member's chances of c*ptur- "It is the aim of Uie Tax Title UNTIL MftRCH 12 DENIES HE MADE AGREE gas rate hearing in Newark yester- ered some information which he inir the plum. Concensus of opinion Liquidating Company," McElroy DELAY CAUSED BY DEBT turned over to his superior. Both MENT TO ACCEPT AS- said, "help the property owners day he made inquiries in regard to SESSION HELD YESTERDAY In some circles of the majority FANTASTIC IDEA SERVICE ITEMS REFUND- officers communlcated*with Chief SISTANT PROSECUTOR- party, seems to ftvor the appoint- finance so that they can meet the grade crossing situation and PROVES DULL-VERY LIT- of Police Joseph Gutowski and ING PLAN ment of % le|»l mto* U» the post DECLARE PROPERTY IN AV-their taxes. If the concern should Mr. Meade, who has charge of the TLE GAINED Deputy Chief John F. Murray, of SHIP UNDER MORRIS ENEL AND COLONIA COULD lose then it will be up to the de- railroads division of the Board of the Perth Amboy department, who linquents to either pay or lose NOT CARRY DEBT BURDEN WOODBRIDGE. — Con- Public Utilities Commissioners, aassigneg d Detectives Peter Hanson WOODBRIDGE.—"As far Threats of Colonia residents their property, That phase will un averred that the situation was NEWARK. — Very little doubtedly have some bearing on trary to previous announce- and William Bachman to the case as I am concerned there has to pull away from Woodbridge somewhat better. was gained and very little Continued on Page Ten Township and form a munici- WOODBRrpGE"—"There the institution, of action." ments, the Township budget "Officials of the city of Eliza- been no agreement reached for 1936 will not be ready new information was reveal pality of their own is too far is very little likelihood that beth" 'went to at the second hearing on that 1 would accept the as- fetched for serious considera- Avenel and Colania Would for presentation to the town- Washington, saw all the officials , , sistant prosecutorship under tion. With the st»te legislature be financially able to main- ship committee at the next on the WPA and congressmen and the proposed new gas rate AMBULANCE N. 6.Charles Morris", said James planning measures calling for tain a separate community ORGANIZATION OF regular meeting Monday senators and went as far as the schedule of the Perth Amboy S. Wight, present assistant the consolidation of lovern- in the event that the far- night. The announcement to White House. They are leaving no'Qas Light Co., yestett'day prosecutor and candidate for mwits, Coloniq citizens should stone unturned in their efforts to morning and- afternoo- n and think twice before Mtemptlng fetched plan to secede from Unit effect was made late the prosecutorshiD, this week eliminate the crossings in Eliza- after hearing testimony until WITHOUT FUNDS such a move. The much talked the Township should mater- EDUCATION BODY last night by the chairman of bethportep . There is ..no doubt but In a recent article in a county of audit (it and when it is ialize," declared an official tlie finance committee, Fred what pressure will be brought to four o'clock the session was seat paper it was intimated that made) will only result in a bear on Farley and Moore." adjourned until Thursday, "the appointment of assistant pro- waste of time, money and en- of the municipality yester- Spencer. SO in JPED If Elizabeth secures elimination March 12. ^ secutor has been discussed infor- ergy. Why go into something day. SET FOyPMU A meeting o£ the finance com- of its grade crossings through the y As at the previous meeting on mally by the party leaders but no that verges 6n the impossible. mittee and t)ie Board of Education White House, as it is now in the ISELIN POST,'VETERANS OF The official picked several flaws January 31, W. S. Potter auditor decision has been reached, al- in the plans ol Maynicke Pattison, OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE'S was held at the Municipal build- president's power to release the FOREIGN WARS, DECIDES though it was reported that Wight * * * • • TO BE NAMED AT ANNUAL ing last night and plans were made money, undoubtedly the Township of the company and treasurer of an architect of Colonia, who has the Elizabeth Consolidated Gas Co. TO RETURN DONATIONS would be offered the first assis- What happened to the railroad been engaged during the past tew MEETING for cooperation in the Township's will benefit. However, McElroy, tant prosecutorship and it was In- I efforts in refinancing- expressed his belief that the action was the only witness. He was ques iTosslnr elimination committee In months in building model homes tioped by Township Attorney Leon dicated that he would accept" I The delay on the budget, accord- would be hastened if the Township ISELIN—Unable to solicit Wight indignantly denied the im- Woodbridge? This croup started on a tract ol property owned by WOODBR1DGE. — Contrary E. McElroy, Abraham D. Glass, of iifi m treat style foltowlni last Dr. Albee. to ^;„ „ ^»„ spencerp,. was caused by the would send a representative to enough funds to maintain its plication; expectations, the new Board of Debt Service items, which have to Washington to take care of its in- Carteret and Harry S, Medinets, yru's major cataatrophy but of If Colonia and Avenel seceded bf Perth Amboy. The same article also said: Lite has been conspicuous by Its Education will not be sworn in at be worked around the refinancing terests in the matter. community ambulance, Ise- "The confab continued foi they would be faced with the prob- \ Following the same line of ques- absence. Renewed backlnr Is need- lems of supplying police and fire the March meetu* but « the first *». M J ^SKSft Fost, Veterans of Foreign about an hour and a half (suppos- tioning at thelast session, the at- edly a conference attended by Hen id. The matter should be stressed protection and educational facili- Monday in April, according to Dis- to allow making up the budget, Wars, recently passed a reso- in Washington. Pressure should PORT READING GIRL torneys tried to determine how the ry W. Jeffers, Sr., state chairman, ties. II they did not build their own trict Clerk Roy Anderson, The on- j if possible, the finance commit- figure of $1 was arived a for the lii' brought to bear on our Town schoolhouses they would have to ly time a board is sworn in before tee expects to hold a conference AND CARTERET BOY lution authorizing the quart- Governor Hoffman, and Mrs. bathers to send a deleiate to the minimum rate and how the orig- Thera Holzworth, Republican state pay either Rahway or Woodbridge that date, which is set by law, is with the Taxpayers' association to inal figure of 65 cents was set. ermaster to refund to "each Capitol In an endeavor to prevail (or tuition,lor the "new municipal- when the board is reelected, but discuss the various items on the STRUCK^BYJWIACHINE committewoman and champion of upon the officials there or the de- ey also endeavored to find out ana every person the amount the Morris candidacy) and when ity's" children. The official inter- with Mark McClain dropping out, budget. H the delay makes It inad- why the jump from1 the original plorable condition in our Town- viewed also pointed out that they his entire term must run through visable, the budget will be intro- PORT READING.—Miss Helen paid toward the ambulance' Mrs. Holzworth and Jeffers emerg figure was deemed necessary. ed, they were in a cheerful mood. ship. Leon McElroy Is the man for would have tot assume a huge debt the month of March before the duced on first reading and a con- Postak, 18, of Third street and anu when "sufficient man- thr Job. The expense would not be Geza Horvath, 18, of 37 Roose- The attorneys , endeavored to | It was learned shortly afterward immediately as that section of Ihe new members can take office, j ference held immediately after. show through their questions that Kreat, Now Is the time to act—be- Township has a large proportion of velt avenue, Carteret, were bruised i are available." that the last obstacle to Morris' ture other nelfbborlnf cities apear tw0 At the organization meeting the changes, if any, may be madjs be- and cut Wednesday night when the proposed schedule would be appointment had been removed Tax delinquents, There are but unfair tu the small consumer of The resolution passed b>' ill the available funds. factories In that district of any officers will b« elected and com-' fore the second and final readings, they were struck by a car driven and that his nomination would be mlttees appointed: The custodian gas. the post reads as follows: sent to the Senate next Monday importance the Steel Equipment by George H. Williams, of 246 TWHEREAS, Iselin Post 2636 and the Philadelphia Quartz. The of school funds and the district PLAN BANQUET Livingston avenue, New Bruns- night." clerk will not be named at the ses- FORDS—A banquet in honor SUCCESSFUL SUPPER Veterans of Foreign Wars of the The county seat paper, which Next Thursday night, the tax-paying property would not be wick, while walking on Wood- United States, in a campaign to Woodbridge Lions Club will sufficient to carry the proposed sion as their terms do not expire of the ex-chiefs and also in cele- bridge avenue, near Tappen street. WOODBRIGE.—A very success- has been an ardent Morris backer, until June. bration of the twenty-fifth anni- solicit funds lor the purchase and seems certain that Morris will get present its minstrel show and trough and in addition there is a Both victims were taken to the fur beefsteak supper was sponsor- maintenance ot an ambulance, and dance at the high school audi- quantity of tax-free property now Present indieations however, are versary of the Fords Fire Company office of Dr. Samuel Messinger in ed by the Woodbridge Township the appointment while political torium. Every dollar taken in used by the New Jersey Reforms that Michael J- . Traine~ r will be re- will be held at the Hotel Pines on Caretret where the girl was treat- Businessmen's association Tuesday "WHEREAS, the funds sub- observers in this section of the •it tlus alfair will be used to tory. ' named custodian and Roy Ander- March 13. Maurice Hansen is gen- ed for injuries on the right hand, night at the Methodist Episcopal scribed through this campaign art county are just as certain that the help unfortunates with defec- son, District Clerk. There is every eral chairman and he will be as- left leg and bruises on the head. cha,pel. Dr. Carl C. E. MellberR inadequate to operate said ambu • appointment will go to Wight. It is Understood that at an infor- indication that Supervising Prin- sisted by Ben Jensen. was chef. 'About 75 members at- lance, and However, one thing is certain tive eyesight. The Lions have mal meeting held last week at the Horvath sustained a bruised right lit-lped scores in the past. Aid cipal Victor C. Nicklas, will be re- leg. tended. 'WHKKEAS, out of the funds and that is that Governor Harold Pattison home which was attend- appointed for the school year 1936- CommiMkmera to Organise collected some has been used in G. Hoffman will have to make his them in continuing this excel- ed by Committeeman Ernest E. lent work in the future by at- 1937 thus assuring him tenure of WOODBRIDGE.—The Board of connection with the purchase and decision soontand that in all prob- Nler, Township Attorney Leon Mc- Just Social Club Dinner TIRE STOLEN repairs to the ambulance, and tending their presentation. In office. Fire Commisioners of Fire District 1 ability the nopiination will be sent Elroy and Assistant Attorney Gen- No. 1, wil lorganlze at a meeting FORDS.—A dinner of the Just HOPELAWN.—Rocco Lombar- WHEHEAS, said ambulanca to the Senate Monday. addition to the charitable eral James S. Wight, that Pattison —» Social Club will be held Sunday do, of James street, this place re- muse you will be assured of an to be held the second Monday in will not be in operation during the asked permission tq go over the BARBER SHOP ENTERED March, according to plans made night at Varady's Inn, here, SuSunn - ported ttoo. the police that a sparp e ycur 1D3B, and Iselin Post desires enjoyable evening. Don't be books ol the Township and find WOODBRIDGE.—Anthony Bar- day night. The affair will startt t ttiri e was stolen from his car WeWedd- unmngst the missing! cellona, of 77 Main street, report-' at a meeting of the board Wednes- refund to all those who donated; TWO CHILDREN HURT out the exact amount of the debt. ed to Captain George Keating that day night. Ferdinand Kath, who promptly at seven o'clockoclock. Many nesdany y morningg while it was ppark- "WHEREAS, at this time thers Mr. Pattison was told that lt his barber shop was entered yes- was successful in the recent elec- promineni t residentidt s wililll attent d as ed on FloridFlid a GrovG e roadd, near is not sufficient money on hand U IN AUTO ACCIDENT would be up to the chairman ot the terday and $20 in cash stoleji. ' tions, was a guest at the session. guests of the club. Brace avenue. to return all monies collected, and statistics show that »» per cent finance committee, "NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE- —•— »r the cost of New Jersey Schools In order lor the plan to mater- SOLVED by Iselin Post 2938 Vef now faiu upon property owners. WO9DBRIDGE.—Two children- ialize it would have to be consid- erans of Foreign Wars of the were slightly injured Saturday af- the recent report of State Auditor ered at a referendum or by the leg- United States, that the Quarter- ternoon, when a car driven by Darby reveals that these property slature, Leader-Journal Celebrates Twenty-Seventh Anniversary Of master be and he is hereby author- Frederick Repole, of 1123 Nos- at present are onli (S per zed and empowered as and when Nostrand avenue, Brooklyn, south collectable. Therefore, re- PORT READING HAS sufficient monies are available foi on Rahway avenue, in front of the whether or not we feel Founding of Leader and Second Birthday of Merger, Monday this {purpose to refund to each and Steven's club, skidded into another H Is proper or fair that real estate SPECIAL ELECTION every person the amount paid to- vehicle coining in the opposite di- wurd the ambulance. ii« called upon to carry such a Y-« rection driven by Arnold Iverson, Urge portion ol achool coats, lt to PORT READING.—In case WOODBRIDGE—Monday, Maach 2, will be a Greenfield (Mass.) Recorder, became the editor. Attest: Harold H. Lake, of 119 W. Blanche street, Linden. you were under the impression Adjutant." Riding with Repole were his son, n nutter of simple arlthmaUo that "red letter" day for the LEADER-JOURNAL for it Journal Starts in Uelim Daniel, age 12 and his daughter, it U Impossible to support schools that elections in the Town- ship were over until Primary will mark the 27th anniversary of the founding of the Going back to 1929 in the month of November, Frances, 7, who were injured and with taxes that cannot be collect- Woodbridge Leader and the second anniversary of we find that Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Morrison came to HIGH SCHOOlTSENlORS taken to the Rahway Memorial ed. Day, you are sadly mistaken, lor the election spirit is as hospital where they were treated the merging of the Leader and the Iselin Journal. Iselin and started a small tabloid paper, the Iselin PRESENT PLAY TONITE by Dr. Davidson, for cuts and bru- high as ever over in the Port On Maach 1, 1909, the first issue of the Wood- Journal. Mr. Morrison was and still is connected with ises. Both cars were badly dam- for five years emergency Reading district. For tomor- bridge Leader appeared on the streets. It was edited the Newark Ledger. A few months latter the Morri- FIRST PERFORMANCE LAST aged. relief in New Jersey has been row there will be a special NIGHT HUGE SUCCESS- PRESBYTERIAN UNIT ELECTS tinunced by make shift meth- election in Fire District No. 2. by Mark J. Boyle, a newspaperman of many years sons changed their paper from the tabloid size, to a WOODBRIDGE. — Mrs. Asher. ods of questionability and only A lew weks ago, when the experience. The Leader succeeded the Register which, seven column paper and in addition to the Iselin paper DANCING AFTER SHOW ' Fitz Randolph was reelected ] "greed upon after lengthy and regular lire district elections was at that time edited by R. Uhler and Harry B. Roll- published, the Woodbridge Journal. dent of the Women's Auxi) costly session of the Legisla- were held, the people of Port In 1932 the papers were purchased by Elmer J. WOODBRIDGE.—A large crowd of the First Presbyterian church) ture lasting the better part of Reading voted down the $8,000 inson. , .. f filled the Woodbridge High School the annual meeting Wednes<" t-'ach year. It is now high tinte appropriations. Needed Paper Hero Vecsey, fotrmerly connected with the Perth Amboy auditorium last night to witness Other officers named were; Evening News, the Elizabeth Times and the Newark the first performance of the senior Vice president, Mrs. C. fur our legislators to Wit an But this haa failed to daunt The necessity for a pa,per the type of the Leader *-ud to the buck-jasing, polit- the commissioners in that sec- Star-Eagle and Andrew I. Tilton, Jr. Both young men class play, "Big Hearted Herbert" Chase; second vice president,'. ically inspired schemes and tion for the same appropria- was pressing at the time, bcause of the rapid growth The play was received with ac- A. L. Huber; secretary, Mrs. r are Woodbridge residents. Still later, Mr.Vecsey claim. The performance will be le ord Blair; treasurer, Mrs. Vl< hot air, meaningless debates tion comes up for considera- of the community and theabBolwte need of an organ purchased Mr. Tilton's interest and became the sole <»»d settle down to the serious tion again tomorrow. The ap- that would at all times speak for and defend the best peated tonight. Dancing will be C. Nicklas; chairman of depa business of devising a perman- propriation is divided In two, owner of the Journal. held in the gymnasium after the tnents, missionary, Mrs. C. M. ~ interests of the people. Such a purpose could not fail show. Mit program to provide the ne- $4 000 for General Expenses Merger Two Years Ago die; literature, Mrs. John cessities of life to our needy and $4,600 for water. and from the start the Leader was accepted as the re- The play centers around a real Breckenridge; stewardship, ^ On March 2, 1934 the Leader and the Journal family, the father being an old- And as far as the commis- liable and fearless mouthpiece of the citizens of Lillian Morris; Overseas, Mrs. merged and became the LEADER-JOURNAL publish- fashioned person, When he brings B re water; ways and means, * • « • sioners are concerned, that is Woodbridge. home an influential customer, Her- 11 the only apBroprlatlpn they ed by the Municipal Publishing Company. The staffs Pparl Filer; social, Mrs. Roy V l» time this r«u«f problem As time went on several outstanding newspaper- bert, wishing to make a good im- kitchen, Mrs. John Camp; *iu stripped of all political mfUi can possibly put before ^the of both papers were maintained at that time and dur- u man edited the paper. They included John A. Flood, pression, requests his wife to en- berehip and visitation, Mn. f, f« «id PraianM in Ito true voters and If they want to turn tertain them at dinner, empha- w it down again It is up to them. Kirk V. Hoffman, ntfw editor of the Staten Island Ad- ing the past two years several more nven and women ney C Leeson; Young "« far tpecjrMtttwmt. M tt»ls have been added to the advertising and mechanical de sizing the fact that he Is a "plain" counselor, Mrs. Henry L U ju,t done, we wUl wtaTw In ei- vanct and Robert T. Walsh, formerly of the Elizabeth man and that his guests are plain *% the ttt i thta Vtmm «?LP WANTED Timea.In 1981 the paper w^parchaaed toUwrence partnwits. The, past two year» have been two yejrs W*nted~A youwf wouun ts> people. As the result of- this, the F C*mpiw., a life-long ratndaat pf Woodbr^ge,, who of steady rffogrew and the staff feel* no mwgivHiirs as wife goes, old-fashioned in a big In toBy to do Iwnwwortti»4 tal» Mta cue o* cWldWB. Apply *»*»• ¥• became publisher and managing editor while Mis°s it accepts congratulations and "mftlty'happy returns way, What follows constitutes 515 Ambw Aw. Ww«- Ruth Wolk, formerly of the Boaton American of the aay." never-to-be-forgotten comedy « '.«*' N. i. AGE TWO WOODBRIDGE LEADER-JOURNAL, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRVAin 2*. F k Woman's Club Card BINGO AND CARD PLANS MADE FOR "" MISSHANOERHAN ROSARY SOCIETY Party i« Success I sEL IN N E W s AVENEL^TheTeivere seven- teen tables of cards in play at thePARTY PLANNED — Three GUEST NIGHT OF rs University alumni, includ- HONOR GUEST AT by ELIZABETH IlEYBOUBNE AWARDS PRIZES Woman's Club card party on Colnnia resident, were hon- HiUereat Are,, helin ,ff. j. Thursday evening in the F.re- .'it the mid-winter Alumni house. The afghan crocheted by FOR MARCH 7TH IJ;iy festivities last Saturday when AT CARD AFFAIR several members of the club was AVENEL GROUPS they were presented with Rutgers MR AND MRS JOHN BARRETT, the music for the dancing. Tick- TO BE SPONSORED BY THE SHOWER. FRIDAY C9 ofBur HUniversity awards in the form of won by Mrs. R. E. R^ ' - of Jersey City, were the guests els may be purchased from any NiNETEEN TABLES OF PLAY- HUNGARIAN CATHOLIC JUNIOR WOMEN AND GIRLS1 bronze medals and citations for AFFAIR IN HONOR OF FORDS of Mr. and Mrs. John Barrett, of member of the fire company PRESENT AT PARTY net street. The first door pr«e, n CLUB AND SODALITY OF CLUB TO BEINVITED ! distinguished service. GIRL HELD AT OSBORNE l.a Guardia avenue, Sunday. Dr. Oscar M. Voorhees 88 of MONDAY NIGHT MT. CARMEL CHURCH GUESTS HOME HERE * * * V THE CONTRACT BRIDGE Class New Brunswick, now historian and MRS. JACOB RAPHAEL, MISS taught by Fred Brause, met on j for thirty years secretary of the Thursday afternoon, at the WOODBRIDGE --Many prizes WOODBRIDGE—The Hung,, AVENEL, Mrs. Thomas Thomp WOODBRIDGE— Mis:, Myrtle Evelyn Raphael and Mrs. Lester iStes were awarded as United Chapters of Phi Beta Kap- Raphael were guests of friends home of Mrs. Ross Allen on t successful card folS Contract Mrs. MObrop- ian Catholic Club and the Sod;i|. ton of Manhattan avenue, enter- pa, was honored for "advancing ' Handerhan, of Fords, was guest of wprwere aawarded a a in Newark Wednesday. Burnet street and will meet next ity of Our Lady of Mt. tained the Board of Directors of party held Monday night by the FranklinApaUi '87 of Co i hG"Or at a shower hm' Friday • • • * f St James' ta Mri Franlt Barth, Mrs C n parish will sponsor a bingo an.) Ibe Woman's r!ub, Monday eve- night in honor of her a roadlin loniaTformer president'of the Rut- !• PP 8 MANY OUESTS ATTENDED the 'STZXT^JSi R-y"^ty or_ st. W card party, Saturday night, Man.ii ning, February 24 The meeting gCrs Alumni Association, was gtv- : marriage to Robert Bowie, oi church in S. c r K gCrs Alumni Association ws gi marriage to Robert Bowie ol annual ••finn'Gues*t NightNiirtit" onf«h«w«f the Wo_- . . . . church in St. James" auditorium. wag called to make plans for en lne award for "effective serv- Senecaw, S. C. The affair was ar- man's Club of Iselin, Friday THE WOMAN'S CLUB WILL hold Nineteen tables of players were » K "" 7 at the new pariih hall on Amboy "Guest Night" which will be held jcc t0 Rutgers." r;,ng«i by Mrs. J. M. Bates and night at the Isclui Ftee Public its regular bi-monthly business present. The door prize, was won avenue. Mr meting in the Firehouse next on Friday evening, March 27, in! Professor Earl Reed Silvers. 13. s Elmer Osborne and was held library. Entertainment wai held by Mrs. Thomas J. Leahy and sp« Joseph Raconza was namwi the Osbome home on Wedge- and refreshments were served. Wednesday evening, March 4, atcial prizes went to Mrs. John the Schoolhouso. of Rahway, director of alumni and 8 o'clock with Mrs. William Kuz chairman of the affair and he win It was decided 1o invite the Jun-, public relations, was cited for wood avenue. • » * • Brennan, Mrs. Mary Kath and Mrs. •be assisted by Miss M. Ltptak, miak officiating. There will also George Krock. as ior Woman's and Girl's Clubs to "abie leadership and unwavering The guests were: Mrs, John Han; THE LADY FORESTERS OF co-chairman. Both will be assisted 1 be a programme in charge of Winners of non-players prizes attend, each one privileged to devotion ' to Rutgers. derhan, Misses Ruth, Dorii and : America held their regular meet by large commlttew. bring a guest. The Senior club « Myrtle Handerhan, Helen Olseii, • — - - - of Mrs. H. J. Baker, chairman of were Mrs. Theodore Zehrer, Miss ing Thursday night at the Green the music department. Prizes will be given to high scor members will also be privileged to A«™««1 [n.ii., VMHH Gladys Johnson, Emilie Johnson, Anne Bergen. Mrs. Edward Fitz- street fire house. A social hour patrick, Mrs. Anthony Peterson. ers in all the usual garon. Refresh bring our mint, a*htror,al ones. Avenel Junior WOOien Anna Mazanowski. C. Click, of was held after the business ses-: THE PARENT-TEACHERS' AS- Mrs. Adam N. Snyder, Miss Rose- ments will be served by members by paying the usual guest fee. Fords; Miss Margaret Hatpin, Mis sion. | Jensen, mion *«• •» »»; T W of the Sodality. The piogram will be in charge Complete Plan* For E. Kenny of Metuchen; Mrs. I sociation with Mrs. A. Tarz as mary Sullivan and Mrs. Vincent J. Kennedy, Bobble Torch, Miss Lil- y ; president, will hold its post- Catalano. In the games prizes were Tickets are now on tale and may of Mrs. Charles Siessel, Mrs. T. Leap Year Day Dance Sehultz, of Asbury Park; Mrs. R. REHEARSALS ARE BEING held lian Nier, Mrs. William Perna .^ be purchased from any member »( Thompson will secure the orches- poned February meeting in thewon as follows: Kuzmiak and Gertrude Grode. Fan Barber, of Tottenville; Mrs. A Mill regularly for the annual St. Pat- school house auditorium on Wed Bridge: Mrs. Maurice P. Dunigan the organizations or at the door tho tra for the dancing. Mrs. Frank AVENEL.--The Junior Woman's er, of Elizabeth; Mrs. Beatrice Mo- rick's Day play to be presented tan, Mrs. Charles Westan, Mrs F. night of the affair, Barth is in charge of the refresh- i.esday, March 4, at 3 P. M. Mrs. Mrs. J. Barron Levi, Mrs. Robert Foerch, J. Kuzmiak, Beatrice Pj- club arc holding u Leap Year Ictn, Miss Gertrude Tarlock, Mrs. I. by the St. Cecelia's players on H. L. Richardson, of New Bruns Greenwood, Mrs. Maurice B. Sul- ments and Mrs. William Barth, in Bishoff, of Rehway; Mrs. A. Wy- St, Patrick's Eve. Father William M dunce, tomorrow evening in the wick will be the speaker. There livan, Mrs. Fred Witheridge, Mrs. Non-players winning prizci G. 0. P. Holdt C*rd Party charge of the decorations. coff, of South Amboy. J. Brennan is directing the pro- were: Mrs. K. Pyne Mrs. E. tagle- Firehouse, under the chairmanship will be a Founder's Day program Michael J. Trainer, Mrs. Charles Mrs. Thomas Thompson was ap- Misses Marie Mansfield, Louise duction. Both young and old in Fair John Zilai, Mrs. John Eui- holm, George Fox, Thomas Thomp pointed by the president Mrs. Wil of Miss Felice Donato, assisted by Kubin .Rose Doll, Katherine Bonk, the parish are taking part. There in tiiarge of Mrs. W. Ashmore. AVENEL, — A moit , „ ( norn, Mrs'.' Hugh QtUgley, Joseph son Mrs F Brause, Mrs. t. fcsecK- liam Kuzmiak to have the by-. Miss Mane Hayden, Miss Marie Mary Slater, Martha Harvey, Ann will be a number of specialties levMrs W E. Gery, Mrs. T. AVENEL DATE BOOK the Klub Kali- laws, printed as soon as possible Dubois, Miss Marion Barth, Miss OOrchoftsky, Agnes MacFeydcn. jn singing and dancingg. Dancing Howard"R. Valentine. Euchre: Har Tnompson, Mrs. Charles Siessel. Friday, February 28, ta uu evening wit!. Delicious salads, hot biscuits, cake, Virginia Azman, Miss Virginia ! Virginia Underhill, Mary Kalten,- will be held after the show. ry Van Tassel, Mrs. Charles Ken- i M n r* Dor ior ' * » beverages were served by Mrs. Manaker, Miss Ruth De Young. |bach, Elizabeth Gasior, Frances Clam Chowder Supper in Pres- M Fr^i Brauw was in charge Mr, Gery as chairman. Refresl,- byterian Sunday School Rooms, ny Mrs. Nathan Patten, Mrs. An- Mrs. Fred Bra"« *as ^n CI£JL! ments were served and many val- Kuzmiak, and the hostess. Those Miss Phylis Azman, Miss Margar- iStonley, Ruth Sullivan, Margaret THE AUXILIARY OF THE VET- na Walsh, Mrs. Thomas McDer- b a 5 to 7:30 P. M. of the affair, unitedI by a '«», ^ awanled to the twen. present were Mrs. William Kuzmi-' ct Kennedy and Miss Helen Schor- ! Green, Veronica Nolaji, Florence erans of Foreign Wars held an mott, Joseph Doolan, Miss Margar- ak, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. William dler. ! Riley, Gladys Dickson, Emma Red- important business session Wed- • • * * et Kelly, Mrs. Jane Harding, Mrs. Barth, Mrs. Adrian De Young, i Jack Boland's orchestra will fur- dy, Evelyn Samuelson, Mrs. Made- Saturday, February 26. ; nesday night at its headquarters. Edward Falconer. the refreshments. Mrs. Charles R. Siessel, Mrs."| nish music for dancing and an en- ; line Pasolaqua, Mrs. Evelyn Cne- • * * * Junior Woman's club Leap Year Dance, in Firehouse, 8:30. Puioclde: Robert Owens, Joseph Frank E. Barth, Mrs. D. P. Deijoyable evening is promised all | shire. Mrs. Grace Schofield, Mrs. GUS HUTTEMANN, OF HARD- Romond, Mrs. Julian Rohde, Mrs. Young, Mrs. P. J. Donato, Mrs. R.'who attend. Tickets may be pur- | Elizabeth Magellan, Mrs. W. uig avenue, motored to New • * * * John Howard, Jr., Miss Alice Dol- A. Lance, Mrs. Ray Misenhelder, [ chased from any of the committee I Sehultz, Mrs. E. Guarneri. Mrs. R. Monday, March 2. Mrs. P L Coupland, Mrs. O Kap-'or from the two councillors. Mrs. jLevi, Mrs. Ruth Mundy, Mrs. Isa- York Saturday, when he was the an, J.Gardner, Mrs. Fred Bissler, guest of friends at a theatre par- Rehearsal of Musical Comedy in Mrs. Andrew Ruska, Mrs. Hugo lan, Mrs. Fred Beckley, Mrs. C. N. F. E. Barth and Mrs. W. A. Barth. '• belle Gallagher. th^Presbyterian Sunday § •*-- • ...<»___... ^ f. . | MnMargarai Yavor, Mn. Mar? V' t, ., . ._ _ ^ ,, - , ...-AIMer % Grav, Mrs. WUllra L*er and Mrs. R. O. 7:90 P. nf. jwaltzyk, Mrs. Thomas Leahy, 'I STANLEY JANKOWSKY WAS A Mrs. Chris Martin, and Mrs. An- State Head Urges Use Mis. L, Pacarsky, of Perth Amboy;; Families served by this institution STAMP CLU*B PLANS guest at a wedding in New York Tuesday, March 3. drew Desmond. Fan-tan: Mrs. Pat- Of Employment Service Mrs. Leon Brookfield, Miss Irma Sunday. Rehearsal as above. rick Cassidy, Mrs. Jeanette Ran are protected by a modern pricing sys- Brokfield, Mrs. C. E. Williams, * V * * ELECTION OF SLATE • • • • dolph, Miss Helen Dernier, Mrs. tem in which the prices are set forth in _™ - ••• —•—-• Mrs. M. Brokfield, Miss Marie Ma- PERTH AMBOY.—An appeal THE GERMAN-AMERICAN SO- Wednesday, March 4. Stephen Guerin, Mrs. Samuel Gaul cann, Mrs. A. McWhorter, Mr. and Parent Teachers Association Bus Mrs. Louis Baumlin. Joseph Mec- plain figures and include everything AVENEL.—Miss Audrey Brown, to employers to use the State Em- Mrs Osborne, of town. ciety of Iselin will conduct a of Burnet street, entertained the ployment service, was made this card party tonight at the Iselin iness meeting and Founder Day's sics, Mrs. Charles Arsenault, Mrs. necessary for the service under one Avenel Stamp Club at her home on week in a statement released by j Free Public Library on Oak Tree Program in Schoolhouse, 3 P, M. J. Gaul, Mrs, M. Kath, Mrs. Jos- heading. Burnet street, on Thursday eve- the State Director. | 'he quicker a competent man gets road. Prizes will be awarded for Bible Study Class in the Manse, eph Einhorn, Mrs. John Boyle; ning. The meeting was conducted Offices of the service are located j to work, the more you profit. Why high scores and a special award at 7:30. whist: Mrs. Owen Dunigan, Mrs. "Complete Funeralj as low u $175.00" by Thomas Benson the president. at 198 Jefferson street, Perth Am-1 waste time and money in selecting will be giveji as a door pize. Re- Boy Scouts, Troop 41, meeting in August Bauman, Mrs. Edward Ein- Sunday school rooms at 7:30 P. M. horn, Mrs. William Golden, Mrs. Members exhibited their collection boy. Part of the statement reads one out of possibly one hundred freshments will be served. There is no substitute for Burke Service" of Washington stamps and Wilfred as follows: : applicants at your plant- phone • 0 • * Woman's club Bi-monthly Busi- M. J. Kelly Mrs. A. J. Thompson, Benson__...,, Jack Azud, and Augus.„t. "Employers create jobs. So to-j your exact requirements to the THE CARD PARTY HELD RE- ness meeting and Music depart- Mrs. Lawrence Campion, Mrs. M. Strieker, Jr., were awarded stamps; day our appel is for employers to ; nearest State or N. R. S. Employ- cently by the exempt firemen of ment programme in Firehouse at Conole, Mrs. John Coffey. as prizes. The advisor, Miss Felice know and use the State Employ- \ ment office. In a short time the the Harding avenue fire house B:15 P. M. wmm y. Jjurke Donato, read an interesting story, ment Service. Please not that the number and «type of competent j was a big success. PRESIDENT SENDS FLAG on how Washington was First in I housewife seeking a maid or the! workers you requisition will have Thurst....,, 5. Boston.—When he failed to get funeral Directors War, First in Peace, First in the; farmer taking on a hand for spring been selected by the expert per-; THE ANNUAL PARISH NIGHT Stamp Club meeting and election the flag which draped the coffin Hearts of his Countrymen, and plowing are employers the Stale ionnel staff of the Employment j was held Tuesday at St. Cecel- of officers. Home of Miss Donato, of his father, a World War veteran ,66 Stall Strut, T:rH, Cjmti,. First in Postage stamps. I Employment Service wishes to Service and sent to your place of ia's church. An eleven piece or- 7:30 P. M. who died in August, Austin E. Gan Election of officers will be held serve quite as much as the corpora business ready for work if ap- chestra provided music for the The Arrows Athletic club meet- non, Jr., after several months of V J{, at the next meeting at the home of tio,n employing ten thousand men. proved after a short interview dancing. Refreshments were ser- ing in Klub Kalita, 7:30 P. M. grieving, wrote to President Roose Miss Donato on George street. When you need to hire a worker, with you or your executives. ved by the men of the parish. Rehearsal of Musical Comedy as velt. A new flag, four by six, was "Wise employers realize the se- above, 7:30 P. M. sent the boy on the personal in- lection of the right man for theTHE CARD PARTY HELD at the Fire Co. No. 1, monthly meeting structions of the President. VISIT THE right job is a business in itself. The Henry street firehouse, Friday in Firehouse at 8 P, M. bank that asks a ten thousand dol-j night proved to be a huge suc- Chicago.— On February 14, Pa- l;ir vice-president to interview a cess. Prizes were awarded and SNOW HALTS DOCTOR tricia Maquire began her fifth Is light that is good enough (or one PLITCN TAVERN dozen applicants for a stenograph- refreshments served. Carlisle, Pa.—Because of huge year of slumber. The former Oak BAR AND COCKTAIL ROOM er's position does more than waste snow drifts which isolated their Park stenographer went out on the valuable time of an executive, FIREMEN OF THE HARD- home, the parents of Elizabeth February 14, 1932 to mail a Valen- task good enough for another? 6 FULTON STREET RAHWAY it asks a trained banker to do the ing avenue station will hold a Thompson, 6, were prevented from tine to her small niece, returned work of a different profession. Leap-Year Dance tomorrow securing medical aid for the child and fell asleep from which she TRY OUR Chicken CHOW MEIN Why not use the free services of night at the firehouse. A well for an entire week after she hadhas never roused. She will be 31 years old on April 1. DELICIOUS HOT and COLD tho siate Employment Service that known orchestra will provide' been seriously scalded. ias a professionally trained per-, ITALIAN SPAGHETTI SANDWICHES sonnel staff to select just the stenographer whose personality | ORDERS PUT UP TO TAKE OUT mid experience fit her for that > P. O. N. RUPPERTS PABST particular job in that bank? A study of office costs has shown that 11 per cent of the average cost; of operating a business office is i spent for salaries and wages. Yet too often the employer who pays an efficiency expert to design the bust lighting system or office ar- HAIR BREADTH ADVENTURE rangement will not think of using (Tii, it tU thlti ol . personnel experts to help him get stiitt ot Mdrtrtiumtnt the most value for his largest ex- ttplodwiodi idtiM tint . . . recounted by the ace penditure, that of salaries and illuminttion) wages of his office staff. adventurer of newspaperdom! "Let me impress upon employ- ers that the Ne\y Jersey State Em- ployment Service and associated ROM people in everyday walks of .N. R. S., are not to be thought of Flife, from people like you and you and in terms of a temporary ' relief you, Floyd Gibbons, famed war corre- " agency serving only manual la- spondent and reporter of exciting news, borers. Our list of more than 312,- ... and when you try to shave with 000 men and women registered toy has recruited these blood-tingling stories the New Jersey State Employment of the adventures that can happen right at Service as applicants for employ- tooth paste you realize it home, in the office, or on the way.to work ment constitutes by far the largest and most representative source of or the theater. These yarns prove beyond labor supply open to New Jersey For reading'-even though momentarily employers. The self-sustaining un- a doubt that common, ordinary folks have to see the label on your tube of shaving experiences that would turn the hair of employed outnumber the relief cli ents on our list. For over twenty warriors and explorers gray. Don't miss years the New Jersey State Em- cream—you need more light than you do a one of the Adventurers' Club stories ZM ployment Service has efficiently to see to pick up an ash tray, or for othw they appear regularly in this newspaper. served every type of employer by furnishing competent" workers less critical visual tasks. \ from office boys to factory super- intendents, from mothers' helpers to laboratory technicians with post Have enough light in the bathroom—a graduate scientific training. Fre- 75 or 100 watt bulb in the center fixture FLOYD GIBBONS' quently we get calls frdm employ- ers who demand workers with (depending upon size of room)—40 watt rare and unusual skills. From Pan ama came a request for a person- bulbs in each wall bracket. ADVENTURERS' CLUB nel director of a railway, from Maine, for Neon glass blowers, and We suggest you look further into this A regular feature of this newspaper! from Newfoundland, for an elec- trical engineer to operate a mine. matter of LIGHT and SEEING and ask to have a home lighting representative call and make a free lighting survey with r a light meter. It takes very little time. Stop Today! Call the Public Service office nearest you. AT THE SIGN OF WHEN YOU BUY THE 0 You may be lucky at games of chance—but why risk PVBLLCMSEHVICE your money buying unknown ralor blades? Probak Jr.— made by the world's largest maker of blades and selling Htu the Melody Mtster-WEAF or KYW, Sundij*. 11 P. M. A-4U at 4 fV 10*—is a safe bet for your razor-blade money. Here is a blade of known quality—ground, honed, and stropped by special process that guarantees your money's worth in shaving comfon. Probak Jr. is a double-edge blade built of fine steel—made to ease through dense, GUARD YOUR CHILD DURING THE stubborn whiskers without pull or irritation. Your dealer has Probak Jr. Buy i package today. DANGEROUS "INDOOR DAYS'

Winter ketps children cooped of viUmina A and D. ViUmln A up indoori much of the time. What fturdatgalnat Infection. •unthint they get li weak in ray* D givea "lunaUne" value*. that produce viUmln D.the builder • Higheat grade Norwegian of bones. Ii there any wonder that Eitia refinement makea ao many youngitera have poor dotes effective, You ew» «1*> «bulu PROBAK Ueth and rickety boneiT HcjKcawN'iCop UmOiL (Suud Bridge the gap of theae inn-ahy •rdixed). Either plain or Mint JUNIOR BLADES •wntha with MCKMSON'B HUB POTINCT Coo Lra» On, It fur- wheo yo» tar.Sold at all A fRQDUCT OF THE WORLDS LARGEST BLADE MAKERS aiahae «tt Hm*t th utual pottney drug atoret, — WOODBRIDGEJEAD^JOURNAU FRIDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 28,1MB Personals •:- Fashions Social News Of Interest To AH "THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER," To Discuss China DEVANNYS HOST "WORLD DAY OF Simply Chic TYPEWRITERS, NEWS SCOOPS ANI PUPPET SHOW, TO BE PRESENTED TO SALMAGUNDI PBAYER" TO BE BLUE PENCILS TO BE CAST ASI WOODBRIDGE SCHOOLS TO-DAY TUESDAY NIGHT CONDUCTED HERE TOMORROW FOR 4TH ESTATE DIN1 lV|orriing Performance to be Held in Auditorium of School ,So. 11 for Pupils of School No. 1.—Afternoon Perfor- SPAIN AND ITS CUSTOMS \ TO BE HELD* THIS AFTER- iL.hllesex County Prett Club to Entertain GueUi at Wo mance for StudenU at School No. 11. IS SUBJECT OF DISCUS- NOON AT THE FIRST PRES- row Wilson Hotel at Fourth Annual Dinner-Dane*. —* SION BY CROUP BYTERIAN CHURCH Souvenir Programs to be Distributed. — Dinner to W'| Served at 7:30. MARK TWAIN CENTENNIAL PLAY WoonnRIDGE— The Salmngun- WOODBRIDGE.—World Day of li Literary-Musical Society held j Prayer for Missions will be obsPi\ WOODBRIDGE.—"The Prince and the Pauper" the JUDGE ALBANO, SPEAKER OF THE EVENING its regular meeting Tuesdan nighg t ed here this afternoon at n union ,-k Twain centennial play will be presented by the l Ihhe home of Rev. and Mrs. Earl service to bo held at the First NKW BRUNSW 1CK.7—AlT arrangements have been ".' ' KCicy Puppet Theatre to the pupils of Schools No. 1 and Hiinnum Devanny in Rahway ave- Presbyterian church at 2:15 P. M. completed by the Middlesex County Press Club for it« " ' oaiiy in the auditorium of Schoon No. 11. The first per ue, with thirty-six members pres- The women's societies of the bi({ affair of its social calendar tomorrow night when the *• ', tiicc at 9:30 will be for the pupils of School No. 1 am. ent! Mrs. Garrett Brodhead assist- churches of Carteret, Avenel, Un- ed in entertaining. scribes and their guests will gather at the Woodrow Wil- m. o'clock another performance is scheduled for the ion, Sewaren and Woodbridge will son Hotel for their fourth annual dinner and dance. The substance of the evening's join in this service. Mrs. A. F. Ran- 'i at No. 11 School. , program was a Spanish night. An dolf, president of the local Presby- —•—•'-*• Dinner will be served in ttewir "* interesting travelogue of the tour 1JU1 ing the last three seasons the terian society, will be in charge. A TRINITY MEN'S CLUB of Spain, taken in the early winter program, entitled "Goodwill Tow- JEAN DUNNE WED , K,,,y Puppet Theatre has by Dr. C. H. Rothfuss, was given vcu to more than a million *hil nrd Men," prepared by Senorita TO RIVERS ADAMS PARTT^SUCCESSGUL by MrsM . RthRothfussf . A enti- Laura Jorquera ot Chili will be ''" i is creator and tied "An Old Spanisp l Custom,Custom," iSohino, cream of tomato WOODBRIDGE, The Men's clul WOODBRIDGE. — "China and presented. The speaker of the af- W00DBH1DGE, — Announce- """ tci-ni-crnel oi me was contributed by Mrs. D. H. ment w;is made this week of the hlcken ala king on toast, of Trinity Episcopal church het Ethiopia." will be the subject of Ford. ternoon will be the Rev. Francis • ire. librarianlibra s say Kinsler, missionary in Korea, who m,ii riiiRt- of Miss Jean Dunne, iweet potatoes, fresh vegetablM fB xwain classic has another successful card party oi the address of the Reverend Hor- The musical portion of the pro- season, hot rolls, lettuce and tomi- • \L., is spending some time in Prince- d.iuKluor of Postmaster and Mrs. e is a demand upon Monday at Trinity parish house ate E. Dewey to be given at the gram included two piano selec- •lames J. Dunne, of Green street, to salad, garnish, pineapple »undaa .„ Woodbridge M. E. Church next ton. The soloist is Mrs. Ixniisc of fee and cake. liy ior we BOOK itself and with Hugh Williamson Kelly tions, Prelude in "G sharp minor" tn Hiveis Adams, formerly of Vir- Sunday evening at 7:45 P. M. Rev. Crowell of Metuchen. suites ot MarK Twain s. jKmes A. Compton as co-cnairmcn by Rachmaninoff and "Gavotte", At 4 o'clock there will be a union Kini.i t\l Elkton, Md., last tall. After the dinner there will be • Dewey, with his family, have re- by Prokofieff, played by Miss Ruth ihort speaking program. Thonul, '" .»sm wim which the me door prize was won toy Mrs service for children with Mrs. Hen DM Monday night, Mr. and Mrs. everywhere have cently returned from the demilit- Erb. A group of vocal solos sung Pattenpresldent of the piflM doiin ui ummond. speuui prize wa ry M. Holland and Miss ClairePfe- Adiiins wore married again at a opens new vistal s IoI r arized section of North "China that by Asher FitzRandolph with Mrs. iffer in charge. At 7:45 a young ceremony in St. James group, will extend greetings to w« 'lui^i'arama. Mra. Lowe is won t>y Lhanes E, Uliman. Then borders on Manchykua He served FitzRandolph accompanying. The people's service under the direc- church. Hev. Charles A. Dusten guests and will introduce th» v preparing "Tom Sawyer" were inirteen tables in play. there as a Missionary superinten- numbers were "Spanish Gold" by tion of Miss Pfeiffer. pa formed the ceremony. The at- [oastmaster, James S. Wight, Oi ,c ready-made In the speech fuzes were won by the lollow- tendants were Clement Watson Woodbridge. The latter in tum ing: Mrs. John Blair, Mrs. C. H. a d G s J nn will introduce the speaker of UM ;il0oa, tor next year. She Church and will untold ssome e ooil" " " y^ y ? " by Melville. ml ('"ranees Dunbar. Koihtuss, Mrs. Victor C. Nicklas The next meeting will be held Sewaren Bridge Club evening, Judge Nicholas Albano, LO toilow it with Huck Finn the dramatic causes of the present Mr. Adams is assistant manager of Newark, publisher of the New Mrs. L-eon E. Campbell, M^s. March 10 at the home of Mr. and if the Westvaco Chlorine Chemi- .ner stories of the American oriental crisis at next Sunday eve- Mrs. P. H. Ford in Barron avenue. Entertained Tuesday Jersey Review, radio comentaWT James A. Compton, Harry A. Ford, ning's service, China's present re- al Company plant in Carteret. Miss Milrgaret Kennedy, Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Rothfuss will enter- A dcliRiiininy simple nnd and well known former jurist. Lowe with her theatre, lationship to Japaji will be com- SEWAREN. — The Sfijvaren in- couple are residing iri Eliza- • ' " auotui*. Jorui W, Stop- tain,, . ,; 1 charming (rock .tor the Borage Utwjuft jolden • sQuveok. pared, to Ethiopia'* pr«Ue»ro#di in Bridge tMUB W Ivory Soap ing*. MOP M-WABC Single persons or married Tun. InKoU S™ih-"CoH«. ]iml"-Iuti Wid and Ihi yow next PERMANENT. Couples are eligible (u bor- FBEDERICB „„ „ row, l.ouns made with or OF OLD Cow Brand Soda 3 ^ I O< CROUQINOLE $500 without furniture or automo- The Modern vessel cuts through biles. Repay in small monthly MARGIE'S „ nn the same, waters... but with! new uatled \ietue! CROUQINOLE $4.M installments. speed . . . and new destinations. Waldorf Paper . 4 I4< SPIRELETTE $2.00-3.00 REASONABLE RATES The modern business man earns EACH ITEM 38 on til loam his living as did the guildsmen Kin SO MAKES WASHDAY EASY . ' X' I / ' 3 ITEMS $1-00 Charges only on unpaid bal- of old , , . but with greater pro- ances. Call, write or phone for fit... and the added advantage 177 RAHWAY AVENUE a private interview, C WOODBRIDGE, N. J. of being a,bie to save, and earn GRAPE NUTS pkg. I5 with his savings. • II man milk , TeL Woodbridfe 8—1813 • H t»nloln« man ihaiUning HOUSEHOLD • It b ritlwr and solttr Maxwell House COFFEE ib. 26c FINANCE CORPORATION • II hnttt btttti than «v« • h itoyi bMh lang*r Sixth Floor —M«mber— • h te«ti pMfKtty Grape Nut Flakes 1. Mann & Son Perth Amboy Nat'l Bunk Bldf Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 318 State Street, Cor. WHOLE WHEAT New Brunswick Avenue Phone: Perth Amboy 4-S6QS SLICED WHEAT LaFrance Powder LlooiM No. 881, THE RAHWAY SAVINGS INSTITUTION Satina Starch WOODBRIDGE LEADER-JOURNAL, called the Louisiana law "a deliberate ftnd RIVER, STAY WAY FROM MY DOOR" LOOKING BACKWARDS Wttol calculated devise in tho guise of a tax to limit the circulation of information to which the public is entitled by virtue of its OOMBI NIHO w.rtbrMf* constitutional guarantees." . .;im rm>mbers'3andlfriends of the Middlesex rt« Woodbrldft Ck1.C l° n 1 rjithSd Saturday night at the Hotel Labor Faces Civil Warfare County Press Club 8""" t Governor Harold G. HorT- FobUibtd «r«rjr IfcU M 1M MMB Street, Woodbrtdf*. P ieSl M New J«r*y. t>r U»e HualdMl PubUrtlni Compn* Concerning the merits of industrial union- " Ton«lry memir of the group. The affair the jjhr'rti.» N. J. Bn«r«••4l it tht Port Otto*, at Wood- t, N" J. M wooed ctaM mill ism as contrasted with craft unionism w; man, an ^""JJ JJ the unit, was unanimously voted the ' ' season. to are unable to speak but the threatened war between the United Mine Workers Rnd the American Federation of Labor, champions An Independent Paper with deep regret that the townsfolk saw the of the opposing systems, means tough sled- It was Blum laid to rest yesterday afternoon, for ding for labor generally until the issue is body of ,f Mr Blum, Woodbridge lost a citizen who settled and the workers of the nation quit with the death \ loud a helping hand in any forward fighting each other. Incidentally, William Green, president of the A. F. of L, cam* up through the ranks March 3, 1933 of a miner's union and once fought for in Tw^nm Vi of 8 Hoes street, New Bruns- dustrial unionism. Recently he made a fu- Th wick• ,, anTd RalpR*lnh buzSfizi ^2 9 of Alexande^ ^ r ^ street^, New IBADBII .FOlUNAL PLaTTOBJa tile effort to persuade the miners to aban- k were held in j ^ ^^ TuwU FOR woommipc* TOWNSHIP don their attack upon craft unionism. In- stead they overwhelmingly supported their ,iarS of attempted arson. Both men pie Jed not «f til e ?h lUectswefe u rested by Patrolmen John Mor« Industrie* president, John L. Lewis, who, when he i Albert Sarly Monday morning when they Athletic ttadlum. concludes the time is ripe, will probably in -fempty, gasoline-soaked house on Ridge- New P«oniylvania Railroad statkn. lead them out of the Federation. Sewage disposal »yit«m. dale avenue. Y. M C A. Organliatlon. It may be that the ultimate end of the Outdoor swimming pool. schism will be for the benefit of laborers, March 4, 1932 "White Way" ttreet lighting. as many believe, but until the war is set- A reduction of 29 points in Woodbridge Township's tax rile !«* announced this week The new taj: rate » Public transportation to outlying districts. tled labor is apt to suffer. Woodhrldge Muieum. $B 77 per hundred a^cornpar^with $6.06 of 1931. Trade at home, and your home town will ivlOKNING, IEBRUARY 28, March 6, & grow richer and finer. The body of State Tirooper Peter Ignate, of Keaibey, who was killed Wednesday afternoon, near his station at Twenty-Seven Years of Progress The nations, arming themselves furious- Mo?r I own, when a truck collided with his motorcycle as he was re irning to his post after investigating^an acci- On Monday, the Leader-Journal will ly, are not looking for a picnic. its twenty-seventh bjrthday.. The dont- was brought back to the home of hu parents on Flo- • • • * * rida.Grove wad, Keasbey, yertaday. Ignati had been a event marks the twenty-seventh year that Add current problems: Who will tie the state trribper top only sevea Bpi^, .^^ ,,f>KT,,.,.n. this paper has served the people of the next heavyweight champion? Township as its spokesman. • • • • While they are at it, the law-'men had $7.00 to »9.00 coming to The average man has a high opinion of makers ought to take steps to see we couldn't give them a bond. The It is a fan* cry from the days when the that the administrative arm of the contractor took some at face value the wife who can cook good meals. government cleans up its own to ^ n^M, old Woodbridge Leader first appeared on the streets of the community. When we look SK-ffiSJTSSrV they gave us 90 day. to W and Any number of parents in the world are firewms and at the same time sell-' n0 bonds. Could "Mr, Taxpayers' back at some of the old copies we must ad- Contemporary ing for a song thousands of pieces » th cash if the com- raising their boys to be soldiers. ing f g Guide give em mit they did not look like much. Heads ltiltd but epairable ma- • • • * Opinion ol multilated but repairable in most cases, were set by hand, with sever- ch.ne guns to junk dealers | fgllow anyw „ al different "families of type." The "make- Advertising is an a3set—so says the Unit- Uther Editors' Thought: ed States Supereme Court and we concur. Up" was not much to brag about. The fold- „, their further use. ing job was crude as it was all done by THE FIREARMS BILL -NEWARK EVENING NEWS. businessman like 5%him that 4only Education is largely a matter of beirg ADVENTURERS' cares for himself. "Mr. Taxpayers' _. hand. However, looking through the files, It icmains to be seen how effec- Guide" did not say anything about able to understand what you read. Can tive a challenge to the underworld us going into office with 2 cents in We find, as the years went on, that decided CLUB will be the bill passed by the Sen- Letter the treasury and paying three you? ate to make it a crime for anybody improvements took place, so that today • • • • but licensed manufacturers arid buck payments of $1,000 each and there is no .noticeable relationship between dealers to ship firearms and am- to the Editor interest on the truck and that the When a man has to finish ft task before munition in interstate and foreign truck was to be taken away. Also the old and the new. The only similarity is two years water supply bill of dinner ho ia usually able to work at top commerce. The measure is expect- the fact that the editors have always been ed to pass the House and be signed $3,200 and the Commissioners' out-spoken. speed. by the President. It will deserve the most rigid enforcement by the paper signed "Taxpayers Guide , ^ . The staff of the Leader-Journal has en- Department of Commerce and j things M h cou]d wa8 hlm "In Blood Soaked RussM* should put an end to the purchase, and being one of the defeated can-seif getting the alarm system Job deavored in the past to give you, its read- at least, of machine guns and au- didates, I take this means of en- and told us he would get even with By FLOYD QIBB0N8 lightening "Mr. Taxpayers' Guide" s and the letter in your paper ers, a live, wide-awake, "newsy" .news- HROWING the tomatic pistols by gangsters and U Famous Headline Huntetr. other underworld figures, I mean "Mr. Hungry Plumber", was his way of doing it. paper. We firmly believe we have succeed- T SPOTLIGHT that the cost of the Alarm System, if he thinks so much of Iselin ERE'S a story, boys and girls, of revolution-lorn Russia) a What gives teeth fo the bill is was about $200.00 more than we' j the taxpayers in general, how ed. But, we do not intend to stop at that. hat possession of such firearms, an( H story with an unknown hero. The heroine ia Mrs. Nura figured and the contractor did not !come he never joined the Fire Co? save under its authorization, is get any more. It was the material' i am an exempt fireman and have years go on, this paper pledges itself to Kirchoff Ramsay. held to be presumptive of viola- Braddock Rock that fooled us also the extras the' done everything possible for the There is no product so good that it cannot The sites of ancient cities consists of lay- Nura is an American now but she was bora in Russia and tion. That presumption is intended went through the awful days of 1918 when starvation and sud- to take care of the criminal ele- Underwriters insisted on and it [ good and welfare of our commun- be improved and as the days, weeks and ers upon layers of debris, but even cities so ment that gets hold of its weapons didn't cost us $485.00 more. And ity and handled the Commission- keep up with the times. \ den death rode hand in hand throughout the vast empire of the not by purchase, which might be as for the loss on the Bonds, it was er's job to the best of my ability youthful, so far as our civilization is con- Czars. traced, (but by robbing establish- not 10 per cent. The amount of and don't . think the taxpayers' cerned, as Washington, D.jC, present illus- The hatred of the revolutionists was especially aimed at people of ments that sell them. bonds were more than $4,000, so I money was wasted. If they will Intoxicated Drivers Nura's class. Her father was a general In the czar's army and, as such, There must be concerns that do do not know where he gets his only look around and figure out trations of growth and over-growth. ideas from unless its from Mr. what was accomplished in District • Posted outside of a local gas station on he and his family were marked for death. thriving business in firearms Farley, Jr., the would-be dictator No. 11. Recently, writers have Ibeen describing Warned, the general fled from hit office at headquarters and with those they have ample reason Amboy avenue is a large sign reading: to believe to be lawbreakers, These of Iselin. If I were to write a slan- Fred B. Thomas, features of the National Capital for the rejoined his family In Petrograd. In Petrograd they lingered , "We Will Not Serve Intoxicated Drivers" the proposed law can reach, so derous letter to a newspaper, 1 Iselin, New Jersey. American Guide, the forth-coming 5-vol- longer than was safe for them in the vain hope of hearing from long as the business is interstate in w°uld a.1. }e*sS tel1 the truth, I The poster is a notice to drivers who im- the general's two brothers who were also officers In the Imperial unie Government handbook an America, character. About the only loophole wonder if he knows what I could Newark, N. J. —When Anthony bibe too freely that there is a conscientious army, Nura says they never did hear from her uncles. Their would seem to be where firearms do to him for slander. Who ever O'Bcirne resisted a holdup, one of One was assigned to look up Braddock fate, the thinks, was that of thousands of other loyal officers are manufactured and retailed heard of a plumber trying to bid the pen held him and the other concern that considers the lives of others Rdck. He was a persistent seeker and final- whose unmarked graves dot the steppes of blood-soaked Russia. within the confines of a single on tires, hose, electric work, etc. emptied a bottle of liquid on his and will not cater to a person who is under "When finally we fled from Petrograd," Nura writes, "the whole state. There protection against Since the new commissioners' pants, touching a match, to them, ly succeeded in finding it. The Guide will their getting into the hands of des- are in, he is trying to chisel in on The would-be robbers fled while ,the influence of liquor, for he may b'e as country was aroused to a murderous pitch. We had to scurry like rats to keep olive and like rats had to hide In holes here and there In con- peradoes is the concern of local the insurance business. After all O'Bierne shed his trousers in dou- carry the details. authorities, who should be stimu- dangerous as a lunatic escaped from an in- stant fear of recognition. Roaming bands of dissatisfied soldiers plun- 4w..».u.,...«, .,..« ^..vU.u ^ ov^i,-- the firemen had to be paid and We quick time. Possibly the reader never heard of Braddock lated by federal action to the samel they sure would put up a squawk| • stitution, Rock, perlups he never knew that General dered and killed wantonly. The Bolsheviks were rapidly forming their end. • • ' about taking bonds, some of the It is our suggestion to all gas stations in Braddoek landed on the shore of the District. dread organization but there was confusion everywhere. ••a a* Possibly alt he recalls of the doughty Britisher the Township to follow the lead of the Am- was that he was badly defeated and killed at Deserted Hut Is Haven of Safety. boy avenue concern. It may prove t6 be an Fort Duquesne and that the remnants of his "In a small village we found temporary safety. There was no com- command were rescued from the French and missar, as yet, to rouse the people who were peateful but starving. W« aid to stop the "drunken driver menace." Indians by the sagacious and youthful Wash- hid ID a deserted but and at night I would scurry through the fields ington. scraping for grain like a wild animal. Advertising Sunshine. However, history re'eords that the Gen- "One night a detachment of Bolshevlkl cavalry rode Into the eral disembarked from his ship oh a rock town. The captain was a blustering, loud-mouthed soldier who In St. Petersburg, Florida, one newspaper took delight In forcing hit aothority on the pitiful villagers. Tht and a pretty good sized rock at that. In publ sher is doing a lot to advertise the soldiers found me, a young girl, digging In the fields for roots. those days, the waters of the Potomac riv- They brought me before him. M sunshine ofljiis section. er flowed deeply about it^ base and prob- "Without concealing Ms desires or masking his Intentions, the brutal Twenty-five years ago Major Lew B. captain appraised me. Ue laughed when I told him I was starving and ably had done so for centuries. Braddock's Brown announced that he would give away 1, child-like, foolishly told liliu niy him her and sister were also starring. object in ooming ashore was to establish 1 said notitiDg of my poor limited lather. free, copies of his afternoon paper on any his camp for the night—the first night's day in which the sun failed to shine before This Heroine Would Have Given Even Her Honor. stop, on his way to the Ohio. Camp Hill, "At first I thought my pitiful story had touched hU heart. He or- three o'clock in the afternoon. which centers at 24th and E Streets, N. W., dered bread brought for me—enough for all of us for one meal I Onct Over the period of twenty-five years he the bread was In my hands I became hysterical I laughed and cried at is now the site of an unusued part of the has been called on to make good on an the same tlme.*My lips trembled so Tlolently that I could hardly think Naval Hospital. him. I was In a fever to get away and bring my bread to theJiut ave age of a little les^ than five afternoo.ns As the demand .(or cheap transportation "Then the captain laughed and told me his conditions. I wat in the year. On the of;her hand, his action grew, the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal was doc. to return later when my family wat asleep and If I did not re- has done much to call attention to the pre- It entered the Potomac near by the General's turn, he said, he would send the soldiers after me. I promised— landing place, which was covered by the up- valence of sunshine in St. Petersburg than I would have promised anything (or that bread which meant lift heaved earth. or death to those I loved. BALANCED BUDGETS any other one thing. For years, Braddock Rock lay buried and "There was thanksgiving In the hut when I returned-«ntll I told my forgotten. At about the time that America father the conditions. Be forbade me to go, saying fee would glre him- entered the World War, an historical so- self up first aDd would not even eat the bread. I was In a cold sweat of Praising a Free Press. terror. If I did not go the soldiers would come and find my father. I ...A WOMAN'S JOB In ijfs recent decision throwing aside the ciety learned from some old records of its knew what that would mean and decided to go. Louisiana law which attempted to tax the existence and sent representatives to find it. A New Attacker Adds to Her Plight. ?*•••. gkoss revenue of newspapers having a Eventually, it was located by the chief en- "Later, when all was quiet, 1 slipped out of the hut I reached the AS a woman, you control the nation'* weekly circulation of more than 20,000, gineer of the Naval Hospital eight feet be- camp, and was In the very shadows of the captain's tent, when I was sud- denly seized and thrown to the ground. A rough hand was clamped over ** purse strings. Through your home, the U. S. Supreme Court sings the praises low the surface of the open court of "H" my mouth. The foul breath of an unkempt soldier breathed In my face. build for the safety and financial sta- of a free press. Building. Today, it is 'surrounded by a I fought as desperately as 1 could, but I was no match for my attacker. bility, of your family. Balance your I tried to see his fate, but saw nothing but a wild beard and a pair of » So valuable is an unrestrained interpre- brick wall and iron railing, a strange mon- budget each week—and strive to save' ument to the man whose death gave Wash gleaming eyes. ' * tation of public events that the Court una- "His heavy body held me helpless on tht ground, Terror at least 10% of that budget nimously holds that a tax which-tends to ington his chance to demonstrate his sold- gripped my heart like an Icy hand and I thought t would dlt of .week. May we advise you? curtail revenue from newspapers and to re- ierly ability in the eyes of a nation destined fright The soldier held rrfe still as a sentry walked by—hit dirty soon to require the services of a command- hand still ovtr my mouth. H.* brought hit fact close to mint. I strict circulation, restrains the press and is bit his hand but he did not move It. Hit lips were doss to my er-in-chief. i unconstitutional. tar, He began to talk softly and as ht did 1 ne«rly falnttdl The first amendment to the Constitution " 'The captain knows who you are,' bis unfamiliar voice told me. 'I MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 4m a friend—your father was my commanding officer—he was good to I provides that Congress shall make no law BIBLE THOUGHT FOR TODAY me once—run back to him—flee at once or all Is lost—take the bad of abridging the freedom of speech or of the Withhold not good from them to whom it the stream—where the hones cannot follow.' press and that precludes the Federal Gov- isdue, when it is in the power of thine hand But the Attacker Reveals Himself as Friend.* Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ernment from doing so. The fourteenth to do it. "Then, -the man I thought to be my attacker, left me. Back I ran to r, ••.'!• amendment, adopted ifl 1868, provides that Say not unto thy neighbour, Go and come the hut as fast aj my legs would take me. I roused my father and we all started oft Into the night We took the stony bed of the stream and no State shouijl deprive any person of lifelf , again, and tomorrow I will give; when thou walked on until our feet "bled. In back of us a fire lit up the darkness. It jerty, njpr Jtoperty without due process hast it by thee. was our unknown friend taking the others off our track." law, wfriw t&e Court interprets at for- Devise not evil against thy neighbour After wetfct of travel, Nura says, her family crowed1 tht btr. Rahway National Bank bidding the-8t*te» to. restrict rights which seeing he dwelleth securely by thee. dtrs of Russia to safety but to this day neither tht nor her father know the name of tht-man who saved them In their hour of grtatV Strive not with a man without cause, if »tt peril, • §" RAHWAY,N.J. i words of JOB- he hath done thee noli*ttJ|.^ Fpov^cbi, And that's the way It goes, boys and girls, you never know when aa -Htadaet*,t|U com* out of rl«e past to atand-UIn tbat soldl«r-«t lS *#*.* f*t • ••>'• •'"!%"• ,"*"•-"(PWW

1 • ;-"j w WOODBRIDGE LBADER-JOURNAL, FRIDAY MORNINC. FEBRUARY 28,1986 PAGlBEVBf Pleasant: Avenel News We're ilzabeth fly lln. R. a. 7 Bumttt Strait, Avmd.

THE BI-MONTHLY THURSDAY MERE WILL BE A clam chowd- Evening Bridge Club is attend- er supper served in the Sunday ing a theatre performance in School rooms of the Presbyter- New York this evening. They ian church tonight from 5 to 7:30 ,MAN LOVE" will see "Girl Meets Boy." Those o'clock. The committee in charge attending are: Mrs. Frank E, arc "Mrs. H. J. Baker, Mrs. J. J Barth. Mrs. W. A. Barth, Mrs. Lomax and Mrs. William Wit- OWNSHIP S Ross Allen, Mrs. Ray Misenheld- tenbert, er, Mrs. M. Obropta, Mrs. Fred a • • • O/"X ' Brause, Mrs. Thomna Thomp- MR, AND MRS. STANLEY R. By thn | son and Mrs. Harold David. Jones, of Ravine Drive, Matta- INQUISITIVE CAMKRAMANj • » • • wan, were tho recent guests of Sergeant Benjamin Par- Railway Bethlehem Steel, EH*a- THE PARK AVENUE THURS- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beckloy ol sons, head of the traffic divi- beihpurt; Durant Company, Eliza- day Evening Bridge Club met at Burnett street. sion of the Woodbridge Uiriti. ahd National Pneumtic, Rah the home ol Mrs. George Young, * * * * Township police departmental be- way, wi'ie the organizations he on Park avenue on Thursday eve gnn learning his readwn', 'ritiri\uid later worked lor. ?ill be entitled "I Wont ning, Those present were Mrs. MRS. JACOB GRAUSAM, MISS Collette and Marie Grausam, of lithmatic lessons—and a little While in the employ of these | Rogers has been known Frank Brecka, Mrs. C. L. Coup- about this world—way back when companies, Ben was always in land, Mrs. J. Van Ness, Mrs. M. Woodbridge, were the guests of camera in order to per- Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Graus- one of the few public schools of the vent demand by plant baseball y four minutes. Some- Obropta, Mrs. Ross Allen, Mrs. •runs. He was un outstanding pitch H. Wllkerson, Mrs. Ray Mlsen- am of Meinzer street, on Tues- township was situated near the day evening. Six Roads" at Rahway. i and through his effort* the Na- \n the wrong direction helder, Mrs. Ingleholm and the IOIUII Pneumatic team wwi tiie j> thing over hostess. • • • 0 It was only a "teeny-weeny" inion County Industrial Baseball jisome Pine" last NovenV • * • * MR. AND MRS. R. A. LANCE and building somewhat like the "little .eugue championship twice. THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT OF daughter, Emily Ann, of Georgt old red school house" we've all May 1, 1D23 found Parsons ap- •"1c a job to k«ep the note*{ the Woman's Club met at the street spent Sunday with Mr. read about—only this one wasn't omted to Woodbridge Township's red. The location w&i On S non*» of the chairman, Mrs. i, and Mrs. Robert Waters of Lake red and much smaller. One teach- 'olicc department. Ben was a t is 8,000 above the 8%iif H. Baker, on Hyatt avenue on Nelson. er was in full charge. The build- inky guy. Not because he re- Tuesday afternoon. Those pres * • • • ing contained grades from one to vived the appointment but be- T. Kalmus was the ossible by the cooperation of the All this because Benjamin Par ten and iDOwbOUnd \>{ outdoor sport without rle Hayden, as president. driokson, of Bayonne, Mr. andBoard of freeholders, will re- Edison Company at Harrison. H of the most popular "coppers" with Mrs. W. E. Preston and.phildren bons was born September 1, 1894, to beliefe. Dot wi' enjoys games with hit itore on a full-time basis an edu- worked for the Harrison organiza the kids of the township. He is in ered pretty Ann of Keyport and the host and at Avenel. Harry Lawrence and charge—and one of the early de- n person for parties. Hia THE BUMONTHLY BRIDGE club ational program for women that Madeline (Riebell) Parsons were war «tio* Mm H, David, Mrs. T. Thqm*i- girls. . , t, • .. several pieces of standout work to lart Money" gret to Iwuro that both up ill «t day, He thttrwwt ,to work at theAduliia Piano Company *at.* Gat- Ma credit. H» Mppretenflt* th» « b*nrd in "Mary/ loWMrt. Wilfiam A, Barth/Mrs. their home on Smith street. Re- vision of the Freeholders to Newark roundhouse of the Penn- wood, then to the Bosch Magneto BRIDESMAID M. Obropta, Mrs. Ross Allen, reinstate this program comes as an man who "stuck up" and got away llo so to be historically ac- gret also to know of Mrs. John sylvania railroad as machinist concern at Plainfield, Merck and with the Hampton Cutter Com- • Mn. Fred Brause, Mrs. George Azud's being confined to aftermath to a request for it by helper. Company, Rahway; Regina Corp., Hastings, Pa.- n't wear one in "Mutiny on Young and the hostess. her a committee of women who repre- any payroll about ten years ago. home on George street. Slot only did Ben get his man, but Bobal. 37, collar w in "Cimarron" nor Hen- sented Granges of the County, the also recovered the payroll for Middlesex County Council of Par- the altar in St. Bert The ladies in the audi- he firm. Parsons also played im- church while she w« t to mention the leading ent-Teacher associations and vari- portant roles In the Port Reading- ous other women's orgaizations Carteret "blackmail case" in 1928, bridesmaid at the w« The program will be offered to all FORDS BRIEFS CHURCH NEWS and tho Anthony Sport Shop, Main cousin. The officiatil part of the high school women of the county, IT LOBRAINI V. MASK .treet, Woodbridge, robbery in theed his attention fron Miss Eckert is "exceptionally is writing the story of ;nme year. to bestow the last rltf WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP M. E. TRINITY CHURCH well qualified" for the work she 26 Anne Street Ford*, N. J. present date For your information, Sergeant bal. CHURCH Iselln, N. J. is starting in Middlesex County, Parsons is maried. He married tleman" with Frank Mor- *OT. Ctrl C. E. MeHbcrg, Ph.D. Emily R. G. Loenser, Pastor Professor Baker said today. A grad Alice Parker Freeman, March 31, idge was released in Am- Trinity church of Iselin, N. J. uate of New Jersey College for THE FORDS DEMOCRATIC club Perth Amboy, South Amboy, Me 1918. They have four children, An- nted in England as "The Miniiter Women in the Class of 1933, she tuchen, Asbury Park, Wood- will observe the Sacred Rites oi will hold a card party on Tues- na, Margaret, Alice and Benjamin, j.-'tjourtneidge supported by Stanley C. Potter, Music Director has served both on the State stafJ day, March 10, at the Lady of bridge, and Tottenville, Jr. Holy Communion on Sunday * • * * George E. Ruddy, Organist of the Extension Service and, dur Peace church. Prizes are to be Ben's favorite pastimes are 9;4S A. M. Church School, Percy arch 1, at 11 A. M. ing the past 13 months as assistan awarded. The committee in char MISS MARIE BELDON, OF TOT- swimming and baseball. And home demonstration agent in H. Locker, general superintend. John Alfred, infant son of John ge of the affair consists of, Jos- tcnvtfle, was the recent guest of above all—watching Captain Eg- 11:UO A. M. Morning Worship, Union county. There she re-organ Mr. and Mrs. James Beldon, of nd Anna Lank will be dedicateat d eph Lewandowsky, chairman, an's New York Giants play. Of all The pastor's theme will be, "The the Lord during the mornin ized the 4-H club program, which Louis street. the games Ben had seen the Challenge of the Unseen." Mr. ierviee. was under her direction. Many Theodore Ratajack, Eddie Sey- • * • * Giants play, he has yet to see theBAKING NEW Ruaay will preside at the organ Evangelistic service on Sunda new clubs were organized and ler, E. Dorum, Henry Schmidt, MISS MARGARET HAYES, Miss team win a game, in tile following selections, "Post- ;vening, at 7:45 P. M. broad training in home economics Fred Solowinski, Paul Solowin- Helen Brocco, and Bettie Sulli The State Superior Police Of- lude in D" by Harris. The choir were provided for several hun- ski, Roger Chicchi, Joseph Elko, van, all of town, spent the holi ficers' Association is the only or- for finest "EMPIRE will sing the anthem, "How Long HRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH dred girls. Miss Eckert also suc- Paul Chovan and Al Anderson. day weekend in New York City ganization in which Parsons holds cessfully organized and conducted Same pri< wilt Thou forget Me" by Tfluger. Sewaren, N. J. • * * * * • • • a membership. Rahway 7-2370 4:00 P. M. The Epworth League day camps for Union county 4-H is 43 "CHRIST JESUS" will be thi MRS. GEORGE GAGNON, AND MISS GWYNNE ROMIG, of King I __ t.iiun COUNTY'S ONLY will hold a reception to Rev. and "••'club members. They were the Georges Post road, is recovering HOUSE DAMAGED Mrs. Horace Dewey and family in o""" t- * i ''rst camps of this type ever con- Miss Patricia Gagnon, both of ^5 ounces 5 town, were the guests of Miss at her home after a brief illness. WOODBRIDGE.—A house own- j SEVILLE THEATRE the Chapel. ducted for 4 H members in New Sunday, March 1. '' ' Elaine Palfy, of Perth Amboy * » » » ed and occupied by Joseph Liptak Manufactured »fjl I DQWQV** 0:43 P. M. Epworth League dis- The Golden Text is: "Unto us a at a party, recently, MISS MARY MUSKA, OF MAIN of 242 Main street, was slightly ipniilim whe I ;ilY SAT. AND SUN. cussion hour led by Rev. Dewey During 1934, , supervising the :hild U born, unto us a son is giv- • * • * street, is visiting relatives in Jer- damaged by fire Sunday morntnR. but bikini PARAMOUNT on the subject. "Communism and Middlesex County RuraJ Housing n: and the government shall be MISS ELIZABETH RUSKAI, OF sey City over the weekend. The cause of the blaze is unkown. Japanese Intention in China." pon his shoulder" (Isaiah 9:6). Survey conducted by the State Ex- Hi;»rviii«n DE LUXE tension Service in cooperation with Vorhees street, spent the holi Woodbridge Fire Company No. 1, 7:43 P. M. Evensong. A special Among the citations which corn- MR. AND MRS. JOHN JACOBY, answered the alarm. Officers Wil- ol national rapu VAUDEVILLE program will be presented by the Tederal Agencies, Miss Eckert was day weekend in Patterson, where rise the Lesson-Sermon is the fol- n charge of the survey of home she visited relatives. of King Georges Post road, at- liam Romond and Fred Leidnti Reverend Horace E. Dewey and owing from the Bible: "And when investigated for the police depart- MILLIONS OFT AUSM ACTS conditions made for the city of tended the wedding of friends in USEDBYOUk )VER lus family of Chinese music and a ie had called unto him his twelve MRS. J. M. BATES, *OF WOOD-1 Newark, Sunday, ment. message upon the theme "China Paterson. She served as substitute -PLUS- lisciples, he gave them power for the Monmouth county home bridge, recently entertained a* and Ethiopia; their comparative gainst unclean spirits, to cast a surprise shower in honor oi A DOUBLE FEATURE positions in the Light of World demonstration agent for a short them out, and to heal all manner time, and had charge in several Miss Myrtlfe Handerhan, of Ev- PICTURE Events". The choir, under the di- f sickness and all manner of dis- ergreen avenue, in honor of her rection of Stanley C. Potter will counties of the Emergency Nutri- ease. These twelve Jesus sent forth tion Project carried on by the Ex- approaching marriage to Robert ON THE STAGE present two anthems with Chinese nd commanded them, saying, "Go Bowie, of South Carolina. The words and music. They are; "Ling tension Service and f\e State not into the way of the Gentiles, Emergency Relief. guests present were from Fords, Hsiu Ke" {My Faith in the Lamb and into any city of the Samaritans that was Slain) by Chao, and "Nan enter ye not" (Matthew 10:1,5). .YOU CET MOI WILL HILLS Chen Ke" (Fount of Love. Our Sa- The Lesson-Sermon also in- vior God) by Y. L. Yang. Mrs. A cludes the following passage from Society Circus Featurtnt: R. Bergen will sing the solo, "Chen the Christian Science textbook, Mel Ke" (Lord, for thy Revealing 'Science and Health with Key to FOR YOUR M JUMBO Gifts) by Y. L. Yang. The organ the Scriptures" by Mary Baker selections are as follows; prelude, Eddy: "Jesus established his TYLER LEVAN "Thoughts at Twilight" by Ken church and maintained his mission MASON and dall ajid postlude, "Townsend on a spiritual foundation of Christ in BOLLES March" by Battmann. The order healing. He taught his followers II ''Smiling Thru 111 of service will be conducted by the that his religion had a divine Prin- OLDSMO "Mew Dark young people of the Epworth ciple, which would cast out error li Moments" Nonsense" League with the following parti' and heal both the sick and the sin- cipatlng. Mrs. Justine Marsh, Rob ning. He claimed no intelligence, ert Neary, Donald Aaroe, Willard action nor life separate from MARIE and ANN CLARK Keary. Edna Lauritzen, Evelyn •od" (p. 136). —In— Schoonover, Justin Marsh, and Al< BUNK. Broadcasting1 fred Tyrrell. A 4 P ENTERED Monday, 7:30 P. M. Troop 32, ai SEWAR^N.-^Sixty dollars in Extra Added Attraction P. S. No. 11, A. G. R. Quelch change, cigarettes and a few choc- scoutmaster. olate (bars were stolen from the —In Person— Monday 8 P. M. The Newly organ Sewaren A & P store sometime PEARL REGAY & CO. lied Methodist Brotherhood wi early Saturday morning, according iJtar of Rose Marie, Presents to a report made to the local po- meet in the Chapel for recreation' "A Rhapsody in Whythm" al activities under the leadershi lice. The "break" was reported to of Ralph Stauffer. police headquarters by Ed Richey, and John Martino, drivers for an Tuesday, 7:30 P. M. Troop - WHEN you negotiate a loan by ON THE SCBEEN will meet in the Chapel. Mr. J. WA & P truck. Entry to the store was gained by breaking the glass WITH A NOTE Of HORROR Hubert, scoutmaster. in the front door. verbal agreement . . . that ia poor Wednesday, 2:30 P. M. The Builc THAT TURNS TO OUTRIGHT JOVI er's Society will meet at the horn business. When you permit us to . 9 / of Mrs. Theodore Marsh, Ceda: transact your loan for you . .. that street. Mrs. Elizabeth Drake wi How To Reduce serve as co-hostess. ia good sense. You are safer when The Official Board, which wai scheduled to be held on Mondao Varicose Veins you make a loan through us. Just evening, has been postponed to Tuesday March 17, and will be Tnnd Ikt Hurt aa your savings are safe in this held at the home of Miss Mabel W bank, under Federal Deposit Gua- Treen. •UDT MOpla bar* tooou daapoodtat rantee Insurance. PRESBYTERIAN MOtut lh.j hara bwn lad to b*U«Tt that thar* I* no rtmtdj that will raduet CHURCH •wolleU raloa and bunche*. Minister If you will let a two-ounce ordinal . Earl Wmnnirt Devaiuiy twtlla of MoWa Emerald OU (full MorninL g Worship 11:00. Sermon stnnitb) at an; flint-dan Hunt on Decker Place. Mrs. Em that imuM «BM* Dorsey Motors Las c*£ est Hunt will be the assisting host*- Ptad oj«o4 pttMf. Vhi «M INCORPORATED At 1:45 there will be held thi HAUMEtMUA «mt*W ' in the series of Lenten thai n> 8erviCe«. Mr. Devanny will I PRICES ; on the topic, "TheXordiWi AOTUORIUD SOniHIOM •". There will be special ADULTS — 2(Sc till 4 P. LEADER-JOURNAL 4 P. M. till closing 35o5 . : Troop Qiri Scouts, meets a AFTER CHI 0 AAll« [P.M. 104 Main Street 10'" Nd&y, Clover Troop Girl 1.1. 8-MM Tutfc ni >nyW SAT. t BWtti at 7:00 P. M, WOODBRtDGE LEADER-JOURNAL, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28, 1936 the judge who upheld the directors | of the consolidated schools of Lion or Lamb? trel. It wag enthusiastically receiv- these booklets. The members pres- English Export Sorts nonrby Heavelock who objected to ed and clearly demonstrated the ent were: Jacob Ben I, Joseph Bul- the wearing of heel plates by pu- benefits being received from the j nailer, Margaret Sotand, Nlcjd Bul- pils. coachlng of Mr. Julius Dubay, the haueri Rhoda Moe, Anna Buthauer. Rpcreation Department Lnitructor. Jacob Melder and John Bulhauer. PAY9 BACK RKUKF o man of that type In Iselln two classes have com- The next meeting will be held on • • •ul after Eo«ter. In pleted their first routine and are!Tuesday, March 3, at the Fords Baltimore. — Harry Oreenstein, tier type of activity in the midst of their second set Public Library at 7:30 P. M, Maryland Relief Administrator, re- -lights will be put on. while the popularity of the Child- Stamp Club cently received a check for $21,00 it* Production 'T Dancing Class is proven} The weekly meeting of the Ave- from n former relief client. In a , ilstead of an Ama- by Hi increased registration every ijicl Stamp Club was held Saturday letter, accompanying the check the y 'femedy play "The we<-k This class now numbers over afternoon at the home of Miss Au- SSflh N J Bottnd at th«L 50 children and the prospects are mnn stated that he had been gain- u meant class mtii 7 jhoor will be given drey Brown. The meeting was held fully employed for ten months now N i. louse, at 2:30 P. M., t.lint this number will be increased in commemoration of Washing- still further. ton's Birthday. and hnvinft discharged ail his oUttr ion Department. The debts, hp was pleased to liquidate followi: The proposed Men's Tap Danc- Glee Club ing class has already been favor- The Glee Club held its weekly his indebtedness to the State. An Independent s, William Stephano, ably commented an and will get meeting at the Parish House, Tues i, Annelieae Bittnpr; undpr way in the new Iselln Re- day afternoon. There was a re- FINDS FINGER IN OLOTI ns, Peter Schmidt, creulion Hall presently. hearsal of songs for the "Gay Nine- Springfield, Mo— T. C. Hartung , Margaret Soland; All other classes are still receiv- ty's" to be put on in the near fu- received a shock, when, Upon put- n, Katherine Larsen; ing as much interest in the earlier ture. ting on a brown canvas glove he i, Betty Beni; Caleb stages of instruction. The regUtra- had found, discovered hafi an in- a Chriirtensen; Jason \ lion in the newly organized Men's BEANS WRECK WINDOW dex finger inside. Mikkelaen; Mrs. Pot- Social and Tap Dancing Classes Sabeth, Kan. — Moisture form- rtanidt; Tommy Pot- held Monday evening, 7 P. M., hu ing on the store window glass of a HIT BT TARGET nl; Mrs. Gunn, Edith lispn to 12. All gentlemen wishing local merchant proved rather cost- (jmn, Wilda Jensen; tr> enter are requested to do so. ly. It caused a display of 500 liniontown, Pa.—John Krullck, Lilian Jensen; John Photo Clnb pounds of beans to swell and the Ifi, wanted to prove how good a Wlelaen; Peter Jen- The weekly meeting of the Fords window broke under the strain. marksman he was. He selected a UlADB»-.fOlliNAL PLAXWOW* tillhauer; Sarah Jen Photo Club was held Tuesday eve- target—a loaded cartridge — and FOB WOOmiWD tevens; Hoty Jen- ninR at the Lutheran Church on ORPHANED IN MINUTE | hit it. The shell from the cartridge lhauer; Joshua Jen- Fourth street. The members had a Bernalillo, N. Mex.—One minute (lew back and wounded John in •'• l, Elimination •( all cnO* « Parish house Saturday. I was Twenty-Seven Year *»« with the man- children appreci- On Monday, the Lea^y , The comrnemor- 1 1 approxima- Will (he lion or ihe lamb Intro- . celebrate its twenty-sever.* * i a novel - duce the windy month this year? 1 'attempted. Since As the legend h*a \i, (('• "In event marks the twenty-sj stem was avuil- like a lion, out like a lamb." or " this paper has served the it individuals in vice versa And. Judging by the c wished to do an severity of thli winter. It Is the Township as its spokesma 'of the audience no j wish of this country's frost- It is a faff cry from th was, singing, play- bitten Inhabitants to see March r ttt or dancing, to come ID roaring and go out old Woodbridge Leader 1 * i [juently surpris- bleating. e iversilied program the streets of the communi ' a most enjoyable back at some of the old c< spite of the fact George Grenda, Fritz Van Dalen. mit they did not look lik lie was playing D. Robinson, Frank Neidhardt, , we had an at- George Van Dalen, John Royle, in most cases, were set by : of whom were Robert Gilles, Louis De Nyse, Ed- al different "families of t ward Miller, Donald Holzheimer, Pone Joseph Barcellona, Tony Barcello- up" was not much to bra, interest has been na. Herbert Saaks, Andrew Durin- H. ing job was crude as it Fin$ Pong tour- da, Charles Varge, Cliff Laing, Al- start at the Par bert Leffler, Steve Pockak, Her- \; , hand. However, looking itkui Center this man Fredericks, George Gyenes, '; • we find, as the years wer. now well over Rdbert Braithwaite, Eugene Sulli- for this event van, Domonic Montazzoli, Constan t improvements took place on Thursday tine Montazzoli, Joe Gyenes, Ern- I thare is no noticeable rel -five more are est Dubay, Johxi Dubay, Oscar tournament unlike Large, Frank Milhalko, John Wu- I,., the old and the new. Th< tournaments tato three groups; kovets, Robert Schwenzer, Rudy 1 00 often, newspaper readers and advertisers alike are bombarded with the loud wind lr the fact that the editors i, Senior and Novic- Krebs, Ray Krebs, Bert Fishinger, C , out-spoken. bandicaps in John Punko, Lester Sharry, Jack date the entries Finn, George Miller and Al Both- of Circus Barkers, who, during the oH-season try and put into type their inane ravings so The staff of the Lear Joe Brodniak, Nor- well. deavored in the past mund Hawk, Harold Tap and Social Dancing much over-done in front of the Circus top. During his life, Barnum may have been right s Zenobia, Jack Sla The advancement being made in ers, a live, wide-awa; r, Walter Merwin, the classes being held through-out paper. We firmly be;; Charles Barcello- the Township is proven by theiacl However, we are living in an enlightened age and with a different generation. Education i; George Kxumm, mat the various classes are now on their second routine. The first joutine of one group was complet- has brought the people out of the abyss into the light of better understanding .. it is well years go on, this pap Henry Saaks, Ed ed and exhibited at a recent nuns- Anderson, Robert There is no product so Humphreys, Sam for newspapers to bear this fact in mind when writing house advertising. be improved and aB the •&,' Joe Ontkos, SbALk. IN CHAwCiUKY Oi' NEW JERSEY — , keep up with the tones, ^grps SALE ueiwi-cii iiie iiunit uwners i_,uan Cur- OF NEW JERSEY — liuifiuun, u uouy corpurute, Cuinpiiim- FIRE- UUL, uuu Juliu jjlumuiiu and Juueph The correct formula for successful advertising is neither the old-time Circus Barker Intoxicated D A3SOCIATION. a Uimnuiiu, HIT tiuauunu, Detendiiittii, Vi and ED- r« lui- suie ul moiLgageii preirnaea >:'': Posted outside of a loc . "ME'l'A. MlbJES. his ouled r..-l.ruttry 3, ISab. Defendants. *'i. r'u. tut By virtue ol UK' above ataicd wnl, er the adroit fingers of a Circus Magician. Manufacturers and Retail Merchants alike • Amboy avenue is a large : : .rtgoged premlsea dated to me directed and delivered, I will ex- pose lu sale at public vendue un "We Will Not Serve Int >.m. vVBDNESUAY, lliB ELEVE.Mll DAY [lie above lUted writ tu U*' MARCH, A. D., Wl.NEiEEN have learned by experience through the ages, that the fundamentals of good advertising The poster is a notice t ud delivered. 1 wiU ex- HUNDRED THIKTlf-dLX. iiabUc vendue on nt iwu U'CIUCK Standard Time In the bibe too freely that there THE 18TH DAY afternoon of the said day at the Sher- must first be predicated on a sound merchandising policy . . that too, is the firm belief A. !>., NINETEEN iff's Office in the City ol New Bruns- concern that considers tl liD TBIHTJf-SIX wick, N. J. i standard time In the All that certain tract or parcel of of the LEADER-JOURNAL and will not cater to a p£ dd day, at the Sher- land and premises, hereinafter partic- the influence of iiquor, f Clty of New Bruns- ularly described, situate, lying and be- tract or parcel ol ing in tue Townahip of Woodbnetge. m .1 dangerous as a lunatic es< w "hareinallei purncu- the County of Middlesex and State ul lying and be- .New Jersey. * stitution. Woouuridse. in BEGINNING at. a point on the east- iUeaex aad State of erly side of Barron avenue, dialant To carry the above thought through, the LEADER-JOURNAL offers to both Manufac- It is our suggestion to northerly 39 feet Irom the northeast a point formed by corner of Barron avenue and Gruve ave- the Township to follow t the easterly side ol nue; running thence U) easterly ut turers and Retailers, the services of a competent merchandising and advertising executive he nortlieny aide uf right angles to Barrun avenue 8!) (It boy avenue concern. It n thence U) eiurt- feet to a point; thence (2) northerly rly side of KiJth parallel with Barron uvellue 41 feel; who will be glad to aid them in the merchandising and the preparation of their advertis- , aid to stop the "drunker, y-»even hundied- thence (3) westerly, parallel with the (2) nort)i«rly at tlrat deBta-lbea course 89.70 lest to the street eignty-tnree] eaatej'ly side of B&rron avenue; thence (88.11 feet'to the southerly along the easterly aide ol ing for their products or merchandise. Based on an experience of 35 years with leading 4de ot number 56 tin a Bui run avenue 41 feet to the point or Advertising. tbence 1.3) wester- place of BEGINNING. y side of lot 56 on Known and designated as 548 Barron newspapers and advertising agencies, his advice and aid will be found invaluable, In St. Petersburgsburg, pfy' [Park lifty-mx and aveiiun, Woocfbridge, N. J, dthB (56.2S) feet to The approximate amount of the ue- publ sher is doing a .;; ot Grant avenue; crue to be satisfied by said Bale la the rly along the easterly sum uf six thousand nine hundred f if I > - • I sunshine of his section, enue eighty-five and one dollars ({6,961.00) together with the dths tS6.»8) feet to costs of this sale. Twenty-five years Together with all and singular the TELEPHONE WOODBRIDGE 8-1400 AND REQUEST THIS SER- ol l( beginning. Jl05 and that portion rights, privileges, hereditaments and f Brown announced that K , feast of tl* easterly appurtenances thereunto belonging or on a certain map in anywise appertaining. free copies of his af| Building Lots at F. HBRDMAN HARDING, VICE .. IT IS YOURS FOR THE ASKING. 4 owned by George Sheriff. day in which the sun" FRED W. DE VOE, Solicitor. three o'clock in the a fe comniuiily known 122.68 No. 22 Fifth street, 2m. 14, 21, 28. 3m: 6. Over the period oi amount of the de- The LEADER-JOURNAL has the largest circulation »f any paper in Woodbridge by said sal* la the SHERIFF'S SALE has been called on usand Thirty Dollars IN CHANCERY OF NEW JJEK8EY - er with the costs of Between ELIZA B. ARROWSMITH, ave age of p little Complainant, and FRANK SLAC- Township. Its Editorial and Reportorial columns are fair and unbiased - - it publishes all and singular K0W3KI and PAULINA SLACKOW- in the year. On the SKI, hl» wite, et. alfl.. Defendants, J"i. leges, hereditaments Fa. for the gale of mortgaged prem- all the MWS in a dear and concise manner.. its advertising columns are filled with won- has done much to cali'U tbereuuto belonging ises dated January 30, 1936. rtsining. By virtue of the above stated Writ. valence of sunshine in 1DMAN HARDING, to me directed and delivered, I will Sheriff. tjipoue to sale at public vendue on der values that you can buy vith confid any other one thing. 'EN 1 WEDNESDAY, THE ELEVENTH DAY ence. SollcltorB. OF MARCH, A. D., NINETEEN HUNDRED THIRTY-SIX ut two o'clock, Standard Time, in the Praising a i afternoon ut the said day. at the Sher- •'S&ALE iffs Office in the City ol New Bruns- , In its recent decisio: I JERSEY wick, N. J. VjHIILDING All those certain lots, tracts or par- Louisiana law which a cor- cels of land and premises hereinafter JOHW particularly described, situate. lyUig gvoss revenue of n •N, hU and being in the Township ot Wood- _ ' Fl, Fa. for britige, In the County of Middlesex weekly circulation a t premises dated und State of New Jersey. BEGINNING at a stake planted on the U. S. Supreme C'TTJ ie stated writ, the easterly side of Fulton Street, one tred, I will ex- hundred and sixty-eight and nine-tenths of a free press. ue on U68.9) feet In a northerly direction 1 _ _D^y OF frum the corner formed by the Inter- So .valuable is tin UP 1. A ' section of the northerly side of the 'RED road to Cutter's Dock with the easterly tation of public event ck "StandarSt_—d- Tim-. e lu the side of Fulton Street, and running tin wid day at the Sher- thence northerly along the easterly side nimously holds that i of Fulton Street, one hundred (100) feet Leader • Journal u^» City 6f New Bruna- curtail revenue from t to land of Giovanni Conuziaro; thence tmct or r*r- running easterly mt right angles ur herauuafter nearly so to the easterly side of Ful strict circulation, rest ton Street and along the southerly line «itu*ie. of li.nd of said Giovanni Conniiaro to "oi Wood: the westerly aide of land of the Perth Amhoy und Woodbridge Railroad Cum- The flnt amendme party; thence running southerly along the weaferlv side of land ot said Hall- provides that Congre iiwd Company curving to the right one abridging the tt^edor hundred- (1Q0) feet more or leu la a HlddlMes Ktake,: thrum westerly to the easterly Woodbridge Township's Family ot Joto side of Kui! mi Street, the place of Be- preas «nd that pirecl» flnulng. Belli* the r.remiwis commonly known, of- and deaiprm«u>d u No. 78 Fulton Street. | ameii" Wdbldfte N«w J«wy ' Newspaper Since 1909 noSUti'i

word* < the tfi


AT THE RAHWAY AT REGENT THEATRE CTAGE J Hollywood Highlights AND SCREEN The new AsUire-Rogers picture will be entitled "I Wont J KMiiRE, Rahway. a Kind," "The Captai,- n Hates th•.e IbncK," but thpy will dance. Miss Rogers has been known " i new Empire, one of Union Sea.Sea,"' "The Devil is a WnmaWoman .inanHd in l.uur eiKhteen hours before the camera in order to pet* , \ hading theatres will tea- many others. i IVI-I .i tlsuico sequence lasting only four minutes. Some- •r Pnramount vaudeville in the romantic lead is pretty 1 .V- Siturday and Sunday, on Mae Clark ol Philadelphia. Miss' i lines the swirling of her skirt in the wrong direction iini' stage Of the five acts Clarke first won fame when she wi.ulil necessitate doing the whole thing over -penal attention to the appeared with James Cagney In filming "The Trail of the Unsome Pine" last tfSwfi*- I -|,, features JumbJumbo the ele- 'TuDliTuolic EnemyEnemy",, and has sinc-..—e will Hill's society circus. been seen ui starring roles in "The i>' . the color director had quite a job to keep thfr'BOMI i ltegay & Co., who rtar- Front Page," "Impatient Maidens' , i' c.isi from becoming too red. Th« location WM'OiLjjjj dsc MMarie and 3 oth«r bifl "Silk bat tud", and many more ii Bear mountain and as that is 8,000 above the i vaudeville, screen hitshit . Kits pretty cold. Mrs. Herbert T. Kalmus waithe . would you if you One of the greatest ot I $5,000,000.00 and] the air, "Ceiling Zero", a Cosmo-; .-tor and she is also the wife of the college profc who developed Technicolor... ,,1(ly was tryin•' g t*o •kil "•l you politan production, will be prts- ,.,- td get it? tnted by First National pictures at Douglas Fas banks, Jr,, has been visiting his father ifti t IS the dilemma that faces the Regent theatre with James Cag ney and Pat O'Brien in the stellar Hollywood. "The Amateur Gentleman," in which he"'' rlisie at tile New Empire, starred with Elissa Landi, is being shown in London. 1_., ; HI Mascot's "One Fright- roles. !:•' providing a delight- Based on the Broadway stage is an Knglish-made film and taken from the book by Jefferf| ii-iMi)fI IImysterI J 01*1y/ an«1IUd IVIltCUcomedJy . hi"*t• b"Jy Ueut•""*-*••.• Commandevviiuiiniiuvir FranX 1CUUkV Farnol • ? ,i inlo gra,nd entertainment.' Wead, the play is crammed with Prince, a Great Dane, is the only dog in Hollywood W, v 1S the actress-grand-daugh thrills, laughs and love. It con-: play the part of a lion and a tiger. He has to be madt '"Charley Grapewin, irascible wns the daredevil exploits of The current photoplay "Ceiling Zero" now playing at ,- (i,e At his spooky old man three war buddies who have joined up, of course, to look the parts tn t Theatre, Elizabeth. ,in tins frightened night, a * commercial flying forces, to Harold Lloyd is a great lover of sports and games. He ,1 oilier heirs are suspected «arry mail and passengers in the c:m engage in almost ony kind of outdoor sport without fa f d( att A scene from "Collegiate" now playing at the Rah- , plot against her — a plot ^t° _ - }; ' leaving his lovely estate. He also enjoys games with hi* , includes the murder of Eva-' """Other" s in the cast include Bar-' W1 v . ton MacLane, Isabel Jewell, Craig ' 'y children but he is not much of a person for parties. Hit • killer is finally unhaskedunnasKea !; Reynoldsnejmuiu,, RicharniLnarda Purcellrurceii,, Carlyluanyiee : evenings are usually quietly spent •w, Toomey who tails for Moore, Jr., Addison Richards and"y Harry Caiey, Hoot Gibson and AT UBERTY Warner's is planning to remake a number of pictures. ,„' the process; as who would! Robert Light. 1 uu.nn -big boy w illmms, nae ("THAT New York man who Among them will be "Five Star Final," "Little Caesar", ..; hilariously hampered by Howard Hawks war ace and di-' aM tight logetner as a western * Inadvertently sent bit wife rector of "Hell's Angels," handled aontier counterpart of tne famous "Widow from Chicago", and "Smart Money" i Kdsey complete with cigar. he fin invitation lo attend bli bed- ,11^ ,i hayseed sheriff. Stiff Wa! tt« prttttttfon, 'mult WWid, the '"»'"«• Muttewe"*°' * "»» ding must lead 5 harum-scarum FYiHlpric Mnrfh will not wtw* bwwi *n "it*-,, ^ author, also wrote the screen play ceaiury France in "Powaersmoke I old as a braggort vudeville existence of Scots" although he should do so to be historically ac- Hange,' KKU Radio s super out- curate. But Clarke Gable didn't wear one in "Mutiny Ot ; door action drama, now at the Lib- •'all v rolling ^n the aisles RAHW AY THEATRE. Rahway. About $27.00 worth ol space Uu1 Bounty" nor did Richard Dix in "Cimarron" nor flea- : i.i lighter. The new Zane Grey adventure ro^^ ™fSSS 2 »£ in tbe Congressional Record was ry Wilcoxon In "The Crusades." The ladies in-the audi* l •:i,:-is in the cast are Arthtu wasted by Congress' inability to mance, "Nevada," with Larr, j^J BU Mm allflu fo r „one.. " end- simply won't stand for it, not to mention the leading Hodda Hopper, Lucien W- Bus1er spell "asinine." They seem to ClarencLTirence WilsoWilsonn, AdriaAdrian j " " Crabbe, Kathleen Burks j nionde Boots Mallory plays the have dramatized the word lady who plays opposite the star and Rafaela Ottiano. All do1 Raymond Hatton and Monte Blui, feminine leadle . Tom Tylery,, Wallyy J l L 1 L • • • Erie Linden, who played the part of the high school . M,,nlike jobs under ChrUty » he leading roles, opens at *. """Buzz" """""Barton" , buttai-"- "o Bm"" , Tbe Illinois supreme court Jr.. DTankiyn Jawum, Bill-Des- sim in "Ah, Wilderness" so well, is writing the story of .iMic's crisp direction. Mary iwnwayy Theatre. ruled that tbe 199-year sen- his life from the age of sixteen to the present date _.... ,• it-is not only pretty, but) Here is a film that packs mond, Frank Hice, WilUam iar- tence meted ont In a holdup •.iKing; and Charley Grape- swung aramauc punch, recounting n"man d Art Mlx are m tne a11" murder trial la legal, but that A film called "The Peafect Gentleman" with Frank Mor- . vmces a finesse in nil role u>« romantic story of a cowpuncl? ;star cast. doesn't make tt possible gan supported by Cicely Courtneidge was released in Am- makes it delightful. LT wlio tails in love wim the' • • « » erica. The same film was presented in England as "The i;>r children and family enter- daughter of the State's riche:,' STATE THEATRE, Woodbrldje. i£ u want t0 see the RfcimijWBt-iii t; DI me Florida Imperfect Lady" with Cicely Courtneidge supported by in nt; brisk and funny but rancner, only to discover that hi y° stranger real 68??K Doom—news item, Fiank Morgan. me Frightened Night," is suit- tins innocently become involved' niarnage bargain ever made, sec "Jasper; rlorlda, farmer'! barn •; and never gruesome. wun a gang of cattle thieves who' ^uthleen Norns's newest love stoiy sinks out ot stgbt In hi* back feature for thedie roboing the girl's lather an

MBS. MARY ROMANO REVIEWS John D. Dockweller, Attempt to Improve Living Conditions from California: ISELIN.—Mrs. Mary Romnno, "The combined police forces of Philadelphia, Chicago and New 51. of Pleasant avenue, died Sun- •( ••-/»• fl;iy at St. Peter's hospital, New York have more men in them thnn Brunswick. She Is survived by two A. H. V»nd«nberr, 0. 8. Senator Ihe standing armies of the United daughters, Mrs, Nicholas Cracker, of Trenton; Mrs. Raymond Toma- so, of Iselin; a son Kamey Romano, rights i »• :i patrolman in the Woodbridge po rights; but it assign: goad sa from 4-.WW.™.—- lirp department; two brothers, Ml- v to both within the written "If the problem of farm control \ eh.'iel and Frank Lewis, of Iselin. is left to the States, the time will I Funeral services were held Wed- come when we will be another i nrsdny morning at 9:30 o'clock I, J. Dickinson, US. Senator from! china." ( # , , j from her late residence and ten I o'clock at St. Cecelia's church. "Are we willmg to trade liberty The Supreme Court, unanimously: \ HPV. W. J. Brennan officiated. In- 1 "Since informed public opinion tc-t merit was in St. James ceme- is the most potent of all re- tery, Woodbridge. ernment?" straints upon misgovernment, the . • * • abridgement of publicity cannot JOSEPH REYDA be regarded differently that with Herbert Hoover, former President: grave concern," WOODBRIDGE—Funeral serv- "The New Deal has been a veri- ..." ices for Joseph Reyda, who was table fountain of tear" Laparo Gardenia*, PreiMent of killed last week by a Pennsylvania ...Mexico: Railroad train at the Genesco sta- built of the finest materials, the tion, were held Monday morning ROSELLE—Construction of Ro- Mordecal Eieklel, - ''There is no reason to believe selle's 1936 Model Home, to bo house will bo air-conditioned «ml visor, Department of ARritui nt 9:30 o'clock from the home of healed with oil. the Communist nfovement exists in his daughter, Mrs. Theodore Zboy completed about April 1. is enter- ture: Mexico." .... ing its final stages on a pictures- Specifications provide for a spa- "Even now we could produce iin. of 373 Fayette street, Perth cious living room opening onto a Amboy and at 10 o'clock at St. que wooded slope in Pine street all the farm products we need Malm Craig, Oh-'ef of Staff, U. S.: nenr Seventh avenue. The seven large shaded porch atop an attach- with SO per cent of our farmers."' John the Baptist Greek Catholic ed basement-level garage, tiled "Wo in the Army do not advo- church. Interment was In St. room dwelling, costing approxim- cate a great military establish- ately $15,000, will be given away kitchen and bathropms, cedarlined • • • • John's cemetery. closets, basement recreation room ment, sufficient to defend our- June 20 at the Roselle Municipal Charles I. Faddls, Confreuman selves against any possible enemy.' Auditorium by the Clio Club, sec- and numerous other modern con- w/IIEN Uio U S. Supreme Court JOHN SEDLAK veniencies and up-to-the-minute from Pennsylvania: * • « » WOODBRIDGE.—Funeral senr- ond oldest women's club in New uphold constitutionality of the Jersey. features. "Can the college sophomore, in Johnson Hagwood, Major General, iros for John Sedlak, 40 years old, The Clio Club, formed in 1884, his infinite wisdom and with his Tennessee Vnllej Authority. It of Upper Green street, were held The "down east" type structure U. S. A.: f long affiliated with the New Jer- comatose communist brain, solve | iiamped Judicial approval on the Saturday at the Greiner Funeral o stone and white shingle construe "We are now in less danger of sey Federation of Women's Clubs, the age-old problems of the whole an outside war and in more danger mnBl extensive effort to Improve home. Interment was in the Rose- tion. started in November, was de- world1" signed by the architects who pre- and active in numerous civic af- of an inside war than at any time living conditions the world has hill cemetery. Lindnn. Surving fairs is sponsoring the project as him are 'our cousins. Mrs. Andrew i-irod nlnns for the new fourteen The .house will be opened for Dub- during my forty-three years of o»er seen. The government will *rv Union County Courthouse an example of the best in home- service." Komuvos Joseph. Andrew and construction and home-furnishinf?. lir inspection in early spring. nave spent approximately till,- George Sedlak, all of Woodbridge. lower. Completely insulated and 000.000 on TVA projects by raid- rammer. TVA activities spread OTCT 40,- 000 square miles of tbe Tennessee Valley and affect all Us 2.000,000 pwpi* A hoot 18,»M now an M work on Its various projects. OPENING Here are the main thlngi TVA la doing: 1-lt Is building four great Tbe nearly completed Non-la dam, oppcr photo, Important unit dams-Norrii. which will be fin- In tbe vast TVA project, will create a lake 80 miles long on the ished this summer; Wheeler, Clinch river In eastern Tennessee. Pictured in the lower photo Plckwictt Landing, and a dam at la one of the workers' homes In the model town of Norrla, situ GunterBvllle, Ala. ated fonr miles from the dam. With Wilson Dam, built during the World War to make nitrogen, turned to experiments In creating tlv» farmws are making Just at these are the forerunners of a and making phosphatla fertHU- much money aa they did previ- series of barriers to control the •rg, Judged more rweuarr than ously. F. & F. Dairy whole Tennessee river. the nitrates. 7—To encourage greater use o( 2—With Its surplus from Wil- 6—One of the greatest surveys •leclrlcitf on farms and In son Dam, TVA already is provid- of land use ever undertaken has homos, tbe Blectrlo Home and 315 Morris Ave., Elizabeth, N. J. ing the power needed to build been made and, as a result, the Farm Authority, an agency to Norrla Dam and supplying small best use of all land in the basin finance sales of electrical equip- towns and rural areas In that U known. ment, was created. section. Incidentally, a soil conservation 8—Towns built at Norrls and S—When the huge reservoir be- program similar to that proposed Wheeler Dams for tbe workers gins to fill behind Norrls Dam, a to supplant AAA baa for the last will be permanent and should start will be made Is controlling year been In effect ID tbe valley. eventually pava the way to es- Friday, February 28th, 1936 disastrous floods which frequently Cover crops bare replaced land- tablishment Of rural communities have swept the valley. menacing row crops and crop ro- where small factories served with 4—Navigation of the Tennessee tation has been employed, to cheap power may be operated river Is oiade a definite prospect build up soil In tbe region. Since 9—Valuable experiments have BEST HOME MADE 6—To make nitrogen, two huge tbe land consequently Is richer, been made In ceramics, the elec- BEST FAIRMONT BEST CREAMERY SALT TUB btbl HUlYlt. MAUL — ^^ . plants were built at Wilson Dam and less Is needed to produce trical firing of native kaolin during the war. One Is obsolete crops equalling those grown un- clays to make One white dishes and unused. The other Is being der the old system, tbe co-opera now almost all Imported. SWEET BUTTER3Q Butter 2 %. SWEETBUTTEF4POUND 3 Climatic conditions, it was only four hours when the mass (if pniiMn ... *^r ^ Astrophysical Unit brought out by the speaker, de- the moon split off from the earth.' Discusses Planets pend largely on the rate of evolu- The friction of the tides was Uiu N. J. STRICTLY FRESH N.J. STRICTLY FRESH LARGE WHITE SELECTED LARGE tion of the earth on its axis. Such cause advanced by the speaker for, a period was not 24 hours as ordi- the slowing down of the earth's ax- j PERTH AMBOY.—Woodbridgt k»l rotation. members of the Astrophysical So- narily assumed by most of us dozen BROWN EGGS 37 but some few minutes less. The day EGGS ciety attended the regular meeting as ordinarily used as a time period FRANK MOSCARELLI Eggs Friday night in the auditorium of 35 39 DOZEN *^ • DOZEN the Perth Amboy Public library. is the mean solar day and is bused on the earth's obit around the sun. ISELIN.—Funeral services for The speaker of the evening was Frank Moscarelli were held Sat- j Mr. Haas who dealt with the sub- During the earth's existence as a planet, the period of axial rotation rday morning at 9:30 o'clock from ; GRAHAM ject, "The Earth as one of the iis late residence, Grand avenue,) FANCY Heavenly Bodies." The speaker ex- has been steady rotation. Mr. Haas ASSORTED VARIETIES nd 10 o'clock at St. Cecelia's pressed many ideas of a challeng- offered evidence from recorded SODA ing nature and a good deal of dis- history to prove his point, although •hurch, Iselin. Interment was in St. GINGER SNAPS Ib. cussion between the speaker and the difference during recorded his ames 'cemetery, Woodbridgr. MUF.NSTER CHEESE SALTENES Ib. pkg. 10' the audience followed. The topic tory in the speed of the earth's ax- 1—• CHOCOLATE SNAPS was a continuance of a paper pre- ial rotation is not great. Darwin STAND ENTERED sented at a December meeting. has compiled the original day at WOODBRIDGE.—C. A. Smitii of LEMON SNAPS 1b. EDUCATOR 59 Rahway avenue reports to OLD FASHIONED he police Saturday mornin 't FIG BARS iis stand was entered soijy during the night and cigarettes, AMERICAN CHEESE • Ib. 19 Crax, 2 tor cakes nnd candy valued about $10 were stolen. Thieves gained rn- SHEFFIELD EVAPORATED ance by breaking a window. can IMPORTED C Pot Cheese Ib. 10c Milk 6 Ib. Leider-Kranz 22c SWISSCHEESE 39 Baby Goudas 33c DOWN PABST-ETT VARIETIES Snappy Cheese pkg. 10c SWISS OLD ENGLISH GOES THE PRICE OF PIMENTO C Cream Cheese pkg. 9c STANDARD 2? Ib. 33 SHAVING COMFORT SHARP CHEESE- FRESH ROASTED FANCY OLEOMARGERIN FOR E %c STONE COFFEE o2 L Jl LIMBURGER CHEESE n LBS. FOR 25 ARMOUR'S COLD CUTS FRANKFURTERS BLOOD WURST us 29c

HAVING comfort hit in all- AN absolute necessity for tbe spring wardrobe in Pattern 8680 S time low la pike willi the LIVERWURST HARD SALAMI « 29c ™ which buttons all the way down tbe front Can be made wltb innouDCenienlotlVubikJunior long or abort sleeves. Available in sizes 14 to 20 and 32 to 44 —the remtrluble new double- BUe 16 requires lust 4 yards of 89-Inch fabric. edge niot blide. Thiak of it! PRESSED HAM You jet 25 keen,smooth-shav- TAYLOR HAM :. 25c Clever, In design, yet utterly simple to make. Pattern 8685, wltb LB It* snowy wblte collar and cuffs. Is an overwhelming favorite tor J ing bUdei, uniform in quality, STAR BRAWD morning wear. Available In sizes 36 to 52. S!«a 38 require* 1% fot only JW. You'll wonder yards ol 56-Inch fabric plus % yard contrast. how lucb tne blades cm be VEAL LOAF BOILED HAM -LB.53c Little alster will love tbe princess lines, puff sleeves, and Petei •old for to linl« money. Pan collar ot Pattern 8691. wblcb solves tbe play problem tor busj Probdk Junior is (he product ' mother*. Comes In sites 4 to 14 years. 81 se 6 requires Just 2 of unequalled mtnufacturing HAM BOLOGNA . jrarda ot 86-lncb fabric, plus H yard contrast. methods tad matchless skill. To secure, a PATTERN and 8TEP-BX-8TBP SEWING »• This bUde ii automatically BTBIJOTION8, fill out the coupon below, being sure to MENTION lempeied, ground, honed aud THB NAME OP THIS NEWSPAPER. stropped—gives you wonderful HEAD CHEESE Sliced Bacon shaving satisfaction/Try Prubik Junior and see for yourself. Get „„. .... BUREAU, Ull STERLING PLAOB, them today from your dealer. BROOKLYN. K. t. , Probak Junior fiti all Gillttli Kmw iwa Be MAXWKLL HOUSE aJloMd tad ««*»• and Probdtk raton Mow. at IS owl* Mel" Pattern No, »«8e Pftturn No- 1686 8lM M* 23 Sugar 5 23 Pattern No. ,|»» Stae PR6BAK JUNIOR We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities MAPI IN US.A, TMRtS U.S.PAT 0»f, OTHtR PATtNTI PtNBIHQ - « ^^PwirK** •



W II. S. LEAGUE STANDING W. L. Pet Baseball Stars Turn Professors PRIZE OFFERED f 'orris 3 1.000 PLAYING RAHWAY AWAY TONIGHT Column . 3 1.000 Krnsbey . 3 1.000 Woodbridge A 2 .667 BY ML CARMEL Hopelnwn 2 .667 WINDS UP BARRON'S BASKETBALL Avcncl . 1 .333 Woodbridge B 0 .000 U. S. May Improve Mark Iselin . 0 .000 In spite of the comparatively poor showing of I Port Reading . .. 0 .000 SEASON; FIFTEEN LOSSES SO FAR nine Sewaren t|l(. United States in the games at Garmisch—Parten- WOODBRIDGE. - "That .. 0 .000 WOOUBUIDGE.—Whether or not Woodbridge high k in-hot), we believe that laurels in the 1936 will be bucks looks good to me" is a 19:15-36 basketball team estab ishes an all-time to America. pharase that is often heard each •I'idi (I, not only as far as the Barran axienue institution ia Come the summer time and an opportunity ime a bowler walks into the Mt. COURT LOOP AT .•fiiK'ornod but state-wide as well, remains to be seen to- Curmel alleys to take a crack at for some of the Stars and Stripes' track'and field •iiK"t. «tars to show their wares and it is our belief that the 219 score. | The Red Ghosts play their sixteenth and final game quite a different story will be told. The prize this week has Jump- ed up to $9.00 and by the looks of BARRON SCHOOL of the aurejit court campaign tonight when they oppose However, that is a little to be said about the the way things are going, the Kahway High's crack club at the latter's gym at 8 o'clock. cluinces in individual departments just at present. prize should go up a lew more Thus far this season the Barrons A's Owner Dies dollars. HITS JOPJPEED have been defeated twice by each The alleys are going full swing of tlie following schools: South Biv bowling Results The death of Thomas Shibe, owner of the Phila- each night, but as yet there has WOODBRIGE.—Coach Nicholas delphia Athletics, robbed baseball of its third promi- • been no danger of the prize being er, Hostile, South Amboy, St. A. Prisco's inter-class basketball wary s, Koselle Park, Keyport and iient mogul since the end of baseball's last campaign. paid out, There has been a few proving league at Woodbridge CIVIC LEAGUE STANDING Frank J. Navin, owner of the Detroit Tigers lads that have made a good bid for Jiiru'ret. Rahway has already W. L. Pot. it, but that final "punch" seems to high schol struck full stride this landed the locals a setback several Wayside S. C. 41 IS .151 and high official in the American League's execu- be missing when the player is on week with the reuslt that at the ivti-Ks go and should tney dupli- Giant* - SS 24 Alt tive staff, died, while hors*back riding, and the home stretch, or as a bowler present moment Fords and Colonia :au: mi' leat tonight it Will be IWO DeMoUy 32 16 .554 Charles A. Stoneham, owner of the New York says "the last few frames tell the players head he loop in a three- ivins lor Kahway over the ited and Craftsmen 24 27 ,471 stoDry.i " V Giants m th* N*tiom*l League, died January 6 tt three tie. Black. after a prolonged illness, Sotttrtw on you "ptn-busterB The teams consist of high school AS it now stands, Coach Nick oil up your bowling arm, and come students desiring athletic activity. t'risco s warriors have tasted de- Ilk Hat* II SS IM Three of baseball's most highly respected offi- down to the Mt. Carmel alleys and Each player is assigned to a team ftat filteen times and have little or Avenel A. A. IB 16 cials, they were, and their places will long be remom- maybe you can take home enough bearing the name of the commun- no chance of putting across a win iK'ml after events of 1935 and 1936 seasons have been money to buy the wife a coat, or ity in which he lives. If the Barrons drop to- INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE entered in the books as history. the girl friend a wrist watch. Following are the scores of the nights tut it will be the first time STANDING Beginning last week, one night games played this week and the in the history of the school that a L. Pot has been set aside for the young Puritan Dairy 43 IS .154 Baseball Near Again league standing: youngsters of Mlnmt, Flo., will nmv have nil (he reason In Hie world representative team, in any sport, ladies of the parish, and judging Port Reading (12) mushed a season defeated in all Vsn Syekle S2 16 .661 It won't be long now before the old game of bace- by the turnout, it is expected that to become grent hnnrhnll pluvtrs for n school IUIB been oi'i'iiort I here Olsen Bit Five S7 20 .64* where baseball la tlie only mibjpi'l Iniigbl "Profrssm" P:uil Wnner. oi its games. Not only that, but it luill is again the leading subject for countless sports the ladles will form a bowling Wasicek, f Cdleie Inn 28 10 .581 PHtsburgli I'lrnie slur, one of I|IP Instructors, la RIIMHH its h>> (lemon also creates a state record. writers, who spend on the average as much time on league in the near future. Vahaly, f . 1 Tuesday night of this week, the Seco Five 2» 25 .537 The alleys are open every night, Bartha, c . 2 slrates how to liii n low h.ill Leslie Mann, [ornnvh o| ih<> Huston r Slpwi 8. S, ...„ 81 27 4M this sport as does the average sports writer on all Bra IT? nml :ilL" it me inl,,»t m ihc f:ii'iilty innr.s mi Ghosts were downed by St, Mary s and anyone is eligible to shoot for Berta, g 0 oi Perth Amboy by a 33 to 13 A. 4 P „... » 42 .17$ tlio other athletics combined, or nearly so. the prize ,all that is necessary is to Barbato. ,, „g 0„ icore. The Barrons never had Busy Bee Msxket ... 8 4J .158 Already the hurling staffs and raw rookie hit '219' on the ,nose, and you col- Seklinski, g 0 chance. Czotter and Ogden were • f • • groups are in camp beginning the annual fight for lect 9 berries. high scorers for the losers with Avenel A. A. (0) Totals 5 2 12 three points apiece. On the other C. Schwenzer 214 236 176 recognition, from the sport sheets back home. 154 In another week all the regulars signed to full Woodbrldce "A" (20) F.C. TIGER TANKMEN naiid, it wasn't all curtains for thj Petras I g locals, lor the Red and Black Jay Hoff 133 125 .season contracts will be on hand to begin the pre- ACTION BECOMES Roshelle, f 0 vees managed to ring up a 25 to 1 Perna 117 150 144 season battling known as the Grapefruit League sche- flolnar, f 2 win over the Saints' J. V'B. Remas 148 160 178 OPPOSE SCARLET 193 191 BOWS TO STRONG Larsen 175 dule. Suidmen, c 2 Last Friday evening, Carteret Finn, c 0 High bumped off the Priscomen Giants Change Camp WARM. IN PARISH Ur. g 5 by a 21 to 14 tally. Captain Barnes Totals 785 862 843 This season finds several teams training at new Dojcsak, g 0 ST.LADISLAUS 5 SWIMMERS NEXT Leahy and Anacker were scorin Wayside 8. C. (S) tops for the vanquished silis. The New York Giants apparently have found Sipos, g 0 with W. Skay 178 183 190 VOLLELJ-EAGUE Bellanca, g 0' WOODBRIDGE. - The Wood- NEW BRUNSWICK. Six Kut- pair of points each. Boka 167 144 171 that swanky Miami Beach offered just a little too bride Field Club lessors, uftci a t-rs University sports teams will Woodbridce (13) Olsen 149 193 193 much diversion for the players, who perhaps prefer- WOODBRIDGE.-—Going in the Totals 9 2 20 few weeks of inactivity, returned swing into action tomorrow, a g f Kovacs 159 155 143 volley ball league sponsored by the Woodbridge A 5 0 7—20 to the pine wood floor at New swimming meet with Princeton in Merwm, f 0 0 E. Hansen 168 194 204 red to parade around among the celebs rather than pa- Port Reading 0—12 Recreational Committee of the 5 5 Brunswick only to drop a hard the afternoon heading the home Petro, f 0 2 rade around the ball park the number of trips that a • » • • -eisure Time group is pretty well battle to the St. Ladislaus Lyceum program. In the evening the Scar- .eahy, f 0 0.0 Totals 819 869 900 condition-bent ball player should make. knotted up with the Dukes and Sewaren (12) . Barcellona, f 0 0 0 quintet of that place. The final let boxers will clash with City Col? Anyway, the Giants have transferred their \venel Park teams claiming top f tl Nielson, c 0 0 0 Giants (0) xwition by virtue of two wins and Pocklembo, f 0 0 score against the locals was, 29 to lege of New York. Czotter, c 113 training base to Pensacola, another Florida town, The basketball team winds up agy 173 140 10 losses apiece. Urban, f 3 0 25. Ogden, g 1 l 3 K 159 noted for its flying facilities. Hammett, c 1 The first quarter ended with the its final trip away from home at Almasi, g 10 2 The Cyclones rate second with Penn State while the freshman )eak 168 188 Perhaps at Pensacola, the pitchers will have-an hree victories and a pair of set- Szewczyk, g _.... 2 score tied at six-all, but a long Anacker, g 0 11 Kara 213 180 159 Crazier, g shot by Takacs as the half closed cagers are playing at Princeton Barnes g 10 2 opportunity to go sky-high when they blow up, with jacks while the Blue Jays came in High School. The wrestlers will Gerek 137 144 such excellent flying conditions within two home runs lor berth No. 3 with three wins gave the Saints a 15 to 12 lead. It Notchey 177 176 e Totals 8 (1 17 was only in the closing minutes of grapple with the University of Totals p.nd as many defeats. The WM Pennsylvania matmen at Philadel- 4 5 13 facobs 205 173 169 reach. (Wait, don't shoot—we quit!) Owls rank fourth with no victor- Colonia U») the last stanza that the Saints St. Mary's (33) 11 pulled comfortably to the front. phia and the fencing team will face Reds Bt San Juan ies and three whippings, while the f Layfayette at Easton. Totals 934 618 807 Bull Dogs have yet to get started. McMichael, f 1 Leffler, Mayer and Keating were O'Mara, f 4 The Reds of Cincinatti have shifted all the way The meet between the undefeat- 11 is expected, however, that the Pinkham, f 0 0 tops for the Field Club in scoring, Ayres, f 0 DeMoUy- (S) In Puerto Rico for theii preliminary training, which Carlson, c ....'. 0 0 the former accounting for nine ed Rutgers swimmers and the Ti- HanderhanjilBf 4 175 190 first place tie will be broken next gers should be one of the best of G. Lee 202 establishes a new precedent for major league ball Wednesday when the Parkers and Ayres, c 0 points and the latter two, eight Kelly, f ..TZ, 0 'erraro ..: 180 142 141 Currid, g 2 0 and five respectively. the current season. The Scarlet Keating, c 9 0 10 129 156 clubs, though several times minor league clubs have Dukes collide in a game that Is des natators. leading contenders for Hiller 185 tinied to be a corker. Doll, g 2 0 Woodbridge F. C, (25) Quinlan, c 0 0 0 N. Bernstein 178 201 180 visited San Juan for pre-season workouts. E. Pinkham, g 1 0 g f ft tl the Intercollegiate Swimming As- Stanczewski, g The standing: sociation laurels this year. Yale 0 2 Bernstein 184 181 173 The field at San Juan hat been greiatly im- VOLLEY BALL LEAGUE F. Lattanzio f 1 and Princeton, are the outstanding Harrigan, g 1 0 proved just for the Reds, and it is the hope of W. L. Pet. Totals 9 1 19 J. Lattanzio, f 0 college tank teams in the East. To- Muska, g 1 Totals 939 828 840 Urry McPhail that the steady sun and even tem- Avenel Park 2 0 1.000 Sewaren < 0 11 2—17 Mayer, f 3 morrow's meet will probably hinge Buchan, g 0 • • • • 4—19 Leffler, c g perature of the island will do much for th« Red- Dukes 2 0 1.000 Colonia 2 7 6 on the 400-yard relay, final event Craftsmen (0) * • * • ! Keating, g 2 on the program. Totals 16 1 33 R. Simonsen 184 legs. Cyclones 3 2 ,750 Score by periods: no Blue Jays 3 3 .500 Fords (12) ITyrell, g 0 Schwenzer 138 179 The smashing victory which the Woodbridge 0 5 5 3—13 160 170 The first batch of the squad to leave for the new White Owls 0 3 .000 g tl T. Lattanzio, g 0 Rutgers boxers sfored over Penn Levi 169 Reilly, f 0 St. Mary's 16 8 5 4—33 Blind 135 135 157 training camp left February 6, with Manager Charlie Bull Dogs 0 0 .000 last week showed a great improve- 135 9 25 * » t • Blind 135 135 Dnssen, a couple of coaches, several regular battery- Harky, f 2 Totals 10 5 ment in ring technique on the" part 135 Boka, c 2 St. Ladislaus (29) of mo?t of the Scarlet slugger^ and Woodbrldfe Jsyvees (25) nici., and one or two rock hurlers and catchers on Mastrovich, e , 1 g f ft tl as a result the odds favor Rutgers g f tl Totals 761 754 787 hoard. The remainder of the squad either sailed on Vincze, g _ 0 0 0 Takses, f 2 4 Karnas, f 0 0 0 PINOCHLE LOOPS in tomorrow night's battle. Old Timers (3) 0 Chaplar, f 0 1 1 ships leaving soon thereafter or left by" plane from Pfeiffer, g 0 0 0 Eory, f 1 215 223 Malega, g 0 1 1 David, f 1 0 Leffler, f 3 2 8 iaffner 222 Miami. It will be interesting to see how the new ex- 0 the whirlwind to be a snow plow, "zotter, c 2 2 6 Koyen 160 168 148 — Nagy, c 2 159 197 periment pans out both with the players themselves Totals 5 12 Smith, c 2 1 hurling drifts off the highway. His Dudik, g 0 0 0 irohne 144 BEGIN TO DRAW Blind 135 135 135 and with the finances of the club. Avenel (9) U. Horvath, g 2 2. automobile was wrecked. Burke, g 0 0 0 Blind ... 135 135 135 g tl Dances, g' 2 0 Barcellona, g 113 Nats Like Orlando Dileo, f 0 0 Prukop, g , 1 1 PLAY TANGOES AT FUNERAL Gyenes, g 3 1 7 Schwenzer, g 0 0 0 Totals 796 812 837 The Washington team gave up its training base Jaeger, f 0 0 • • • * Hayden, c 3 Totals , 13 3 8 29 Buenos Aires.—TQ the music of at Bioloxi after six years of journeying to the Missis- WOODBRIDGE—The two pin- 1 tangoes, which he had made fa- Totals 9 7 25 Seco (3) Burylo, g Corey 119 176 218 sippi town. However, nowtha,t Al Crowder and Heinie ochle leagues at the Parish House Flynn, g 0 "WHIRLWIND" SNOW PLOW mous during his life, thousands of St. Mary's Jayvees (11) recreation center have seen con- Bixby 121 137 99 Manush have left the club, the offshore fishing provid- Manchester. Iowa.—Driving into persons walked in the funeral pro 136 137 siderable action during the past Totals 4 1 9 what) appeared to him to be a lit- cession of Carlos Gardel, singer Burns, f 1 Saverock 135 ed for adjacent to the Nats former camp is no longer a ew days. Much interest has been LaForge . 176 199 172 necessity with the club. Fords 2 I' 5—12 tle whirlwind like you see in the and actor, who was killed a year Faley, f 1 147 162 shown by both the participants Avenel '. 2 5 2— 9 summertime." H. B. jChristi of Ce- ago in Colombia in ah airplane ca- Gerity, f 1 Siessel, Jr. 165 Then again, the new place, Orlando, Flonda, and the spectators. Upsets have dar. Rapids was surprised to find tastrophe. Patten, c 0 does not have slot machines that pay off, all of marked playing all along the way. Iselin (4) Ksrwin, g 0 Totals 716 795 8J6 A. & P. (0) which helps to keep the minds of the ball players In the American League, E. An- g Gallagher, g 0 derson and P. Jardone have come Devern, g ..." 0 FORFEIT strictly off the harmful da versions, according to Elles, f 0 • « » • from behind to take the lead from Blyth, f 0 One Ton of Prize Horseflesh Kelly, g 0 Clark Griffith, owner of the Nats. Hancock and Bothwell, while the Grossloph, f 0 Sipos S. S. (0) Then again, to get more serious about the sub- latter team is tied for second Habitch, f 0 Totals 3 5 11 G. beter 193 160 157 ject, Griff was quite sore at the Biloxi Chamber of place with Onkis-Morgan. AAquilal , c 0 , Score by periods: Deak 168 203 185 There is a triple tie for third Bird, c Woodbridge,J.V's 6 8 5 6—25 Sipos 164 164 129 Commerce for all that rain that marred practice last place with Van Dalen-Saakar Mi- Ritter, g St. Mary's J.V's ... 1 2 4 4—11 E. Skay 175 132 spring, even though Griff still offsets this reminder halko-Sullivan and Hopstak-Ken- Flessner, g • • * • Kovacs . 141 with the statement that otherwise Biloxi is the best an all sharing honors. Bodner, g Woodbrldfe (14) W. Skay .210 155 169 place in the South to train a ball club. Another reason Play in the National League finds Holzheimer-DeNyse in an Totals 1 2 4 Merwin, f Totals 876 857 772 tor the shift is that at Orlando the Nats will be within undisputed possession of first Barnes, f a few miles of each of the Washington farms' training HopeUwn (22) Olsen Blc Five (3) place. Leahy, f .. Olsen 194 182 167 camps—those of Albany and Chattanooga. Simon, f 1 Neilson, c The standings: Al Thergesen 175 169 160 Pashinski, f 2 Ogden, g Borchard 182 156 125 Anacker, g Pirates to San Antone American League Korzowskl, c 2 Jaeger 200 217 191 The Pittsburgh Pirates have decided to do their W. L. Pet. Johnson, g . Lorch 158 140 169 Chet, g Totals 5 2 1 loosening-up at San Antonio. Anderson-Jardone 12 3 .800 Carteret (21) Bothwell-Hancock 14 7 ,666 Sipos, g 1 0 Totals 864 818 It seem, that the quaint, Southwestern town Neilson, g 3 0 f Onkis-Morgan 10 5 [ Dixon, f 2 1(1 has a ball ptark that appeals to the Pirates' lik- Van Dalen-Saaks 1 2 ,333 Puritan Dairy (0) Totals 10 2 22 M. Vii'iig, f . 0 ings. Mihalko-Sullivan 5 10 C'owalsky, f Hollender 146 142 131 < Iselin 2 0 1 1— 4 0 171 The Pirates arc due to have their problems aplen- Hapstack-Kenna 1 2 .333 Hart/., c .. 1 K. Kuzma 151 144 3 9 .250 Hopelawn - 7 6 5 4-22 Faltisco 170 177 187 Gyenes-Brodniak 1 Ward, g 0 ty this spring, and a high type of diamond will pro- Sattler-WilUams 2 10 .166 . » * • Krohne 188 166 19.1 (U) King, g 0 vide the last word in opportunities for the competitors Woodbrldre "B" Urbanski 17fl 178 176 for the various open Pirate jobs to show what they National L&wue g W. L. Pet. Schrimpp,, f 0 0 Totals 9 3 2! t-iin do in big time environment. Score by periods: Totals 830 807 856 DeNyse-Holzheimer 5 .833 EtEpensteineri , g 0 1 College Inn (3) Carteret „ 4 2—2 Stark Rests a Year Sallasi-Vargo 1 .333 Zendbia, 1 1 0 Nagy 139 175 185 WiMxibridge 2 2—1 Umpire Dolly Stark, late of the National League s Krebs-Krebs 0 0 .000 Salisbury, f 1 0 Ferraro 147 187 244 !'st of active umpires, has taken a very definite stand Rdyle-Montecajvo 0 0 .000 Drunwnd. c 1 0 • Gerity 191 186 138 Cartenson-Glllls ,. 0 0 .000 Ogden, c 1 0 Woodbridie J. V's (IS) N. Bernstein 160 169 197 in his troubles with the senior circuit officials. Slater-Barcellona 0 0 .000 Montazolli, g 0 0 J. Bernstein 202 182 195 Stark hat been granted a leave of absence Montazolli-Zenobia 1 0 .000 Zabolotny, g 1 0 Burke, f C. Montazolli-Neldhardt 0 3 .000 U-fflur, f for one year, after which time h« is to make a Leahy, f .. Totals 839 849 959 final decision «s to whether or not h« wishes to Totals ..." 5 1 11 CAT AIDS ISCAPB Keasbey (II) Chapler, f become an active ump again. t Czotter, C Lucas, c 0 Walla Walla, Wash. - Using Spots f 1 Gyenes, Woodhull, c 1 Stark was given a nice Packard auto and other Stockman, c 0 K'fU last year from the fans, who, it is known, are the trained cat to give warning of the Trio, t 0 0 T. Barcellona, g 0 approch of prison guard, eight Rosin, f 0 0 Kurnas, g 0 Price, g 0 swim persons who often cry, "Kill the Ump!" How- Wagenhoffer, c 4 0 Schwenzer g 0 Palinkas,g 2 < V( convicts worked tor twenty-one ; '-, an ump'slife is a tough one. He has little chance months, tunneling their way out of Klelp, g 0 0 Virag, g * 1 0 [<»' a substantial increase in salary, and is destined to prison. The cat had been trained Bernard, g 1 0 The Brut exhibit to reach the packer. Abovt, Kaugeiette Frances Totals '. 5 3 13 Fox, g 0. 1 1 to stand at a corner of the corri- Sautner, g 0 0 Texas Cenknnml Exposition lot at Nalle i» shown with King, largest Carteret 1 Vi (17) ''!• unpopular with almost everyone. He must reman Totals 5 W i)f dor. At theapproach of a guard, Dallas wer£ the nix international of the nix, weighing more than 2,400 ir from the players themselves and is practicaUy Totals 8 0 pounds. The horses now are on a A. Virag, t Ui he would scurry back into the cell chaapiun Clydesdale draft horwn « «nemy of each ot them from the moment he first in Unu for the convicts to have Wo B ... e( Th»m»s E. Wilson, Chicago 10,000 mile tour of the Southwest WalshJ ....I &• floor mmi w uA PAGE TEN WOODBRIDGE LEADER-JOURNAL, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28,1986 ___ TWO SIDES TO EVERY STORY REVUE CHAIRMAN RAILROADS BEGIN ' IN THE WORLD OF SPORTS The following editorial tppeared From Our PENSION SET-UP WOODBRIDE—Township resi- Freshman Big League Baseball Stars of 1935 Do Some First-Class Worrying Back dents who are employed by the railroads will find that starting on • as Traditional Second-Year Jinx Threatens Sunday or on the first pay day Window (hereafter, their employers will BY PHILIP MARTIN lit h* deduct 3Mj percent of salaries and of « |^ AST lammWi hri* tad Mi- wages in accordance with the fed- coiu.nn ... vu Hut «nft «t frwhnan Mt One of our informer* who iiHI nitnpul5uij railroad retire- Middlesex County ment art. Similar amount Is to be i«tpw it>n nlfbt mil bnin to hat been attending the re- contributed by the railroads them hearsals for the Lions' Club selves to the retirement fund. eooitdw tot fortnnM of prvrlou min»trel which will be pre Most of the nation's railroads Q«weom«n who toll rletlmt to tented next Thursday night, heady have in effect their own tti* dnad stcond-yMr Jtni tfur pension plans. What effect the rolni Mi in thtlr Insugnnu saa- ktforms us that the joke» be- Irdrral plan will have upon these ing planned on some of the still undecided, according to wns. IIIUUK'Sl'X , . lv V/M Mowta* w me u> read i;iilioad executives, Tbti baMtall tradition baa HIM JOU, ru«runner Dy frow- "biggies" in town are 'wows'. ol Not one of the "big shots" The railroads are contesting thr btm pritty eonsirtrat In jwn I" ' * • I luve will be left off soott froe, so constitutionality of the railroad re put. Lack? rterolts who b»r« tircme-nt act in a joint suit in the >Ur*4 tt th* top after great per wuiuii w> discount Bus un- it seems. District of Columbia. However, all uut .c^numy MM Juinoicd fonnancw thalr first Muona hire fiance 01 • • • • vill no along with the require- not bMn nnmwont •nonih to Iwanve or iiunung. me uncovered Just ments of the act pending court de- malt mlsglTinp of tut your's All roads tomorrow or coiua not DC aeteotea D; cision. I rttr-hilrtd boys. night will lead to the The International Revenue De- merchner a i Fred Mawbey partment has ruled that the tax RMSOM for this JIBI IT* logi- Woodrow Wilson hotel for cal Munch. Br th» tlm» the •«• the annual dinner-dance WCXJDBRIDGE--April 30 and mu?t be deducted from wages paid May 1st have bo*n sot as the dates on and after Sunday, even though »nd campaign rolls around, • Mr. w his of the Middlesex County for the presentation of the Min- prior to that date. pitcher's formerly deceptive d» of me flU0 pitality extended by the around the circuit. VTliew and Fred Mawbey in general chairman ering the secon tard paaay day period in other natural handlcaptTtnalie the scribes. Good eats, a short of the affair. Jack Boos, welllliebruary; *° Practicable. dreaded h'ei seem something that but interesting speaking known entertainer, will act as The balance of the wageg s due for must be expected. f wilill took a C.vU Service program, and plenty of coach. the second half of February Among the Irtt year flashes Others on the committee are: be ppai d on the regulag r papy day music, dancing and enter- asssistant chairman, Harry Took- March 14. In that way, the deduc- who will be out to protect them ""f down "The Merit Men," quotes the SherW tf tainment are scheduled on selves against this hoodoo: Wallj er; advertisement committee, Wil- tion will be delayed half a month and the program. liam Applegate, Alfred Brown, The railroads generally are op- Mom. Philadelphia Athletic out get nd of a puoltc employee W Frank Boka and Chief Thomas enly opposed to the retirement act. fielder: Johnny Whit ahead. Chi • * • * Kath; hall committee, Leon E. Mc- Some are frank In saying that, if cago Whltesoi pitcher; Cy Blan Things to look forward to Elroy; music committee, William the railroads have to pay 3 Vi per ton, Pittsburgh Pirate hnrler; of that attruwlc rooveraenl, ihe CivU Service p ? thV New Jersey CIvU Service AssocUUon) which BHCt month—March 8, Jew- McDede and Charles Clausen; cent of 1heir employees' wages and Phil Cararretta, Chicago Cub Orel stage committee, John Haborak, salaries to the government for the sacker; Mel Almada. Boeion Red rt Mhe minute w-Jj—« li •4ab Festival of Purim; March William Prion, Ray Holzheimer, retirement fund, it may adversely Sol fly chaser; Jake Powell. 11*14, listen to old timers Eldon Raison; secretary and treas- affect present pension plans, and Washington Senator outfielder: l you all about the famous urer. George»,Tooker. perhaps deprive retired employees and Bot* Berger, second baseman H^KSSSwww' It employ, to help » brvQ*t In rtJs- ajrd of 1888; March 17, Proceeds -ft th* *tfair will beoJ.their pensions. fat DM Otfftlwa ladluu. are uns hLTner unitltkn of his own or is financed by someone "I don't know that the railroads' St. Patrick's Day and the placed in the band fund to be used outstanding. in the purchase of new uniforms can carry both these obligations,"! As ror the New Jersey CM! Serrlc* AlMtunw, *••**« cops' dance; March 21, the for the unit. commented one railroad official, to sute for the benefit of the public-sl-Ur»e, tod the Middlesex first <$xy of spring. "O wind, "the railroad's own plan was pro- p laughed when t cam? County Editor In particular, that It Is not the ***«»»*?*• * to bat, hut their if winter comet, can spring vided entirely by the railroad it-| neen zatlon to rush to the defense of any wid every Civil Benrtce em- RAHWAY~NEWSPAPER self, with no contribution by the turned to cheers when I hit * be far behind?" (Yup, we ploye who jets tato trouble. COMMENDS WORK OF employees. Now that the new plan homer ..." Every case Involving a member Is thoronfhly tamUftU* by remember our Shelley). has been forced upon the railroads Toung sandlot aspirants who the Association. If the Associations State BOMd of Tniste« find. I don't know what will happen to nope some day to pen such testi- • • • » LOCAL ROAD DEPT. that the member b In the wront, he is so advised and to left to bis the old one. I doubt most railroads i monial u this will kindly ad- own resources. Naturally, if It Is found Out ML attempt U being Add : It conies out here, can carry both of them." WOODBRIDGE. — Despite dress their letters to the National Gas H, Fan will be walclilnR tlu-se thrw hlg leaguers—rookie made to vlctlmiie him. the Association helps Wm. by Guy A. Tweedle a the grumblings heard about Baseball Correspondence School, itul last season—to »ee how they fare this lumraet, when lliey And let Mr. Gregory remember this: Nobody subsidise* the scribe from Arkansas; en- the roads in the Township due (xd Angeles. This organisation It ran Into that second-year jlm. Cy Blanton, upper left, hurled 18 Association. Its funds consist only of membership dues, and It Is titled "How do you strike to the recent heavy snow falls, glYtng a siren-week course rla Tlctories lor Pittsburgh In 1083; Johnny Wlillehoai), upper right, out of these funds that Counsells paid. Durm» the recent two-year the people in Rahway evident- TRIALBTJURY (he postal route. Graduates, we the papers?" or in plain Chicago White Sox moundttnan, was a sensation In the American Court fight against the State Highway Department "ripper" bills, ly think that Woodbridge Continued From Page One presume, will find employment In the Association assessed each and every member to pay a Law- English, "How's the paper Township has set an example League; and Phil Cavnrrclta, above, Chicago Cub first lacker, the case, David Stepacoff for the i he Mail Order League. played a major part In the Bruins' drive to the flag. yef8 printed?" to other communities. In the defendant and Huyler Romond and It is to prevent discrimination and preserve the Civil Service Rahway Record of Tuesday in System that concerns the Association more than the troubles "We slip the sheets in here Parker E. Nielsen represented tho p DANN, JR, It seems, has DATTINO the "bird* around Indoor game Is of cork. About an they slither and disappear; a column entitled "Just Be- girl. u of Its Individual members. Two-thirds of the number of employes tween You and Me" by Ding, designs on Uwson Little's now gives northern tennis Inch In diameter. It haa goose involved in the State Highway Department "ripper" Miration The grips take 'em down and Six jurors were challenged by amatenr golfing titles. He has quills stack In It, and an expert around we reed the following: the attorneys and finally the fol- players an opportunity to keep In were not members of the Association. It would nave been an easy "I happened to be in Wood- been the outstanding simon-pure trim during cold winter Months. badminton player can make It per- matter, and would have saved its members $11,500 for the Asso- The air begins to rebound lowing panel was selected: daring the southern season, an- form plenty cratlly. With ap bridge, the municipality where Sidney Pinkham, foreman, Col- No, this Isn't a case for the Hu- ciation to have compromised the matter behind closed doors. It And the paper comes out nexing the Florida Men's Winter proxlmately 100,000 Canadian de- here there are no banks and em- oma; George Fox, Avenel; Peter mane Society; we're simply call- could have "taken care" of the one-third of the affected employes ployees are paid with scrip, Amateur championship and the votees, Interest has mounted rap who were members, and let the other two-thirds »o ham, if It had With a whish and a whang Geis, Port Heading; George Hack- nig to your attention recent gains and a rattle-te bang last week and found that that et, Avenel; Frank LaFarr, Se- slurkey Challenger. Dans also Idly this year in New York City. sought to play that kind of a fame. 'Til something goes amuck. community has set an exam- waren, Stanley Stryckney, Wood- |«d all amateurs In the Btltmore In popularity made by badminton. New England, the Mlddlewesi. But the New Jersey Civil Service Association does not oper- The second verse of the ple Rahway could well afford bridge; Harold Mouncey, Iselin; nfl Ortando Opens. The ball, or "bird," used In this and Pacific states, above goes as follows: to follow, It seems that in our Julius Blake, Arthur Gardner, * ' We carf easily understand Mr. Gregory's Indignation over the Forms go to and fro below, neighboring community, in- Thomas Leahy, James Tinan and Metelskl Incident. As the Editor of a newspaper, it is his dnty to And the uik is spread just BO, stead of plowing the snow on Edward McLeod, all of Wood- expose any rottenness that may exist at his County Jail, or any- Cylinder rolls down and wide streets by pushing a bridge, Acting Judge Arthur where in the Government, for that matter. But it also is his duty to plow through the center of i Brown heard the case. BALINT SOLVES place the blame where It belongs, and not go off half-cocked. 'round each street, they ploW near I Several witnesses were called to Gee-jiggers flop up and the curb, leaving the bulk of IIJIILYOURCHIID^ the stand and they included the Continued From Page One OTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION down— the snow in the middle. girl in the case, her sister, the Commissioner Schaffrick kept Ba- OF FIRE DISTRICT NO. 2 The paper comes out behind "This creates an artificial Overseer of the Poor, and a mid- TORMENTED FEET! With a whish and a whang boulevard which makes the wife. lint, who is usually assigned to GROW UP TO BE PORT READING, N. J. And a rattle-te-bang streets much easier to travel The case continued for over foui desk duty, in plain clothes and Notice is hereby given to the le- And that's how the paper and tends to prevent accidents hours, from eight o'clock until af- game him a free hand on the case, STRONG md | ;al voters that on Saturday, Feb- ZEETA BRINGS RELIEF Is "struck". , as the pile of snow in the mid- ter midnight. The jury was out but except for regular (reports. uary 29th, 1936, a special election dle of the street prevents cars 20 minutes, and when they return- Balint continued diligently on in 3 Minutes or Momy Back from skidding into each other. ill be held at the Fire House at It is peculiar how scandal 'ed they gave their verdict in'favor the case, bringing in fore informa- STURDY :I advance the Woodbridge of the girl who is to be allowed 'ort ReadinK in said district, interests the general run of tion each day. Conferences were show plowing idea to Street $100 for medical expenses, burial' held daily with the Amboy depart- Suid election is for the purpose Khb* psnplnd. Ol** fMt people. The other . night a Committee Chajrman. John expenses in case the baby dies and ment until the case broke yester- if voting appropriations lor gener- udktmtu t«ta, watac UMwt-»«t u young man appeared in the Marley " i( the infant lives she is to receive day morning, 7 1 fire purposes for the current fis- Ml I* tfew* wk*lm tm Jut I mtmm. local police court on a seri- three dollars weekly. The defen- j Admits to Theft Micutt Bwta, tk* aallnp* dant was requested to post a bond According to the authorities, il year, as follows: ous charge. For the first time cneral Expense $4,000 feodoiut powdtr. for $1,000 and was assessed $5 for Casper, who was employed at the Sib U oi ro» (Mt aM atak* U U in years a jury sat in the re- LIONS'MINSTREL court costs and $5 for neeessary le- , American,Smelting and Refining ATater $4,000 jnt thM*. TtaUtawtjHr wtttb corders' court which was Continued From Page One gal papers which had to be record-. Company, admitted to the theft of IM6550IT5 The polls will be opened at 7:00 U at th* tad «C I mlattM m*'« jammed to the doors jwith will be-as follows: ed. ' peveral bars of silver over a period M, and will be closed at 9:00 P. •fcwt br^iltti MoUtef, «•"»« Discussing the cflse Judge of time. The authorities went to curious onlookers snickering Parti A. kMHar comfort, (o U y*M dtafftat ud Address of Welcome—Stephen Brown said: < New York yesterday and recover- U wm fUdlj itfi 7M back 7»u m«B*r at the muck that was being "Considering the large crowd eJ Bine bars and $10,000 worth of Board of Fire Commissioners, L. Hruska. COD LIVER Qf Woodbridge Township, C«*U I* neomn«fti*d tnd told By r o*! raked up. Y. M. C. A. Gymnastics, "Jungle that attended the hearing I>.must merchandise secured during the say that their conduct was i very' past year in Perth Amboy hold- District No. 2. fi t « • • Antics," Joe Gersik, Joe Karishika, whm for t wl>nsa «B»c tn* John Gappy, Michael Gresh, Frank dignified and considering the na- ups. Frank D'Apolito, Secretary twt. txmmtn dbautm iiiiilf itVm, »lw A god time was had by ture of the case that was remark- Criminal Record 'ebruary 21-28. . Totin, William Totin, Jack Cassio 1 OIL (or tktflsf u« nabm. 'all last night at Sz-urko's and Eric Grobe. able. Only persons barred were Kaufman and Degenhard are al on Fulton street where the Song novelty, "That Old Irish- those whom we considered too leged to have been the receivers, Solve* the problem for "gang" feted Fred Maw- man of Mine," Francis Egan. young. The expenses of the jurors, The former is said to be part own- Tap dance specialty, Dorothy 75 cents each, were paid by the de~, er of a Perth Amboy night club, you. It guards your baby bey. It was Fred's birth- Langan, Gloria Paul and Dorothy fendant. It is the statutory right of Sedor, is also said to have con- against rickets, itrengtb- day and we asked him Shaul. the defendant to demand a jury to fessed. He worked at the plant un- WEEK ENDS how old he was and the Piano accordian selections, Miss a vice or morality case and the til January. The police say he has •ni bone structure, and helps little-bodies to grow. McKes* a Grand answer was "around 38 Elaine Jensen. conduct is the exact procedure as a criminal record and has served ion's Plain, Mint-flavored and High Potency Cod Liver Oils Part 2 a term at the Rahway Reformtory « or so"—so I guess you will that followed by the higher Occasion The Minstrel courts." Balint is still working on the are sold by druggists everywhere. have to figure out his age. Interlocutor, Liwrence F. Cam- case and is aiding the Amboy po- Hungarian cu- pion: endmen, Harold Vogel, Clair lice in the questioning of the four Istne .. .excellent ser- » • * » Bixel, A. G. R. Quelch, Louis Coh- now held in custody. Further ar- The senior class play, "Big en, Vincent Weaver, Anthony rests are expected shortly. vice ... distinctive at- Hearted Herbert" .went over Aquila, George Ruddy at' the pi- Commends Local COM mosphere ... ami a ano. Chief Gutowski today expressed crowd ... at our with a bang last night. The Entre the entire ensemble. bis appreciation to the Woodbridge KEROSENE USERS! moderate prices. production will be presented "Tomorrow," Harold Vogel. police for their aid and coopera- again tonight, so if you miss- "Red Sails in the Sunset," Ray- tion. The neighboring city of You Can Now Have ed it last night, don't fail to nond Elliott. Perth Amboy his had several rob- tee it tonight at the high "In the lions Den,'.' the entire beries during the past 18 months ensemble. and very few of them have been school auditorium. 'Roll Along Prairie Moon," solved. This is the first real 'break' the authorities there have had. Range Oil Don't Mis* Dominick Aquila. Woodbridge, in contrast, has been And if you are tired of "I'm Marching Home to You," DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME FOR This Clair Bixel. exceedingly lucky, the police here GALA FESTIVAL ice and snow, cheer up, "O Mammy Weep No>More," Vin i having cleaned up every major just go out in your garden cent Weaver. , case on its records. and Took at your bushes, "Boots and Saddles," the entire PER GALLON hedges and trees and you company. \ "The lions Roar,'1 Louis Cohen. Are slow-clean$ing\ooth will find out that nature "The Vine Covered Chapel," A. WANTED' 1 - knows that spring is ijusfe G. R. Quelch. pastes robbing you IN 50-GAUON LOTS—DRUM FURNISHED FREE around the corner. Every- "Good Night Little Girl bf My of really white teeth? GYPSY ORCHESTRA thing has big buds on it Dreams," Anthony Aquila. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY CALL "Finale," the entire ensemble. # Stop using slow-cl«ansing tooth DIRECT FROM this year. And webet that Others in the cast are: Dr. Hen- as soon as the ice and pastes if you want really whits GREENWICH VIL- ry A. Belafsky, James Ellis, Arth- teeth. A remarkable new kind of SJIOW melts a bit you will ur C. Ferry, Harry Finklestein, BABY BONDS LAGE, NEW YORK tooth paste—made by the makers FORDS COAL COMPANY find that the jonquils and Henry L. Hansen,-Albert Hruska, Stephen Hruska, Jr., Andrew of DR. WEST'S famous toothbrush COAL — WOOD — ICE For your party accom- tulips are beginning to Kath, George Lattanzio, Carl L. -cleans teeth double quick-yet odations call.... break through. Mellberg, Robert Neary, Willaid Itcannotscratch enamel. For really CHARCOAL — KEROSENE (RANGE OIL) NINETY Woodbridge 8-2070 Neary, Gordon Quelch, John Ter- white teeth.start using DB.WEST*» COB. NEW BRUNSWICK TELEPHONE FORDS • • « • p. o. BOX sella, William Totin and Elmer J. Double Quick Tooth Patte. AND FORD AYES. P. A. 4-0180 NEW JBRSR Who is th« Sherry three Vecsey. RAHWAY, N." fellow who took his slightly Dr. Car) C. E. Mellberg has been inebriated friend home the directing the production. MR. AND MRS. WISE By OLDENBOOM'S DAIRY other night and dumped him WOODBRIDOE. — The drama l» the biggest mud puddle on department of the Young Woman's - THC GUT-THIS IS NO J0K6 Smith street? Club of Wbodbrldge wUl hold PBN Of I PtRSOtM LOHO HftS ' silver tea tomorrow afternoon OUR SCHOOL STOPP6D from three to six ' o'clock at the Nate Duff, it appears, U)I(,L VISIT ftT GOTH GNOS AND home of Miss Jane Dunne, on YH« Ct«SS THIS HB3 STftRTe OF likes to tease Frank Monte Green street. Miss Lorraine Wall- ING) IN TH£ calvo, Main Btreet barber, ers will serve as chairman and who haa entered his Bos' members of the department will be OLDENBOOM'S the powers. \1 ton terrier in several dog A musical program will be in- DAIRY shows. All Nate has to do cluded. ' is call Frank's dog a mutt oencious and then the fun begins. MAN WANTED i MM to de- * • * * " wantMi Rumor has it thi 6£ST OAIRY PftOOUCTS th* young lady formerly «n« Christine'* Btaut? Thin|t of it! Two pound* of th« best for • IfW «MU| and it's all food—you don't have to peel it ther« U no ! J * i of thftlk M «M»*»iv«. f»t to ^ WVp« or bot»» to tako out and mo bd spotst . ••';*?? LEADER JOURNAL









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