18 Pages Today Official Newspaper Including of Eight Pages Middlesex County of and •-M Colored Comics WOODBR1DGE TOWNSHIP'S FAMILY NEWSPAPER Woodbridge Township JTWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR WOODBRIDGE, N. J.. FRIDAY MORNINC, PRICE THREE CENTS MASTER OF CEREMONIES Crow s TESTIMONY IN TAX TITLE ORDER TRIAL BY JURY,Sgt George Balint Solves Amboy Nest WILL BE TAKEN MONDAY MORNING FIRST IN YEARS ,„ NAVIOATOB BEFORE COMMISSIONER SOMOGY1 LASTS 4 HOURS Township Confident That Original Contract Will Be Up- Case in Periodic Disappearances JURORS HEAR EVIDENCE IN 1936 la held—Similar Cases Cited—Tax Title Liquidating LOCAL POLICE COURT-- lhf the Company to be Represented by W«ll Known Attorney. be FIND FOR GIRL REVERSAL LOSS TOBIG PROPERTY OWNERS __ reading. WOODBRIDGE.—For the of Silver trom A. S. & R. Co. Plant lead one to believe that first, time in the history of WOODBRIDGE.—Testimony will be taken before the present police court and Supreme Court Commissioner Stephen Somogyi Monday for the first time in scores of Solves Robbery Case tTnuindatory * morning on the case of one Felix Kluj, of 62 New Bruns- years, a jury sat on a case in cbar»e» have hel d^ up TWO OF FOUR SUSPECTS ARRESTED d u to wick avenue, Hopelawn who has obtained an order to the local recorder's court thf show cause why a writ of certiorari should not be issued on uesday night when it heard the contract given by the Township Committee to the Tax the evidence brought forth Title Liquidating Company, of Newark, to liquidate 7,000 on the complaint of a Hope- ALLEGED TO HAVE MADE COMPLETE local government. tax title certificates now held by the Township. lawn girl against a Perth Kluj will be represented by Amboy man on a serious CONFESSIONS TO COPS YESTERDAY Harry S. Medinets, attorney for charge. tomorrow night, be- the city ol Perth Amboy, while And CARTERET RESIDENTS Trial by jury In sex cases may Woodbridge and Perth Amboy Police Believe My»t«ry Sur- .„ .....the hours of7 and 9 o- Eugene Blankenhorn, who signed be had on the request ol either the the contract {or the Liquidating rounding $31,000 Gold Robbery at same PUnt Will lllk port Reading voters lNJURED^LAST NIGHT Stephen I-. Hrnska the delendant and the complain- " -. si Oisit the polls for the third concern will be represented by ant. In this case it was the man Be Solved Shortly—More Arr«»t» Expected—R*cov« .,;;, m us many weekii to cait WOODBRIDGE.—Two Carteret John Bernhard, associate counsel WOODBRIDGE. — Step who requested the jury. Nine Bars of Silver and $10,000 worth of Loot in New .;',,,. ballot for or against the residents were slightly Injured last lor the Board ol Public Utilities hen L. Hruska, district ma,n- Three attorneys were engaged in York City. night when a car driven by Ed- Commissioners. lu)Sed fire commlslonera ager of the New Jersey Lions Continued on Page Ten !,;iflK«-t. The rejection of ap- ward Otero, ol 43 Pershlng avenue, The action is based on the fact ,,,,,,)nations two weeks ago Carteret, going east on West ave- that the Township failed to ap- Club will be the master of AMBOY CHIEF COMMENDS LOCAL POLICE ..•Uitates this octlop. Con- nue, Port Reading, at Hagaman propriate money for the purpose ceremonies in the first part Heights, collided with a vehicle in the budget. Township Attorney lllt.xl that the »8,000 re ^ GRADE CROSSING ,'. i is needed to property <hrWm bygtraDukK, of W L&n McElroy Pointed out that the of the Lions' Club mipstvel WOO0BR1DGK.-Through the efforts of Sergeant ,,,-,. of the expenses of the Larch street, Hagaman Heights, higher courts nave already ruW show to be presented nex George Balint, of the local police department, the Amboy who was driving his car out ol on a similar case at which time .•,n();,ny the commissioners police yesterday wet's 'able'to holtffftWmwrfoi etmnwliwt Henry street, into Woodbridge the justice held that the method Thursday night, March 5, a li;,vl. steadily refused to low- PICTURE BRIGHT with thefts of silver from the American Smelting & Refin- ,,- their figures and will avenue. and the amount of compensation the Woodbridge High Schoo' allowed the liquidating concern is ing Company and there is every possibility that the recent ;iuam submit them to the voters Otero and Manuel Peres, a pass- auditorium. ,t Saturday's special election. enger in his car were hurt and solely withinthe discretion of the $;U,(>0() gold robbery at the same plant will be solved in committee. The complete progran AVERSJTTORNEY lt is the belief of the prom- treated at Dr. Samuel Messlnger's the very near future. I ofllce in Carteret. Radio Ollicers McElroy also pointed out that Continued on Page Ten Sergeant George Balint m,.,it citizens of the district URGES TOWNSHIP REPRE- The men, all of Perth Amboy,' .|-fc • this time the amount Michael DeJoy and Anthony Peter there is a surplus in similar appro- hl t SENTATION IN WASHING- who are held at the Perth Amlboy IIII sked will foe granted. son investigated the accident. priation made in 1934 which could hindquarters are Steve Sedor, 32, IIII be used in payment ol the work TON TO PUSH MATTERS of 720 Charles street; Isadore Kauf "w done by the concern. TOWN BUDGET IS HEARING ON GAS man, 42. of 106 Gordon street, Fred Checktni rumoft, reUtta* to the If the Tax Title Liquidating WOODBRIDGE.—"The picture Dugenhard, employed at a Perth] l,,i Haraey boom for Uu> re- company should lose out, McElroy looks still brighter for the elimin- Amboy jewelry store and Henry in OFFICIALS VIEW said that in his opinion the larger MADE FOR POST rordmhip u siuwonoed bjr tta ation of grade crossings in the Casper, of 372 New street. prrsi lut week, U i» learned th*t property owners and the sub-di- NOT READY FOR Township," declared oTwnship At- RATE CONTINUED The "break" in the case came (I o P political w* ©pentlni visions, that owe considerable about recently when Balint, work- .•unounts in taxes to the Township, torney Leon E. McElroy last eve- hrhlnd the sctnes sure somewlut SECESSION AS A ning. The Township's legal advis- ing on a Township case under SAYS would be the losers. skeptical as to the former second READINGMONDAY or said that while he attended the Captain George Keating, uncov- u.ird member's chances of c*ptur- "It is the aim of Uie Tax Title UNTIL MftRCH 12 DENIES HE MADE AGREE gas rate hearing in Newark yester- ered some information which he inir the plum. Concensus of opinion Liquidating Company," McElroy DELAY CAUSED BY DEBT turned over to his superior. Both MENT TO ACCEPT AS- said, "help the property owners day he made inquiries in regard to SESSION HELD YESTERDAY In some circles of the majority FANTASTIC IDEA SERVICE ITEMS REFUND- officers communlcated*with Chief SISTANT PROSECUTOR- party, seems to ftvor the appoint- finance so that they can meet the grade crossing situation and PROVES DULL-VERY LIT- of Police Joseph Gutowski and ING PLAN ment of % le|»l mto* U» the post DECLARE PROPERTY IN AV-their taxes. If the concern should Mr. Meade, who has charge of the TLE GAINED Deputy Chief John F. Murray, of SHIP UNDER MORRIS ENEL AND COLONIA COULD lose then it will be up to the de- railroads division of the Board of the Perth Amboy department, who linquents to either pay or lose NOT CARRY DEBT BURDEN WOODBRIDGE. — Con- Public Utilities Commissioners, aassigneg d Detectives Peter Hanson WOODBRIDGE.—"As far Threats of Colonia residents their property, That phase will un averred that the situation was NEWARK. — Very little doubtedly have some bearing on trary to previous announce- and William Bachman to the case as I am concerned there has to pull away from Woodbridge somewhat better. was gained and very little Continued on Page Ten Township and form a munici- WOODBRrpGE"—"There the institution, of action." ments, the Township budget "Officials of the city of Eliza- been no agreement reached for 1936 will not be ready new information was reveal pality of their own is too far is very little likelihood that beth" 'went to at the second hearing on that 1 would accept the as- fetched for serious considera- Avenel and Colania Would for presentation to the town- Washington, saw all the officials , , sistant prosecutorship under tion. With the st»te legislature be financially able to main- ship committee at the next on the WPA and congressmen and the proposed new gas rate AMBULANCE N. 6.Charles Morris", said James planning measures calling for tain a separate community ORGANIZATION OF regular meeting Monday senators and went as far as the schedule of the Perth Amboy S. Wight, present assistant the consolidation of lovern- in the event that the far- night. The announcement to White House. They are leaving no'Qas Light Co., yestett'day prosecutor and candidate for mwits, Coloniq citizens should stone unturned in their efforts to morning and- afternoo- n and think twice before Mtemptlng fetched plan to secede from Unit effect was made late the prosecutorshiD, this week eliminate the crossings in Eliza- after hearing testimony until WITHOUT FUNDS such a move. The much talked the Township should mater- EDUCATION BODY last night by the chairman of bethportep . There is ..no doubt but In a recent article in a county of audit (it and when it is ialize," declared an official tlie finance committee, Fred what pressure will be brought to four o'clock the session was seat paper it was intimated that made) will only result in a bear on Farley and Moore." adjourned until Thursday, "the appointment of assistant pro- waste of time, money and en- of the municipality yester- Spencer.
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