1964 SPEYSIDE SPORTS Grantown-On-Spey Aviemore Telephone 276
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L-.r""--.. GRANTOWN-ON-SPEY No. 36, Printed by" The Northern Scot," Elgrn. DECEMBER, 1964 SPEYSIDE SPORTS Grantown-on-Spey Aviemore Telephone 276 ALL SPORTS EQUIPMENT AND CLOTHING TOYS AND GAMES AGENTS FOR THE NEW NASCOBALL Come and see demonstrations of the World's fastest ball game TELEVISION HAIR COLOURING : STYLING RENTALS PERMANEN:T WAVING A wide choice of the Latest 19-in. ULTRA, FERRANTI, G.E.C., EKCO, Etc. 405/625 Line Sets- �· 8/9 Weekly CHARLES CALDER TRANSISTOR SETS Hair Stylist Also- RECORD PLAYERS TAPE RECORDERS RADIOGRAMS And all types of ElP-otrical F.quipment 69 HIGH STREET TV. GRANTOWN-ON-SPEY 2 HIGH STREET Te.f. 147 ELGINGRANTOWN-ON-SPEY SERVICES, LTD. Reflecting the Beauty of the Highlands FRAZERS I SCOTTISH TWEEDS RE produced in colour A combinations perfectly suited to the background of foliage, river or moor. FRAZERS OF PERTH LIMITED GRANTOWN-ON-SPEY 34 The S·q uare Grantown-on-Spey ., Ironmongers and House Furnishers Phone 12 1GIF'T·S TELEPHONE 30. UNUSUAL J. K. HASTINGS First-Class Family Butcher Hand-made ScottishOF QUALITYSouvenirs Wrought Iron and Pottery 40 HIGH STREET Caithness Glass Medici Greeting Cards and Pictures GRANTOWN-ON-SPEY Penelope Tapestries and Needlework Winsor and Newton's Artists' Materials MACPHAILSAT * ARTS & CRA.FTS 90 HIGH STR E'ET, Established over Hali-a-Century. GRANTOWN-ON-SPEY * Telephone· 232 Shooting Lodges Supplied. LEDINGHAM STUDIO GRANTOWN-ON-SPEY DIXON & BAIN HOUS,E PAINTERS PORTRAITS Leading makes of films and cameras GRANTOWN-ON-SPEY KODAC ILFORD AGFA Developing and Printing Service 'Phone ·51 High Class Greeting Cards for all Occasions Wedding Stationery, Etc. BURGESS M. D. G. MACKENZIE � ailor andThe Kiltmaker Tartan Shop Family Grocer and Confectio11er for Post OUice, NETHY BRIDGE Tweeds, Tartans and Travel Rugs All Best Makes of Chocolates Agent for Fuller's Cakes For 'Phone '23, Quality (. C. Matheson & Sons, ltd. 54 High Street Grantown-on-Spey BUTCHERS GAMEDEALERS POULTERERS FAMED FOR SAUSAGES, COOKED MEATS, ETC. 'Phone 12'2, Shooting Lodges and Hotels supplied. 10 High Street Personal Attention Given. Grantown-on-Spey OUR MOTOR VANS Branch Shop-NETHYBRIDGE Travel Country Districts Daily. Famity Grocer, Tea Delicious and Nutritio,us and Local Ice Cream Provision Merchant is Freshly Made Get the Genuine Local Procjuct from JAMES CRAIGEN SPEY CAFETERIA 'Phone 99. THE SQUARE 122 High Street Grantown-on-Spey (Member of the foe Cream Alliance.) GRANTOWN-ON-SPEY GENERAL MERCHANT 'PH01NE 66 . • W. Breclld.nridge Post Office THE LEADING SHOP BOAT OF GARTEN IN TOWN 'Phone• 200 Frail and ISProvisions CONFECTIONERY M'INTOSH, BROS. TOBACCO and CIGARETTES AT FILMS and PHOTOGRAPHIC REQUISITES LOCAL VIEWS VAN TRAVELS ALL COUNTRY STATIONERY 44 HIGHDISTRICTS STREET DUNVEGAN HOTE,L Teli. 167 GRANTOWN-ON-SPEY GRANT'S. .,. SE.RVICECYCLES FOR DEPOT HIRE Central Heating Throughout. PETROL, OILS and ACCESSORIES FULLY LICENSED Overlooking Tennis Courts. SHELUBRICATION SERVICE Bowling Green and Golf Course. <> 'Phone 194 Under the Personal Supervision of Mrs ROY STIRLIN1G WHEN IN TOWN DJNE AT Visit Our New Lounge Bar and Dance Hall Proprietor: J. CALDER 'Phone 202 L'OREAL EUGENE 'P'hone 114 AU:DREY',S LADIES' HAIR STYLISTS To have Your Hair Looking Just Right9 have it correctly Cut and Styled at 39 HIGH STREET' GRANTOWN-ON-SPE:Y GiENT. 'S, SALON GtYNOL S.UPERMA YOU'LL GET iVHAT YOU WANT at D10NAL:D,S10N'·S THE. IR01NM01NGER'S Calor Gas Agents 26 HIGH SrTREET GRANT'OWN-0:N�SPEY. · May be had at BAKER & CONFECTIONER 38 HIGH S;fRE,ET GRANT'OWN-0,N·-SPEY HEADQUARTERS OF THE S.COTTISH-SWISS SCHOOL OF 5Kl-ING * NETHYBRIDGE HOTEL INVERNESS. SHIRE Telephone : Nethybridge 203 JOO BEDROOMS .. AMPLE BATHROOMS .. GOOD FOOD GOOD SIU-ING .. GOOD FUN * COLIN SUTTON, Manager ·GE·O. 1G. M10RTIMER & S10N· FISHING TACKLE' EXPERTS 81 HIGH ST'REET ,GRANT01WN-·01N-S,PEY -<>- TUITION IN: CASTING Tel. 34 ·CRAIGLYNNE ff,OTEL GRANTOWN-ON-SPEY• OPEN ALL YEAR • TABLE TENNIS : BADMINTONm : PUTTING : DANCING SKI-ING : PONY T•R EKKING : RIDING Central Heating D Fully Licensed Television Room D Cocktail Bar .,. Restaurant Open to Non-Residents • Proprietors: WALLACE HOifELS, LTD. Manager: R. S. McN·AUGHTON, M.H.C.1. Wrammar Sc�ool magazin� (brantown-on-5,p�f No. 36. DECEMBER, 1964 Editor-Elspeth J. A. Gow. Advertising Managers Brenda Cooke. Sub·Editor-John J. Ward. Hilary Corpe. Ann Stuart. Staff Adviser-G. E. Donaldson, M.A., B;A, Anne Urquhart. Editorial N J welcoming readers to this the thirty-sixth the influence of the Merseyside cult is also edition of the Grammar School Magazine very much in evidence among our literary I would first like to convey my thanks to all contributions this year. contributors, editorial staff and staff advisers Highlights of the past year's activities who have assisted in this 1964 publication, incluC:e the record results achieved by our and also to all our advertisers, both old and Higher Certificate candidates, the inaugura new, who this year boosted our advertising tion of a School Debating Society, and the columns so considerably. final plans of the long awaited and highly Despite the general upheavai of the world controversial new Grammar School. at large with Mr Kruschev's sudden departure Meanwhile our numbers have recently from the? political scene (Siberia bound we been increased by the influx of Cromdale wonder ), Sir Alec Home's less unexpected pupils, the school hockey and football teams but more dignified departure from 10 Down have met with varying success, golf still ing Street, Mao Tse-tung's disturbing pre flourishes under the guidance of Mr Hendry, occupation with atomic bombs and Russia's tennis tuition has again proved popular and recent space adventures, at which no doubt the annual Glenmore outing was once more the Americans, surveying their mine of voted a great success. Olympic gold, can scoff, life at school is as In conclusion I would like to say that I tranquil as ever. Yet we are not completely have adhered to no set plan as regards choice immune to the trends of the outside world, of articles, asking only that they be for the sudden scarcityis of clients in the boys' original and interesting, and to wish all our Junior Cloakroom for the town's hairdressing readers a Very Happy Christmas and every esta,blishments causing some concern, an� success in the New Year, GRAlv.lMAR SCHOOL MAGAZINE 2 THE RECTOR'S LETTER 26th October, 1964. the end of last session, and you had the use of Dear Editor, books from the Exhibition of Careers Books at am happy to say that although the local library, to try, among other things, to the amount of money allocated by the Scottish overcome the haphazard selection of jobs which Education Department for school building in takes place at present in our area. It is hoped Moray and Nairn has been reduced consider to continue this experiment biennially if not ably, the building of our new school is to go annually, and. I hope that more parents will on and should start by 1st May, 1965. If take advantage of the service offered freely your teachers get what they have asked for, to them. then it will be a real pleasure to work in the This term we absorbed Cromdale Primary new school. I may say that your teachers are School-a change which I think has been so very much "with it" as far as modern trends far most successful; but the real test will in education are concerned, and I hope that come with severe winter weather and the we shall be given the tools to do the job and dislocation caused in the work of the class that money will be available for educational room. The intake has been largest at the projects which are so necessary to deepen the Primary 1 and 6 stages. It has not been interests of our pupils. possible to alleviate the problem of an over The eria of 'talk and chalk' could be ending crowded infant room; but two classes have and the era of the educational machine begin been formed· in the Church Hall for Primary ning. We have already seen the benefits to be 16·, and·· we welcomed Mrs Macrae at the derived from the right tools in the Technical, beginning of this session as our second Homecraft and Art Departments; and we are Primary 6 teacher. proving the benefits to be derived from prac Now that all our Morayshire country tical tools in arithmetic by the use of the pupils are coming up through the Primary Cuisenaire rods and the calculating machines, School here, the question of divided loyalties in French and Biology by the use of tape for them will no longer exist, as all their recorder and film, in Science by discovery school days will be spent in Grantown Gram through experiment, in English by getting mar School, and this should make for better into closer touch with the community and its teamwork. vocations, and in our everyday work in other In work and play I expect a high standard subjects. .; from you all. I am just as disappointed as The emphasis in education for the greater you when this standard is not reached, be it percentage of our pupils is on employment, in work or play. I am not expecting gold and the vocational bias will become more medals, but I like to see an effort made. apparent in third year in the years that lie Good luck in work and play this session. ahead. You will remember that we had the Yours sincerely, school used as « Youth Employment Centre at JAMES BAIN, GRiAMMAR S01tOOL MAGAZINE SCHOOL NOTES A School Debating Society was formed, on duration and, prior* to that, Clerk of the the initi!ative of the senior pupils, at the end School Management Committee.