Chin-Wag 1919.Pdf
•_-..J. - ..... --------~-~-------. p: ,u " ............................---"""""'!" .................------------""""""''''''''''''''''~----""'~OO-- _______..... - .....-- _________..... ___ £.&E.,~_.!£ .CIlllJiiIlSi __' 4t D'i..c.. _ ,cl')S (tbfn='Ut1\ag Supplement JANUARY, 191 9. The following aims at being CL complete LIS'1' OF MANAGERS and MEMBERS who hq-ve joined the l?o)'ces, but it is probable that a certain mtmber of mista7ces and omissions occur. The Editor would be greatly obliged for any notification of these. An aste1"ish ('i') has been placed against the names of those who have been gassed or wOHnded. Hon. Members. Pte. W. Arlett, 89234, "D" 00., 51st Leading Seaman W. 131'ett, ELM. Torpedo Highland Batt., M.G.O., RE.F. Boat 29, c/o a.p. O. The Rev. R. Bell, H.M.S. Theseus Rifleman A. Ashton, 827!:l6, 1 "platoon, Gunn61' G. 'vV. Brooks, 961567, "B" Lieut. G. D. Brocklehurst, Glos. Yea. "A" 00., 51st (G) Butt., Rifle Brigade, Battery, 303 Brigade, R.F.A., E.E.F. Foxall Crunp, Ipswich Oapt. the Hon. E. Oadogan, G.H.Q.., 1st *Rifleman G. W. Brown. 54236, 2nd Echelon, E.E.F. Pte. A. Attwood Batt. Royal Irish Rifles Lieut. Guy Gibbs, Somerset Yeomanry Pte. W. D. Balclwin Pte. W. Browning (discharged) OorpI. H. R. Browning, 3rd 11O!1. Regt. Jacques Gautier, 718m6 Batterie, Z 302, Rifleman A. G. Barbee, 62312, E Block, Belgian Army Eoom 4, "0" 00., 51st Grud. Butt., D. Burns, 692, Mess 13, H.M,S.Powerful, K.R.H. Corps, Muance Barracks, 001- Devonport I I *Oapt. G. Gilbey, M.O., 20th Div., H.Q.
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