Professor of Physics and Former Chair of the Department of Physics Robert L Park | 240 pages | 15 Nov 2001 | Oxford University Press Inc | 9780195147100 | English | New York, United States Human Biology

Robin McKie for The Observer described it as "an admirable analysis: wittily written, vivid and put together without a hint of malice. This means in a plain language no and trying to find out is a waste of money. Park very neatly dissects how this started out as a flawed scientific study regarding high-tension power lines and childhood leukemia, was quickly seized upon by several sensationalist journalists, and ultimately took decades and millions of dollars in research to debunk -- and some people STILL believe you can get cancer from living under power lines! A wise generalization made by Park is that Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud is often a essential disconnect between science and politics. Interesting topic of voodoo science. Refresh and try again. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. He is also noted for his preference for robotic over to manned space exploration. Park is most noted for his critical commentaries on and other , as well as his criticism of how legitimate science is Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud or ignored by the media, some scientists, and public policy advocates as expressed in his book Voodoo Science. There is a part which mentions "pseudosymmetry," which is a term coined Christopher Toumey in "Conjuring Science. The experimenter was nine-year-old Emily Rosa. I think he may have gone slightly over his intended audience's heads with the details though. The mathematician Malcolm Sherman in the American Scientist gave the book a positive review stating "Park does more than analyze and expose various kinds of bad "voodoo" science. Instead, Park uses his examples judiciously, to illustrate the ways in which we come to be duped by the mere flavor of science. Finally, a popular science book that was interesting, informative, and well-written. Debunking premonitions and the like. I especially appreciated the discussions on physics and why certain pseudo- scientific ideas can't be right unless all of understood physics are wrong. Going back and forth on some of the stories can be confusing. Being a part of society that doesn't exactly understand physics and most except for my beloved paleontology and geologyI found this book terrifying and eye-opening. I recommend everyone read this, even if you pick up only the outline of why some recent 20th-century 'discoveries' are either scams or don't work. All mention of positive results, such as the experiment where, by what appears to be a sound method, Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud was found that the generated was considerably in excess of anything that could be explained conventionally, is collapsed into a paragraph where Park notes that many claims are soon withdrawn because of errors being found as also happens in ordinary science. Nature Cell Biology. Placebos Have Side Effects, 4. View 2 comments. It's one thing to say that voodoo science is out there in all its ambiguitybut it's another thing to be shown examples: this is where you're being screwed and how. Park is most noted for his critical commentaries on alternative medicine and other pseudoscience, as well as his criticism of how legitimate science is distorted or ignored by the media, some scientist Robert Lee Park is an emeritus professor of physics at the University of Maryland, College Park and a former Director of Public Information at the Washington office of the American Physical Society. The author provides entertaining accounts of his involvement with such claims, explaining why in his opinion they cannot be taken seriously. Shelves: self-education For me, his book was eerie and I kept thinking, 'Then who can I trust? United States Congress. Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud

Chopra's familiarity with quantum theory consists of having read Hawking's enormously popular book on cosmology, A Brief History of Time" p. Unfortunately, despite advances in knowledge, our built in belief engine in conjunction with an uneducated public and compliant media continues to propagate foolish and fraudulent science. Placebos have side effects , "natural medicine", and other bogus remedies 4. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. It keeps coming back to the author's pet peeve A promising book derailed by the author's pet annoyances. See more at: Sects and Violence in the Ancient World. Mencken, "is to believe passionately in the palpably untrue. Both interesting and disappointing. Quotes from Voodoo Science: T Physics Today. For a start, the investigatory team did not include an active biologist, which one might have considered a reasonable precaution to take in order to avoid naive errors. Parkcritical of research that falls short of adhering to the . Scientists are not cast as infallible, but rather as hu Science! It's as if one theory, no matter how absurd, is as good as another. It is a bit repetitive and going back and forth on the stories can be a little confusing but ultimately succeeds in enlightening the reader on what constitutes bad science. Other authors have used the term "voodoo science", [2] [3] but it remains most closely associated with Park. Goodreads knows of another author, named "Robert Park"; some of the books listed here e. American chemist Nicholas Turro wrote "the book is entertaining and provocative reading As someone who enjoys science, but doesn't have much of a scientific education, I found the explanations in this book perfectly easy to understand. I hadn't thought Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud the lack of results from the money spent on manned missions to space, so I appreciated that, but the chapter lacked Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud with the rest of the book. The experimenter was nine-year-old Emily Rosa. I liked it better on the second read. Perpetual energy machines are a popular pursuit among inventors Placebos Have Side Effects, 4. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Robin McKie for The Observer described it as "an admirable analysis: wittily written, vivid and put together without a hint of malice. The American Biology Teacher. Bob Goldstein in a book review for Nature Cell Biology described Park as an equivalent to and Stephen Jay Gouldscientific writers who have "talent for defending a view of the world that is perfectly rational and free of witchcraft and superstition. Park admits his desire to believe in the possibility of human space travel nearly became his own bout with voodoo science. There was a LOT of science throughout the book though and it read more like a school text book. It was very heavy on Physics, , thermodynamics and quantum mechanics, all things that I'm just not Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud in at all. We've got you covered with the buzziest new releases of the day. Park impresses on the reader the fact that if the process that generates the heat is really fusion then one would expect to see fusion products. Many of the examples he uses became a menace to Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud public by attracting the frenzied attention Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud a media circus, side-stepping the accepted way of publishing scientific findings through peer-review. Well written and accessible prose for the layperson. Park is most noted for his critical commentaries on alternative medicine and other pseudoscience, as well as his criticism of how legitimate science is distorted or ignored by the media, some scientists, and public policy advocates as expressed in his book Voodoo Science. Other editions. Gambler's fallacy, Pascal's wager, sharpshooter fallacy, confirmation bias 's pseudoscience exposed Download as PDF Printable version. I believe in the substance of his book anyway because the events he writes about were also current events that I followed through the decades. My favorite chapter was on the widespread panic about electromagnetic fields and high-tension power lines. If they comment at all, their words are often so burdened with qualifiers that it appears that nothing can ever be known for sure. Rarely do I see skeptics point out that the International Space Station serves no real purpose but the inherent coolness of having people in space, but the author addresses it with the same impatience for foolishness that characterizes his approach to Deepak Chopra, Roswell, and various Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud. Debunking premonitions and the like. Apr 21, Steve Wiggins rated it liked it. Sometimes it was a bit over my head, I won't lie, but I tried very hard to reread the parts I didn't understand if just to soak it in. To expose the forces that sustain voodoo science, Park examines the role of the media, the courts, bureaucrats and politicians, as well as the . Very Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud a Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud of his explanations on homeopathic medicine and energy field cleansing, not to mention how the media "dumbs down" society in terms of actual scientific logic, findings and theory. Preview — Voodoo Science by Robert L. were created for ESP experiments. The Virtual Astronaut In which people dream of artificial worlds. In theory, scientists are open-minded, but in practice there is a tendency to identify with the official position: "the conclusion that science has come to" concerning various things. I believe in the substance of his book anyway because the events he writes about were also current events that I followed through the decades. It is perilous to say anything that indicates doubt about whether this position is in fact correct though a certain proportion of scientists look more closely and can see the cracks in the official position. Former Senator John Glenn shines in an eye-opening Congressional hearing. A thought-provoking look at what passes for science in some quarters. By using Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud website, you agree to the use of cookies as described in our Privacy Policy. That explanation was that people had seen a stone being struck by lightning, mistaking the flash for a falling object. Through most of its existence, the American Physical Society, then headquartered in New York, had not felt the need for a Washington presence, but times were changing. American chemist Nicholas Turro wrote "the book is entertaining and provocative reading Debunking premonitions and the like. Belief in that which reason denies is associated with steadfastness and courage, while skepticism is often identified with cynicism and weak character. Scientists argue that the cure is to raise general scientific literacy. In addition to that, we have the romance of the underdog—the maverick who stands against the stuffy scientific establishment. Even in strength training, so much simpler than physics, I am always telling people, "There is no debate here," in regards to ridiculous claims and ideas for which people imagine there are two sides, equal in expertise and number, arguing about it. Mar 26, Gerald Kinro rated it really liked it Shelves: science. Biomagnetic therapy. I've read it many times. Some people will believe anything! And there is "science" that has always been bad science, like homeopathy and , that has nonetheless become an intractable part of our culture. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. View 1 Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud. Views Read Edit View history. See more at: Sects and Violence in the Ancient World. I do agree that the press plays a major role in influencing minds through emotions and that scientific literacy in this country must be increased. The problem is that it makes the book really repetitive. Get A Copy. And hopefully it serves as a warning for those who think they can fool the scientific method. After some workers found themselves unable to reproduce the results initially claimed by Stanley Pons and ina high degree of scepticism arose in the scientific community, especially after the publication of an official report declaring the absence of any evidence that fusion had taken place. Perpetual Mobile, 7. In summary, I enjoyed this book. Author of more than a hundred scientific papers on the structure of crystal surfaces, he writes regularly for the New York Times and other newspapers and is a regular contributor of science features for the Washington Post. He is currently professor of physics at the University of Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud, and director of the Washington office of the American Physical Society, where he campaigns against the misuse and misunderstanding of science, using venues ranging from the traditional media to a regular electronic column. Aug 06, John DeSain rated it it was amazing. Breaking a chemical bond with a photon is like throwing stones at something on the other side of a river. Self Help. Details if other :. From page "The success and credibility of science are anchored in the willingness of scientists to obey two rules: 1. You should mistrust scientists; all sorts of outrageous claims are made by people who represent themselves as scientists. Currents of Fear In which power lines are suspected of causing cancer. Other editions. It is not easy, for example, to detect neutrinos from the Sun, and different laboratories tend to get different results in this research. Park explains how that one Voodoo Science: The Road from Foolishness to Fraud study, combined with an overzealous reporter trying to sell books, kept that fear alive for decades, causing great suffering to both parents and those with houses near suspect power linesnot to mention the diversion of enormous amounts of money to numerous follow up studies that ultimately showed that there was absolutely no connection.

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