13ANKERS OF THE UNITED KING DOM, &c. BANK OF ENGLAND, THREADNEEDLE S1REET, E.C. David Powell, Esq., Governor; .Albert George Sandeman, Esq. Deputy·Governor. George Frellk. Glennie, Esq., Secretary; John H. Bowman, Esq., DeplLty; Horace G. Bowen, Esq., Ohipf Oasllte, ; Jn. Gordon Nairne, De~uty. Geo. F. Stutchbury, Esq., Ohief Accountant; J. D. Farrell, Deputy; Messrs. Freshlields & Williams, SoUcitu,3. WESTERN BRA-NCH, 1 Burlington Gardens, W.-Sir Arthur N. Birch, R.C.M.G., Agent. LAW COURTS BRANCH, New Law Courts - F. B. Fairley, Esq., Age'lt. LONDON BANKERS. The nltmberR preceding the title or form of the Bank are tho~e referred to in the Ust of PROVINCIAL BANKEJCl.!l. ,I Agm Bank, Limited, 35 Nicholas lane, Lombard street, E.C. 'Keyser A. & Co. 21 Cornhill, E.C. 2 Alexander, Fletcher & Co. 2 St. Helen's place, E.C. 60 King Hy. S. & Co. 65 Cornhill, E.C. and 45 Pall mall, S.W. Alexanders & Co. Limited, 24 Lombard street, E.C. 62 Lloyd's Bank, Limited, 72 Lombard street, E.C.; 16 & 54 St. James A~n T. H. & Co. 17 Gracechurchstreet, E.C. st. S.W;; 33 Belgrave road, S.W.; 34 Hammersmith rd. W. Alhance Bank, Limited, see ,Parr's IBanking Co. and The Alliance 13 &14 Highst.N.W.; 215Strand.W.C.; &189Fleetst.KC. Bank, Limited • London Banking Corporation, Limited,32 New Bridge st. E.C.; ArmstroDg & Co. 93 Bishopsgate street Within, E.C. and 88 High st. Islington,N. 5 Bank of England-(See above) 63 London and County Banking Co. Limited, 21 Lombard street, J~.C.
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