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LIS-LIV Plact 3221 BANKING DIRECTORY. LIS-LIV Plact. Bankers, Draw on in London. Liamore ............ Branch of The National Bank Limited; H. A. Sterne, manager .. • .. • .. Head Office, 13 Old Broad st E C Lismore,New 8. Wnles Branch of Australian Joint Stock Bank Limited; T. C. Lodge, manager London Off. 2 King Wm. st E C Lismore,NewS. Wales Branch of Bank of New South Wales; H. W. Lever, manager .......... London Off. M Old Broad st E 1: Lismore,New S. Wales Branch of Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney Lim.; E. W. Bentley, man London Office, 18 Birchin la E C Lumaskea· .. .. ... .. .. B ranc h o fUl s t er B a.n kLim ite d ; J ames R o binson, manager .. .. .. • .. .. • {Lond.&Westmstr.Bnk.Lim.atPrescott,Dimsdale &Co.Lim Lietowel ............. Agency of Bank of Ireland; B. J obnston, agent •••••••••••..••••••••••• Ba.nk of England & Coutts & Co Lisrowel , , .......... Branch of Provincial Bank of Ireland Limited; I<'rederick Ash ton, man Ba.rclay & Co. Limited Listowel ............ Bran!'h of The National Bank Limited; Edward I<'raser. mana!!"er ..... Head Office,130ld Broad Fit E: C Litehurcb (Derby) ... Branch of Parr's Bank Limited; 14'. H. Court, manager ................ Head Office,Bartholomew laE C Lithgow, N. S. Wales Branch of English, Scottish & Australian Bank Limited ............... Head Office, 38 Lombard st E C Lithgow, N. S. Wales Branch of Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney Lim.; W. F. Hayley,man London Office, 18 Birchin laE C. 8 1 Little borough • • • • • • f [~!~~a"i~] ~~ -~-~~~~e·s·t·e·~ ~ ~~:~~~~-~ • ~~~~~·c·t· ~~~~!~~ ~~: ~~~-: } London Office, 75 Comhill E C Little borough ...... Btanch of Union Bank of Manchester Lim.; E. Healey. manager ....... Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co Littlehampton , ..... Branch of Capital & Counties Bank Limited; Wm. Suter, manager .•.. Head 01f.39Threadneedle st. E C: Llttlehampton ...... Branch of London & County Bankin~rCo. Llm.: R. W.H. ClarkP, manager Head Office, 21 Lombard llt E C 0 Little Hulton .. • ... { S~- ~~aR~~s, !a~~~~-~ ..~:~: ..~ .. ~~i-~l-~~~. ~~~~ •~.i~~ :~~. ~ ~~:~~~ ~ J Head Office, 52 ~ornhill E C Little Lever ........ Sub-Branch Deacon&M1Lnchester & Salford Bk. Lim [Bolton] London Offi.20 Birchin lane E C' Littleport ........... Branch of Barclay & Co. Limited (l<'riday) .............................. J::lead Office, 54Lombard atE C Littleport ............ 14'oster & Co•••••••••••••••••••••.•..•••••.••••••••••••••••••.•••••.••••• Prescott, Dimsdale & Co. Lim LittleSutton(Cbeshre) Sub-Branch of Parr's Bank Limited [Chester] (Mon.) .................. Read Office, Bartholomew la. E C . {London City & Midland Bank Liverpool(38Castlest) Adelphl Bank Limited (Head Office), Henry D. Smith, gen. man......... LiJnited,Threadneedle stE c. Liverpool (19 South j Ad hi B k L" "ted Will" M . S London Cltv & Midland Bank John street) .. .. e1 P an mu • Jam arnson, manager""·""·"·"·..... l Limited, Threadneedle stE C; Liverpl. (139 Strand j d I London Citv & Midland Bank road, Bootle) .... A e 1phi Bank Limited, B.. H. Day, manager ............................ l Limited, Thread needle stE [; Liverpl. (IIY Stanley 1 Ad h" B k L. "t d R b t H D S London City&. Midland Bank road,Bootle).... ep1 1 an Iml e ; 0 er · ay, manager....................... l Lintited,ThreadncedlestEC Liverpl. (14 Castle st) Bank of British West Africa Limited (Eiead Office) .................... London Office,4 St.Mary Axe E C Liverpool ............ BranchBankofEngland; T.F.A.Agnew,agent; J. H. Brand, sub-agent .. '!'he Bank of En~land G lyn, Mills, Currie & Co. Williams Deacon & Man­ L1 'verpool { Bank of Liverpool Lim. (Head Office), John Hope Simpson, gen. man; • ........ "' J ames Macdonald, assist. gen. man.; head office, Geo. T. Addi1:1, man chester & SalfordBank Lim. & Samuel Montagu & Co L'pool (Bindellsnds.) Branch of Bank of Liverpool Limited; E. Whyte. manager ..••••••..•• G lyn, MiliB, Currie & Co Liverpool (Central) .• Branch of Bank of Liverpool Limited; E. C. G. Lott, man!l.g"er ••..••••• G lyn, Mills, Currie & Co L'pool(CharingCrss.) Branch of Bank of Liverpool Limited ........... -...................... Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. Liverpool (East) .... Branch of Hank: of Liverpool Limited; Alfd. Williams, manager ...... Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co Liverpool (Exchange) Branch of Bank of Liverpool Limited; J. G. Barnes, manager .......... Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co Liverp'l (Heywood.'s) Branch of Rank of Liverpool Limited; G. H. Shipley, manager ........ Barclay & Co. Limited Liverpool (Boy lake) Branch of Bank of Liverpool Limited; Henry Woolcott, manager ...... Glyn, Mill!!, Currie & Co L'pool.(lOO Knse:ton) Sub -Branch of Rank of Liverpool Limited : P Ashcroft, pro manager .. Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co Liverpool (Linacre) .• Branch of Bank of Liverpool Limited; H. "Pad nail, pro manager ........ Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co L'pool (Mossley bill). Branr.h of Bank of Liverpool Limited; D. D. Lamb, pro manager ••..•• Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. Lvrpl.(NewBrigbtn.) Branch of Bank of Li~rerpool Limited; t' h. l)ickens, manager .....•.. Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co Liverpool (Old Swan) Sub-Branch of Bank of Liverpool Limited: I W_ Barker, pro manager. Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co L'pool (Rock I<'erry). Branch of Bank of Liverpool Limited; David )lillar, manager .......... Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co L'pool (Sefton park) .. Branch of Bank of Liverpool Limited ; WI1t.-H1 Bate!! on, manag-er ...... Glyn, Mill!!, Currie & Co Liverp'l(Smlthdown) Branch of Bank of Liverpool Limited; R. H. Gardner, manager ...•.••• Glyn, Millt1, Currie & Co Liverpool (Toxteth).. Branch of Bank of Liverpool Limited; G-. () ~hisholm, manH.l!er .•.••• Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co Liverpooi(TueBrook) Branch of Bank of Liverpool L1m1ted; W. P. Oickins, manager ........ Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co Liverp'l(Victoria. st.J Branch of Bank of Liverpool Limited; J. S. Hassal, manager .......... Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co Liverpool (Waltonl Branch of Bank of Liverpool Limited; P. G. Oavies, manager .......... Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co Liverpool (Waterloo) Branch of Bank of Liverpool Limited; B. E. Cor kill, manager ........ Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co Liverpool(Wavertree) Branch of Bank of Liverpool Limited; E. L. Garrett, manager ....••.• Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co Liverpool (W. Derby) Sub-Branch of Bank of Liverpool Limited; J. W. Barker, pro manager. Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co Liverpl.(West Kirby) Branch ot Bank of Liverpuul Limited: Henry Woolcott, lllii.Uager, .•••• \1-lyn, Mills, Currie & Co Liverpool(Woolwn) .. Branch of Bank of Liverpool Limited; J. llaxter, manager ............. Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co London Joint Stock Bank Liverpool ............ Philip Barnett & Nephew, Exchange Bank .... ... ...... .. .... .. ...... { Limited (Loth bury Office )I London City & Midland Bank Liverpool ......... ··· L. Benas & Son .. ·····•••••·•••············••••·•·······•··•·······•••••• { Limitedw Threadneedle stE C L'pool(34Seyrnour st.) B iggersta1f W. &. J.; W. D. Girdlestone, manager ...................... Head Ofi.lts WestSmithfieldE C Liverpoolehambrs.Castle ( Ba.nk st !5 C omp t oil'- N a t"10na 1 d'"'"'scomp t e d e p ans. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. U n1on. B an k o f L on d on L'1m Liverpooi(Harring-}tonstreet)....... Hill & S ons ..........•..•••••.........•.................................• H"ll&1 S ons LiYerpool. ........... Leyland & Bullins (3B Castle street) (Head Office) ....................... Robarts, Lubbock & Co L'pool (52A, Bold st) Leyland & Rullins (Branch) .......................................... Robarts, Lubbock & Co L'pool(l5&17King st) Leyland & Bullins (Branch) ............................................ Robarts, Lubbock & Co j Lloyds Bank Lim. & UllioD> Liverpool ............ Liverpool Union Bank Limited; William Gavin Henderson, manager.. l Bank of London Lim Liverpool (Bold st; •• Branch of Liverpool Union Bank Limited·, John Isaacson, manager .. {Lloyds Bank Lim. & Union • Bank of London Llm Llverpool(London rd) Branch of Liverpool Union Bank Limited·, Thomas Williams, manager 5 Lloyds Bank Lim. & UntoJ&. t Bank of London Lim Liverpl. (TheParks! Branch of Liverpool Union Bank Limited; J. ffolliott Magrath, mangr {Lloyds Bank Lim. & Union- branch) .......... j Bank of London Lim Lvrpl. (Sefton Pa,..k. t . { Lloyds Bank Lim. & Union _& llossley Hill) ... ) Branch of LIVerpool Umon Bank Limited; T. A. Baron, manager .. .. .. t Hank ot London Lim Liverpool (North· ! Branch of London City & Midland Bank Limited; Peter Forrester & l Head Office Cornhill E c Wstrn.Bnk.brch)j J. W. }"owler, managtrs ............................................ j ' 52 L!verpool (Everton) Branch of London Uity & Midland Bank Lim1ted; Thos.Crowden, mgr. Head Office, 52 Cornhill E C Liverpool (lshngtonl Branch of London City & Midland Bank Limited; Wm. B. Hollo, mgr .. Head Office, 52 Cornhill E C Liverpool (St. Luke'~) Branch of Londou City & Midland Bank Lim.; T. A. D. Redford, mgr .. Head Office, 52 Cornhill E C Liverpool (Scotland 1 . road) ............ j Braneh of London City & Midland Bank Lim.; W. J. Armstrong-, man .. Head Office, 52 Cornhill E C L~verpool ............ Br. of Manchester & Liverpool Dist. Banking Co.Lim; P.A.. F'raser, man London Office, 75 Comhlll E C L!ferpool. • ·: · • · • • • · • Branch of NationalProvincialBa.nk of England Lim.; D.J .H.Cunruck,man Natonl.Provl.Bk.ofEnglnd.Lim Liverpool (A.mtree). · Branch of North & South Wales Bank Limited .. , ............ ; .......... London & Westminster Bk.Lim Liverp'l (152llreck rd) Branch of North & South Wales Bank Lim ; Robcrt Wilson, manager •• London & Westminster
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    INDEX TO WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS FORMERLY PRESERVED IN THE PROBATE REGISTRY, CHESTER 1834 - 1837 Edited by FLORENCE DICKINSON, M.Sc. PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY 1980 THE RECORD SOCIETY OF LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE FOUNDED TO TRANSCRIBE AND PUBLISH ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE TWO COUNTIES VOLUME CXX COUNCIL AND OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1980 President Professor A. R. Myers, M.A, Ph.D., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S. Hon. Secretary B. C. Redwood, M.A, c/o Cheshire Record Office, The Castle, Chester Hon. Treasurer B. W. Quintrell, Ph.D., c/o School of History, Liverpool University, 8 Abercromby Square, Liverpool Hon. General Editor Mrs. J. I. Kermode, B.A, c/o School of History, Liverpool University, 8 Abercromby Square, Liverpool Other Members of Council J. J. Bagley, M.A, F.R.Hist.S. K. Hall, B.A. Professor W. H. Chaloner, M.A, Ph.D. B. E. Harris, M.A, Ph.D. M. G. Cook, M.A. J. D. Marshall, B.Sc. (Econ.), Ph.D. Miss E. Danbury, B.A. B. H. G. Malet, M.A, Ph.D. Mrs. F. Dickinson, M.Sc. Professor J. S. Roskell, M.A, D.Phil. R. N. Dore, M.A, F.R.Hist.S. R. J. Studd, B.A, Ph.D. The Society wishes to acknowledge with gratitude the assistance given towards the cost of publication by Cheshire County Council Greater Manchester County Council Lancashire County Council © 1980 Record Society of Lancashire and Cheshire and Mrs. F. Dickinson ISBN 0-902593-09-9 The Council reports with deep regret the death of Professor A.
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    13ANKERS OF THE UNITED KING DOM, &c. BANK OF ENGLAND, THREADNEEDLE S1REET, E.C. David Powell, Esq., Governor; .Albert George Sandeman, Esq. Deputy·Governor. George Frellk. Glennie, Esq., Secretary; John H. Bowman, Esq., DeplLty; Horace G. Bowen, Esq., Ohipf Oasllte, ; Jn. Gordon Nairne, De~uty. Geo. F. Stutchbury, Esq., Ohief Accountant; J. D. Farrell, Deputy; Messrs. Freshlields & Williams, SoUcitu,3. WESTERN BRA-NCH, 1 Burlington Gardens, W.-Sir Arthur N. Birch, R.C.M.G., Agent. LAW COURTS BRANCH, New Law Courts - F. B. Fairley, Esq., Age'lt. LONDON BANKERS. The nltmberR preceding the title or form of the Bank are tho~e referred to in the Ust of PROVINCIAL BANKEJCl.!l. ,I Agm Bank, Limited, 35 Nicholas lane, Lombard street, E.C. 'Keyser A. & Co. 21 Cornhill, E.C. 2 Alexander, Fletcher & Co. 2 St. Helen's place, E.C. 60 King Hy. S. & Co. 65 Cornhill, E.C. and 45 Pall mall, S.W. Alexanders & Co. Limited, 24 Lombard street, E.C. 62 Lloyd's Bank, Limited, 72 Lombard street, E.C.; 16 & 54 St. James A~n T. H. & Co. 17 Gracechurchstreet, E.C. st. S.W;; 33 Belgrave road, S.W.; 34 Hammersmith rd. W. Alhance Bank, Limited, see ,Parr's IBanking Co. and The Alliance 13 &14 Highst.N.W.; 215Strand.W.C.; &189Fleetst.KC. Bank, Limited • London Banking Corporation, Limited,32 New Bridge st. E.C.; ArmstroDg & Co. 93 Bishopsgate street Within, E.C. and 88 High st. Islington,N. 5 Bank of England-(See above) 63 London and County Banking Co. Limited, 21 Lombard street, J~.C.
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    i ABSTRACT Jim Powell – ‘Cotton, Liverpool and the American Civil War’ Before its civil war erupted, America had supplied 80 per cent of the raw material for Britain’s largest industry, the cotton trade. After the outbreak of war in 1861, this fell to almost zero. The purpose of this thesis is to examine what happened to the British raw cotton trade and to the Liverpool cotton market during the American Civil War. Both topics have been largely ignored by historians. Specifically, the investigation covers: a study of the alternative sources of supply, what was done to develop them before and during the war and why the attempts failed; a narrative of the cotton trade during the war in the context of political and public opinion; a quantification of the raw cotton available to Britain during the war and of the proportion of latent demand that could be met; an examination of attitudes and behaviour within Liverpool during the war; and a study of the financial side of the market, covering the the explosion of prices, the activities of speculators and cotton brokers and the business failures at the end of the war. The principal findings are these. There was no realistic alternative to the dominance of American cotton and, in its absence, no possibility of finding an adequate replacement. In consequence, Britain’s production of cotton yarn in the years 1862- 64 was at 46 per cent of the level of the preceding three years and, making a reasonable allowance for lost market growth, at 36 per cent of the requirement.
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