Agenda 6:15 P.M
CITY OF NORTH MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA NORTH MYRTLE BEACH CITY HALL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, February 6, 2017 AGENDA 6:15 P.M. 1 A. ROLL CALL: Executive Session: Evaluation of the City Judge. A Legal briefing regarding the S andridge Development Agreement 7:00 P.M. B. INVOCATION: Dr. Jim Mezick C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. MINUTES: A. City Council Meeting of December 19,2016 3. COMMUNICATIONS: A. RECOGNITION: Proclamation Honoring Dr. Peter Chambers B. Monthly Reports for December are posted online 4. ANNOT]NCEMENTS BY MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL 5. CONSENT AGENDA: A. MOTION: Motion to appoint James Snyder to the Planning Commission B. MOTION: Motion to approve the North Strand Optimist Club St Patrick's Day Parade C. MOTION: Motion to approve The St Patrick's Day Festival D. MOTION: Motion to approve the Divas Half Marathon 6. OLD BUSINESS: A. ORDINANCE SECOND READING: A request to amend the Bahama Island Planned Development District. (Tabled until December 19, 2016) B. ORDINANCE/FIRST READING: A Major Planned Development District MJPDD 16-04 to Barefoot Resort PDD Dye Estates. (Tabled to February 6 meeting) C. ORDINA¡ICE/FIRST READING: Rezoning request at Hillside and 10th Ave. South consisting of 9.33 acres from R-1(Single Family Residential Low Density) to R- 1B (Single Family Residential Low Medium Density). (Tabled to workshop scheduled for January 4,2017) 7, NEW BUSINESS: A. PUBLIC HEARING: Amendment to the Bahama Island Development Agreement B. Ordinance/ First reading; Ordinance to approve the amendment to the Bahama Island PDD Development Agreement. C. ORDINANCE/ FIRST READING: A request to amend the North Beach Plantation Planned Development District 8.
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