Ab initio investigation of hydrogen bonding and electronic structure of high-pressure phases of ice Renjun Xua, Zhiming Liu, Yanming Ma, Tian Cuib, Bingbing Liu, and Guangtian Zou State Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials, Jilin University, Changchun, 130012, P. R. China We report a detailed ab initio investigation on hydrogen bonding, geometry, electronic structure, and lattice dynamics of ice under a large high pressure range, including the ice X phase (55-380GPa), the previous theoretically proposed higher-pressure phase ice XIIIM (Refs. 1-2) (380GPa), ice XV (a new structure we derived from ice XIIIM) (300– 380GPa), as well as the ambient pressure low-temperature phase ice XI. Different from many other materials, the band gap of ice X is found to be increasing linearly with pressure from 55GPa up to 290GPa, the electronic density of states (DOS) shows that the valence bands have a tendency of red shift (move to lower energies) referring to the Fermi energy while the conduction bands have a blue shift (move to higher energies). This behavior is interpreted as the high pressure induced change of s-p charge transfers between hydrogen and oxygen. It is found that ice X exists in the pressure range from 75GPa to about 290GPa. Beyond 300GPa, a new hydrogen-bonding structure with 50% hydrogen atoms in symmetric positions in O-H-O bonds and the other half being a Current address: Department of Physics, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA b Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic address:
[email protected] asymmetric, ice XV, is identified.