
HOUSE . No. 3059

C&e CommontoealtJ) of C^assacfnisetts

House of Representatives, April 12, 1961.

The committee on Rules, to whom were referred the Resolutions (filed by Mr. Nolen of Ware) congratulating the Celtics team on winning the National Basketball Association championship (House, No. 3059), report that the same ought to be adopted.

For the committee,


i 9 HOUSE —No. 3059. [Apr. 1961.

Cfce Commontoealtfo of q&assacbusetts

In the Year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-One.

Resolutions congratulating the boston Celtics basketball TEAM ON WINNING THE NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION CHAMPIONSHIP. Whereas, The Boston Celtics Basketball Team has brought honor and fame to the Commonwealth and the City of Boston by winning |1 the National Basketball Association Championship; and Whereas, This is the fourth time in the past five years that the Celtics have won this title; and Whereas, The Celtics during the past season played this popular highly competitive sport with a high degree of excellence, and with a keen sense of good sportsmanship and fair play; and Whereas, As a result of the accomplishments of the members of this team, they have brought deserving praise for themselves, their manager and coaches; therefore be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives hereby extends to the Boston Celtics its congratulations upon win- ning the National Basketball Association Championship; and be it further Resolved, That copies of these resolutions be forwarded by the Secretary of the Commonwealth to the Boston Celtics Basketball Team.

House of Representatives, April 12, 1961. Adopted. LAWRENCE R. GROVE, Clerk.