GROWING THE HEART OF ENGLAND A Vision for church growth in the Diocese of

An update on the development and consultation on growth strategy and application to SDF Diocesan Synod 23 June 2020 A vision of numerical growth in the church – overall strategy Investing to grow capacity Resource Mission 150 New worshipping communities Hubs by 2030 60 NCD churches Inc. Cathedral + some non NCD churches

5 church plants in 5 churches in schools in urban contexts new developments

Missional Communities Church in schools in Fresh Expressions established parishes Background and context

• At the meeting of the Bishop’s Council on 2nd June 2020, a vision for church growth in the was presented for a second time (following more work / consultation) by Archdeacon . • The Diocesan Growth Strategy aims to launch 150 new worshipping communities across the diocese by 2030, with community transformation being an integral aspect of the diocese’s vision for mission and growth. • One specific element within the growth strategy is a focus on church growth in city centres, where population and deprivation are high. To fund this part of the strategy, an application to the Strategic Development Fund (SDF) of the Church Commissioners, is proposed. • The Bishop’s Council at the June meeting, indicated that they were content on the direction of travel with the strategy for growth, including the work towards application via SDF for a number of city / urban church plants. Flowing from our Whole Diocese Strategy Paper, the shared mission task incorporates our six shared diocesan objectives

1. Making the gospel known throughout the whole diocese so that people become followers of Christ. 2. Strengthening the health of churches and organisations across the Whole Diocese in the 8 Essential Qualities (8EQs) identified by NCD. 3. Enabling the wellbeing, development and flourishing of clergy and lay people across the whole diocese. 4. Equipping the whole diocese for the work of reconciliation. 5. Promoting life-long Christian learning and education across the whole diocese. 6. Delivering positive community transformation. At the heart of our shared life as a Diocese are TWO CORE DISTINCT shared VALUES which we, as a diocesan church family are committed to embrace, embed, champion and celebrate as a natural expression of our worship, our life together, and in serving our communities.

1. The Mission and Ministry of Reconciliation.

2. A realised vision of the diversity of life represented in our churches in worship, fellowship, mission & ministry that embraces and includes the breadth of social, ethnic and cultural heritage of all who live in our diocese We recognise that we have much to do, to truly reflect our values and priorities. Therefore, our shared mission task has an intentional focus in three key aspects 2. Developing and enabling the mission of 1. A realised vision of life represented in our churches a ‘Post-Covid’ church

in worship, fellowship, mission & ministry through the digital mission & ministry work that embraces and includes the breadth of that has already begun since the coronavirus social, ethnic and cultural heritage of all who restrictions were put in place. live in our diocese

3. An emphasis on mission to children and family groups & 18-30s These aspects will be developed more fully as we begin to undertake more work the delivery or implementation of our strategy Strategy Implementation teams

• Diocesan mission & Ministry of Reconciliation • BAME / Diversity • Growing Faith • Faith and Young Adult • Digital Mission / Church on-line / Equip Hub • Leader ‘Pipeline • Lay leadership pathways development • New Worshiping communities and church plants • Diocesan Central Services A vision of numerical growth in the church – overall strategy Investing to grow capacity Resource Mission 150 New worshipping communities Hubs by 2030 60 NCD churches Inc. Cathedral + some non NCD churches

5 church plants in 5 churches in schools in urban contexts new developments

Missional Communities Church in schools in Fresh Expressions established parishes Investment to build capacity to grow 150 new worshipping communities

Resourcing the vision

• Innovative approaches to deployment of clergy and licensed lay ministers. • Developing local mission and ministry teams & learning communities. • Investing in training resources and facilitating community involvement. • Train and release lay leaders, church planters, ordained leader development, children & families & youth workers • Funding required for additional leaders in the Hubs

Diocesan central resourcing structures Different approaches required for urban adapted to serve our missionary task. areas, rural communities and market towns 6 regional Diocesan Mission Hubs and a Resource Church

Bedworth New worshipping communities Fresh Expressions Rugby In addition for city/urban a specific focus Coventry x2 on ‘planting’ a small number of significant interventions (Funded via SDF) Leamington High population / Very low attendance Church in High deprivation / Poor health /Stratford market Hard to fill posts places Church plants in new housing A focus group of churches who want to grow new worshipping communities. estates 60 parishes/benefices actively involved in 8EQ (NCD). Including a smaller group of ‘non NCD’ churches and the cathedral CONTEXTUALLY SENSITIVE

Contributing to our vision to see 150 new worshipping communities across our diocese, with disciples who make disciples resulting in numerical and spiritual growth. Diocesan Mission Hubs Churches

Criteria for selection as a Hub What will the Hubs do?

• Already previously identified as resourcing church • Facilitate learning for faith sharing • Evidence of Church Growth • Growth in baptismal call/discipleship • Geographical reach • Enabling and growing Fresh Expressions • Experience of planting Plant, Water, Grow…working • Pioneering support • Passion for planting with different leaders and • Lay enabling/mentoring • Gifts of generosity and hospitality • ‘Growing Faith’ – children/family/school • Desire to work in partnership with others traditions to one purpose • Young adults to grow church 1 Cor 3. 1-9 • Promote and facilitate a Diocesan • A willingness to work together to realise ‘Mission apprentice’ scheme the diocesan strategy • Initiate new congregations themselves Building together with Jesus (Church plants) as the Cornerstone Eph 2.19

Every church in our Diocese has its unique shape & call. We are all part of one body. The developing call of Hubs will be to work with local churches to facilitate, accompany, encourage growth in ways that are appropriate for their traditions and contexts. Resourcing the vision

Mission focused learning opportunities

Faith share / Evangelism Empowering Leadership Fresh Expressions / Pioneering Children / youth / School Leader mentoring Lay Leadership modules Digital Mission

Resource Hubs

EQUIP- Online learning platform. Providing a suite of learning Central resource team On going work on the wider diocesan strategy

• Lay leadership / Lay learning . Authorisation or Commissioning of Lay leaders & teams • Aligning the work of the Serving Christ team • Mission apprenticeship programme development • Digital Mission and Social Media development • Work with BAME reference group, national church, local churches and other groups – recruitment of Intercultural Missioner • Future leader pipeline – lay and ordained (Including ‘Peter’ stream leaders) • Identify budget requirements for resourcing key elements of growth plan • Agreement of how we will fund our mission strategy and identification of the funding streams SDF bid for urban church growth

Within our diocesan strategy for growth there is a particular focus for City / Urban / Urban Estates

• Funding for a number of church ‘plants’ will be sought via an application to Strategic Development Fund (SDF) • This work will be supported by St Marks and other city / urban based hubs (St Marks as our resource church will be a lead partner) • A Programme Manager (funded via SDF) will help develop the detail of our application and work on implementation of the strategy • A Director of New worshipping communities / church planting (funded via SDF) will be responsible for training, development of planting models for city plants and also the wider new communities work across the diocese, coordinating the hub strategy implementation ETC

Strategic Development Funding supports major change projects which lead to a significant difference in dioceses’ mission and financial strength. Funding is only available to dioceses and the projects should fit with the strategic plans of the SDF, which is centred around transformational work in growing mission and communities. SDF Application: ‘Long List’ - locations of potential church plants

% of Population in Worshipping Church plant location Parish IMD rank* Population Community

St Peter's, Hillfields 440 18,648 0.31 Camp Hill, 582 7,371 0.49 , Coventry 976 9,925 0.77 0.15 Longford, Coventry 1751 8,590

Risen Christ, Wyken 1908 10,815 0.92

All Saints, Coventry 2040 20,030 0.39

2071 25,094 0.58 Colycroft estate/Bedworth Heath Saints Nuneaton 87,000

*IMD rank = Index of multiple deprivation SDF bid for urban church growth

Resourcing the urban growth vision Capacity funding agreed from SDF for Programme. People resources per plant: Manager. • Church plant leader (ordained) • Growing faith children community / schools worker Application for the first • Growing faith aspect with Archbishop of York Young Leaders Award year funding for a Church Plant Director to follow. • Worship administration and operations coordinator • 2 Interns (Mission apprentice scheme) per plant • 2 Mission Development leaders shared across plants for community engagement / transformation • Mission apprentice / Intern development manager (based at St Mark’s) • Administration and operations coordinator for Whole City and Urban Planting operations (based at St Marks)

Capital expenditure (DBF) • Diocesan provision of clergy housing • Buildings improvements SDF bid for urban church growth

What is happening - ongoing work

• Defining the strategy to refocus our presence in urban areas.

• Consultation with Area Deans and • Identifying stakeholders • The lead Church Planters • Sharing vision via Zoom roadshows • People resources to support delivery • Defining models of church planting • Determining expected levels of penetration and areas of growth • Analysis of population and church potential penetration to identify hubs and areas in need of church plants. • Application for Church Planter Director Target areas for investment within • Exploring level of Capital expenditure Nuneaton, Bedworth & Coventry from diocesan funds • Confirming the Hub churches

• Parish consultation through planned ‘Zoom roadshows’ and supporting communication strategy • Updating the SDF bid following feedback through consultation SDF bid for urban church growth


• Refining stage 1 of • Work on • Consultation stage 2 of June & SDF bid for February Submission • Feedback August October SDF bid July submission 2021 of stage 2 of • Roadshow 11/9/20 • Feedback SDF bid from BC GROWING THE HEART OF ENGLAND A Vision for church growth in the Diocese of Coventry

An update on the development and consultation on growth strategy and application to SDF Diocesan Synod 23 June 2020