Only 75 Purchase Drive Slated Junior Service League Votes
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'••.•.;aa 12|ol7 For the first tune in its history, the Cran- With an additional $32,537 contributed dur- A total of $170,000 in pledges to the Temple Beth-El Annual dean Up Week conduct- jding fund canvass was reported at a jneeting at the Tem-ed by the Cranford Board of fleaith ford Junior Service' League has voted a do>ing the past week, Cranford citizens and ©r- ••:'* ; last week. At*that time, aiecording to Irving Weiss, teams in cooperation with local scaven- nation to ab edticatidnal project—1600 ,lor ittons have ttiiide gifts! and ^ pledges of cfaainnan, approximately 75 percent of .the cards gers will begin Monday and con- Union Junior College's s^lvei- anniversary de- ^8*ilo Union 'Junior College's sttver an- tinue through Saturday of next velopment fund. niversary development fund oampaigh. to the td|un8 bad been turned in, week.'" , ' „•' -.•.' •••:•' The gift was approved at a George S. Sauer, Cranford Cranford's new plan for operation of the five municipal vassing will be contin- Health Officer John F.' .Kunze parking lots, including reservation of 200 spaces for local pur- he added, untU all fam-today issued an appeal to local res- board meeting Monday at the; chairman, said he believes this idents to cooperate by cleaning out home of Mrs. Farris Swacfe chasers of stickers at a fee of $20 a year, was put.into effect .';.; Members of Girl Scout Troop M are ahoiro planting hein|ock haye been visited for their Alumni Begin is the first^time in Cranfbrd's vxm tree which they presented to'Roosevelt PTA in appreciation of the lutgersClu attics, cellars, garages and yards hamer, 10 Herning avenue. on Monday; but up to yesterday afternoon only 75 of tne participation in the program. and placing.,discarded .items and history that more than $100,- association's sponsorship and also as, a requirement fbrthe fills' The board also voted gifts to 000 hias been raised in a town- available 500 stickers had been sold, Police Chief Lester W. ..-•;••: as Mr. Weiss and Rabbi Sidney materials as close to the curb as Drive to Aid • • — ••<. • .\VJ conservation badge. Lett to right in front are' Connie Beall and lolarship the Children's Country Home, Powell reported. p D. Shanken, the temple's.' spiritual possible on their regular collection wide solicltati6n. • t ' • Tina Dommergue. ^Back rowr left to right: Marie Harris, Pamela Mountainside, the Cranford Boys' leader, expressed their apprecia- days. ' •• . '•'. ' .:••. ,- . "When there is-a Job to do," Mr. The stickers were placed on Marsh, Janet BuzalsU. Karin Paterson, Phyllis Boirdmah and "Cooperation in this project," Camp, the Cranford Boys' Baseball Sauer said, "Cranford residents w • • ' Barbara Gaffney. Not present when picture was taken was Gall tion to all those who have been Solicitation t>egan this, week in sale at police headquarters on Mr said" , rid one's League, the Union County Assoc- Cranford, Garwood and Kenil- can go out and do it. This is a NSff -, .•,•«••• •••* Griffiths.. Leaders of tbie troop are Mrs. George Marsh land Mrs. The Rutgers Clnb of Cranford working on the canvass, and com- pronerty of many health and fire remarkable showing despite the April i8. • Pl»t f A|A iation for Mental Health, and itsworth as the alumni of Union Jun- '• •' • I••'•''"''Vn LloydC.BealL .. ...'.'. .//•/ ,.y.y,U\ ,.•• \; .:.'..:'•:.:. ••;•••.. today that its initial mended their'efforts. azards arutalso. help make Cran- monthly donation to the Cranford ior College launched a campaign competition of many other fund-' BetterHide \Vhile the reserved spaces .- i •••••ilk award Is being pre- A special meeting of temple ford a pleasanter and, more at- to raise $100,000 for the college'sraising efforts." •• , •. • for sticker-owners provided, in members and friends has been Welfare Association. [ to Howard F. Gilbert of tractive place in which to live and It was pointed out that the basic silver anniversary ', development At a meeting this week, the cam- two of the municipal lots-got lit- called for this evening at 8^0 at 1 >; v I -W% work. *,.' - ':'' • .;• ' : "\ fund campaign. "^~^~^^ " paign workers voted- to continue tle use on the opening days, busi- Kindergarten I North avenue, west, a Cranford the temple, at which time a dis- aim Qf the Cranford Junior Service Plans to add some color to Clean BPW Elects Scavengers will make extra col- League_Js to support activities and The alumni opened the fund the drive for an additional two ness was good for the; 270. metered i SCDQOa SEB^QP 'WOO IS DleUg**i> cussion will be held on. the pro-lections all next week, but only on weeks. It was pointed out that less Up Week here next. week were spaces available in four of the off- ;••• • > •• :. :yr<"W*7'V:;^':v: Mothers Feted posed new building. -,-\ organizations which are for thecampaign Friday evening at a din- c rtford Officer Slate, ; to major in engineering at the regularly scheduled collection good and welfare $f Cranford and narndance at the Elks Clubhouse, street. lots. Chief Powell related. • Suggestions advanced at this days for each locality. ^ y^,^v» "^* «^" council of Garden Clubt s a?t a re- m New Bruns* Elizabeth, attended by' more than y tUr . A survey on Monday and Tues- By PTA Group that the college's expansion is con- seen .^JK ^"L^ " cent meeting ,t the home of Mrs. i next Sapfbeniner. , , .• , meeting will be studied by the Paul DILorenzo, secretary of the sidered a worthwhile project-, of 300 persons, 'including a large visits to be made' by solicitors. day, the chief said, showed, only The Pre-School Group of the architectural committee and taken Cranford Scavengers' Association, 1 Charles A. 200. Hampton MnlAE PIH CflBL Doctor Howanfs name also was listed the community. The league, it number from this area. Kenneth Robert M. Crone, an area lead- street.. SO percent 'use at Lot Na S, on Mrs. Margery S. Hoff was elect- RposeveU PTA w«i-host to the week among the winners of into consideration in its delibera- requested that rubbish be put out Sutton place and er, said there arc .many people In Springfield avenue, where all 100 mothers: of the new 1SS8-89 kin- tions with the architect. The was explained, basically supports OCScheUer In furtherance of its campaign /-?••') ed president of the Cranford Busi- State University scholarships -the night before, as the special only projects directly benefiting Wilbur F. Chinery of 10 Denman Cranford waiting to be called upon. against Jitterbugs, the council has spaces are reserved for .sticker- ness and Professional Women's dergarten classes at the group's I by ai special state appro- temple has selected as Its architect pickups will be made early* in the Dr. Kenneth C. MacKayV'college final meeting last Wednesday eve-. Cranford, as it is a^ Cranford or- place are Oranford co-chairmen. enlisted the aid of young people j holders. At.Lot No. 2. South Union tfubttt a meeting at the Coach and and distributed by coun*-for this project," George Levy, AIA, morning. He suggested that refuse ganization. John W. Sanyasz of 120 Winslow president; thanked the workers for and ' South avenues, where 100 . luur. Restaurant '1*fo'»*»y evening. rung at the home of MrsT George of Elkabeth. , , •", materials~"be. placed In' containers as" well as regular members for a ••-. ..,.••• ••xKm kL :r>.""- a Uraportton, to legisiattve The leagwe, which voted $550 place,- Garwood, heads me *driv« . (Continued on Peigf sy ' program which will be highlighted more spaces, are reserved for Other officers are: First vice- Hoobler, 206 Oak Lane. ; > Construction of the new'build-or tied in bundles wherever possi- "A Day in Kindergarten" .. qentattsa." ', V-" .;.;.v "ing,; which will meet the needs of for the,. Union County Psychiatric in his borough, while Salvatore C. by Cub Scouts of-Pack 103 touring stickers and the .remainder are president, Mrs. 'Margaret Coffee; The <Bntgws drib of Cranford ble. .Branches sjiould W tied to- Clinic last. month, voted an addi- CiriUo of 39 North 20th street, the business-center with a dec-metered' , the lot was being used $100 second vice-president, Mrs. Doro- the topic of discussion. Mrs. Robert Temple Beth El's growing mem- gether and should be no more than Brooks, chairman of, ' possible b> bership, will start in the fall. The tional $30 for the Union County Kenilworth, is chairman in that New Site orated wagon to pick tu> litter. to 85 percent of* total capacity, thy Bowers; recording secretary. six feet in length for faculty of Association for- Mental Health at community. • • ,. .^.The cubs' wagon mostly in the metered area. MrsT Marguerite Levitt; cor- introduced Miss Mary BUzabeth (Conttmwd o» Page t) ~ he said. Williams and Miss Joan Flete- .Ibosl to its meeting Monday, night. State Senator Wayne Dumorit, atcd with littcrbug signs, and their Percentage use in the other lots, responding secretary, Mrs. Aline Jr., of Philllpsburg, was the din- all metered but with no reserved HAZEL BISHOP Robbins;j_treasurer, Mrs; Hilde- meyer, kindergarten teachers at Also approved on Monday were activity is aimed at showing how undergraduate the following gifts: Children's ner's principal Speaker.