Cop5 Participants.Pdf
CONVENTION ON WETLANDS OF INTERNATIONAL IMPORTANCE ESPECIALLY AS WATERFOWL HABITAT Fifth Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties Kushiro, Japan : 9-16 June 1993 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS/LISTE DES PARTICIPANTS/LISTA DE LOS PARTICIPANTES I. CONTRACTING PARTIES/PARTIES CONTRACTANTES/PARTES CONTRATANTES ALGERIA/ALGERIE/ARGELIA SOUIKI Mohamed, ANN - Direction Régional Ouest, B.P. 82/K Cerisiers, 13.000 Tlemcen ARGENTINA/ARGENTINE CANEVARI Marcelo, Director, Dirección Nacional de Areas Protegidas, Av. Santa Fe 690, (1059) Buenos Aires LINGUA Guillermo (Head of delegation/Chef de délégation/Jefe de delegación), Subdirector, Secretaria de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente Humano, San Martin 459, (1004) Buenos Aires AUSTRALIA/AUSTRALIE BRIDGEWATER Peter (Head of delegation/Chef de délégation/Jefe de delegación), Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, GPO Box 636, Canberra, ACT 2601 PAPPS David, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, PO Box 1967, Hurstville 2220, New South Wales PHILLIPS Bill, Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service GPO Box 636, Canberra, ACT 2601 AUSTRIA/AUTRICHE DICK Gerald, Scientific Officer, Ministry of the Environment, Youth and Family, Radetzkystrasse 2, A-1031 Wien SCHREIBER Heinz (Head of delegation/Chef de délégation/Jefe de delegación), Ministry of the Environment, Youth and Family, Radetzkystrasse 2, A-1031 Wien ZANINI Ernst, Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung, Rechtsabtellung 6, Karmeliterplatz 2, A-8010 Graz BANGLADESH HASAN Mahmud, Ministry of Environment and Forest, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka KATEBI M.N.A (Head of delegation/Chef de délégation/Jefe de delegación), Chief Conservator of Forests, Government of Bangladesh, Bano Bhaban, Mohakhali, Gulshan Road, Dhaka-1212 BELGIUM/BELGIQUE/BELGICA KUIJKEN Eckhart, Institute of Nature Conservation, Kiewitdreef 5, B-3500 Hasselt 227 RENAULT Jean (Head of delegation/Chef de délégation/Jefe de delegación), Chef de Service, Admin.
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