Mend It, Don't End It: Revamping the Fed for the 21St Century
AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE MEND IT, DON'T END IT: REVAMPING THE FED FOR THE 21ST CENTURY MODERATOR: JAMES PETHOKOUKIS, AEI PANELISTS: RYAN AVENT, THE ECONOMIST DAVID BECKWORTH, WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY SCOTT SUMNER, BENTLEY UNIVERSITY 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2013 EVENT PAGE: revamping-the-fed-for-the-21st-century/ TRANSCRIPT PROVIDED BY: DC Transcription – JAMES PETHOKOUKIS: Welcome to our AEI panel today “Mend It, Don’t End It: Revamping the Fed for the 21st Century.” This is AEI’s third panel this week on the Fed and if anyone made all three panels, there’s no prize for you other than way to go. In its 100-year history, the Federal Reserved has become more defined by its failures than its successes. The Fed played essential role in the Great Depression of the 1930s, the Great Inflation of the 1970s, and arguably the Great Recession of the 2000s. And now, some Fed watchers worry that the U.S. Central Bank is making another historic error, this time by keeping interest rates at very low levels and by maintaining its massive bond buying program, known as quantitative easing, despite a recovering economy. This opinion is particularly relevant among center-right policymakers. Almost universally, they see the Bernanke Fed as undertaking a reckless monetary experiment that will only end in tears. As Texas Governor Rick Perry quotably said, back in 2012, when he was beginning his presidential run, if this guy Bernanke prints more money between now and the election, I don’t know what you all will do with him in Iowa, but we treat him pretty ugly down in Texas.
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