
Northampton Borough Council Site-Specific Flood Risk Information

Northampton Borough Council

November 2018


Northampton Borough Council Site-Specific Flood Risk Information

This site-specific review has included an assessment of the fluvial, surface water, sewer, groundwater and reservoir breach flood risk. Where a site has experienced flooding in the past, or flooding has been experienced in close proximity (i.e. within 400m), this has been highlighted. Where a site has a watercourse located adjacent or flowing through it, the need for a Land Drainage Consent (for Ordinary Watercourses) or Environmental Permit (for Main Rivers) has also been highlighted. Where sewer flooding (surface water) due to capacity issues has been experienced within 400m of the site, this has been included within the assessment.

Site-specific development considerations have been provided for each site and additional advice provided where considered appropriate. The data displayed in Table 1 includes a Red, Amber, and Green (RAG) Assessment, which has been used to communicate the following:

Limited flood risk to site, acceptable for allocation in flood risk management terms Site deliverable in flood risk management terms, providing the site-specific considerations e.g. sequential approach are incorporated into the policy requirement for the site Additional work required before allocation

Where potential development sites are at risk from flooding, ideally they should be relocated to Flood Zone 1, if possible, in line with the Sequential Test. However, in the absence of other suitable locations, the development sites may be located in Flood Zone 2 and Flood Zone 3 (in order of preference respectively). Where the sequential approach to the site can be taken, this has also been recommended. Development sites that are either wholly or partly situated in Flood Zone 2 or Flood Zone 3 will require further assessment or justification through the Exception Test.

It should be noted and acknowledged that sites which are located within Flood Zone 2 and Flood Zone 3, often have an area also located within Flood Zone 1. Therefore a sequential approach to the site layout can be adopted, providing the scale and density of the proposed development is known, with a view to locating more vulnerable land uses in Flood Zone 1 and less vulnerable uses in the higher risk Flood Zones. Site boundaries can also be redefined to avoid areas of high flood risk if required. 01/11/2018

Is the site affected by Is the site SITE local sources of flood Sequential Test Site-specific affected by risk? development Comments Risk Flood Zone Name/ Surface Ground requirements Location 1, 2 or 3 Required Passed Site Water Water Flood Zones: The entirety of the site is located within Flood Zone 3, due to its Avoid built development on part of proximity to the and West the site affected by Bridge Dyke. Surface Water and Fluvial Flood Zone. Flood Defences: However, the entirety of the site is also shown to be within an area Use of on-site surface benefitting from flood defences. A site- water drainage systems specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) must required and better consider this matter fully, and determine provision for flow path the full extent of the defended area and the Lex conveyance standard of protection offered. Autocare & Moderat LAA0153 Flood Zone 3 High Yes No Kwikfit, St e Flooding has been Surface Water: The south and western James Road experienced on the site boundaries of the site are susceptible to or within close high risk surface water flooding, due to St proximity. A detailed James Road and Byfield Road being at high site-specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) will risk. Highway surface water drainage to be be required to ensure investigated as part of any proposal coming that the development is forward. Avoid development in surface safe and does not water flood area. increase flood risk to any adjacent land. Groundwater: The entirety of the site is susceptible to moderate risk groundwater flooding. Any development will need to 01/11/2018

ensure that appropriate and adequate mitigation measures are incorporated.

Historic Flood Events: The site is located within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. An additional five historic flood events are recorded within 400m of the site, relating to: internal flooding of a residential property as a result of groundwater flooding; surface water flooding of the public highway; main river flooding; internal flooding of a non-domestic property as a result of artificial drainage incapacity; and a water leak resulting in closure of the public highway due to infrastructure failure. However, no historic flood events are recorded within 100m of the site.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Weedon, Ravensthorpe, , Mill, , or Dallington Brook Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area. 01/11/2018

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within St. James Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources. Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood Zones 1, 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3 intersects the south and western boundaries of the site, Avoid built and any proposals coming forward must development on part of avoid development in this area. However the site affected by almost the entirety of the site is located Fluvial Flood Zone. within Flood Zone 2.

Use of on-site surface Flood Defences: The majority of the site is water drainage systems shown to be within an area benefitting from required and better flood defences. A site-specific Flood Risk provision for flow path Assessment (FRA) must consider this matter conveyance Tanner Moderat fully, and determine the full extent of the LAA0167 Flood Zone 3 Low Yes Yes Street e defended area and the standard of Flooding has been protection offered. experienced on the site

or within close Groundwater: The southern boundary of proximity. A detailed the site intersects with an area at moderate site-specific FRA will be risk of groundwater flooding; however, the required to ensure that site is not considered to be at significant the development is safe risk. and does not increase

flood risk to any Historic Flood Events: The site is located adjacent land. within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in 01/11/2018

Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. An additional three historic flood events are recorded within 400m of the site, relating to: internal flooding of a non- domestic property as a result of artificial drainage incapacity; a water leak resulting in closure of the public highway due to infrastructure failure; and surface water flooding of the public highway. However, no historic flood events are recorded within 200m of the site.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Duston Mill or Hollowell Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Castle Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): A site- specific FRA should consider the residual risk of developing behind flood defences, and the results of breach modelling should be 01/11/2018

considered as part of a site-specific FRA. More vulnerable and highly vulnerable development should be avoided in areas shown as having ‘Danger for Most’ and ‘Danger for All’. Development should be rolled back from watercourses (and consequently flood defences) to manage the residual risk of flooding.

Development proposed within the areas affected by flooding should incorporate appropriate mitigation measures and should not increase the risk of flooding to surrounding areas. Where development is proposed within areas at risk of flooding, mixed use (mixed vulnerability) development that follows the principles of the sequential approach may be appropriate. For example, buildings with commercial development at ground floor level and residential development above ground floor level may be appropriate. However a site-specific FRA should demonstrate that the development is safe and that dry emergency access and egress can be maintained. Avoid built Surface Water: The west and eastern development on part of Rowtree boundaries of the site are susceptible to LAA0168 Flood Zone 1 High Negligible No N/A the site affected by Road high risk surface water flooding. Surface Water Flood Development should be avoided in surface Zone. 01/11/2018

water flood area; however, the site is not Use of on-site surface considered to be at significant risk. water drainage systems required and better Historic Flood Events: One historic flood provision for flow path event is recorded within 100m of the site, conveyance. relating to flooding of national highways infrastructure. Highway surface water Ensure Land Drainage drainage to be investigated as part of any Consent is sought from proposal coming forward. the Bedford Group of IDBs. Consents: A Land Drainage Consent has been issued within the site boundary, Flooding has been relating to a culvert. Capacity assessment to experienced on the site be undertaken as part of any proposal or within close coming forward. proximity. A detailed site-specific FRA will be Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): required to ensure that Development proposals must consider the the development is safe potential effects of increased surface water and does not increase runoff to Wootton Brook, which has the flood risk to any potential for increasing flood risk adjacent land. downstream in Northampton. In addition, developer-funded strategic scale SuDS options should be considered to minimise the effects of post-development increased surface water runoff to downstream areas.

West Northamptonshire Development Corporation Water Cycle Strategy (2009): The site falls within a largely urbanised area with insufficient floodplain area to make 01/11/2018

flood storage effective. Therefore any runoff from development would have to be attenuated on site. Developers should take account of recommendations and conclusions from the Integrated Urban Drainage Plan for Wootton. Surface water flooding problem should not be exacerbated by new development. New development must not reduce the capacity of online storage lakes created as part of previous development. Avoid built Flood Zones: The entirety of the site falls development on part of within Flood Zone 3, and the majority of the the site affected by site is within Flood Zone 3b, the functional Surface Water and floodplain. Any development proposal for Fluvial Flood Zone. this site must demonstrate suitable water compatibility. Use of on-site surface water drainage systems Flood Defences: Sections of the central and required and better northwestern areas of the site are shown to provision for flow path be in areas benefitting from flood defences; LAA0169 Railway Line Flood Zone 3 High Very High Yes No conveyance. however the site is considered to be at significant risk of fluvial flooding. A site- Ensure Land Drainage specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) must Consent is sought from consider this matter fully, and determine the Bedford Group of the full extent of the defended area and the IDBs. standard of protection offered.

Ensure an Surface Water: The site is at significant risk Environmental Permit is of surface water flooding. Avoid sought from the EA. development in surface water flood area. 01/11/2018

Groundwater: The site is susceptible to moderate to very high risk groundwater flooding. Any development will need to ensure that appropriate and adequate mitigation measures are incorporated.

Historic Flood Events: The site is located within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene.

Main Rivers: The River Nene flows in a south-eastern direction directly adjacent to the western boundary of the site. No development should take place within 8m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Ordinary Watercourses: One ordinary watercourse flows through the site, and another three ordinary watercourses feed into the section of the River Nene that flows directly adjacent to the western boundary of the site. These watercourses will require detailed modelling including climate change scenarios to ascertain floodplain extent and any proposed development should avoid this area. No development should take place 01/11/2018

within 9m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Harlestone Lake or Hollowell Flood Storage Areas.

West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The site is shown to be within an area identified as having ‘local flooding issues’ (EA data).

West Northamptonshire Development Corporation Water Cycle Strategy (2009): The capacity of Dallington and Flood Storage Reservoir should be investigated by developers before any planning application is made. Developers should investigate the potential for storage upstream on Dallington Brook. If using existing storage is not possible then on site attenuation must be provided Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood Avoid built Zones 1, 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3 intersects the development on part of southern boundary of the site, and is Quinton Moderat the site affected by LAA0171 Flood Zone 3 Very High Yes Yes primarily Flood Zone 3b, the functional Road e Surface Water and floodplain. Any proposals coming forward Fluvial Flood Zone. must avoid development in this area. Flood

Zone 2 extends across the southern and 01/11/2018

Use of on-site surface central sections of the site, covering water drainage systems approximately 60-70% of the site area. The required and better northern section of the site is located within provision for flow path Flood Zone 1. conveyance. Surface Water: The southern section of the Ensure an site is highly susceptible to surface water Environmental Permit is flooding, as is the western boundary of the sought from the EA. site. Additionally, two localised high risk surface water flood extents are located in Flooding has been the central area of the site. Avoid experienced on the site development in surface water flood area. or within close proximity. A detailed Groundwater: The southern section of the site-specific FRA will be site is susceptible to moderate risk required to ensure that groundwater flooding. In addition, the the development is safe northern section of the site is at very low and does not increase risk. Any development will need to ensure flood risk to any that appropriate and adequate mitigation adjacent land. measures are incorporated.

Historic Flood Events: The site is located within the area that experienced flooding in June 2007 due to flooding of Wootton Brook. Furthermore, two historic flood events are recorded within 100m of the site, relating to flooding of the public highway. Highway surface water drainage to be investigated as part of any proposal coming forward. An additional three historic flood events are recorded within 400m of the site, 01/11/2018

relating to surface water flooding of the public highway and internal surface water flooding of a non-residential property.

Main Rivers: Wootton Brook, a classified main river, flows in a northwestern direction adjacent to the site’s southern and western boundaries. No development should take place within 8m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The site’s north- eastern boundary intersects with the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Nene Valley Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from surface water.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): Development proposals must consider the potential effects of increased surface water runoff to Wootton Brook, which has the potential for increasing flood risk downstream in Northampton. In addition, developer-funded strategic scale SuDS options should be considered to minimise the effects of post-development increased surface water runoff to downstream areas.


West Northamptonshire Development Corporation Water Cycle Strategy (2009): The site falls within a largely urbanised area with insufficient floodplain area to make flood storage effective. Therefore any runoff from development would have to be attenuated on site. Developers should take account of recommendations and conclusions from the Integrated Urban Drainage Plan for Wootton. Surface water flooding problem should not be exacerbated by new development. New development must not reduce the capacity of online storage lakes created as part of previous development. Avoid built Flood Zones: The entirety of the site is development on part of located within Flood Zone 3, due to its the site affected by proximity to the Ransome Road Drain, Surface Water and Hardingstone Dyke and the River Nene. Fluvial Flood Zone. Flood Defences: However, the entirety of Ransome Use of on-site surface the site is also shown to be within an area Moderat LAA0174 Road Flood Zone 3 Medium Yes No water drainage systems benefitting from flood defences. A site- e gateway required and better specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) must provision for flow path consider this matter fully, and determine conveyance. the full extent of the defended area and the standard of protection offered. Flooding has been experienced on the site Surface Water: Approximately 50-60% of or within close the site is susceptible to low risk surface 01/11/2018

proximity. A detailed water flooding. In addition, medium risk site-specific FRA will be surface water flood extents intersect with required to ensure that the northern and western boundaries of the the development is safe site. Avoid development in surface water and does not increase flood area. flood risk to any adjacent land. Groundwater: The western boundary of the site is susceptible to moderate risk groundwater flooding. In addition, the eastern boundary is susceptible to very low risk groundwater flooding. Any development will need to ensure that appropriate and adequate mitigation measures are incorporated.

Historic Flood Events: The site is located within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. Furthermore, the site is located in close proximity to the area that experienced severe flooding in May 2018, with fifteen residential and non-residential properties within 100m experiencing internal flooding as a result of the surface water flood event. An additional fifty two private properties within 400m of the site were affected by the May 2018 event, and a further two historic flood events are recorded within the 400m 01/11/2018

buffer area, with both of which relating to surface water flooding.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Weedon, Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Duston Mill, Hollowell or Daventry Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Delapre and Briar Hill Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources.

West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The report notes that the whole of the Ransome Road development area, apart from a small area in the southeast corner, is previously developed. And therefore, Storm runoff from the area following redevelopment will not be significantly greater than in the past.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): A site- specific FRA should consider the residual risk of developing behind flood defences, and 01/11/2018

the results of breach modelling should be considered as part of a site-specific FRA. More vulnerable and highly vulnerable development should be avoided in areas shown as having ‘Danger for Most’ and ‘Danger for All’. Development should be rolled back from watercourses (and consequently flood defences) to manage the residual risk of flooding. Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood Avoid built Zones 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3 extents development on part of intersect with the north, east and southern the site affected by boundaries of the site, covering Surface Water and approximately 30-40% of the site area. The Fluvial Flood Zone. remainder of the site is within Flood Zone 2.

Use of on-site surface Flood Defences: However, the entirety of water drainage systems the site is also shown to be within an area St James required and better benefitting from flood defences. A site- Road provision for flow path specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) must LAA0180 Flood Zone 3 High Very High Yes Yes (former conveyance. consider this matter fully, and determine depot) the full extent of the defended area and the Flooding has been standard of protection offered. experienced on the site or within close Surface Water: The north-eastern boundary proximity. A detailed of the site is susceptible to high risk surface site-specific FRA will be water flooding, due to St James Road being required to ensure that at high risk. . Highway surface water the development is safe drainage to be investigated as part of any and does not increase proposal coming forward. In addition, low risk surface water flood extents cover 01/11/2018

flood risk to any significant areas of the north-eastern and adjacent land. south-western sections of the site. Avoid development in surface water flood area.

Groundwater: The site is at significant risk of groundwater flooding, with the west, south and eastern sections susceptible to very high risk groundwater flooding, and the north susceptible to moderate risk groundwater flooding. Any development will need to ensure that appropriate and adequate mitigation measures are incorporated.

Historic Flood Events: The site is located within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. Furthermore, one historic flood event is recorded within 20m of the site, relating to the internal flooding of a residential property as a result of groundwater flooding. An additional four historic flood events are recorded within 400m of the site.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Duston Mill, 01/11/2018

Hollowell or Dallington Brook Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within St. James Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): A site- specific FRA should consider the residual risk of developing behind flood defences. Development in the areas shown as having ‘Danger for Most’ or ‘Danger for All’ should be limited to water compatible or less vulnerable uses. A site-specific FRA should also consider the residual risk posed by the Duston Reservoir and Brampton Branch of the River Nene. This may result in additional areas of the site being identified as unsuitable for certain development vulnerability classifications. Access and egress to the area should also be considered. Surface Water: Two high risk surface water Land at Avoid built flood extents are found in the north and LAA0195 Hunsbury Flood Zone 1 High Negligible Yes Yes development on part of eastern sections of the site, forming part of School the site affected by a surface water flow path that interacts with 01/11/2018

Surface Water Flood the adjacent highway. Highway surface Zone. water drainage to be investigated as part of any proposal coming forward. Avoid Use of on-site surface development in surface water flood area. water drainage systems required and better Historic Flood Events: One historic flood provision for flow path event is recorded within 80m of the site, conveyance. relating to the internal flooding of a residential property as a result of significant Flooding has been surface water flooding. Two additional experienced on the site surface water related incidents are recorded or within close within 400m of the site. proximity. A detailed site-specific FRA will be Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of required to ensure that the site is located within the Northampton the development is safe Flood Risk Area. and does not increase flood risk to any adjacent land. Avoid built Surface Water: Two surface water flow development on part of paths extend from the west of the site to the site affected by the north and south east. Avoid Surface Water Flood development in surface water flood area. Zone. The Farm, Historic Flood Events: Three historic flood LAA0204 Flood Zone 1 Medium Very Low Yes Yes The Green Use of on-site surface events are recorded within 300m of the site, water drainage systems with all of which relating to surface water required and better flooding. provision for flow path conveyance. Northamptonshire PFRA: The site’s western boundary intersects with the Northampton 01/11/2018

Flooding has been Flood Risk Area. experienced on the site or within close Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is proximity. A detailed located within Nene Valley Ward, identified site-specific FRA will be as one of the most at risk wards in the required to ensure that county of flooding from surface water. the development is safe and does not increase Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): flood risk to any Development proposals must consider the adjacent land. potential effects of increased surface water runoff to Wootton Brook, which has the potential for increasing flood risk downstream in Northampton. In addition, developer-funded strategic scale SuDS options should be considered to minimise the effects of post-development increased surface water runoff to downstream areas.

West Northamptonshire Development Corporation Water Cycle Strategy (2009): The site falls within a largely urbanised area with insufficient floodplain area to make flood storage effective. Therefore any runoff from development would have to be attenuated on site. Developers should take account of recommendations and conclusions from the Integrated Urban Drainage Plan for Wootton. Surface water flooding problem should not be exacerbated by new development. New development must not reduce the capacity of online 01/11/2018

storage lakes created as part of previous development. Avoid built development on part of Surface Water: The central section of the the site affected by southern boundary of the site is susceptible Surface Water Flood to high risk surface water flooding. In Zone. addition, a localised medium risk surface water flood extent is found in the centre of Use of on-site surface the site. The site is not considered to be at water drainage systems significant risk, however development required and better should be avoided in surface water flood Parklands provision for flow path area. Middle conveyance. LAA0205 Flood Zone 1 High Negligible No N/A School, Historic Flood Events: One historic flood Devon Way Flooding has been event is recorded within 70m of the site, experienced on the site relating to flooding of the public highway. or within close Highway surface water drainage to be proximity. A detailed investigated as part of any proposal coming site-specific FRA will be forward. required to ensure that the development is safe Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of and does not increase the site is located within the Northampton flood risk to any Flood Risk Area. adjacent land. Avoid built Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood development on part of Zones 1, 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3 extents Swan Valley the site affected by intersect with the northwestern boundary LAA0208 Flood Zone 3 High Very High Yes No gateway Surface Water and of the site, covering approximately 10-20% Fluvial Flood Zone. of the site area. This is primarily Flood Zone 3b, the functional floodplain, and any 01/11/2018

Use of on-site surface proposals coming forward must avoid water drainage systems development in this area. Flood Zone 2 required and better coverage is found in the northwest and provision for flow path eastern sections of the site. Approximately conveyance. 40-50% of the site is in Flood Zone 1.

Ensure Land Drainage Flood Defences: Parts of the site are shown Consent is sought from to be in an area benefitting from flood the Bedford Group of defences, however the majority of the site is IDBs. undefended. A site-specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) must consider this matter Ensure an fully, and determine the full extent of the Environmental Permit is defended area and the standard of sought from the EA. protection offered.

Flooding has been Surface Water: The site is susceptible to experienced on the site high risk surface water flooding, with the or within close northern boundary and eastern and central proximity. A detailed sections at greatest risk. Avoid development site-specific FRA will be in surface water flood area. required to ensure that the development is safe Groundwater: The northern boundary and and does not increase eastern section of the site are susceptible to flood risk to any very high risk groundwater flooding. Any adjacent land. development will need to ensure that appropriate and adequate mitigation The development measures are incorporated. should incorporate a buffer zone of at least Historic Flood Events: The site is located 8m around the canal to within the area affected by widespread make space for water flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where 01/11/2018

and allow access for more than 1,500 properties flooded in maintenance should Northampton due to flooding of the River any repair be required. Nene. One additional historic flood event is recorded within 400m of the site, relating to the overtopping of the at the locks east of . The site is also located within a Highways Agency identified flood hotspot, relating to the M1 southbound.

Ordinary Watercourses: An ordinary watercourse flows from the south of the site, northwards, meeting Wootton Brook at the northern boundary of the site. This watercourse will require detailed modelling, including climate change scenarios, to ascertain floodplain extent and any proposed development should avoid this area. No development should take place within 9m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Main River: Wootton Brook, a classified main river, flows adjacent to the northern boundary of the site. No development should take place within 8m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Canals: The Grand Union Canal (Northampton Arm) flows from south to north through the centre of the site. The 01/11/2018

residual risk from breach or failure should be assessed as part of the detailed FRA. Consents: Two Land Drainage Consents have been issued within the site boundary, with one of which relating to the repair of a culvert. Condition and capacity assessment of the culvert to be undertaken as part of any proposal coming forward.

West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The report notes that a minor watercourse within the locality, that is largely spring-fed and has its channel west of Swan Valley Way, has been improved and therefore the risk of flooding from this source is negligible. Avoid built Flood Zones: Flood Zone 2 extents development on part of intersects with the southwestern section of the site affected by the site, covering less than 5% of the site Fluvial Flood Zone. area. The remainder of the site is within Flood Zone 1. Use of on-site surface Railway Moderat water drainage systems Groundwater: The western boundary of the LAA0288 station car Flood Zone 2 Low Yes Yes e required and better site is susceptible to moderate risk park provision for flow path groundwater flooding. Any development will conveyance. need to ensure that appropriate and adequate mitigation measures are Flooding has been incorporated. experienced on the site or within close Historic Flood Events: The site is located 01/11/2018

proximity. A detailed within the area affected by widespread site-specific FRA will be flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where required to ensure that more than 1,500 properties flooded in the development is safe Northampton due to flooding of the River and does not increase Nene. Furthermore, two historic flood flood risk to any events are recorded within 20m of the site, adjacent land. relating to the internal flooding of a non- residential property as a result of artificial drainage incapacity; and a water leak resulting in closure of the public highway due to infrastructure failure. A capacity assessment is required as part of any development coming forward. Two additional historic flood events are recorded within 400m of the site.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Pitsford Flood Storage Area.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Castle Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): 01/11/2018

Although the site does not fall within the area shown to be at risk of flooding, it is important to note that the flood risk to this site should be reassessed to account for climate change scenarios. This should be undertaken as part of a future update to the Level 2 SFRA. Avoid built development on part of the site affected by Surface Water: The eastern boundary of the Surface Water Flood site is susceptible to medium risk surface Zone. water flooding. Avoid development in surface water flood area. Use of on-site surface water drainage systems Historic Flood Events: No historic flood required and better events are recorded within 290m of the site. provision for flow path However, three historic flood events are conveyance. recorded within 400m, relating to: flooding LAA0326 Orchard Hill Flood Zone 1 Medium Negligible No N/A affecting the curtilage of a residential Flooding has been property as a result of artificial drainage experienced on the site incapacity; debris causing blockage of a weir or within close of the Billing Brook, a classified main river; proximity. A detailed and surface water flooding of the A45. site-specific FRA will be required to ensure that Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the development is safe the site is located within the Northampton and does not increase Flood Risk Area. flood risk to any adjacent land. 01/11/2018

Historic Flood Events: No historic flood events are recorded within 150m of the site. However, three historic flood events are recorded within 200m, with all of which relating to flooding of the public highway. Highway surface water drainage to be Use of on-site surface investigated as part of any proposal coming water drainage systems forward. required and better provision for flow path Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): conveyance. Development proposals must consider the potential effects of increased surface water Flooding has been runoff to Wootton Brook, which has the Martins experienced on the site potential for increasing flood risk LAA0327 Flood Zone 1 Low Very Low No N/A Farm or within close downstream in Northampton. In addition, proximity. A detailed developer-funded strategic scale SuDS site-specific FRA will be options should be considered to minimise required to ensure that the effects of post-development increased the development is safe surface water runoff to downstream areas. and does not increase flood risk to any West Northamptonshire Development adjacent land. Corporation Water Cycle Strategy (2009): The site falls within a largely urbanised area with insufficient floodplain area to make flood storage effective. Therefore any runoff from development would have to be attenuated on site. Developers should take account of recommendations and conclusions from the Integrated Urban Drainage Plan for Wootton. Surface water 01/11/2018

flooding problem should not be exacerbated by new development. New development must not reduce the capacity of online storage lakes created as part of previous development. Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood Zones 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3 extents cover Avoid built approximately 80% of the site area, with the development on part of remainder of the site within Flood Zone 2. the site affected by

Surface Water and Flood Defences: However, the entirety of Fluvial Flood Zone. the site is also shown to be within an area

benefitting from flood defences. A site- Use of on-site surface specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) must water drainage systems consider this matter fully, and determine required and better the full extent of the defended area and the provision for flow path Cattle standard of protection offered. Moderat conveyance. LAA0328 Market Flood Zone 3 High Yes No e Road Surface Water: Navigation Row, which Flooding has been passes through the centre of the site, is experienced on the site susceptible to high risk surface water or within close flooding. In addition, the streets adjacent to proximity. A detailed the site boundary, Cattlemarket Road and site-specific FRA will be Bridge Street, are susceptible to high risk required to ensure that surface water flooding. Highway surface the development is safe water drainage to be investigated as part of and does not increase any proposal coming forward. Avoid flood risk to any development in surface water flood area. adjacent land.

Groundwater: The entirety of the site is 01/11/2018

susceptible to moderate risk groundwater flooding. Any development will need to ensure that appropriate and adequate mitigation measures are incorporated.

Historic Flood Events: The site is located within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. Furthermore, one historic flood event is recorded within 100m of the site, relating to the flooding of St. Peter’s Way. An additional two historic flood events are recorded within 400m, with both of which relating to surface water flooding.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Weedon, Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Duston Mill, Hollowell or Daventry Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS Action Plan: A flood alleviation scheme is proposed in close proximity to the northern boundary of the 01/11/2018

site, relating to the creation of attenuation storage to mitigate for surface water flooding.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Castle Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): A site- specific FRA should consider the residual risk of developing behind flood defences, and the results of breach modelling should be considered as part of a site-specific FRA. More vulnerable and highly vulnerable development should be avoided in areas shown as having ‘Danger for Most’ and ‘Danger for All’. Development should be rolled back from watercourses (and consequently flood defences) to manage the residual risk of flooding. Avoid built Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood development on part of Zones 1, 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3b intersects the site affected by the northern boundary of the site, covering Surface Water and less than 5% of the site area. Flood Zone 3a Castle Moderat Fluvial Flood Zone. LAA0333 Flood Zone 3 High Yes No coverage is minimal. Any proposals coming Station e forward must avoid development in these Use of on-site surface areas. Flood Zone 2 extents cover water drainage systems approximately 60-70% of the site area. required and better

provision for flow path 01/11/2018

conveyance. Flood Defences: The northern section of the site is shown to be within an area Ensure an benefitting from defences. A site-specific Environmental Permit is Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) must consider sought from the EA. this matter fully, and determine the full extent of the defended area and the Flooding has been standard of protection offered. experienced on the site or within close Surface Water: The northern boundary of proximity. A detailed the site is susceptible to high risk surface site-specific FRA will be water flooding, with the high risk extent required to ensure that enveloping the River Nene. In addition, St the development is safe Andrew's Road, adjacent to the site's and does not increase eastern boundary, is susceptible to high risk flood risk to any surface water flooding. Highways surface adjacent land. water drainage to be investigated as part of any proposal coming forwards. Two additional high risk surface water flood extents are located within the site. Avoid development in surface water flood area.

Groundwater: The majority of the site is susceptible to moderate risk groundwater flooding. Any development will need to ensure that appropriate and adequate mitigation measures are incorporated.

Historic Flood Events: The site is located within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in 01/11/2018

Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. An additional five historic flood events are recorded within 400m of the site, relating to: two incidents of flooding affecting the public highway; main river flooding; internal flooding of a non- domestic property as a result of artificial drainage incapacity; and a water leak resulting in closure of the public highway due to infrastructure failure.

Main Rivers: The River Nene flows westwards adjacent to the northern boundary of the site. No development should take place within 8m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Weedon, Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Harlestone Lake, Duston Mill, Hollowell, Daventry or Dallington Brook Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Castle Ward, identified as 01/11/2018

one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): A site- specific FRA should consider the residual risk of developing behind flood defences, and the results of breach modelling should be considered as part of a site-specific FRA. More vulnerable and highly vulnerable development should be avoided in areas shown as having ‘Danger for Most’ and ‘Danger for All’. Development should be rolled back from watercourses (and consequently flood defences) to manage the residual risk of flooding.

Development proposed within the areas affected by flooding should incorporate appropriate mitigation measures and should not increase the risk of flooding to surrounding areas. Where development is proposed within areas at risk of flooding, mixed use (mixed vulnerability) development that follows the principles of the sequential approach may be appropriate. For example, buildings with commercial development at ground floor level and residential development above ground floor level may be appropriate. However a site-specific FRA should demonstrate that the development is safe 01/11/2018

and that dry emergency access and egress can be maintained.

Northampton Central Area Action Plan Drainage Assessment (2012): Developers will need to develop a site specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) and drainage strategy that provides sufficient surface water management capacity to allow for the removal of all rainfall runoff from the local foul / combined system. The FRA and drainage strategy will need to detail all existing drainage systems within the proposal, both private and public. Anglian Water Sewer Flooding Register: Use of on-site surface One Anglian Water sewer flooding incident water drainage systems is recorded within 160m of the site, relating required and better to a combined sewer collapse. Condition provision for flow path assessment required as part of any conveyance. development proposal coming forward.

Flooding has been Historic Flood Events: The site is located Chronicle & experienced on the site LAA0335 Flood Zone 1 Low Negligible No N/A within the area affected by widespread Echo North or within close flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where proximity. A detailed more than 1,500 properties flooded in site-specific FRA will be Northampton due to flooding of the River required to ensure that Nene. An additional three historic flood the development is safe events are recorded within 400m of the site, and does not increase relating to: blocked artificial drainage flood risk to any resulting in flooding of the public highway; adjacent land. flooding of the public highway due to an 01/11/2018

unknown cause; and surface water flooding resulting in the internal flooding of a non- residential property.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Castle Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources.

Northampton Central Area Action Plan Drainage Assessment (2012): Developers will need to develop a site specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) and drainage strategy that provides sufficient surface water management capacity to allow for the removal of all rainfall runoff from the local foul / combined system. Avoid built Surface Water: The southeast boundary of development on part of the site is susceptible to high risk surface the site affected by water flooding. Development should be Surface Water Flood avoided in surface water flood area; Chronicle & LAA0336 Flood Zone 1 High Negligible No N/A Zone. however, the site is not considered to be at Echo South significant risk. Use of on-site surface water drainage systems Anglian Water Sewer Flooding Register: required and better One Anglian Water sewer flooding incident 01/11/2018

provision for flow path is recorded within 160m of the site, relating conveyance. to a combined sewer collapse. Condition assessment required as part of any Flooding has been development proposal coming forward. experienced on the site or within close Historic Flood Events: No historic flood proximity. A detailed events are recorded within 170m of the site. site-specific FRA will be However, five historic flood events are required to ensure that recorded within 400m, relating to: blocked the development is safe artificial drainage resulting in flooding of the and does not increase public highway; flooding of the highway due flood risk to any to an unknown cause; surface water adjacent land. flooding resulting in the internal flooding of a non-residential property; surface water runoff resulting in the internal flooding of a residential property; and surface water flooding affecting the public highway.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Castle Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources. Avoid built Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood Countess development on part of Zones 1, 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3b extents are LAA0338 Flood Zone 3 High Very High Yes No Road the site affected by found within the site boundary, aligning Surface Water and with the route of the ordinary watercourse 01/11/2018

Fluvial Flood Zone. that flows through the site and covering less than 5% of the site area. In addition, flood Use of on-site surface Zone 3a extents cover approximately 70- water drainage systems 80% of the site area. Any proposals coming required and better forward must avoid development in these provision for flow path areas. conveyance. Surface Water: Approximately 80% of the Ensure Land Drainage site is susceptible to surface water flooding, Consent is sought from with high risk surface water flood extents the Bedford Group of covering approximately 40-50% of the site IDBs. area. Avoid development in surface water flood area. Ensure an Environmental Permit is Groundwater: The site is at significant risk sought from the EA. of groundwater flooding, with approximately 40-50% of the site Flooding has been susceptible to very high risk groundwater experienced on the site flooding. Any development will need to or within close ensure that appropriate and adequate proximity. A detailed mitigation measures are incorporated. site-specific FRA will be required to ensure that Historic Flood Events: The site is located the development is safe within the area affected by widespread and does not increase flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where flood risk to any more than 1,500 properties flooded in adjacent land. Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. Furthermore, two historic flood events are recorded within 100m of the site, relating to channel exceedance resulting in flooding of private property curtilages and 01/11/2018

flooding of the public highway due to an unknown cause. An additional four historic flood events are recorded within 400m, including the overtopping of a nearby flood storage reservoir causing internal flooding of two residential properties.

Ordinary Watercourses: An ordinary watercourse runs through the site, flowing westwards where it meets a branch of the Dallington Brook. No development should take place within 9m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Main Rivers: The Dallington Brook flows southwards, through the centre of the site. In addition, a branch of the Dallington Brook rises along the western boundary of the site and flows southwards, meeting the main arm of Dallington Brook. No development should take place within 8m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Pitsford or Dallington Brook Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton 01/11/2018

Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS Action Plan: A flood alleviation scheme is proposed in close proximity to the northern boundary of the site, relating to amendments to the performance of the Dallington Brook Flood Storage Reservoir to reduce flood risk downstream. Avoid built Flood Zones: The western boundary of the development on part of site intersects with a Flood Zone 2 extent, the site affected by which covers approximately 5-10% of the Surface Water and site area. The remainder of the site is Fluvial Flood Zone. located within Flood Zone 1.

Use of on-site surface Surface Water: A high risk surface water water drainage systems flow path flows from east to west through required and better the centre of the site. Avoid development in Allotments, provision for flow path surface water flood area. LAA0403 Studland Flood Zone 2 High Low Yes Yes conveyance. Road Historic Flood Events: No historic flood Ensure Land Drainage events are recorded within 290m of the site. Consent is sought from However, one historic flood event is the Bedford Group of recorded within 400m, relating to flooding IDBs. of the public highway.

Flooding has been Ordinary Watercourses: An ordinary experienced on the site watercourse flows south-eastwards, or within close adjacent to the southwestern boundary of proximity. A detailed the site. This watercourse will require 01/11/2018

site-specific FRA will be detailed modelling including climate change required to ensure that scenarios to ascertain floodplain extent and the development is safe any proposed development should avoid and does not increase this area. No development should take place flood risk to any within 9m to ensure adequate maintenance adjacent land. and accessibility.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Ravensthorpe, Pitsford or Hollowell Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Semilong Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from surface water. Anglian Water Sewer Flooding Register: Flooding has been One Anglian Water sewer flooding incident experienced on the site is recorded within 400m, relating to the or within close internal flooding of a non-residential 57 Artizan proximity. A detailed LAA0496 Flood Zone 1 Very Low Negligible No N/A property as a result of a combined sewer Road site-specific FRA will be collapse. required to ensure that

the development is safe Historic Flood Events: No historic flood and does not increase events are recorded within 150m of the site. 01/11/2018

flood risk to any However, five historic flood events are adjacent land. recorded within 400m, relating to four incidents of flooding affecting the public highway, and one incident relating to internal flooding of a residential property as a result of surface water flooding.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Castle Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources. Avoid built Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood development on part of Zones 1, 2 and 3. The southern boundary of the site affected by the site, which lies adjacent to Billing Brook, Surface Water and intersects a Flood Zone 3b extent, the Fluvial Flood Zone. functional floodplain, however it covers less than 5% of the site area. Any proposals Use of on-site surface coming forward must avoid development in Fishponds Moderat LAA0508 Flood Zone 3 High Yes No water drainage systems this area. Flood Zone 2 coverage within the Road e required and better site is minimal. provision for flow path conveyance. Surface Water: The site is at significant risk of high risk surface water flooding, with the Ensure Land Drainage area at greatest risk being the land Consent is sought from surrounding the ordinary watercourse that the Bedford Group of flows through the centre of the site. Avoid 01/11/2018

IDBs. development in surface water flood area.

Ensure an Groundwater: The southern section of the Environmental Permit is site is susceptible to moderate risk sought from the EA. groundwater flooding. Any development will need to ensure that appropriate and Flooding has been adequate mitigation measures are experienced on the site incorporated. or within close proximity. A detailed Historic Flood Events: One historic flood site-specific FRA will be event is recorded within 160m of the site, required to ensure that relating to the flooding of residential the development is safe property curtilages as a result of and does not increase groundwater flooding. No additional historic flood risk to any flood events are recorded within 400m. adjacent land. Ordinary Watercourses: An unmodelled ordinary watercourse flows through the northern boundary of the site, southwards, where it meets the Billing Brook at the site’s southern boundary. This watercourse will require detailed modelling including climate change scenarios to ascertain floodplain extent and any proposed development should avoid this area. No development should take place within 9m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Main Rivers: Billing Brook, a classified main river, flows south-eastwards adjacent to the southern boundary of the site. No 01/11/2018

development should take place within 8m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Overstone Park Lake Flood Storage Area.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS Action Plan: A flood alleviation scheme is proposed in close proximity to the southern boundary of the site, relating to the natural restoration of the Billing Brook Lakes. Avoid built development on part of Surface Water: The western boundary of the site affected by the site is susceptible to medium risk Surface Water Flood Nationwide surface water flooding. Avoid development Zone. Building in surface water flood area. LAA0590 Flood Zone 1 Medium Negligible No N/A Society (adj Use of on-site surface car park) Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of water drainage systems the site is located within the Northampton required and better Flood Risk Area. provision for flow path conveyance. 01/11/2018

Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood Zones 1, 2 and 3. The northern boundary of the site, which lies adjacent to Hardingstone Dyke, intersects a Flood Zone 3b extent, the functional floodplain, however it covers less than 5% of the site area. Any proposals Avoid built coming forward must avoid development in development on part of this area. Flood Zone 2 coverage within the the site affected by site is minimal. Surface Water and

Fluvial Flood Zone. Surface Water: A surface water flow path

runs from the south of the site to the north, Use of on-site surface meeting Hardingstone Dyke. Avoid water drainage systems development in surface water flood area. required and better North of Moderat provision for flow path LAA0593 Bedford Flood Zone 3 High Yes Yes Groundwater: The western and northern e conveyance. Road sections of the site are susceptible to

moderate risk groundwater flooding. Any Ensure Land Drainage development will need to ensure that Consent is sought from appropriate and adequate mitigation the Bedford Group of measures are incorporated. IDBs.

Historic Flood Events: The site is located Ensure an within the area affected by widespread Environmental Permit is flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where sought from the EA. more than 1,500 properties flooded in Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene.

Ordinary Watercourses: An unmodelled ordinary watercourse flows northwards 01/11/2018

adjacent to the eastern boundary of the site. This watercourse will require detailed modelling including climate change scenarios to ascertain floodplain extent and any proposed development should avoid this area. No development should take place within 9m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Main Rivers: Hardingstone Dyke flows north-eastwards adjacent to the northern boundary of the site. No development should take place within 8m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Weedon, Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Northampton Washlands, Hollowell or Daventry Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The western boundary of the site intersects with the Northampton Flood Risk Area. Avoid built Surface Water: The southwestern corner of development on part of the site, and the site's eastern boundary, are Sixfields LAA0594 Flood Zone 1 High High Yes Yes the site affected by susceptible to high risk surface water East Surface Water Flood flooding. Avoid development in surface Zone. water flood area. 01/11/2018

Use of on-site surface Groundwater: The northwestern boundary water drainage systems of the site intersects with an area required and better susceptible to high risk groundwater provision for flow path flooding. However, the site is not conveyance. considered to be at significant risk.

Flooding has been Historic Flood Events: The site is located experienced on the site within the area affected by widespread or within close flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where proximity. A detailed more than 1,500 properties flooded in site-specific FRA will be Northampton due to flooding of the River required to ensure that Nene. An additional two historic flood the development is safe events are recorded within 400m of the site, and does not increase relating to flooding of residential gardens as flood risk to any a result of a blockage to a culvert, and adjacent land. surface water flooding affecting the public highway.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The northern, eastern and western boundaries of the site are located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within St. James Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources.

West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The report notes that major 01/11/2018

regrading of the land surface in the southern half of the Sixfields development area raised the ground surface above the floodplain. It is therefore considered that there is minimal risk of flooding from the River Nene. The surface water sewer in the western part of the development area may pose a small flood risk, though such flooding would be relatively minor. The southwestern extension is therefore considered to be at moderate risk until a detailed evaluation of the hydraulic capacity of the sewer is carried out.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): Development should be concentrated in the north of the area (the area currently occupied by Sixfields Stadium and the Industrial Estate). All development uses would be appropriate in this part of the area, including highly and more vulnerable uses. Use of on-site surface Anglian Water Sewer Flooding Register: water drainage systems One Anglian Water sewer flooding incident required and better is recorded within 170m of the site, relating Car park, provision for flow path to a combined sewer collapse resulting in LAA0598 Victoria Flood Zone 1 Low Negligible No N/A conveyance. internal flooding of a private property. Road Condition assessment required as part of Flooding has been any development proposal coming forward. experienced on the site 01/11/2018

or within close Historic Flood Events: No historic flood proximity. A detailed events are recorded within 130m of the site. site-specific FRA will be However, five historic flood events are required to ensure that recorded within 400m, relating to: two the development is safe incidents of flooding affecting the public and does not increase highway as a result of heavy rainfall; an flood risk to any artificial drainage blockage resulting in adjacent land. flooding affecting the public highway; flooding due to infrastructure failure; and surface water runoff resulting in internal flooding of a residential property.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Castle Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources. Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood Avoid built Zones 2 and 3, with over 90% of the site development on part of falling within Flood Zone 3 and the site affected by approximately 80% within Flood Zone 3b, Surface Water and Crow Lane Moderat the functional floodplain. Any proposal LAA0615 Flood Zone 3 High Yes No Fluvial Flood Zone. North e coming forward must avoid development in

this area. Use of on-site surface

water drainage systems Surface Water: The site is highly susceptible required and better to high risk surface water flooding, with the 01/11/2018

provision for flow path southern half of the site being at greatest conveyance. risk. Avoid development in surface water flood area. Flooding has been experienced on the site Groundwater: The entirety of the site is or within close susceptible to moderate risk groundwater proximity. A detailed flooding. Any development will need to site-specific FRA will be ensure that appropriate and adequate required to ensure that mitigation measures are incorporated. the development is safe and does not increase Historic Flood Events: The site is located flood risk to any within the area affected by widespread adjacent land. flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. Furthermore, one historic flood event is recorded within the site boundary, relating to flooding of the public highway and private property curtilages as a result of ordinary watercourse exceedance. Investigation of highways drainage and the local watercourse network to be undertaken as part of any proposal coming forwards. An additional historic flood event is recorded within close proximity to the site, with Crow Lane affected by surface water flooding in July 2007. A further six historic flood events are recorded within 400m of the site.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach 01/11/2018

analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Northampton Washlands or Hollowell Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The site is shown to be within an area identified as having ‘local flooding issues’ (EA data). Avoid built Surface Water: Several localised surface development on part of water flood risk extents, of low to high risk, the site affected by are present within the site. Development Surface Water Flood should be avoided in surface water flood Zone. areas, however the site is not considered to be at significant risk. Use of on-site surface British water drainage systems Historic Flood Events: One historic flood LAA0629 Flood Zone 1 High Very Low Yes Yes Timken required and better event is recorded within the site boundary, provision for flow path relating to significant surface water conveyance. flooding. Two additional historic flood events are recorded within 400m of the site, Flooding has been with both of which relating to flooding of experienced on the site the public highway. or within close proximity. A detailed Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of 01/11/2018

site-specific FRA will be the site is located within the Northampton required to ensure that Flood Risk Area. the development is safe and does not increase Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is flood risk to any located within Old Duston Ward, identified adjacent land. as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from groundwater.

West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The site is shown to be within a ‘Water Company (DG5)’ historical flooding hotspot.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): The site is shown to fall within a broad area deemed to have a sewer flooding risk. Avoid built Surface Water: The north-eastern boundary development on part of of the site is susceptible to high risk surface the site affected by water flooding, due to its proximity to an Surface Water Flood ordinary watercourse. Avoid development in Zone. surface water flood area.

Use of on-site surface Groundwater: The north-eastern section of LAA0657 Fraser Road Flood Zone 1 High High Yes No water drainage systems the site is susceptible to high risk required and better groundwater flooding. Any development will provision for flow path need to ensure that appropriate and conveyance. adequate mitigation measures are incorporated. Ensure Land Drainage Consent is sought from Historic Flood Events: Two historic flood 01/11/2018

the Bedford Group of events are recorded within 60m of the site, IDBs. relating to internal flooding of a residential property as a result of ordinary watercourse Flooding has been exceedance, and flooding of residential experienced on the site gardens due to the blockage of a culverted or within close watercourse. Capacity assessment of local proximity. A detailed watercourses to be undertaken as part of site-specific FRA will be any proposal coming forwards. An required to ensure that additional two historic flood events are the development is safe recorded within 400m of the site. and does not increase flood risk to any Ordinary Watercourses: Unmodelled adjacent land. ordinary watercourses flow eastwards adjacent to the site’s northern and southern boundaries. These watercourses will require detailed modelling including climate change scenarios to ascertain floodplain extent and any proposed development should avoid this area. No development should take place within 9m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The site is shown to be within a ‘Local Planning Authority’ historical flooding hotspot area. 01/11/2018

Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood Zones 1, 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3 extents intersect with the western section of the site, due to its proximity to the River Nene, a classified main river. This is primarily Flood Zone 3b, the functional floodplain, and any proposals coming forward must avoid development in this area. Almost the Avoid built entirety of the remainder of the site is development on part of within Flood Zone 2. the site affected by Surface Water and Flood Defences: However, approximately Fluvial Flood Zone. 30% of the site is shown to be in an area benefitting from defences. A site-specific 190-199 St Use of on-site surface Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) must consider Moderat LAA0665 Andrews Flood Zone 3 High Yes No water drainage systems this matter fully, and determine the full e Road required and better extent of the defended area and the provision for flow path standard of protection offered. conveyance. Surface Water: The entirety of the eastern Ensure an half of the site is susceptible to high risk Environmental Permit is surface water flooding. Avoid development sought from the EA. in surface water flood area.

Groundwater: The western section of the site is susceptible to moderate risk groundwater flooding. Any development will need to ensure that appropriate and adequate mitigation measures are incorporated.


Historic Flood Events: The site is located within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene.

Main Rivers: The River Nene flows southwards adjacent to the western boundary of the site. No development should take place within 8m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Ravensthorpe, Pitsford or Hollowell Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Semilong Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from surface water.

West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The site is shown to be within an 01/11/2018

area identified as having ‘local flooding issues’ (EA data). Surface Water: Localised surface water flood extents of medium to high risk are Avoid built present within the site. In addition, the development on part of western boundary of the site intersects a the site affected by high risk surface water flow path. Avoid Surface Water Flood development in surface water flood area. Zone. Historic Flood Events: one historic flood Use of on-site surface event is recorded within 100m of the site, water drainage systems resulting in the internal flooding of two required and better private properties and a public underpass as Tunnel Hill provision for flow path a result of surface water. Surface water Cottages, conveyance. LAA0672 Flood Zone 1 High Very Low Yes Yes drainage investigation to accompany any Rothersthor proposal coming forwards. An additional pe Road Flooding has been two historic flood events are recorded experienced on the site within 400m. or within close proximity. A detailed Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of site-specific FRA will be the site is located within the Northampton required to ensure that Flood Risk Area. the development is safe and does not increase Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is flood risk to any located within Delapre and Briar Hill Ward, adjacent land. identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources. Delapre Avoid built Flood Zones: The entirety of the site is Moderat LAA0673 Middle Flood Zone 3 High Yes No development on part of located within Flood Zone 3, due to its e School the site affected by proximity to the River Nene and West 01/11/2018

Annexe, Surface Water and Bridge Dyke. Alton Street Fluvial Flood Zone. Flood Defences: However, the entirety of Use of on-site surface the site is also shown to be within an area water drainage systems benefitting from flood defences. A site- required and better specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) must provision for flow path consider this matter fully, and determine conveyance. the full extent of the defended area and the standard of protection offered. Flooding has been experienced on the site Surface Water: A high risk surface water or within close flood extent intersects with the north- proximity. A detailed eastern boundary of the site, and extends site-specific FRA will be into the site area. This is due to the adjacent required to ensure that Main Road being at high risk, and an the development is safe assessment of the highway surface water and does not increase drainage at this location should be flood risk to any undertaken as part of any proposal coming adjacent land. forwards. Avoid development in surface water flood area.

Groundwater: The entirety of the site is susceptible to moderate risk groundwater flooding. Any development will need to ensure that appropriate and adequate mitigation measures are incorporated.

Historic Flood Events: The site is located within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in 01/11/2018

Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. Furthermore, one historic flood event is recorded within the site boundary, relating to the internal flooding of a non- residential property as a result of significant surface water flooding. An additional three historic flood events are recorded within 400m of the site.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Weedon, Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Duston Mill, Hollowell or Daventry Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Delapre and Briar Hill Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources. Avoid built Flood Zones: The site is located in Flood development on part of Zones 2 and 3, due to its proximity to the Depot, Moderat the site affected by River Nene. Flood Zone 3 extents cover LAA0674 Flood Zone 3 High Yes No Cotton End e Surface Water and approximately 90-95% of the site area. Fluvial Flood Zone. Flood Defences: However, the entirety of 01/11/2018

Use of on-site surface the site is shown to be within an area water drainage systems benefitting from flood defences. A site- required and better specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) must provision for flow path consider this matter fully, and determine conveyance. the full extent of the defended area and the standard of protection offered. Flooding has been experienced on the site Surface Water: The southern boundary of or within close the site is susceptible to high risk surface proximity. A detailed water flooding, due to its proximity to St site-specific FRA will be Leonard’s Road, which is at high risk. required to ensure that Assessment of the highway surface water the development is safe drainage at this location should be and does not increase undertaken as part of any proposal coming flood risk to any forwards. Avoid development in surface adjacent land. water flood area.

Groundwater: The entirety of the site is susceptible to moderate risk groundwater flooding. Any development will need to ensure that appropriate and adequate mitigation measures are incorporated.

Historic Flood Events: The site is located within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. Furthermore, the site is located in close proximity to the area that was affected by severe surface water flooding in 01/11/2018

May 2018, with approximately fifty private properties within 100m of the site internally flooded during the event. An additional three historic flood events are recorded within 400m.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Weedon, Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Duston Mill, Hollowell or Daventry Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Delapre and Briar Hill Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources. Avoid built Flood Zones: The entirety of the site is development on part of located within Flood Zone 3, due to its the site affected by proximity to the River Nene. GTMR Surface Water and depot, Moderat LAA0675 Flood Zone 3 High Yes No Fluvial Flood Zone. Flood Defences: However, the entirety of Cotton End e the site is also shown to be within an area East Use of on-site surface benefitting from flood defences. A site- water drainage systems specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) must required and better consider this matter fully, and determine 01/11/2018

provision for flow path the full extent of the defended area and the conveyance. standard of protection offered.

Flooding has been Surface Water: The southern boundary of experienced on the site the site is susceptible to high risk surface or within close water flooding, due to its proximity to St proximity. A detailed Leonard’s Road, which is at high risk. site-specific FRA will be Assessment of the highway surface water required to ensure that drainage at this location should be the development is safe undertaken as part of any proposal coming and does not increase forwards. Avoid development in surface flood risk to any water flood area. adjacent land. Groundwater: The entirety of the site is susceptible to moderate risk groundwater flooding. Any development will need to ensure that appropriate and adequate mitigation measures are incorporated.

Historic Flood Events: The site is located within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. Furthermore, the site is located in close proximity to the area that was affected by severe surface water flooding in May 2018, with approximately thirty private properties within 100m of the site internally flooded during the event. An additional three historic flood events are recorded 01/11/2018

within 400m.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Weedon, Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Duston Mill, Hollowell or Daventry Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Delapre and Briar Hill Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources. Avoid built Surface Water: A localised high risk surface development on part of water flood extent intersects with the the site affected by north-eastern boundary of the site. Surface Water Flood Development should be avoided in surface Zone. water flood area; however, the site is not 12 considered to be at significant risk. Pennycross LAA0685 Flood Zone 1 High Negligible No N/A Use of on-site surface Place, Ecton water drainage systems Historic Flood Events: One historic flood Brook required and better events is recorded within 170m of the site, provision for flow path relating to flooding of the A45. No conveyance. additional historic flood events are recorded within 400m. Flooding has been 01/11/2018

experienced on the site Northamptonshire PFRA: The western or within close boundary of the site intersects with the proximity. A detailed Northampton Flood Risk Area. site-specific FRA will be required to ensure that the development is safe and does not increase flood risk to any adjacent land. Nene Enterprise Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of LAA0689 Centre, Flood Zone 1 Very Low Very Low No N/A the site is located within the Northampton Freehold Flood Risk Area. Street Avoid built Surface Water: The site is susceptible to development on part of high risk surface water flooding. Avoid the site affected by development in surface water flood area. Surface Water Flood Zone. Historic Flood Events: One historic flood event is recorded within 130m of the site, Car garage Use of on-site surface relating to the internal flooding of a workshops, water drainage systems residential property as a result of significant LAA0719 409 Flood Zone 1 High Negligible Yes Yes required and better surface water flooding. No additional Harlestone provision for flow path historic flood events are recorded within Road conveyance. 400m.

Flooding has been Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of experienced on the site the site is located within the Northampton or within close Flood Risk Area. proximity. A detailed site-specific FRA will be West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA 01/11/2018

required to ensure that (2009): The site is shown to be within a the development is safe ‘Water Company (DG5)’ historical flooding and does not increase hotspot. flood risk to any adjacent land. Avoid built Surface Water: The central and southern development on part of sections of the site are susceptible to high the site affected by risk surface water flooding. Avoid Surface Water Flood development in surface water flood area. Zone. Historic Flood Events: One historic flood Use of on-site surface event is recorded within 130m of the site, water drainage systems relating to the internal flooding of a required and better Ryland residential property as a result of significant provision for flow path Soans Ford surface water flooding. No additional conveyance. LAA0720 garage, Flood Zone 1 High Negligible Yes Yes historic flood events are recorded within

Harlestone 400m. Flooding has been Road experienced on the site Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of or within close the site is located within the Northampton proximity. A detailed Flood Risk Area. site-specific FRA will be required to ensure that West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA the development is safe (2009): The site is shown to be within a and does not increase ‘Water Company (DG5)’ historical flooding flood risk to any hotspot. adjacent land. Exeter Use of on-site surface Surface Water: The section of Place/ water drainage systems Road adjacent to the site’s northern LAA0740 Flood Zone 1 Low Negligible No N/A Kettering required and better boundary is susceptible to high risk surface Road provision for flow path water flooding. Assessment of highways 01/11/2018

conveyance. surface water drainage to be undertaken as part of any proposal coming forwards. Flooding has been experienced on the site Historic Flood Events: One historic flood or within close event is recorded within 35m of the site, proximity. A detailed relating to the internal flooding of a non- site-specific FRA will be residential property as a result of significant required to ensure that surface water flooding. An additional five the development is safe historic flood events are recorded within and does not increase 400m. flood risk to any adjacent land. Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Castle Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources. Flooding has been Historic Flood Events: No historic flood experienced on the site events are recorded within 150m of the site. The Ridings or within close However, four historic flood events are Arcade, 61- proximity. A detailed recorded within 400m, relating to: an 63 St Giles site-specific FRA will be infrastructure failure; blockage of artificial LAA0744 Flood Zone 1 Very Low Negligible No N/A Street required to ensure that drainage infrastructures, resulting in (upper the development is safe flooding to the public highway; and two floors) and does not increase incidents of wet weather related flooding. flood risk to any adjacent land. Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of 01/11/2018

the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Castle Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources. Avoid built Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood development on part of Zones 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3 extents the site affected by intersect with the southern section of the Surface Water and site, covering approximately 30-40% of the Fluvial Flood Zone. site area.

Use of on-site surface Flood Defences: However, the entirety of water drainage systems the site is shown to be within an area required and better benefitting from flood defences. A site- provision for flow path specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) must conveyance. consider this matter fully, and determine 46 Spencer Moderat LAA0767 Flood Zone 3 Medium Yes Yes the full extent of the defended area and the Street e Ensure an standard of protection offered. Environmental Permit is sought from the EA. Surface Water: The southeast and southwestern boundaries of the site are Flooding has been susceptible to low to medium risk surface experienced on the site water flooding. Avoid development in or within close surface water flood area. proximity. A detailed site-specific FRA will be Groundwater: The entirety of the site is required to ensure that susceptible to moderate risk groundwater the development is safe flooding. Any development will need to 01/11/2018

and does not increase ensure that appropriate and adequate flood risk to any mitigation measures are incorporated. adjacent land. Historic Flood Events: The site is located within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. An additional three historic flood events are recorded within 400m of the site, with two of which relating to flooding of the public highway as a result of surface water flooding, and the other to internal flooding of a residential property as a result of groundwater flooding.

Main Rivers: West Bridge Dyke, a classified main river, flows in an eastwards adjacent to the southern boundary of the site. No development should take place within 8m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Weedon, Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Duston Mill, Hollowell or Daventry Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of 01/11/2018

the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within St. James Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): A site- specific FRA should consider the residual risk of developing behind flood defences. Development in the areas shown as having ‘Danger for Most’ or ‘Danger for All’ should be limited to water compatible or less vulnerable uses. A site-specific FRA should also consider the residual risk posed by the Duston Reservoir and Brampton Branch of the River Nene. This may result in additional areas of the site being identified as unsuitable for certain development vulnerability classifications. Access and egress to the area should also be considered. Anglian Water Sewer Flooding Register: Use of on-site surface One Anglian Water sewer flooding incident water drainage systems 32 Great is recorded within 230m of the site, relating required and better LAA0814 Russell Flood Zone 1 Low Negligible No N/A to a combined sewer collapse. provision for flow path Street conveyance. Historic Flood Events: One historic flood

event is recorded within 300m of the site, 01/11/2018

Flooding has been relating to the internal flooding of a experienced on the site residential property as a result of significant or within close surface water flooding. proximity. A detailed site-specific FRA will be Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of required to ensure that the site is located within the Northampton the development is safe Flood Risk Area. and does not increase flood risk to any Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is adjacent land. located within Castle Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources. Avoid built Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood development on part of Zones 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3b extents the site affected by intersect with the southern boundary of the Surface Water and site. Any proposals coming forward will Fluvial Flood Zone. need to avoid development in this area. Flood Zone 3 extents intersect with the Use of on-site surface northwest, central and south-eastern water drainage systems sections of the site, covering approximately St Peter's Moderat required and better 50-60% of the site area. LAA0818 Flood Zone 3 High Yes Yes Way e provision for flow path conveyance. Flood Defences: However, the entirety of the site is shown to be within an area Ensure an benefitting from flood defences. A site- Environmental Permit is specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) must sought from the EA. consider this matter fully, and determine the full extent of the defended area and the Flooding has been standard of protection offered. experienced on the site 01/11/2018

or within close Surface Water: The north-western proximity. A detailed boundary of the site is susceptible to high site-specific FRA will be risk surface water flooding. In addition, a required to ensure that localised medium risk surface water flood the development is safe extent area is located in the central area of and does not increase the site. Avoid development in surface flood risk to any water flood area. adjacent land. Groundwater: The majority of the site is susceptible to moderate risk groundwater flooding. Any development will need to ensure that appropriate and adequate mitigation measures are incorporated.

Historic Flood Events: The site is located within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. An additional two historic flood events are recorded within 400m of the site, relating to: an infrastructure failure resulting in water leaking onto the public highway forcing road closure; and flooding of St. Peter's Way as a result of surface water.

Main Rivers: The River Nene, a classified main river, flows south-eastwards adjacent to the southern boundary of the site. No development should take place within 8m to ensure adequate maintenance and 01/11/2018


Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Weedon, Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Harlestone Lake, Duston Mill, Hollowell or Daventry Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Castle Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): A site- specific FRA should consider the residual risk of developing behind flood defences, and the results of breach modelling should be considered as part of a site-specific FRA. More vulnerable and highly vulnerable development should be avoided in areas shown as having ‘Danger for Most’ and ‘Danger for All’. Development should be rolled back from watercourses (and consequently flood defences) to manage the residual risk of flooding.


Northampton Central Area Action Plan Drainage Assessment (2012): Developers will need to develop a site specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) and drainage strategy that provides sufficient surface water management capacity to allow for the removal of all rainfall runoff from the local foul / combined system. The FRA and drainage strategy will need to detail all existing drainage systems within the proposal, both private and public. If there is contamination relating to the previous use of the site, control of water quality through a designed SUDS treatment train should be allowed for when master planning the proposal. Avoid built Flood Zones: The entirety of the site is development on part of located within Flood Zone 3, due to its the site affected by proximity to the River Nene. The north- Surface Water and western boundary of the site intersects with Fluvial Flood Zone. Flood Zone 3b, the functional floodplain. Any proposals coming forwards must avoid Bus Depot, Moderat Use of on-site surface development in this area. LAA0827 Flood Zone 3 Medium Yes No Cotton End e water drainage systems required and better Flood Defences: However, the entirety of provision for flow path the site is shown to be within an area conveyance. benefitting from flood defences. A site- specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) must Ensure Land Drainage consider this matter fully, and determine Consent is sought from the full extent of the defended area and the 01/11/2018

the Bedford Group of standard of protection offered. IDBs. Surface Water: The western boundary of Flooding has been the site is susceptible to medium risk experienced on the site surface water flooding. Development should or within close be avoided in surface water flood area; proximity. A detailed however, the site is not considered to be at site-specific FRA will be significant risk. required to ensure that the development is safe Groundwater: The entirety of the site is and does not increase susceptible to moderate risk groundwater flood risk to any flooding. Any development will need to adjacent land. ensure that appropriate and adequate mitigation measures are incorporated.

Historic Flood Events: The site is located within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. An additional three historic flood events are recorded within 400m of the site, with one of which relating to the internal flooding of approximately sixty private properties as a result of significant surface water flooding.

Ordinary Watercourses: An ordinary watercourse flows northwards adjacent to the western boundary of the site. No development should take place within 9m to 01/11/2018

ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Weedon, Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Duston Mill, Drayton, Hollowell, Daventry or Dallington Brook Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Delapre and Briar Hill Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): A site- specific FRA should consider the residual risk of developing behind flood defences, and the results of breach modelling should be considered as part of a site-specific FRA. More vulnerable and highly vulnerable development should be avoided in areas shown as having ‘Danger for Most’ and ‘Danger for All’. Development should be rolled back from watercourses (and consequently flood defences) to manage the residual risk of flooding. 01/11/2018

Flood Zones: The entirety of the site is located within Flood Zone 3, due to its proximity to Hardingstone Dyke.

Flood Defences: However, the entirety of Avoid built the site is shown to be within an area development on part of benefitting from flood defences. A site- the site affected by specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) must Fluvial Flood Zone. consider this matter fully, and determine the full extent of the defended area and the Use of on-site surface standard of protection offered. water drainage systems required and better Groundwater: The entirety of the site is provision for flow path susceptible to moderate risk groundwater Perrett conveyance. flooding. Any development will need to Moderat LAA0831 Scrap, Flood Zone 3 Low Yes No ensure that appropriate and adequate e Cotton End Flooding has been mitigation measures are incorporated. experienced on the site or within close Historic Flood Events: The site is located proximity. A detailed within the area affected by widespread site-specific FRA will be flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where required to ensure that more than 1,500 properties flooded in the development is safe Northampton due to flooding of the River and does not increase Nene. Furthermore, two historic flood flood risk to any events are recorded within 100m of the site, adjacent land. relating to the internal flooding of non- residential properties as a result of significant surface water flooding. An additional three historic flood events are recorded within 400m.


Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Weedon, Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Duston Mill, Hollowell or Daventry Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Delapre and Briar Hill Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): A site- specific FRA should consider the residual risk of developing behind flood defences, and the results of breach modelling should be considered as part of a site-specific FRA. More vulnerable and highly vulnerable development should be avoided in areas shown as having ‘Danger for Most’ and ‘Danger for All’. Development should be rolled back from watercourses (and consequently flood defences) to manage the residual risk of flooding.

Sixfields, Avoid built Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood LAA0870 Flood Zone 3 High Negligible Yes Upton Way Yes development on part of Zones 1, 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3b, the 01/11/2018

the site affected by functional floodplain, intersects the Surface Water and southern boundary of the site and covers Fluvial Flood Zone. approximately 20% of the site area. Any proposals coming forwards must avoid Use of on-site surface development in this area. water drainage systems required and better Surface Water: The southern boundary of provision for flow path the site is susceptible to high risk surface conveyance. water flooding, with the surface water flood risk extent enveloping the ordinary Ensure Land Drainage watercourse that falls within the site Consent is sought from boundary. In addition, A medium risk the Bedford Group of surface water flow path extends into the IDBs. northern boundary of the site. Avoid development in surface water flood area. Flooding has been experienced on the site Historic Flood Events: The site is located or within close within the area affected by widespread proximity. A detailed flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where site-specific FRA will be more than 1,500 properties flooded in required to ensure that Northampton due to flooding of the River the development is safe Nene. Furthermore, one historic flood event and does not increase is recorded within 150m of the site, relating flood risk to any to the internal flooding of a residential adjacent land. property as a result of significant surface water flooding. No additional historic flood events are recorded within 400m of the site.

Ordinary Watercourses: An ordinary watercourse rises in the southern section of the site, extending eastwards to Storton's 01/11/2018

Pits Nature Reserve. This watercourse will require detailed modelling including climate change scenarios to ascertain floodplain extent and any proposed development should avoid this area. No development should take place within 9m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Weedon, Pitsford or Daventry Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within St. James Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources.

West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The report notes that major regrading of the land surface in the southern half of the Sixfields development area raised the ground surface above the floodplain. It is therefore considered that there is minimal risk of flooding from the River Nene. The surface water sewer in the western part of the development area may pose a small flood risk, though such flooding would be relatively minor. The southwestern extension is therefore 01/11/2018

considered to be at moderate risk until a detailed evaluation of the hydraulic capacity of the sewer is carried out.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): Development should be concentrated in the north of the area (the area currently occupied by Sixfields Stadium and the Industrial Estate). All development uses would be appropriate in this part of the area, including highly and more vulnerable uses. Anglian Water Sewer Flooding Register: One Anglian Water sewer flooding incident is recorded within 400m, relating to the internal flooding of a non-residential Flooding has been property as a result of a combined sewer experienced on the site collapse. or within close Hawkins proximity. A detailed Shoe Historic Flood Events: No historic flood site-specific FRA will be LAA0903 Factory, Flood Zone 1 Very Low Negligible No N/A events are recorded within 160m of the site. required to ensure that Overstone However, three historic flood events are the development is safe Road recorded within 400m, relating to: blocked and does not increase artificial drainage infrastructures resulting in flood risk to any flooding to the public highway; internal adjacent land. flooding of a non-residential property as a result of significant surface water flooding; and flooding of the public highway due to wet weather conditions. 01/11/2018

Surface Water: The southwestern boundary of the site is susceptible to high risk surface water flooding. Development should be avoided in surface water flood area; Avoid built however, the site is not considered to be at development on part of significant risk. the site affected by Surface Water Flood Historic Flood Events: One historic flood Zone. event is recorded within 40m of the site, relating to the internal flooding of a Use of on-site surface residential property as a result of significant water drainage systems surface water flooding. No additional required and better historic flood events are recorded within provision for flow path 379 400m of the site. conveyance. LAA0910 Harlestone Flood Zone 1 High Negligible No N/A

Road Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of Flooding has been the site is located within the Northampton experienced on the site Flood Risk Area. or within close proximity. A detailed Northamptonshire LFRMS: The eastern site-specific FRA will be boundary of the site intersects with Old required to ensure that Duston Ward, identified as one of the most the development is safe at risk wards in the county of flooding from and does not increase groundwater. flood risk to any adjacent land. West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The site is shown to be within a ‘Water Company (DG5)’ historical flooding hotspot. 01/11/2018

Historic Flood Events: No historic flood events are recorded within 100m of the site. However, four historic flood events are recorded within 400m, relating to: flooding of the public highway due to an unknown Use of on-site surface cause; internal flooding of a non-residential water drainage systems property as a result of significant surface required and better water flooding; flooding of the public provision for flow path highway as a result of a blocked artificial conveyance. drainage feature; and flooding due to weather conditions. Flooding has been 118-122 experienced on the site LAA0915 Wellingboro Flood Zone 1 Low Negligible No N/A Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of or within close ugh Road the site is located within the Northampton proximity. A detailed Flood Risk Area. site-specific FRA will be required to ensure that Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is the development is safe located within Castle Ward, identified as and does not increase one of the most at risk wards in the county flood risk to any of flooding from all sources. adjacent land. West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The site is shown to be within a ‘Water Company (DG5)’ historical flooding hotspot. Merged Avoid built Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood sites in development on part of Zones 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3b Flood Zone 3b, Moderat LAA0931 Tanner Lane Flood Zone 3 Low Yes No the site affected by the functional floodplain, intersects the e (0272 and Fluvial Flood Zone. western boundary of the site and covers 0278) approximately 5% of the site area. Any 01/11/2018

Use of on-site surface proposals coming forwards must avoid water drainage systems development in this area. The remainder of required and better the site is located within Flood Zone 2. provision for flow path conveyance. Flood Defences: There are sections of the west and eastern areas of the site that fall Ensure an within areas shown to be benefitting from Environmental Permit is flood defences. A site-specific Flood Risk sought from the EA. Assessment (FRA) must consider this matter fully, and determine the full extent of the Flooding has been defended area and the standard of experienced on the site protection offered. or within close proximity. A detailed Groundwater: The south and western site-specific FRA will be sections of the site are susceptible to required to ensure that moderate risk groundwater flooding. Any the development is safe development will need to ensure that and does not increase appropriate and adequate mitigation flood risk to any measures are incorporated. adjacent land. Historic Flood Events: The site is located within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. An additional three historic flood events are recorded within 400m, relating to: a water leak resulting in closure of the public highway due to infrastructure failure; internal flooding of a non-residential property as a result of artificial drainage 01/11/2018

incapacity; and main river channel exceedance.

Main Rivers: The River Nene flows south- eastwards adjacent to the south-western boundary of the site. No development should take place within 8m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Pitsford or Duston Mill Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Castle Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): A site- specific FRA should consider the residual risk of developing behind flood defences, and the results of breach modelling should be considered as part of a site-specific FRA. More vulnerable and highly vulnerable development should be avoided in areas shown as having ‘Danger for Most’ and 01/11/2018

‘Danger for All’. Development should be rolled back from watercourses (and consequently flood defences) to manage the residual risk of flooding.

Development proposed within the areas affected by flooding should incorporate appropriate mitigation measures and should not increase the risk of flooding to surrounding areas. Where development is proposed within areas at risk of flooding, mixed use (mixed vulnerability) development that follows the principles of the sequential approach may be appropriate. For example, buildings with commercial development at ground floor level and residential development above ground floor level may be appropriate. However a site-specific FRA should demonstrate that the development is safe and that dry emergency access and egress can be maintained. Use of on-site surface Historic Flood Events: One historic flood water drainage systems event is recorded within 400m of the site, Former required and better relating to the flooding of an underpass as a Emmanuel provision for flow path result of an infrastructure failure. LAA1001 Flood Zone 1 Low Very Low No N/A Middle conveyance. School Ordinary Watercourse: An unmodelled Ensure Land Drainage ordinary watercourse rises within the site, in Consent is sought from close proximity to its eastern boundary, and 01/11/2018

the Bedford Group of extends to the flood storage area located to IDBs. the east of the site. This watercourse will require detailed modelling including climate Flooding has been change scenarios to ascertain floodplain experienced on the site extent and any proposed development or within close should avoid this area. No development proximity. A detailed should take place within 9m to ensure site-specific FRA will be adequate maintenance and accessibility. required to ensure that the development is safe Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach and does not increase analysis models indicate that the site could flood risk to any be flooded if a breach were to occur at the adjacent land. Overstone Park Lake Flood Storage Area.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area. Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood Avoid built Zones 1, 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3b, the development on part of functional floodplain, intersects the north, the site affected by east and southern boundaries of the site. Surface Water and Any proposals coming forward must avoid Fluvial Flood Zone. Land north development in this area. Moderat LAA1005 of Martins Flood Zone 3 High Yes No e Use of on-site surface Yard Flood Defences: There are sections of the water drainage systems north, centre and southern areas of the site required and better that are shown to be in an area benefitting provision for flow path from flood defences. A site-specific Flood conveyance. Risk Assessment (FRA) must consider this

matter fully, and determine the full extent 01/11/2018

Ensure an of the defended area and the standard of Environmental Permit is protection offered. sought from the EA. Surface Water: The eastern half of the site Flooding has been is susceptible to high risk surface water experienced on the site flooding. Avoid development in surface or within close water flood area. proximity. A detailed site-specific FRA will be Historic Flood Events: No historic flood required to ensure that events are recorded within 350m of the site. the development is safe However, two historic flood events are and does not increase recorded within 400m, with both of which flood risk to any relating to flooding of an unknown nature as adjacent land. a result of an unknown cause.

Main Rivers: The River Nene flows southwards adjacent to the site's eastern boundary. No development should take place within 8m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Harlestone Lake, Duston Mill, Hollowell or Dallington Brook Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area. 01/11/2018

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Semilong Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from surface water.

West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The site is shown to be within an area identified as having ‘local flooding issues’ (EA data). Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood Zones 1, 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3 extents intersect with the eastern boundary of the Avoid built site, covering less than 10% of the site area. development on part of Any proposals coming forward must avoid the site affected by development in this area. Flood Zone 2 Fluvial Flood Zone. coverage within the site is minimal.

Use of on-site surface Flood Storage Area: The eastern boundary water drainage systems of the site intersects with a flood storage LAA1006 Pineham Flood Zone 3 Low Low Yes Yes required and better area. However, its flood extent aligns closely provision for flow path with the Flood Zone 3 extent that intersects conveyance. with the site.

Ensure Land Drainage West Northamptonshire Development Consent is sought from Corporation Water Cycle Strategy (2009): the Bedford Group of The capacity of Duston Flood Storage IDBs. Reservoir should be investigated by developers before any planning application is made. If using existing storage is not 01/11/2018

possible then on site attenuation must be provided. Any development in this area must not exacerbate flooding from sewers near Harpole. Avoid built Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood development on part of Zones 1, 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3b, the the site affected by functional floodplain, intersects the site’s Surface Water and south and western boundaries, covering Fluvial Flood Zone. approximately 20-30% of the site area. Any proposals coming forward must avoid Use of on-site surface development in this area. water drainage systems required and better Surface Water: The south and western provision for flow path boundaries of the site are highly susceptible conveyance. to high risk surface water flooding. In Land south addition, a localised high risk surface water of Wooldale Ensure Land Drainage flood extent is found in the centre of the LAA1007 Road, east Flood Zone 3 High High Yes No Consent is sought from site, at the location of the pond. Avoid of Wootton the Bedford Group of development in surface water flood area. Road IDBs. Groundwater: The western boundary of the Ensure an site is susceptible to very high risk Environmental Permit is groundwater flooding. In addition, almost sought from the EA. the entirety of the site's southern boundary is at moderate to high risk. Any Flooding has been development will need to ensure that experienced on the site appropriate and adequate mitigation or within close measures are incorporated. proximity. A detailed site-specific FRA will be Historic Flood Events: The site is within the 01/11/2018

required to ensure that area that experienced flooding in June 2007 the development is safe due to flooding of Wootton Brook. and does not increase Furthermore, two historic flood events are flood risk to any recorded within 100m of the site, relating to adjacent land. the repeated flooding of a roundabout that forms part of the public highway, and the internal flooding of a high volume of residential properties as a result of surface water flooding. An additional seven historic flood events are recorded within 400m.

Ordinary Watercourses: Four ordinary watercourses are located within the site or in close proximity: an ordinary watercourse that rises within the site boundary and flows north-westwards, where it meets Wootton Brook; a small pond that is located within the centre of the site; and two ordinary watercourses that flow into Wootton Brook in close proximity to the site's western and southern boundaries. These watercourses may require detailed modelling including climate change scenarios to ascertain floodplain extent and any proposed development should avoid this area. No development should take place within 9m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Main Rivers: Wootton Brook flows in a north-westwards adjacent to the site's 01/11/2018

southern boundary. No development should take place within 8m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): Development proposals must consider the potential effects of increased surface water runoff to Wootton Brook, which has the potential for increasing flood risk downstream in Northampton. In addition, developer-funded strategic scale SuDS options should be considered to minimise the effects of post-development increased surface water runoff to downstream areas.

West Northamptonshire Development Corporation Water Cycle Strategy (2009): The site falls within a largely urbanised area with insufficient floodplain area to make flood storage effective. Therefore any runoff from development would have to be attenuated on site. Developers should take account of recommendations and conclusions from the Integrated Urban Drainage Plan for Wootton. Surface water flooding problem should not be exacerbated by new development. New development must not reduce the capacity of online storage lakes created as part of previous development. 01/11/2018

Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood Zones 1, 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3b, the functional floodplain, intersects with the site’s northern boundary, however its coverage is minimal. Similarly, Flood Zone 3 Avoid built intersects with the site’s northern boundary development on part of but has little coverage within the site. Flood the site affected by Zone 2 intersects the site’s northern Surface Water and boundary and extends into the northern Fluvial Flood Zone. section of the site, covering approximately

10-15% of the site area. Use of on-site surface

water drainage systems Surface Water: A high risk surface water required and better Land west flow path runs through the site, extending provision for flow path of Policy N5 from the southern boundary to Wootton conveyance. LAA1009 Northampt Flood Zone 3 High Very High Yes Yes Brook, which is located approximately 65m

on South north of the site. Avoid development in Flooding has been SUE surface water flood area. experienced on the site

or within close Groundwater: Sections of the northern half proximity. A detailed of the site are at moderate to very high risk site-specific FRA will be of groundwater flooding. Any development required to ensure that will need to ensure that appropriate and the development is safe adequate mitigation measures are and does not increase incorporated. flood risk to any

adjacent land. Historic Flood Events: The site is within the area that experienced flooding in June 2007 due to flooding of Wootton Brook. An additional five historic flood events are recorded within 400m of the site, with one 01/11/2018

of which relating to the internal flooding of multiple residential properties as a result of significant surface water flooding.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): Development proposals must consider the potential effects of increased surface water runoff to Wootton Brook, which has the potential for increasing flood risk downstream in Northampton. In addition, developer-funded strategic scale SuDS options should be considered to minimise the effects of post-development increased surface water runoff to downstream areas.

West Northamptonshire Development Corporation Water Cycle Strategy (2009): The site falls within a largely urbanised area with insufficient floodplain area to make flood storage effective. Therefore any runoff from development would have to be attenuated on site. Developers should take account of recommendations and conclusions from the Integrated Urban Drainage Plan for Wootton. Surface water flooding problem should not be exacerbated by new development. New development must not reduce the capacity of online storage lakes created as part of previous development. 01/11/2018

Surface Water: The south-eastern boundary of the site is susceptible to medium risk surface water flooding. Avoid development in surface water flood area.

Avoid built Historic Flood Events: The site is located development on part of within the area affected by widespread the site affected by flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where Surface Water Flood more than 1,500 properties flooded in Zone. Northampton due to flooding of the River

Nene. An additional three historic flood Use of on-site surface events are recorded within 400m of the site, water drainage systems relating to: flooding of St. Peter's Way as a Land at St required and better result of surface water; infrastructure failure Peter's provision for flow path resulting in water leaking onto the public Way/ Court conveyance. LAA1010 Flood Zone 1 Medium Very Low No N/A highway, forcing road closure; and artificial Road/ drainage incapacity resulting in the internal Freeschool Flooding has been flooding of a non-residential property. Street experienced on the site

or within close Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach proximity. A detailed analysis models indicate that the site could site-specific FRA will be be flooded if a breach were to occur at the required to ensure that Pitsford Flood Storage Area. the development is safe

and does not increase Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of flood risk to any the site is located within the Northampton adjacent land. Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Castle Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county 01/11/2018

of flooding from all sources.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): The site is shown to fall within a broad area deemed to have a sewer flooding risk.

Northampton Central Area Action Plan Drainage Assessment (2012): Where there are contamination issues arising from the gas holders on this site, control of water quality through a designed SUDS treatment train must be provided. Developers will need to develop a site specific Flood Risk Assessment and drainage strategy that provides sufficient surface water management capacity to allow for the removal of all rainfall runoff from the local foul / combined system. An Environmental Permit may be required for discharge into the River Nene at the outfall of the surface water sewer, if a SUDS treatment system is used to control the quality of potentially contaminated surface water drainage. The requirement for a treatment train may require additional SUDS features may require additional land take, and this must considered in any FRA and drainage assessments prepared for the site. University Avoid built Surface Water: Two surface water flow LAA1013 Flood Zone 1 High High Yes Yes of development on part of paths flow through the site, with one 01/11/2018

Northampt the site affected by intersecting the southern boundary and the on Park Surface Water Flood other intersecting the northern boundary. In Campus Zone. addition, there are several localised high risk surface water flood extents located Use of on-site surface throughout the site. Avoid development in water drainage systems surface water flood area. required and better provision for flow path Groundwater: The southern boundary of conveyance. the site is susceptible to high risk groundwater flooding. Appropriate and adequate mitigation measures should be incorporated; however the site is not considered to be at significant risk.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The site is shown to be within a ‘Water Company (DG5)’ historical flooding hotspot. Avoid built Surface Water: A high risk surface water development on part of flow path runs through the western section University the site affected by of the site. In addition, the entirety of St of Surface Water Flood Georges Avenue is at high risk, including the LAA1014 Northampt Flood Zone 1 High High Yes No Zone. section of the highway that is located within on Avenue the site boundary. Highway surface water Campus Use of on-site surface drainage to be investigated as part of any water drainage systems proposal coming forward. Several localised 01/11/2018

required and better high risk surface water flood extents are provision for flow path located throughout the site. Avoid conveyance. development in surface water flood area.

Groundwater: Almost the entirety of the western half of the site is susceptible to high risk groundwater flooding. Any development will need to ensure that appropriate and adequate mitigation measures are incorporated.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The site is shown to be within a ‘Water Company (DG5)’ historical flooding hotspot. Avoid built Surface Water: The site's eastern boundary development on part of is susceptible to medium risk surface water the site affected by flooding. Development should be avoided in Surface Water Flood surface water flood area; however, the site Zone. is not considered to be at significant risk. Belgrave LAA1022 Flood Zone 1 Medium Negligible No N/A House Use of on-site surface Historic Flood Events: One historic flood water drainage systems event is recorded within 100m of the site, required and better relating to an infrastructure failure resulting provision for flow path in a water leak. Local flood risk asset conveyance. condition assessment required as part of 01/11/2018

any proposal coming forward. An additional Flooding has been four historic flood events are recorded experienced on the site within 400m. or within close proximity. A detailed Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of site-specific FRA will be the site is located within the Northampton required to ensure that Flood Risk Area. the development is safe and does not increase Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is flood risk to any located within Castle Ward, identified as adjacent land. one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources. Avoid built Surface Water: The northern boundary of development on part of the site is susceptible to high risk surface the site affected by water flooding. Development should be Surface Water Flood avoided in surface water flood area; Zone. however, the site is not considered to be at significant risk. Use of on-site surface Great water drainage systems Historic Flood Events: No historic flood Houghton required and better events are recorded within 250m of the site. LAA1024 Flood Zone 1 High Very Low No N/A Independen provision for flow path However, three historic flood events are t School conveyance. recorded within 400m, with all of which relating to artificial drainage blockages Flooding has been resulting in flooding of the public highway. experienced on the site or within close Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): proximity. A detailed Development proposals must consider the site-specific FRA will be potential effects of increased surface water required to ensure that runoff to Wootton Brook, which has the 01/11/2018

the development is safe potential for increasing flood risk and does not increase downstream in Northampton. In addition, flood risk to any developer-funded strategic scale SuDS adjacent land. options should be considered to minimise the effects of post-development increased surface water runoff to downstream areas.

West Northamptonshire Development Corporation Water Cycle Strategy (2009): The site falls within a largely urbanised area with insufficient floodplain area to make flood storage effective. Therefore any runoff from development would have to be attenuated on site. Developers should take account of recommendations and conclusions from the Integrated Urban Drainage Plan for Wootton. Surface water flooding problem should not be exacerbated by new development. New development must not reduce the capacity of online storage lakes created as part of previous development. Avoid built Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood development on part of Zones 1, 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3b intersects Land to the the site affected by the the site’s northern boundary, covering less west of Surface Water and than 5% of the site area. In addition Flood LAA1025 Flood Zone 3 High High Yes No Towcester Fluvial Flood Zone. Zone 3a extents are found in the centre Road section of the site’s northern boundary. Any Use of on-site surface proposals coming forward must avoid water drainage systems development in these areas. Flood Zone 2 01/11/2018

required and better extents are found in the north-western, provision for flow path northern and eastern sections of the site, conveyance. covering approximately 10-15% of the site area. Ensure an Environmental Permit is Surface Water: The site is highly susceptible sought from the EA. to high risk surface water flooding. Avoid development in surface water flood risk Flooding has been area. experienced on the site or within close Groundwater: The site is highly susceptible proximity. A detailed to very high risk groundwater flooding, with site-specific FRA will be its south-western section being at greatest required to ensure that risk. Any development will need to ensure the development is safe that appropriate and adequate mitigation and does not increase measures are incorporated. flood risk to any adjacent land. Historic Flood Events: The site is within the area that experienced flooding in June 2007 due to flooding of Wootton Brook. Furthermore, two historic flood events are recorded within 20m of the site, relating to flooding affecting the M1. Highway surface water drainage infrastructure to be investigated as part of any proposal coming forward. An additional two historic flood events are recorded within 400m of the site. The site is also located within a Highways Agency identified flood hotspot, relating to the M1 southbound.


Main Rivers: Milton Malsor Brook, a classified main river, enters the site’s southern boundary and flows north- eastwards directly through the centre of the site. No development should take place within 8m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): Development proposals must consider the potential effects of increased surface water runoff to Wootton Brook, which has the potential for increasing flood risk downstream in Northampton. In addition, developer-funded strategic scale SuDS options should be considered to minimise the effects of post-development increased surface water runoff to downstream areas.

West Northamptonshire Development Corporation Water Cycle Strategy (2009): The site falls within a largely urbanised area with insufficient floodplain area to make flood storage effective. Therefore any runoff from development would have to be attenuated on site. Developers should take account of recommendations and conclusions from the Integrated Urban Drainage Plan for Wootton. Surface water flooding problem should not be exacerbated by new development. New development 01/11/2018

must not reduce the capacity of online storage lakes created as part of previous development. Historic Flood Events: No historic flood events are recorded within 240m of the site. However, one historic flood event is recorded within 400m, relating to flooding of the public highway and curtilages of private property.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The eastern and Flooding has been south-western boundaries of the site experienced on the site intersect with the Northampton Flood Risk or within close Area. proximity. A detailed Eastern site-specific FRA will be Northamptonshire LFRMS: The western LAA1026 Flood Zone 1 Very Low Negligible No N/A Land parcel required to ensure that boundary of the site intersects with the the development is safe administrative boundary of Ward, and does not increase identified as one of the most at risk wards in flood risk to any the county of flooding from all sources. adjacent land. West Northamptonshire Development Corporation Water Cycle Strategy (2009): The capacity of Dallington and Flood Storage Reservoir should be investigated by developers before any planning application is made. Developers should investigate the potential for storage upstream on Dallington Brook. If using existing storage is not 01/11/2018

possible then on site attenuation must be provided Use of on-site surface water drainage systems required and better provision for flow path conveyance. Historic Flood Events: No historic flood Ensure Land Drainage events are recorded within 340m of the site. Consent is sought from However, one historic flood event is the Bedford Group of recorded within 350m, relating to the Harlestone IDBs. internal flooding of two residential LAA1027 Road, Flood Zone 1 Low Very Low No N/A properties as a result of a burst water main. Dallington Flooding has been experienced on the site Flood Storage Areas: The Dallington Brook or within close flood storage area is located within 10m of proximity. A detailed the north-western boundary of the site. site-specific FRA will be However, breach analysis plans show that required to ensure that the site is not likely to be flooded if a breach the development is safe were to occur. and does not increase flood risk to any adjacent land. Avoid built Surface Water: A medium risk surface water development on part of flow path runs through the centre of the the site affected by the site, aligning with the route of Toms Close. LAA1033 Toms Close Flood Zone 1 Medium Negligible No N/A Surface Water Flood Avoid development in surface water flood Zone. area.

Use of on-site surface Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is 01/11/2018

water drainage systems located within Nene Valley Ward, identified required and better as one of the most at risk wards in the provision for flow path county of flooding from surface water. conveyance. Use of on-site surface water drainage systems required and better provision for flow path conveyance. Historic Flood Events: No historic flood Flooding has been events are recorded within 240m of the site. Witham experienced on the site However, one historic flood event is LAA1034 Way garage Flood Zone 1 Low Negligible No N/A or within close recorded within 400m, relating to flooding site proximity. A detailed of the public highway as a result of an site-specific FRA will be artificial drainage blockage. required to ensure that the development is safe and does not increase flood risk to any adjacent land. Avoid built Flood Zones: The entirety of the site is development on part of located within Flood Zone 3, due to its the site affected by the location between West Bridge Dyke and the Surface Water and River Nene. Fluvial Flood Zone. Stenson LAA1048 Flood Zone 3 Medium High Yes No Flood Defences: However, the entirety of Street Use of on-site surface the site is also shown to be within an area water drainage systems benefitting from flood defences. A site- required and better specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) must provision for flow path consider this matter fully, and determine conveyance. the full extent of the defended area and the 01/11/2018

standard of protection offered. Flooding has been experienced on the site Surface Water: The northeast and western or within close boundaries of the site are susceptible to proximity. A detailed medium risk surface water flooding, Avoid site-specific FRA will be development in surface water flood risk required to ensure that area. the development is safe and does not increase Groundwater: The south-western section of flood risk to any the site is susceptible to very high risk adjacent land. groundwater flooding. Any development will need to ensure that appropriate and adequate mitigation measures are incorporated.

Historic Flood Events: The site is located within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. An additional five historic flood events are recorded within 400m of the site, relating to: three incidents of flooding affecting the public highway; main river flooding; and internal flooding of a residential property as a result of groundwater flooding.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the 01/11/2018

Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Duston Mill or Hollowell Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within St. James Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources. Avoid built Surface Water: A significant high risk development on part of surface water flow path runs through the the site affected by the centre of the site. Avoid development in Surface Water Flood surface water flood risk area. Zone. Groundwater: The northern section of the Use of on-site surface site is susceptible to moderate risk water drainage systems groundwater flooding. Any development will Land off required and better need to ensure that appropriate and Moderat LAA1049 Arbour Flood Zone 1 High Yes Yes provision for flow path adequate mitigation measures are e Court conveyance. incorporated.

Flooding has been Historic Flood Events: No historic flood experienced on the site events are recorded within 230m of the site. or within close However, two historic flood events are proximity. A detailed recorded within 400m, relating to an site-specific FRA will be artificial drainage blockage resulting in required to ensure that flooding of the public highway, and a the development is safe flooded underpass due to infrastructure 01/11/2018

and does not increase failure. flood risk to any adjacent land. Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area. Surface Water: A high risk surface water flow path intersects the south-eastern Avoid built boundary of the site. Development should development on part of be avoided in surface water flood area; the site affected by the however, the site is not considered to be at Surface Water Flood significant risk. Open area, Zone. LAA1050 Queens Flood Zone 1 High Negligible No N/A Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of Crescent Use of on-site surface the site is located within the Northampton water drainage systems Flood Risk Area. required and better provision for flow path West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA conveyance. (2009): The site is shown to be within a ‘Water Company (DG5)’ historical flooding hotspot. Flooding has been experienced on the site Historic Flood Events: No historic flood or within close events are recorded within 180m of the site. Waterpump proximity. A detailed However, three historic flood events are Court and site-specific FRA will be LAA1051A Flood Zone 1 Very Low Very Low No N/A recorded within 400m, relating to: flooding Billing required to ensure that of residential gardens as a result of a Brook Road the development is safe blocked culvert; heavy rainfall causing and does not increase artificial drainage to overflow as a result of flood risk to any incapacity; and internal flooding of two adjacent land. residential properties due to a burst water 01/11/2018


Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area. Historic Flood Events: One historic flood Flooding has been event is recorded within 80m of the site, experienced on the site relating to heavy rainfall causing artificial Parcel of or within close drainage to overflow as a result of land proximity. A detailed incapacity. Capacity assessment required as between site-specific FRA will be part of any proposal coming forwards. An LAA1051B Waterpump Flood Zone 1 Very Low Very Low No N/A required to ensure that additional three historic flood events are Court/ the development is safe recorded within 400m of the site. Billing and does not increase Brook Road flood risk to any Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of adjacent land. the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area. Historic Flood Events: One historic flood event is recorded within 10m of the site, Flooding has been relating to the internal flooding of a experienced on the site residential property as a result of significant or within close surface water flooding. An additional two proximity. A detailed Coverack historic flood events are recorded within site-specific FRA will be LAA1052 Close, rear Flood Zone 1 Very Low Very Low No N/A 400m of the site. required to ensure that of garages the development is safe Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of and does not increase the site is located within the Northampton flood risk to any Flood Risk Area. adjacent land.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is 01/11/2018

located within Delapre and Briar Hill Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources.

Land at Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of LAA1054 Treetops, Flood Zone 1 Very Low Negligible No N/A N/A the site is located within the Northampton Goldings Flood Risk Area. Surface Water: The sections of Norman Avoid built Road and Road adjacent to development on part of the site's northern and southern the site affected by the boundaries, as well as the Norman Surface Water Flood Road/Wellingborough Road intersect, are at Zone. high risk of surface water flooding. Highways surface water drainage at this Use of on-site surface location to be investigated as part of any water drainage systems proposal coming forwards. In addition, the Land on the required and better eastern boundary of the site intersects with corner of provision for flow path a medium risk surface water flood extent. Norman conveyance. Avoid development in surface water flood LAA1055 Flood Zone 1 Medium High Yes Yes Road/ area. Wellingboro Flooding has been ugh Rd experienced on the site Groundwater: The entirety of the site is or within close susceptible to high risk groundwater proximity. A detailed flooding. Any development will need to site-specific FRA will be ensure that appropriate and adequate required to ensure that mitigation measures are incorporated. the development is safe and does not increase Historic Flood Events: No historic flood flood risk to any events are recorded within 300m of the site. adjacent land. However, one historic flood event is recorded within 400m, relating to the 01/11/2018

flooding of a public recreational area.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The site is shown to be within a ‘Water Company (DG5)’ historical flooding hotspot. Use of on-site surface water drainage systems required and better

provision for flow path conveyance. Historic Flood Events: No historic flood events are recorded within 350m of the site. Flooding has been However, one historic flood event is Land off Oat experienced on the site recorded within 400m, relating to flooding LAA1058 Hill Drive, Flood Zone 1 Low Negligible No N/A or within close of the A45. Exton Brook proximity. A detailed site-specific FRA will be Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of required to ensure that the site is located within the Northampton the development is safe Flood Risk Area. and does not increase flood risk to any adjacent land. Surface Water: The northern boundary of Land off Avoid built the site intersects with a medium risk LAA1059B Birds Hill Flood Zone 1 Medium Very Low No N/A development on part of surface water flood extent. Avoid Road the site affected by the development in surface water flood area. 01/11/2018

Surface Water Flood Zone. Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Use of on-site surface Flood Risk Area. water drainage systems required and better provision for flow path conveyance. Use of on-site surface Land off water drainage systems Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of LAA1059C Birds Hill Flood Zone 1 Low Very Low No N/A required and better the site is located within the Northampton Road provision for flow path Flood Risk Area. conveyance. Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of Hayeswood LAA1060 Flood Zone 1 Very Low Negligible No N/A N/A the site is located within the Northampton Road Flood Risk Area. Avoid built Surface Water: The northern section of the development on part of site is highly susceptible to high risk surface the site affected by the water flooding, with the flood extent Surface Water Flood covering approximately 30% of the site area. Zone. Avoid development in surface water flood Land adj area. flats, Use of on-site surface LAA1063 Flood Zone 1 High Very High Yes No Newholme water drainage systems Groundwater: The western half of the site is Road required and better at very high risk of groundwater flooding. provision for flow path Any development will need to ensure that conveyance. appropriate and adequate mitigation measures are incorporated. Flooding has been experienced on the site Historic Flood Events: No historic flood 01/11/2018

or within close events are recorded within 200m of the site. proximity. A detailed However, two historic flood events are site-specific FRA will be recorded within 400m, with both of which required to ensure that relating to the internal flooding of the development is safe residential properties as a result of and does not increase groundwater flooding. flood risk to any adjacent land. Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The site is shown to be within a ‘Water Company (DG5)’ historical flooding hotspot. Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Land off Flood Risk Area. Eastern LAA1064 Flood Zone 1 Very Low Negligible No N/A N/A Avenue West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA South (2009): The site is shown to be within a ‘Water Company (DG5)’ historical flooding hotspot.

Flooding has been experienced on the site Historic Flood Events: No historic flood Farmclose or within close events are recorded within 250m of the site. LAA1069 Road Flood Zone 1 Very Low Very Low No N/A proximity. A detailed However, two historic flood events are garage site site-specific FRA will be recorded within 400m. required to ensure that the development is safe Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of 01/11/2018

and does not increase the site is located within the Northampton flood risk to any Flood Risk Area. adjacent land. Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Nene Valley Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from surface water. Historic Flood Events: No historic flood events are recorded within 250m of the site. However, two historic flood events are Use of on-site surface recorded within 400m of the site, relating water drainage systems to: internal flooding of two residential required and better properties as a result of a burst water main; provision for flow path and surface water flooding affecting the conveyance. public highway.

Medway Flooding has been Northamptonshire PFRA: The majority of Drive (rear experienced on the site the site is located within the Northampton LAA1071 Flood Zone 1 Low Negligible No N/A of Medway or within close Flood Risk Area. Close) proximity. A detailed site-specific FRA will be Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): Future required to ensure that development should consider the potential the development is safe residual risk of flooding from a breach of and does not increase Pitsford Reservoir, located to the north of flood risk to any Northampton. In addition, it would be adjacent land. prudent to define the risk associated with breaching of Pitsford Reservoir at a strategic level prior to allocating those areas which may be at risk. 01/11/2018

Historic Flood Events: No historic flood events are recorded within 200m of the site. Flooding has been However, three historic flood events are experienced on the site recorded within 400m of the site, relating or within close to: internal flooding of two residential proximity. A detailed properties as a result of a burst water main; site-specific FRA will be LAA1075 North Oval Flood Zone 1 Very Low Very Low No N/A surface water flooding affecting the public required to ensure that highway; and artificial drainage incapacity the development is safe and blockages contributing to flooding of and does not increase the public highway. flood risk to any

adjacent land. Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area. Anglian Water Sewer Flood Register: One Anglian Water sewer flooding incident is recorded within 400m of the site, relating to Flooding has been a combined sewer collapse. experienced on the site

or within close Historic Flood Events: No historic flood proximity. A detailed Land at events are recorded within 150m of the site. site-specific FRA will be LAA1078 Chapel Flood Zone 1 Very Low Negligible No N/A However, four historic flood events are required to ensure that Place recorded within 400m, relating to: an the development is safe artificial drainage blockage resulting in and does not increase flooding of the public highway; flooding of a flood risk to any public area due to wet weather conditions; adjacent land. internal flooding of a non-residential property as a result of significant surface water flooding; and flooding of the public 01/11/2018

highway due to an unknown cause.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Castle Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources.

West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The site is shown to be within a ‘Water Company (DG5)’ historical flooding hotspot. Avoid built Surface Water: A medium risk surface water development on part of flow path extends from the centre of the the site affected by the site eastwards, intersecting the boundary Surface Water Flood adjacent to Chadwick Gardens. In addition, Zone. the site's southwestern boundary is Ryehill susceptible to medium risk surface water Estate Use of on-site surface flooding. Avoid development in surface LAA1079 (Trensham Flood Zone 1 Medium Very Low Yes Yes water drainage systems water flood area. Green play required and better area) provision for flow path Historic Flood Events: No historic flood conveyance. events are recorded within 350m of the site. However, one historic flood event is Flooding has been recorded within 400m, relating to the experienced on the site internal flooding of a residential property as or within close a result of significant surface water flooding. 01/11/2018

proximity. A detailed site-specific FRA will be Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of required to ensure that the site is located within the Northampton the development is safe Flood Risk Area. and does not increase flood risk to any adjacent land. Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Use of on-site surface Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is Duston water drainage systems located within Old Duston Ward, identified (north of LAA1080 Flood Zone 1 Low Negligible No N/A required and better as one of the most at risk wards in the Hopping Hill provision for flow path county of flooding from groundwater. School) conveyance. West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The site is shown to be within a ‘Water Company (DG5)’ historical flooding hotspot. Surface Water: The northwest boundary of Avoid built the site is susceptible to high risk surface development on part of water flooding due to the adjacent Cosgrove the site affected by the Road being at high risk. Highways surface Surface Water Flood Cosgrove water drainage to be investigated as part of LAA1086A Flood Zone 1 High Negligible Yes Yes Zone. Road any proposal coming forwards.

Development should be avoided in surface Use of on-site surface water flood area; however, the site is not water drainage systems considered to be at significant risk. required and better


provision for flow path Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of conveyance. the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area. Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of Chalcombe LAA1086B Flood Zone 1 Very Low Negligible No N/A N/A the site is located within the Northampton Avenue Flood Risk Area. Avoid built Surface Water: The southern boundary of development on part of the site is susceptible to high risk surface the site affected by water flooding. Avoid development in Surface Water Flood surface water flood area. Zone. Historic Flood Events: No historic flood Use of on-site surface events are recorded within 140m of the site. water drainage systems However, two historic flood events are required and better recorded within 400m, relating to: internal provision for flow path flooding of two residential properties as a conveyance. result of a burst water main; and an artificial Land off drainage blockage resulting in flooding LAA1094 Holmecross Flood Zone 1 High Very Low Yes No Ensure Land Drainage affecting the public highway. Road Consent is sought from the Bedford Group of Ordinary Watercourses: An unmodelled IDBs. ordinary watercourse flows eastwards adjacent to the southern boundary of the Flooding has been site. This watercourse will require detailed experienced on the site modelling including climate change or within close scenarios to ascertain floodplain extent and proximity. A detailed any proposed development should avoid site-specific FRA will be this area. No development should take place required to ensure that within 9m to ensure adequate maintenance the development is safe and accessibility. 01/11/2018

and does not increase flood risk to any Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of adjacent land. the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area. Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood Avoid built Zones 1, 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3b, the development on part of functional floodplain, intersects with the the site affected by northern boundary of the site. Flood Zone Surface Water and 3a extents intersect the site’s northern Fluvial Flood Zone. boundary and extend into the north and

north-eastern sections of the site, covering Use of on-site surface approximately 20% of the site area. Any water drainage systems proposal coming forward must avoid required and better development in these areas. Flood Zone 2 provision for flow path coverage within the site is minimal. conveyance.

Land off Surface Water: The section of the site that is LAA1096 Flood Zone 3 High Very High Yes No Ensure Land Drainage Mill Lane located within Flood Zone 3 is also highly Consent is sought from susceptible to flooding from surface water. the Bedford Group of Avoid development in surface water flood IDBs. area.

Flooding has been Groundwater: The north and eastern experienced on the site sections of the site are susceptible to very or within close high risk groundwater flooding proximity. A detailed groundwater. Any development will need to site-specific FRA will be ensure that appropriate and adequate required to ensure that mitigation measures are incorporated. the development is safe

and does not increase Historic Flood Events: No historic flood 01/11/2018

flood risk to any events are recorded within 350m of the site. adjacent land. However, one historic flood event is recorded within 400m, relating to the internal flooding of two residential properties as a result of a burst water main.

Ordinary Watercourses: A large pond is located adjacent to the site's north-eastern boundary.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Dallington Brook Flood Storage Area.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The southern and western boundaries of the site intersect the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The site is shown to be within a ‘Water Company (DG5)’ historical flooding hotspot. Surface Water: The south-eastern section of Avoid built the site is susceptible to high risk surface development on part of water flooding. Avoid development in the site affected by LAA1097 Gate Lodge Flood Zone 1 High High Yes Yes surface water flood area. Surface Water Flood

Zone. Groundwater: The southern section of the

site is susceptible to high risk groundwater 01/11/2018

Use of on-site surface flooding. Any development will need to water drainage systems ensure that appropriate and adequate required and better mitigation measures are incorporated. provision for flow path conveyance. Historic Flood Events: No historic flood events are recorded within 140m of the site. Flooding has been However, three historic flood events are experienced on the site recorded within 400m, relating to: flooding or within close of open areas due to an unknown cause; proximity. A detailed internal flooding of a residential property as site-specific FRA will be a result of ordinary watercourse required to ensure that exceedance; and flooding of residential the development is safe property curtilages due to the blockage of a and does not increase culverted ordinary watercourse. flood risk to any adjacent land. Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area. Use of on-site surface Historic Flood Events: One historic flood water drainage systems event is recorded within 100m of the site, required and better relating to the blockage of drainage ditches provision for flow path on Leys Lane. An additional three historic conveyance. flood events are recorded within 400m, with The Green, all of which relating to blocked gullies at the LAA1098 Great Flood Zone 1 Low Very Low No N/A Flooding has been High Street/Willow Lane junction. Houghton experienced on the site or within close Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of proximity. A detailed the site is located within the Northampton site-specific FRA will be Flood Risk Area. required to ensure that 01/11/2018

the development is safe Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): and does not increase Development proposals must consider the flood risk to any potential effects of increased surface water adjacent land. runoff to Wootton Brook, which has the potential for increasing flood risk downstream in Northampton. In addition, developer-funded strategic scale SuDS options should be considered to minimise the effects of post-development increased surface water runoff to downstream areas.

West Northamptonshire Development Corporation Water Cycle Strategy (2009): The site falls within a largely urbanised area with insufficient floodplain area to make flood storage effective. Therefore any runoff from development would have to be attenuated on site. Developers should take account of recommendations and conclusions from the Integrated Urban Drainage Plan for Wootton. Surface water flooding problem should not be exacerbated by new development. New development must not reduce the capacity of online storage lakes created as part of previous development. Upton Park Avoid built Flood Zones: The entirety of the site is (Upton development on part of located within Flood Zone 3, due to its LAA1099 Flood Zone 3 Low High Yes No Reserve the site affected by proximity to the River Nene and given that it Site) Fluvial Flood Zone. is within a Flood Storage Area. Any 01/11/2018

development proposal for this site must Use of on-site surface demonstrate suitable water compatibility. water drainage systems required and better Groundwater: The southern and central provision for flow path sections of the site are susceptible to high conveyance. risk groundwater flooding. Any development will need to ensure that Flooding has been appropriate and adequate mitigation experienced on the site measures are incorporated. or within close proximity. A detailed Historic Flood Events: The site is located site-specific FRA will be within the area affected by widespread required to ensure that flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where the development is safe more than 1,500 properties flooded in and does not increase Northampton due to flooding of the River flood risk to any Nene. An additional one historic flood event adjacent land. is recorded within 400m of the site, relating to the internal flooding of a residential property as a result of significant surface water flooding.

Flood Storage Area: The entirety of the site is located within a flood storage area.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The majority of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area. Use of on-site surface Surface Water: Four localised high risk Hill Farm LAA1100 Flood Zone 1 High Very Low Yes Yes water drainage systems surface water flood extents are located Rise required and better throughout the site, in its north-east, east 01/11/2018

provision for flow path and southern sections. Avoid development conveyance. in surface water flood area.

Flooding has been Historic Flood Events: No historic flood experienced on the site events are recorded within 150m of the site. or within close However, three historic flood events are proximity. A detailed recorded within 400m, relating to: surface site-specific FRA will be water runoff affecting Hunsbury Hill Tunnel; required to ensure that and two incidents of internal flooding the development is safe affecting residential properties as a result of and does not increase significant surface water flooding. flood risk to any adjacent land. Northamptonshire PFRA: The site’s eastern and north-western boundaries intersect the Northampton Flood Risk Area. Avoid built Flood Zones: The entirety of the site is development on part of located within Flood Zone 3, due to its the site affected by proximity to the River Nene and Surface Water and Abington/Rush Mills Navigation. Flood Zone Fluvial Flood Zone. 3b intersects the site’s south-east and north-eastern boundaries, however covers Land at Use of on-site surface less than 5% of the site area. Any proposals Moderat LAA1101 Waterside Flood Zone 3 High Yes No water drainage systems coming forwards must avoid development e Way required and better in undefended Flood Zone 3. provision for flow path conveyance. Flood Defences: The north-eastern boundary of the site intersects with an area Ensure Land Drainage benefitting from flood defences; however, Consent is sought from this area only covers approximately 5% of the Bedford Group of the site area. A site-specific Flood Risk 01/11/2018

IDBs. Assessment (FRA) must consider this matter fully, and determine the full extent of the Flooding has been defended area and the standard of experienced on the site protection offered. or within close proximity. A detailed Surface Water: Two localised high risk site-specific FRA will be surface water flood extents are located in required to ensure that the west and northern areas of the site. In the development is safe addition, the site's north and north-eastern and does not increase boundaries are susceptible to high risk flood risk to any surface water flooding. Avoid development adjacent land. in surface water flood area.

Groundwater: The entirety of the site is susceptible to moderate risk groundwater flooding. Any development will need to ensure that appropriate and adequate mitigation measures are incorporated.

Historic Flood Events: The site is located within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. An additional three historic flood events are recorded within 400m of the site, with all of which relating to flooding of highway infrastructure.

Ordinary Watercourses: An ordinary watercourse rises to the west of the site, 01/11/2018

and runs adjacent to its western, northwestern and northern boundaries, where it meets the River Nene. This watercourse will require detailed modelling including climate change scenarios to ascertain floodplain extent and any proposed development should avoid this area. No development should take place within 9m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Main Rivers: The River Nene flows northwards adjacent to the site's eastern boundary. No development should take place within 8m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Weedon, Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Hollowell, Northampton Washlands or Daventry Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The site’s southern boundary intersect the Northampton Flood Risk Area. Site east of Avoid built Surface Water: A high risk surface water Moderat LAA1102 Towester Flood Zone 1 High Yes Yes development on part of flow path extends from adjacent to the e Road the site affected by site's western boundary, to its north-eastern 01/11/2018

Surface Water Flood boundary. Avoid development in surface Zone. water flood area.

Use of on-site surface Historic Flood Events: The site is within the water drainage systems area that experienced flooding in June 2007 required and better due to flooding of Wootton Brook. An provision for flow path additional four historic flood events are conveyance. recorded within 400m, relating to: surface water runoff affecting Hunsbury Hill Tunnel; Flooding has been and three incidents of flooding affecting experienced on the site highways infrastructure. or within close proximity. A detailed Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): site-specific FRA will be Development proposals must consider the required to ensure that potential effects of increased surface water the development is safe runoff to Wootton Brook, which has the and does not increase potential for increasing flood risk flood risk to any downstream in Northampton. In addition, adjacent land. developer-funded strategic scale SuDS options should be considered to minimise the effects of post-development increased surface water runoff to downstream areas.

West Northamptonshire Development Corporation Water Cycle Strategy (2009): The site falls within a largely urbanised area with insufficient floodplain area to make flood storage effective. Therefore any runoff from development would have to be attenuated on site. Developers should take account of recommendations and 01/11/2018

conclusions from the Integrated Urban Drainage Plan for Wootton. Surface water flooding problem should not be exacerbated by new development. New development must not reduce the capacity of online storage lakes created as part of previous development. Surface Water: A significant high risk Avoid built surface water flow path extends through the development on part of north-western section of the site. In the site affected by addition, a localised high risk surface water Surface Water Flood flood extent is located in the eastern section Zone. of the site. Avoid development in surface

water flood area. Use of on-site surface

water drainage systems Historic Flood Events: One historic flood required and better event is recorded within 100m of the site, provision for flow path relating to flooding of highways Watering conveyance. LAA1104 Flood Zone 1 High Negligible Yes Yes infrastructure. Highways surface water Lane drainage investigation to be undertaken as Flooding has been part of any proposal coming forward. An experienced on the site additional five historic flood events are or within close recorded within 400m of the site, with all of proximity. A detailed which relating to flooding of highways site-specific FRA will be infrastructure. The site is also located within required to ensure that a Highways Agency identified flood hotspot, the development is safe relating to the A45 northbound. and does not increase

flood risk to any Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is adjacent land. located within Nene Valley Ward, identified 01/11/2018

as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from surface water. Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood Avoid built Zones 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3b intersects with development on part of north and western boundaries of the site, the site affected by covering less than 5% of the site area. Any Surface Water and proposal coming forwards must avoid Fluvial Flood Zone. development in this area. Flood Zone 3a

coverage is minimal. Use of on-site surface

water drainage systems Flood Defences: The majority of the site is required and better shown to be within an area benefitting from provision for flow path flood defences. A site-specific Flood Risk conveyance. Former Assessment (FRA) must consider this matter

Abington fully, and determine the full extent of the Ensure Land Drainage Hill Farm, Moderat defended area and the standard of LAA1107 Flood Zone 3 High Yes No Consent is sought from land off e protection offered. the Bedford Group of Rushmere IDBs. Road Surface Water: The eastern and central

sections of the site are highly susceptible to Flooding has been high risk surface water flooding. Avoid experienced on the site development in surface water flood area. or within close

proximity. A detailed Groundwater: The site is susceptible to site-specific FRA will be moderate risk groundwater flooding. Any required to ensure that development will need to ensure that the development is safe appropriate and adequate mitigation and does not increase measures are incorporated. flood risk to any

adjacent land. Anglian Water Sewer Flooding Register: An 01/11/2018

Anglian Water sewer flooding incident is recorded within 180m of the site, relating to a combined sewer collapse resulting in flooding of private property curtilages.

Historic Flood Events: The site is located within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. Furthermore, two historic flood events are recorded within 100m of the site, with both of which relating to flooding of highways infrastructure. An additional two historic flood events are recorded within 400m, relating to flooding of highways infrastructure as a result of surface water runoff; and an infrastructure failure. Highways surface water drainage to be investigated as part of any proposal coming forwards.

Ordinary Watercourses: An ordinary watercourse flows north-eastwards adjacent to the northern boundary of the site. This watercourse will require detailed modelling including climate change scenarios to ascertain floodplain extent and any proposed development should avoid this area. No development should take place within 9m to ensure adequate maintenance 01/11/2018

and accessibility.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Northampton Washlands or Hollowell Flood Storage Areas. Avoid built Surface Water: A localised medium risk development on part of surface water flood extent is located in the the site affected by centre of the site. Avoid development in Surface Water Flood surface water flood area. Zone. Historic Flood Events: One historic flood Use of on-site surface event is recorded within 50m of the site, water drainage systems relating to flooding of the highway and required and better external flooding of private property due to Former provision for flow path a proven lack of hydraulic capacity in the Dairy Crest conveyance. public sewer. Capacity assessment to be LAA1108 depot, Flood Zone 1 Medium Very Low Yes Yes undertaken as part of any proposal coming Horsley Flooding has been forward. No additional historic flood events Road experienced on the site are recorded within 400m. or within close proximity. A detailed Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach site-specific FRA will be analysis models indicate that the site could required to ensure that be flooded if a breach were to occur Pitsford the development is safe Flood Storage Area. and does not increase flood risk to any Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of adjacent land. the site is located within the Northampton 01/11/2018

Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Semilong Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from surface water. Avoid built Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood development on part of Zones 1, 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3b intersects the site affected by with the site’s northwestern boundary, Fluvial Flood Zone. covering less than 5% of the site area. Flood Zone 3a coverage is minimal. Any proposal Use of on-site surface coming forwards must avoid development water drainage systems in these areas. Flood Zone 2 extents cover required and better approximately 5% of the site area. provision for flow path conveyance. Groundwater: The northern section of the site, and the site's western boundary, are Moderat Ensure Land Drainage susceptible to moderate risk groundwater LAA1109 Mill Lane Flood Zone 3 Low Yes Yes e Consent is sought from flooding. Any development will need to the Bedford Group of ensure that appropriate and adequate IDBs. mitigation measures are incorporated.

Ensure an Historic Flood Events: No historic flood Environmental Permit is events are recorded within 220m of the site. sought from the EA. However, one historic flood event is recorded within 400m, relating to the Flooding has been internal flooding of a residential property as experienced on the site a result of groundwater flooding. or within close proximity. A detailed Ordinary Watercourses: An ordinary 01/11/2018

site-specific FRA will be watercourse rises adjacent to the northern required to ensure that boundary of the site, and flows south- the development is safe westwards, where it meets the River Nene. and does not increase No development should take place within flood risk to any 9m to ensure adequate maintenance and adjacent land. accessibility.

Main Rivers: The River Nene flows southwards adjacent to the site's western boundary. No development should take place within 8m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur Pitsford Flood Storage Area.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The site is shown to be within an area identified as having ‘local flooding issues’ (EA data). Surface Water: Two localised high risk Avoid built surface water flood extents are located LAA1112 Milton Ham Flood Zone 1 High High Yes Yes development on part of within the site, at the north and southern the site affected by boundaries. Development should be 01/11/2018

Surface Water Flood avoided in surface water flood areas; Zone. however, the site is not considered to be at significant risk. Use of on-site surface water drainage systems Groundwater: The western boundary of the required and better site is susceptible to very high risk provision for flow path groundwater flooding. In addition, the conveyance. southern section of the site is susceptible to moderate risk groundwater flooding. Any Flooding has been development will need to ensure that experienced on the site appropriate and adequate mitigation or within close measures are incorporated. proximity. A detailed site-specific FRA will be Historic Flood Events: The site is located required to ensure that within the area affected by widespread the development is safe flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where and does not increase more than 1,500 properties flooded in flood risk to any Northampton due to flooding of the River adjacent land. Nene. One additional historic flood event is recorded within 400m of the site, relating to the overtopping of the Grand Union Canal at the locks east of Rothersthorpe. The residual risk from breach or failure of the canal should be assessed as part of the detailed FRA. The site is also located within a Highways Agency identified flood hotspot, relating to the M1 southbound.

West Northamptonshire Development Corporation Water Cycle Strategy (2009): The site falls within a largely urbanised area 01/11/2018

with insufficient floodplain area to make flood storage effective. Therefore any runoff from development would have to be attenuated on site. Developers should take account of recommendations and conclusions from the Integrated Urban Drainage Plan for Wootton. Surface water flooding problem should not be exacerbated by new development. New development must not reduce the capacity of online storage lakes created as part of previous development. Avoid built Surface Water: The south-western development on part of boundary of the site is susceptible to high the site affected by risk surface water flooding. In addition, two Surface Water Flood medium risk surface water flood extents are Zone. also present in the western section of the site. Avoid development in surface water Use of on-site surface flood areas. water drainage systems required and better Anglian Water Sewer Flooding Register: LAA1113 Greyfriars Flood Zone 1 High Negligible Yes Yes provision for flow path One Anglian Water sewer flooding incident conveyance. is recorded within 270m of the site, relating to the internal flooding of private property Flooding has been as a result of a collapsed combined sewer. experienced on the site or within close Historic Flood Events: Two historic flood proximity. A detailed events are recorded within 100m of the site, site-specific FRA will be relating to: an infrastructure failure resulting required to ensure that in a water leak; and an artificial drainage 01/11/2018

the development is safe blockage causing sewage to flow onto the and does not increase street. Asset condition assessment to flood risk to any accompany site specific FRA. An additional adjacent land. three historic flood events are recorded within 400m of the site.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Castle Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources. Cedarwood Use of on-site surface Nursing water drainage systems Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of LAA1114 Home, 492 Flood Zone 1 Low Negligible No N/A required and better the site is located within the Northampton Kettering provision for flow path Flood Risk Area. road conveyance. Surface Water: The eastern section of the Avoid built site is highly susceptible to high risk surface development on part of water flooding. In addition, the northern the site affected by boundary of the western section of the site Surface Water Flood 194 - 200 intersects with a medium risk surface water Zone. LAA1116 Kingsthorpe Flood Zone 1 High Very High Yes No flood extent. Avoid development in surface

Grove water flood area. Use of on-site surface

water drainage systems Groundwater: The entirety of the eastern required and better section of the site is susceptible to very high provision for flow path risk groundwater flooding. Any 01/11/2018

conveyance. development will need to ensure that appropriate and adequate mitigation Flooding has been measures are incorporated. experienced on the site or within close Historic Flood Events: No historic flood proximity. A detailed events are recorded within 300m of the site. site-specific FRA will be However, on historic flood event is recorded required to ensure that within 400m, relating to flooding of the the development is safe public highway. and does not increase flood risk to any Amend Site Boundary: The western section adjacent land. of the site may be suitable for development in flood risk terms.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area. Surface Water: The site is highly susceptible Avoid built to high risk surface water flooding. Avoid development on part of development in surface water flood area. the site affected by Surface Water Flood Historic Flood Events: One historic flood Zone. 133 Queens event is recorded within 150m of the site,

LAA1117 Park Flood Zone 1 High Negligible Yes No relating to flooding of the public highway. Use of on-site surface Terrace No additional historic flood events are water drainage systems recorded within 400m. required and better provision for flow path Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of conveyance. the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area. 01/11/2018

Flooding has been experienced on the site or within close proximity. A detailed site-specific FRA will be required to ensure that the development is safe and does not increase flood risk to any adjacent land. Surface Water: The southwest section of Avoid built the site is susceptible to high risk surface development on part of water flooding. Avoid development in the site affected by surface water flood area. Surface Water Flood

Zone. Historic Flood Events: One historic flood

event is recorded within 100m of the site, Use of on-site surface relating to artificial drainage incapacity. water drainage systems Capacity assessment required as part of any required and better 135 proposal coming forwards. No additional provision for flow path LAA1118 Harlestone Flood Zone 1 High Negligible Yes Yes historic flood events are recorded within conveyance. Road 400m of the site.

Flooding has been Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of experienced on the site the site is located within the Northampton or within close Flood Risk Area. proximity. A detailed

site-specific FRA will be Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is required to ensure that located within Old Duston Ward, identified the development is safe as one of the most at risk wards in the and does not increase county of flooding from groundwater. 01/11/2018

flood risk to any adjacent land. West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The site is shown to be within a ‘Water Company (DG5)’ historical flooding hotspot. Historic Flood Events: One historic flood Flooding has been event is recorded within 150m of the site, experienced on the site relating to artificial drainage incapacity. or within close Silver Capacity assessment required as part of any proximity. A detailed Coronet PH proposal coming forwards. No additional site-specific FRA will be LAA1119 site, Flood Zone 1 Very Low Negligible No N/A historic flood events are recorded within required to ensure that Welford 400m of the site. the development is safe Way and does not increase Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of flood risk to any the site is located within the Northampton adjacent land. Flood Risk Area. Avoid built Surface Water: The northern boundary of development on part of the site is susceptible to high risk surface the site affected by water flooding. Avoid development in Surface Water Flood surface water flood area. Zone. Historic Flood Events: The site is located Upton Use of on-site surface within the area affected by widespread LAA1121 Flood Zone 1 High Very Low Yes Yes Valley East water drainage systems flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where required and better more than 1,500 properties flooded in provision for flow path Northampton due to flooding of the River conveyance. Nene.

Ensure Land Drainage Ordinary Watercourses: A small pond is Consent is sought from located within the site boundary, in a 01/11/2018

the Bedford Group of central position adjacent to its northern IDBs. boundary.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The site’s southern boundary intersects the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): Development proposals must consider the potential effects of increased surface water runoff to Wootton Brook, which has the potential for increasing flood risk downstream in Northampton. In addition, developer-funded strategic scale SuDS options should be considered to minimise the effects of post-development increased surface water runoff to downstream areas. Surface Water: The south and southeast Avoid built boundaries of the site are susceptible to development on part of high risk surface water flooding. In addition, the site affected by low to medium risk surface water flood Surface Water Flood extents cover the majority of the site. Avoid Zone. 83-103 development in surface water flood area.

LAA1123 Trinity Flood Zone 1 High Very High Yes No Use of on-site surface Avenue Groundwater: The entirety of the site is water drainage systems susceptible to very high risk groundwater required and better flooding. Any development will need to provision for flo path ensure that appropriate and adequate conveyance. mitigation measures are incorporated.


Flooding has been Historic Flood Events: No historic flood experienced on the events are recorded within 350m of the site. sitew or within close However, one historic flood event is proximity. A detailed recorded within 400m, relating to flooding site-specific FRA will be of the public highway. required to ensure that the development is safe Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of and does not increase the site is located within the Northampton flood risk to any Flood Risk Area. adjacent land. Avoid built Surface Water: A medium risk surface water development on part of flood extent intersects with the site's the site affected by northern boundary and extends into the Surface Water Flood site, covering a significant portion of the site Zone. area. Avoid development in surface water flood area. Use of on-site surface water drainage systems Historic Flood Events: One historic flood required and better event is recorded within 150m of the site, 41-43 provision for flow path relating to flooding due to weather LAA1124 Flood Zone 1 Medium Negligible Yes Yes Derngate conveyance. conditions. An additional two historic flood events are recorded within 400m, relating Flooding has been to: an artificial drainage blockage causing experienced on the site sewage to flow into the street; and flooding or within close due to weather conditions. proximity. A detailed site-specific FRA will be Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of required to ensure that the site is located within the Northampton the development is safe Flood Risk Area. and does not increase 01/11/2018

flood risk to any Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is adjacent land. located within Castle Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources.

West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The site is shown to be within a ‘Water Company (DG5)’ historical flooding hotspot. Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area. 5 Primrose LAA1126 Flood Zone 1 Very Low Negligible No N/A N/A Hill Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Semilong Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from surface water. Anglian Water Sewer Flooding Register: An Anglian Water sewer flooding incident is Flooding has been recorded within 15m of the site, relating to experienced on the site the internal flooding of private property as a or within close result of a collapsed combined sewer. Asset Connaught proximity. A detailed condition assessment required as part of House, 32 site-specific FRA will be LAA1127 Flood Zone 1 Very Low Negligible No N/A any proposal coming forward. Connaught required to ensure that

Road the development is safe Historic Flood Events: No historic flood and does not increase events are recorded within 240m of the site. flood risk to any However, two historic flood events are adjacent land. recorded within 400m, relating to: internal flooding of a residential property as a result 01/11/2018

of significant surface water flooding; and flooding due to weather conditions.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Castle Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources. Historic Flood Events: One historic flood Flooding has been event is recorded within 110m of the site, experienced on the site relating to the internal flooding of a or within close residential property as a result of proximity. A detailed groundwater flooding. One additional The Leys site-specific FRA will be historic flood event is recorded within LAA1131 Close, 39 Flood Zone 1 Very Low Very Low No N/A required to ensure that 400m, relating to flooding of the public Mill Lane the development is safe highway. and does not increase flood risk to any Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of adjacent land. the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area. Avoid built Surface Water: The western boundary of Eastern development on part of the site is susceptible to high risk surface District the site affected by water flooding. Avoid development in LAA1133 Social Club, Flood Zone 1 High Negligible Yes Yes Surface Water Flood surface water flood area. Crestwood Zone. Road Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of 01/11/2018

Use of on-site surface the site is located within the Northampton water drainage systems Flood Risk Area. required and better provision for flow path conveyance. Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood Zones 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3 extents Avoid built intersect the southern and western development on part of boundaries of the site, covering the site affected by approximately 40% of the site area. More Surface Water and vulnerable development uses must be Fluvial Flood Zone. avoided in this area.

Use of on-site surface Flood Defences: The entirety of the site is water drainage systems shown to be within an area benefitting from required and better flood defences. A site-specific Flood Risk St Johns provision for flow path Assessment (FRA) must consider this matter Railway Moderat conveyance. fully, and determine the full extent of the LAA1134 Flood Zone 3 High Yes No Embankme e defended area and the standard of nt Flooding has been protection offered. experienced on the site or within close Surface Water: The eastern boundary of the proximity. A detailed site intersects with a high risk surface water site-specific FRA will be flood extent. Avoid development in surface required to ensure that water flood area. the development is safe and does not increase Groundwater: The southern section of the flood risk to any site is susceptible to moderate risk adjacent land. groundwater flooding. Any development will need to ensure that appropriate and adequate mitigation measures are 01/11/2018


Historic Flood Events: The site is located within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. An additional two historic flood events are recorded within 400m, relating to: flooding of St Peter's Way as a result of surface water; and flooding due to weather conditions.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Weedon, Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Duston Mill, Hollowell or Daventry Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Castle Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): A site- specific FRA should consider the residual risk 01/11/2018

of developing behind flood defences, and the results of breach modelling should be considered as part of a site-specific FRA. More vulnerable and highly vulnerable development should be avoided in areas shown as having ‘Danger for Most’ and ‘Danger for All’. Development should be rolled back from watercourses (and consequently flood defences) to manage the residual risk of flooding. Avoid built Surface Water: The site's south, east and development on part of north-eastern boundaries are susceptible to the site affected by high risk surface water flooding. Avoid Surface Water Flood development in surface water flood area. Zone. Historic Flood Events: Three historic flood Use of on-site surface events are recorded within 130m of the site, water drainage systems relating to: two incidents of flooding required and better affecting the car park of a local school, as The Leys provision for flow path well as the adjacent road; and flooding of LAA1137 Close, 39 Flood Zone 1 High Very Low Yes No conveyance. the public highway as a result of significant Mill Lane surface water flooding. Seven additional Ensure Land Drainage historic flood events are recorded within Consent is sought from 400m. the Bedford Group of IDBs. Ordinary Watercourses: An unmodelled ordinary watercourse rises in the northeast Flooding has been section of the site and flows south- experienced on the site westwards adjacent to the site's eastern or within close boundary. This watercourse will require 01/11/2018

proximity. A detailed detailed modelling including climate change site-specific FRA will be scenarios to ascertain floodplain extent and required to ensure that any proposed development should avoid the development is safe this area. No development should take place and does not increase within 9m to ensure adequate maintenance flood risk to any and accessibility. adjacent land. Land Drainage Consents: Three Land Drainage Consents have been issued for works within the site boundary or within 7m, relating to: culverting of a section of the ordinary watercourse adjacent to the site's eastern boundary; watercourse diversion; and the construction of a headwall. Asset condition assessment required as part of any proposal coming forwards.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The site’s north, west and south-western boundaries intersect with the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Nene Valley Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from surface water.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): Development proposals must consider the potential effects of increased surface water runoff to Wootton Brook, which has the 01/11/2018

potential for increasing flood risk downstream in Northampton. In addition, developer-funded strategic scale SuDS options should be considered to minimise the effects of post-development increased surface water runoff to downstream areas. Flood Zones: The entirety of the site is Avoid built located within Flood Zone 3. development on part of the site affected by Flood Defences: However, approximately Surface Water and 80% of the site is shown to be within an Fluvial Flood Zone. area benefitting from defences. A site- specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) must Use of on-site surface consider this matter fully, and determine water drainage systems the full extent of the defended area and the required and better standard of protection offered. Land south provision for flow path of Old Moderat conveyance. Surface Water: The site's south and eastern LAA1138 Flood Zone 3 High Yes No Bedford e boundaries are susceptible to high risk Road Flooding has been surface water flooding. Avoid development experienced on the site in surface water flood area. or within close proximity. A detailed Groundwater: The entirety of the site is site-specific FRA will be susceptible to moderate risk groundwater required to ensure that flooding. the development is safe and does not increase Historic Flood Events: The site is located flood risk to any within the area affected by widespread adjacent land. flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in 01/11/2018

Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. An additional two historic flood events are recorded within 400m, with both of which relating to flooding affecting highways infrastructure.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Weedon, Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Northampton Washlands, Hollowell or Daventry Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The site’s eastern boundary intersects with the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Nene Valley Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from surface water. Avoid built Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood development on part of Zones 1, 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3b intersects the site affected by the site’s eastern boundary. Any proposals Surface Water and coming forward must avoid development in Ransome Moderat LAA1139 Flood Zone 3 High Yes No Fluvial Flood Zone. this area. Flood Zone 3 extents intersect the Road sites e north, west and eastern boundaries of the Use of on-site surface site, covering approximately 60% of the site water drainage systems area. required and better 01/11/2018

provision for flow path Flood Defences: However, approximately conveyance. 60% of the site is shown to be within an area benefitting from flood defences. A site- Ensure Land Drainage specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) must Consent is sought from consider this matter fully, and determine the Bedford Group of the full extent of the defended area and the IDBs. standard of protection offered.

Ensure an Surface Water: The north-west, central and Environmental Permit is eastern sections of the site are highly sought from the EA. susceptible to high risk surface water flooding. Avoid development in surface Flooding has been water flood area. experienced on the site or within close Groundwater: The majority of the site is proximity. A detailed susceptible to moderate risk groundwater site-specific FRA will be flooding. Any development will need to required to ensure that ensure that appropriate and adequate the development is safe mitigation measures are incorporated. and does not increase flood risk to any Historic Flood Events: The site is located adjacent land. within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. An additional three historic flood events are recorded within 400m, with one of which relating to the internal flooding of approximately sixty private properties as a result of significant surface water flooding.


Ordinary Watercourses: An ordinary watercourse rises in the central section of the northern boundary of the site, and flows eastwards adjacent to the northern boundary. This watercourse will require detailed modelling including climate change scenarios to ascertain floodplain extent and any proposed development should avoid this area. No development should take place within 9m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Main Rivers: Ransome Road Drain, a classified main river, flows eastwards adjacent to the site's southern boundary. No development should take place within 8m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Reservoir Flooding: Reservoir breach analysis models indicate that the site could be flooded if a breach were to occur at the Weedon, Ravensthorpe, Pitsford, Duston Mill, Northampton Washlands, Hollowell or Daventry Flood Storage Areas.

Northamptonshire PFRA: The entirety of the site is located within the Northampton Flood Risk Area.

Northamptonshire LFRMS Action Plan: A 01/11/2018

scheme is proposed in close proximity to the northern boundary of the site, relating to an investigation into possible Water Framework Directive improvement works at Hardingstone Dyke.

Northamptonshire LFRMS: The site is located within Delapre and Briar Hill Ward, identified as one of the most at risk wards in the county of flooding from all sources.

West Northamptonshire Level 1 SFRA (2009): The report notes that the whole of the Ransome Road development area, apart from a small area in the southeast corner, is previously developed. And therefore, Storm runoff from the area following redevelopment will not be significantly greater than in the past.

In addition, the site is shown to be within a ‘Water Company (DG5)’ historical flooding hotspot.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): A site- specific FRA should consider the residual risk of developing behind flood defences, and the results of breach modelling should be considered as part of a site-specific FRA. Consideration should also be given to the probability and consequence of a breach at 01/11/2018

a different location in the flood defences. Any future development proposals should consider the residual risk by avoiding highly or more vulnerable development in areas considered to present ‘Danger for Most’ and ‘Danger for All’, i.e. in the north and west of the area. Development should be rolled back from watercourses (and consequently flood defences) to manage the residual risk of flooding.

Development proposed within the areas affected by flooding should incorporate appropriate mitigation measures and should not increase the risk of flooding to surrounding areas. Where development is proposed within areas at risk of flooding, mixed use (mixed vulnerability) development that follows the principles of the sequential approach may be appropriate. For example, buildings with commercial development at ground floor level and residential development above ground floor level may be appropriate. However a site-specific FRA should demonstrate that the development is safe and that dry emergency access and egress can be maintained.

Northampton Central Area Action Plan Drainage Assessment (2012): Developers 01/11/2018

will need to develop a site specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) and drainage strategy that provides sufficient surface water management capacity to allow for the removal of all rainfall runoff from the local foul / combined system. If there is a risk of contaminated surface water from the existing industrial uses of parts of the site, particular attention will need to be paid to the design of SUDS features that maximise treatment of runoff. An Environmental Permit may be required for discharge into the River Nene, if a SUDS treatment system is used to control the quality of potentially contaminated surface water drainage. The requirement for a treatment train may require additional SUDS features and additional land take, and this must considered in any FRA and drainage assessments prepared for the site. Avoid built Flood Zones: The site is located within Flood development on part of Zones 1, 2 and 3. Flood Zone 3b intersects the site affected by the site’s northern boundary. Flood Zone 3a Surface Water and extents intersect the site’s northern Land north Fluvial Flood Zone. boundary and extend into the site, covering LAA1140 of Milton Flood Zone 3 High Very High Yes No approximately 30% of the site area. An Ham Use of on-site surface additional 10% of site area falls within Flood water drainage systems Zone 2. required and better provision for flow path Flood Defences: Approximately 5-10% of 01/11/2018

conveyance. the site is shown to be within an area benefitting from defences. A site-specific Ensure an Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) must consider Environmental Permit is this matter fully, and determine the full sought from the EA. extent of the defended area and the standard of protection offered. Flooding has been experienced on the site Surface Water: The north-western section or within close of the site is susceptible to high risk surface proximity. A detailed water flooding. In addition, the site's site-specific FRA will be southern boundary intersects with a required to ensure that localised high risk surface water flood the development is safe extent. Avoid development in surface water and does not increase flood area. flood risk to any adjacent land. Groundwater: The western section of the site is susceptible to very high risk groundwater flooding. Any development will need to ensure that appropriate and adequate mitigation measures are incorporated.

Historic Flood Events: The site is located within the area affected by widespread flooding in 1947 and Easter 1998, where more than 1,500 properties flooded in Northampton due to flooding of the River Nene. An additional three historic flood events are recorded within 400m of the site, relating to: flooding of highways infrastructure; and two incidents of flooding 01/11/2018

affecting the curtilages of private property, due to a culvert blockage and significant surface water flooding.

Main Rivers: Wootton Brook flows westwards adjacent to the northern boundary of the site. No development should take place within 8m to ensure adequate maintenance and accessibility.

Northampton Level 2 SFRA (2010): Development proposals must consider the potential effects of increased surface water runoff to Wootton Brook, which has the potential for increasing flood risk downstream in Northampton. In addition, developer-funded strategic scale SuDS options should be considered to minimise the effects of post-development increased surface water runoff to downstream areas.

West Northamptonshire Development Corporation Water Cycle Strategy (2009): The site falls within a largely urbanised area with insufficient floodplain area to make flood storage effective. Therefore any runoff from development would have to be attenuated on site. Developers should take account of recommendations and conclusions from the Integrated Urban Drainage Plan for Wootton. Surface water 01/11/2018

flooding problem should not be exacerbated by new development. New development must not reduce the capacity of online storage lakes created as part of previous development.

Table 1: Sequential Testing of development sites within Northampton Borough


Further Site Specific Requirements The sites highlighted as ‘Red’ will require additional information to ensure the sequential test can be passed prior to formal allocation, otherwise the following options could be taken:  The site boundaries could be amended / reduced to eliminate the flood risk;  The sites could be removed from the site allocation process and dealt with at the planning application stage (at which point the information required could be provided by the applicant);  The sites could be assessed as part of a Level 2 SFRA; and/or  The sites could be included within the Part 2 Local Plan with associated policy regarding the flood risk attributed to them and outlining the additional information that is required.