Young, Owen Meet with Rhodesia's Smith
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Tide, Sun, Temp. Weather Forecast 4 Hi~gh~tdell1:S pMA,& Partlycloudy; Low tide-- 6:14pm U Showers; Winds Sne---7:15pm Bay conditions High------- 91 a l 4 zI; 1-3 ft. Low --------- 74ThNay ot hubzdaYVI vol. 32, No. 170 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Friday, September 2, 1977 Young, Owen meet with Rhodesia's Smith World Ne ws Digest (UPI)--There was an interesting of talks, "we didn't agree, of meeting yesterday in the Rhodesian course," but the American diplomat capital of Salisbury. said he enjoyed meeting Smith and Prime Minister Ian Smith was intro- called it a "good discussion." of a psychiatric duced to U. N. Ambassador Andrew For his part, Smith said he was BROWNSVILLE, Texas (AP)--Authori- (UPI)--Details report on David Berkowitz, the man Young, a man Smith once compared to pleased with the meeting, and Smith ties fear that many isolated Mexican accused of being the "Son of Sam" Uganda's Idi Amin. British Foreign also said he will give the Anglo- villagers may not know it, but Hur- were made public yesterday Secretary David Owen also attended Ameiican plan thorough consideration ricane Anita is headed toward parts killer, as the life of the chief defense the meeting on the future of Rhode- while he works, at the same time, to of the Texas-Mexican border. The counsel was threatened in two tele- sia. implement his own peace plan. National Weather Service describes phone calls, Young has said rather negative Young and Owen disclosed their Anita as a "major, dangerous hurri- Details of a report delivered in things about Smith in the past, but formula for attaining black majority cane." At last report, the storm Brooklyn Supreme Court on Tuesday on the surface, at least, things rule in Rhodesia would call on Smith was about 100 miles southeast of were read into the record at a com- went smoothly. to step down as Prime Minister, in- Brownsville, Texas. Anita re- petency hearing in Queens. It said The three men failed, however, to stitute the one-man, one-vote law, Officials said that if land that, while Berkowitz is mentally agree on an Anglo-American peace with the United States and Britain mains on target, it will strike near San Fernando, Mex- unfit to stand trial, he is well plan for Rhodesia. Young told re- providing financial aid to the Afri- early Friday ico, about 70 miles south of Browns- aware of the charges against him, porters after more than three hours can nation. ville. Weather service meteorolo- and understands his alleged actions gist Al Druemont says some communi- were criminal. ties are isolated, and may not have In the words of the Brooklyn re- heard warnings. Druemont added, port, the defendant, "feels so emo- Controversy over budget director continues "if a storm of this intensity hits tionally dead that the outcome of an unsuspecting community, it would this case is totally immaterial to (UPI)--The controversy over Budget Lance in various matters. He con- kill a lot of people." him." Director Bert Lances' tangled per- ceded that there is an appearance of During yesterday's hearing, two against sonal finances continued yesterday, conflict-of-interest between his (AP)--U, S. Energy Secretary James phone threats were made sparked by a newspaper report that personal relationship with Lance, Schlesinger and Canadian House Lead- chief defense counsel Mark Heller, caused an immediate, angry response and the service he performed in er Allan MacEachen were unable to one a bomb threat, the other saying from the White House. vouching for Lance's financial sound- come to terms yesterday on a $10 he would be shot. defense attorneys were The Chicago Sun-Times carried an ness. billion trans-Canada pipeline to All three the Queens interview with former Carter transi- White House spokesman Jody Powell bring Alaskan natural gas to the later escorted from tion staffer John Moore, who helped called the story deplorable on the lower 48 states. The five-hour Courthouse without incident. pave the way for Lance's Senate con- ground that it impugns Lance's in- meeting was followed by talks be- (AP)--The petroleum industry al- firmation by investigating his fi- tegrity on circumstancial evidence. tween lower-ranking officials. ready is boosting production of nancial affairs and declaring him He also complained that throughout Canada has reportedly dropped one heating oil for the winter and com- free of conflicts of interest. the controvery the press has been of its conditions for an agreement. panies now predict adequate supplies Moore said he was both a personal hitting Lance with "rocks and stocks" It is no longer insisting on a of the fuel even if last year's bru- friend of Lance's and a member of while the White House has defended route change which would have made tal cold makes a reappearance. But the law firm that has represented him with "pillowcases." a spur line for Canadian gas easier. the outlook is not as good for those But there has been no resolution of who heat their homes with natural another Canadian condition, a $200 gas and some power companies fear million payment from the pipeline shortages of coal, which is used to London research institute says U.S. builders to soften the social and generate electricity. economic impact on Canada's Yukon A Gulf Oil official in New York ready to produce neutron bomb Territory. Schesinger and MacEachen says heating oil inventories are continue their talks today. capacity has been (AP)--A research institute in Lon- tor, Kenneth Hunt, says the term high and refinery An alternative to the trans-Canada An Exxon official has don says the United States is pre- "development" means that all pre- increased. route would roughly parallel the same prediction. Industry of- pared to produce the neutron bomb, parations, theoretical and physical, the Alyeska Oil Pipeline from Prudhoe ficials say that while prices prob- as soon as President Carter gives have been completed, pending Carter's Bay to the Port of Valdez, where ably won't drop, they won't rise his okay. The International Insti- go-ahead on production. the gas would be liquified for sea very much. tute for Strategic Studies says Five demonstrators against the transport to the U. S West Coast. Electric utility officials are that meanwhile both America and the neutron bomb broke away from a White Next Wednesday President Carter is concerned a two month old wildcat Soviet Union are busy developing ad- House tour yesterday and ran to the scheduled to tell Congress which coal strike in the crippled Appala- vanced weapons systems for the 1980s, Pennsylvania Avenue fence. There, route he prefers. coalfields could leave them President Carter has not yet au- they were chained to the fence by chian adequate quantities of that thorized production of the neutron accomplices outside. The five were (UPI)--HEW Secretary Joseph Cali- without and a possible general coal bomb, which kills people while doing seized by uniformed White House po- fano says the government is review- fuel, strike for December will add to the relatively little damage to property. lice. A Secret Service spokesman ing 28 medical operations and pro- The institute said in a report that said they would be jailed pending cedures to determine if taxpayers problem. "development" of the neutron is un- arraignment today on charges of un- should stop paying for them under (AP)--The new top U. S. official der way. The group's deputy direc- lawful entry. medicaid and medicare. in Havana, Cuba calls "long overdue" The 18 operations and 10 diagnos- steps taken yesterday by the United tic procedures are the same as those States and Cuba to end 16 years of Very few indictments expected from judged unnecessary under certain official hostility. The countries circumstances by the National Asso- opened diplomatic offices in each Korean influence peddling investigation ciation of Blue Shield Plans, a others' capitals yesterday. The private health insurance group with opening of the new U. S. office in (UPI)--Attorney General Griffin The sealed indictment by a federal 72 million subscribers. Havana was marked by speeches by Bell says he expects "very few" in- grand jury, including an arrest war- Blue Shield announced on May 18th U. S, diplomat Lyle Lane and Cuba's will follow from the Jus- rant for Park, had not been disclosed dictments that it would end routine payments Deputy Foreign Minister Pelegrin investigation of al- at the time of the interview, but tice Department for the 28 procedures at an annual Torras. influence peddling was leaked yesterday to several news- leged South Korean savings of $27.4 billion. Blue The ceremony was timed to coincide of Congress. papers. among members Shield said it will pay for the with a similar event at the Czecho- came to light yester- Representative Bruce Caputo, a The opinion services only when physicians can slovakian Embassy in Washington, Justice Department re- member of the Mouse Ethics Committee day when the prove a clear need for them. where the Cuban office will operate of an interview which is conducting its own investi- leased a recording Califano also said he ordered an until Cuba's old embassy is refur- Times' reporters. nation of alleged Korean payoffs, with Los Angeles HEW review of all medical practices bished. on the re- said the Justice Department cannot Bell did not comment and procedures paid for with public Technically, Switzerland will con- South Korean move against Park as long as he re- ported indictment of funds. tinue to represent U. S interests key mains in Seoul.