SPORTS INDIANS GO AHEAD OF DODGERS IN WORLD'S RACE SPORTS How Runs Were Scored ST. PAUL WINS High School football team won their SIDE-LIGHTS ON FIFTH Pitched Game and Made Homer first victory this season today by dc- Winning SMITH UNO DALLAS TO featiriK Martinsville Ulgh 11 lily llnlvcrnnl School, Service.! (By Associated Press.) 0. INDIANS, 8. BAL.TI.MOfU-:. Oct. 10..St. Paul to broke Into the won Flrat irnur ») .Ja m - column tills af¬ thr WORLD'S ternoon when It captured the fourth leaon, Irad-ofT SEHIES niun, aloicled GUI WRESTLE THIS Protest rie>itrnctlon of Mflttri. EVENING game of the IhruuRh Ural. WnmbacanM aln- inter-l"aguo series from icled t« left, Mending Jtmlriun to Baltimore, by a of S to 4. BRRIjIN*. Oct. 10..The Bovornmctit Mt'cidid. Sticoker, In allrm|i(lnK to 's Mother Both teams loft tonight for St. has protested to French authorities ancrlflce, jtot on alngle. 101- Camo All Kctoncn and Turner to Meet In Paul, where the series will bo con¬ against the entente demands for the mrr Smith rlrnred tlir liDupa with tho Way From Tcxiw to See tinued next Wednesday. destruction of Other Ilout of Star . Die/.el motors In Ger¬ a terrific aniaah that clrarrd thr iler Son Score: It. H. E. many. Reports from Augsburg said rlcht-llcld (rnrc by twenty-live I'lay. Hill. St. Paul 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0.8 7 1 representatives of the allied mission feel. Baltimore ... 0 0 0000004.4 12 4 {By Associated Press.) Tonight at tho Athletic Coumbe. Griner appeared at tho Diezel factory there Fourth Innlni (three runa). Broadway and llar^rave; and demanded destruction of all CLEVKLAXI), OHIO, Oct. 10..Tho Arena, there will be one of Frank, Groves and Styles. Johualoo led off with n xlnidr, two big floral wreaths stage*! motors, declaring that every ono went to aecond on n panned hnll presented to the biggest and be-«t double bills ever must be disposed of to guard against , Brook¬ nnd rueed to third on Sewell'a In¬ Tris Speaker yesterday were taken Ilnnvitle llljih Winn. use in submarines. llrld . IJrlmea to the of offered wrestling fans when Wiano Third Un¬ purpoxely jmaaed grave Uay chapman today Kctoncn and (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) lyn's Sacker, OWelil to K«t » ehnnre at liUKhy, by the Cleveland manager. Joo Turner mix up In DANVIBMC, 9. nnd Inault the former Chapman, VA. Oc.t. Danville (Other Sports, Pngo 0.) able to Play. llnnhy ttvcniced the hy Cleveland Khortstop, was one of the last elimination bouts fori hnimnrrliiK n lininr run Into the killed in the middle of the pennant the middleweight and temporary center-field hlenrhrra, fight by a ball thrown championship, acorinK Johnaton nnd O'Neill ahead Mays, of the Yankees. by Pitcher I'etn Dallas, of Chicago, and "Zeke" "BUNK" ENTHUSIASM STAGED of blot. Before this cheers of yesterday's Smith, local wrestler, go to tho mat Fifth Innlnic (one run).Sprnkrr Came had tiled away, a line began to In the other star bout wna form in of the even¬ FOR MOTION PICTURES anfr nt aerond on .Shrrhnu'a front of tho general admis¬ ing. overthrow of lila Rroundrr. Smith sion ticket window for today's game. alnjclrd to center, aendlnc Speaker Harry Muliugh, of The winner of the Ketonen-Turner to third. hrst In Cleveland, was the Speuker arored on Uard- line at I I' M. The line was match will meet Mike Yokel Two Home Runs and ner'a alniele to left. swelled to several next hundred fans at week for the title which will greatly Unassisted Makes UOUIiKltM, I. midniuht. Probably 100 or more wo¬ Play Ninth (one men braved the biting cold in tlio all- add to the light expected to be put Innlnic mill.Wheat night v i k i I New Baseball History. Minded to rlieht. Myera alngled to Olson. up tonight. eenlrr. Mending Wltent to nrriind. first the# Dodgers' , got Tho management plans to hold fu¬ n alxxlrr the hit of the game.a to Konetrhy tthleh John- left. He was ture matches Indoors (hiring the cold aton couldn't hnudlr. and Wheat the first batter to face and nV DAMON llt'NYO.V, acored. Bagby. Jamieson. the Cleveland left- weather, Is now making arrange¬ t.'iilveraal Merrier Stan Cnrrfapondrnt. fielder. the first batter to face Grimes, ments for cither the Lyric or City liounced a single past Wheat for the Auditorium. LEAGUE PARK. CI..EVEUAND. Indians first lilt. "Zeke" Smith has a new hold which OHIO, Oct. 10..Elmer .Smith hIujj.i In the second Inning, Konctchy, ho calls the reverse crabhold and Needed many arc anxious to soe Now! the ball over the right-Held wall tho Brooklyn llrst baseman, smashed it put In with the base* full In the first In¬ SPEED tho first ball uho as the effects arc the same as MERCHANTS ILL pitched to tho left- ning loilay. field fence for a triple. It was his the Turner crabhoWl, though It is ThlH definitely nettled tho matter first hit of the series. He was secured In a different manner. 'he fifth game of the world's se- doubled at tho Ladies will be admitted and Warm Flannelette « plate, however, on free, Gowns, rlOH. Cleveland wins by a scoro of SET FOR BIGAUTO JarnleBon's lightning return of Kilv 7.i-ke Woodall will as usual be the 8 .» SICES third man in 'o 1 and now one game ahead duff's liner.the first of the ring. of the Brooklyn Dodgers. the came. Knit and It la the llrat ever made llnlr-Italalng Fielding. Flannelette In a world's aeries with the baaea Interest Rtlmnlnted Promise of BREAKS 100-MILE full. by After nagby drove his homo run RECORD Local Kn tries for Into the center field bleachers In the HI* Jim Bagby, tho Cleveland Wednesday fourth, scoring two ahead of Petticoats Pitcher, cornea along In the fourth and Thursday. Jamieson him. and TBy Associated Press.] Inning after Burleigh Orlmna pur- had singled. Grimes was Oct. While Richmond residents sent to the bench. Tho Indians rapped PHOENIX, ARIZ., 10..Tommy p<>ne|y passed Stove O'Neill, the slug- enjoyed him for nine 'Milton broke the w\>rld'« 100-mile .Women's Flannelette King Cleveland catcher, and hits an¬ their Sunday yesterday, the contin¬ hits, including two dirt track record here this afternoon Gowns, good heavy qual¬ homers and a triple, In thrco and In a in other home run with two runnera on ent of drivers 011 hand for the cham¬ one-third . three-cornered race with Gaston ity, fancy stripes or plain white. Long sleeve the bases. The Chevolet and Omar Toft. He covered The 25.000 people gathered here on pionship automobile raccs .at the Vir¬ unassisted made by the distance in one hour, twenty- model, with high neck, and you save on each this pleasant Sunday afternoon have ginia State Fair on Wednesday and Wambsgariss in the four minutes and two seconds. at little left of their voices after Elmer fifth Inning, while being the first In Milton more than Ave today $1.98 Thursday afternoons spent U10 day a clipped full r>rnlth a exploit to applaud Uagby's on their world's series, was not the first minutes from the record made feat. working space-eaters. The made In the Cleveland by pilots were able to put In their mas¬ park. Neal Kddie llearnc, over the same course Thern is still oceu-slon for fur- ter mh the nail, second baseman, with Cleveland. In l'.'lO. Ilearnc's time for the 100 .Women's strokes, garages were de¬ retired miles was Flannelette Skirts, that fit snugly and VOcal exercIno for them, how- serted and there were no spectators the three runners unassisted one hour, twenty-nine cver while minutes, nine seconds. . are warm. around to ask questions or playing against Boston here very Plain white and striped styles; Triple Unaaalntrd. them In their work. hamper .July III, 1909. Jake Stahl hit the hall. Milton's best time was forty-ecven lhu William In every game in this year's world's seconds. some with ruffles at bottom; others hem¬ u Inning. Jimmy Toft, the California speed¬ plain ivi"n\ ambsKanss, tho Cleveland second ster; AJ. series the team to score first has won. Gaston Chevrolet wan forced from Striegcl, the Texas "Wild- the on stitched hem. Good range of at .baseman, makes the Jlrst triple plav rat," and I.ctt to face O. Huff captained University 1920. by Universal doubt for a minute that we are v . "ronklyn Dodger* Dorward, of Chicago, who Alabama nine, figured in one of (Copyright, going J aide of will act as them, to come through a winner on the se¬ th» ur°ok1lyn.M official starter, will arrive land also made somo spectacular one- Service.) ries. the riV.i"fifth. He singles to left. Tuesday, and hold a meettng for handed catches. LEAGUE PARK, CLEVELAND. Ilnw U'amby Did |f. drivers and mechanicians that Today's game is over. What we the Brooklyn catcher. nlghL Mr«. Speaker Attend*. OHIO, Oct. 10..Everything was have to think about Is tomorrow's ,.i i M|"er* ,eft Thcn Mrs. J. R. Speaker, gray-haired us had horse¬ game and wo are set not to let Cleve¬ ,to Clarence aguinst today.Bagby land Mitchell ?who replaces Burleigh mother of the Cleveland manager, shoes in every pocket and despite get any further advantage than .fo«rth. hits a sharp was a proud spectator. She came all they have now. llinernLl',n.ih"\\ ambsganss. The second the way from Hubbard, Texas, her thirteen hits we could score only one While 1 grant them all that's com¬ reaches out home, to witness the game. run. ing to them, on the his gloved hand. To add to two home runs with game today, tho 11 18 u I Tickct scalpers, despite all precau¬ that, little God of l>uck has Just naturally tiuVtundere { tions to men on bases and to cap the climax, got to come our any circumstances, and of «. Associated Press ] halt them, sold tickets for way next time. course, puts out Mitchell Kllduff CLEV KLAND, OHIO, October 10.- I today's game for prices as high as the unheard-of play of Wambsganss, You watch us. second as Mitchell hits the Only seven points 550 to an unassisted triple play. separate Cleveland |75. You can't beat and we didn't. M'yesnail, the hit-and-run plav belnir nn baU,n« ln l,|e world's In the eighth Inning, Olson was de¬ that, on liis to baaUbaseball«i?> classicIyn '.n as a result of prived of a hit the olllcial scorers. The triple play by Wamby is the first j3 way the by one ever made in a series and thirdthl'r.'i when Wambsgansa runs over fifth game which was played today. He hit a swift grounder toward world's and steps on second. A"1«?r,can I-eague champions are Gardner and the ball took a freakish the second one ever recorded in big- This retires I.i»m for an league history. I never saw a triple IvIldufT. Wambsganss thejutting average of .247. while hop. Gardner attempted to spear It M,!"!r °" his \"ay pennant winners of the National with one hand, but the ball got away play made in a-.reeular game before, tBKe"second, and running ueague boosted their mark to "Mo from him. Tho writers and fans and no one else on our team lias down 9fthe base» line with eCn hlta ott either, because the only other in¬ the ball fe ">. howled at the decision of the scorers of \\ ambsganss meets tho catcher and rjngs oV"brgb'y1 who gave an to Gardner. stance the kind happened right lags him out also. *veraKC8 five Klmer hero in Cleveland. Smith, the Indians' right- This was in a between Cleve¬ The crowd is fairly stunned for a gaTnes 'folli^ fielder, was the batting hero of the game THEPURESTGOLD moment, and then realizing the plav Cleveland. In four times at land and Boston back in 1911, and the AB1II2II3I1 HRTB Av. day. bat. Smith was made .Veal who a package a with the voices Pvan. slammed out a homo play by Ball, HI* l. ",n . .,cl?m°r 9 1 0 . Johnston 9 2 0 0 0 .> unable to today, play one. too, play third for the Dodgers something I'll wager no other son. the inventor, comes from the is 3 0 0 0 3 :i»5 today because of a damaged leg in¬ big- once ^iJei'ii 14 0 2 0 0 8 .429 league player has clone. SAYS FOOD CAUSED HIM PAIN Smith Is traded to R . jured while sliding into base yester¬ Washington,town- by then ii" i 7 1 0 0 0 1 .143 It was a wonderful play because Cleveland. y C 2 0 0 ! 0 .333 day. the impulse Is to throw the ball to brought back here In another trade n*"y 3 0 0 0 The touched t t>*i 0 0 .000 Dodgers Bagby for second Immediately after you have -Sub on Third. I . 0 0 0 0 0 0 thirteen to him In Stomach Is in His hlow .NunamakerHme .; .000 hits, getting every caught It. Wamby thought instanta¬ Now Fine Con¬ today, coming before the! 2 1 0 0 0 1 .500 Inning with tho exception of this and did Is - 0 0 0 0 0 neously the right thing. He game scarcely started, breaks :\,a1 .000 sixth. Sensational fielding prevented dition; Sleeps Good and u a package through Crimes' defense. humus 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 It's something you won't see again pitching scoring. for some time. Has No More Trou¬ Crimes Is the gront spithall pitcher Totals 161 39 . 1 2 13 of the of whom bo .2T7 Grimes tried hard to get Smith In Dodgers, much is Brooklyn. the men ble With Gos. expected I Ali III 21) 3B IIII TH Av. INDIANS WILL GET first with three on bases. He He beat Bagby In their first meet¬ Olson 1? 7 0 0 0 7 .412 $4,204 had him two down and one ball. Me 1.1. 0 tried a spitter on the but instead ing in Brooklyn. l*p to this after¬ Johnston 14 3 0 0 3 .214 EACH IF THEY WIN PENNANT next, If noon he Is to the what SliPiliau 3 1 0 0 0 1 .333 of breaking, the ball went straight you are suffering from any of Dodgers Griffith 17 4 2 0 0 6 .235 over, and Smith met it squarely. the symptoms of stomach in¬ During to trouble, fhe Coveleskie is Cleveland. War 3 0 0 0 0 0 .000 An Lonrrii lineli Dodger Would Re¬ homer was a bit of Robinson Is compelled to go Into Wheat 19 7 2 0 0 9 Bagbv's luck, digestion, dyspepsia, gas on the stom¬ .304 ceive (2;u>;.liny Chapman'* for in the regular season that ball bad the game today with a substitute nt Myers is r, 0 0 0 0 .27* Widow to lie (ilven Share. could ach, breath, headache, backache, third base Jimmy Johnston, his Konetchy 16 2 0 1 0 4 .i2fi easily have been handled by coated tongue, bad breath, constipa¬ regular third baHoman, hurts himself KIMurr 14 2 0 0 0 2 .143 CLEVELAND, OHIO, Oct. 10..To¬ Myers in center. Kruegcr 5 1 0 0 0 1 .200 day's game was the last in which, Smith was right there in hitting to¬ tion, liver, kidney trouble or rheu¬ In the garno yesterday sliding Into a Miller 9 2 0 0 o 2 matism. It Is then to and and a raw .222 the players share In the receipts and day for the first time in this scries. time begin the bag. Shoelian, hand, tilavs Maniunrd 1 n 0 0 0 0 ,00« Three hits and a hard on use of Plant lie does I .a mar tabulation of the figures for the five hit ball the Juice, the famous herbal position. very well. 2 0 0 0 0 0 .000 contests time some tho^From a Cleveland standpoint, this Mauiaux 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 shows that if Cleveland fourth up is record, let Is most Mitchell 3 1 0 0 0 1 .333 wins the world's series, each player alone knocking a home run with the the exciting and kaleidoscopic on the bases full. a gaino yet. From tho Brooklyn CaUore 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 club will Just little more saliva standpoint It Is baseball Grimes 4 1 0 0 0 1 .250 receive approximately $4,204, while on that ball and Grimes.but what's travesty [ S. Smith 3 0 0 0 0 0 .000 it Brooklyn wins, the National the use of making excuses? a package When ono club is hitting furiously, l'feffer 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 League athletes will get only $3,951 Mitchell pitched a good game while t the other club looks had. a Totals 150 36 4 1 0 42 .240 each. The discrepancy is due to the he was in, hut who can get by when But oven Brooklyn fan cannot fact that Brooklyn's share must be the touched deny it is spectacular. It Is ono of opposing pitcher jrets for most split among twenty-seven men. while thirteen hits and all vo score Is one tho spectacular games ever Brooklyn bench causes some comment only twenty-two Clevelanders will run In the ninth and that took three presented In tho world's series. In the press stand. bo rewarded. One share in addition hits? Dodger* Score In Ninth. It that the rumor Is un¬ goes to Mrs. widow of Cleveland ball Brooklyn gets n run In tho ninth develops Chapman, Ray played better than true, a-s the announcer out Shee- Chapman. . we did we on but gives today, and when did get Inning hitting, by this time han's name in the Brooklyn line-up. In neither case aro the figures as on, they killed us off with double Bagby is ensing up. Wheat, Mvers The great as for last and knock out youngster bats second In the year's series, when plays three limes. Konetchy singles! Dodger order. He gets no infield the winning Cincinnati players got But we are there and no mis¬ adding to tho amazing number of and the yet off tho Cleveland practice before the game however. $4.SSI Chicago men received take. We have Sherrod Smith to hits pitcher.amaz¬ A man a {3,254. Fifteen Chicago and because but a with megaphone goes players, tomorrow, Malls will no ing they produce single about the upper tier imploring the however, not implicated in the base¬ doubt pitch for Cleveland. Mails has tally. to a ball scandal, received bonuses of been hut we are Brooklyn gets ono more than people make noise at the proper $1,500 each doing good work, Between them moment. "Turn loose, forget your¬ from Charles A. Comls- due for some breaks in this game. Cleveland. they make key, owner of the club, to make We sure no The self," ho babbles. up are and mistake, and T Flavor "Give everything Lasts twenty-five blows. the difference between the winners' look for Cleveland But the difference is. two of tho you've got." and losers' shares. them tomorrow. hits are tho homo runs of The crowd In loft field again per¬ can't have all the breaks in this se¬ Cleveland for The Cleveland players' portion of ries. A little luck has to come our WAI.TEK Smith and Bagby. forms the moving-picture cam¬ as AI»I»t,E\viIIT. ' the receipts losers would be ap¬ wav. These two hits ofTset Brooklyn's eras. waving programs, And howling proximately $2,930 each, while if In Smith's ono in bunk enthusiasm. It ought to make We are only one down now. the stomach medicine, which stands tho So thirteen fact, hit is Docs defeated the the Brooklyn Dodgers same we Price! situation we came ,alone olTsets the baker's dozen of the an exciting picture. will bo given $2,387 apiece. had when highest of any preparation now on Flatbush men. Baseball is a strange There are the same old confer¬ The second and third-place teams. the market because Its remarkable at times. ences at the plate between the um¬ curative game and Chicago and New York in tho Ameri¬ INDIANS GIVEN powers hnvo been proved In The crowd assembles early. The pires the managers. This Is can League, and New York and Cin¬ ROUSING Thousands of cases where other rem¬ left-field bleachers aro packed by short, as all the conditions are agreed cinnati, In the National! League. edies have failed to noon. Tho in the upon yesterday. Klem, the National will receive RECEPTION UPON RETURN glvo relief, ac¬ bleacherltes put is $53,717 from the world's cording to the signed statements of long wait throwing at each other. heagucr, behind the plate, Con¬ series receipts to be divided among local They make wild sorties upon tho nolly, nt first, O'Day at second and their players. This represents 25 Monk WMtf nnil Unite .Tone*. Slnr people who have been restored field after hit in their di¬ Dlncen at third. per cent of the plnyers1 share In tho llarkfiHd Men. Will lie I.ost to health. rection during batting practice. La- Hookey Hunts. first five games. The second-place to Team, Recently tho signed statement of mar, the Brooklyn utility outfiolder. Olson lends off with a single to teams get CO pef cent and tho third- to The Mr. Walter Applewhlt, a popular em¬ Is knocked flat In ono rush. left and Sheehan, the placers, 40 per cent. (Special Times-Dispatch.) youngster, skill¬ The WILLIAMSBURG, VA. Oct. 10.. ployee of the Seaboard K. 11. Com¬ It is another gorgeous day. Tho fully bunts, advancing Olson to sec¬ receipts of the remaining home from pany, residing at No. 2022 sky is clear. A light haze veils the ond. as Bagby throws the ball to games go to the national commission Returning Bichmond. Holiday and the ilrst. Grlfllth's infield and tho owners of the where they won a 14-7 victory over Street, Portsmouth, was received. He trees buildings beyond park. out puis Ol¬ contending Gallaudct College The says: Sheehnn Ineligible. son on third, but Wheat raises an clubs. Saturday. Lardner comes in with easy to eleven representing William and "About three years ago I had the Ring early fly Jamieson, and the battle was a a trick collar around his neck. He Is well under takes a two Mary College today given rous¬ grippe and it left mo in a weak atxl way. strike, then balls are . ing welcome by the students. has a handful of notes. A glance at Tho crowd turns loose a torrent called. Now Smith swings, there Is run-down condition. 1 had no appe¬ of a Beginning tomorrow. Head Coach them shows the scribbled words, "Our cheers and motor horns as Jamie- crash and the white ball rises Into Driver will tite and what little I could keep in Room a Cuckoo Nest." son singles over first, tho lanky Ko¬ the thin haze ahovo the right-field concentrate his attention stomach would well to and clears the on the bnckfleld, which will be minus my cause mo terrible Little crowds of people are sitting netchy doing bring tho ball wall, netting, dropping Monk White, the pain and 1 was bloated with 1 on tho roofs of tho housea overlook¬ down. The auto horns moan every Into the street beyond. speed demon, and gas; time Grimes raises It is a Bake Jones, heady quarter in was so dizzy that at times I would ing the ball yard. A tree back of his arm to pitch home run. the back, left field is festooned with men and to Wambsganss. Ho fouls off n dozen Rvery man and woman In the crowd championship game here on Octo¬ stagger and nearly fall over; my balls. Then he singles sharply past IcapB up shrieking. Only In tho press ber 10 with Lynchburg College. These kidneys were affected and T had boys Sheehan. box zone of stars are pains A newspaper man comes up from a Wheat comes In fast, gets silence, is there a quiet. Ineligible. In my hack. I had tried a lot of tho ball and holds Jamieson to second. The auto horns blew fearful blasts, llarwood, varsity tackle, who was visit to tho Brooklyn bench and says as tho different medicines, but got no hone- aro Clarence Mitchell, the left-hander, runners cross tho plate one sick and played only a few minutes lit tho Dodgers very soro because starts warming up In loft field. Shee¬ after the other. In the Richmond contest, will under¬ from any of thorn. When I read tho Cleveland club will not permit han, Olson and Grimes confor. A home run with the bases full Is go treatment of tho number of our home them to play a recruit at Olson a before again donning a people Sheehan, and Grimes nro ovldently thrill any time. In a world's series uniform. ' who had been cured Plant third in placo of tho John¬ tho advising It is an by Juice, Injured youngster to watch for a play at olectrlc shock. The playing of Young at guard many of whom I know, I decided to ston. third. Then Grimes goes over and Grimes and tho other Brooklyn Oallaudet was Sheehan Is not eligible to the talka to players stare at tho against pleasing to tho try It. It has done me worlds of Konetchy. dumbly trotting conch, and ho will bo kept on tho good; my stomach Is now in fine con¬ series. A man must be with a pen¬ Tho result of those conferences tls runnors in their whlto-and-black uni¬ varsity squad. nant-winning club before a certain not apparent, as Speaker bunts and forms. The extra players on tho dition; I have no more trouble with tho Cleveland bench are gas or pains, tlno dato under baseball law to play Grimes, rushing In for tno ball, slips leaping up and French Footlinlllatn Win. sleep at night and In tho series. Sheehan, who comes and falls near the plato just ns no down In front of their coop. am not troub!ed with any more dizzy from tho Western Canadian picks it up. Ho throws to first from It Is obviously a fearful blow to (By Assoc.latod Press.) I league a PARIS. Oct. 10..The French cham¬ spoils; certainly have received my does not report to Brooklyn until sitting position, but tho fleet the Dodgers. money's worth from that dato. Speaker fa across the bag. Tho bases When the crowd Anally settles back pion football toam today defeated tho Plant Juice and Rnllaiittm. are full. The crowd is delirious. burbling Gardner goes out. Wheeler American Olympic team, 14 to 5. A am glad to recommend It." _ crowd of a Plant Juice Young SoPnn,cwell, tho Clevola id short¬ Smith Hit* for Circuit. Johnston singles and It looks as if largo Parijilann, but only Is sold In Richmond at not Only a sort of baseball miracle can tho Dodgors are to be few American, attended the game. Traffic's Drug Storo. stop, Is eligible undor tho rule, savo Grimes. Tho submerged In tho completely This was the first defeat in France hut Brooklyn waives protesi on him miracle docs not ono Inning. for the American Plant Juice Is sold In Petersburg happen. Elmer Smith, one of tho Konftfhy Geta a HI*. team, which pre¬ by Morrison, the and In "ny Chapman's death. most dangerous hitters In baseball, Soweil hits Into a double play. viously had won three contests. Drug Man, Wherefore, tho report from tiitf who h&s not hit ruuch this Chase City by the Chaso City Drug s«rlea; (Continued on Sixth Page.) ^ (Other SiMJrta, Page 0.) Company..Adv, .