SPORTS INDIANS GO AHEAD OF DODGERS IN WORLD'S SERIES RACE SPORTS How Runs Were Scored ST. PAUL WINS High School football team won their SIDE-LIGHTS ON FIFTH Pitched Game and Made Homer first victory this season today by dc- Winning SMITH UNO DALLAS TO featiriK Martinsville Ulgh 11 lily llnlvcrnnl School, Service.! (By Associated Press.) 0. INDIANS, 8. BAL.TI.MOfU-:. Oct. 10..St. Paul to broke Into the won Flrat Inning irnur run») .Ja m - column tills af¬ thr WORLD'S ternoon when It captured the fourth leaon, Irad-ofT SEHIES niun, aloicled GUI WRESTLE THIS Protest rie>itrnctlon of Mflttri. EVENING game of the IhruuRh Ural. WnmbacanM aln- inter-l"aguo series from icled t« left, Mending Jtmlriun to Baltimore, by a count of S to 4. BRRIjIN*. Oct. 10..The Bovornmctit Mt'cidid. Sticoker, In allrm|i(lnK to Tris Speaker's Mother Both teams loft tonight for St. has protested to French authorities ancrlflce, jtot on Infield alngle. 101- Camo All Kctoncn and Turner to Meet In Paul, where the series will bo con¬ against the entente demands for the mrr Smith rlrnred tlir liDupa with tho Way From Tcxiw to See tinued next Wednesday. destruction of Other Ilout of Star . Die/.el motors In Ger¬ a terrific aniaah that clrarrd thr iler Son Score: It. H. E. many. Reports from Augsburg said rlcht-llcld (rnrc by twenty-live I'lay. Double Hill. St. Paul 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0.8 7 1 representatives of the allied mission feel. Baltimore ... 0 0 0000004.4 12 4 {By Associated Press.) Tonight at tho Athletic Coumbe. Griner appeared at tho Diezel factory there Fourth Innlni (three runa). Broadway and llar^rave; and demanded destruction of all CLEVKLAXI), OHIO, Oct. 10..Tho Arena, there will be one of Frank, Groves and Styles. Johualoo led off with n xlnidr, two big floral wreaths stage*! motors, declaring that every ono went to aecond on n panned hnll presented to the biggest and be-«t double bills ever must be disposed of to guard against Jimmy Johnston, Brook¬ nnd rueed to third on Sewell'a In¬ Tris Speaker yesterday were taken Ilnnvitle llljih Winn. use in submarines. llrld out. IJrlmea to the of offered wrestling fans when Wiano Third Un¬ purpoxely jmaaed grave Uay chapman today Kctoncn and (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) lyn's Sacker, OWelil to K«t » ehnnre at liUKhy, by the Cleveland manager. Joo Turner mix up In DANVIBMC, 9. nnd Inault the former Chapman, VA. Oc.t. Danville (Other Sports, Pngo 0.) able to Play. llnnhy ttvcniced the hy Cleveland Khortstop, was one of the last elimination bouts fori hnimnrrliiK n lininr run Into the killed in the middle of the pennant the middleweight and temporary center-field hlenrhrra, fight by a ball thrown championship, acorinK Johnaton nnd O'Neill ahead Mays, of the Yankees. by Pitcher I'etn Dallas, of Chicago, and "Zeke" "BUNK" ENTHUSIASM STAGED of blot. Before this cheers of yesterday's Smith, local wrestler, go to tho mat Fifth Innlnic (one run).Sprnkrr Came had tiled away, a line began to In the other star bout wna form in of the even¬ FOR MOTION PICTURES anfr nt aerond on .Shrrhnu'a front of tho general admis¬ ing. overthrow of lila Rroundrr. Smith sion ticket window for today's game. alnjclrd to center, aendlnc Speaker Harry Muliugh, of The winner of the Ketonen-Turner to third. hrst In Cleveland, was the Speuker arored on Uard- line at I I' M. The line was match will meet Mike Yokel Two Home Runs and Triple ner'a alniele to left. swelled to several next hundred fans at week for the title which will greatly Unassisted Makes UOUIiKltM, I. midniuht. Probably 100 or more wo¬ Play Ninth (one men braved the biting cold in tlio all- add to the light expected to be put Innlnic mill.Wheat night v i k i I New Baseball History. Minded to rlieht. Myera alngled to Olson. up tonight. eenlrr. Mending Wltent to nrriind. first the# Dodgers' shortstop, got Tho management plans to hold fu¬ hit n alxxlrr the hit of the game.a single to Konetrhy tthleh John- left. He was ture matches Indoors (hiring the cold aton couldn't hnudlr. and Wheat the first batter to face and nV DAMON llt'NYO.V, acored. Bagby. Jamieson. the Cleveland left- weather, Is now making arrange¬ t.'iilveraal Merrier Stan Cnrrfapondrnt. fielder. the first batter to face Grimes, ments for cither the Lyric or City liounced a single past Wheat for the Auditorium. LEAGUE PARK. CI..EVEUAND. Indians first lilt. "Zeke" Smith has a new hold which OHIO, Oct. 10..Elmer .Smith hIujj.i In the second Inning, Konctchy, ho calls the reverse crabhold and Needed many arc anxious to soe Now! the ball over the right-Held wall tho Brooklyn llrst baseman, smashed it put In with the base* full In the first In¬ SPEED tho first ball uho as the effects arc the same as MERCHANTS ILL pitched to tho left- ning loilay. field fence for a triple. It was his the Turner crabhoWl, though It is ThlH definitely nettled tho matter first hit of the series. He was secured In a different manner. 'he fifth game of the world's se- doubled at tho Ladies will be admitted and Warm Flannelette « plate, however, on free, Gowns, rlOH. Cleveland wins by a scoro of SET FOR BIGAUTO JarnleBon's lightning return of Kilv 7.i-ke Woodall will as usual be the 8 .» SICES third man in 'o 1 and now one game ahead duff's liner.the first double play of the ring. of the Brooklyn Dodgers. the came. Knit and It la the llrat home run ever made llnlr-Italalng Fielding. Flannelette In a world's aeries with the baaea Interest Rtlmnlnted Promise of BREAKS 100-MILE full. by After nagby drove his homo run RECORD Local Kn tries for Into the center field bleachers In the HI* Jim Bagby, tho Cleveland Wednesday fourth, scoring two ahead of Petticoats Pitcher, cornea along In the fourth and Thursday. Jamieson him. and TBy Associated Press.] Inning after Burleigh Orlmna pur- had singled. Grimes was Oct. While Richmond residents sent to the bench. Tho Indians rapped PHOENIX, ARIZ., 10..Tommy p<>ne|y passed Stove O'Neill, the slug- enjoyed him for nine 'Milton broke the w\>rld'« 100-mile .Women's Flannelette King Cleveland catcher, and hits an¬ their Sunday yesterday, the contin¬ hits, including two dirt track record here this afternoon Gowns, good heavy qual¬ homers and a triple, In thrco and In a in other home run with two runnera on ent of drivers 011 hand for the cham¬ one-third innings. three-cornered race with Gaston ity, fancy stripes or plain white. Long sleeve the bases. The Chevolet and Omar Toft. He covered The 25.000 people gathered here on pionship automobile raccs .at the Vir¬ unassisted triple play made by the distance in one hour, twenty- model, with high neck, and you save on each this pleasant Sunday afternoon have ginia State Fair on Wednesday and second baseman Wambsgariss in the four minutes and two seconds. at little left of their voices after Elmer fifth Inning, while being the first In Milton more than Ave today $1.98 Thursday afternoons spent U10 day a clipped full r>rnlth a exploit to applaud Uagby's on their world's series, was not the first minutes from the record made feat. working space-eaters. The made In the Cleveland by pilots were able to put In their mas¬ park. Neal Kddie llearnc, over the same course Thern is still oceu-slon for fur- ter mh the nail, second baseman, with Cleveland. In l'.'lO. Ilearnc's time for the 100 .Women's strokes, garages were de¬ retired miles was Flannelette Skirts, that fit snugly and VOcal exercIno for them, how- serted and there were no spectators the three runners unassisted one hour, twenty-nine cver while minutes, nine seconds. are warm. around to ask questions or playing against Boston here very Plain white and striped styles; Triple Unaaalntrd. them In their work. hamper .July III, 1909. Jake Stahl hit the hall. Milton's best time was forty-ecven lhu William In every game in this year's world's seconds. some with ruffles at bottom; others hem¬ u Inning. Jimmy Toft, the California speed¬ plain ivi"n\ ambsKanss, tho Cleveland second ster; AJ. series the team to score first has won. Gaston Chevrolet wan forced from Striegcl, the Texas "Wild- the on stitched hem. Good range of at .baseman, makes the Jlrst triple plav rat," and I.<uon Duray, the Cleveland sent men around the paths running the fifty-fifth lap, due sizes, unassisted over In a French first in th fourth and to encine trouble. 98c to made world's speed marvel, will test out their cars first, fifth Toft Unlshed the 100 $1.98 series and one of the very few on today. They will to the games. while Brooklyn batters miles six laps huch a is so rare Journey track reached BAGBYHAD behind Milton. jocord. play that early this morning when a squad of home first in the sccond and HORSESHOES IN gets space in the books on the men with scrapers and water third contests. game of baseball. will start wagons Bagby upset all calculations In the Lynchburg; 1'lnnn Kntrrtalnmrnt. .Women's Knit. Petticoats, of cotton or wool Is the the preparing the course for fourth Oddly enough.
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