Notes Terms to know: —the player that throws the football to the wide receivers, hands off to the running backs and basically decides what offensive patterns will be run on each play. Center—the player who snaps the to the quarterback —the player who receives a handoff from the quarterback and runs with the football Wide receiver—The player who runs passing routes and catches the football —the player who tries to stop the wide receiver from catching the ball -the team who has the football and is trying to score —the team that is trying to take the football away from the offense or prevent them from scoring —this is where the players line up before the ball is snapped , first down, etc.—the offense gets 4 downs to move the ball 10 yards. If they move the ball 10 yards they earn a “1st down” and start over until they score or fail to move 10 yards in 4 tries. —when a quarterback throws a ball and it is received by a defensive player (the other team!). (continued on next page) —When an offensive player is moving with the ball and drops the ball or has it knocked out of her hands, it is a fumble and either team can gain possession by picking up the ball or falling on it. Pass plays we covered: (draw below) “Go” “Slant” “Hook”

CUES for Flag Football skills:

CUES for Flag pulling— . Eyes on hips . Stay low, stay square . Reach for the hip

CUES for securing fb . Outside hand (away from defense) carries ball . Cover the tips . Tuck ball to chest

CUES for gripping the football Throwing CUES: --Index finger near back tip of ball. --Side to target --Middle and 3rd finger across laces. --Arm up and back --Thumb on opposite side --Step towards target with opposite foot --Rotate hips --Follow through and across w/ thumb down Catching CUES: At waist or above (medium and high: Low catch cues: --Make a diamond (Thumbs together, pointers together) --Make a rake (pinkies together) --Diamond out at chest height --Squeeze then tuck -- Squeeze ball and tuck in to chest to secure