
The Magical Uses of and Cords – Handout

Knots in myths

Hercules – for healing, marriage, this is also Solomon’s knot called square or

Valknot – Odin’s symbols Witch’s knot

Everyday Uses of knots – As you use these cords and/or tie these knots, put your intentions for the day or occasion into . Even though most people think of them as “mundane world” items, make them magical!

Food – and knots in pretzels, cookies, bread – as you shape these, add some magical intention to your baking. Onion and garlic braids can be braided for either storage and/or protection magic since both of these plants are good for protection. Here are two runes you could use as you them for protection magic: Layered bulb of power and might, Chase away all harm and spite

Charm of onion, charm of , Evil to thine own self bring, Charm of Onion and of twine, Thou shalt protect this house of mine Clothing and – Shoes and other foot wear; Bows, belts, sashes, neck and bow ties ; Knotted buttons; Hat bands, scarves, shawls, sarongs!!; Putting Braids, twists, knots or decorates in your hair. Art and Crafts - Celtic and other knots, Heraldry knots and badges, on looms, with lucets, with fingers, etc; Sewing; Macramé / square knotting – Arabs in 13th century, to during crusades, sailors ; Lace and tatting; ; Crocheting; Embroidery work; Needle point; Drum making; Dream Catchers; Knotology (making 3-D figures from strips of paper); Chinese knotwork, Other Crafts - Nets, , Lanyard, Baskets and mats, Wheat Decorations - Bows on packages, Flower crowns, Wreathes, Yellow ribbons tied to trees – as magical energy to help them return safely, Prayer flags and notes tied to trees – so that the wind can take the prayers to deity Practical Uses: Fishing; Sailing and boating; Climbing; Hunting; Building bridges and other structures; Cargo carrying; Controlling domesticated animals – harnesses, leads; Camping

SPELL WORK Witch’s Ladder:  Traditionally 9 (other traditional numbers are 3, 13, or 40) knots are tied into a cord to “store” the energy that is raised in this working so that it can be released at a later time.  Some use their personal working cord, others get a cord specific to this working, with appropriate color correspondences & material (biodegradable if disposing of the cord in nature when you are finished).  Choose a length of string or cord that has personal meaning to you, ex. 13 inches.  The cord or string should be thick enough to tie knots in, and not so thin that it will be difficult to take the knots out. Some people braid 3 strings together to create a cord, choosing appropriate colors.  Witch’s ladders can store energy (a magical “battery”) for use at a later time, untying each knot to release the energy as needed, OR be used as talisman or amulets for indefinitely protection, good luck, etc.; OR keep witch’s ladders tied until the working has come to fruition, then release the knots.  Some tie or braid feathers, twigs, bones, etc. in their knots or cords and then hang it up in their as a type of talisman or amulet and art object which is continuously doing its job.  The order that you tie the knots is important, but different traditions use different orders, usually: 1 6 4 8 3 9 5 7 2 or 2 8 4 6 1 7 5 9 3 or 1 3 5 7 9 8 6 4 2  Tie each knot as you are building energy through dancing, chanting, drumming, singing, etc. Ideally the peak of the energy cone is reached as you tie the last knot.

The Magical Uses of Knots and Cords Presented by Vella Rose at Dragonfest August 10, 2007 1 of 4  Keep your mind focused on what it is you want to accomplish with this working, form a picture in your mind or however else you can keep the energy focused on this working.  The intention is stated and willed with each knot or runes are spoken as you tie each knot. Here are a few variations of a traditional rune pattern, or create your own to match your needs: o By knot One, the spells begun / this spells begun o By knot Two, it cometh true / I will this true / It will come true / I make it true / my words are true o By knot Three, so mote it be / so shall it be / it comes to me / thus shall it be / it comes to be o By knot Four, this power I store / it is strengthened more / this I implore / the open door o By Knot Five, the spell’s alive / my goal arrives / so may it thrive / the spell comes alive o By Knot Six, this spell I fix / this spell is fixed / o By knot Seven, events I’ll leaven / descend from heaven / the earth and heaven / be it powered by the heavens / the answer is given o By knot Eight, it will be fate / the stroke of fate / Guide the hand of fate / may the power within be great / the hand of fate / I meld with fate / I’ll cast the fate o By knot Nine, what’s done is mine / this power is mine / this thing is mine / what’s done is fine  the witch’s ladder knots have been tied, place the cord some place special (such as on your altar) or wear them, or place them in a safe location.  By untying the knots of the stored energy style of workings, you are releasing the energy. Opinion varies whether you should untie the knots in the same or reverse order from what you tied them in.  As you untie each knot, focus what you want the released energy to accomplish, especially when untying the last, ninth knot.  Each knot could be untied on the same day; or one knot on each consecutive day for 9 days. Others wait until the working is complete and then untie all of the knots, and cleanse the cord for further use.  Some dispose of the cord by burning, burying, or putting in moving water. If doing one of these, make sure your cord material is natural & biodegradable – don’t put toxins in the air, water or earth.  Another way to release the energy of the knots is to cut them.

Moon knots/cords  Knots are tied in a cord in a ritual way during the phase of the Moon you wish to store ( Full or new Moon).  This technique is similar to a Witch’s Ladder, but may be done with fewer knots depending on the working. Build a cone of power and focus your energy on the type of Moon energy you are storing as you tie each knot.  Once the knots are tied, the cord may be placed on your altar, wrapped around a white Moon candle, or put in a safe location such as a cloth bag specifically dedicated to storing magical tools.  The knots are untied when doing magical workings at a different lunar time that needs to use the energy of the “knotted” phase of the moon. As you untie the knots, again focus on the type of energy that has been stored and that you are releasing for your current working.  The cord may be cleansed and reused again to store Moon energy. Some people keep several Moon cords, one for each phase of the Moon (new, , full, waning, dark) so that they will always have the desired Moon energy available for their workings.

Witches Wheels or Web Weaving/Dancing - A method of raising group energy for a magical working.  Traditionally males and females stand on opposite ends of long cord across circle from each other, these may be their personal cords, coven cords or special cords for this type of working.  If more than one couple is taking part, the cords are attached together in the middle by looping the cords through each other or with slip knots.  One way to raise energy is for females to exhale sending their energy down the cords as males inhale and vis a versa, keeping the cord taught, sending energy back and forth across the length of the cord – with conscious attention to the magical working at hand, raising energy for the working.  Another way of doing this and raising a cone of power is to loop your personal cords in the middle of the circle so that each person is holding the two ends of his/her own cord and a web or knot in the middle loosely holds all of the cords (and attached people) together; then as a group you dance, chant, sing and/or tone as you each hold your two spokes of the wheel. This method does not require equal numbers of males and females.  As the cone of energy is peaking, either the wheel is dropped, releasing the energy to the universe & carrying the working intention with it; or the Wheel is used to bounce/throw the energy into the Universe.

Other Types of Workings – workings that can be done with candle work can usually be done with cords Bindings - Knot magic easily lends it self to binding workings, BUT this is a controversial type of magic. Please think carefully about what you are intending to do and whether it is for the good of all and to harm none. Never do a binding spell when you are experiencing strong emotions such as anger. Instead of using cord, some people like to use the plant/weed “bind weed”. Binding spells are used to: 1) help you stop an action or prevent yourself from performing an action or bad habit such as smoking, drug use, over eating, etc; 2) binding yourself to another person (handfastings); 3) binding ideas to yourself, such as happiness, prosperity, or a desire to reach a goal, 4) some people do bindings to keep someone from harming others (rapist, murderers, arsonist, etc). Releasing - For releasing hate/anger, pain, sadness/depression, other emotions that you are ready to let go of. The Magical Uses of Knots and Cords Presented by Vella Rose at Dragonfest August 10, 2007 2 of 4 As you tie each knot in your cord, put as much energy from the emotion you wish to release into each knot, letting the emotion leave you and go into the knot. Then as you release each knot, let the unwanted emotion disappear back to the universe, not into you. Sometimes it is a relationship that you wish to release. One way to emotionally let go of someone is to visualize the cord that connects you to that person, and using your hand or athame, cut that cord, visualizing the ends curling back up to each of you and being healed. Healing - A healing working is much like a releasing working. Knots are used for healing in many cultures. The cord is knotted over the afflicted area & the patient wears the cord for a specified amount of time, with the intention that the infliction will move from the patient into the knot. The cord is removed & ceremonially destroyed or released, with the intention that the illness or health issue will be removed from the patient & will not return. Another method is that the patient wears the cord for a specified time, allowing the illness to travel into the cord, which is then knotted, with the illness trapped in the knot. Good fortune – to attract good fortune is a type of binding working. Mourning - A witch’s ladder can be constructed, tying thoughts or prayers with each knot. The cord can then be worn, and used as a meditation device as you work through your grief, remembering your beloved one who has past over. Honoring – Select appropriate cord material (length, color, type), think of who you are honoring (ex. loved ones who have passed over) & braid the cord. You may want to sing, tone, or chant as you work. You may choose to add knots to the cord after you braid it. This cord can be placed on your altar, carried with you, or stored and can be pulled out and worked with when you want to think about & honor those for whom you created the cord.

Prayer/meditation/journey cords –The creation of this type of medication or journey cord is usually done in a ritual setting, with much forethought and planning leading up to the actual ritual.  A cord of desired material can be braided and knotted (usually with fairly complicated knots) and used for prayer and medication work. Each knot is made to represent “something”, and as it is handled and fingered, the knot reminds the person about that “something”. This “something” could be people, places, poems, deity, ideas - whatever the cord was created for.  One use of such a cord is for journey work. As the cord is handled, feeling each knot, the person uses the cord as a way to journey to a desired location (such as the Upper, Middle or Lower World). Such a cord may be used when contacting spirit allies, elementals, guides, faeries, or power animals. The more the cord is used in this manner, the more energy it will store so that the act of picking it up and working the knots with the fingers will help the person make connections to the “other world” or allies.

Bracelets and anklets: Many cultures use magical bracelets or anklets. They may be designed for friendship, healing, protection, attraction, good luck, etc. You can create a simple cord using embroidery floss or by doing finger weaving, crocheting, braiding or knotting. Use colors that have significance to you and/or the magical working at hand. As you create the cord, visualize what you want it to do, energize it with your thoughts, stay focused on your goal until you have finished creating it. Consecrate it and wear it. Depending on how you charged it, this simple cord should be actively working as you wear it. Some say that such a cord releases a blessing when it breaks and/or it releases the magic to come true.

RITUAL CORDS Working cords  Some flavors of Wicca expect each witch to have 3 personal cords for casting circle and doing magic  Color correspondences are important to some, many choose to work with red  The length is often 9 feet or 4 ½ feet, so that a 9 feet diameter circle can be marked off using a cord.  Some use the same dedicated cords for all magical workings, after tying the knots, they place the cord on their altar or other location until the working is completed, then the knot is removed, and the cord is cleansed and made ready for use in future workings.  In some traditions, a coven will have three working cords for the coven in addition to member’s cords Cingulum or individual cord  This cord is traditionally 9 feet long and may be of a specified color (ex. Red – the color of blood and the life force), 9 being a magical number i.e. 3X3 or 32  It may either be given to a witch at initiation or is made by the witch. Many witches chose to braid their cords using three colors that have significance to them. It is consecrated as a magical tool.  Many prefer natural fibers for their cords (cotton, , linen, wool, ,) & avoid plastics & synthetics.  Most people fold the cord in half and wrap them around their waist as a belt, they may hang their athame from this cord  Being worn circle, the cord absorbs the wearer’s energy making it suitable for cord magic work.  Some traditions use cords that have a loop on one end and an tassel on the other end. Cords for Initiations  Traditionally 3 cords are used for the wrists, knee and ankle in such away as to make the initiate “neither bound nor free”  In some traditions the colors of the cords may be significant (ex. red, blue and white)  Length is usually 9 feet or 4 ½ feet, with ends whipped or treated to prevent fraying. The Magical Uses of Knots and Cords Presented by Vella Rose at Dragonfest August 10, 2007 3 of 4 SPECIAL OCCASIONS: Beltane and Maypoles – Maypoles were first written about in the 14th century, but no one knows if this is when they started being in use. Originally, people would dance around this symbol of fertility. The use of ribbons seems to be a fairly recent addition. Often a wreath of flowers is placed at the top of the pole, and may slowly slides down the ribbons as the dance continues. This is sympathetic magic for sexual joining of the God and Goddess, male and female, as a way of encouraging fertility of the crops in the spring. The Maypole dance works best when there is an even number of people. Number off in “1’s” & “2’s” with pairs facing each other. A song or chant is sung as (theoretically) all of the “1’s” at first go under the ribbons of the “2’s” and then go over the “2s” ribbons (and vis a versa), weaving in and out as they sing and dance. As the ribbons get to short to continue the dance, the ends are braided to the pole. In my circle, people choose appropriate colors for what they wish to nurture for the coming growing season, they often writing messages or runes on their ribbons to further the working. The wrapped Maypole is left out in the elements through the growing season so all the intentions can be sent out into nature. The Maypole is unwrapped at Yule, and each person retrieves his/her ribbon to use or dispose of as they see fit.

Handfastings - A pagan wedding is called a handfasting. At some point in this ritual of union, the hands of the bride and groom are tied together. There are many versions of how to do this. As an example or how this cord and knot magic is used in hand fasting, I am including excerpts of the ritual text from my own handfasting last: Vows are Exchanged – groom’s right & bride’s left hands are bound with cords by HPS. HPS (to G): Will you cause bride pain? Groom: I may. HPS: Is that your intent? Groom: No. HPS (to B): Will you cause groom pain? Bride: I may. HPS: Is that your intent? Bride: No. HPS: (to both) Will you share in each other’ pain and seek to ease it? G+B: We will. HPS: And so the binding is made, join your hands. 1st (purple) cord is draped around bride and grooms hands. Repeat the pattern with: HPS: Will you share in ___’s laughter? (Yes…Yes…We will) HPS (to both) Will both of you look for the brightness in life and the positives in the other? HPS: And so the binding is made. 2nd (yellow) cord draped HPS: Will you burden ____? HPS: (to both) Will you share the burden of each so your spirits may grow in this union? HPS: And so the binding is made. Drapes 3rd (green) cord. HPS: ____, will you share in ____’s dreams? HPS: Will you dream together to create new realities and hopes? HPS: And so the binding is made. Drapes 4th (blue) cord. HPS:: Will you cause his anger? HPS: Will you take the heat of anger and use it to temper the strength of this union? HPS: And so the binding it made. Drapes 5th (red) cord. HPS: Will you honor him? HPS: Will you always seek to uphold this honor? HPS: And so the binding is made. Drapes 6th (purple) cord. HPS: (Ties cords together while saying): The knots of this binding are not formed by these cords, but instead by your vows. Either of you may drop the cords, for as always, you hold in your hands the making or breaking of this union. (Couple remains bound for ring blessing & exchange, then cords are removed with the ribbons of the dance & both are placed on the altar). Ribbon Dance A little while later in ceremony, after rings have been exchanged, the community does a working by raising energy to support the union as they tie ribbons around the couple’s hands. The ribbons are about 12 feet long and are attached to the bride’s bouquet. HPS invites people in to dance and gives directions, all gathered chant:: Ties that bind you, gently wind you. Through these cords you lover finds you. Removal of Ribbons – Family and designated friends, step to the center for this HPS: Family and friends, are you willing to support this groom and bride in their marriage? FF: We are. HPS: Then carefully remove the ribbons, which have been woven by this community as witnesses to help bind this couple together with love. FF carefully removes the ribbons as symbols of their commitment to help support the union of this couple and not undo it. The ribbons (attached to the bouquet) are a keep sake to remind the couple of the support and energy that the community provided for their handfasting.

CORRESPONDENCES Colors: Red – sexual love and passion, courage, action, will power. Orange – attraction, healing, vitality. Yellow – new beginnings, intellectual work, creativity. Green – abundance, prosperity, healing, money, success. Blue – protection, blessings, peace, law and justice, spiritual work. Violet – spiritual work, creativity, power, law and justice. White – cleansing, clarity, protection Black – banishing, release, binding, law & justice Brown – stability, home, safety, work concerning animals

Lunar Phases Dark Moon ( waning energy)– introspection, inner work New (waxing energy) – new beginnings and projects Waxing – for attracting or increasing something in your life Full – completion or culmination Waning – for limiting or removing something in your life.

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